While public discourse is often flippant about it, I have reflected a bit lately and really do have to cut the last 2.5 generations of Americans a break. Between the Lead in the Air, Mercury put in your teeth without permission, and all the generations before of parents IGNORING THEIR QUALIA during high-impact periods in our history - as Clif talks about - it's no wonder the wheels came off of so many men in the Western World.
Let's focus - Quiet honesty, strength, wisdom, and Action - and bring it back in 🙏
I like that. Well said. Let's bring back quiet honesty, strength, wisdom, and action. This is a healing place, these Clif High posts. My entire life was so damn difficult, haha! and most of the time it was because I was getting attacked, because most people were living in a sleep state. My parents, for example, coming from the last world war in Europe, were like so strange. Straight from their hatred toward Serbians, which I as a child could not understand. What was their purpose to hate them? Of course it was just going along with the mind program. I had no reason to hate them, or anyone, and so whenever I found people who were racist, it really made me to wonder where is their higher mind?
Anyway, another thing was, I got blamed for something I had nothing to do with. My brother was raped by a man when he was 9 years old. He didn't tell anyone, but he began acting very badly. Started drinking and doing drugs as he progressed in age, then started attacking the other siblings in the family so that cops had to be called continually. One day in highschool the lady principal talked to me about my little brother saying there was something not right with him, and I agreed. She asked to come over to the family home to talk to the parents, and I definitely thought that a very good idea. So the meeting was scheduled. While sitting around the dining room table with everyone present, she spoke to my parents, mostly the father, because he was the dominator of the family, and she said that my brother needed counselling, and he agreed. And then she said that the whole family could use counselling too, because of the violence that has gone on here. Immediately he took offence, and he said he'll take care of the situation. HA! What a joke. The principal left and no counselling was given to my brother or the family. I was very sad because I knew now that nothing good was going to happen. Then I was being blamed for the way my brother acted. How the heck did my father arrive at that one? How is it that I am the one responsible when he himself was ditching responsibility? You see? Mirroring his evil onto me. Was he doing anything to alleviate the situation? No. It went back to the same way, even worse. So my parents hated me for something I had nothing to do with. Was hoping I could get my brother some help, because I cared about him. He was pretty genius at electrical things, taking things apart and learning how to do it himself. That is a fine mind and shouldn't be wasted. But it was. Too many times he tried to commit suicide. One day, before he left for Edmonton, a few provinces away from where we lived, he told my two sisters what had happened to him. So now the entire family knew after he was gone. He ended up dead in that place. Too long a story to describe. So? What is my qualia, when continually I'm seeing things for what they are, and I bring it to others' attention, and too many times no one is paying any attention until it is too late? What is this, that I have been dealing with my entire life. There are also invisible beings who have been time again trying to take me down. What is that? What is it that they hate about me so much???
Great post thank you! Wow that is so tough, I'm sorry about your brother and the entire family situation sounds terribly traumatic and a personal journey in itself. I have a good and very awake friend born and raised in Serbia had to leave with just a small bag overnight as a teenager when the bombings got too close for his parent's comfort, this was in the early 90's. And I'll go one further, my partners two uncles, one fought in WW2 for Italy, the other was here in Oz fighting for the other side....against his own brother in other words. Fucked up society. I could go on and on about my alcoholic grandfather that messed up his own daughters sexually and was a crazy violent drunk asshole. But that's just yet another example there are endless as Clif so poetically writes about. Be well.
I'm grateful he got away from that horror. War is not natural. Anyway, I think I know why my parents were over-religious and hated Serbians...because they were not dealing with their personal experiences, the emotions and the thoughts that occur, naturally, out of something so difficult. So they instead took it out on those around them. Fear. Because that was a communist country when they were growing up in it. And so, fearing, they just went along thoughtlessly, until it was a habit, and their entire life was stained with it. They're both passed away now.
War is senseless and is the first thing that needs to be removed permanently so that people can heal from the shock and disturbance that has occurred because of it.
Typical event stream, that. Being without foreknowledge at birth of why you were born into that family, at that time, is part of the reincarnational process. My understanding of reincarnation has given me insight into my own rollercoaster ride through life. It might help you as well. When I realized, as a consequence of studying the philosophy (lots of sources), that I chose all of it before reincarnation into this life, that all the participants agreed to their roles, it released my turmoil and brought peace to my spirit. That I have traveled through several lifetimes with these same souls, working out karma, I began to view my role in the matrix differently, so that angst, pain, disappointment that it wasn't otherwise, that I had not chosen a different path, released me from being responsible for -- or the victim of -- the events. It has also brought me to a conclusion: I am NOT reincarnating with baby souls for a long time! LOL They are exhausting. Make a mess and leave everyone else to clean it up. (Baby souls manifest with rigid attitudes about sex, religion and politics. You can look at history and pick them out. ISIS. Rigid religious groups.) However, not everyone shares my understanding about reincarnation, and disagree about how it works. We are all students in the biggest classroom in existence: human life on psycho planet. It ain't never gonna look like a Norman Rockwell picture.
Well said and true for Australian blokes too. I'll add fluoride added to the water supply and post-war traumas along with chronic alcoholism into to the conversation. Much to deprogram and unlearn about. Reviewing and learning to tune into Universe is a freewill choice of action. It takes personal strength for sure.
And forever and always is the decision on how to experience the duality: do I react or watch myself observe the qualia. I love these discussions on qualia. Such an interesting concept and such a curious aspect of Universe providing and guiding.
O yeah trump talked about space force so they can 24/7 watch every 1. The only one s needing watch ing are these government ass holes who have literally fuck up the whole world. Killed billions. They need cameras on their every move. We need to know when they wipe their own asses. Fuck their servailence on the working man. My apologies to the Grammer police 🚔. No really.
Mate! What are you trying to do to me I have been absolutely hammered with synchronicities and incoming transmissions since your first Qualia post. I am almost scared to read the loopy post. But seriously thanks for the effort and sharing your knowledge and insights much appreciated.
That's fascinating! It would be interesting to hear, if you could share, what type of synchronicities have just suddenly occurred since the posts on Qualia.
Hey Mary, it’s a big story so I will try to simplify. I am restablishing my connection to the totality and I have been trying to reconnect for several years. Clifs’ post seemed to make some connection for me and I have been seeing new information since which has been connecting more information, reframing it perhaps. I have also been having exceedingly strong and deep meditations accompanied by the return of some very special energies, clarity and encounters. It’s all Wow but I think I’m okay with this path this time. Hope this is not too much info and answers your question. All the best Nigel
It’s really ramped up the variety and type of information I am seeing in the world and experiencing in my meditation which are deeper and more dialled in. Hope this is useful. All the best Nigel.
A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing Trump gets under your skin. Think if you had family that took his advice and got the shot. They are dead. Edward Doude has the facts on that one. Many are wondering why he hasn't backed off or apologized about warp speed. Even now he's talking AI helping make vaccine s to fight cancer to your specific s. Yo Mista President have ya ever heard ivermectin or fenbendazal/ clean air and soil. No gmo s or Monty Santo.
I had a dream about Mr. President and he flew over me in a space ship. That space ship 🚀 looked like a big dirt clod floating through the air. With his big face in the window just a smiling that big stupid smile I have grown to hate. There are so many good doctors that could fill him in on vaccine s. No he's talking to some rubber dumb shit that wants to vaccine ate everyone for cancer they created. Greg Reese has the latest vid on utubofshit.
Just for the record friend, our president Trump never advised. He said over and over its “YOUR” decision. I never took anyone’s advice regarding the jab, and I KNew from the get-go It was a psyop and that I wasn’t participating.
It’s no one‘s fault of ours that our family members had no discernment and never took the cues of their qualia —-because they shut it off. Then put the nail in that qualia coffin.
Not defending Trump in any way regarding the vaccines. It has been brought forward by several good known sources that the first vaccine presented to Trump was called "process one". The second one " process two" was a bait and switch and had the contamination in the mixture. This is what went out to the public. Dr Peter McCullough work through his foundation spokesperson this was revealed. Still, it would be amiss to say that he is not aware of this now. Besides no one needs injections into their arms for a flu like condition with a 2% fatality. Largest, most deceptive, wealth transfer in the history of mankind. 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
That's so sad too, that people were unaware of the dangers. I, fortunately had taken the time off of daily life for a period of years because of the niggling feeling that there is much more to life on Earth than we have been allowed to see, and I wanted to know the truth. So, I found out. The cabal and all their puppets were planning the "c" for many years before it took. And the things I found they put into those viles? Evil. They did black magic on them to attract demons. But! The good side of it is that, there also were good people in the medico situation who created saline (salt) solutions and were pretending to inject this vile stuff into the people, but were injecting only harmless saline. But of course, they, the cabal, couldn't make every vile a poisonous one, because if they did and suddenly everyone was falling ill or dying, then obviously there would be an outcry and they would Go To Jail! very quickly. So you see how cunning they are? Must be aware of those dangerous cunning creatures and their thorny tree of death.
LOL just tried to watch Piers Morgan what a bunch of horse shit it was. TruthSocial Trump's feed is surprisingly more interesting....high strangeness is here. Might go back to the old Web Bot Forum.
I'm not fond of Piers Morgan's viewpoint. You might look into Telegram. No censorship for most. (I can vouch for that as I have run across channels that were startling - and hilarious.) I find all the news there before it shows up anywhere else. (Haven't watched fake news in 4 years): BioClandestine, Posobiec, Charlie Kirk, Steven Bannon, Alex Jones, American Tribune, Newsmax, Truthhammer, Gateway Pundit, Catturd -- and once you find the news feeds (depending on your mindset), other connections show up. I call it Cyber News Network (CNN) and everything is there. If you're of a different mindset than MAGA, that is there, too. No judgments. I like Truth Social and X, but I communicate -- like messaging on my cell and chat about what we exchange -- with people in my "group" as we exchange postings. BTW, what Trump did with "Operation Warpspeed" had nothing to do with the covid mess; he was not referring to the jab, but something else that was being developed that, apparently, got buried under the onslaught of Fauci/CDC/covid hysteria rhetoric. There are a LOT of channels re: covid research, results, jab data, etc. Covid Truth Network, Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. Mike Yeardon, that are constantly educating, informing, releasing data. Worth a look. Many of these are on X, too.
For some reason this part gave me very strong deja vu feelings... not sure wy? Say that you, spur of the moment, bought your sweetie some flowers, and presented them to her. She is having a rough day and gets a mental boost, Aw! You’re thinking kind thoughts about her!...and her day gets better. She in turn is less grumps to someone and the event-stream reflects the passing of that aspect of that qualia outward with the manifestations.
Clif, i always enjoy your reads, but i have a couple questions. you refer to "Ontology" as a noun, or at least, that is my interpretation, for example "arranged by the Ontology" but Ontology is the philosophical study of Being. what are you referring to with your usage of "Ontology"?
secondly, you define qualia as "An active, dynamic expression of consciousness being made aware of itself" but Wikipedia refers to qualia as "defined as instances of subjective, conscious experience," without mentioning the self-awareness you include in its definition. do you have other references for the definition of "qualia"? i had to look up the meaning and discovered the differences described above. please elaborate.
i look forward to your answers. you are brilliant and have shared so much knowledge i read your work carefully for further contemplation to spur intellectual and spiritual growth.
You’re correct - ontology cannot be used as a noun. I’ve noticed that many woo people are atheists. They try to explain how the universe works but are reluctant to discuss the One who gave birth to it and will never use the word God. It reminds me of the question put to Job - “where were you when I stretched out the heavens?” “When I formed land and sea and separated the waters above from the waters below?” etc… I enjoy reading Clif but I keep my critical thinking in place at all times.
My sincerest condolences for your loss. Wishing the very best for your healing.
If you aren't aware of this prolific, recent 50+ year, body of thought-provoking/mind-bending/complex/clearly described metaphysical material, encourage you to take a look–>
Lazaras was a big presence in my life way back when i was waking up. I have so many cassette tape recordings forgotten in a box. Now i recall an absolutely life changing moment when i was stewing in a blame and shame memory of a relationship destroying confrontation with my mother --- he said "You wrote the script. " In that qualia moment of listening to the recording and embodying the truth and understanding of creating my own reality, my life forever changed! Now here you are, reminding me of Lazaras...what lovely synchronicity. Thank you for this outstanding qualia moment. I get it!
"First published Wed Aug 20, 1997; substantive revision Thu Aug 12, 2021
Feelings and experiences vary widely. For example, I run my fingers over sandpaper, smell a skunk, feel a sharp pain in my finger, seem to see bright purple, become extremely angry. In each of these cases, I am the subject of a mental state with a very distinctive subjective character. There is something it is like for me to undergo each state, some phenomenology that it has. Philosophers often use the term ‘qualia’ (singular ‘quale’) to refer to the introspectively accessible, phenomenal aspects of our mental lives. In this broad sense of the term, it is difficult to deny that there are qualia. Disagreement typically centers on which mental states have qualia, whether qualia are intrinsic qualities of their bearers, and how qualia relate to the physical world both inside and outside the head. The status of qualia is hotly debated in philosophy largely because it is central to a proper understanding of the nature of consciousness. Qualia are at the very heart of the mind-body problem.
The entry that follows is divided into ten sections. The first distinguishes various uses of the term ‘qualia’. The second addresses the question of which mental states have qualia. The third section brings out some of the main arguments for the view that qualia are irreducible and non-physical. The remaining sections focus on functionalism and qualia, the explanatory gap, qualia and introspection, representational theories of qualia, qualia as intrinsic, nonrepresentational properties, relational theories of qualia and finally the issue of qualia and simple minds.
1. Uses of the Term ‘Qualia’
2. Which Mental States Possess Qualia?
3. Are Qualia Irreducible, Non-Physical Entities?
4. Functionalism and Qualia
5. Qualia and the Explanatory Gap
6. Qualia and Introspection
7. Representational Theories of Qualia
8. Qualia as Intrinsic, Nonrepresentational Properties
Oh yeah and a nother thing Trump buddy. Your good zionist / kazarian buddies can't keep a cease fire. They keep murdering more Palestinians. What a pro life lying scum. So let's see Mr president of peace, let's see ya stop that one. Oh maybe you can make a vaccine for being Palestinian. Isreal should be wiped off the face of the earth/along with the Catholic church. Then we will have peace.
Clif has been sick those that have worked to destroy the matterium and Truth for a long time, and has trained to fight it. I, to a much lesser degree have tried to do the same.
He's very correct that the fight is worthy for everyone given the opportunity to experience life, as well as for the future of those that will replace us. Regardless of how far or enslaved we are. History teaches us the Resilience of those that fight against Truth that evil can't survive in.
We are winning after many submitted to fake and evil for decades in America (captured) by media etc.
It was hard to find Truth in American society 40 years ago so I went sailing. Lot's of truth out there.
Now, I sit overwhelmed by everything coming out, especially Clif who is near my age who I've followed for over 25 years.
Look at all of the others that have crossed sides KNOWING in their heart the evil is being exposed.
Each time Carlos Castaneda would ask don Juan to offer an interpretation of his experience, don Juan would decline. The reason he gave was that each experience is a personal interaction between the universe and the perceiver, so there is no benefit to having someone else try and assign meaning for another.
I should have read this 50 years ago. I married that guy that annoyed me.
(Spoiler: it did not end well).
35 years later, more careful.
Mindful of the butterfly's wings.
You always make me think. Thinking of you - often. Praying that joy is finding you.
My first marriage was to someone who did not annoy me. He turned out to have a nasty side. It did not end well. Onwards!
While public discourse is often flippant about it, I have reflected a bit lately and really do have to cut the last 2.5 generations of Americans a break. Between the Lead in the Air, Mercury put in your teeth without permission, and all the generations before of parents IGNORING THEIR QUALIA during high-impact periods in our history - as Clif talks about - it's no wonder the wheels came off of so many men in the Western World.
Let's focus - Quiet honesty, strength, wisdom, and Action - and bring it back in 🙏
I like that. Well said. Let's bring back quiet honesty, strength, wisdom, and action. This is a healing place, these Clif High posts. My entire life was so damn difficult, haha! and most of the time it was because I was getting attacked, because most people were living in a sleep state. My parents, for example, coming from the last world war in Europe, were like so strange. Straight from their hatred toward Serbians, which I as a child could not understand. What was their purpose to hate them? Of course it was just going along with the mind program. I had no reason to hate them, or anyone, and so whenever I found people who were racist, it really made me to wonder where is their higher mind?
Anyway, another thing was, I got blamed for something I had nothing to do with. My brother was raped by a man when he was 9 years old. He didn't tell anyone, but he began acting very badly. Started drinking and doing drugs as he progressed in age, then started attacking the other siblings in the family so that cops had to be called continually. One day in highschool the lady principal talked to me about my little brother saying there was something not right with him, and I agreed. She asked to come over to the family home to talk to the parents, and I definitely thought that a very good idea. So the meeting was scheduled. While sitting around the dining room table with everyone present, she spoke to my parents, mostly the father, because he was the dominator of the family, and she said that my brother needed counselling, and he agreed. And then she said that the whole family could use counselling too, because of the violence that has gone on here. Immediately he took offence, and he said he'll take care of the situation. HA! What a joke. The principal left and no counselling was given to my brother or the family. I was very sad because I knew now that nothing good was going to happen. Then I was being blamed for the way my brother acted. How the heck did my father arrive at that one? How is it that I am the one responsible when he himself was ditching responsibility? You see? Mirroring his evil onto me. Was he doing anything to alleviate the situation? No. It went back to the same way, even worse. So my parents hated me for something I had nothing to do with. Was hoping I could get my brother some help, because I cared about him. He was pretty genius at electrical things, taking things apart and learning how to do it himself. That is a fine mind and shouldn't be wasted. But it was. Too many times he tried to commit suicide. One day, before he left for Edmonton, a few provinces away from where we lived, he told my two sisters what had happened to him. So now the entire family knew after he was gone. He ended up dead in that place. Too long a story to describe. So? What is my qualia, when continually I'm seeing things for what they are, and I bring it to others' attention, and too many times no one is paying any attention until it is too late? What is this, that I have been dealing with my entire life. There are also invisible beings who have been time again trying to take me down. What is that? What is it that they hate about me so much???
Great post thank you! Wow that is so tough, I'm sorry about your brother and the entire family situation sounds terribly traumatic and a personal journey in itself. I have a good and very awake friend born and raised in Serbia had to leave with just a small bag overnight as a teenager when the bombings got too close for his parent's comfort, this was in the early 90's. And I'll go one further, my partners two uncles, one fought in WW2 for Italy, the other was here in Oz fighting for the other side....against his own brother in other words. Fucked up society. I could go on and on about my alcoholic grandfather that messed up his own daughters sexually and was a crazy violent drunk asshole. But that's just yet another example there are endless as Clif so poetically writes about. Be well.
I'm grateful he got away from that horror. War is not natural. Anyway, I think I know why my parents were over-religious and hated Serbians...because they were not dealing with their personal experiences, the emotions and the thoughts that occur, naturally, out of something so difficult. So they instead took it out on those around them. Fear. Because that was a communist country when they were growing up in it. And so, fearing, they just went along thoughtlessly, until it was a habit, and their entire life was stained with it. They're both passed away now.
War is senseless and is the first thing that needs to be removed permanently so that people can heal from the shock and disturbance that has occurred because of it.
Typical event stream, that. Being without foreknowledge at birth of why you were born into that family, at that time, is part of the reincarnational process. My understanding of reincarnation has given me insight into my own rollercoaster ride through life. It might help you as well. When I realized, as a consequence of studying the philosophy (lots of sources), that I chose all of it before reincarnation into this life, that all the participants agreed to their roles, it released my turmoil and brought peace to my spirit. That I have traveled through several lifetimes with these same souls, working out karma, I began to view my role in the matrix differently, so that angst, pain, disappointment that it wasn't otherwise, that I had not chosen a different path, released me from being responsible for -- or the victim of -- the events. It has also brought me to a conclusion: I am NOT reincarnating with baby souls for a long time! LOL They are exhausting. Make a mess and leave everyone else to clean it up. (Baby souls manifest with rigid attitudes about sex, religion and politics. You can look at history and pick them out. ISIS. Rigid religious groups.) However, not everyone shares my understanding about reincarnation, and disagree about how it works. We are all students in the biggest classroom in existence: human life on psycho planet. It ain't never gonna look like a Norman Rockwell picture.
Well said and true for Australian blokes too. I'll add fluoride added to the water supply and post-war traumas along with chronic alcoholism into to the conversation. Much to deprogram and unlearn about. Reviewing and learning to tune into Universe is a freewill choice of action. It takes personal strength for sure.
And Merit!🤗
And forever and always is the decision on how to experience the duality: do I react or watch myself observe the qualia. I love these discussions on qualia. Such an interesting concept and such a curious aspect of Universe providing and guiding.
Me too, I wanted to call it 'concept' at first, but then I realized no, it's a principle.
Clif, Very sorry to hear about your precious wife. We are thinking of you and the doggies/doggos and wish you all the very best. S & J from PA
O yeah trump talked about space force so they can 24/7 watch every 1. The only one s needing watch ing are these government ass holes who have literally fuck up the whole world. Killed billions. They need cameras on their every move. We need to know when they wipe their own asses. Fuck their servailence on the working man. My apologies to the Grammer police 🚔. No really.
I like your diction!😊
Mate! What are you trying to do to me I have been absolutely hammered with synchronicities and incoming transmissions since your first Qualia post. I am almost scared to read the loopy post. But seriously thanks for the effort and sharing your knowledge and insights much appreciated.
Warmest Regards Nigel
That's fascinating! It would be interesting to hear, if you could share, what type of synchronicities have just suddenly occurred since the posts on Qualia.
Hey Mary, it’s a big story so I will try to simplify. I am restablishing my connection to the totality and I have been trying to reconnect for several years. Clifs’ post seemed to make some connection for me and I have been seeing new information since which has been connecting more information, reframing it perhaps. I have also been having exceedingly strong and deep meditations accompanied by the return of some very special energies, clarity and encounters. It’s all Wow but I think I’m okay with this path this time. Hope this is not too much info and answers your question. All the best Nigel
It’s really ramped up the variety and type of information I am seeing in the world and experiencing in my meditation which are deeper and more dialled in. Hope this is useful. All the best Nigel.
A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing Trump gets under your skin. Think if you had family that took his advice and got the shot. They are dead. Edward Doude has the facts on that one. Many are wondering why he hasn't backed off or apologized about warp speed. Even now he's talking AI helping make vaccine s to fight cancer to your specific s. Yo Mista President have ya ever heard ivermectin or fenbendazal/ clean air and soil. No gmo s or Monty Santo.
I had a dream about Mr. President and he flew over me in a space ship. That space ship 🚀 looked like a big dirt clod floating through the air. With his big face in the window just a smiling that big stupid smile I have grown to hate. There are so many good doctors that could fill him in on vaccine s. No he's talking to some rubber dumb shit that wants to vaccine ate everyone for cancer they created. Greg Reese has the latest vid on utubofshit.
Just for the record friend, our president Trump never advised. He said over and over its “YOUR” decision. I never took anyone’s advice regarding the jab, and I KNew from the get-go It was a psyop and that I wasn’t participating.
It’s no one‘s fault of ours that our family members had no discernment and never took the cues of their qualia —-because they shut it off. Then put the nail in that qualia coffin.
Not defending Trump in any way regarding the vaccines. It has been brought forward by several good known sources that the first vaccine presented to Trump was called "process one". The second one " process two" was a bait and switch and had the contamination in the mixture. This is what went out to the public. Dr Peter McCullough work through his foundation spokesperson this was revealed. Still, it would be amiss to say that he is not aware of this now. Besides no one needs injections into their arms for a flu like condition with a 2% fatality. Largest, most deceptive, wealth transfer in the history of mankind. 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
That's so sad too, that people were unaware of the dangers. I, fortunately had taken the time off of daily life for a period of years because of the niggling feeling that there is much more to life on Earth than we have been allowed to see, and I wanted to know the truth. So, I found out. The cabal and all their puppets were planning the "c" for many years before it took. And the things I found they put into those viles? Evil. They did black magic on them to attract demons. But! The good side of it is that, there also were good people in the medico situation who created saline (salt) solutions and were pretending to inject this vile stuff into the people, but were injecting only harmless saline. But of course, they, the cabal, couldn't make every vile a poisonous one, because if they did and suddenly everyone was falling ill or dying, then obviously there would be an outcry and they would Go To Jail! very quickly. So you see how cunning they are? Must be aware of those dangerous cunning creatures and their thorny tree of death.
LOL just tried to watch Piers Morgan what a bunch of horse shit it was. TruthSocial Trump's feed is surprisingly more interesting....high strangeness is here. Might go back to the old Web Bot Forum.
I'm not fond of Piers Morgan's viewpoint. You might look into Telegram. No censorship for most. (I can vouch for that as I have run across channels that were startling - and hilarious.) I find all the news there before it shows up anywhere else. (Haven't watched fake news in 4 years): BioClandestine, Posobiec, Charlie Kirk, Steven Bannon, Alex Jones, American Tribune, Newsmax, Truthhammer, Gateway Pundit, Catturd -- and once you find the news feeds (depending on your mindset), other connections show up. I call it Cyber News Network (CNN) and everything is there. If you're of a different mindset than MAGA, that is there, too. No judgments. I like Truth Social and X, but I communicate -- like messaging on my cell and chat about what we exchange -- with people in my "group" as we exchange postings. BTW, what Trump did with "Operation Warpspeed" had nothing to do with the covid mess; he was not referring to the jab, but something else that was being developed that, apparently, got buried under the onslaught of Fauci/CDC/covid hysteria rhetoric. There are a LOT of channels re: covid research, results, jab data, etc. Covid Truth Network, Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. Mike Yeardon, that are constantly educating, informing, releasing data. Worth a look. Many of these are on X, too.
Or Greg reese on rumble
For some reason this part gave me very strong deja vu feelings... not sure wy? Say that you, spur of the moment, bought your sweetie some flowers, and presented them to her. She is having a rough day and gets a mental boost, Aw! You’re thinking kind thoughts about her!...and her day gets better. She in turn is less grumps to someone and the event-stream reflects the passing of that aspect of that qualia outward with the manifestations.
Ripples in the stream. Throw something life-enhancing in and watch where it goes. It will bring a smile.
Clif, i always enjoy your reads, but i have a couple questions. you refer to "Ontology" as a noun, or at least, that is my interpretation, for example "arranged by the Ontology" but Ontology is the philosophical study of Being. what are you referring to with your usage of "Ontology"?
secondly, you define qualia as "An active, dynamic expression of consciousness being made aware of itself" but Wikipedia refers to qualia as "defined as instances of subjective, conscious experience," without mentioning the self-awareness you include in its definition. do you have other references for the definition of "qualia"? i had to look up the meaning and discovered the differences described above. please elaborate.
i look forward to your answers. you are brilliant and have shared so much knowledge i read your work carefully for further contemplation to spur intellectual and spiritual growth.
thank you, Clif.
You’re correct - ontology cannot be used as a noun. I’ve noticed that many woo people are atheists. They try to explain how the universe works but are reluctant to discuss the One who gave birth to it and will never use the word God. It reminds me of the question put to Job - “where were you when I stretched out the heavens?” “When I formed land and sea and separated the waters above from the waters below?” etc… I enjoy reading Clif but I keep my critical thinking in place at all times.
My sincerest condolences for your loss. Wishing the very best for your healing.
If you aren't aware of this prolific, recent 50+ year, body of thought-provoking/mind-bending/complex/clearly described metaphysical material, encourage you to take a look–>
Here's four Lazaris quotations from that material that have a lot of meaning to me. Maybe they will resonate with you…
The Greatest:
What Matters:
Goodness, Truth & Beauty:
Perceptions, Perspective & Need to Know:
Take care, James Engelson
Lazaras was a big presence in my life way back when i was waking up. I have so many cassette tape recordings forgotten in a box. Now i recall an absolutely life changing moment when i was stewing in a blame and shame memory of a relationship destroying confrontation with my mother --- he said "You wrote the script. " In that qualia moment of listening to the recording and embodying the truth and understanding of creating my own reality, my life forever changed! Now here you are, reminding me of Lazaras...what lovely synchronicity. Thank you for this outstanding qualia moment. I get it!
Thank you! Those photographs with saying on them, I downloaded to my photos.
Here's a good link for definition and explanation of qualia.
Screw wikipedia, that watered down nonsense pretending to be useful.
"First published Wed Aug 20, 1997; substantive revision Thu Aug 12, 2021
Feelings and experiences vary widely. For example, I run my fingers over sandpaper, smell a skunk, feel a sharp pain in my finger, seem to see bright purple, become extremely angry. In each of these cases, I am the subject of a mental state with a very distinctive subjective character. There is something it is like for me to undergo each state, some phenomenology that it has. Philosophers often use the term ‘qualia’ (singular ‘quale’) to refer to the introspectively accessible, phenomenal aspects of our mental lives. In this broad sense of the term, it is difficult to deny that there are qualia. Disagreement typically centers on which mental states have qualia, whether qualia are intrinsic qualities of their bearers, and how qualia relate to the physical world both inside and outside the head. The status of qualia is hotly debated in philosophy largely because it is central to a proper understanding of the nature of consciousness. Qualia are at the very heart of the mind-body problem.
The entry that follows is divided into ten sections. The first distinguishes various uses of the term ‘qualia’. The second addresses the question of which mental states have qualia. The third section brings out some of the main arguments for the view that qualia are irreducible and non-physical. The remaining sections focus on functionalism and qualia, the explanatory gap, qualia and introspection, representational theories of qualia, qualia as intrinsic, nonrepresentational properties, relational theories of qualia and finally the issue of qualia and simple minds.
1. Uses of the Term ‘Qualia’
2. Which Mental States Possess Qualia?
3. Are Qualia Irreducible, Non-Physical Entities?
4. Functionalism and Qualia
5. Qualia and the Explanatory Gap
6. Qualia and Introspection
7. Representational Theories of Qualia
8. Qualia as Intrinsic, Nonrepresentational Properties
9. Relational Theories of Qualia
10. Illusionism about Qualia
11. Russellian Monism about Qualia
12. Which Creatures Undergo States with Qualia?
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Thank you! Bookmarked - will read it earlier in my day.
Hehe wow - isn't there some sort of contest for first comment (even if inane)?
A tap of the like button!
Oh yeah and a nother thing Trump buddy. Your good zionist / kazarian buddies can't keep a cease fire. They keep murdering more Palestinians. What a pro life lying scum. So let's see Mr president of peace, let's see ya stop that one. Oh maybe you can make a vaccine for being Palestinian. Isreal should be wiped off the face of the earth/along with the Catholic church. Then we will have peace.
Clif has been sick those that have worked to destroy the matterium and Truth for a long time, and has trained to fight it. I, to a much lesser degree have tried to do the same.
He's very correct that the fight is worthy for everyone given the opportunity to experience life, as well as for the future of those that will replace us. Regardless of how far or enslaved we are. History teaches us the Resilience of those that fight against Truth that evil can't survive in.
We are winning after many submitted to fake and evil for decades in America (captured) by media etc.
It was hard to find Truth in American society 40 years ago so I went sailing. Lot's of truth out there.
Now, I sit overwhelmed by everything coming out, especially Clif who is near my age who I've followed for over 25 years.
Look at all of the others that have crossed sides KNOWING in their heart the evil is being exposed.
REAL HISTORY is being exposed. Finally (again).
No need to say Stay Strong Clif, you are to be admired for it.
I hate reading.. Im too old.
Right now is the youngest you'll ever be 😉
Me to
Joyce Elkins, even though mind virused with TDS, has won the award for first comment. 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆 🏆
Each time Carlos Castaneda would ask don Juan to offer an interpretation of his experience, don Juan would decline. The reason he gave was that each experience is a personal interaction between the universe and the perceiver, so there is no benefit to having someone else try and assign meaning for another.