Looks like the K-Mafia is like the Dutch Boy who runs out of fingers trying to plug the holes in the dike. But, it seems to me that the biggest impediment is not non-disclosure or government push back, it's people's ability to absorb a new reality. Stupid people are just waiting for the 'new and improved' vaxx and some actually still believe in masks and 'pandemics'. Yes, some portion of the people are starting to scratch their heads, but the bulb has not fully lit yet.

Perhaps the biggest ally of the common people is that those same 'common people' work for governments and are fairly incompetent. In fact, things like 'gun grabs' and forced lockdowns in most areas of the US would be impossible as the 'enforcers' are just not there in sufficient numbers and quality. People far, far overate the effectiveness of their government to do even relatively uncomplicated things. Btw, as a former Marine Corps officer, I can tell you that the US military does not have the competence to conduct a very large scale war. War against major players requires an incredible degree of coordination and competence. Even the members of the WWII generation (my parents) had a hard time pulling off a victory during WWII and there is no doubt that that generation was highly competent. When I look at my parents, my uncles, aunts, and their associated friends (just about all of them are passed on now), they were one hell of a generation. That type of competence and focus is long gone now. People are massively faking it today - it only looks somewhat good because we can 'print' massive amounts of money out of nothing. Now, could you buy all your neighbors out if you could type in any amount of digits for your bank account? Of course. All people will sell when the 'The Price is Right' (hint: gameshow reference).

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Maybe if they would stop churning out dykes they would have an easier time of it.

Col MacGregor says that the biggest problem the US military has is a total lack of discipline.

Too much coddling and giving people rank for reasons of diversity.

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Col Mac for VP... or SecState... a wide range of knowledge, great attitude and a true Patriot.

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He's the man.

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When I saw my first video of him months ago I thought presidential.

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He said he didn't want any government position, but I'd say once the lawful governing body gets up and running, I think he might.

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I though he had already served in the Trump administration... not sure what capacity... it would be a waste if he didn't!

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Same thing I told you the other dumbass ego-centric and mind controlled Marines served with it met once I got out. If they have no idea the not-so-nuanced difference between a soldier and warrior ..and their ego is so aggrandized that they can't see they're not warriors... their foresight into what they can accomplish with the lack of discipline they have will be seriously obscured.

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That's not a hint. That's just telling them.

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Clif did an interview over on Brighteon I think, almost 2 hours, I was mesmerized. I do believe I could sit at his table and never move, just learning everything he still has to teach. alot of folks call him Uncle Clif, me included, lately he has become Guru Clif to me. I'm not able to help physically much, COPD, but I'd do what I could just to learn from Clif for an extended period of time.

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On Telegram: 'The Universal Antidote Videos Chat group' help people, answer questions, have testimonials, have links and downloads for free classes and books from Andreas Kalcker and Jim Humble; just search the ailment on their page; and i think you get fairly quick responses. There's a free class offered online. I've heard COPD being cured by this method of using MMS/CDS .

Also, there is H202 (food grade Hydrogen peroxide) therapy. See 'The Many Uses of Hydrogen Peroxide' online.

MMS Info that I share, where to purchase for under 40.00, documentary, educational vids from Andreas Kalcker and Jim Humble 🤍:

This is an informative documentary on MMS; "it cures everything": https://www.brighteon.com/80fe64d6-a0c1-48d6-a3b0-11925455fa26

This is Andrea's Kalcker, he can teach you how to use it: https://www.bitchute.com/video/roPyBi0j4bg/ https://rumble.com/v1t7y0o-dr-andreas-kalcker-the-miracle-of-chlorine-dioxide-solution-latest-updates-.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=CatherineEdwards&ep=2

This is where you can buy it but learn how to use it and not follow bottle instructions; learn from Andrea's vids, chats and Jim Humblebooks.com: https://waterpureworld.com/product/wps-kit-accudrop-5-hcl


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I do Chaga Capsules, N_A_C, Vit D from Doc and extra from pure bulk Clif 's suggestions have helped me feel better and I believe whole Heartly his suggestions took my A1C from over 8 to 5.1 and no more insuline. My Doc couldn't believe it. Now to try all these new ideas from ya'll for the COPD. What ya'll got up your sleeves for PTSD?

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Congrats on the health improvements!! 👏🏽

I'm an Integrative Kinesiologist (energy psychology). Myself and my clients have gotten rid of loads of issues/opportunities. I do in person and distance/online zoom and skype sessions.

I hear so many testimonials on psychedelics reversing PTSD as well.


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Someone on that telegram channel just asked about COPD:


Just in case u r interested. 🤍

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Donna, If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him.

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Why in the world would I want to harm any fuzz on his head?

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You do not understand...Buddha would say, "put no head above your own."


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Darn those meddling kids! (the end of every Scooby Doo episode)

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Holidays are the only time us diabetics are allowed to have sugary treats.

And I missed it- Just like Linus missed the Great Pumpkin...

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You do know sugar is Cancer's best friend, which are actually parasites, most Dis-Ease is caused by Parasites, So stay away from sugary cancer foods.

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I just told a family member how the bodies appear formed from paper mache.

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I was thinking that those "eggs" looked like jelly beans.

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Considering all the artifacts that so called scientists procured and squirreled away in the Smithsonian during the past 130 years or -- why would anyone have any qualms about saving artifacts from their government!? I'm Referring to the many reports of bodies of giants found throughout the West and stories of their being put on ships to be dumped at sea, buried, etc The Kazarian Mafia totally controls the fake accounting known as archeology which is full of Darwin style mythology.. looking forward to seeing their fairy tales shattered and scattered to the winds.

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Clif has first hand accounts relating to those Smithsonian coverups.

Maybe 4th part of Antarctica interview on Forum Borealis. YouTube if you want. There's three different topics with Clif. All excellent. He's much better when interviewed and kept on track...

Anyway, a relative of his was either paid to dump giant bones in the sea or destroy markers and mooring posts up the Mississippi that had "Egyptian" hieratic writing on them.

Same on west coast with all the "Chinese" and Asian markers.

What a LUDICROUS "history" we have. Can't wait for ENLIGHTENMENT.

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Are the coneheads on a different reincarnational cycle than humans?

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Maybe you were a Rockefeller in your past life.

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Sounds like you were.

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The space aliens look like ET. ‼️😳

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ET looks like the space aliens. Coincidence?

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Sep 13, 2023·edited Sep 13, 2023

ET Phoney home

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They do!

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Something something... ".oatmeal with chocolate nibs and Mexican bacon..." something aliens. Got it.

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You are a smart old man and I appreciate you sharing your vast Woo knowledge and beyond!

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You do know that AGE IS A STATE OF MIND NOT A MEASURE OF TIME. Some can be more mature at 10 than say 50, if you get my drift

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hola humanos y tio cliff :)

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But usually, "It's bigger on the inside!"

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I thought they smelled bad on the outside...

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I love you man lol

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Viva Mexico! I traded some hundos to get Pesos recently. I think they will go up and might help me trade with the Mexicans around here when the dollar becomes obsolete. I live in south Vallejo, CA on the peninsula. It's Mexican paradise here. Pristine pastures with all kinds of livestock and agriculture, all Mexican owned. It's the most decentralized food production imaginable. The WEF has no chance of starving the Mexicans out of California. It's the biggest parallel economy in the world.

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A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee and being hit by an 8.3 earthquake and picking yourself off the floor with an empty broken cup. AHHHHHHH!

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I loved this story telling session more than most, (I lied! I love them ALL) and I will never call yu a "boring ole guy" again!!! LOL Love ya Clif.

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So, emotions and weather being intimately related, despite any supposed technological manipulation, I wonder what the "releases" coming up will be?...


Storms, cataclysms, catalysts...

Massive deaths could also be a big release. Lighten the load. Free things up for a new reality.

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