Interesting take on perhaps a slice of time that took a life of its own. The trans movement is back again being promoted by global banksters trying to keep their control spell going. Interesting how bad food can lead to superstitions like pork and trichinosis.

I believe gays are biological or environmental driven. The environmental type are suffering from an identity crisis stemming from trauma. The banksters are experts at trauma.

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That and lacking strong morality parents who are not strongly bonded to their kids, kids will find bonds where they can. Once the taboo is broken its game on.

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Well, this is something to consider. I had no idea about the history of Zohar. I have been to Leon, Spain and thought it a wonderful place.

And, no matter what, food safety does matter. I'm baking bread now myself and am more attentive to my ingredients. Thanks for the history lesson, Clif. 🙏👍👍

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I eat Very Little Bread, when I do I only eat Organic Sprouted Whole Wheat or Whole Grain. Berlin Bakery Whole Grain Sprouted & Sprouted Spelt Bread. Trader Joe’s Sprouted Whole Grain -Sour Dough

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That sounds wonderful! I live in a small town on the S. Oregon coast, and TJ's is not available.

Once I'm comfortable with baking (each loaf seems to be an adventure), I might try your recommendations. We especially like sour dough, so thanks for the suggestion.

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Frans Bakery makes a Sprouted Organic Whole Grain’s and Dave’s Killer Bread makes a Sprouted Organic Whole Grain’s. Both “Grain’s” as in multiple, including among many others Flax etc so I don’t eat them

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Sprouting and sosking grains is always better.

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I bake my own bread too now. Organic stoneground flour. Everyone loves my bread, I have to bake multiple loaves at a time.

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Yes, once you eat good homemade bread, nothing else tastes right. And it smells SO good! Now, you have a "reputation" to keep up.😂

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Yes, you’re absolutely right. Store bought bread is awful now.

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I have been thinking about starting to bake bread. Do you have any good tips or simple, easy recipe's ?

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I make simple sourdouhg bread: A jar of sourdough (750ml) same amount of water (rinse the jar) and self made wheat. Just stir, let it sit and wait until it starts going, put it in oven. (I have a gas oven. I do 20 full on and after that I turn it down for 30 min more)

I also have a gluten reduced option: Same sourdough, but I use rice and oat flakes, some carob (nice flavour). And: chia seed for the stickyness. Put A big spoon of chia seeds in water and let them swell. Put it in as the last thing. If you have more question, please ask.

To make your own bread is something very valuable. I also bake for the neighbours

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true and thanks-me trying to learn how to make basic corn or flour tortillas...simple and fast especially useful during mass migrations

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Thanks for the tips. Yeah, I was thinking it might be really handy in the coming collapse, so I better get busy and do some practice and try some simple recipe's to develop a knack for it.

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people made their own bread for thousends of years and still do...only in the west everybody thinks that it is complicated and hard to do. May this be another indoctrination of the system, years ago?

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It's not that I think it's complicated, just that I haven't done it since I was a kid. Indoctrination? perhaps, if that means modern convenience culture has created the kind of fat stupid lazy folks that actually believe Beef is made at the grocery store, dinner always came in a box out of the freezer and vegetables only come in cans, .... then sure, indoctrination it is. lmao

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There’s a lot of how to on the ‘net! You’ve got to make your sourdough starter first, or get some from a friend. Good luck!

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When I get more proficient, I plan on doing sourdough, since that is what got me started, in the first place. It's a wonderful skill to develop, with LOTS of rewards.

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I found that "Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes" is an excellent source for a basic recipe (4 ingredients), available in both book and online. Literally, 5-7 minutes to mix ingredients and no real kneading required. Rise, bake and yum, fresh bread! Makes for a dense, "heavy" bread. I always use extra yeast due to local humidity. Been doing it for oh, 15 years now.

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Yes, that's how I got started. I, too, highly recommend it.

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Clif bakes bread almost every day. Maybe we could get him to repeat his recipe again. Not too long ago, he posted his baking routine on his blog. It was very enlightening. Myself, I use a Cuisinart bread machine. I figured I'd never get fresh bread on the table if I didn't have major help. 😂 Even at that, every loaf is an adventure. Look online for "no knead bread". That's how I got started.

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From a derivative of ergot, LSD is being produced. Thus, it sounds as if this Moses-guy was repeatedly on trip, plus all the ugly toxins that damaged his body.

What he perceived in his visions wasn't untrue though; the soul is indeed androgynous.

Men carry indeed feminine aspects and females have masculine traits.

In this polar universe, with the biggest possible contrast through which we learn and evolve, we embody our androgynous souls in either female oder male bodies.

Our energies are dominant, depending on our sex, at least 51% in one direction, simply based on biology.

For the rest, it's just a matter of expression. We don't need to cut our breasts and dicks to live our individual life style that's beyond societal roles.

There is indeed a food component in this gender confusion thing nowadays.

I bet it has a lot to do with estrogen in food and water. Chicken estrogen and the remnants of 'the pill' of millions of women that haven't been filtered from the water supply, plus soy products and many veggies that contain pre-estrogen are certainly a major factor that emasculate men.

They change the body, they change the hormones.

As emotions are a product of thoughts and hormones (mind and body), what we ingest, also with our food, changes our emotions. Look at all the fanatics out there, with their emotions out of bound, bet, many of them are vegans.

Beware what you eat^^.

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If a steady diet of hormone-saturated chicken can produce a physical change (premature breasts in children of either gender), imagine what it does to endocrine/hormonal/etc. balances that aren't measured. (I'm gonna take note if I notice any changes in mood, physical manifestations or energy when I eat chicken! Unlikely to amount to much as I eat chicken - or beef - rarely, and now that [they] are injecting mRNA into cows, maybe never again! I am addicted to bread and butter! Wonder what that says. Back to the adage of some 50 yrs ago: You are what you eat!

Interesting point that food influences spiritual growth/direction. How much of world history is actually based on contaminated rye! (All of it?) "Revelations" has influenced a whole cadre of Christian thought, which is said to be the result of another bout of ergotism.

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yup-less is more and homeopathic an interesting option...stopped eating by desire now its on need..the body if you help eliminate-toxins ect-all baddies gains inner stregnth...now water then food--3 mins no air=death/3 days no water=death/3 weeks no food=starvation=quote from Dr Richard Allen Miller...recent interview...and ps make sure your water is clean and pure and pray thxs over its gifts then add your minerals and supplements...and use the vortex to energize it if you have one...

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hey what about the frequencies thru comm lines and mobile devices...always on-gotta listen-subtle entrances into the psyche

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Clif doesn't mention it in this piece but it is the lysergic acid (the main constituent of LSD) in the ergot mold that causes the hallucinations.

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Leaving aside inherited physical dual gender families, and such are known but extremely rare, in Australian Aboriginal, Inuit, and Kung cultures, male homosexuality was entirely unknown. By coincidence all three cultures apply non-modifying environments coupled with saturation love and affection for all children, male and female, equally.

There is no discipline until age nine-ish. Nurturing and parenting as we in the West know it, is spread over the extended family with, typically, more than several mothers and several fathers, four distinct role grandfathers and grandmothers, with eventual discipline and life apprenticship by a specified mother's brother.

I have no particular interest in this topic, having acquired the knowledge incidentally (ie I live within such a culture), but I have casually considered that the multiplicity of 'parent roles' eliminates the influence of dysfunctional individuals which, it seems to me, is the cause of male homosexuality.

That this has been politicised into power imbalances says more about the ambitions and techniques adoped by the NWO architacts than intrinsically by the phenomenom itself. That homosexual men have claimed their 'way' as more normal than heterosexuality, is merely typical of the compulsive self-absorbtion that is clearly an adjunct to the condition. I say this, not as some academic observer, but as somebody who worked in the music and arts industries alongside many people who, in those times, labeled themselves as 'camp'. Other characteristics were amorality, nihilism, and an absence of social responsiveness.

These characteristics are becoming increasingly noticeable with the wave of trans evangelism. Having been exposed to the real world all my life, either on the streets, in politics, or in governent intervention roles, I consider that tolerance of this is a serious mistake. This is a campaign of deliberate destructiveness, funded by the likes of Geroge Soros and the Rockefeller/Murdoch empire. The intention is destruction of 'Family' and social cohesion. Fail to stop it now and we will reap catastrophic social injury in the future.

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some say, you are what you eat,

some say, you are what you drink,

and then my favourite,

you are what you breathe.

consume consciously on all accounts.

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I guess that means Chinese are pretty polluted...

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Yikes Cliff...you're going for the jugular today. Reminds us also of the Salem Witch Hunts, they too were tripping on something related to the grains as well. You know the results, they went berserk.

With regards to certain "religious" texts, some like the talmud, manifestly had to be written by people out of their minds. Now whether it was because of grains or just organic mental illness, its still delusional. Good post!

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...it depends on how you define the word "people", as in do you mean homo sapiens or some other species ?

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He means the other species...not Hue-mans/Whites.

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Ancient writings are often found to have a good bit of symbolism. The ancient mind didn't operate the way ours does today, with literal description of experience.

The first part of your article, describes both male and female attributes to a human being regardless of physical gender. The way it is written suggests that the absolute being is being described, which must include the "sense" of both genders. Our true being is not physical, it is consciousness and energy, it's formless. It is not impossible for different physical human beings to have various senses of experience in either of the sexes; senses are not physical. The current problem socially; here to wit is, this thing called gender dysphoria where an individual wants to "physically" change the sex organs of their body; that is trans and LGBT fiction.

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...that is mental illness. Cutting off or mutilating perfectly good functional organs is insane. Forcing it on children deserves the death penalty.

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Exactly, I've never been able to figure out why the worst ideas keep getting pushed.

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Weren't all early humans androgynous, in the image and likeness of the "god" who made us? Genesis 5:2 "Male and female created he them..." Don't, for example, the Dogon and Zulu people have cultural memories of the time when humans were split into male and female? Weren't all the early patriarchs in the Old Testament also androgynous? Isn't that how Eve came from Adam? Isn't that what "begetting" is all about?


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The term: "image" comes from "mage," meaning also stems from "magic." From "beyond the known" Our language has many little cues of meaningful connections to previous languages. The important point here is that we have lost a thread of original linguistic intelligence how a word can hold multiple meanings behind it. To the ancient mind, and more specifically related to the word "im - mage" is an expression of personal essence of.... In this case God.

The intention of saying that "God made man in his own image," ---- man is made of the essence of God. Or how I've seen it: the God Self within, is what makes all physical existence possible. There is one consciousness every human experience is happening within it; the whole universe is its embodiment.

"Begetting," in the similar sense of meaning is to see or reflect the self within the self. For a man, who sees a woman as an extension of his own soul; mind and heart.

This is a very big topic as it is also not just the way true knowledge got perverted in our society; it was done deliberately by the Elites the "El", who first started infiltrations by turning spiritual sight into a religious dogma. Literalism is a virus to true knowledge.

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Don't get hung up on specific language so much. Remember, specific writings have been with us so long, as with King John's version, there's nothing "pure" about them, and translation can be flawed and misinterpreted, even deliberately slanted. There's always an agenda, especially with interpretations.

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Another amazing piece.

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Interesting that you cite Will Zoll's Prussia Gate series. I was just reading this one he published yesterday.

And your recent expose on Mao's guy Biao enlightened so many about how this was weaponized against western culture in order to erode American family values and de-centralized power, in favor of centralized techno/social/federal tyranny.

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Cliff this is extremely interesting and I am so grateful for your investigation into this. It is further confirmation that the HOLY books were written by the "mentally ill" or contaminated by people who were unknowingly influenced by what they were eating and/or drinking. It also explains why contaminated food is weaponized as a major way to "dumb down" humans and used extensively in the War we are curranty in! Well, at least in my mind! Toxic food seems to be very effective in creating the environment in human bodies that supports crazy ideologies the "normy" (muggles) can digest well, (i.e.fast food, cortisol laden animals, grains we should not be eating in such quantities as suggested), along with their adrenochrome contaminated wine, sodas, energy drinks and so on.

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You’re like a Harry Potter library where you sit down and the books talk to you. Always my favorite reads. Thank you.

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This is absolutely absurd and insulting. There are clear hormonal, toxins (possibly heavy metal), and I'd bet genetic issues related to people who are gay, lesbian, trans, whatever. Due to the runoff of xenoestrogens used in commercial farming, frogs have been changing gender. Do you really think they ate rye bread? Come on.

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Debra, It is clear that this is written from investigating the issues of gender and all I want is the Truth! So I will look into it myself. Cliff has made a good case for this to be true so check it out and come to your own conclusions. I respect your being insulted so look at the topic he wrote about and refute it. There is no doubt in my mind that our mothers were subjected to toxins before we were born, that our food, air and water has been contaminated by many poisons and toxins as well as pharma drugs. We have had many petroleum based, highly estrogenic substances introduced into air, soil, food and clothing through corporations. We believed grains should be the largest part of our diets. Soy and canola oil were hyped up and the food made with them. All of this was what I believe to be, deliberate. I do not think Cliff is saying that the Rye was the only thing that created the ideology or condition, but I may be wrong. So ask him about what he believes has created the gender confusion, craziness, and syndromes the Khazarian Mafia is using today!

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There was a (recent) period when food was less contaminated - while toxins were commonplace (cocaine in Coca Cola, laudanum & beauty treatments, for instance), but growing our own food had a bigger effect than we knew. In my childhood and youth, food was more "whole" and cooking was "from scratch." No (or little) fast, processed, or mass-produced food was on our table. Sodas were a rare treat. It made a difference - obesity, diabetes, heart-related, mental and emotional issues - the dietary connection has long since been proven. Interesting how all that affects spiritual development/direction/choices.

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We agree on most things except that it was in my childhood in the early 50's and sixty's, where

those, whom our parents respected, changed the food pyramid, and began the epidemic of processed food! The "pharmaceutical addiction" to treat all medical ailments, a war on natural remedies for illness, created by the food they were advocating we eat, products used on and around our homes and bodies began in earnest then. They had been investigating toxins and experimenting with them prior to that and started putting venoms and chemicals, and hormones in everything they advertised for our parents to use "safely" on us and themselves. DDT was the first thing I remember and definitely effected our mothers when we were in the womb. Then we marched right into the CABAL playbook and began the demands from women that abortion be allowed as a symbol of women's freedom and empowerment. Of course we could still get the foods that were "less contaminated" if our parents were awake and aware. My parents were not and most of my friends were singing the jingles of advertisements that had been recently introduced on TV, a new a wonderful mind control device.

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Soy Oil and any products containing ANY Form of Soy Reduce Testosterone and Increase Estrogen in Males, Shrinks Testicles. Coining the phrase "Soy Boy"

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Apr 16, 2023
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You are only paranoid if you are wrong!

If you are right then you are a visionary.

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Apr 17, 2023
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Hi Robbin, I forgot to include my favorite link in my last reply which summarizes the insanity/psychopathy issue very well with excellent well cited links to books that every sane person should read and be aware of.


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Those of us who see what is going on are witnesses to the insane people taking over and we have to suffer for it as collateral damage.

The psychopaths are trying to make everyone else as psychopathic as they are, reducing everyone to their least common denominator.

Fortunately there are those of us who won't go there or be subjected to that.

It is very difficult for most sane people to understand that insane people are taking over. The war is between the sane and insane, and always has been.

Of course the insane moral relativists will argue about what is insane but it's clear to the sane.

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Apr 15, 2023
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thanks useful indeed and nice of you to share whole and pls keep widening our vision and knowledge base with these and other links

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The male and female aspects combined also represent a "possession" - 2 souls in 1 body. Perdition. This is what the man of sin is, a "king" possessed by Azazel. Azazel was punished above all, for wronging mankind - bound hand and foot in darkness in a pit, his face covered to see no light. To be led off to the Abyss at the Consummation. He is Osiris, bound hand and foot in darkness in the sarcophagus, that Set tricked him into getting into. And due to his own conceit, he did. Set had to be one of the holy angels God sent to bind him, as Enoch describes. Osiris is Apollyon the Destroyer, the angel of the Bottomless Pit. His soul alone escapes the Pit for a time, 7 times as Revelation 17 says.

The eye is the window to the soul. It represents the soul. A pyramid is a vortex, mathematically, and the eye of Horus consists of the vortex progression of glyphs, even depicting the little "spiral" vortex within it's design. The eye above the pyramid represents the soul alone of Apollyon/Osiris, manifest from the Underworld/Pit, come through the portal/vortex/pyramid to possess 7 kings, since the Flood, beginning with Nimrod. 6 have come, with 1 yet to come. It was 2,000 years ago since the 6th king/Horus#6. Nimrod also built the "Gate of the gods", which could only be another portal/star-gate. Likely sitting right beside the Euphrates in a huge 1 mile half-circle curve (river), which the magnetic properties of this semi-circular water flow likely induced an energy vortex within the spiral-tower structure - of the Tower of Babel/Gate of the gods.

The REBIS image shows the 7 manifestations. It also includes the obvious 2 souls in 1 body, as 2 heads on 1 body. The same pattern is found here, as with the Egyptian story of Horus - "right eye the sun, left eye the moon, sky his body." The right head of the REBIS is connected to the sun and the left head is connected to the moon. The stars encompassing the planet symbols represent the soul of Osiris and the planets represent the souls of the kings he possesses at various points through time. The curious dashes on the globe, which flow to the center, represent oscillations of the "4 angels standing at the 4 corners of the earth", as they assume their tetrahedron formation in the sky, then spiral vortex-like/SERPENTine-like around and back to the center, where as the last red "star" disappears, a flash of light is seen at that precise locale. This is the "tail of the dragon", a portal/star-gate they are able to create, which the 200 Watchers before the Flood, came through - and God only knows what else. These 4 red stars are 4 of the 7 satans, aka "the 4 sons of Horus." They stand exalted atop the Vatican Baldacchino/SHRINE OF OSIRIS. They are depicted through history in one form or another. The square and circle. The cube/Qaaba. There is even an ancient Apollo coin with 3 dolphins swimming around an "A." This is fascinating since a dolphin jumps in and out of the water, oscillating from air to water, air to water, air to water - the red stars likewise oscillate from light to dark, light to dark, light to dark. The primary symbol of these red stars/4 angels in their tetrahedron formation and subsequent vortex operation, is the Masonic Square and Compass. It exists to represent THEM. It has no other meaning. They ARE satan. 4 of the 7. Azazel/Osiris is their leader. They are all "Lucifer."

This is very important data to include in any assessment of the future. They are recorded over the Temple Mount, Jerusalem on the 28th day of 2011, in the 1st hour - beginning. They appear in the sky above, after the spectacular, instant, multi-mach exit of a bright white star that fits the description Enoch gives of the angels around God's throne, especially the "color-filtering" video. He is the same size as the dome on the Dome of the Rock, which is 65 ft. DI. He is a BIG DUDE. There are 7 pertinent videos worth studying, pertaining to this event. After studying it since it happened, I now have no doubt that this was the beginning of war in heaven. It begins with the loosing of the 1st and 2nd Seals of the Book of the Lamb. The bright white star can only be Michael, the leader of God's "stars", His 7 holy angels - which 4 stand on the 4 "sides" of God's throne. Enoch is a wonderful book. It provides the missing pieces. You will not see the red stars with a small cell phone screen. God bless. https://odysee.com/@65FeetTall:a?r=5i6WgKBf989o9BMBxJqd2erEBTW4H1Ms

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My last observation on this one. Solar minimum colder winters followed by a cool growing season. Perfect for ergot natural or synthesised. The zombie apocalypse that the insectoids have been flagging up in mind control psyops

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