Parasites eat heavy metals. They are not the cause of dementia, they are concurrent with it. Dementia, ALS, Parkinsons, etc are caused by metals in the brain.
Parasites eat heavy metals. They are not the cause of dementia, they are concurrent with it. Dementia, ALS, Parkinsons, etc are caused by metals in the brain.
Parasites do not eat heavy metals as far as my extensive studies have indicated. They eat you. But I know that we are toxic with both things and need to eliminate both. If you have research substantiating that parasites eat heavy metals though I am always open to new knowledge regarding healing our bodies and strengthening our immune system.
Parasites eat heavy metals. They are not the cause of dementia, they are concurrent with it. Dementia, ALS, Parkinsons, etc are caused by metals in the brain.
Parasites do not eat heavy metals as far as my extensive studies have indicated. They eat you. But I know that we are toxic with both things and need to eliminate both. If you have research substantiating that parasites eat heavy metals though I am always open to new knowledge regarding healing our bodies and strengthening our immune system.