Nano is a word that has been used for many years. Long before Nanotech came along. So, to say "NO NANO anything" is a ridiculous claim. I understand what she meant but I doubt she meant for you to take it literally. It simply means extremely tiny and has become a buzz word for many things. Here is an example: In the world’s least afforda…
Nano is a word that has been used for many years. Long before Nanotech came along. So, to say "NO NANO anything" is a ridiculous claim. I understand what she meant but I doubt she meant for you to take it literally. It simply means extremely tiny and has become a buzz word for many things. Here is an example: In the world’s least affordable housing market, one in eight homes sold is a nano apartment, a term widely used to describe tiny homes in Hong Kong.
Nano is a word that has been used for many years. Long before Nanotech came along. So, to say "NO NANO anything" is a ridiculous claim. I understand what she meant but I doubt she meant for you to take it literally. It simply means extremely tiny and has become a buzz word for many things. Here is an example: In the world’s least affordable housing market, one in eight homes sold is a nano apartment, a term widely used to describe tiny homes in Hong Kong.
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