The Sun is the only lightwave patch we need. https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/how-to-treat-emf-radiation-part-1

Aren't scalar and other gadgets just a band-aid solution to nnEMF?

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Predictions about the future are fine, but please be responsible and verify your past statements.

Clif's Career as a Prophet

Clif in April 2023: "The federal government will collapse in May and June, and then spill over again to the state, local, and regional levels in July. July will be a really tough month."

Clif in September 2023: "There will be three major attacks by November! 20 to 30 financial institutions will fail by the end of November."

Clif in November 2023: "Government agencies will cease to function by next spring. The government will collapse around January 2024 due to hyperinflation."

Clif in 2024: "Something big is about to happen to financial institutions on February 18!"

Currently ⇛ Prediction from February 18th to the end of this month ⇒ Possibly the first or second week of March, isn't it?

Tarot readings are more accurate.

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A 48-72hr water fast is all you need to rejuvenate your stem cells. Try it...you will feel better than ever.

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Clif, running out. Love this! Thanks for taking the time to keep us informed. I look to you everyday as I am sure others do as well. You make my days some days and some days I want to throw the remote at you. But, you are just telling it as it is, and that’s OK. Thanks my man!

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Greetings humans!

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The company helps people earn a little money to cover the cost of their patches. Win win. It spread grassroots helping many along the way….. any other way would have been shut down by pharma long ago. There’s a patented non transdermal patch that elevates copper peptide ghkcu through a crystalline lattice structure….. no way that costs a penny to manufacture in the USA and it costs less than a cup of coffee to wear a day. Ask anyone who has gotten their life back if it was a worthwhile investment or if they will ever stop. The inventor is a genius who actually wants to help humanity and share the profits. Stunned this isn’t obvious.

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It's called LifeWave. I have been using them since October 2023. What has happened to me so far is my neck skin has tightened my hair has filled out again.

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A tin foil hat? Works for me…🤷🏽‍♀️

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Staying under the radar is how companies with effective health technologies stay alive so an underrated study may be intentional.

For $99 a month, one can activate their own stem cells in a non invasive manner and reset thousands of genes to a younger state within days. Please reply to my email so I can send you a few to try. People report amazing changes in things they weren’t expecting or focussed on do that can’t be placebo. I could share so much more but anyone who has had life changing miracles happen wants to keep it under the radar to protect the company.

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There are thousands of mind blowing testimonials using lifewave patches from A-Z.

You just have to try them for a few months to experience the energy increase, balancing and regeneration these miraculous little stickers offer. The company is growing the way it is because they work. I have personally experienced miracles after have exhausted every other avenue.

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arthritis is generally caused by a parasitic amoeba, which can be naturally killed with a boron supplement. borax foot/ankle soak works fine. you can find studies linking groundwater levels of boron and arthritis, pattern is clear as day. it does take some time for the cushioning between joints to regrow, but what you get back is permanent. until you get more amoeba.

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Feb 29·edited Feb 29

I use Lifewave patches. Three (X39, X49, SP6) have clear, different, before/after benefits. The others I've tried are subjective. As for Placebo Effect, I didn't know what the effects would be; I was looking for How I felt different, not just 'better.' Even so, it's a good argument. Nonetheless, I had clear, different, repeated benefits from use of the patches. As for cost, you can reuse them at least once, so you cost is similar to taking the average supplement. It's up to you if you think they are worth your cost, whatever the actual production costs. Yes, the multi-level marketing doesn't look good, but results are results.

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What about the MAGA cult??? lol. Im in this cult. I like this cult. Orange man GOOD!

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Have you ever considered the enemy (DARPA & SECRET SOCIETIES) have just tried to murder 90-95% of the global population and they are Military & DARPA. If anyone offers you a MED Bed... would that be wise? How do we know "Q" is on our side being "Q" is military? I prefer to treat myself and not accept the hopium of "Q".

"Q" has queered the sale in my mind.

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Who wants hair on their back?! 🤮

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Okay. A bitcoin will be worth a million dollar. Then the dollar crashes. But HOW, how do you estimate the worth of a bitcoin THEN?

Can you sell your house and get two hundred bitcoins for it? 🤨

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