I missed these chats !!!

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Me TOO :-)

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Me Threee :-)

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Me four🤗

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mr five

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''Humanity is about to be tested....... mayankjeptha.substack.com/p/qbpe

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I'm lucky seven!

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Me six 🤗

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eight oh seven too!

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They came, they saw and the conquered. They messed with our DNA and tried to kill off as many of us as they could. They irradiated many areas with their weapons and turned them to greenish glass. They did a lot of damage and left a lot of evidence they were here. Call them whatever you want but they sought to keep us as a good food source. I believe they left a few here.

They were compelled to leave. Our earth changed and it was not friendly to their bodies. Were those who stayed hardier that the ones that left? No way to tell. Every species evolves in a process that has been called natural selection. Are there present day inhabitants hiding in plain sight? Did they survive because they were feeding off of our people?

No way to answer these questions now. Nevertheless, we want to know how we can exterminate them because this species is an existential threat to our people. Good luck in figuring out how we can do that.

Human trafficking, adrenachrome manufacturing and cannibalism must be stopped. My belief is that these are remnant customs practiced by those left behind. Apparently this has been going on for a very long time. I think the Kazarian mafia hides them, nurtures them and continues their practices. Get rid of all of them because they want our children.

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This is how I see it too and know. I’m thinking they’re in the pyramid down there under the ice in Antarctica. Only the most evil so-called world leaders visit on demand there.

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My idea is that some among us (~4%) are descendants, they DO have evidence, but not as easily detected. Read Martha Stout's "The Sociopath Next Door", she explains early in the book that there is an objective way to detect psychopaths, but it involves measuring brain electrical responses to emotional imagery, psychopaths literally process emotional content in a different way that sensitive EEG can detect. What this says it that some of us have no conscience, the quintessential ingredient to being human. A conscience is part of our soul-creator connection. They are soul-less beings that have bred with us somehow. And nothing has been more destructive to mankind as well as all life on Earth than the devestation wrought by the psychopathic.

We have a list of traits they exhibit to help us detect them, but we must have a solution to this infestation of evil. It is not a mental illness, nor a disease. It is an alternate biologic strategy, beings without a conscience have quickly selected for their own kind, giving them a huge advantage in modern civilization whereas in earlier times their numbers were kept in check. I believe "law and order" was imposed on us by those who planned to use it as a weapon against the rest which is why it was drilled into our heads to be respectful of it and obedient to it, effectively removing street justice from the toolbox after the judicial system was sufficiently infiltrated.

We are at a crossroads, we will either find a solution to the psychopath takeover, or be enslaved by it (once again).

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I agree. I love it that you make reference to an actual book about it which is evidence people are now actually noticing and studying this phenomenon.

Maybe the NPC (non player character) is a nod to that.

I do not believe the NPC is a benign and passive person as most people believe. I think they are in stasis waiting for a signal to be activated whereupon they can then become an evil actor who can do damage to the rest of us. Why are they NPCs at all? How many of them are there?

My daughter and I had a conversation about this recently. In a different context, the dating scene.

She is single now and had to stop using dating sites because 95% of the men she met for dates were absolute and scandalous liars. It’s one thing to construct a great facade to others from a distance, but when she would show up and talk face to face with them she detected the lies. She’s been doing research for about ten years and has radar second to none.

Liar, liar pants on fire? No, there is more to it than that. Much more. She called the dating scene “a dumpster fire.” She had to stop using dating sites and dating. Her conclusion is that she will let the universe lead her to a suitable person to date.

She always met these men in public places but carried a hunting knife and gun in her car.

These people were almost always “broken” and a look up close, lots of conversation at the dating venue revealed to her how bad our society has become. Hardly any of them were worthy of second dates she felt so she did not see them a second time.

My other thought is that we may be now recognizing a clone explosion. This may be too woo for most people.

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Great point about the ethic of law and order. Uncle Sam invented the Western genre. Why? Because he needed to present the police and government in general as white hats. Where did we get that term, white hats? The overwhelming ethic of the Western genre is that law and order is necessary and good. It's a lie. Uncle Sam also gave us the spy genre for an analogous reason. They want us to think that the intel agencies are necessary and good but the reality is that they are a gang of criminals, ritually initiated and sworn to secrecy.

A deeper explanation of why psychopathy develops in a society in necessary. It could be a natural function. There is an argument that without the 4% of psychopaths, we would lose wars. It's the Morlocks/Eloi duality. Perhaps society produces psychopaths to protect itself from exterior threats. It's a strange idea until you discover pederastic martial tradition, and homosexual supremacy in Greek martial traditions. I think that psychopathy develops in an individual because there is no healthy outlet for that individual's energy as a child. Eventually that child will embrace any outlet for his energies and aptitudes. If those aptitudes are for cruelty and malice, you've got yourself a psychopath. So, society won't develop psychopaths until it becomes too crowded for everyone to have healthy energetic outlets. This crowding factor causes society to begin to develop psychopaths, and then they quickly take over, consolidate power, and begin to rule.

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And then after society develops into sheep and wolves, it further develops sheepdogs, who are superior people who've developed a real antipathy for psychopaths, and who have many intellectual gifts that psychopaths do not have, and who also have the capacity for empathy and love, and who are fully developed emotionally. We are here to make the psychopaths understand what real human beings look like. To make them see their inadequacy and feel their inferiority. And then society develops cartoons to make sure everyone understands the tertiary social structure, of sheep, wolves, and sheepdogs. William Blake called these three categories the redeemed, the elect, and the reprobate. The reprobate (sheepdogs) antagonize the elect (wolves), who prey on and rule over the redeemed (sheep).

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Ask why they are messing with outr DNA? I would like to posit humans are an experiment. Every several thousand years it is reduced to ashes and the DNA upgraded. For a long time, it has been so. During each cycle of evolution some humans evolve naturally. Those are the ones harvested for further DNA upgrading into a new civilization. Some are allowed to incarnate on a different planet. From what I gather, the level of intervintion before destruction corresponds to the amount of growth. We all feel something big is coming. Many came here to help raise levels of awareness for the harvest. It is neither evil or good. It depands how you look at it.

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Here is something to think about: the orphan trains as a contributor to the phenomenon we call the NPC.

“The Orphan Train Movement was a supervised welfare program that transported children from crowded Eastern cities of the United States to foster homes located largely in rural areas of the Midwest. The orphan trains operated between 1854 and 1929, relocating from about 200,000 children. The co-founders of the Orphan Train movement claimed that these children were orphaned, abandoned, abused, or homeless, but this was not always true. They were mostly the children of new immigrants and the children of the poor and destitute families living in these cities.[citation needed] Criticisms of the program include ineffective screening of caretakers, insufficient follow-ups on placements, and that many children were used as strictly slave farm labor

This article is about the Orphan Train Movement. For the TV movie, see Orphan Train (film).

Three charitable institutions, Children's Village (founded 1851 by 24 philanthropists ), the Children's Aid Society (established 1853 by Charles Loring Brace) and later, New York Foundling Hospital, endeavored to help these children. The institutions were supported by wealthy donors and operated by professional staff. The three institutions developed a program that placed homeless, orphaned, and abandoned city children, who numbered an estimated 30,000 in New York City alone in the 1850s, in foster homes throughout the country. The children were transported to their new homes on trains that were labeled "orphan trains" or "baby trains". This relocation of children ended in 1930 due to decreased need for farm labor in the Midwest.” (Credit to Wikipedia here.)


If you know anything about genealogy, then you understand that even one individual can spawn hundreds of descendants. Think about the long range effect this migration had on our population. NPC in staggering numbers if you realize this might have been an infiltration of our population base by alien babies and children. I’m not saying they were all of alien origin, but given the numbers of them I can’t discount that.

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Clif's is the weakest "Deluge" rationalization I have ever heard. Weaker still than Hancock's Dryas explanation. Far more likely, and this matches the Sumerian Flood narrative, which is a vastly more accurate and rational explanation that the Torah narrative, the Deluge, in order to be Worldwide, which many cultures validate, probably happened when the rotation of the Earth magnetically reversed. That WOULD cause Worldwide massive tsunami-like flooding and would fit the Sumerian (and the altered Torah/Bible) narratives as well as the Deluge stories all over the Globe.

I would also suggest that the Elohim have been here several cycles, being perhaps 12,500 years per cycle, and they may have been here for many of them.. Their guidance of science, technology, and historic management suggest that they have either done this process here or on other planet(s). If the Sumerian story is to be believed, ones like Enlil have wanted humanity wiped off the planet for Millennia. This appears to me to be just another round of "extermination."

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I like your explanation. Recently I viewed a Phil Godlewski video about earth’s rotational cycles. I’m far from a fan of his but this video seemed to be the best visual I have seen and fit with the concept of flat earth rather well. I’ve watched more than a few flat earth videos and am now converted to a flat earth model. Our earth does not spin.

While I believe there is an abundance of fear porn out there, we must gather evidence as best we can as to a rotational shift.

We can look at ancient texts about a flood, but we don’t have to document how far back it goes. Those bastards on the invading alien forces, or forces, understood this cycle. There is ample evidence in the sediment all over our materium.

Who put the rotating sun in place and why? Nobody wants to stick their neck out on that one. Maybe we don’t need to answer those questions.

The moon is not the sky for the reasons the cabal stated. It serves a sinister purpose because we never see the dark side. It’s not spinning either.

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The heliocentric model is not proven. My personal observations suggest we live on a nonrotating plane that does not move. Specular reflections on mountain lakes are not distorted as they must be if the lake has any curvature whatsoever. Check your reflection in a curved mirror.

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Well, Copernicus "proved it" in 1542. His model both functionally explains stellar phenomena and serves to predict all manner of eclipses, rotations, positions of planets, retrograde motion and seasons. I have looked at the "flat-Earth ideas, but there is no model of it, no computer simulation, no predictability of it, and what it means, you must know, if the Earth does not spin, then EVERYTHING ELSE must spin around the Earth. The stars every day 360 Deg, the Sun every day 360 deg, the Moon as well. And all of them differently, since the Sun has a different backdrop of stars with each season. The moon moves through the stars every 28 or so days. And the planets seem to go backwards against the stars (retrograde) parts of most years. Flat Earth explains nothing of the sort. And sailors have guided latitude predictions with Polaris for 2,000 years, also not part of Flat Earth. And finally, if the Earth does not spin, tell me why the Northern Latitudes have stars going counterclockwise around Polaris, while in the South, the stars spin clockwise around the Southern Cross? Can't happen with a Flat Earth model. The Earth is too large for convexity to be visually apparent with the naked eye.

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The Antikythera Mechanism In 1900, a shipwreck was discovered off the Greek island of Antikythera, containing an ancient astronomical gearbox. This device, known as the Antikythera Mechanism, was used to predict eclipses, among other celestial events. It is believed to have been built around 100 BCE and is considered one of the most sophisticated scientific instruments of the ancient world. This was long before Copernicus.

I have flown over 2 million miles, mostly for business. Curvature is not detectable at any altitude, and the horizon always rises while ascending to meet eye level. I make personal observations and they refute scientific mumbo jumbo. I escaped the prison of my formerly indoctrinated mind, and now I question everything.


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"I can construct for you a spherically symmetrical universe with Earth at its center, and you can cannot disprove it based on observations. You can only exclude it based on philosophical grounds." - Physicist George F.R. Ellis


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I am familiar with the heliocentric model. I took astronomy in college. I never believed in the Big Bang theory as it makes no sense to me. Us Flat Earthers were all originally globers, as that was our indoctrination from elementary school. But personal observations do not support the heliocentric model. Overnight time exposures depict the stars rotating around Polaris. These photos are consistent, night after night when taken through the hole in the GA Guidestones. They always pointed at Polaris with the stars always rotating the same way around Polaris when photographed with time exposures. Polaris never moves. This can't happen with a globe spinning, orbiting the Sun, and chasing the sun around the Milky Way.

I have personally taken the temperature of moonlight and moon shade on the same surface. Moonlight is colder than moon shade. Therefore the moon can't be reflecting sunlight. Try it yourself some moonlit night.

I live near the coast in Florida and have watched ships disappear over the horizon, then I can zoom them back into view with a long camera lens. They disappear because of perspective and I can bring them back into view by simply changing perspective with a zoom lens.

If lake surfaces curved, mountain lake specular reflections would be distorted, yet landscape photographers love catching reflections in the early morning light. I am a photographer myself and love these photos. They would not be a favorite of photographers if curved lakes distorted the reflections.


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Like all scientific theorem, one makes sense only if it holds up under scrutiny. You appear to have some points, but you ignored 90% of what I shared, as all Flat-Earthers do. Show me: A working Flat model; Show me a program based upon Flat principals which will: A) predict the time, date and trajectories of eclipses; B) diagram the phenomena of clockwise star movement in the Southern hemisphere; C) which will explain why surveying in the northern AND southern hemispheres has to adjust and taper for global reduction as one moves towards the poles; D) why air travel times and distances across routes will not justify the Flat model; E) how one explains the retrograde motion of planets (you DID study that, right?); F) you ignored the Southern Cross observation, which WILL NOT pass a Flat Earth test, G) I know this is above your pay grade unless you have taken college physics, but calculate the energy from the sun necessary to heat and light Earth, and then calculate its size. And were you to take spherical geometry, you would not talk about convexity across a five-mile lake. If there are incongruities of the Globe model, except for the occasional mirage view from Michigan to Chicago and the like, I do not know of them. And saying that NASA lies, so the globe idea MUST be false, or that water doesn't cling to a basketball, or that the Bible somehow describes the flat Earth and the rest, sorry, those don't hold water. I agree with you that there are incongruities with the moon, and have studied them.

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I don't use Bible references in my FE arguments as I make personal observations using my senses. The heliocentric belief system is akin to religion and has no observable proof whatsoever. It's philosophy.

The higher the education level, the firmer the indoctrination.

I don't need a PHD in physics to interpret what my senses tell me.

The UN and other agencies use the Gleason FE map for their logo. This doesn't prove anything but it is curious don't you think??

The best model we have so far is represented by the FE Clock app that you can download to your Apple or Android device.


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The Antikythera Mechanism demonstrates that the Greeks had a working model of the Flat Earth ~2 millennia ago. Of course academia rejects any evidence out of hand that contradicts their established orthodoxy.


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And here is a video from a PHD geophysicist who has begun to break free from his indoctrination. https://youtu.be/G4Ft6ls9INA?si=lczaLcfSKLTgoYdp

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Whoo! I've been jonesin' for an Uncle Clif fix!

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Fantastic analysis per usual Uncle Cliff 💛⚡️

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Influence and celebrity are FALLING OFF as well. Relevance is fleeting, given the speed and intensity of celestial mechanics.

It's fun looking at all of the effects of such over time, how many are lookimg at the real causes to help them make sense of the increasing chaos (pushing for CHANGE)?...

Not very many.

Just puttin out fires (or starting them), slapping on bandages, and persisting in the same broken doesn't work anymore stuck in the box BULLSHIT.

Dogs returning to lick at their own vomit. My favorite Proverb.

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When people are struggling in the real world, the trivial falls away rather quickly.

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It is our Goal: To return to a Constitutional republican form of government this year. 2024 !! It must be done in steps. A next step: can be for a Civilian common law Court of record to require their Sheriff and / or the occupant of the Office of Sheriff to acquire for our perusal; their proper oath to the proper Constitutions with the Laws of nature and of Nature's God included. This has a protocol involved; in matters of over $20.00 in value a verdict from a jury is required; in common law of Article III and Amendment VII. What you testify must be spoken in open court. With witnesses that do not rebut you and form a Jurat signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed with proof of service published. We use www.orsja.org. On Oregon Sheriffs have 61 days to get all of their bona fides in order. With one exception. That clock is ticking.

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Dammit, I’m 66 I was hoping to see the final days of this. I thought we were here to witness and experience all that. Well, I guess I should be thankful but I’m seeing so many deaths etc that it would be nice to see the rewards

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I am 67. I believe we will see the amazement. Clif is good, but he isn't an authority. He is a thinker and analyzer. Don't set him up as your authority. God is your authority and you are your own authority.

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I am 70 (Hubby 79), so on this one, I hope you are right!

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Me too. Was feeling some disappointment but your comment brought me back to reality. Thankyou

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66 isn't old at all and you are definitely going to see amazing things in the next 25 years :) this talk has been so interesting

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I’m never ready for these audios to end.

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Never trust a muslim

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Awwww, no. We cannot practice the generalized rejection of people by race or religion - that is what we have railed against. Degree of adherence to any religion is varied as you well know. They do not all belong in one basket any more than Christians do. (and there are some *scary* Christians!).

Some of the nicest people I know are loving and good Muslims - their family values are what we espouse and very very trustworthy.

Please don't.

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Till Mohammed from Somalia the uber driver rapes you drunk daughter on father's day instead of giving her a ride home and doing his uber job and not being a islamic predator....

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or a woman

or a mud

or a non-english speaker

or jews

or anyone who blinks too much

steel you can trust...

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Or someone that doesnt blink at all...Joe biden ?

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Lead is also very trustworthy.

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By Hammer and Hand, all Arts do stand. 2024 the year we tilted up the Republic!

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Agree….they live by an ideology that can be very evil

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Thanks Clif.

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So given what Clif says about the Elohim, it makes me think that Yahweh perhaps chose the Hebrews (from the Sumerian habiru), because they were "land pirates." "Habiru" has been translated as pirate or raider. They went from place to place and stole what they found. Maybe Yahweh could relate best to them so he chose them to be his slaves and worshippers. Possibly.

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'Habiru', 'Nabiru'....Hmm!

"Habiru" = Land Pirate (thief) is interesting contextually.

Maybe 'land' in the context at that time was Earth relative to non-earth beings invading and stealing control of Earth vis á vis, 'Pirates'.

Our languages have been so, so messed with and meanings twisted. Just think of how, 'Gay' has been changed, or 'Square'. Back in the day you were 'Square' if you were solid, reliable, honest. Now it implies you are un-cool, boring, old fashioned.

I've always been fascinated to know what Tolkein 'really' knew about 'Middle Earth' and it's broader context/reality that he derived from a career studying the old folklore of the northern Europeans.

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Tolkien was also a Hebrew scholar, so he may have figured out some things that way (He translated the Book of Psalms in the New Jerusalem Bible in the '60s---I think since then, there's been new editions so I don't know if his translation was retained; I haven't checked those new ones).

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ElShadi - demon god? Although it's weird that this name is possessive. My demon god?

ElElyon - highest god

ElHarachamim - merciful god

AvinuMalchenu - our father our king.

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The first is usually transliterated as El Shaddai, the meaning of which is pure speculation; the popular bibles usually just use "Almighty God" for it, but more etymologically honest translators note that its meaning is unknown and could mean "god of the mountain" from the Akkadian word for mountain (which makes sense as gods and mountains are usually linked) or in the Jewish tradition (including Talmud and Zohar) they say "God is Enough" or the "god who says 'Enough!'" which they interpret to mean that he stopped the creation before it was completed. And finally, "Shaddai" is used as an apotropaic device to ward off evil: it's inscribed on the mezzuzahs on doorways and the tefillin, the little boxes w/ scripture in them that Jews wrap around their heads and arms during prayer.

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And 'gypsies'!

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Yes, they would seem to be the modern-day equivalent. They're "name" is from "Egyptians" so they'd seem to have a connection there, although research has traced them to eastern Europe (Khazaria?).

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Ty I wonder,does the USA (+ rest of "democracies) need a Cecescau event? I believe we are in Spiritual war.The left/un/nato/wef = satanic.All kind souls,World wide,please pray pray pray,to see the mother wafers hanging from tree limbs asap

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

Eh. I'm still rather fond of the Pinochet method... Feed the sharks!

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Yes. Clif has reported Vigilante stuff coming from awakened pissed off Normies. White Man's Revolutionary Summer. https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/souvenirs-for-the-normies#details

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There were also a few examples in the Vox Populi series.

01/07/2023: BIG UGLY in NormieLand, What does this mean for You? Vox Populi - Legislator Be Advised 2023 ~#2: https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/big-ugly-in-normieland

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A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing he's knocking it out of the park with all the info he's putting out. AHHHHHHH! Right.

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(How I would LOVE to sit on the WA shore and drink cawfee with Clif!! I used to live in Gig Harbor, so know how much heaven is out there!!)

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That would be awesome

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Well done Cliff! Once again you are on to discovering our true history. We have much more to learn - hopefully the truth is being revealed.

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As usual, Clif

is off by about

400,000 years

and Atlantis was the

circular structure in

Mauritania, which was

once surrounded by water,

and the reason Clif is so

inaccurate is because of his

ego and his limited hang out

echo chamber of false axioms

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receipts ? So maybe i am wrong. Maybe the country at south pole was not atlantis. Maybe is was Bedrock....whatever. It was invaded between 12,000 years ago, and 8000 years ago. Whatever the fuck they called themselves, they all died.

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Clif, that is an incredibly uninformed statement and response. The "El" have likely been here 100K years, or more. It is clear they have cycled through multiple catastrophes, either here or on other planetary systems. Their technology is old and has been carefully timed for us to process. They live 3,000 or more years, so their timing is vastly beyond ours. Plato wrote about Atlantis, from his info gotten in Egypt, and your info should at least reflect that.

It would be better if you limited your focus and talked about what you know. Your statements about the "Afterlife," about the banking transition coming (where you keep hinting that the Fed and its owners will fade and "something" else will take its place), about your limited experience in the Courts (yes, successfully, appreciated against Corey) etc, are unhelpful to those who revel in what you DO know and who think if you bloviate about something that you must know it, as well. They believe you. Think on the responsibility of that.

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Perhaps the Moon it’s-self is a galactic center radiation accumulator.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

Let me simplify that for you: "itself." While I'm at it: the plural of "premise" is "premises," not "premi."

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I said it that way on purpose.

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But what does it mean? "It is-self" is the only thing it could expand to.

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Isaac Asimov:-

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.’“

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Wow, you got Clif to reply. That's a first! LOL

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It happens on occasion. It's good to know he is looking at comments.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

No, the Richat structure in Mauritania is NOT POSSIBLY Atlantis. Randall Carlson laid that out in very great detail! Including HOW it is a very eroded volcanic remnant; and with the relative size COMPARISON between the Richat Structure and Plato's VERY SPECIFIC size measurements! I'm sorry Jimmy of Bright Insight keeps harping on how HE knows better than a man with 50 years of on-the-ground geology background; and while I like Jimmy's enthusiasm, he's got too tight a grip on too few facts, so he's missing his mistakes.

Just because a thing "LOOKS" like what someone imagines it might be does NOT wipe out the actual real 'stade' (Roman unit of measurement....) measurements of his chosen location.

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Rob, Jason Breshears has proven your information to be FALSE.

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where would we be w/o you???

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I enjoy Clif. You, not so much. Can you tone it down, please?

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Lots more about the Annunaki which go back NOT 8000 years, but 150,000 years.

Check out the Paul Wallis books! Required reading!

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