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Love the intel - how long have you been researching them David?

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Several years now, Roman. Going on four years now, I suppose. Mostly as a result of the plandemic and utilizing rationality under the pressures of following the standard protocols early on in the hyped-up fear environment, this in the absence of known alternatives, then very wary of simply taking the 'miraculously discovered' jab. I was immediately suspicious of the construct/scenario when adding up the geopolitical, financial, and previous social engineering schemes that had flown under the radars of most people in the past. Suddenly realizing that in order to stay alive in good health and already in my 70s, I was going to have to be self-proactive as if my life depended on it. The last being such a glaring understatement in these series of paranoid environments the Owners had and have so carefully conjured and implemented.

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Good on you, David.

My experience during that time was wild. I didn't research but I was listening to hours of podcasts/shows by guys like Clif (others were less woo-ey, but same outlook on deepstate fuckery).

I was involved with a group of AA guys. About 50 locally, a few hundred spread over several states. Sober guys that rode bikes, built bikes/cars, got shit done, etc..

I watched the leadership turn into a bunch of totalitarian cult leaders and it was very apparent re: covid/vax stuff. Many of us ended up leaving. Too much to type, but there was some very sick behavior regarding ostracization, wives and girlfriends were involved, etc..

I believe I saw demonic activity.

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Good on you too, bro. Looking at the American/Western scene today we're living in a society much different from pre-Covid, so many little regulations having been instituted under the cover of everyone's induced fears, just like post-9/11 trauma that the Owners initiated and then kept on sustaining it. Just look at the rando people walking around oblivious in their masks today, considering themselves informed and rational.

If nothing else, the events of this century have certainly removed any illusions I might have had, I've adjusted to living in a dualistic world where I if not quite speak in code, I at least weigh my words all of the time depending on the individual with whom I might find myself engaging. And yeah, I also became aware of a larger mass, waves even, of evil as an entity. Especially with these possessed and willing psychopaths like Fauci and his many underlings, he and Bill Gates with their longtime business relationships founded on knowingly causing harm and mass death in their personal crusades, immune from the consequences of their actions. So yeah, demons riding high in their supreme moments of power over all of our institutions and using these perverted and stunted human beings to advance their will. A miasma.

On a lighter note, nattokinase is another substance is worth checking out for better health.


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