There are currently no MRNA injections approved for animals. This is according to 2 big cattle ranchers who interviewed a couple of months ago on the subject. So some of the stuff we hear isn't true. But the idea that they're working on it is real and Bill Gates has put the "need" out there, and for plants too, not that GMO plants haven't covered some of the destroy-you-turf already. A friend in ranching is anticipating they'll come up with something for FDA approval by the end of the year. I wonder what will happen when animals get the same results as people and of course they will be passing on the horrific stuff that's in the vax besides MRNA. Yum yum, eat em up. I didn't watch the video given above, but this is what I've seen about the intent. It's real.
Cliff's post is not about mRNA vaccines. Create your own substacks with the topics that interest you and stop hijacking other people's substacks with repeated comments that have nothing to do with the topic.
YOU responded to a post about MRNA, calling the poster a troll, and I responded to your post saying what I knew on the matter. What I said was on topic and I hijacked nothing. So far you've made two really rude comments to two people for no reason. I'm afraid that says more about you than the two you bashed. Way more. I will find no reason to respond to you further, as I'm sure will others will having witnessed your behavior. Perhaps you should join with the dog-fighting contingent here. They say nothing important in the rudest, most contentious manner possible because, to them, that's the point of posting. I'm sure they will value your contributions.
Quite possibly. It is my understanding that the Boston Tea party was actually a protest against being taxed by the King, and the colonies being forbidden from issuing their own currency. It most certainly not strictly over a tax on tea. We may have one that war, but we have never really been free of the crown. They still control the currency, but in an opaque fashion. Looks like that will soon be ending.
You're so right. Ben Franklin said that the reason behind the Revolution was that the Crown/Bank of England wouldn't let the colonies make their own currency, something that he said impoverished the people and strangled commerce. Of course as you say we're right back there and have been since the 1913 Federal Reserve Act. It was an evil collusion by the richest men of the day or their representatives to issue our currency AT INTEREST by private international banks (which is to say Rothschild banks) when we could have issued our own at no cost. It's been a vampire hanging on the American jugular since. An interesting side note: when people of an archeological bent went to Jekyll Island they found old remains of what looked to be a satanic ritual site. I say their reptilian god visited the meeting directly to instruct them and that's the reason they were there. They were going down to the crossroads, as they say.
Opium? Sounds like Clif took too much of it as well ad other psychedelic drugs. He has no basis for such detailed information. Plus, he has been wrong numerous times already.
Oh, you know, these twits just like to think they're messing with people's heads. When they realize what dead bores they are, they're gonna get pissed, and we'll just laugh. I ignore these idiots.
I tend to ignore people that supply character assassination a-la Stalin along with zero substance. Because they invariably turn out to be shills and trolls.
I base my statement by Clif's past failures. He made some bold predictions that never came to fruition. See the destruction of the past video he put out toward the end of the year:
Most of what he foretold didn't come to fruition. And now his comprehensive discourse in aliens? At best he is very creative for making a science fiction movie, but to act like this is all real is absolutely insanity. (And I'm not denying the existence of aliens, just his very detailed descriptions. ) I have been patient with Clif, but when he is wrong over and over is it not fair to comment? After all, Clif already did mention he took psychedelic drugs. This is the only reason why I commented in such a manner. But telling me to go somewhere else? That is ridiculous and and demonstrates weakness. If you can't think for yourself and put blind trust in someone like Clif, then have at it. Good luck. And make sure you load up and silver because Clif said it will reach $600/ounce.
Yes I am well aware of opium wars. However, I have a question: How long have you been following Clif? How well do you pay attention to his details? How well do you remember them? I guess you missed the podcast when Clif confessed about his experience with Psychedelic drugs? I am not making this up. As I said, this is the only reason why I brought them up since he is going ballistic with such details about aliens? The only way he can know this is if he is one. Perhaps he is one and that is why his greetings start with: "Hello humans, hello humans." One thing I want you to understand, I am impressed with Clif's knowledge of things. However, I am big time disappointed with the failures of his numerous predictions.
Can everyone not see how the government is spinning and controlling this narrative , you really think they would be willling to talk about all this alien stuff if it were true? also would they really give a platform to "whistleblowers" like sala to go on tv or in front of congress if what they saying were actuall true ? no hell no i cant believe people are fallin for this "disclosure" from gov't officialdom . its almost comical
Right- gov is not going to tell the truth about anything. But aliens are truth, been interacting with the planet for really long time- some say decades, some hundreds of years & some say for millennia. Gov not going to tell us they've been working with evil from off planet & hiding tech or suppressing our intellect & spirituality; but it will come out anyway. Once we dispense with the evil, we can prepare to meet our friends through out the universe- or at least our solar system or galaxy.
That makes perfect sense. Why wouldn't the Vatican hire an uneducated dim wit to translate ancient texts for them ?? Yeah, sounds perfectly logical. Meh !!
The Masorti Torah Bible has had tens if not hundreds of Great world renowned commentaries on it translating each word and elucidating the verses .
Authored by great scholars the greatest minds in Judaism like the Rabbi Yochonan ben Zackai the great Rabenu Hakadosh the organizer of the Mishna oral law Rabbi Akiba of 200 years ago the Great Rashbi Rebbe Shimon Bar Yochai author of the Holy Zohar Rashi lived 1,200 years ago ,Maimonides in Spain lived 1100 years ago Nachmandies in Italy the great Baalai Tosfot , of France 1,100 years ago the Great Malbim of Spain 600 years ag the GRA of Lithuania the Baal Shem tov of Galicia
the Great Mahral of Prague of 400 years ago the Radak ... the the Shach the Taz the Bach of eastern Europe etc. etc. and Many many more published in each generation and still available for research
Why even today every scholar and synagogue have a bible called Mikraot Gedolos with many of these commentaries printed along with the bible on each verse in the bible these were the most learned people of there times and debated each verse and word publicly and out in the open!
So did the Vatican hired the best it had possibly but the most learned and erudite ? Hell no!
That's why he Biglino translates a GOY to mean BEAST which is laughable!
all it means is" Nation" as to being of a different nation not of the Jewish Nation
the torah itself has many times addressed the Jews themselves also as a'' Nation'' in many verses
so it doesnt mean Beast !!
So Clif !anyone who makes such a Brash proclamation might be a true Beast himself!
Mauro Biglino simply translates the Bible (Old Testament) literally without "dogmatic" interpretations... a task he is more than qualified to do. That's pretty scary to weak-minded sheep... I bet you dig the talmud too, eh?
I advocate people (especially brainwashed morons like you) learn to read and interpret older languages, tracking back to the earliest accounts of religions, histories and narratives. Over the course of thousands of years reinterpretations of other interpretations lose much of their meaning and the newer versions frequently leave little of the original information and intent.
hey kid--abide earth abides....interpretation is an interesting methodolgy...and vision -clear or blurred or biased or preprogrammed-as in twisted is one of the traps from which humans must slowly and painfully exit--like a new birthing=and its hard to leave the nice womb and enter the new with babies and birth there is a time --one way trip-like it or enjoy the ride...seeing clearly is better than the blindness which accompanies dogma
I agree with most of what you say, but I think the "aliens" are the hybrids of the fallen angels mating with the human females. I get why Clif thinks the way he does, but when obummer makes his move within probably 4 years, I guess we'll know the truth. I believe that the first 2 books of Genesis are accurate (as is the whole Bible but only thru prayer will one achieve discernment), but the elohim that created "male" and "female" (Gen 1) was a collective group of angels that God or El (the supreme God of the Elohim) had created. When these rogue angels created something El didn't sanction, He then put His own "man" or Adam (Gen 2) meaning ruddy or of red clay or something like that into this system as a means to redeem all those that used free will to come into this soul trap. That is why we are here. Clif is right in that we're being harvested and if you're not redeemed to your first estate which is heaven, you become metamorphosized into a bug in the pit and food for this sick system. This Earth is the process by which an angel of Almighty El gets transmuted into a bug from the pit. This makes the most sense to me. Anyways, no need to worry too much about your belief systems as all should be exposed within the next 10 years. Either I am wrong (all credit for this understanding goes to J. Kleck) or Clif is wrong. It's way worse for the masses if Clif is wrong. I agree with above, choose wisely and carefully! God bless!
That's true, except that I can't imagine any far advanced alien species wasting their time to work or deal with sub-human neanderthals like the government and military.
It would be like us making deals and working with apes.
The far advanced aliens can do or take whatever they want from us, and they must know that we can't be trusted anyway. However, they may be using our neanderthal governments to conquer us for them though! That seems like the most likely scenario?
These various races may be hanging around waiting to see how we destroy ourselves so that when we're finished they can have whatever is left over to salvage before they terraform Earth and stake out their claims. Likely they could fight each other for the spoils. So let's sound the alarm and get everybody on the same page,dammit!
That's how I see it too. As Richard Hawking thought, they will probably be like we were when conquering the indigenous peoples to take over their resources. They will not come here to help us. I admit that this presumes that all species are as predatory as we are, which may not be correct, but I do agree with Richard Hawking on that, who thought that too.
They may have already staked out their claims, and are here to take those spoils now?
The battles we are seeing now are those claims being fought over for those spoils?
My idea of this planet is that it is a Class 4-P planet, pests-parasites-predators-psychopaths, which seems to be the natural biologic order here. The psychopaths will try to take over, as they always do.
They don't really "deal" with us. They manage us as livestock using a control-manipulate-harvest planetary business model. Everything - including you - is either incorporated or securitized. Among their tools are famine, plague and pestilence.
"Earth is a farm. We are someone else's property" Charles Fort (1874-1932).
That we are someone elses property is quite literal and embodied in maritime law which derailed the constitutional common law. We don't own the things we thought we bought, including assets like houses. We are given the ability to use something that legally belongs to them. It's all out there to research but Americans are pitifully unaware. That's been by design of course. Someone who's done the serious research on this is Anna von Reitz .
tia loca-hi-its a dance-evil is embedded not only in society but in the minds and actions of many disillusioned lost far as i know--those them they aliens been here and visiting a very long time...some just visits others infest and overpower...the cosmos is a huge compilation of various possibilities and probabilities...
when i was a kid i was told just ignore them-(aliens) and they go away...curiosity is not limited to humans--but awareness of is distorted by decievers
Werner Von Braun said that ET invasion is one of the things "they" will use to terrify us. First it was commies, then terrorists, then "countries of interest" (North Korea, Iraq, Iran, Libya, etc,, countries without Rothschild central banks) and then ETs. They work each one until no one falls for it anymore. I don't think Von Braun mentioned plandemics. Maybe they thought of that later, although it appears that's been going on for a hundred years. But, just like because you're paranoid doesn't mean there's not people following you, just because you're seeing fake "ETs" doesn't mean there aren't real ones, as Clif maintains constantly, speaking of paranoids.
They've been running plandemics at least since Biblical times. Before Covid-19, there was HIV/AIDS (also a Monster Fauci operation), Spanish 'flu, Black Death, etc, etc, etc - remember?
This is incorrect. The reason they tell us through movies and such is due to our ability to create reality through projection manifestation. They “leak” information so penetrate your mind so that the majority of people fear it happening without realizing that by thinking about it, you are actually creating it happen.. why would “they” feel guilty about the rest of us creating it? The trick is to turn off ur tv, and be at peace and mentally hope for better things. Imagine a world that is NOT what “they” leak” out to you.
We need to withdraw out permission, respond to everything evil that crosses our perception with an 'I do NOT consent' and stop engaging emotionally so we don't co-create what they're incapable of creating.
However, it is not incorrect that they think they avoid karma by telling us and having us create what they want.
I DO NOT CONSENT-- the implied consent by non contesting or the inability to contest their actions...its their laws they rule by not those of the universe...
dont know if it works to change opinions or outcomes but just like they have to inform us we and say write communicated I DO NOT CONSENT..and if they push as the do now...then the time of no time evolves with its consequences
I think they get great joy in mocking us. They give us proof of who they are at every turn, yet we are so brainwashed and mind controlled that we can't even see it. They think it's funny an they can achieve whatever spiritual laws they need to follow to get the goyium where they want them.
Well that would make karma quite dumb, wouldn't it? If the person you're telling doesn't get the message because it's encrypted or otherwise deliberately disguised, unclear or unintelligible, isn't that fraud? How does that help Universe? Why would anyone, even the predators, think that karma was that dumb?
It is said that this is their contract with the 'light forces'.
As this is a free will planet, they need our consent for their evil plans.
They tell us through movies, novels, lyrics, jokes, Freudian slips, and so on.
If we don't object, it is taken as silent consent.
Whether that really helps them to avoid karma is none of our business.
Our business is to withdraw our permission and stop co-creating their agenda - we do that when we emotionally engage with their messages, be it by applauding them or by being fearful or angry, it doesn't matter; our emotions are our creator force and without them, [they] can do shit.
And isn't karma supposed to be about restoring balance? Why would our predators think that deceiving and tricking us into pseudo-consent could create balance? I've always found this idea nonsensical.
Uncle Clif - you familiar with the book Beasts, Men and Gods? Last chapter, final prophecy of The King of the World - adds up to 2027? Good to hear you.
Something strange is happening with all those Canadian wild fires going off at once. Dutch since says he was targeted by the CBC and Reuters for saying so. Where there’s smoke…
Like the Northern California wildfires which all began at the same time. (Air Traffic Controllers reported seeing strange infrared blips on their scopes at the same time the fires started.) Green trees burned from the inside out. Brick houses melted while green bushes next to the house were untouched. How do sinks and bathtubs melt, while some cars parked in the drive were untouched? DARPA and other alphabet agencies openly admit that technology (by design) is 60-100 years ahead of anything the general public is aware of.
Weaponized language aimed at emotions. Get at people's emotions and hide truth. Blissful ignorance is an easy ride till the next cyclical change. Ignorance obviously doesn't prepare well for change.
I'm curious what Clif and others might have to say about the work of Gary Wayne and L.A. Mazulli. Both these guys are extremely diligent researchers that have done great investigation into the topic of the Nephilim. And yet... they are still stuck in their Christian-egocentric worldviews i.e. spiritually-based ideological mind control. Let know what you guys think. Is the deception all linked to that one contentious word, "Elohim"? Or are there a variety... a whole universe of reasons for Christian confusion about history?
I suggest it is Khazarian Mafia that came up with religion as a means of controlling humanity- dividing humanity, to more easily control us while giving us a few bits of truth & inverting & perverting the rest to match their worship of the Elohim. I can also see that there are so many out there who have discovered so much of the truth- but no one has yet to gather it all together. So I just give them all consideration. Well, except for those that are clearly frauds, grifters, plagiarists, PAYtriots. Like the [KM][DS], they are also name stealers, calling themselves truthers, anons & patriots manipulating and using our desire to know the truth for their own agendas. That would include self-aggrandizement, money, injecting confusion and division into the awakening process. Just my opinion, I don't require agreement from anyone.
Directly over the target 🎯!!!! And I like your term PAYtriot... Haha. There are more than a few high generals that have commented about the mind parasite, that which we call "patriotism".
I WOULD have to suspend disbelief because, although very inspirational and eye-opening for someone just beginning their Woo Journey, there are a lot of holes in both Icke's theories and who he actually is compared to his media persona. High level, limited hangout if you ask me... ( And how did he secure Wembley without getting schwacked! Most people disclosing this kind of thing back then could never get such a big venue.)
Go watch the interview of him on London Real with Brian Rose (an ex banker) and a few things may dawn on you. Like... He's been repeating the same things over, and over, and over, and over again for the past 30+ years. Real researchers expand their knowledge base and relate it to current events. There is also heavy symbolism of the Union Jack in place of Jachin and Boaz in the interview background (not that these are inherently bad or evil, but the way they're being used...), and there is the heavy use of the rose symbolism which is a symbol of the Jacobites - the Tudor/Stewart Dynasty that is still grasping at their quickly dissolving power, and power structures.
Icke has written at least a dozen books, each one says different things on the same basic theme. Read them before making your accusations. He certainly does expand the knowledge base and relate it to current events. A good quarter of each book is footnotes which makes him one of the best documented authors on these topics. Because of the time limits, his interviews hit the tops of the waves, the books flesh it out in great detail. Icke did sell out Wembley's 90,000 seats, but what that shows is his following. In the beginning he couldn't pack a phone booth he says. He grew that over 30 years, so he doesn't follow the pattern of cabal shills who escalate suddenly into the limelight. Guess the cabal wasn't strong enough to block the profit motive at Wembley. His whole tour was banned from Australia though and he wasn't allowed in the country.
If you don't think the criminals try to block him, read your post again. It's full of the accusations they use to block him. Surprised you missed the anti-semitic accusations. So, heal thyself physician.
Even if you're correct, your first and last few sentences are perfect examples of the savior zeitgeist/mentality I was alluding to, and that which surrounds his public persona, which should be suspect in and of itself. Doesn't mean that he IS a part of the cabal. It simply means I eschew supplication and question all the sacred cows of the truther, woo, and conspiracy movements we all should. What I wrote was speculation, not accusation. But I apologize for insulting your daddy...
Oh fuck off and stop the same kind of baseless accusations that justified my comments. Eschew on that. You were full of accusations, no speculation involved and now you're off on me because I said something to you about it. You don't know me. You don't know the first thing about me. But what I can tell you is that I'm nobody's savior or sacred cow worshiper. David Icke had to work pretty hard to earn my agreement. I don't belong to ANY movement and you don't know my daddy, so STFU.
worth a listen to me because I don't think I have seen it. However this being said Yes Icke has been saying the same thing for many decades. Gotta thank him though for waking us up to other sources such as Clif who has awakened me to more people and so on and so forth.
Oh yea! I still really appreciate those Wembley stadium "life by PowerPoints". Gotta call it as I see it though, because that is how they are getting people to turn a blind eye and dissociate screwing with people's throat chakras, which is one of three main auric templates of the physical and auric body.
You're right ...except for the little problem of Neuro Linguistic Programming and its connection to our nervous systems and auric bodies. I 99.99% agree with your sentiment with the exception of this one caveat.
yeah - david icke is just a fly on the wall here. In fact, aside from this interview, I don't think he's really contributed much. Arizona Wilder is the prize in this one, Imagine what she's explaining as the backdrop to a video game or film franchise... We're on it!
Arizona Wilder, good to know. Thank you. For the record I would still watch this. It's just I've found so many investigators still supplicating to Icke, disowning their own power and critical thinking skills. Always have to say something just to keep the conversation open ended and scientific if ya know what I mean. But that being said, John Coleman claims Icke stole his whole monologue. Which is interesting because Coleman seems so damn authentic, while Icke seems rehearsed to the nth degree.
Well, when you've been saying the same thing for decades, I imagine you would sound rehearsed, get better at making your point- and can probably say your piece in your sleep.
Sadly, Ross Broadstock of Cymroglyphics (W&B's current publisher) died suddenly and prematurely last October. He was preparing to publish a book about the comet. It decimated Norway, Britain, Ireland and Bolivia around AD 562. Alan Wilson turned 90 yo last year.
All the new stories must be about becoming human. They must be, we've been diddled around so much that many aren't even sure what human traits are anymore. I recently wrote a Substack about a story called, "Letter to Phoenix" from 1949 ( which addresses humanity rising again and again.
My goal is to put out a new magazine including all these sorts of "new humanity rising" stories. Maybe you can write that Galaxy Quest-type story and be one of my first contributors! Anyway, we need good new stories for human people.
I'm into SF and fantasy for the psychological aspects mainly. Started finding more interesting writers. Thanks for the other leads and I'll check out your writings...
It's coming closer to the Goblin Universe and as our boundaries shift, things will become very interesting indeed.
For God's sake, get ahead! I am so damned tired of slow thinkers. LOL
Woo people think and process fast. And that's really good! We're going to need those skills going forwards.
Thanks, by the way! I'm more interested in the old adventure stories. I am too aware of how they screwed us up with psychological stories starting in the 1950's. But we need everyone to help sort this mess out, so whatever your interests it's my feeling that humanity needs you!
I'm an Indiana Jones fan, too. I'm an archaeologist by training. Come to think of it, those skills might come in handy in the next few years. Who knows what we'll begin to dig up. lol
Amazing conversations… Thank you all! I love Clif so much, and it’s obvious that he attracts some very advanced, awake, and aware people.
So good to know such intelligent life is out there. Like many of you, much has become so incredibly boring… When you see through such obvious deceit, like 9/11, and the Covid madness, while others, swallow it hook, line, and sinker… There are so few independent, critical thinkers to associate with.
I haven’t been reading the comments here, but I will certainly start… Thank you again for being here! 😎
Well done Clif, if you remember the moviie"Time Machine" from 1960, in the end, the morlocks were herding humans and using them as cattle to be food for them. Seems to be a hint what happened here on earth in the past and now!
Soylent Green is People! This new chicken created in a test tube gives me the creeps. Like in the Matrix movie when Trinity sucks that awful spider bug out of Neo's stomach.
Thanks for reminding me about the "Time Machine" movie. I was looking for a good movie to watch so I'm going to look for it on ROKU.
👏 coffee and weeding … “I like my coffee black, and my tea in the harbor” 😂
Irritated Officialdom — my favorite kind 🇺🇸
...and my Rum Red
I have seen at least five accounts posting the exact same post and link. Do you really think we are stupid? Go and troll somewhere else.
There are currently no MRNA injections approved for animals. This is according to 2 big cattle ranchers who interviewed a couple of months ago on the subject. So some of the stuff we hear isn't true. But the idea that they're working on it is real and Bill Gates has put the "need" out there, and for plants too, not that GMO plants haven't covered some of the destroy-you-turf already. A friend in ranching is anticipating they'll come up with something for FDA approval by the end of the year. I wonder what will happen when animals get the same results as people and of course they will be passing on the horrific stuff that's in the vax besides MRNA. Yum yum, eat em up. I didn't watch the video given above, but this is what I've seen about the intent. It's real.
Cliff's post is not about mRNA vaccines. Create your own substacks with the topics that interest you and stop hijacking other people's substacks with repeated comments that have nothing to do with the topic.
YOU responded to a post about MRNA, calling the poster a troll, and I responded to your post saying what I knew on the matter. What I said was on topic and I hijacked nothing. So far you've made two really rude comments to two people for no reason. I'm afraid that says more about you than the two you bashed. Way more. I will find no reason to respond to you further, as I'm sure will others will having witnessed your behavior. Perhaps you should join with the dog-fighting contingent here. They say nothing important in the rudest, most contentious manner possible because, to them, that's the point of posting. I'm sure they will value your contributions.
Apparently there was opium in the harbour too.
Quite possibly. It is my understanding that the Boston Tea party was actually a protest against being taxed by the King, and the colonies being forbidden from issuing their own currency. It most certainly not strictly over a tax on tea. We may have one that war, but we have never really been free of the crown. They still control the currency, but in an opaque fashion. Looks like that will soon be ending.
You're so right. Ben Franklin said that the reason behind the Revolution was that the Crown/Bank of England wouldn't let the colonies make their own currency, something that he said impoverished the people and strangled commerce. Of course as you say we're right back there and have been since the 1913 Federal Reserve Act. It was an evil collusion by the richest men of the day or their representatives to issue our currency AT INTEREST by private international banks (which is to say Rothschild banks) when we could have issued our own at no cost. It's been a vampire hanging on the American jugular since. An interesting side note: when people of an archeological bent went to Jekyll Island they found old remains of what looked to be a satanic ritual site. I say their reptilian god visited the meeting directly to instruct them and that's the reason they were there. They were going down to the crossroads, as they say.
Thanks for another audio. Always look for your words of wisdom!
Opium? Sounds like Clif took too much of it as well ad other psychedelic drugs. He has no basis for such detailed information. Plus, he has been wrong numerous times already.
globalist khazarian trolls are worse than opium! Go back to sleep!! What the F*** are you even doing here wasting others' time?
Oh, you know, these twits just like to think they're messing with people's heads. When they realize what dead bores they are, they're gonna get pissed, and we'll just laugh. I ignore these idiots.
I tend to ignore people that supply character assassination a-la Stalin along with zero substance. Because they invariably turn out to be shills and trolls.
I have seen at least five accounts posting the exact same post and link. Do you really think we are stupid? Go and troll somewhere else.
And what do you base your opinion on?
I base my statement by Clif's past failures. He made some bold predictions that never came to fruition. See the destruction of the past video he put out toward the end of the year:
I don't think ANYONE, least of all Clif, expect all of his predictions to come true. If you don't like Clif, take your vitriol, somewhere else.
Most of what he foretold didn't come to fruition. And now his comprehensive discourse in aliens? At best he is very creative for making a science fiction movie, but to act like this is all real is absolutely insanity. (And I'm not denying the existence of aliens, just his very detailed descriptions. ) I have been patient with Clif, but when he is wrong over and over is it not fair to comment? After all, Clif already did mention he took psychedelic drugs. This is the only reason why I commented in such a manner. But telling me to go somewhere else? That is ridiculous and and demonstrates weakness. If you can't think for yourself and put blind trust in someone like Clif, then have at it. Good luck. And make sure you load up and silver because Clif said it will reach $600/ounce.
Then stop watching him YOU FUCKING Idiot. You show your lack of intelligence with this discourse.
This guy is a troll saying shit about Clif. Ignore him
Maybe Your a TROLL ?
I think you meant you're. How did you do in English growing up?
go away asshole nobody want to hear your fucked up comments
What did Clif say about opium? I don't recall.
Yes, but with the unshakable conviction that he can't be wrong.
Clif never mentioned opium, a commenter above did. Are you aware of the opium wars? Or are you just some dopium high on hopium? Get lost.
Yes I am well aware of opium wars. However, I have a question: How long have you been following Clif? How well do you pay attention to his details? How well do you remember them? I guess you missed the podcast when Clif confessed about his experience with Psychedelic drugs? I am not making this up. As I said, this is the only reason why I brought them up since he is going ballistic with such details about aliens? The only way he can know this is if he is one. Perhaps he is one and that is why his greetings start with: "Hello humans, hello humans." One thing I want you to understand, I am impressed with Clif's knowledge of things. However, I am big time disappointed with the failures of his numerous predictions. he stealing some from u??
Can everyone not see how the government is spinning and controlling this narrative , you really think they would be willling to talk about all this alien stuff if it were true? also would they really give a platform to "whistleblowers" like sala to go on tv or in front of congress if what they saying were actuall true ? no hell no i cant believe people are fallin for this "disclosure" from gov't officialdom . its almost comical
Right- gov is not going to tell the truth about anything. But aliens are truth, been interacting with the planet for really long time- some say decades, some hundreds of years & some say for millennia. Gov not going to tell us they've been working with evil from off planet & hiding tech or suppressing our intellect & spirituality; but it will come out anyway. Once we dispense with the evil, we can prepare to meet our friends through out the universe- or at least our solar system or galaxy.
A lien a term used at Japanes immigration: No Lien.
In the beginning Yah... and the word was with Yah And the word was Yah.
You have two positions: One, you are as scripture states.. Adam then Eve...then you.
Or: Highly evolved smart pond scum; with no meaning orf purpose at point of origin.
Aliens per se are fallen angels ie. demons.
Revelation is clear on what is happening and why.
Choose sides, choose carefully.
Fear is of the Devil; which only reinforces who the gvt fawns to.
Your brain is? mostly fat and yet can think, has intuition (for knowledge) as that is your mental connection with Yah; if you are willing to listen.
Try every spirit to see if it is from Yah (as in HaleluYah).
Every spirit that testifies that Jesus has come in the flesh is of Yah.
As the word became flesh and died on the cross to pay for original sin.
Your DNA bears witness to the signature of Yah.
That is why WHO is pushing the gene-therapy to corrupt your flesh so as to be an UNREDEEMABLE hybrid.
As in the days of Noah; hybrids.
Read Biglino's "The Naked Bible" as Clif suggests... might wake you up to the laughable, contrived, manipulated mythology you currently follow.
Biglino is an uneducated totally unlearned in the Torah
all his work is at best a sci fi novel
no scholarship at all
That makes perfect sense. Why wouldn't the Vatican hire an uneducated dim wit to translate ancient texts for them ?? Yeah, sounds perfectly logical. Meh !!
The Masorti Torah Bible has had tens if not hundreds of Great world renowned commentaries on it translating each word and elucidating the verses .
Authored by great scholars the greatest minds in Judaism like the Rabbi Yochonan ben Zackai the great Rabenu Hakadosh the organizer of the Mishna oral law Rabbi Akiba of 200 years ago the Great Rashbi Rebbe Shimon Bar Yochai author of the Holy Zohar Rashi lived 1,200 years ago ,Maimonides in Spain lived 1100 years ago Nachmandies in Italy the great Baalai Tosfot , of France 1,100 years ago the Great Malbim of Spain 600 years ag the GRA of Lithuania the Baal Shem tov of Galicia
the Great Mahral of Prague of 400 years ago the Radak ... the the Shach the Taz the Bach of eastern Europe etc. etc. and Many many more published in each generation and still available for research
Why even today every scholar and synagogue have a bible called Mikraot Gedolos with many of these commentaries printed along with the bible on each verse in the bible these were the most learned people of there times and debated each verse and word publicly and out in the open!
So did the Vatican hired the best it had possibly but the most learned and erudite ? Hell no!
That's why he Biglino translates a GOY to mean BEAST which is laughable!
all it means is" Nation" as to being of a different nation not of the Jewish Nation
the torah itself has many times addressed the Jews themselves also as a'' Nation'' in many verses
so it doesnt mean Beast !!
So Clif !anyone who makes such a Brash proclamation might be a true Beast himself!
Says the craven pharisee douchebag Yid.
Mauro Biglino simply translates the Bible (Old Testament) literally without "dogmatic" interpretations... a task he is more than qualified to do. That's pretty scary to weak-minded sheep... I bet you dig the talmud too, eh?
I advocate people (especially brainwashed morons like you) learn to read and interpret older languages, tracking back to the earliest accounts of religions, histories and narratives. Over the course of thousands of years reinterpretations of other interpretations lose much of their meaning and the newer versions frequently leave little of the original information and intent.
hey kid--abide earth abides....interpretation is an interesting methodolgy...and vision -clear or blurred or biased or preprogrammed-as in twisted is one of the traps from which humans must slowly and painfully exit--like a new birthing=and its hard to leave the nice womb and enter the new with babies and birth there is a time --one way trip-like it or enjoy the ride...seeing clearly is better than the blindness which accompanies dogma
Total Nonsense , Rubbish !
see my post above
I agree with most of what you say, but I think the "aliens" are the hybrids of the fallen angels mating with the human females. I get why Clif thinks the way he does, but when obummer makes his move within probably 4 years, I guess we'll know the truth. I believe that the first 2 books of Genesis are accurate (as is the whole Bible but only thru prayer will one achieve discernment), but the elohim that created "male" and "female" (Gen 1) was a collective group of angels that God or El (the supreme God of the Elohim) had created. When these rogue angels created something El didn't sanction, He then put His own "man" or Adam (Gen 2) meaning ruddy or of red clay or something like that into this system as a means to redeem all those that used free will to come into this soul trap. That is why we are here. Clif is right in that we're being harvested and if you're not redeemed to your first estate which is heaven, you become metamorphosized into a bug in the pit and food for this sick system. This Earth is the process by which an angel of Almighty El gets transmuted into a bug from the pit. This makes the most sense to me. Anyways, no need to worry too much about your belief systems as all should be exposed within the next 10 years. Either I am wrong (all credit for this understanding goes to J. Kleck) or Clif is wrong. It's way worse for the masses if Clif is wrong. I agree with above, choose wisely and carefully! God bless!
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That's true, except that I can't imagine any far advanced alien species wasting their time to work or deal with sub-human neanderthals like the government and military.
It would be like us making deals and working with apes.
The far advanced aliens can do or take whatever they want from us, and they must know that we can't be trusted anyway. However, they may be using our neanderthal governments to conquer us for them though! That seems like the most likely scenario?
These various races may be hanging around waiting to see how we destroy ourselves so that when we're finished they can have whatever is left over to salvage before they terraform Earth and stake out their claims. Likely they could fight each other for the spoils. So let's sound the alarm and get everybody on the same page,dammit!
That's how I see it too. As Richard Hawking thought, they will probably be like we were when conquering the indigenous peoples to take over their resources. They will not come here to help us. I admit that this presumes that all species are as predatory as we are, which may not be correct, but I do agree with Richard Hawking on that, who thought that too.
They may have already staked out their claims, and are here to take those spoils now?
The battles we are seeing now are those claims being fought over for those spoils?
My idea of this planet is that it is a Class 4-P planet, pests-parasites-predators-psychopaths, which seems to be the natural biologic order here. The psychopaths will try to take over, as they always do.
They don't really "deal" with us. They manage us as livestock using a control-manipulate-harvest planetary business model. Everything - including you - is either incorporated or securitized. Among their tools are famine, plague and pestilence.
"Earth is a farm. We are someone else's property" Charles Fort (1874-1932).
That we are someone elses property is quite literal and embodied in maritime law which derailed the constitutional common law. We don't own the things we thought we bought, including assets like houses. We are given the ability to use something that legally belongs to them. It's all out there to research but Americans are pitifully unaware. That's been by design of course. Someone who's done the serious research on this is Anna von Reitz .
tia loca-hi-its a dance-evil is embedded not only in society but in the minds and actions of many disillusioned lost far as i know--those them they aliens been here and visiting a very long time...some just visits others infest and overpower...the cosmos is a huge compilation of various possibilities and probabilities...
when i was a kid i was told just ignore them-(aliens) and they go away...curiosity is not limited to humans--but awareness of is distorted by decievers
Werner Von Braun said that ET invasion is one of the things "they" will use to terrify us. First it was commies, then terrorists, then "countries of interest" (North Korea, Iraq, Iran, Libya, etc,, countries without Rothschild central banks) and then ETs. They work each one until no one falls for it anymore. I don't think Von Braun mentioned plandemics. Maybe they thought of that later, although it appears that's been going on for a hundred years. But, just like because you're paranoid doesn't mean there's not people following you, just because you're seeing fake "ETs" doesn't mean there aren't real ones, as Clif maintains constantly, speaking of paranoids.
They've been running plandemics at least since Biblical times. Before Covid-19, there was HIV/AIDS (also a Monster Fauci operation), Spanish 'flu, Black Death, etc, etc, etc - remember?
Totally true. And the business with giving American natives blankets rubbed in smallpox.
Don't forget one thing.
They have to tell us the truth, no matter how encrypted, in order to, in their mindset, avoid karmic retribution.
So yes, they are not only willing but obliged to tell the truth.
This is incorrect. The reason they tell us through movies and such is due to our ability to create reality through projection manifestation. They “leak” information so penetrate your mind so that the majority of people fear it happening without realizing that by thinking about it, you are actually creating it happen.. why would “they” feel guilty about the rest of us creating it? The trick is to turn off ur tv, and be at peace and mentally hope for better things. Imagine a world that is NOT what “they” leak” out to you.
Exactly, it's what I explain further down.
We need to withdraw out permission, respond to everything evil that crosses our perception with an 'I do NOT consent' and stop engaging emotionally so we don't co-create what they're incapable of creating.
However, it is not incorrect that they think they avoid karma by telling us and having us create what they want.
I DO NOT CONSENT-- the implied consent by non contesting or the inability to contest their actions...its their laws they rule by not those of the universe...
dont know if it works to change opinions or outcomes but just like they have to inform us we and say write communicated I DO NOT CONSENT..and if they push as the do now...then the time of no time evolves with its consequences
I think they get great joy in mocking us. They give us proof of who they are at every turn, yet we are so brainwashed and mind controlled that we can't even see it. They think it's funny an they can achieve whatever spiritual laws they need to follow to get the goyium where they want them.
Well that would make karma quite dumb, wouldn't it? If the person you're telling doesn't get the message because it's encrypted or otherwise deliberately disguised, unclear or unintelligible, isn't that fraud? How does that help Universe? Why would anyone, even the predators, think that karma was that dumb?
It is said that this is their contract with the 'light forces'.
As this is a free will planet, they need our consent for their evil plans.
They tell us through movies, novels, lyrics, jokes, Freudian slips, and so on.
If we don't object, it is taken as silent consent.
Whether that really helps them to avoid karma is none of our business.
Our business is to withdraw our permission and stop co-creating their agenda - we do that when we emotionally engage with their messages, be it by applauding them or by being fearful or angry, it doesn't matter; our emotions are our creator force and without them, [they] can do shit.
It's still fraud and not informed consent. It's also cowardly and dishonorable.
Totally agreed.
That's how they play the game.
We need to be better.
That we are better is a given, isn't it?!
And isn't karma supposed to be about restoring balance? Why would our predators think that deceiving and tricking us into pseudo-consent could create balance? I've always found this idea nonsensical.
Uncle Clif - you familiar with the book Beasts, Men and Gods? Last chapter, final prophecy of The King of the World - adds up to 2027? Good to hear you.
another interesting read..they stack up quickly https://lib
Our entire human history is complete BS! ALLLLL OF IT!!!
Something strange is happening with all those Canadian wild fires going off at once. Dutch since says he was targeted by the CBC and Reuters for saying so. Where there’s smoke…
Like the Northern California wildfires which all began at the same time. (Air Traffic Controllers reported seeing strange infrared blips on their scopes at the same time the fires started.) Green trees burned from the inside out. Brick houses melted while green bushes next to the house were untouched. How do sinks and bathtubs melt, while some cars parked in the drive were untouched? DARPA and other alphabet agencies openly admit that technology (by design) is 60-100 years ahead of anything the general public is aware of.
Just like Australia a few years ago. People saw beams of light coming down from the sky and then fires. California too the same year.
Well, yeah, when about a dozen fires spring in to being all over the same region of a province- I'd call that strange.
On a sunny 70 degree day without a cloud in the sky.
Thank goodness all those airborne helicopters spotted those fires so fast. LOL
No clouds, but maybe some DEW?!
Those fires started in May. That's way to early for those kind of fires. Fires are usually in July/August.
They are testing the air Its poison that is spreading in the US not smoke God help us all
Weaponized language aimed at emotions. Get at people's emotions and hide truth. Blissful ignorance is an easy ride till the next cyclical change. Ignorance obviously doesn't prepare well for change.
I'm curious what Clif and others might have to say about the work of Gary Wayne and L.A. Mazulli. Both these guys are extremely diligent researchers that have done great investigation into the topic of the Nephilim. And yet... they are still stuck in their Christian-egocentric worldviews i.e. spiritually-based ideological mind control. Let know what you guys think. Is the deception all linked to that one contentious word, "Elohim"? Or are there a variety... a whole universe of reasons for Christian confusion about history?
I suggest it is Khazarian Mafia that came up with religion as a means of controlling humanity- dividing humanity, to more easily control us while giving us a few bits of truth & inverting & perverting the rest to match their worship of the Elohim. I can also see that there are so many out there who have discovered so much of the truth- but no one has yet to gather it all together. So I just give them all consideration. Well, except for those that are clearly frauds, grifters, plagiarists, PAYtriots. Like the [KM][DS], they are also name stealers, calling themselves truthers, anons & patriots manipulating and using our desire to know the truth for their own agendas. That would include self-aggrandizement, money, injecting confusion and division into the awakening process. Just my opinion, I don't require agreement from anyone.
Directly over the target 🎯!!!! And I like your term PAYtriot... Haha. There are more than a few high generals that have commented about the mind parasite, that which we call "patriotism".
here's a 3 hour horror movie, that if you suspend disbelief, is by far the most terrifying disclosure I've ever heard...
I WOULD have to suspend disbelief because, although very inspirational and eye-opening for someone just beginning their Woo Journey, there are a lot of holes in both Icke's theories and who he actually is compared to his media persona. High level, limited hangout if you ask me... ( And how did he secure Wembley without getting schwacked! Most people disclosing this kind of thing back then could never get such a big venue.)
Go watch the interview of him on London Real with Brian Rose (an ex banker) and a few things may dawn on you. Like... He's been repeating the same things over, and over, and over, and over again for the past 30+ years. Real researchers expand their knowledge base and relate it to current events. There is also heavy symbolism of the Union Jack in place of Jachin and Boaz in the interview background (not that these are inherently bad or evil, but the way they're being used...), and there is the heavy use of the rose symbolism which is a symbol of the Jacobites - the Tudor/Stewart Dynasty that is still grasping at their quickly dissolving power, and power structures.
Icke has written at least a dozen books, each one says different things on the same basic theme. Read them before making your accusations. He certainly does expand the knowledge base and relate it to current events. A good quarter of each book is footnotes which makes him one of the best documented authors on these topics. Because of the time limits, his interviews hit the tops of the waves, the books flesh it out in great detail. Icke did sell out Wembley's 90,000 seats, but what that shows is his following. In the beginning he couldn't pack a phone booth he says. He grew that over 30 years, so he doesn't follow the pattern of cabal shills who escalate suddenly into the limelight. Guess the cabal wasn't strong enough to block the profit motive at Wembley. His whole tour was banned from Australia though and he wasn't allowed in the country.
If you don't think the criminals try to block him, read your post again. It's full of the accusations they use to block him. Surprised you missed the anti-semitic accusations. So, heal thyself physician.
Even if you're correct, your first and last few sentences are perfect examples of the savior zeitgeist/mentality I was alluding to, and that which surrounds his public persona, which should be suspect in and of itself. Doesn't mean that he IS a part of the cabal. It simply means I eschew supplication and question all the sacred cows of the truther, woo, and conspiracy movements we all should. What I wrote was speculation, not accusation. But I apologize for insulting your daddy...
Oh fuck off and stop the same kind of baseless accusations that justified my comments. Eschew on that. You were full of accusations, no speculation involved and now you're off on me because I said something to you about it. You don't know me. You don't know the first thing about me. But what I can tell you is that I'm nobody's savior or sacred cow worshiper. David Icke had to work pretty hard to earn my agreement. I don't belong to ANY movement and you don't know my daddy, so STFU.
Thank You !!
Thanks for sharing.
worth a listen to me because I don't think I have seen it. However this being said Yes Icke has been saying the same thing for many decades. Gotta thank him though for waking us up to other sources such as Clif who has awakened me to more people and so on and so forth.
Oh yea! I still really appreciate those Wembley stadium "life by PowerPoints". Gotta call it as I see it though, because that is how they are getting people to turn a blind eye and dissociate screwing with people's throat chakras, which is one of three main auric templates of the physical and auric body.
Waste of time to debate who's got it right or wrong. They all have some right, some wrong or misinterpreted
You're right ...except for the little problem of Neuro Linguistic Programming and its connection to our nervous systems and auric bodies. I 99.99% agree with your sentiment with the exception of this one caveat.
yeah - david icke is just a fly on the wall here. In fact, aside from this interview, I don't think he's really contributed much. Arizona Wilder is the prize in this one, Imagine what she's explaining as the backdrop to a video game or film franchise... We're on it!
Arizona Wilder, good to know. Thank you. For the record I would still watch this. It's just I've found so many investigators still supplicating to Icke, disowning their own power and critical thinking skills. Always have to say something just to keep the conversation open ended and scientific if ya know what I mean. But that being said, John Coleman claims Icke stole his whole monologue. Which is interesting because Coleman seems so damn authentic, while Icke seems rehearsed to the nth degree.
Well, when you've been saying the same thing for decades, I imagine you would sound rehearsed, get better at making your point- and can probably say your piece in your sleep.
A valid point to your argument. I will take this into consideration next time I view his material. Thank you.
thank you will check it out
Thanks Clif
Sign me up for the revealed past. Codex Oera Linda and Wilson and Blackett whetting my whistle...
Orion Wars comin home again. What we gonna do about the moon? Make it alive? Pixies style?
Where is my mind?...
"Like" for mentioning Wilson and Blackett!
Just discovered recently, on here, sorry to say. Many of their books expensive or hard to find.
The juicy nugget in the center? The COMET that decimated Europe and America. Who knows what all. Going to dig more on THAT.
Although I'm a huge Arthur fan, so I'll obviously check them out more...
Sadly, Ross Broadstock of Cymroglyphics (W&B's current publisher) died suddenly and prematurely last October. He was preparing to publish a book about the comet. It decimated Norway, Britain, Ireland and Bolivia around AD 562. Alan Wilson turned 90 yo last year.
Damn. I give a thumbs up and a thumbs down for the news.
Yeah, Wilson seemed pretty old in interview on Megalithomania I watched. But still sharp.
Give me the comet! With maps! And ORIGIN.
Time to get chronicling on the catastrophes. Set the past straight. See what's kept humanity as cave people.
Grateful for this juicy information! Busy tying all the dots!
First like
I can't wait! I'm going to write adventure stories based on the new information that comes out. It should add a touch of fun to the ambient chaos.
I got one for ya...
The plot of Galaxy Quest tooled to current human trials and tribulations.
Taking a bunch of lies and making them true somehow. Rising to the challenge.
Becoming HUMAN.
All the new stories must be about becoming human. They must be, we've been diddled around so much that many aren't even sure what human traits are anymore. I recently wrote a Substack about a story called, "Letter to Phoenix" from 1949 ( which addresses humanity rising again and again.
My goal is to put out a new magazine including all these sorts of "new humanity rising" stories. Maybe you can write that Galaxy Quest-type story and be one of my first contributors! Anyway, we need good new stories for human people.
Nice. Dig your style.
I'm into SF and fantasy for the psychological aspects mainly. Started finding more interesting writers. Thanks for the other leads and I'll check out your writings...
It's coming closer to the Goblin Universe and as our boundaries shift, things will become very interesting indeed.
Yes, they do.
And to follow their own star instead of others'. Or celebrity and royalty worship...
Sorry, getting ahead there.
Everything is in such flux, it's hard to focus on a new paradigm for all. And the old one is way too limiting and tiresome.
I'm exploring though. Listening to audible of Real-World Cryptography by David Wong to fire some neurons.
New language time.
For God's sake, get ahead! I am so damned tired of slow thinkers. LOL
Woo people think and process fast. And that's really good! We're going to need those skills going forwards.
Thanks, by the way! I'm more interested in the old adventure stories. I am too aware of how they screwed us up with psychological stories starting in the 1950's. But we need everyone to help sort this mess out, so whatever your interests it's my feeling that humanity needs you!
Don't worry. Jack Vance is still my favorite in SF. Adventure all the way.
The wife and I are having fun reading Venus on a Half-Shell by "Kilgore Trout" together. Supposed to be Philip Jose Farmer actually wrote it...
I'm an Indiana Jones fan at heart. Although I think I'll skip the latest installment as Dilzney and Hollywizzle lose all their marbles.
Oh! The humanity!
BTW, you ever read More Than Human by Theodore Sturgeon? There's something there...
I'm an Indiana Jones fan, too. I'm an archaeologist by training. Come to think of it, those skills might come in handy in the next few years. Who knows what we'll begin to dig up. lol
I thought "Kilgore Trout" was Kurt Vonnegut?
Amazing conversations… Thank you all! I love Clif so much, and it’s obvious that he attracts some very advanced, awake, and aware people.
So good to know such intelligent life is out there. Like many of you, much has become so incredibly boring… When you see through such obvious deceit, like 9/11, and the Covid madness, while others, swallow it hook, line, and sinker… There are so few independent, critical thinkers to associate with.
I haven’t been reading the comments here, but I will certainly start… Thank you again for being here! 😎
Well done Clif, if you remember the moviie"Time Machine" from 1960, in the end, the morlocks were herding humans and using them as cattle to be food for them. Seems to be a hint what happened here on earth in the past and now!
Soylent Green is People! This new chicken created in a test tube gives me the creeps. Like in the Matrix movie when Trinity sucks that awful spider bug out of Neo's stomach.
Thanks for reminding me about the "Time Machine" movie. I was looking for a good movie to watch so I'm going to look for it on ROKU.
Sure does, as have so many books, movies, art
Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge and insights. It has changed my perception of the true nature of our reality and world.