Check out Dr. Christopher Exeley's substack. I used to drink horsetail tea too but he found that the silica (which removes the aluminum) is bound to the leaf structure and is not released into the tea. Now I use Dr. Dennis Crouse's method for making silica water.
Yes - and see his book "Imagine You are an Aluminum Atom" to see why it is best to have Fiji water every day with 93mg/ltr Silica - it is a convenient source and he consumes 1 ltr/day as do I. He is a world expert on Aluminum and found this is the only effective way to remove aluminum from the body.
Horsetail (herbal) is a rich source of silica which binds to Aluminum, been using it daily for years to detox from the Chemies.
Check out Dr. Christopher Exeley's substack. I used to drink horsetail tea too but he found that the silica (which removes the aluminum) is bound to the leaf structure and is not released into the tea. Now I use Dr. Dennis Crouse's method for making silica water.
Yes - and see his book "Imagine You are an Aluminum Atom" to see why it is best to have Fiji water every day with 93mg/ltr Silica - it is a convenient source and he consumes 1 ltr/day as do I. He is a world expert on Aluminum and found this is the only effective way to remove aluminum from the body.
See my post posted by Sky Scraper about Master Peace to eliminate all forever chemicals aluminum Graphene Oxide Hydrogel
I took a quick look. I saw it removes heavy metals. Aluminum isn't a heavy metal.
okay. I removes heavy metals AND aluminum. Happy now?
Thanks for the tip!
Or just drink mineral water with high silica content. Such as Volvic
Interesting, thanks
Was wondering about horsetail. Thank you!
must be aqueous extract only horsetail
Fiji water or volvic has high levels of silica too. MSM to help protect the body as it passes out
I'm not familiar with horsetail. Going to go read up. Thanks for the tip.
Any recommendations on where to purchase it from?
It grows everywhere.