you may not need that much to get improvement in your health problems. Or you might need more! Every one is different/unique. I just kept increasing the dosage until I started receiving noticeable healing results. Just keep up with liquids in order to help your body flush out the "stuff" that DE is escorting out. Since its only ancient minerals and all Americans are deficient in minerals for their daily maintenance alone, I assumed that the parts of my body are breaking down due to being depleted and I would have to take more than a daily maintenance until the "tank has been filled up". Not to mention that we are exposed to parasites, toxins, chemicals, heavy metals on a daily basis now. I feel good on my 8 T dose and each person has to find the dose that heals them and maintains that healing. Its only minerals.....but the world has filled us with more fear of the natural things than of the man made chemicals given to us as prescriptions.
Wow, that is a lot , but if it is working for you that is wonderful. I will increase mine as well. Thank you for the information.
you may not need that much to get improvement in your health problems. Or you might need more! Every one is different/unique. I just kept increasing the dosage until I started receiving noticeable healing results. Just keep up with liquids in order to help your body flush out the "stuff" that DE is escorting out. Since its only ancient minerals and all Americans are deficient in minerals for their daily maintenance alone, I assumed that the parts of my body are breaking down due to being depleted and I would have to take more than a daily maintenance until the "tank has been filled up". Not to mention that we are exposed to parasites, toxins, chemicals, heavy metals on a daily basis now. I feel good on my 8 T dose and each person has to find the dose that heals them and maintains that healing. Its only minerals.....but the world has filled us with more fear of the natural things than of the man made chemicals given to us as prescriptions.
Master Peace is a game changer........see post by Sky Scraper