All governments are a violation of natural law. No man can have any power over another. This violates the law of freewill. I will never consent to be governed and no paperwork or "fake" legality can change my birthright of sovereignty. No government or court has standing over me. Everything government has done was done with trickery and fraud, so it is vitiated immediately. Just something to think about. If everybody reasserts their God-Given sovereignty, it is game over. We need to give up the attachments that enslave us. This includes government, medicine, education, media & entertainment, churches, etc. They are all lies. Once we give up these attachments, our connection to source is restored and we have everything. If you have doubt, here is personal example. I gave up medicine in 1987. No doctor or medicine since. Not one day sick and I age at half the rate of my peers. Even sports injuries, I fix with frequency and self-healing. At 56 years old, I was still doing division 1 college soccer games as a center referee keeping up with young athletes. Medicine is poison. It is attachment to keep you enslaved. Government is the same. If we get rid of government completely, we will see these problems go away.
I fired 🔥 government after a short stint working in it at senior levels when I realised that the intrinsic hypocrisy, corruption and under performance is endemic and toxic for anyone’s mental health.
I’m also of the opinion that we cannot fight the entire system but instead we are better off to re-imagineand start small stage strategic and these creeps at the top in again.
I’ve come up with some ideas and post these on in 2012 and I’d be curious to receive constructive feedback
I am of the same belief..thats why I never bought into "paperwork" because all is null and void since no true consent was ever given and why would I ever give them the acknowledge or acceptance of it standing when it was fraud since inception ... I'm am of agreement free people should be responsible of such freedom and do not need to be governed...
You Sir, are wise beyond your years....thank you for your wisdom filled and thoughtful reply. Everything you said is truth and I thank you for speaking it!
I agree with the principles you state here problem is we allowed our crime syndicate government to acquire more weaponry than we. As our good friend Chairman Mao said "Power comes from the barrel of a gun" Don't forget to pay your slave tax April 15'
Of course. I have a pledge of allegiance I do every day on Telegram and Anonup. See it below. My work is everybody's work. Please share.
Start weening yourself off the central banks propose. Say no to centralize blockchain currency.
Start weeing yourself off the US Government. They have no authority and standing but disconnecting is gradual.
Start weening yourself off medicine and doctors. They are like slot machines. Over time, they are 100% sure to decrease your health.
Start weening yourself off Employment. Self-employment is freedom.
Cold turkey on media, hollywood,
Power & Politics need to be understood as being as evil as pedophilia
Get rid of all fear..
I pledge allegiance to the flag of my divine individual sovereignty. it signifies that no man has authority over me for anything. i will fearlessly and mortally defend all my birthright freedoms. my divine right comes from direct connection to God. with unconditional love for all. This love includes justice and karma where needed. and so it is.
I posted this tonite, 4/9/2022 on Majic Eysenck Only after reading most of the posts.
New here today, from invite on Clif High blog response.
All I see is SOS, SAME OLE STUFF, every one else passes around.
ALL of the passed around stuff is somebody else’s work or words.
What happened to the real Americans that did their own work?
You all acting like passing around others work or words has value to the American Adventure in self executed Liberty might want to rethink why you are FEEDING THE BEAST by doing nothing to identify and discuss solutions.
In the event the readers in this forum fail or refuse to recognize the difference between the links below and their value as personal action, and choose to live and act as if reporting some one else’s garbage helps resolve our countries problems, the I will not thank you for dooming me to your brand of SAVERY by refusing to identity root issues and do something.
Some links below may interest you and expose a bit about me and my work partners.
Says the person passing around the same old biscuits at the dinner table, using links from one source as if its one mind. Look, we all have choices to share as we wish, opinions that like minds appreciate. What most dont appreciate, is you, admonishing the choices we choose. Its our business to share WHATEVER we see, agree with and choose too. Your opinion, like mine and others is like a, there's that!
Agreed, we all make our own choices. I whole heartedly support free choice in the same manner I demand that right for my self, inclusive of FREE SPEECH.
The links I passed out I wrote. Not someone else’s biscuits as it were.
Nor are the the so called biscuits subject matter covered any where else. Check for your self.
More to the point the subject matter of the articles serves the principles founding the country that respects your right to speak and act under your own direction.
Perhaps a little more understanding of the fundamentals that you so obviously cherish for your self and investigation of root facts, law and procedures your perspectives concerning the damage done by FEEDING THE BEAST.
MarkerDragon, I would respectfully disagree that "all governments are violations of natural law which I take to mean that is true by their nature. It is probably true that most if not all DO violate natural law to some degree.
I think becoming a citizen should be a contract. Therefore, no minor should be a citizen, and no person should become a citizen without overtly accepting a contract. A contract of citizenship should incur responsibilities that are understood in exchange for voting rights and any other benefit. To vote I believe a citizen must pass a test and swear an oath and be subject to penalties if he breaks that oath. This is a reform I think is sorely needed since the military currently swear an oath to the Constitution while the citizenry inherit citizenship by birthright, which in my view is ridiculous, you cannot enter into a contract by being born.
My book on reforms is free at at I would dearly love to see Clif read my short book and comment or better write his own book on reforms. If you agree with this please reply here and maybe we can get Clif's attention on this.
Thank you for your opinions. Respect back to you. I never agreed to be citizen. I will never consent to be governed or taxed again. I do not see any need for government. i am not bound by anything USA government dictates.
In my book on reforms I wrote that I think residents should be empowered to live independently. The main resource I think is important here is the amount of potential farmland held by the US government, which could be parceled out to residents to subsistence-farm. Personally I think we should add to this farmland held by foreigners, that there should not be absentee-farmland held by non-residents. I also wrote that I believe we should make a point of training persons to be rugged individuals, that is, think and act for themselves, and to be as independent and self-reliant as possible, rather than to inculcate go-along conformity. In other words, we should teach them NOT to be sheep and teach them to one should graduate from high school who cannot think for himself and does not know how to farm as a fall-back independence.
Whatever you think a citizen is, the old definitions no longer apply. A citizen is an employee of the United States inc. period. It has noting to do with your political status. You are a man or a woman. That's it. Don't attach any other label to yourself. Once you agree to a label you are within their jurisdiction. You are one of the creators of government. You don't have to explain to anyone who or what you are. And you certainly don't have to go along with their labeling scheme. That's to con you into believing you are something you are not; like a citizen.
Understand that when they call you citizen, it means that you are the agent of a foreign power, and not a lawful person. That's how they make you subject to punitive laws as if you were a British sailor. Words are important. The word citizen doesn't mean what you think it does.
Birth certificates were obtained by trickery, which is fraud, which is instantly vitiated. The only way that there can be a legal citizen contract is if you sign (not your parents) and there is full very clearly acknowledged disclosure. None of this happened
My mom was a law student at the Univ. of Oregon / Environmental Law clinic. The saying there was "If the government did it, they did it wrong. Find out where."
“(4) For purposes of subsection (2) of this section, a merger, acquisition, or contracting affiliation between two or more hospitals, hospital systems, or provider organizations only qualifies as a material change if the hospitals, hospital systems, or provider organizations did not previously have common ownership or a contracting affiliation.”
Are you looking at vaccine providers as the provider organizations?
Because I guarantee they previously had a contracting affiliation w hospitals including HPV where they supposedly had pharma reps in medical offices on the phone calling low income parents to bring their kids in to get it while implying if they didn’t they would lose access to their free medical care.
Assumptions of standing to apply the law leaves the parties, us and our government, with out clarity and precision required by operations in law.
If We the People do not define our selves from the perspective defined by our constitution of government, the systemites will define us as subjects to be ruled over. And then act accordingly.
This statement identifies the root cause of the SLAVERY Washingtonians suffer under current public servants administration of the People’s powers.
Put very simply, if I do not define my self and have public record declaring my legal relationships to governments as Master over the operations of governments, the public servants, have no way to recognize me as of the People to be served, as promised by every public servant and well paid the moment they become a systemite.
Read the legislative section of the Washington constitution.
There is no authority given granted by the People creating the State of Washington to regulate the People or our properties or property rights. WE are not identified as either subjects nor objects to be legislated over!!!
CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED is impossible to be obtained by force of legislation penalizing the People by use application of hegemony to generate consent.
Fear, threat, coercion constructed through legal process is SLAVERY!!!
United States v. Kozminski, 487 U.S. 931 (1988).
Held: For purposes of criminal prosecution under § 241 or § 1584, the term "involuntary servitude" necessarily means a condition of servitude in which the victim is forced to work for the defendant by the use or threat of physical restraint or physical injury or by the use or threat of coercion through law or the legal process. This definition encompasses cases in which the defendant holds the victim in servitude by placing him or her in fear of such physical restraint or injury or legal coercion. Pp. 487 U. S. 939-953.
YICK WO v HOPKINS. 118 U.S. 356 (1886)
When we consider the nature and the theory of our institutions of government, the principles upon which they are sup- [118 U.S. 356, 370] posed to rest, and review the history of their development, we are constrained to conclude that they do not mean to leave room for the play and action of purely personal and arbitrary power. Sovereignty itself is, of course, not subject to law, for it is the author and source of law; but in our system, while sovereign powers are delegated to the agencies of government, sovereignty itself remains with the people, by whom and for whom all government exists and acts. And the law is the definition and limitation of power. It is, indeed, quite true that there must always be lodged somewhere, and in some person or body, the authority of final decision; and in many cases of mere administration, the responsibility is purely political, no appeal lying except to the ultimate tribunal of the public judgment, exercised either in the pressure of opinion, or by means of the suffrage. But the fundamental rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, considered as individual possessions, are secured by those maxims of constitutional law which are the monuments showing the victorious progress of the race in securing to men the blessings of civilization under the reign of just and equal laws, so that, in the famous language of the Massachusetts bill of rights, the government of the commonwealth 'may be a government of laws and not of men.' For the very idea that one man may be compelled to hold his life, or the means of living, or any material right essential to the enjoyment of life, at the mere will of another, seems to be intolerable in any country where freedom prevails, as being the essence of slavery itself.
All you gotta do is remove all assumptions and hidden contracts. Anything but dismissed requires the establishment of nexus. They won’t do that. Know who you are.
Hidden contracts are a legal and commercial impossibility!
No meeting of the minds nor disclosure of relevant facts. VOID.
Same for the illusive ADHESION CONTRACT !!!
Do you consider the foundational documents, 1776 Declaration, original and derivative State constitutions, Articles of Confederation, and Constitution for the United States of America, CONTRACTS?
If so, who are the parties?
If not, why not?
Do you have public record documents defining your political, legal and commercial relationships with governments?
If so, where are they located and are they open to the general public?
If not, why not?
If We the People fail to identify our selves and have proof of public record declaring our standing the systemites will identify us as SUBJECTS to be ruled over.
The base assumption the systemites operate from is that We are SUBJECTS to their administration of the Peoples powers and authorities.
Are you interested in mechanisms based on well know procedures accepted by public legal professionals that clarify positions and settle accounts?
Some links below may interest you and expose a bit about me and my work partners.
Hidden? It seems to me lawlessness is stunningly visible and institutionalized. Governor Inslee actually publicly proposed to send "strike forces" to forcefully inoculate the "vaccine hesitant".
Sovereignty-Universal Awareness-100% truth/authenticity-unconditional love
Ignore the external events. No matter how good or horrible-they are only to distract you from certain victory.
It is time for the prevent defense of spiritual wars:
--PAY AS LITTLE TAX as safe (For me, I pay property tax as theft)
--Stop using media, schools, employment, govt programs, processed food, churches, MEDICINE as quickly as you can. Cold turkey or gradual to suit your frequency
-Be fearless
I pledge allegiance to the flag of my divine individual sovereignty. it signifies that no man has authority over me for anything. i will fearlessly and mortally defend all my birthright freedoms. my divine right comes from direct connection to God. with unconditional love for all. This love includes justice and karma where needed. and so it is.
The only way to solve the world's problems is to attack the root cause.
The root cause for all of the world's problems is the greed, power-thirst and hubris of the elitists.
Hunger, Corruption, Indoctrination, poisoning, slavery are all symptoms. Though many will not want to hear this, it is useless to treat symptoms.
Any efforts that do not deal with disempowering the elitists and dismantling their puppet governments, fake churches, poisonous medicine, fake education, scam financial markets and insurance, etc. is a waste of energy.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of my divine individual sovereignty. it signifies that no man has authority over me for anything. i will fearlessly and mortally defend all my birthright freedoms. my divine right comes from direct connection to God. with unconditional love for all. This love includes justice and karma where needed. and so it is.
Clif, my guess is that Schwab and his ilk actually work for the trillionaire barons and earls of Europe (maybe they are also the KM)..... such as Karl von Habsburg and the other trillionaires who are behind that curtain running that show. From their Austrian and Swiss castles ... well certainly Schwab has a few powerful alphas above him ...
the real currency of the universe is attention. everything is energy, frequency and vibration.
no need to revolt or cause war.
the answer is to stop paying attention and take away the relevance of government.
you manifest the end of tyranny by living your life as if the tyrannical government is already gone....because it is.
it only takes 25% and this is game over
I pledge allegiance to the flag of my divine individual sovereignty. it signifies that no man has authority over me for anything. i will fearlessly and mortally defend all my birthright freedoms. my divine right comes from direct connection to God. with unconditional love for all. This love includes justice and karma where needed. and so it is.
All governments are a violation of natural law. No man can have any power over another. This violates the law of freewill. I will never consent to be governed and no paperwork or "fake" legality can change my birthright of sovereignty. No government or court has standing over me. Everything government has done was done with trickery and fraud, so it is vitiated immediately. Just something to think about. If everybody reasserts their God-Given sovereignty, it is game over. We need to give up the attachments that enslave us. This includes government, medicine, education, media & entertainment, churches, etc. They are all lies. Once we give up these attachments, our connection to source is restored and we have everything. If you have doubt, here is personal example. I gave up medicine in 1987. No doctor or medicine since. Not one day sick and I age at half the rate of my peers. Even sports injuries, I fix with frequency and self-healing. At 56 years old, I was still doing division 1 college soccer games as a center referee keeping up with young athletes. Medicine is poison. It is attachment to keep you enslaved. Government is the same. If we get rid of government completely, we will see these problems go away.
I fired 🔥 government after a short stint working in it at senior levels when I realised that the intrinsic hypocrisy, corruption and under performance is endemic and toxic for anyone’s mental health.
I’m also of the opinion that we cannot fight the entire system but instead we are better off to re-imagineand start small stage strategic and these creeps at the top in again.
I’ve come up with some ideas and post these on in 2012 and I’d be curious to receive constructive feedback
Is it the whole website to read to see your thoughts?
I am of the same belief..thats why I never bought into "paperwork" because all is null and void since no true consent was ever given and why would I ever give them the acknowledge or acceptance of it standing when it was fraud since inception ... I'm am of agreement free people should be responsible of such freedom and do not need to be governed...
Glad to meet you. WWG1WGA. The energies are changing. We will overcome.
You Sir, are wise beyond your years....thank you for your wisdom filled and thoughtful reply. Everything you said is truth and I thank you for speaking it!
Thank you for fighting for truth
I’m sure just like you it’s what you have to do.
Us awake and aware must do what ever we can do.
Thank you TJ, but I’m not sure that your message got to the right place.
I agree with the principles you state here problem is we allowed our crime syndicate government to acquire more weaponry than we. As our good friend Chairman Mao said "Power comes from the barrel of a gun" Don't forget to pay your slave tax April 15'
I have plenty of weaponry and I do not fear death as death is not real
You hit the nail on the head Mark, the other thing I was thinking about was permit’s and license’s, where did those come from?
You shouldn't need to register much of anything... Most of the system in place works against you not for you.
Love this! May I post this on my social media and give you credit??
Of course. I have a pledge of allegiance I do every day on Telegram and Anonup. See it below. My work is everybody's work. Please share.
Start weening yourself off the central banks propose. Say no to centralize blockchain currency.
Start weeing yourself off the US Government. They have no authority and standing but disconnecting is gradual.
Start weening yourself off medicine and doctors. They are like slot machines. Over time, they are 100% sure to decrease your health.
Start weening yourself off Employment. Self-employment is freedom.
Cold turkey on media, hollywood,
Power & Politics need to be understood as being as evil as pedophilia
Get rid of all fear..
I pledge allegiance to the flag of my divine individual sovereignty. it signifies that no man has authority over me for anything. i will fearlessly and mortally defend all my birthright freedoms. my divine right comes from direct connection to God. with unconditional love for all. This love includes justice and karma where needed. and so it is.
Whats your Telegram? I'll follow!
I also post at
I do not have my own. I post on these channels. MAJIC EYES QNLY GROUP CHAT. The Peaceful Rebellion. Clif is member of Majic Eyes Group
Joined. Thank you for those wise words, I will share them on my Twitter, its much needed to be seen there
I appreciate it. I am banned permanently from most platforms
I posted this tonite, 4/9/2022 on Majic Eysenck Only after reading most of the posts.
New here today, from invite on Clif High blog response.
All I see is SOS, SAME OLE STUFF, every one else passes around.
ALL of the passed around stuff is somebody else’s work or words.
What happened to the real Americans that did their own work?
You all acting like passing around others work or words has value to the American Adventure in self executed Liberty might want to rethink why you are FEEDING THE BEAST by doing nothing to identify and discuss solutions.
In the event the readers in this forum fail or refuse to recognize the difference between the links below and their value as personal action, and choose to live and act as if reporting some one else’s garbage helps resolve our countries problems, the I will not thank you for dooming me to your brand of SAVERY by refusing to identity root issues and do something.
Some links below may interest you and expose a bit about me and my work partners.
Massage to Governor DeSantis. Corporate Ownership
Root Causes of SLAVERY. Private Money.
Americans Prayer. Where It All Started.
Hierarchy of Government. Who is Who in the Zoo.
Says the person passing around the same old biscuits at the dinner table, using links from one source as if its one mind. Look, we all have choices to share as we wish, opinions that like minds appreciate. What most dont appreciate, is you, admonishing the choices we choose. Its our business to share WHATEVER we see, agree with and choose too. Your opinion, like mine and others is like a, there's that!
Agreed, we all make our own choices. I whole heartedly support free choice in the same manner I demand that right for my self, inclusive of FREE SPEECH.
The links I passed out I wrote. Not someone else’s biscuits as it were.
Nor are the the so called biscuits subject matter covered any where else. Check for your self.
More to the point the subject matter of the articles serves the principles founding the country that respects your right to speak and act under your own direction.
Perhaps a little more understanding of the fundamentals that you so obviously cherish for your self and investigation of root facts, law and procedures your perspectives concerning the damage done by FEEDING THE BEAST.
VERY well said 👏👏👏
MarkerDragon, I would respectfully disagree that "all governments are violations of natural law which I take to mean that is true by their nature. It is probably true that most if not all DO violate natural law to some degree.
I think becoming a citizen should be a contract. Therefore, no minor should be a citizen, and no person should become a citizen without overtly accepting a contract. A contract of citizenship should incur responsibilities that are understood in exchange for voting rights and any other benefit. To vote I believe a citizen must pass a test and swear an oath and be subject to penalties if he breaks that oath. This is a reform I think is sorely needed since the military currently swear an oath to the Constitution while the citizenry inherit citizenship by birthright, which in my view is ridiculous, you cannot enter into a contract by being born.
My book on reforms is free at at I would dearly love to see Clif read my short book and comment or better write his own book on reforms. If you agree with this please reply here and maybe we can get Clif's attention on this.
Thank you for your opinions. Respect back to you. I never agreed to be citizen. I will never consent to be governed or taxed again. I do not see any need for government. i am not bound by anything USA government dictates.
In my book on reforms I wrote that I think residents should be empowered to live independently. The main resource I think is important here is the amount of potential farmland held by the US government, which could be parceled out to residents to subsistence-farm. Personally I think we should add to this farmland held by foreigners, that there should not be absentee-farmland held by non-residents. I also wrote that I believe we should make a point of training persons to be rugged individuals, that is, think and act for themselves, and to be as independent and self-reliant as possible, rather than to inculcate go-along conformity. In other words, we should teach them NOT to be sheep and teach them to one should graduate from high school who cannot think for himself and does not know how to farm as a fall-back independence.
The best way to teach someone to not be a sheep is to stop all the brainwashing they are getting with lies
Whatever you think a citizen is, the old definitions no longer apply. A citizen is an employee of the United States inc. period. It has noting to do with your political status. You are a man or a woman. That's it. Don't attach any other label to yourself. Once you agree to a label you are within their jurisdiction. You are one of the creators of government. You don't have to explain to anyone who or what you are. And you certainly don't have to go along with their labeling scheme. That's to con you into believing you are something you are not; like a citizen.
Understand that when they call you citizen, it means that you are the agent of a foreign power, and not a lawful person. That's how they make you subject to punitive laws as if you were a British sailor. Words are important. The word citizen doesn't mean what you think it does.
Birth certificates were obtained by trickery, which is fraud, which is instantly vitiated. The only way that there can be a legal citizen contract is if you sign (not your parents) and there is full very clearly acknowledged disclosure. None of this happened
My mom was a law student at the Univ. of Oregon / Environmental Law clinic. The saying there was "If the government did it, they did it wrong. Find out where."
Thought I couldn’t hate fucktard Gates any more, until I watched that video!
Thanks for the catchy comment or I never would have seen this video. Oh my…
“(4) For purposes of subsection (2) of this section, a merger, acquisition, or contracting affiliation between two or more hospitals, hospital systems, or provider organizations only qualifies as a material change if the hospitals, hospital systems, or provider organizations did not previously have common ownership or a contracting affiliation.”
Are you looking at vaccine providers as the provider organizations?
Because I guarantee they previously had a contracting affiliation w hospitals including HPV where they supposedly had pharma reps in medical offices on the phone calling low income parents to bring their kids in to get it while implying if they didn’t they would lose access to their free medical care.
Libertas perfundet omnia luce.
Light will always prevail.
Assumptions of standing to apply the law leaves the parties, us and our government, with out clarity and precision required by operations in law.
If We the People do not define our selves from the perspective defined by our constitution of government, the systemites will define us as subjects to be ruled over. And then act accordingly.
This statement identifies the root cause of the SLAVERY Washingtonians suffer under current public servants administration of the People’s powers.
Put very simply, if I do not define my self and have public record declaring my legal relationships to governments as Master over the operations of governments, the public servants, have no way to recognize me as of the People to be served, as promised by every public servant and well paid the moment they become a systemite.
Read the legislative section of the Washington constitution.
There is no authority given granted by the People creating the State of Washington to regulate the People or our properties or property rights. WE are not identified as either subjects nor objects to be legislated over!!!
CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED is impossible to be obtained by force of legislation penalizing the People by use application of hegemony to generate consent.
Fear, threat, coercion constructed through legal process is SLAVERY!!!
United States v. Kozminski, 487 U.S. 931 (1988).
Held: For purposes of criminal prosecution under § 241 or § 1584, the term "involuntary servitude" necessarily means a condition of servitude in which the victim is forced to work for the defendant by the use or threat of physical restraint or physical injury or by the use or threat of coercion through law or the legal process. This definition encompasses cases in which the defendant holds the victim in servitude by placing him or her in fear of such physical restraint or injury or legal coercion. Pp. 487 U. S. 939-953.
YICK WO v HOPKINS. 118 U.S. 356 (1886)
When we consider the nature and the theory of our institutions of government, the principles upon which they are sup- [118 U.S. 356, 370] posed to rest, and review the history of their development, we are constrained to conclude that they do not mean to leave room for the play and action of purely personal and arbitrary power. Sovereignty itself is, of course, not subject to law, for it is the author and source of law; but in our system, while sovereign powers are delegated to the agencies of government, sovereignty itself remains with the people, by whom and for whom all government exists and acts. And the law is the definition and limitation of power. It is, indeed, quite true that there must always be lodged somewhere, and in some person or body, the authority of final decision; and in many cases of mere administration, the responsibility is purely political, no appeal lying except to the ultimate tribunal of the public judgment, exercised either in the pressure of opinion, or by means of the suffrage. But the fundamental rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, considered as individual possessions, are secured by those maxims of constitutional law which are the monuments showing the victorious progress of the race in securing to men the blessings of civilization under the reign of just and equal laws, so that, in the famous language of the Massachusetts bill of rights, the government of the commonwealth 'may be a government of laws and not of men.' For the very idea that one man may be compelled to hold his life, or the means of living, or any material right essential to the enjoyment of life, at the mere will of another, seems to be intolerable in any country where freedom prevails, as being the essence of slavery itself.
All you gotta do is remove all assumptions and hidden contracts. Anything but dismissed requires the establishment of nexus. They won’t do that. Know who you are.
Thank you for the time reading and the comment.
Hidden contracts are a legal and commercial impossibility!
No meeting of the minds nor disclosure of relevant facts. VOID.
Same for the illusive ADHESION CONTRACT !!!
Do you consider the foundational documents, 1776 Declaration, original and derivative State constitutions, Articles of Confederation, and Constitution for the United States of America, CONTRACTS?
If so, who are the parties?
If not, why not?
Do you have public record documents defining your political, legal and commercial relationships with governments?
If so, where are they located and are they open to the general public?
If not, why not?
If We the People fail to identify our selves and have proof of public record declaring our standing the systemites will identify us as SUBJECTS to be ruled over.
The base assumption the systemites operate from is that We are SUBJECTS to their administration of the Peoples powers and authorities.
Are you interested in mechanisms based on well know procedures accepted by public legal professionals that clarify positions and settle accounts?
Some links below may interest you and expose a bit about me and my work partners.
Massage to Governor DeSantis. Corporate Ownership
Root Causes of SLAVERY. Private Money.
Americans Prayer. Where It All Started.
Hierarchy of Government. Who is Who in the Zoo.
Hidden? It seems to me lawlessness is stunningly visible and institutionalized. Governor Inslee actually publicly proposed to send "strike forces" to forcefully inoculate the "vaccine hesitant".
Thank you, wise sir. I will find a copy of the Little Black Book. I think I will enjoy a few nips at the heels of the evil ones.
Thank you
The path to victory is simple
Sovereignty-Universal Awareness-100% truth/authenticity-unconditional love
Ignore the external events. No matter how good or horrible-they are only to distract you from certain victory.
It is time for the prevent defense of spiritual wars:
--PAY AS LITTLE TAX as safe (For me, I pay property tax as theft)
--Stop using media, schools, employment, govt programs, processed food, churches, MEDICINE as quickly as you can. Cold turkey or gradual to suit your frequency
-Be fearless
I pledge allegiance to the flag of my divine individual sovereignty. it signifies that no man has authority over me for anything. i will fearlessly and mortally defend all my birthright freedoms. my divine right comes from direct connection to God. with unconditional love for all. This love includes justice and karma where needed. and so it is.
Your Government is supposed to be staffed by you.
Its decisions are supposed to be made by you.
Its primary responsibility is to protect you and your property assets at all costs and against all comers.
That’s why governments exist.
The only way to solve the world's problems is to attack the root cause.
The root cause for all of the world's problems is the greed, power-thirst and hubris of the elitists.
Hunger, Corruption, Indoctrination, poisoning, slavery are all symptoms. Though many will not want to hear this, it is useless to treat symptoms.
Any efforts that do not deal with disempowering the elitists and dismantling their puppet governments, fake churches, poisonous medicine, fake education, scam financial markets and insurance, etc. is a waste of energy.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of my divine individual sovereignty. it signifies that no man has authority over me for anything. i will fearlessly and mortally defend all my birthright freedoms. my divine right comes from direct connection to God. with unconditional love for all. This love includes justice and karma where needed. and so it is.
Here is where you can find the statutes, codes and regulations for your state (lists all states)
Clif, my guess is that Schwab and his ilk actually work for the trillionaire barons and earls of Europe (maybe they are also the KM)..... such as Karl von Habsburg and the other trillionaires who are behind that curtain running that show. From their Austrian and Swiss castles ... well certainly Schwab has a few powerful alphas above him ...
how to fix tyrannical government
the real currency of the universe is attention. everything is energy, frequency and vibration.
no need to revolt or cause war.
the answer is to stop paying attention and take away the relevance of government.
you manifest the end of tyranny by living your life as if the tyrannical government is already gone....because it is.
it only takes 25% and this is game over
I pledge allegiance to the flag of my divine individual sovereignty. it signifies that no man has authority over me for anything. i will fearlessly and mortally defend all my birthright freedoms. my divine right comes from direct connection to God. with unconditional love for all. This love includes justice and karma where needed. and so it is.
Looks like I will be dusting off my law books!