Congratulations Linda! Thats fantastic! I guess I’ll move back to a full tsp this week then will go to a TBLSPN for a month then add from there. I really dont have any know maladies but my body does retain iron. Im so glad DM has helped you!
Congratulations Linda! Thats fantastic! I guess I’ll move back to a full tsp this week then will go to a TBLSPN for a month then add from there. I really dont have any know maladies but my body does retain iron. Im so glad DM has helped you!
Congratulations Linda! Thats fantastic! I guess I’ll move back to a full tsp this week then will go to a TBLSPN for a month then add from there. I really dont have any know maladies but my body does retain iron. Im so glad DM has helped you!