Influence and celebrity are FALLING OFF as well. Relevance is fleeting, given the speed and intensity of celestial mechanics.
It's fun looking at all of the effects of such over time, how many are lookimg at the real causes to help them make sense of the increasing chaos (pushing for CHANGE)?...
Not very many.
Just puttin out fires (or starting them), slapping on bandages, and persisting in the same broken doesn't work anymore stuck in the box BULLSHIT.
Dogs returning to lick at their own vomit. My favorite Proverb.
It is our Goal: To return to a Constitutional republican form of government this year. 2024 !! It must be done in steps. A next step: can be for a Civilian common law Court of record to require their Sheriff and / or the occupant of the Office of Sheriff to acquire for our perusal; their proper oath to the proper Constitutions with the Laws of nature and of Nature's God included. This has a protocol involved; in matters of over $20.00 in value a verdict from a jury is required; in common law of Article III and Amendment VII. What you testify must be spoken in open court. With witnesses that do not rebut you and form a Jurat signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed with proof of service published. We use On Oregon Sheriffs have 61 days to get all of their bona fides in order. With one exception. That clock is ticking.
Dammit, I’m 66 I was hoping to see the final days of this. I thought we were here to witness and experience all that. Well, I guess I should be thankful but I’m seeing so many deaths etc that it would be nice to see the rewards
I am 67. I believe we will see the amazement. Clif is good, but he isn't an authority. He is a thinker and analyzer. Don't set him up as your authority. God is your authority and you are your own authority.
Awwww, no. We cannot practice the generalized rejection of people by race or religion - that is what we have railed against. Degree of adherence to any religion is varied as you well know. They do not all belong in one basket any more than Christians do. (and there are some *scary* Christians!).
Some of the nicest people I know are loving and good Muslims - their family values are what we espouse and very very trustworthy.
Till Mohammed from Somalia the uber driver rapes you drunk daughter on father's day instead of giving her a ride home and doing his uber job and not being a islamic predator....
A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing he's knocking it out of the park with all the info he's putting out. AHHHHHHH! Right.
Ty I wonder,does the USA (+ rest of "democracies) need a Cecescau event? I believe we are in Spiritual war.The left/un/nato/wef = satanic.All kind souls,World wide,please pray pray pray,to see the mother wafers hanging from tree limbs asap
receipts ? So maybe i am wrong. Maybe the country at south pole was not atlantis. Maybe is was Bedrock....whatever. It was invaded between 12,000 years ago, and 8000 years ago. Whatever the fuck they called themselves, they all died.
Clif, that is an incredibly uninformed statement and response. The "El" have likely been here 100K years, or more. It is clear they have cycled through multiple catastrophes, either here or on other planetary systems. Their technology is old and has been carefully timed for us to process. They live 3,000 or more years, so their timing is vastly beyond ours. Plato wrote about Atlantis, from his info gotten in Egypt, and your info should at least reflect that.
It would be better if you limited your focus and talked about what you know. Your statements about the "Afterlife," about the banking transition coming (where you keep hinting that the Fed and its owners will fade and "something" else will take its place), about your limited experience in the Courts (yes, successfully, appreciated against Corey) etc, are unhelpful to those who revel in what you DO know and who think if you bloviate about something that you must know it, as well. They believe you. Think on the responsibility of that.
“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.’“
No, the Richat structure in Mauritania is NOT POSSIBLY Atlantis. Randall Carlson laid that out in very great detail! Including HOW it is a very eroded volcanic remnant; and with the relative size COMPARISON between the Richat Structure and Plato's VERY SPECIFIC size measurements! I'm sorry Jimmy of Bright Insight keeps harping on how HE knows better than a man with 50 years of on-the-ground geology background; and while I like Jimmy's enthusiasm, he's got too tight a grip on too few facts, so he's missing his mistakes.
Just because a thing "LOOKS" like what someone imagines it might be does NOT wipe out the actual real 'stade' (Roman unit of measurement....) measurements of his chosen location.
30:55 - 31:05 = "...but if you take on board some of these ideas, some of these perspectives, then things start making sense even if its bizarre as fuck!"
Thank you sir! This is the sole reason for my substack! Unless we start to look at the "unorthodox" side of things, nothing will make sense! When we start looking at things from an "unorthodox" perspective, even though its bizzare, it makes PERFECT SENSE!
I missed these chats !!!
Me TOO :-)
Me Threee :-)
Me four🤗
mr five
''Humanity is about to be tested.......
I'm lucky seven!
Me six 🤗
eight oh seven too!
Whoo! I've been jonesin' for an Uncle Clif fix!
Fantastic analysis per usual Uncle Cliff 💛⚡️
Influence and celebrity are FALLING OFF as well. Relevance is fleeting, given the speed and intensity of celestial mechanics.
It's fun looking at all of the effects of such over time, how many are lookimg at the real causes to help them make sense of the increasing chaos (pushing for CHANGE)?...
Not very many.
Just puttin out fires (or starting them), slapping on bandages, and persisting in the same broken doesn't work anymore stuck in the box BULLSHIT.
Dogs returning to lick at their own vomit. My favorite Proverb.
When people are struggling in the real world, the trivial falls away rather quickly.
It is our Goal: To return to a Constitutional republican form of government this year. 2024 !! It must be done in steps. A next step: can be for a Civilian common law Court of record to require their Sheriff and / or the occupant of the Office of Sheriff to acquire for our perusal; their proper oath to the proper Constitutions with the Laws of nature and of Nature's God included. This has a protocol involved; in matters of over $20.00 in value a verdict from a jury is required; in common law of Article III and Amendment VII. What you testify must be spoken in open court. With witnesses that do not rebut you and form a Jurat signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed with proof of service published. We use On Oregon Sheriffs have 61 days to get all of their bona fides in order. With one exception. That clock is ticking.
Dammit, I’m 66 I was hoping to see the final days of this. I thought we were here to witness and experience all that. Well, I guess I should be thankful but I’m seeing so many deaths etc that it would be nice to see the rewards
I am 67. I believe we will see the amazement. Clif is good, but he isn't an authority. He is a thinker and analyzer. Don't set him up as your authority. God is your authority and you are your own authority.
I am 70 (Hubby 79), so on this one, I hope you are right!
Me too. Was feeling some disappointment but your comment brought me back to reality. Thankyou
66 isn't old at all and you are definitely going to see amazing things in the next 25 years :) this talk has been so interesting
Never trust a muslim
or a woman
or a mud
or a non-english speaker
or jews
or anyone who blinks too much
steel you can trust...
Or someone that doesnt blink at all...Joe biden ?
Lead is also very trustworthy.
By Hammer and Hand, all Arts do stand. 2024 the year we tilted up the Republic!
Awwww, no. We cannot practice the generalized rejection of people by race or religion - that is what we have railed against. Degree of adherence to any religion is varied as you well know. They do not all belong in one basket any more than Christians do. (and there are some *scary* Christians!).
Some of the nicest people I know are loving and good Muslims - their family values are what we espouse and very very trustworthy.
Please don't.
Till Mohammed from Somalia the uber driver rapes you drunk daughter on father's day instead of giving her a ride home and doing his uber job and not being a islamic predator....
We are all Sonny.
We all, cannot be trusted.
Agree….they live by an ideology that can be very evil
I’m never ready for these audios to end.
Thanks Clif.
A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing he's knocking it out of the park with all the info he's putting out. AHHHHHHH! Right.
(How I would LOVE to sit on the WA shore and drink cawfee with Clif!! I used to live in Gig Harbor, so know how much heaven is out there!!)
That would be awesome
Ty I wonder,does the USA (+ rest of "democracies) need a Cecescau event? I believe we are in Spiritual war.The left/un/nato/wef = satanic.All kind souls,World wide,please pray pray pray,to see the mother wafers hanging from tree limbs asap
Eh. I'm still rather fond of the Pinochet method... Feed the sharks!
Yes. Clif has reported Vigilante stuff coming from awakened pissed off Normies. White Man's Revolutionary Summer.
There were also a few examples in the Vox Populi series.
01/07/2023: BIG UGLY in NormieLand, What does this mean for You? Vox Populi - Legislator Be Advised 2023 ~#2:
Well done Cliff! Once again you are on to discovering our true history. We have much more to learn - hopefully the truth is being revealed.
As usual, Clif
is off by about
400,000 years
and Atlantis was the
circular structure in
Mauritania, which was
once surrounded by water,
and the reason Clif is so
inaccurate is because of his
ego and his limited hang out
echo chamber of false axioms
receipts ? So maybe i am wrong. Maybe the country at south pole was not atlantis. Maybe is was Bedrock....whatever. It was invaded between 12,000 years ago, and 8000 years ago. Whatever the fuck they called themselves, they all died.
Clif, that is an incredibly uninformed statement and response. The "El" have likely been here 100K years, or more. It is clear they have cycled through multiple catastrophes, either here or on other planetary systems. Their technology is old and has been carefully timed for us to process. They live 3,000 or more years, so their timing is vastly beyond ours. Plato wrote about Atlantis, from his info gotten in Egypt, and your info should at least reflect that.
It would be better if you limited your focus and talked about what you know. Your statements about the "Afterlife," about the banking transition coming (where you keep hinting that the Fed and its owners will fade and "something" else will take its place), about your limited experience in the Courts (yes, successfully, appreciated against Corey) etc, are unhelpful to those who revel in what you DO know and who think if you bloviate about something that you must know it, as well. They believe you. Think on the responsibility of that.
Perhaps the Moon it’s-self is a galactic center radiation accumulator.
Let me simplify that for you: "itself." While I'm at it: the plural of "premise" is "premises," not "premi."
I said it that way on purpose.
But what does it mean? "It is-self" is the only thing it could expand to.
Isaac Asimov:-
“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.’“
No, the Richat structure in Mauritania is NOT POSSIBLY Atlantis. Randall Carlson laid that out in very great detail! Including HOW it is a very eroded volcanic remnant; and with the relative size COMPARISON between the Richat Structure and Plato's VERY SPECIFIC size measurements! I'm sorry Jimmy of Bright Insight keeps harping on how HE knows better than a man with 50 years of on-the-ground geology background; and while I like Jimmy's enthusiasm, he's got too tight a grip on too few facts, so he's missing his mistakes.
Just because a thing "LOOKS" like what someone imagines it might be does NOT wipe out the actual real 'stade' (Roman unit of measurement....) measurements of his chosen location.
Rob, Jason Breshears has proven your information to be FALSE.
where would we be w/o you???
I enjoy Clif. You, not so much. Can you tone it down, please?
It happens on occasion. It's good to know he is looking at comments.
Lots more about the Annunaki which go back NOT 8000 years, but 150,000 years.
Check out the Paul Wallis books! Required reading!
Keep up with the great history, Clif. We can find it nowhere else. Thanks!
30:55 - 31:05 = "...but if you take on board some of these ideas, some of these perspectives, then things start making sense even if its bizarre as fuck!"
Thank you sir! This is the sole reason for my substack! Unless we start to look at the "unorthodox" side of things, nothing will make sense! When we start looking at things from an "unorthodox" perspective, even though its bizzare, it makes PERFECT SENSE!