I have thousands of birds! But I feed my birds 24/7/365. I always have something out for them in 3 places all year long, because I enjoy watching them so much.
I have Hummingbird feeders too. But I'm retired, so I have lots of time to fuss over my wild birds. If you want birds,....buy Lyric Fine Tunes bird food. It's expensive, but well worth it to me. I even have Baltimore Oriels this year!
Yeah, my uneducated guess is one, or a combination of 5G(they are working on 6G and even 7G now), wind turbines in the ocean and on the land, HAARP, chemtrails, chemical plant explosions, train derailments...who knows what else.
Somehow... we need to coordinate the destruction of the 5G or higher cell towers... not sure if a shotgun blast or three, 00 Buck, late at night would do it... green tip 5.56 would penetrate... but dangerous in cities...
There seems to be less of them in population dense areas, like there is a toxicity to cities that they now just avoid, or that kills them. I'm thinking 5G, something that interferes with their navigation systems. We have situations where there will be fruit trees laden with fruit that just falls to the ground, over production of certain insects, and there are no birds around to eat any of it, so it's not a food supply issue.
Very few people seem to have noticed or cared, especially "scientists". We occasionally have articles in MSM that blames one species for driving out all the other species, but even that last survivor species is few and far between.
And the frogs,and wabbits,pee wits,greenfinches, grass snakes,even foxes,course soon as you mention these,someone(matrix) will state, "oh there's loads by me" .the UK is becoming a very barren land
A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing Trump is a zionist and we're about to loose the first amendment and fall in to a fascist zionist state. AHHHHHHH!
Zionism, especially Christian Zionism, is built on a foundation of sand. Their theology that dictates the destruction of the 3rd holiest place in mohammedanism in order to build a 3rd ‘Jewish’ temple holds water like a sieve, and is so full of holes, it begs for the creation of puns around the word ‘holy.’
“ mosaic law was already fulfilled and now we live in a period of ‘natural law,’ given to us by the WORD. Our bodies are temples or ‘houses’ of God, and there is scriptural proof of that in the words of Jesus himself:
“Jesus answered and said to him, “whoever loves me will keep my word and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him.” John 14:23
As well as in the first letter of Peter:
“like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ” 1 Peter 2:5”
“ the ‘jews’ of today are of no relation to ‘jews’ of the bible. The Christians and the pharisees both likely survived the genocide of the tribes in Jerusalem. The group of Christian converts from ‘judaism’ at that time would not have gone, generations later, to Khazaria and convince the Monarch in charge to convert his entire nation to become ‘jews’ subject to the ‘oral traditions’ of the Old Testament. Only the pharisees would’ve had the gall to proceed with such a travesty.
Indeed, the pharisees were committed to following traditions that Jesus condemned, and the ‘jews’ of today are the spiritual heirs of those pharisees, but that is beside the point. I strongly believe that it was God’s will for the ‘Israel nation’ of old to be destroyed, and all the ‘jews’ that were unbelieving in Jesus to be genocided. Why? We may ask, what positive outcomes may have arisen from that? For one, I don’t believe that the True God is racist. If those Old Testament ‘jews’ were still around with their ‘temple’ they’d probably act like they’re better than everybody else and that no one but their race can get into heaven. Similar to many of the racist religious groups which exist today that consider themselves to be related to the 12 tribes of Israel. Since God destroyed all of them way back when, we don’t know if those Israelites looked ‘white,’ ‘black,’ or native American, and we don’t know what Jesus looked like either. That is a blessing from God because we can use this to have peace between the races. All men are created in the image of God, it doesn’t matter what racial feature Jesus Christ had, he is equally represented in all of us.
You may be thinking: but what about the pharisees? Surely the pharisees, even though they were enemies of Jesus, surely, they would be entitled to the land of Palestine. If the pharisees were eventually able to mind control the Khazarians into occupying Palestine in the interest of the pharisees, is that not their biblical right? Not so fast! Here is what Jesus said about the pharisees’ ‘inheritance’ of Israel:
“ Hear another parable: there was a certain man, a landowner, and he had planted a vineyard enclosed by a fence and he had dug a wine press and had built a tower in it, and had given its care to laborers, and he went abroad. But when the fruit season had arrived, he sent his servants to the laborers so that they would send some of the fruit of the vineyard to him. And the laborers seized his servants; they beat one and another they stoned and another they killed. And he sent again more servants than the first time, and they did the same to them.
Last of all he sent his son to them. 'Surely they will respect my son,' he said.
But when the laborers saw the son, they said among themselves, 'This is the heir, come, let us kill him and seize his inheritance.' And they seized and led him outside of the vineyard and killed him.
Now when the owner of the vineyard comes back, what will he do to those tenants?
They said to him, ‘He will ruthlessly destroy them and he will give the care of the vineyard to other laborers, who will give him the fruits in their season.’
Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This is what the Lord has done and it is wonderful in our eyes? Therefore, I say to you, the Kingdom of God will be taken from you and will be given to a people who will produce fruit. And whoever falls on this stone will be shattered, and it will pulverize to dust everyone upon whom it will fall.”
When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard his parables, they knew he was speaking about them.“
Matthew 21:33-45
In other words, the pharisees, since they were represented as the evil tenants in Jesus’ story, have no spiritual inheritance of Israel, nor do they have a right to inheritance of physical Israel. Thus, the modern day ‘spiritual children’ of the pharisees do not have a right to that inheritance either.
A final point I think is necessary to mention is that the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place may not have had anything to do with the temple of Jerusalem at all. It may be referencing the nanobot injections that the world was tricked into taking during the past 3 years.
Our body is a temple and the nanobot injection is an abomination of desolation. The creating of human ‘robots’ by injecting liquid computers into men and women also fulfills the ‘iron mixed with clay’ prophecy of Daniel:
(5:56-6:56, 8:42-10:15, 29:00-30:11 and 31:34-31:52)
Sorry everybody, I would’ve included all the scripture and article links, but it’s just easier for me to post up this one link with time stamps. That’s part of the reason I made the video. If God wills it, I will mention those things in detail in the future.”
Christians were fooled into thinking Jews are the chosen ones and they should praise and support Israel for their path to open.
The downfall of America began when pastors started following the false-hood “Jews are the chosen ones” by praising Israel, bringing God's curse of the Jews onto America
YESHUA (Jesus) represents a plane of consciousness to which we all have access, and to which we can all aspire. It is beyond this 3D realm .. outside the matrix.
The bible has been changed so many times. The original texts/manuscripts state that Israel IS the church, Israel refers to God's church. Wherever Israel is or travels, there goes the church. The church refers to the believers in God. It does not refer to any ethnicity, race or heritage, just the believers in God. (Per Dr. Joseph P. Farrell, Doctorate in Patristics from the University of Oxford. Dr. Farrell also pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". ) This changes everything, I believe, for Christians who can't dig deeper into the earlier texts/manuscripts because it is only reserved for those scholars who can read/interpret the ancient languages for themselves.
Clif and followers are familiar with The "Naked Bible" which refers to a literal, non-allegorical translation and interpretation of the Bible, particularly the Old Testament, that challenges traditional Christian views. In summary, the "Naked Bible" presents a radically different, materialistic understanding of the Old Testament by taking the ancient Hebrew text solely at face value, rather than through a traditional religious lens.
I was listening to Boglino not long ago, and he said he never once mentioned "space aliens" in his translations. That surprised me. So I wonder if a lot of assumptions are being made about the Elohim. Which is not to say it doesn't all make perfect sense "from a certain point of view," to quote Obi One.
I wonder if the DEMs/DS think they have control of these "revelations." I suspect they're in for a rude awakening. I can't wait for them to be faced with a "rude awakening" after all their smug confidence that destroying the world is their "destiny."
Right. And that is the reason I follow Dr. Farrell. He has said many things similar to Clif (and Biglino). Just listen to this interview done 10+ years ago). It is a wow podcast (has 10 parts, I think). He is one of the top researchers in the world. Let me know if you like it -
Yes, in the scripture, this statement in Matthew 7:15-20 - "You Will Know Them by Their Fruits". These satanic criminals are out to usurp our God given rights, and steal our wealth and freedom. Keep Jesus close, and never ever comply!
Indeed, the current Zionist Junta are actually the 'Khazarian Mafia', an actual secret society that pulls the strings globally. We must out these international criminals, and free ourselves of their evil influence.
There's no human condition. Each one of us is unique. Each one of us has 46 unique set of chromosomes never before existed and will never exist again. The 'enemies of life' invented the 'human condition meme The Anthropos is gullible, trusting and full hearted until we're Not. We've been falling for every scheme of government, religion, mass education. Television- tell a vision, probably the main culprit in our present day slavery.
Trump is KING OF THE JEWS...they gave the crown to him ...look up the video...watch out for those Noahide laws...just know who you are not versus who they say you are...the EL are really counting on TRUMP...the ELOHIM worship cult chose this High Priest of The Church of Satan...MAGA his TITLE and watch his Deeds;
When Trump took office & went on his world tour. He was given other titles. Look how the Saudi’s welcomed him like a King. Aren’t they against the Jews🤔 why was he given these titles? Because he has all the evidence ready to go & we will be seeing it very soon.
eg: Trump was the only President to talk about & closedown child trafficking rings. Yes let’s watch his deeds when he becomes President again, the world is going to change for the better. And hate filled numbnutts like John👇will disappear.
Saying God bless doesn’t disguise his true agenda. Trump will close down everything John is accusing him of too.
is not Trump serving a purpose; acting on the world stage for all to see; everything is rooted in commerce/contract/maritime LAW; look at Trumps CHARACTER and do you see his character or HIS CHARACTER; pay attention [ the most valuable asset you have; your attention] to the give away here;
Nice wish list. Trust the plan Cameron … Santa is coming .. and dont you do anything… no no just stay put. Go home after your MAGA rally with your Trump cap and put ALL your marbles on Trump. After all the Arabe Saudi criminals love him.
Reverse psychology, trumps a zionist, and things might make more sense to you when you realise the house of Saud,is Jewish,everything is an illusion in this simulation
And God Bless YOU for telling the truth. The Trumpy bear lying bastard loves his pedo jews. And his jewy Holywood pedos like Epstein love him. Why ?? Because Trumpybear protecys them. Trump is a spineless jew rat. Trump will never betray the Jew held fortresses:
Thats OK my brother. There will be a special place for you in heaven between the sheep. So tell me, how has that worked out for you so far, relying on representatives ? Relying on Trump… Of course I feel hatred and extreme resentment. I am not stupid Cameron ! I reject being lied to.
I will add the sleeping masses need to experience to see the evil for themselves. When Trump returns (& he will ) all those representatives you are dispassionate about will be replaced as well. Or the swamp will be drained. Now where did I hear that before. 🤔
Im growing impatient too. But I’m not going to turn on the only f@&$er doing anything about it.
Well… We all have a right to our opinion. It seems to be agreed to that we are in a war. An information war where the enemy must keep his identity hidden. I think we should be doing at least three things:
1- call out the enemy, unmask them, shame them publicly, five times a day.
2- take control ourselves by joining local politics.
3- stop relying on representatives
From my point of view, believing in Trump is like waiting for santa….
Would you like to learn how Trump us a British controlled asset ?
Unfortunately (or not, depending on the viewpoint) income taxes are a drop in the bucket of what the "corporation" takes in. Tariffs, taxes (gas, sales, contracts, etc.) and stuff I don't even understand accounts for a larger portion of national "income." I'd love it if everyone just refused to pay income taxes.
Burt...Even on the IRS site.....it says you dont have to pay taxes...people put themselves into the tax scenario the very first 1040 they fill out..and then they start taking your money....people like myself are waking up to this bullshit....this is why Ive done an "Election of Revocation"....Im out of their system...you need to fill out a W8-BEN IRS form and give it to your employer for them to fill out and send in. Taxes are voluntary...but they make people think its a requirement. You are a "voluntary slave" under the 13th and 14th Amendments....and you only get "Privileges" under the constitution of 1871 that was created by bankers and corporations in Europe to pay the "debt" owed to the banks of Europe during the Revolutionary War with the UK...the thing they dont tell you is that the "United States Corporation Company" is a corporation...its not a government...and this corporation is controlled by the United Kingdom....no...we never got our independence....This happened after Pres. Lincoln disbanded Congress during our Civil War and the Corporate Agents of the United Kingdom" started invading and started to put people that they could trust into Congress to control the people.....the United States is known as a Crown Colony of the UK....our tax money goes directly to the UK government or to King Charles....this is why they are so wealthy....they are ripping us off from our "taxes"
Partially, when you are talking about the BS degrees that set you back $300k. But when you buy an average home ($400k) and can’t pay cuz you lost your job, the asset is taken and the partial debt stands. Think about how the only reason we have to pay property tax is because we used “promissory” notes and not a really form of payment like gold.
Clif, you hit the nail on the head. The Covid-19 pandemic, followed by the more damaging vaccines, was intended to cull the baby-boomers who are too expensive to maintain. Our numbers are too large. Population studies call this the inverted pyramid. This plandemic failed to acheive this goal and apparently more working-age people died in excess numbers than did baby-boomers. (But maybe it's just harder to document excess deaths in our group.) In either case, we need a solution that works.
Health care costs for the elderly can be greatly reduced by eliminating bad medical practices.
(1) Oncology drugs do not work very well in many-to-most cases, and they are expensive and cause horrible side effects. We need to shift towards more holistic treatment of cancer while investing in cancer drugs that might actually work. Mass screening and early detection is also bullshit. Why detect a presumptive disease when no cure exists? All it does is enable Big Pharma to lie with statistics. No more bullshit. Our government must make this shift. We must resist if they don't.
(2) High-blood pressure, osteoporosis, bladder control, arthritis, diabetes and other conditions similarly are not helped, but rather hindered, by many prescribed medications. This nonsense must stop. Free market sales of such drugs will eliminate purchases of drugs that don't work. Pharmacists are well trained doctors and we don't need physician prescriptions at all. It's another scheme--medical tyranny.
(3) People have a right to live as long as they choose, and a high quality life need not cost that much. Our government and Big Pharma are simultaneously trying to save us and kill us. This funding of both sides of an issue (like war) is very costly and spirals out of control very rapidly. Profit-motivated policy--not longevity--is the root problem of the high cost of health care.
(4) A handful of people (the Mother-WEFers, Wall Street execs, the Media, Politicians, and Religious and Academic elite) try to control everything and they're not qualified to do that. Let the people solve our own problems. If our numbers need culling, it will happen naturally. And by natural selection (a) the best qualified people, (b) the most effective drugs and treatments, (c) the most fair and honest governments, and (d) the best ideas and spiritual awakenings will win.
Every illness that you mentioned I've seen countless testimonials of "cured" on the Telegram channel called Universal Antidote Video Chat group. There's a video on Rumble with the same title, a website with a free book and course studies on how to use. They are using Andreas Kalcker and Jim Humbles protocols using MMS/CDS and it's only $39.00 online. It would last for quite a while and that Telegram group has admin to assist with question and so many testimonials.
I have two videos of two different men curing stage 4 cancer with Ivermectin which when you see a cancer cell and a parasite side by side in a petri dish the look identical; wish I could post the screenshot here! The one guy even cured small cell lung cancer.
I've been using MMS/CDS since the early 2000's for myself and my pets.
Just a few months ago my cats were exposed to a ferrel cats hiss; they were deathly I'll, thought I was going to lose my eldest cat; however, through kinesiology for measures and duration and the product it was all reversed. 🤍
Medical Field/Doctors are no more than magicians; just like the lawyers who are Shaytans...all are part of the Babylonian Magik DEAD SOCIETY PlaneET System...ones medicine are plants...plant medicine...food and healing;
spirit cooking anyone...what do you think high priest, warlocks, magicians ask for inorder to work the magik CONTRACT...mothers maiden name, your BIRTH date, hair sample, blood, this is what all doctors ask for is it not...all the while they have one participating in NECROMANCY through the use and CLAIM of Jesus Christ..thus one has the blood sacrifice required..oh and do the communion because ya need to eat the body and drink the blood;
Lord Jesus was sacked by the Jews using their Roman tools, NOT for our so-called goy "sins", but as with all Jewish sacrifices (animal or otherwise) for THEIR SINS.
how thoughtful of THEM and ROME to include the goy and create a way to come before the FATHER and take COMMUNION by way of a created religion that includes all and they have them trained so well as to go and spread the GoSpel [E [L]] and make di ci pal [ELs (es)]... of all nat IONS... THEY do care...THEY do love ... to EAT us...nice and plump juicy CITIZENS...do they use sauce on the GOY;
Can't disagree. Think of Christianity as a death cult. However, I am fascinated by the infrequent reference to "secret teachings" that Jesus was supposed to have imparted to particular people.
Mark wrote a letter to the then-head of whatever religious enclave existed for the newly-minted philosophy (you can find that on the internet; I forget his name) in which he said he had written two manuscripts. One for the masses (Gospel of Mark) and another for the "spiritually elite" which disappeared/was destroyed because some cult arose that interpreted it to condone prurient practices. I suspect the secret teachings are merely reincarnation. (Although "merely" is a misnomer.) There are hints of it through the writings, although God alone knows if a single word is accurate or true, what with the gospels having been written by people who never even met Jesus, who were not his disciples, but Paul's. (The whole Christianity logos as promulgated by the Roman church was Paul's idea.) (And then there is the1500 yrs of exclusive possession of all of it by the Roman church, as you point out). Mark was Jesus' brother, and it's believed half of John was written by the same writer as Revelations, but nobody knows who wrote the other half. (60+ years of study are behind these remarks, so I'm not just BSing.)
Hair samples? RN for 35 years and never asked for hair sample from any one of any age group. I never saw any blood products saved for a spirit cooking. Always disposed of after lab tested. Perhaps I am misunderstanding your post
could you reread what is written with critical thinking and the use of informal logical reasoning? could you then reread your questions and your statements /claims? would you then after that ask again? then could you address your question appropriately? thank you;
I don't believe in ANY pharmaceuticals. They were originally derived from plants but altered so they could be patented. None of them cure anything. And they really aren't designed to save anyone. Only to lessen the appearance of symptoms. IT's all been about making money while gradually killing the population. And we can't trust most doctors because they were trained in schools funded by the Rockefellers, who are deep state, and have always been. We must be willing to do what it takes to prevent ill health and heal ourselves when necessary. that whole system MUST crumble and be replaced by natural ways of healing; including powerful frequency healing.
I found an MD trained in India, and he has a nurse practitioner going for her naturopathic certification. 1st MD I've ever met who understands I am in charge of my health care. Not abdicating it to anyone else.
We know. And many of our children know too. It hurts the most that many of us have no grandchildren as a result. We all know, even those who don't admit to knowing.
fund it with a note that says ' a promise to pay/ a promissory note / a federal reserve note from a private for profit corporation that is neither Federal nor a BANK? should it be another's responsibility to hold another's money for when they may need it in their later years? where it the self-responsibility and self-governance;
Social security is based on income that you pay into it as a worker. It is NOT optional; you can't say "I want to deal with this money myself, and save it." It is something that you are forced to give to the government, with the idea that you'll get it back later. Self-governance and self-responsibility is NOT an option.
may i suggest you start with defining the terms with compound meanings such as INCOME versus wage; forced/extortion versus right; money/federal reserve note/promissory note; government versus UN A LIEN ABLE rights versus freedoms/benefits/liberties/duties/responsibilities of a CITIZEN of said CORPORATION versus homo sapien/human;
Do you understand me when i say; for your claim; what facts and evidence have you based on due diligence and research to back this assumption; if you have these and this assumption is not based on hearsay; then you will also be capable to provide those facts along with the facts that show and provide the available OPTION to OPT out of these so called 'governmental services' which are provided by a CORPORATION providing governmental services ; if you are capable of this research you will also be able to provide the facts for the OPT out OPTION as well; i suggest a few dictionaries; case text law; and to go to www.dnb.com where you will find UNITED STATES and its many agencies listed with their CORPORATION number along with WALMART; TARGET; and many other corporations offering goods and services;
Last year my husband was hit head-on by a drunk driver. He has a TBI and other issues as a result of the crash. We were able to buy him a at-home hyperbaric oxygen chamber to attempt to help repair the tears in his brain by getting more oxygen into his body. I think this is the next best thing to a med bed. Hopefully it will be the miracle he needs.
Make sure he's eating strictly a carnivore. Diet no carbohydrates, grains or sugars and no seat oils. If he's eating a carnivore diet, he will heal quickly and quite well.
Just a suggestion,a little know ,but very important sulphur your body needs is msm,I've used it for 20 +years,buy it organic,u can get it with vit c added,also very important
Drones shot down in Kentucky. One alleged to be property of the FBI. This started a few years ago with a perv going after a neighbor’s daughter. Judge said he had the right to shoot it down.
In Germany, before the jabs were put into the elderly people, the so-called 'Retnenkasse', the Office for Pensions had a minus of 4 billion.s Now after the deaths of so many, they have a plus of 4 billlions. How many people had to die for 8 billion Euros?
Interesting. Do you have references? This is very important because it was their obvious and sometimes admitted intention but the cover-up in the U.S. is seamlessly flawless. Only working-age excess deaths could be documented. And that's only because term insurance claims by working-age people were up and the term insurance business profits by slim margins on precise actuarial data.
One thing that will happen through all the issues on the table is PERSONAL HEALTH and RESPONSIBILITY.
Not holding breath for some savior. That's just the third role in the drama triangle. Lots of old or fucked up from their lifestyles people are though!
The edifice is crumbling at an unprecedented rate.
Day 3, south central Oregon - No chemtrails, horizon to horizon. This is monumental. Usually by day 3 they are spraying in the east to weaken the high pressure and suck in a low off the Pacific. Also Mother's Day has historically been one of their most fucked up spray days with solar "pus rings" finally resulting in a solid aluminum cookie sheet sky and a dead-to-nose terrestrial air mass. Headaches, runny noses, and squabbling soon follow. Easter Sunday is another one of their most favorite Spring days to spray Hell into our skies.
Loving the birds 🦅 in the background!
Me too. We got zero migratory bird last Winter. Used to get thousands on my little 5-acre wooded property. Not any more.
I have thousands of birds! But I feed my birds 24/7/365. I always have something out for them in 3 places all year long, because I enjoy watching them so much.
I have Hummingbird feeders too. But I'm retired, so I have lots of time to fuss over my wild birds. If you want birds,....buy Lyric Fine Tunes bird food. It's expensive, but well worth it to me. I even have Baltimore Oriels this year!
Sounds Great. I'm looking for it now. Thank you!
What has happened to the birds? Hardly any around where I live.
Yes, my uneducated opinion is that it could be a combination of 5G (they are working on 6G and 7G now) wind turbines, chemtrails, and HAARP.
Yeah, my uneducated guess is one, or a combination of 5G(they are working on 6G and even 7G now), wind turbines in the ocean and on the land, HAARP, chemtrails, chemical plant explosions, train derailments...who knows what else.
Somehow... we need to coordinate the destruction of the 5G or higher cell towers... not sure if a shotgun blast or three, 00 Buck, late at night would do it... green tip 5.56 would penetrate... but dangerous in cities...
12 ga. net-shooting drone cartridges are available. A friend has some.
They use an 11 mm bold on the cross section type towers 👍. Just remove a few bolts and let the wind do the work
I'll hire some illegals to go up there and do it... I wouldn't want my clackers to get microwaved!!
Good info though!
There seems to be less of them in population dense areas, like there is a toxicity to cities that they now just avoid, or that kills them. I'm thinking 5G, something that interferes with their navigation systems. We have situations where there will be fruit trees laden with fruit that just falls to the ground, over production of certain insects, and there are no birds around to eat any of it, so it's not a food supply issue.
Very few people seem to have noticed or cared, especially "scientists". We occasionally have articles in MSM that blames one species for driving out all the other species, but even that last survivor species is few and far between.
And the frogs,and wabbits,pee wits,greenfinches, grass snakes,even foxes,course soon as you mention these,someone(matrix) will state, "oh there's loads by me" .the UK is becoming a very barren land
Heck, even the Lovebugs are gone. Those black winged things that stick to your car and their acid eats the paint off of it.
The “CHOSEN ONES” story was only mentioned in their OWN LITERATURE (Clif High is the man to research… he is well educated in ancient texts) 😞😞😞
A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing Trump is a zionist and we're about to loose the first amendment and fall in to a fascist zionist state. AHHHHHHH!
Zionism, especially Christian Zionism, is built on a foundation of sand. Their theology that dictates the destruction of the 3rd holiest place in mohammedanism in order to build a 3rd ‘Jewish’ temple holds water like a sieve, and is so full of holes, it begs for the creation of puns around the word ‘holy.’
“ mosaic law was already fulfilled and now we live in a period of ‘natural law,’ given to us by the WORD. Our bodies are temples or ‘houses’ of God, and there is scriptural proof of that in the words of Jesus himself:
“Jesus answered and said to him, “whoever loves me will keep my word and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him.” John 14:23
As well as in the first letter of Peter:
“like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ” 1 Peter 2:5”
“ the ‘jews’ of today are of no relation to ‘jews’ of the bible. The Christians and the pharisees both likely survived the genocide of the tribes in Jerusalem. The group of Christian converts from ‘judaism’ at that time would not have gone, generations later, to Khazaria and convince the Monarch in charge to convert his entire nation to become ‘jews’ subject to the ‘oral traditions’ of the Old Testament. Only the pharisees would’ve had the gall to proceed with such a travesty.
Indeed, the pharisees were committed to following traditions that Jesus condemned, and the ‘jews’ of today are the spiritual heirs of those pharisees, but that is beside the point. I strongly believe that it was God’s will for the ‘Israel nation’ of old to be destroyed, and all the ‘jews’ that were unbelieving in Jesus to be genocided. Why? We may ask, what positive outcomes may have arisen from that? For one, I don’t believe that the True God is racist. If those Old Testament ‘jews’ were still around with their ‘temple’ they’d probably act like they’re better than everybody else and that no one but their race can get into heaven. Similar to many of the racist religious groups which exist today that consider themselves to be related to the 12 tribes of Israel. Since God destroyed all of them way back when, we don’t know if those Israelites looked ‘white,’ ‘black,’ or native American, and we don’t know what Jesus looked like either. That is a blessing from God because we can use this to have peace between the races. All men are created in the image of God, it doesn’t matter what racial feature Jesus Christ had, he is equally represented in all of us.
You may be thinking: but what about the pharisees? Surely the pharisees, even though they were enemies of Jesus, surely, they would be entitled to the land of Palestine. If the pharisees were eventually able to mind control the Khazarians into occupying Palestine in the interest of the pharisees, is that not their biblical right? Not so fast! Here is what Jesus said about the pharisees’ ‘inheritance’ of Israel:
“ Hear another parable: there was a certain man, a landowner, and he had planted a vineyard enclosed by a fence and he had dug a wine press and had built a tower in it, and had given its care to laborers, and he went abroad. But when the fruit season had arrived, he sent his servants to the laborers so that they would send some of the fruit of the vineyard to him. And the laborers seized his servants; they beat one and another they stoned and another they killed. And he sent again more servants than the first time, and they did the same to them.
Last of all he sent his son to them. 'Surely they will respect my son,' he said.
But when the laborers saw the son, they said among themselves, 'This is the heir, come, let us kill him and seize his inheritance.' And they seized and led him outside of the vineyard and killed him.
Now when the owner of the vineyard comes back, what will he do to those tenants?
They said to him, ‘He will ruthlessly destroy them and he will give the care of the vineyard to other laborers, who will give him the fruits in their season.’
Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures: The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This is what the Lord has done and it is wonderful in our eyes? Therefore, I say to you, the Kingdom of God will be taken from you and will be given to a people who will produce fruit. And whoever falls on this stone will be shattered, and it will pulverize to dust everyone upon whom it will fall.”
When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard his parables, they knew he was speaking about them.“
Matthew 21:33-45
In other words, the pharisees, since they were represented as the evil tenants in Jesus’ story, have no spiritual inheritance of Israel, nor do they have a right to inheritance of physical Israel. Thus, the modern day ‘spiritual children’ of the pharisees do not have a right to that inheritance either.
A final point I think is necessary to mention is that the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place may not have had anything to do with the temple of Jerusalem at all. It may be referencing the nanobot injections that the world was tricked into taking during the past 3 years.
Our body is a temple and the nanobot injection is an abomination of desolation. The creating of human ‘robots’ by injecting liquid computers into men and women also fulfills the ‘iron mixed with clay’ prophecy of Daniel:
(5:56-6:56, 8:42-10:15, 29:00-30:11 and 31:34-31:52)
Sorry everybody, I would’ve included all the scripture and article links, but it’s just easier for me to post up this one link with time stamps. That’s part of the reason I made the video. If God wills it, I will mention those things in detail in the future.”
How long can these ‘Judeo’ Christians keep up their charade?
Christians were fooled into thinking Jews are the chosen ones and they should praise and support Israel for their path to open.
The downfall of America began when pastors started following the false-hood “Jews are the chosen ones” by praising Israel, bringing God's curse of the Jews onto America
Well thought out, interesting points, thank you.
Liked: "All men are created in the image of God, it doesn’t matter what racial feature Jesus Christ had, he is equally represented in all of us."
YESHUA (Jesus) represents a plane of consciousness to which we all have access, and to which we can all aspire. It is beyond this 3D realm .. outside the matrix.
The bible has been changed so many times. The original texts/manuscripts state that Israel IS the church, Israel refers to God's church. Wherever Israel is or travels, there goes the church. The church refers to the believers in God. It does not refer to any ethnicity, race or heritage, just the believers in God. (Per Dr. Joseph P. Farrell, Doctorate in Patristics from the University of Oxford. Dr. Farrell also pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". ) This changes everything, I believe, for Christians who can't dig deeper into the earlier texts/manuscripts because it is only reserved for those scholars who can read/interpret the ancient languages for themselves.
Clif and followers are familiar with The "Naked Bible" which refers to a literal, non-allegorical translation and interpretation of the Bible, particularly the Old Testament, that challenges traditional Christian views. In summary, the "Naked Bible" presents a radically different, materialistic understanding of the Old Testament by taking the ancient Hebrew text solely at face value, rather than through a traditional religious lens.
The Elohim space aliens version.
I was listening to Boglino not long ago, and he said he never once mentioned "space aliens" in his translations. That surprised me. So I wonder if a lot of assumptions are being made about the Elohim. Which is not to say it doesn't all make perfect sense "from a certain point of view," to quote Obi One.
I wonder if the DEMs/DS think they have control of these "revelations." I suspect they're in for a rude awakening. I can't wait for them to be faced with a "rude awakening" after all their smug confidence that destroying the world is their "destiny."
Right. And that is the reason I follow Dr. Farrell. He has said many things similar to Clif (and Biglino). Just listen to this interview done 10+ years ago). It is a wow podcast (has 10 parts, I think). He is one of the top researchers in the world. Let me know if you like it -
Yes indeed, it is so. Jews are the scourge of the earth. The most vile vermine to crawl over the corpses they alone murdered in masse.
Yes, in the scripture, this statement in Matthew 7:15-20 - "You Will Know Them by Their Fruits". These satanic criminals are out to usurp our God given rights, and steal our wealth and freedom. Keep Jesus close, and never ever comply!
Bibles been changed more then a babies diaper. And everything in it is shit.
Indeed, the current Zionist Junta are actually the 'Khazarian Mafia', an actual secret society that pulls the strings globally. We must out these international criminals, and free ourselves of their evil influence.
It's just the human condition. If not them, then those guys, if them. Perfectly normal.
There's no human condition. Each one of us is unique. Each one of us has 46 unique set of chromosomes never before existed and will never exist again. The 'enemies of life' invented the 'human condition meme The Anthropos is gullible, trusting and full hearted until we're Not. We've been falling for every scheme of government, religion, mass education. Television- tell a vision, probably the main culprit in our present day slavery.
Trump is KING OF THE JEWS...they gave the crown to him ...look up the video...watch out for those Noahide laws...just know who you are not versus who they say you are...the EL are really counting on TRUMP...the ELOHIM worship cult chose this High Priest of The Church of Satan...MAGA his TITLE and watch his Deeds;
When Trump took office & went on his world tour. He was given other titles. Look how the Saudi’s welcomed him like a King. Aren’t they against the Jews🤔 why was he given these titles? Because he has all the evidence ready to go & we will be seeing it very soon.
eg: Trump was the only President to talk about & closedown child trafficking rings. Yes let’s watch his deeds when he becomes President again, the world is going to change for the better. And hate filled numbnutts like John👇will disappear.
Saying God bless doesn’t disguise his true agenda. Trump will close down everything John is accusing him of too.
is not Trump serving a purpose; acting on the world stage for all to see; everything is rooted in commerce/contract/maritime LAW; look at Trumps CHARACTER and do you see his character or HIS CHARACTER; pay attention [ the most valuable asset you have; your attention] to the give away here;
Trump is part of that system as well.
Nice wish list. Trust the plan Cameron … Santa is coming .. and dont you do anything… no no just stay put. Go home after your MAGA rally with your Trump cap and put ALL your marbles on Trump. After all the Arabe Saudi criminals love him.
I see lefties losing it.
I see the fake news media going bankrupt with the banks.
I see subversive types doing all they can to steer people away from the answer & truth.
The wheels have fallen off their kart. But they will persist. What else can they do.
Go forth & walk-on Brother Numsey.
Time will tell.
Not putting the parts together correctly … low IQ. Low energy
Reverse psychology, trumps a zionist, and things might make more sense to you when you realise the house of Saud,is Jewish,everything is an illusion in this simulation
And God Bless YOU for telling the truth. The Trumpy bear lying bastard loves his pedo jews. And his jewy Holywood pedos like Epstein love him. Why ?? Because Trumpybear protecys them. Trump is a spineless jew rat. Trump will never betray the Jew held fortresses:
- MSM (Jew)
- Fed Reserve Bank (Jew)
- British capture of the USA (Jew)
- Swiss Bank control of the planet (Jew)
- Pedo sex trade (Jew)
- Porn industry (Jew)
- Globalists (Jew)
- Communists (Jew)
- Democrates (Jew)
- Feminists, BLM, Antifa (Jew)
- Trans mental propaganda (Jew)
- US boarder invasions (Jew)
Jew here Jew there Jew everywhere.
2 % of US Population in NY & CA
0.2 % of world Population
This is the enemy. Look no where else !
Trump had 4 years… did nothing significant… WAKE UP PEOPLE
Did a lot for Israel though… boy Trump loves his jews $$$
Your not a person of God. Your hatred gives you away.
Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump
Trump Trump Trump Trump
Trump Trump
Get used to it hater John
Your going to love what comes next.
But then again you should be used to disappoint, you get Dear John letters all the time.
Boom boom
Thats OK my brother. There will be a special place for you in heaven between the sheep. So tell me, how has that worked out for you so far, relying on representatives ? Relying on Trump… Of course I feel hatred and extreme resentment. I am not stupid Cameron ! I reject being lied to.
Are you sure!!
Read what I said again.
I said things will change for the better soon.
I will add the sleeping masses need to experience to see the evil for themselves. When Trump returns (& he will ) all those representatives you are dispassionate about will be replaced as well. Or the swamp will be drained. Now where did I hear that before. 🤔
Im growing impatient too. But I’m not going to turn on the only f@&$er doing anything about it.
Ba ba black sheep
Well… We all have a right to our opinion. It seems to be agreed to that we are in a war. An information war where the enemy must keep his identity hidden. I think we should be doing at least three things:
1- call out the enemy, unmask them, shame them publicly, five times a day.
2- take control ourselves by joining local politics.
3- stop relying on representatives
From my point of view, believing in Trump is like waiting for santa….
Would you like to learn how Trump us a British controlled asset ?
Study these guys:
Here my brother is a convenient video to summarize Trump the criminal. It will complement your research.
Interesting that the only candidate coming down hard on the Izzie/Zios is Jill Stein, a Jewess herself.
promises, promises... next you'll be saying a race war is unavoidable.
If fiat currency is an illusions created out of nothing is not the debt created by it also an illusion?
don't forget it takes the debt instrument i.e., a promise to pay ... to pay this imaginary debt...it's the KM Talmudic Babylonian Zionist Magik/Magic;
Claude, you are absolutely right. Nobody owes a penny of any of those illusory debt. It is all wiped out, gone.
Unfortunately (or not, depending on the viewpoint) income taxes are a drop in the bucket of what the "corporation" takes in. Tariffs, taxes (gas, sales, contracts, etc.) and stuff I don't even understand accounts for a larger portion of national "income." I'd love it if everyone just refused to pay income taxes.
Burt...Even on the IRS site.....it says you dont have to pay taxes...people put themselves into the tax scenario the very first 1040 they fill out..and then they start taking your money....people like myself are waking up to this bullshit....this is why Ive done an "Election of Revocation"....Im out of their system...you need to fill out a W8-BEN IRS form and give it to your employer for them to fill out and send in. Taxes are voluntary...but they make people think its a requirement. You are a "voluntary slave" under the 13th and 14th Amendments....and you only get "Privileges" under the constitution of 1871 that was created by bankers and corporations in Europe to pay the "debt" owed to the banks of Europe during the Revolutionary War with the UK...the thing they dont tell you is that the "United States Corporation Company" is a corporation...its not a government...and this corporation is controlled by the United Kingdom....no...we never got our independence....This happened after Pres. Lincoln disbanded Congress during our Civil War and the Corporate Agents of the United Kingdom" started invading and started to put people that they could trust into Congress to control the people.....the United States is known as a Crown Colony of the UK....our tax money goes directly to the UK government or to King Charles....this is why they are so wealthy....they are ripping us off from our "taxes"
Money is an illusion, value is not.
That’s why when people say they are ready for fiat to go away they need to understand so will their fake reality full of materials.
Partially, when you are talking about the BS degrees that set you back $300k. But when you buy an average home ($400k) and can’t pay cuz you lost your job, the asset is taken and the partial debt stands. Think about how the only reason we have to pay property tax is because we used “promissory” notes and not a really form of payment like gold.
Clif, you hit the nail on the head. The Covid-19 pandemic, followed by the more damaging vaccines, was intended to cull the baby-boomers who are too expensive to maintain. Our numbers are too large. Population studies call this the inverted pyramid. This plandemic failed to acheive this goal and apparently more working-age people died in excess numbers than did baby-boomers. (But maybe it's just harder to document excess deaths in our group.) In either case, we need a solution that works.
Health care costs for the elderly can be greatly reduced by eliminating bad medical practices.
(1) Oncology drugs do not work very well in many-to-most cases, and they are expensive and cause horrible side effects. We need to shift towards more holistic treatment of cancer while investing in cancer drugs that might actually work. Mass screening and early detection is also bullshit. Why detect a presumptive disease when no cure exists? All it does is enable Big Pharma to lie with statistics. No more bullshit. Our government must make this shift. We must resist if they don't.
(2) High-blood pressure, osteoporosis, bladder control, arthritis, diabetes and other conditions similarly are not helped, but rather hindered, by many prescribed medications. This nonsense must stop. Free market sales of such drugs will eliminate purchases of drugs that don't work. Pharmacists are well trained doctors and we don't need physician prescriptions at all. It's another scheme--medical tyranny.
(3) People have a right to live as long as they choose, and a high quality life need not cost that much. Our government and Big Pharma are simultaneously trying to save us and kill us. This funding of both sides of an issue (like war) is very costly and spirals out of control very rapidly. Profit-motivated policy--not longevity--is the root problem of the high cost of health care.
(4) A handful of people (the Mother-WEFers, Wall Street execs, the Media, Politicians, and Religious and Academic elite) try to control everything and they're not qualified to do that. Let the people solve our own problems. If our numbers need culling, it will happen naturally. And by natural selection (a) the best qualified people, (b) the most effective drugs and treatments, (c) the most fair and honest governments, and (d) the best ideas and spiritual awakenings will win.
Every illness that you mentioned I've seen countless testimonials of "cured" on the Telegram channel called Universal Antidote Video Chat group. There's a video on Rumble with the same title, a website with a free book and course studies on how to use. They are using Andreas Kalcker and Jim Humbles protocols using MMS/CDS and it's only $39.00 online. It would last for quite a while and that Telegram group has admin to assist with question and so many testimonials.
I have two videos of two different men curing stage 4 cancer with Ivermectin which when you see a cancer cell and a parasite side by side in a petri dish the look identical; wish I could post the screenshot here! The one guy even cured small cell lung cancer.
I've been using MMS/CDS since the early 2000's for myself and my pets.
Just a few months ago my cats were exposed to a ferrel cats hiss; they were deathly I'll, thought I was going to lose my eldest cat; however, through kinesiology for measures and duration and the product it was all reversed. 🤍
I'm aware of this material, for those curious here is a link to the video BlazeBey made mention of.
Thanks. Saved the link to FAVs for later listen.
My pleasure! 🤍😊🤍
Medical Field/Doctors are no more than magicians; just like the lawyers who are Shaytans...all are part of the Babylonian Magik DEAD SOCIETY PlaneET System...ones medicine are plants...plant medicine...food and healing;
spirit cooking anyone...what do you think high priest, warlocks, magicians ask for inorder to work the magik CONTRACT...mothers maiden name, your BIRTH date, hair sample, blood, this is what all doctors ask for is it not...all the while they have one participating in NECROMANCY through the use and CLAIM of Jesus Christ..thus one has the blood sacrifice required..oh and do the communion because ya need to eat the body and drink the blood;
Lord Jesus was sacked by the Jews using their Roman tools, NOT for our so-called goy "sins", but as with all Jewish sacrifices (animal or otherwise) for THEIR SINS.
how thoughtful of THEM and ROME to include the goy and create a way to come before the FATHER and take COMMUNION by way of a created religion that includes all and they have them trained so well as to go and spread the GoSpel [E [L]] and make di ci pal [ELs (es)]... of all nat IONS... THEY do care...THEY do love ... to EAT us...nice and plump juicy CITIZENS...do they use sauce on the GOY;
@Pen Proper, you got it. Their god loves us like a steak. A dark comedy, and any Latin speaker knows that comer is the verb meaning to eat.
Be prepared for some serious backlash! It should be a gas!
Can't disagree. Think of Christianity as a death cult. However, I am fascinated by the infrequent reference to "secret teachings" that Jesus was supposed to have imparted to particular people.
Mark wrote a letter to the then-head of whatever religious enclave existed for the newly-minted philosophy (you can find that on the internet; I forget his name) in which he said he had written two manuscripts. One for the masses (Gospel of Mark) and another for the "spiritually elite" which disappeared/was destroyed because some cult arose that interpreted it to condone prurient practices. I suspect the secret teachings are merely reincarnation. (Although "merely" is a misnomer.) There are hints of it through the writings, although God alone knows if a single word is accurate or true, what with the gospels having been written by people who never even met Jesus, who were not his disciples, but Paul's. (The whole Christianity logos as promulgated by the Roman church was Paul's idea.) (And then there is the1500 yrs of exclusive possession of all of it by the Roman church, as you point out). Mark was Jesus' brother, and it's believed half of John was written by the same writer as Revelations, but nobody knows who wrote the other half. (60+ years of study are behind these remarks, so I'm not just BSing.)
Hair samples? RN for 35 years and never asked for hair sample from any one of any age group. I never saw any blood products saved for a spirit cooking. Always disposed of after lab tested. Perhaps I am misunderstanding your post
could you reread what is written with critical thinking and the use of informal logical reasoning? could you then reread your questions and your statements /claims? would you then after that ask again? then could you address your question appropriately? thank you;
I don't believe in ANY pharmaceuticals. They were originally derived from plants but altered so they could be patented. None of them cure anything. And they really aren't designed to save anyone. Only to lessen the appearance of symptoms. IT's all been about making money while gradually killing the population. And we can't trust most doctors because they were trained in schools funded by the Rockefellers, who are deep state, and have always been. We must be willing to do what it takes to prevent ill health and heal ourselves when necessary. that whole system MUST crumble and be replaced by natural ways of healing; including powerful frequency healing.
I found an MD trained in India, and he has a nurse practitioner going for her naturopathic certification. 1st MD I've ever met who understands I am in charge of my health care. Not abdicating it to anyone else.
good for you. We all need those types of practitioners.
We know. And many of our children know too. It hurts the most that many of us have no grandchildren as a result. We all know, even those who don't admit to knowing.
maybe they will bring out their paintball guns;
Maybe if they stopped sending billions and billions to Ukraine and, of course, the tiny hat people, we'd have the money to fund social security.
fund it with a note that says ' a promise to pay/ a promissory note / a federal reserve note from a private for profit corporation that is neither Federal nor a BANK? should it be another's responsibility to hold another's money for when they may need it in their later years? where it the self-responsibility and self-governance;
Social security is based on income that you pay into it as a worker. It is NOT optional; you can't say "I want to deal with this money myself, and save it." It is something that you are forced to give to the government, with the idea that you'll get it back later. Self-governance and self-responsibility is NOT an option.
may i suggest you start with defining the terms with compound meanings such as INCOME versus wage; forced/extortion versus right; money/federal reserve note/promissory note; government versus UN A LIEN ABLE rights versus freedoms/benefits/liberties/duties/responsibilities of a CITIZEN of said CORPORATION versus homo sapien/human;
Do you understand me when i say; for your claim; what facts and evidence have you based on due diligence and research to back this assumption; if you have these and this assumption is not based on hearsay; then you will also be capable to provide those facts along with the facts that show and provide the available OPTION to OPT out of these so called 'governmental services' which are provided by a CORPORATION providing governmental services ; if you are capable of this research you will also be able to provide the facts for the OPT out OPTION as well; i suggest a few dictionaries; case text law; and to go to www.dnb.com where you will find UNITED STATES and its many agencies listed with their CORPORATION number along with WALMART; TARGET; and many other corporations offering goods and services;
Last year my husband was hit head-on by a drunk driver. He has a TBI and other issues as a result of the crash. We were able to buy him a at-home hyperbaric oxygen chamber to attempt to help repair the tears in his brain by getting more oxygen into his body. I think this is the next best thing to a med bed. Hopefully it will be the miracle he needs.
Make sure he's eating strictly a carnivore. Diet no carbohydrates, grains or sugars and no seat oils. If he's eating a carnivore diet, he will heal quickly and quite well.
No high fructose corn syrup either.
Just a suggestion,a little know ,but very important sulphur your body needs is msm,I've used it for 20 +years,buy it organic,u can get it with vit c added,also very important
Consistent for a few days in a row now and with all interesting subjects. Med Bed fraud, love it 🤣
Hello Human
Drones shot down in Kentucky. One alleged to be property of the FBI. This started a few years ago with a perv going after a neighbor’s daughter. Judge said he had the right to shoot it down.
In Germany, before the jabs were put into the elderly people, the so-called 'Retnenkasse', the Office for Pensions had a minus of 4 billion.s Now after the deaths of so many, they have a plus of 4 billlions. How many people had to die for 8 billion Euros?
Interesting. Do you have references? This is very important because it was their obvious and sometimes admitted intention but the cover-up in the U.S. is seamlessly flawless. Only working-age excess deaths could be documented. And that's only because term insurance claims by working-age people were up and the term insurance business profits by slim margins on precise actuarial data.
One thing that will happen through all the issues on the table is PERSONAL HEALTH and RESPONSIBILITY.
Not holding breath for some savior. That's just the third role in the drama triangle. Lots of old or fucked up from their lifestyles people are though!
The edifice is crumbling at an unprecedented rate.
Day 3, south central Oregon - No chemtrails, horizon to horizon. This is monumental. Usually by day 3 they are spraying in the east to weaken the high pressure and suck in a low off the Pacific. Also Mother's Day has historically been one of their most fucked up spray days with solar "pus rings" finally resulting in a solid aluminum cookie sheet sky and a dead-to-nose terrestrial air mass. Headaches, runny noses, and squabbling soon follow. Easter Sunday is another one of their most favorite Spring days to spray Hell into our skies.
Yippee! Thank you to you and the Swede ( S4S) for keeping us sane!
“Collective madness is called sanity.” Paulo Coelho
Thank you Cliff!
I love Clif's chats.
Thanks, Clif. I appreciate your updates.