It’s loopy.
How do you know the qualia you think you perceive is ‘real’?
All and everything that manifest into this Matterium are ‘real’ by definition as they are here, in this common shared reality.
That’s the easy part. The only and one.
After that, everything becomes quite complex.
Your mind intrudes. Your previous experiences in this body’s Life. Your wishes, desires, delusions, and illusions intrude. So all qualia that are perceived are real, and given that we live in an Ontology, all are meaningful.
But that doesn’t mean jack shit!
Is your awareness broad enough, present in the Now enough, to perceive the qualia? If so, is your perception wide enough to place the event into perspective? If so, can you extract meaning from it? If so, how many layers of meaning can you discern?
Remember, that there are always layers you will never discern as all qualia are complex. So a qualia moment for you, early in the morning, sets your day to a pleasant hum right off, your attitude changes, and as a result, your actions are taken as a qualia by someone else later in the day. These are individual ‘event-streams’ in this eternal Now. There are massive numbers of these. More than any of us may ever possibly even hope to count. This Matterium is big, and we are all part of huge numbers of event-streams.
These generally work by causing action, though they may also cause thought, or memory, or emotion, in the Now, such that further down the event-stream, changes are manifest, and further actions are created which in turn create changes in the Now that cause more events...and so on forever without ceasing. At millions of levels. From bacteria up to planets...we’re all in an event-stream.
You could be participating in both a qualia, and several different event-streams at any given instant. Say that you, spur of the moment, bought your sweetie some flowers, and presented them to her. She is having a rough day and gets a mental boost, Aw! You’re thinking kind thoughts about her!...and her day gets better. She in turn is less grumps to someone and the event-stream reflects the passing of that aspect of that qualia outward with the manifestations.
Think about it this way, why did you do that? What was it in that instant of Now, that moved you to start that chain of events. Likely your answer would be just a guess, as that action, the purchase and presentation of the flowers is but part of another, infinitely long event-stream that created a change in you, which prompted your action.
In that instant, you were unknowingly receiving an aspect of, a perception of, a ‘consciousness experience’ that we label as a qualia.
Qualia come in all sizes, and a wide range of impacts. From personal, ‘my how nice’ moments out to huge qualia affecting millions of people simultaneously. In fact, if you think about it, there were billions of qualia involved, and experienced, within the last Presidential Election in the USA.
Qualia can be manifest dramatically, such as barely missing death by assassins bullet. Or they may arrive almost unperceived, just barely nudging at your subconscious.
Consider that you meet someone. He’s ok, nice enough guy, but there is just a something about him that is irritating you. He gets under your skin. It waxes and wanes. Sometimes he does just the slightest thing, a look, a gesture, a word, and it gets you more than irritated. This is a qualia being revealed to you in slow motion.
Usually such meetings arranged by the Ontology that produce this effect are mutual. There is something about you that irritates him, that prompts his response to the irritation trying to push it out. Qualia work both ways.
This is qualia. An active, dynamic expression of consciousness being made aware of itself in a way intended to create the change that is the event-stream.
The concept is that the Ontology is speaking to you, communicating to you, something it feels you should know. It does this by creating decision points in your day.
All day, and everyday, of your body’s Life, you are reacting to decision points, and in turn creating them for everyone with whom you interact.
Bacon? Toast? How dark? Milk? Coffee? You get the idea. You are a decision making machine. That’s mostly all you get to do in this body’s Life. Choose. Constantly.
That irritating bastard? What’s he doing now that bugging me? Why does it grind on me so? What’s the Ontology saying having him on my case all the time? What’s eating him? Whose busting his balls?
Qualia are here to initiate change.
The qualia are here to provide you pointers to choice. All qualia are real. All qualia are meaningful, but you will never ever and cannot possibly know all the meanings being expressed within any or all qualia.
Universe provides and guides.
I should have read this 50 years ago. I married that guy that annoyed me.
(Spoiler: it did not end well).
35 years later, more careful.
Mindful of the butterfly's wings.
You always make me think. Thinking of you - often. Praying that joy is finding you.
And forever and always is the decision on how to experience the duality: do I react or watch myself observe the qualia. I love these discussions on qualia. Such an interesting concept and such a curious aspect of Universe providing and guiding.