Approximately 25 years ago I became aware of this hole but not via the routes or to the extent that Clif has researched it. This area I’m aware is under a tremendous amount of tectonic stress. I agree with Clif that other holes are opening in the area, in fact I believe their already open which is the cause of the increased heating of the ocean off of the coast. I also agree with Clif that we will get precursor events prior to the major event. One area where I might disagree is I think those precursors are already occurring off of the coast of Northern California. I’m 80, I’ve received that I will witness the first serious damage during my lifetime. My profession was as a cartographer USFS drafting the Tongas National Forest in Alaska. No degrees just a lifetime interest and involvement in geology

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Hi Patricia, Thanks so much for sharing. I haven't studied this, but got my gut. Could happen sooner or later. We are over due in my opinion. Moved out to eastern Oregon, because of my gut telling me to do it. But still not sure this was the best place. The problem is the Cascades and they will pop off too. I get dreams of lots of dead bodies and a coastline for years now. PS: don't think it matters if we are living on flat earth or spinning ball. The place we live on is in my opinion expanding, we need to grow our population and protect it for the expansion. My guess there are more souls coming for this time.

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Wrote a reply and it went somewhere into woo land. Will try again after dinner. Your dreams have a direct correlation to that gut feeling, if you don’t journal yet please look into doing so.

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Reading your comment about your dreams I remembered my dream awhile ago (I never dream so when I remember it’s bc it’s more than a dream) where I’m going down a highway, on the coast that looked very much like West Coast, in a van... I was with someone else and we were driving over a lot of dead bodies... we were wearing white clothes and I would tell my friend, the driver, to not stop, under no circuntances... weird...

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Jesus is coming soon! BOR will be playing out very soon! I believe America is mystery babylon. Really interesting to be living in these times! Repent and be baptized by the Holy Spirit and be saved by the blood of Jesus Christ!

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I don’t believe America is Babylon... check Bo Polny’s vids

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London (who's controlling us)?

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The City of London, Vatican city, and Brussels are 3 of the major control centers. Beijing, Moscow and DC are the other control centers.


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America isn't mentioned at all in BOR. I believe we will be destroyed in one day for our abominations to God and our unrepentant hearts. Our gov't has been selecting leaders for year and we as good little citizens continue to pay our taxes and contribute to the overflowing cup and not really stopping anything, abortions, child trafficking and abuse and all our govt compromised. The "virus" was created to get the jabs in people and big pharma is basically witchcraft and sorcery. Who do drs swear an oath to? The jabs are going to genocide this world and it's the us that is behind it. Look at this country and what it is becoming. The laughing stock of this world imo. I have seen Bo's videos and my ears do love to hear those lies, but my heart knows the real truths. We have started so many wars in other countries and have been the military arm of the cabal for years.


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You say "we"... "we"? I had no voice or part to play in this sick drama. Us empathic real souls would never do the BS on the Whirled Stage. This place isn't very real, it's screaming at us to wake up and just chill and listen to God.

We deserve to have Truth and Justice

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So you think Bo lies in analyzing the Bible? He doesn’t claim to be a prophet or anything. I’m just curious to know your opinion. I like him and Benjamin Fullford too.

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Probably a excellent warning should your dream manifest. We all dream every night we just remember some more than others. Try journaling your dreams if your interested in what overall they might reveal .

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You may derive much truth from this video about who is who if you're so inclined. We are being played like an instrument night and day.


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I think your inner voice (gut feeling) telling you to get over on the east side of the Cascade range was spot on. When I go over maps showing the split off from Northern California clear up into BC what my inner vision immediately pops up with is a series of huge waves coming in, tsunamis. Should that occur of course there will be a horrendous death tole. Geologically it’s my feeling that this is caused by a massive slip strike. All of the tension between both plates suddenly released having a zipper effect going north. If you pull up a fault line map you’ll see a division of the one fault line coming from land to sea then you’ll see the one fault line split into two. Do a search for Oregon Department of Emergency Management Once you have the page scroll down to Hazards and Preparedness in blue type you’ll see Cascadia Subduction Zone ...bingo you have everything you need to know right there. Zoom in on the map on the right side of the article. See the split, you have 3 plates involved; the Pacific Plate, the Juan de Fuca Plate and the North America Plate. Note the Subduction Earthquake Zone showing how the Pacific Plate is moving under the N. America Plate. The middle plate Juan de Fuca is riddled with stressor faults and is the weak spot between these two huge plates. NOTE: Be sure to read the comic books to be found at bottom of the Cascadia Subduction Zone page titled Without Warning Earthquake or Tsunami. Enough for tonight, have fun reading and learning.

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Earth is flat lol

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Don’t laugh bc I believe it is...

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So do I actually it all started when Obama said” I have no time to argue with the flat earthers” some 6-7 years ago. I thought wtf why would the potus say that? I jumped in and a friend sent me an app. Globe not … I have more questions

But certain we ain’t spinning at 1,000 mph chasing the sun while the North Pole is stationary and so are we.

I live in Washington if the big hits I just get to go see God on the translucent firmament and ask. Water never bends.

Rainbows suggest dome. Plane emergency landings make sense. USFS maps all neatly gridded in square miles.

Pilots admit it pictures show it. Now I want to know what’s beyond the antartic shelf?

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Sooo much evidence but average ppl cannot concieve the idea, which is always the case... Clif mentioned awhile back that it’s impossible a flat Earth, well I have to disagree with him on this;)

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I really like Clif but he is wrong for 10,000 reasons. Seems very real there’s a book I sent a friend 16 emergency landings which demonstrates the UN MAP LOGO is correct. This is a hot potato issue. Just shows everyone is brainwashed by degree. Sun 93 miles away ha and we never went to the moon.

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Like Covid most will not see willingness to blindness is truly remarkable. The human race is very stubborn.

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Killary actually said we put 18 million cracks in it. They're trying hard to break the "dome" we are in.

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All physical bodies die so everyone will have the opportunity to ask.

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The US Forest Service is just a arm of the government. Washington DC being a he seat. All final mapping is housed in the library of USGS US Geological Service. My eldest son is a commercial pilot flying freight world wide. At the altitude that jumbo jets fly at clearly show the curvature of the earth. The international Space Station films continually. As it circles the earth

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the international space station is in a pool not in space going 17,000 mph

And the pilots who agree the earth is flat fly all over the world. There is a book that’s called 16 emergency landings on a plane that make no sense on a globe but on flat earth they do. Believe what you want earth spinning at 1,000 mph truly believe in your globe water is always level. Gravity is a theory. International space station and we went to the moon too … right

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I’m also in the airline industry and am up there a lot trust me! No curvature...

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Noone has made it past approx 80° South... it's just thousands of miles of ice and mountains... perhaps after the cataclysm it will be accessible

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Someone has there maps depicting lands out there? Ancient maps. Someone makes a map its a serious thing.

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A couple solid proofs please? Most planets are globes & I still haven't seen solid proof about flat earth.

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Ummm not sure the Spirit would be directing any to either Coast for so many reasons ... I’m not saying you weren’t called to go there ... must be to warn and lead

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I read this yesterday and I sure recommend that all read this, was very good.

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Thank You Clif,

Hello Humans Hello Humans, God Bless

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I live on the coast just south of Coos Bay but I got it covered. I have a rowboat tied to a tree in my backyard. I just have to grab my survival pack (beer, hotdogs, potato chips & weed) as I exit the house.

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What's your tree tied to?!

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My rowboat?

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I love it. Here’s to pleasant sailing...err rowing. Still giggling over mental picture.

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There was a great one woman play I saw up in Canada years ago.."There Was a Rowboat in the Attic" story about growing up in a house where her grandfather kept a rowboat in the attic for just this purpose...

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Take a look at how Africa is breaking apart...soooo...there you go.

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The first separation of the tectonic plates happened at the end of 2004 right after the Indonesian tsunami. The Indian plate separated partially. The cause of the earthquake happened - according to Dr. Paul Laviolette, astrophysicist - was due to a stellar black hole eruption 44,600 light years away. That is the mythological story of the turtle pairs.

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Sounds like a "very intelligent and well informed ExPeRt"

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i was thinking the same thing

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What do you mean by that? Honest question... I didn’t understand...

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The Earth is obviously going through massive changes. Just do a search on Africa splitting and you can see that the continent is breaking apart. Also, last year, right when the Colorado River was drying up, suddenly Yellowstone flooded with no explanation as to where all the water came from. Massive Earth changes are ongoing. The waters are shifting and moving around. This coincides with the topic of this podcast. I hope this clarifies things a bit for you.

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Thank you!

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If the question is for me, then I propose that 'black hole eruptions' are the reasons that tectonic plates break apart every 5,800 years. The main 'heartbeat' may have originated from the 'Center' region of the Universe. There is a black hole 12.1 billion light years away whose light shows up right next to Polaris (Bear) and also next to Er Rai star at the tip of the pentagon shaped Cepheus (head). That mythologically connects Cepheus to the Polar Axis of the earth. The Roman philosopher Horacio said 2,000 years ago that the 'big secret' is the father of Andromeda. Well, that is Cepheus (Kefeus / Khufu / KőFő). So 'Father God' from near the 'Center' of the Universe controls the Polar Axis on top. 90 degrees away - as the continuation of the Equator in space - on the rotational plane, the Orion Nebula 'black hole' controls the Polar Axis 90 degree plane on the East. Remember where the 'star of Bethlehem' was seen? Yes, on the East. Guess where Orion is , let's say at around 5 PM? On the East. So, creation mythologies gave us a very good model, we just have to construct the picture of what controls what in the geo-dynamo of the Earth. (God's Generator book by Gaspar).

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All of this lines up with Ben Davidson’s textbooks about the 6,000 and 12,000 year micronova cycles that unlock the earth’s crust and tilts the crust 90 degrees due to the masses of Greenland and Antartica rebalancing the earth. The unlocking of the crust would also allow the diameter expansion to occur. See Suspicious Observers on YouTube and at suspiciousobservers.org

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I was going to mention S0 and the rebirth of catastrophism, glad someone beat me to it! I was thinking it would make sense for the planet's expansion to be 'fueled' by the sun, which is 'fueled' by the galactic core, which is connected to the cosmic web. I think this 'fuel' is essentially electric charge.

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There is no "galactic core". Have you not read all the comments?

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Huh? What comments?

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More exactly the every 5,800 , 11,600 , 23,200 (Dominant Milankovitch cycle) is well documented in the Vostok Ice Core drill down from the 70's. The scary part is that the Hebrew Year is 5,783 this spring, not too far from the 5,800 switch! Now, if we assume that there is a 'last 12 year' ending (12 disciples, 12 nights, 12 stone tablets) to the cycle then the first switch is not too far away. The question is what is the first switch. It is not micronova, but the mythologically well documented eruption of the Orion Nebula (september 17th), followed by the eruption of Cygnus / Northern Cross (March 26) years later. The Cygnus X-3 is the second largest black hole in our part of the galaxy. (see eRosita from European Space Agency).

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I no longer fear Nukes Radiation it is another hoax

just give it a look

because we may have been fooled again



Fake Nukes


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one word of caution: Hanford

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Here is a food crawl in Hiroshima Japan


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Thanks Clif! I was looking for a audio message for my birthday and consciousness delivered!😂👍🏼

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Happy Birthday! and mayday! mayday! :)

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That's cool

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Thanks SquarePeg!😂👍🏼

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Happy Happy Kyle hope it was the best yet.

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Thanks Patricia! Every year above ground is great!

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Yeah! MORE C02!? We need it desperately! We're 1600ppm below the optimum C02 now, plants are dying (my pine forest is dying here in NM), and Earth's C02 levels have dropped to near 400ppm...getting dangerously low! As C02 rises, we'll get to see crops and trees flourishing again! The Earth is healing herself!

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Some of forestry die off is due to chem-trails. Very high aluminum particulate’s which kills evergreens and washes into creeks killing darn near everything. Salmon streams have been severely damaged.

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Patricia, You're correct! But it's a combination of chemtrails, low C02 and natural changes in the Sun. I realize it isn't just because of low C02. But I take every opportunity I can to try to throw that out there when the subject arises, because the 'controllers' are demonizing C02 as if it's a poison gas, and built a whole "climate change" hoax around that LIE. Unfortunately, people have lost touch with the basics of science. and don't realize plants get C02 from mammals exhaling it and the planet receives oxygen from plants! It's a symbiotic relationship. The "climate change" hoax would be OVER if that was still understood by the general public, a fact that used to be understood by ALL.

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I no longer believe in the glo-baal system, nasa lies, infinite space, space aliens and on and on and on

This dude is not nearly as smart as I once thought he was.

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No one said you had to listen dude

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We listen to hear whatcha folk think

Clif is so close yet he might as well be soooo far

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Listen to all but follow no one

Make ur own decisions

Cliff has value so does Archaix in my opinion but I would nvr follow anyone 100%

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No sacred cows

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K9sLife, NO ONE is forcing you to listen to this.

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Bonnie Ruiz, Please go to. Greg Hunter USA Watchdog @ Rumble.com. Please share this with everyone. If you’re buying beef, chicken, pork. Take a dime / quarter with you. Best to you and Yours.

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"glo-baal"...good one!

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Does that mean you'll stop commenting and just go play with your dogs?

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Fun Fact: Nasa means "deception" in hebrew.

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Here is a food crawl in Hiroshima Japan


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There is an easy solution to your problem: Just don't listen.

And now get lost, Agent Smith. :D

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what a pity. you are missing out on some of life's best information and truths. but alas, ignorance is bliss...

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Ce5Master, Please Consider. Greg Hunter USA Watchdog @ Rumble. Posted 29 th April. Karen Kingston, And our Food. If you’re going to buy beef,Chicken,Pork. Take a Quarter with you.

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Thankyou Frances Leader. I think you have the makings of a Very Good Writer ? Excellent Piece on Frazzle Rock.

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Frances is already a highly accomplished writer.

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Why that’s wonderful. Can you suggest a book or two ?

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Saline solutions and spellcrafting

Enough with your fear regurgitation.

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This comment is addressed to me but I don't know what you are talking about....

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When I channeled, I was told that 20% of the population will disappear. Vax is the biggest reason for this!

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Can you take a look at Racine. Wisconsin and tell me what you see?

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Not all paradigms are accessible all together. It takes time to re mould our minds.

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I restrain my self from time to time when he askes us if we can handle space aliens

I want to say

can you handle flat earth?

We all will be made uncomfortable if we fail to prepare

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IMO space aliens are either fallen angels or demons for whatever that is worth!

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The Juan de Fuca plate to the NW is predicted to unleash a 9.2 event. It, like Yellowstone and others are said to be overdue. I live at sea level approximately 80 miles ESE of the epicenter of the 1964 Alaskan 9.1 (largest ever recorded North American quake.) I've been hearing scattered bits about a number of formerly dormant volcanoes starting to twitch.

As if we are not already inundated and overburdened with "interesting times."

Time for my nap, I reckon.

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The Shiveluch volcano erupted Tuesday April 11 spewing ash 20 kilometers above sea level. This volcano is one of several located on the Kamchatka peninsula in the Ring of Fire.

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The Earth expansion theory is very compelling. Also, I believe Earth collects or has collected a lot of debris from outer space over billions of years, such as asteroids and meteors. I would imagine all that 'stuff' would add up over time.

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of course rocky debris adds up

easy to picture that far more comes in, relentlessly, as dust/micro-dust

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This expansion theory is one of my favorite "final theories of everything" since it proposes that all matter in the universe is expanding. I like to collect the best "theories of everything".


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My thought is that the largest debris chunks caught by earth were added in the earliest time of Earth's history. Earth could have initially come together from these larger chunks that may have been more available at that time.

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Debris from space is always incoming. Add debris from volcanos, dust storms off of Africa..no wonder I’m dusting everything so often.

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Good news for Clif! Did Vox Populi work?


Never fear, they will elect some other ahole...

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Perhaps he has served his usefulness to his overlords? Or he will be facing some justice? Either way, won't be missed.

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Yep unfortunately they will.

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Interesting as always.

If I understand you correctly, there is slight concern over plate tectonic perturbations adjacent to your area that may affect your area. Hope I got that correct.

If so, & if you have the time & think it wise, give Your Readers longitude & latitude, or a zone/area, where we Individually can seal/heal, or smooth up any disruptive movements.

As you know, there are no rules to Projective Visualization, & each participant can use their own Logic & Creativity, to assist in lessening any physical harm, to you & yours.

Stay safe on those solid rocky shores...

The Aquarian Age, is ripe Season, for such Experimentation.

Quicksilver to seal.


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We are in a Tsunami, Volcano, Earthquake zone with most of the toxic materials from the cold war stored right on the states major waterway above oregon

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Have you considered the possibility that this hole in the bottom of the ocean has always been there?

If I understood correctly, they just discovered it recently.

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It was stumbled upon via visual bubbles rising to the surface. The first actual undersea visual was using a ROV launched from the ship R/V (Research Vessel) Revelle in 2015.

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Clif you are right on! On February 6, 2023 I did a reading asking for any high intensity/high emotional value natural disasters for the USA in my foreseeable future and I got a tsunami hitting the west coast of the United States and that it will cause severe damage and that it will be caused by plates shifting in the ocean more most likely hitting California. !!!

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interesting! i, too, have been predicting major water disaster this year for maybe 6-8 months or so?

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U same squarepeg that posts on Archaix?

I'd love to get cliff to review Archaix work and debate

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yes i'm the same square peg! i'm not sure clif would be into it, but i'd definitely tune in!

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If you're into Biblical prophecy!


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The intensity is ramping up for something big, everyone is feeling something is on the horizon. Right now it’s sort of ‘take your best shot’ on what shoe amongst many that’s going to drop.

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YESSSS- Thank you for sharing! I had on my own (through meditation and praying) received similar information and warning some 15 years ago, and yes, it will happen during my lifetime - next 40- 50 years or less!!) . Since I trust and respect my higher self/Source - I took the warning seriously and moved away from the coast, inland, at over 2000 ft altitude. I am serious and have a long spiritual life. Hope that helps others to PREPARE!

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I am unable to give exact timing but so far, my predictions have unfolded within a year's time. I saw the catastrophic rains in California back in May 2021 and said they would occur sometime in Jan/Feb new moon of 2022. That unfolded. I also saw the hurricanes and noted that Ian would be the most energetically catastrophic of the 4 that I saw of significance. Saw dirty bombs in Ukraine 18 mos in advance, false flags - goes on and on but time does not exist but I'm working on trying to find ways to nail it down through correlating with other, significant events. I am hopeful :)

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We are getting more rain in Southern California this week. Plus a bunch of little quakes last week

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Victoria, as I told another subscriber here, I am unable to give exact timing but so far, my predictions have unfolded within a year's time. I saw the catastrophic rains in California back in May 2021 and said they would occur sometime in Jan/Feb new moon of 2022. That unfolded. I also saw the hurricanes and noted that Ian would be the most energetically catastrophic of the 4 that I saw of significance. Saw dirty bombs in Ukraine 18 mos in advance, false flags - goes on and on but time does not exist so I'm working on trying to find ways to nail it down (or at least get idea of when) through correlating these messages with other, significant events. I am hopeful :)

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Ahh and there in lays the catch, indeed time as we understand it only exists as a instrument of measurement here on the material plane. Longitude and Latitude are precision points in time used to pinpoint all areas of the globe’s surface ie GPS.

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Yea, time is just a a measurement.....kind of like looking at a ruler and saying it's 6 inches today.....lol

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We have standard units of measurements for a multitude of reasons. All are used according to the particular need of a human being while embodied on the planet.

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2 weeks

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Cliff, you should address the 12,000 year earth catastrphe theory advanced by Ben Davidson at Suspicious Observers

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