Kudos, Clif! Mike Adams fearmongers in his articles. There have been times that his reporting is solid and factual, but those times are few and far between. In fact, I called him out last year for spreading a lie and gave the source of fact and I was banned from his website. Thank you for keeping us all grounded in facts and calling out the bs! XO
Fear sells. Many so called “truthers” sell fear to keep the fear junkies coming back for more. I like logic and critical discernment, that’s why I follow Clif.
THS. I've pretty much given up trying to find any real intel and information through watching 'truther' videos and reading their content. I've seen so many of the people leave their real jobs and sources of income, lured by the huge ego drowning appeal of social media and online content production. Once they get a taste of their 15mins of fame, they abandon all standards and start doing whatever it takes to continue to monetize their content. In the media business, that means more eyeballs watching more minutes and hours of the day, more days of the week. Unfortunately constant FEAR, doom and gloom outsell just about any other content by a long shot. So, to keep those incomes up, many abandon their most personally held standards.
The mantra in Yellow Journalism is, "If it bleeds, it leads." It's just as relevant in the Yellow Truthfulness business.
And Mike Adams is a business man too. So, if scaring people gets them to buy some of his Prepper products, then it's not a surprise he over hypes stuff. But to actually say something not true, that's Lying. Not just over selling.
He is a good source, but one that must be carefully scrutinized... as with every other good source because all the good sources are always pretty questionable sometimes.
There's only one source that really matters, look to him in all things.
Most can't stomach it. They tune it out, discount it, or attack the ones who are sensitive enough to see the patterns and dare to share what they have found. So, they want to 'shoot the messenger'.
"He makes money selling stuff."
"He scares me."
"He banned me from his website."
Turn on cable TV (big pharma's) "news" if the "alternative" stuff bothers you. What the hell are you doing on Clif High's blog?
Mike Adams used to be a good guy until he moved to Texas and worked with Alex Jones. Since, I do not watch him (I quit AJ long long ago). But, Mike does do microbiology in his own lab. He used to do research on foods and their real ingredients as well as some medications. It is unfortunate he associates with AJ and that crowd of fear doomers and alarmists. He also stretches all his stories to be more dramatic even to the point of being false. But I tend to approach every situation, even Clif's, with a neutral mindset. Then wait and see if any supportive data lends to it or against it. Guess we will see what comes of this. All are allowed their thoughts. Thanks for sharing yours and letting us share ours.
I have 5 Horses (2 I bred myself from my mare now 26) and ride/train them in the Classical French RATHER than Germanic style. The French Style known as Baucherism developed by Baucher in the 1800's is centred on teaching the horse to "accept" the Metal Bit in the mouth as a PASSIFYER rather like a childs dummy/passifier. They then learn though carelful traning and trainer skill to "mouth" it to RELAX like a baby sucking its dummy/passifier to take their mind off the perceived source of their fear/angxiety (real or imaginary in THEIR mind....they are flight animals). Once you and they have that technique understood, it is easy to "control/steer your horse by REQUESTING the action you desire.
Contrast this, with the Germanic "Crank and spank" control with brute force and you end up with a resentful, brokendown and dangerourse horse. The French style comes with RESPONSIBILITY, because it is based on TRICKERY, and not brute force. It is for the better use of the horse and it's safety as well as rider. The analogy in this article of how the Illuminati "trick" Humanity is obviously NOT carried out for Humanity's betterment in any way what so ever, but to use "Brute Force" as in WW1 & 2 did not work on Humanity, so now they are trying the "Trickery and Deciet" methods, which seem to be working on the Sheeple for the most part!
I have listened to Mike for about 4 years now. To his credit, I have found him to be pretty darn even and balanced between his doomy podcasts & uplifting ones, and almost the ONLY person out there who will allow his mind to change, and to explain why it changed. I'm thinking people in general are FAR too quick to judgment, bandwagonning, and arrogance today. Makes me sick.
...or the fact that humans can drink rattlesnake venom, and do, with no ill effects. How's that possible? Because rattlesnake venom must be delivered to the bloodstream to have any neurotoxic effects. When consumed orally it is completely denatured by gastric enzymes and acid.
What if it is a synthetically produced nano-enzyme wrapped in lipid nano-particles? Could it then penetrate the cells of the digestive tract and move into the blood stream?
That seems highly pertinent research to be done to me.
No, unless you're talking about magical lipid nano-particles. Clif is correct, lipid nano-particles might, to some degree, help to increase the bioavailability of orally consumed snake venom, but let's see what such a project would entail. You use a megawatt ultrasonicator with 150 metric tons of soy or sunflower lecithin and 50 metric tons of snake venom and produce 200 metric tons of lipid nano-encapsulated snake venum that could theoretically pass through portal circulation. Okay, assuming you could deliver truckloads of this stuff into a municipal water supply you'd likely find that the sodium hypochlorite (or chlorine gas) will quickly break down your phospholipid membrane thereby spilling it's guts, so to speak. Municipal water supplies are far too hostile to phospholipid bilayers (that's what bacteria cell walls are) and proteinaceous neurotoxins. Oh, I got an idea, if you really wanted to kill or maim a lot of useless eaters, why not fluoridate their drinking water? Fluoride (an industrial waste product) is way cheaper than synthesized snake venom.
Yea, I feel ya. I think most likely it's been circulated strictly via injection, the targeted areas seem to be too small and disparate to have been at the municipal level. I think the most important thing is that we can now firmly confirm and address the precise cause and that the list of things that work "for some reason" are now confirmed valid for precise reasons.
This still leaves open accountability and what *else* is in the juice. It's like...a whole lot of shit and varies from batch to batch, so we'll never have concrete answers there.. which brings us back to the primary outstanding issue.
WHEN does accountability come? It's obviously not going to come from the systems itself, so who is going to do what? And when?
This cannot become another 2001 style issue, we need resolution on both.
and more effective it would seem....here in the UK there are VERY few authorities that florinate their water, but that does not stop the Sheelpe getting jabbed and wearing their stupid Daipers/Nappys on their faces!
Absolutely, Timothy McNulty. Snake venom needs to be delivered into the blood stream to be effective. And people seem determined to confuse the terms 'venom' & 'poison'. Snakes are venomous, not poisonous.
My guess. They have come together in a business venture revolving around water purification. I stopped watching Mike personally due to his constant pushing of fear. He likes scaring people, and attempts it everytime I watch his program. Real life is scary enough without embellishments, I don't like being manipulated.
Mike Adams is a purveyor of health supplements. He has been on the freedom loving side of this war, but does drop the ball periodically for some reason. He is still on the WH side and fixating on him is a WASTE of TIME.
EVERYONE who has a website of any kind is profiting off this war. Everyone. Some are doing it for the good guys, others for the dark side. People need to make a living. No one in their right mind would accuse Mike Adams of being a dark hat. That is insane. We all make honest mistakes, including Mike Adams and Clif High.
Clif, you are acting like a racehorse out of the gate to discredit Dr. Ardis and vehemently oppose anything he presents WHEN YOU HAVEN'T EVEN SEEN 'THE REST OF THE STORY' in parts 2 and 3. Why??? What is your agenda?? Why attack Dr. Ardis personally just for not being an MD. I know MANY MDs who have drunk the cool-aid during this whole pandemic. I personally think you should temper your veracity and withhold judgement until you have seen all of the data presented. Kind of disappointed in you Clif!!
We are all on the same side and starved for answers. I think Dr. Ardis makes a compelling case. I don’t understand the need to attack anyone. I personally have had a gullet full of being attacked.
If you had made your case without the attempted character assassination of Trump I might have been more receptive. I just don’t feel the need to tear down. Hard truths are constantly being revealed. I have grown a bit past the child ego as I can recognize subtle attempts to erode a desired wholesome alternative reality. I do not agree with your particular perspective but I respect your right to maintain it. Thank you and have a good evening.
You replied in the Child Ego State. Do you realize that? The child is reactionary and thin skinned, unable to handle criticism of his heroes. Mighty Mouse can beat up Superman.
Adults are rational and learn from their mistakes. Perhaps you believe that people do not switch from Child To Adult to Parent Ego states? Do you know the thesis of the book GAMES PEOPLE PLAY?
You are correct. You will never be able to handle reality as I have presented it.
Thank you for your perspective on my frame of mind. Further proof of the need to divide and belittle. I will never be altered by small words. My reality is ever changing as am I. Peace be the journey my fellow traveler.
Clif...in the last few days you've gone hyper critical on Kerry Cassidy, Stew Peters/Dr Ardis and now Mike Adams. Whatever your specific critique is...I am thinking there is an agenda behind the odd focus on 'other' truthers. If your information is strong, it will rise above the fray. But why the sudden attack mode on others?
Clif is a warrior. It's sorta like asking why a dog barks. He is prolly bored and sharpening his skills looking for someone to stand the challenge in the ring. Also, I think he is challenging all to think critically. Personally, I would try to not attack the person, only the method, or proposal, but as content providers these people are attacked constantly. One must learn to "have tough skin." This isn't a time for snowflakes - so while not my style, it's basically, IMO, just another challenge he is throwing out to his contemporaries. Also, he's prolly throwing out some controversial topics with pepper sauce on them to have more dialog to sift through with his web bot. Tricky Bastard he is.
I'm almost certain Clif doesn't need defenders for his musings. I am also certain he doesn't need 'helpers' interpreting his intentions. But thank you for the attempt. If you read my post more carefully, I was intimating a curiosity as to why he was going after fellow truthers. Not what a discerning person would constitute as an 'attack'. Questions are good. Curiosity is good. It's kinda why we are in this fight. If we cannot QUESTION, we have no liberty to grow our ideas. Pay closer attention. Stop lecturing. Stop assuming. And for God's sake...stop defending Clif. He's good at that all by himself...
While I appreciate your comments and think you made some good points, I will continue to do exactly what the fuck I please - you are wasting your time telling me what to do - but by all means, knock yourself out!
Kerry Cassidy seems to not look like she did in years gone by (slimmer and younger looking) and certainy her Telegram Channel is suspect....is it really her anymore????
Wow! Thank you so much for sharing this. I’m looking forward to reading part two later today. We need to all get very angry and discern what action can be taken to begin to free ourselves from the constant mind f*ck we have been exposed to. 🙏🏼💪🏼💞🙏🏼
Agree that the idea of "snake venom" being put into the water supply is... idiotic. I'll entertain the idea that there is snake venom engineered into covid, and might even be in Remdisivir. In reality, that conclusion changes nothing. But snake venom in the water? Did the looking glass tell him that?
As for why this is being done by Adams, there is another thing to consider. There are several high profile conservatives on the radio who were very anti-vax. ALL of these radio personalities are super passionate about going to war with Russia. Why are THEY suddenly pushing the agenda of the administration? Why is Adams pushing a really stupid theory?
According to NASA, there's a comet headed towards Earth that's "50 times bigger than the heart of most known comets and moving 22,000 mph." The space men hopefully caught a ride to save on gas.
ALL sources, including you Mr. High needs to be checked, crossed checked and then the decision has to be made as to who you will believe. It is the RESEARCHERS job to decide this.
Kudos, Clif! Mike Adams fearmongers in his articles. There have been times that his reporting is solid and factual, but those times are few and far between. In fact, I called him out last year for spreading a lie and gave the source of fact and I was banned from his website. Thank you for keeping us all grounded in facts and calling out the bs! XO
Fear sells. Many so called “truthers” sell fear to keep the fear junkies coming back for more. I like logic and critical discernment, that’s why I follow Clif.
THS. I've pretty much given up trying to find any real intel and information through watching 'truther' videos and reading their content. I've seen so many of the people leave their real jobs and sources of income, lured by the huge ego drowning appeal of social media and online content production. Once they get a taste of their 15mins of fame, they abandon all standards and start doing whatever it takes to continue to monetize their content. In the media business, that means more eyeballs watching more minutes and hours of the day, more days of the week. Unfortunately constant FEAR, doom and gloom outsell just about any other content by a long shot. So, to keep those incomes up, many abandon their most personally held standards.
The mantra in Yellow Journalism is, "If it bleeds, it leads." It's just as relevant in the Yellow Truthfulness business.
And Mike Adams is a business man too. So, if scaring people gets them to buy some of his Prepper products, then it's not a surprise he over hypes stuff. But to actually say something not true, that's Lying. Not just over selling.
"And Mike Adams is a business man too."
Business man Bad.
"I believe everything Ardis said!"
"Ardis is a fear-mongering, stupid liarface!"
If you are somewhere in between these, kudos.
He is a good source, but one that must be carefully scrutinized... as with every other good source because all the good sources are always pretty questionable sometimes.
There's only one source that really matters, look to him in all things.
In 2022, the truth is horrifying.
Most can't stomach it. They tune it out, discount it, or attack the ones who are sensitive enough to see the patterns and dare to share what they have found. So, they want to 'shoot the messenger'.
"He makes money selling stuff."
"He scares me."
"He banned me from his website."
Turn on cable TV (big pharma's) "news" if the "alternative" stuff bothers you. What the hell are you doing on Clif High's blog?
Mike Adams used to be a good guy until he moved to Texas and worked with Alex Jones. Since, I do not watch him (I quit AJ long long ago). But, Mike does do microbiology in his own lab. He used to do research on foods and their real ingredients as well as some medications. It is unfortunate he associates with AJ and that crowd of fear doomers and alarmists. He also stretches all his stories to be more dramatic even to the point of being false. But I tend to approach every situation, even Clif's, with a neutral mindset. Then wait and see if any supportive data lends to it or against it. Guess we will see what comes of this. All are allowed their thoughts. Thanks for sharing yours and letting us share ours.
Right ON! You nailed it. Be objective. This may interest you: https://gab.com/thelastfreemindinapostQworld/posts/108029805245025963
I have 5 Horses (2 I bred myself from my mare now 26) and ride/train them in the Classical French RATHER than Germanic style. The French Style known as Baucherism developed by Baucher in the 1800's is centred on teaching the horse to "accept" the Metal Bit in the mouth as a PASSIFYER rather like a childs dummy/passifier. They then learn though carelful traning and trainer skill to "mouth" it to RELAX like a baby sucking its dummy/passifier to take their mind off the perceived source of their fear/angxiety (real or imaginary in THEIR mind....they are flight animals). Once you and they have that technique understood, it is easy to "control/steer your horse by REQUESTING the action you desire.
Contrast this, with the Germanic "Crank and spank" control with brute force and you end up with a resentful, brokendown and dangerourse horse. The French style comes with RESPONSIBILITY, because it is based on TRICKERY, and not brute force. It is for the better use of the horse and it's safety as well as rider. The analogy in this article of how the Illuminati "trick" Humanity is obviously NOT carried out for Humanity's betterment in any way what so ever, but to use "Brute Force" as in WW1 & 2 did not work on Humanity, so now they are trying the "Trickery and Deciet" methods, which seem to be working on the Sheeple for the most part!
I have listened to Mike for about 4 years now. To his credit, I have found him to be pretty darn even and balanced between his doomy podcasts & uplifting ones, and almost the ONLY person out there who will allow his mind to change, and to explain why it changed. I'm thinking people in general are FAR too quick to judgment, bandwagonning, and arrogance today. Makes me sick.
Then why did Alex Jones drop Pizzagate? That could have been stretched no end, what?
"Mike Adams used to be a good guy until he moved to Texas and worked with Alex Jones."
That's all it took, eh?
Spy agencies do not train people to be spies and then place them. They recruit from within already established groups. It is much easier that way.
That is what Jeffry Epstein was doing. Blackmail is also cheaper than a paid salary.
It also cements loyalty better.
Mike is a spy? Got any evidence to support this?
Summary analysis equals summary execution. Funny that!
...or the fact that humans can drink rattlesnake venom, and do, with no ill effects. How's that possible? Because rattlesnake venom must be delivered to the bloodstream to have any neurotoxic effects. When consumed orally it is completely denatured by gastric enzymes and acid.
What if it is a synthetically produced nano-enzyme wrapped in lipid nano-particles? Could it then penetrate the cells of the digestive tract and move into the blood stream?
That seems highly pertinent research to be done to me.
No, unless you're talking about magical lipid nano-particles. Clif is correct, lipid nano-particles might, to some degree, help to increase the bioavailability of orally consumed snake venom, but let's see what such a project would entail. You use a megawatt ultrasonicator with 150 metric tons of soy or sunflower lecithin and 50 metric tons of snake venom and produce 200 metric tons of lipid nano-encapsulated snake venum that could theoretically pass through portal circulation. Okay, assuming you could deliver truckloads of this stuff into a municipal water supply you'd likely find that the sodium hypochlorite (or chlorine gas) will quickly break down your phospholipid membrane thereby spilling it's guts, so to speak. Municipal water supplies are far too hostile to phospholipid bilayers (that's what bacteria cell walls are) and proteinaceous neurotoxins. Oh, I got an idea, if you really wanted to kill or maim a lot of useless eaters, why not fluoridate their drinking water? Fluoride (an industrial waste product) is way cheaper than synthesized snake venom.
Yea, I feel ya. I think most likely it's been circulated strictly via injection, the targeted areas seem to be too small and disparate to have been at the municipal level. I think the most important thing is that we can now firmly confirm and address the precise cause and that the list of things that work "for some reason" are now confirmed valid for precise reasons.
This still leaves open accountability and what *else* is in the juice. It's like...a whole lot of shit and varies from batch to batch, so we'll never have concrete answers there.. which brings us back to the primary outstanding issue.
WHEN does accountability come? It's obviously not going to come from the systems itself, so who is going to do what? And when?
This cannot become another 2001 style issue, we need resolution on both.
and more effective it would seem....here in the UK there are VERY few authorities that florinate their water, but that does not stop the Sheelpe getting jabbed and wearing their stupid Daipers/Nappys on their faces!
LOL. Look at the big brain on Timothy. Well stated!
Ever ask yourself why the research hasn’t been done? Of course it has. The results aren’t what they wanted.
Only if the package could be unwrapped by the digestive system. That aprt about the poisoned water supply was the weak part of the video.
Here is how to see through propaganda
Might have a job finding a volunteer for that experiment!
When organisms die, people die. When organisms live, your theory is shit.
Absolutely, Timothy McNulty. Snake venom needs to be delivered into the blood stream to be effective. And people seem determined to confuse the terms 'venom' & 'poison'. Snakes are venomous, not poisonous.
Excellent point! The mind control is deep: https://gab.com/thelastfreemindinapostQworld/posts/108029805245025963
Never worked on me for some reason which I cannot make out why that is/was??
thereisa Australian video demonstrating just that!
My guess. They have come together in a business venture revolving around water purification. I stopped watching Mike personally due to his constant pushing of fear. He likes scaring people, and attempts it everytime I watch his program. Real life is scary enough without embellishments, I don't like being manipulated.
Yes, they are guilty of overstating their thesis. You will enjoy this: https://gab.com/thelastfreemindinapostQworld/posts/108029805245025963
It is right up your alley.
Yes, thanks Clif for sorting this out. You make some excellent points.
Mike Adams is a purveyor of health supplements. He has been on the freedom loving side of this war, but does drop the ball periodically for some reason. He is still on the WH side and fixating on him is a WASTE of TIME.
I think Mike and Alex have learned to make a living off the confusion.
Here is how I see through deception
EVERYONE who has a website of any kind is profiting off this war. Everyone. Some are doing it for the good guys, others for the dark side. People need to make a living. No one in their right mind would accuse Mike Adams of being a dark hat. That is insane. We all make honest mistakes, including Mike Adams and Clif High.
Proof that fear mongering works both ways
Well said.
Best and most valuable comment on this thread so far.
You see well. THis is a good read too https://gab.com/thelastfreemindinapostQworld/posts/108029805245025963
Clif, you are acting like a racehorse out of the gate to discredit Dr. Ardis and vehemently oppose anything he presents WHEN YOU HAVEN'T EVEN SEEN 'THE REST OF THE STORY' in parts 2 and 3. Why??? What is your agenda?? Why attack Dr. Ardis personally just for not being an MD. I know MANY MDs who have drunk the cool-aid during this whole pandemic. I personally think you should temper your veracity and withhold judgement until you have seen all of the data presented. Kind of disappointed in you Clif!!
We are all being manipulated the same way, You, me, Clif, Mike Adams, Stew Peters.
Posting this 100 times is just annoying af fyi and makes me want to go no where near it.
The point NEEDS to be made and just maybe EVERYONE will become a "Black Sheep" like me!
We are all on the same side and starved for answers. I think Dr. Ardis makes a compelling case. I don’t understand the need to attack anyone. I personally have had a gullet full of being attacked.
I thought so too, re Dr. Ardis making his case.
Here are answers:
If you had made your case without the attempted character assassination of Trump I might have been more receptive. I just don’t feel the need to tear down. Hard truths are constantly being revealed. I have grown a bit past the child ego as I can recognize subtle attempts to erode a desired wholesome alternative reality. I do not agree with your particular perspective but I respect your right to maintain it. Thank you and have a good evening.
You replied in the Child Ego State. Do you realize that? The child is reactionary and thin skinned, unable to handle criticism of his heroes. Mighty Mouse can beat up Superman.
Adults are rational and learn from their mistakes. Perhaps you believe that people do not switch from Child To Adult to Parent Ego states? Do you know the thesis of the book GAMES PEOPLE PLAY?
You are correct. You will never be able to handle reality as I have presented it.
Do not read it.
I forbid it.
It will only hurt you.
Thank you for your perspective on my frame of mind. Further proof of the need to divide and belittle. I will never be altered by small words. My reality is ever changing as am I. Peace be the journey my fellow traveler.
Spot on!
Propaganda is thick in war.
Venom/Virus analogy exists but we already knew this was a bioweapon.
A bioweapon with multiple prongs and attack vectors.
The propaganda/psychological operation is also one such prong of attack.
Fear is the mind killer.
None of this new information changes anything from last week.
All of the same treatments and protocols still work. Blood/brain barrier is still working.
Smokers not being affected is curious as is aspect of nicotine...
Perhaps specific demographics that would reinforce this news..
Tobacco sales related at all?
It is easy to satisfy your curiosity re: nicotine. https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/332125809/
Did you get your view by reading this?
Clif...in the last few days you've gone hyper critical on Kerry Cassidy, Stew Peters/Dr Ardis and now Mike Adams. Whatever your specific critique is...I am thinking there is an agenda behind the odd focus on 'other' truthers. If your information is strong, it will rise above the fray. But why the sudden attack mode on others?
Clif is a warrior. It's sorta like asking why a dog barks. He is prolly bored and sharpening his skills looking for someone to stand the challenge in the ring. Also, I think he is challenging all to think critically. Personally, I would try to not attack the person, only the method, or proposal, but as content providers these people are attacked constantly. One must learn to "have tough skin." This isn't a time for snowflakes - so while not my style, it's basically, IMO, just another challenge he is throwing out to his contemporaries. Also, he's prolly throwing out some controversial topics with pepper sauce on them to have more dialog to sift through with his web bot. Tricky Bastard he is.
Ad hominem is below the belt. Warning, followed by disqualification if repeated. Warrior down and out.
I'm almost certain Clif doesn't need defenders for his musings. I am also certain he doesn't need 'helpers' interpreting his intentions. But thank you for the attempt. If you read my post more carefully, I was intimating a curiosity as to why he was going after fellow truthers. Not what a discerning person would constitute as an 'attack'. Questions are good. Curiosity is good. It's kinda why we are in this fight. If we cannot QUESTION, we have no liberty to grow our ideas. Pay closer attention. Stop lecturing. Stop assuming. And for God's sake...stop defending Clif. He's good at that all by himself...
While I appreciate your comments and think you made some good points, I will continue to do exactly what the fuck I please - you are wasting your time telling me what to do - but by all means, knock yourself out!
Kerry Cassidy seems to not look like she did in years gone by (slimmer and younger looking) and certainy her Telegram Channel is suspect....is it really her anymore????
We are all being manipulated the same way, You, me, Clif, Mike Adams, Stew Peters.
I can't listen to Mike. He's always trying to scare people by making mountains out of mole hills. Course there are people who LIKE to be scared.
Stew Peters is Atrocity Porn.
Always has been.
IMO, Mike is a 'the sky is falling' kind of guy. He is intelligent though needs to collect all of the facts and consider such from all angles.
YEP! You pegged him!
Did you read this?
Wow! Thank you so much for sharing this. I’m looking forward to reading part two later today. We need to all get very angry and discern what action can be taken to begin to free ourselves from the constant mind f*ck we have been exposed to. 🙏🏼💪🏼💞🙏🏼
Several people have read it. THe trick is not to forget it. It is like a church sermon. You forget it as soon as your feet hit the parking lot.
The media around you is designed to distract you into the next trivial pursuit du jour.
I couldn't agree more! Thank you, once again and enjoy a fabulous day :)
Agree that the idea of "snake venom" being put into the water supply is... idiotic. I'll entertain the idea that there is snake venom engineered into covid, and might even be in Remdisivir. In reality, that conclusion changes nothing. But snake venom in the water? Did the looking glass tell him that?
As for why this is being done by Adams, there is another thing to consider. There are several high profile conservatives on the radio who were very anti-vax. ALL of these radio personalities are super passionate about going to war with Russia. Why are THEY suddenly pushing the agenda of the administration? Why is Adams pushing a really stupid theory?
If you see it I imagine may see it too.
Here is a good way to see through the CIA mind tricks.
I disagree. High profile freedom loving podcasters I know realize Ukraine is KM.
I'm not talking about podcasters; specifically, I'm talking about the MSM conservative radio hosts. Totally different group of people IMHO.
I agree with you. Thanks for the clarification.
Cliffs buddy. Stand down. You have more important things to do. Keep an eye on the sky and let me know when you see the space men.
According to NASA, there's a comet headed towards Earth that's "50 times bigger than the heart of most known comets and moving 22,000 mph." The space men hopefully caught a ride to save on gas.
would that be the comet or asteroid known as "Wormwood"?
It’s known as C/2014 UN271 Bernardinelli-Bernstein. The article is here: https://www.independent.co.uk/space/nasa-comet-asteroid-hubble-telescope-b2056434.html. You have to sign up to read the rest of the article though.
Here is my way of seeing through this deception
ALL sources, including you Mr. High needs to be checked, crossed checked and then the decision has to be made as to who you will believe. It is the RESEARCHERS job to decide this.