And Jonathon - you please keep helping with your references; your service to others who are clearly in some distress or fear is a noble cause and effort to help others damaged by the multiple food, cleaning, water & medical toxifying agendas in play.
You're a prince in a pond full of ugly toads with uncertain motives.
And Jonathon - you please keep helping with your references; your service to others who are clearly in some distress or fear is a noble cause and effort to help others damaged by the multiple food, cleaning, water & medical toxifying agendas in play.
You're a prince in a pond full of ugly toads with uncertain motives.
And Jonathon - you please keep helping with your references; your service to others who are clearly in some distress or fear is a noble cause and effort to help others damaged by the multiple food, cleaning, water & medical toxifying agendas in play.
You're a prince in a pond full of ugly toads with uncertain motives.
Good on you, sir...