Dang...I just planted this in indoor/greenhouse trays today! I was hoping to use it against skin cancer or for infection (the White milky sap was found to be 100% effective against skin cancer several years ago). I am not a doctor, this is not medical advice. I think this was memory holed FAST to to keep big pharma/medicine profits rolling in. But I believe that when you put it on a skin cancer it takes 2-3 weeks for complete remission and it stays in remission as well.
I've come up with the theory that every fucking herbicide is intentionally designed to kill every "weed" that is beneficial to human and animal health, in order to keep everything on two and four legs on the allopathic gravy train.
They can't patent nature, and there's no money in free natural treatments.
Have you read the reading of the secret plan against humanity (the authorship is in doubt so I will not say who it is written by but someone in power).
′′ We will cut their lives short and keep their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite. We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they never see what happens. We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and calming agents in both food and water and air, wherever they turn to poison.
The soft metals make them lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our many funds, and yet we will give them more poison. Chemical toxins will be absorbed by the skin of morons who believe certain hygiene and beauty products presented by great actors and musicians will bring eternal youth to their faces and bodies, and through their thirsty and hungry mouths we will bring their minds and systems Destroy. of internal organs. Reproduction.
However, their children are born disabled and deformed and we will hide this information.
The poison will be hidden in everything around them, in what they drink, eat, breathe and carry. We need to be resourceful in spreading the toxins because they can see far. We teach them that poison is good - with funny records and music tones on TV. Those who search for it will be helpful. We will register them to expel our poison.
They will see that our products are used in film and they will get used to it and will never know their true effect. If they give birth, we will spray poison into their children's blood and convince them that we are helping them! We will start earlier, when their minds are young, we will focus their children on what children love most, sweet things.
When their teeth spoil, we fill them with metals that kill their minds and steal their future. When their learning capacity is affected, we have made medicines that make them sicker and cause other diseases, for which we will make even more medicines. We will make them docile and weak by our strength. They will become depressed, slow and obese, and when they come to us for help, we will give them more poison.
We will focus our attention on money and material goods, so that they never connect with their inner selves. We will distract them with hoeries, outward pleasures and video games, so that they never become one with the unity of all. Their spirit will be ours, and they will do as we say. If they refuse, we will find ways to implement technology that changes the mind in their life.
We will use fear as our weapon. We will establish their governments and we will create opposition within them. We will own both sides. We will always hide our goal, but we will continue our plan. They will do the work for us, and we will be prosperous of their toil.
Our families will never deal with theirs. Our blood must be pure (because it is). We will make sure they kill each other if they are against us.
We will keep them separated from unity through dogma and religion. We will control all aspects of their lives and tell them what to think and how. We will kindly guide them and make them believe they are guiding themselves.
We will spark hostility between them through our factions. When a light shines between them, we will extinguish it by spot or death, which suits us best. We will make them tear their hearts apart and kill their own children. We will achieve this with hatred as our ally, anger as our friend. Hate will blind them completely and they will never realize that in their conflicts we will be their leaders.
They will be busy killing each other. They will bathe in their own blood and kill their neighbors as long as we see they are against us.
We will benefit greatly from this, because they will not see us, because they cannot see us. We will continue to prosper after their wars and their deaths. We will repeat this until our ultimate goal is reached. We will continue to let them live in fear and anger, we will give them images and sounds. We will use all the tools we have to achieve this. The tools are delivered by their work. We will make them hate themselves and their neighbors.
We will always hide the divine truth from them, that we are all one. He can never know that! They must never know color is an illusion, they must always believe that they are not equal. Drop by drop, drop by drop we continue with our goal. We will take over their lands, resources and wealth to control them. We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the few freedom they have. We will set up a money system that will shut them down forever, keeping them and their children in debt.
If we ban them together, we will accuse them of murder and present another story to the world, because we own all media. We will use the media to control the flow of information and their feelings to our advantage. If they stand up against us, we will crush them like bugs, because they are less than that. They won't do anything about it ′′ ′′
Thats the truth. Was totally irresponsible what happened. Phosgene and HCl for sure. The controlled burn was so they would not be held accountable for an explosion should the shrapnel hit anyone. Toxic gas leading to poisoning and long term illness is very difficult to prove.
I find the entire episode horrific. Never in my 25 years of chemicals and scientific experience
have I ever witnessed such a stupid countermeasure to a hazardous spill. Every responder to the location should have / would have known that a controlled burn of Vinyl Chloride would produce Phosgene and Hydrogen Chloride. Phosgene 3.4 times the weight of air would pool in areas awaiting victims to disrupt the gas. The HCl would have and has now developed into the toxic acid clouds that hovers over the surrounding area. It puzzles me that the governor of this cluster fuck is insane enough to claim all is well return to your homes. It doesn't take a genius to understand that chickens, coyotes and other small mammals dropping dead is a sign that its time to evacuate and not return. Sure the air quality may be ok if the EPA cherry picks the locations to sample. Lets be honest most of the toxic gas is building up above their heads right now.
What's more troubling is that similar incidents are happening in Arizona, Detroit and Florida.
When I was working in the waste water industry we would sample the creeks and send the water for analysis. The problem as always is what is the scope of the testing.
Great question it is dependent upon the Chemicals. HCl loves moisture. Acid Rain. Phosgene is 3.4 x heavier than air. So it sinks to the ground. Throw a hurricane into the middle of both you will get significant dilution. Add a gentle breeze and you get a wonderful transportation device for the clouds. Roll the dice and hope for the best. Some experts would assume that dilution would occur. Experience has given me pause for concern.
Shrapnel is easily proved should it hurt someone. Toxic chemicals if not acute will be a rough road to travel. With all the media coverage perhaps causation will be easier than usual to prove.
You mean like the poison of the COVID jab? Large numbers of people are dying of heart issues and the media is trying to say this is normal. It's not normal for athletes in the prime of their lives to be dropping dead of heart attacks. It's not normal for teens to be doing the same. This is more of the planned agenda to decrease the population. Start praying, storing water, food and other home items because you can't imagine what might come next but it is coming. This is a warning, the beginning of the chastisement.
I could go into depth on my research regarding V19 but it is like preaching to the choir. That said you would be amazed just how many people consider it to be fake propaganda. There are those that know and those that don't want to know.
I know what's coming. We observe, adjust and move on. If I had the wealth and resources I would be on some distant Caribbean island right now. No cell phone. No internet and no governments. But like many we tread water until its time to swim on.
It seems lack of education for hazardous spills has already been dumbed down without our noticing!?! Perhaps a re-education of the instructors teaching first responders is in order. Who would do this?
The ‘controlled burn’ was to RELEASE the phosgene and HCL. It was ALL a set up, look back at the safety changes made 11 DAYS prior - AFTER 17 YEARS they decided to tweak it. All a false flag and all REAL Deaths and Cancer on the way. May G-D watch over all of us. The cabal psychopaths will be judged - The One and Only Almighty in Heaven is paying attention. My prayers are for Ohioans and All of Humanity.
Working in the lab one evening DR Dastidar came to visit my chamber room. (friends at times, rivals on occasion). I was running a test on some material that produced Hydrogen Floride. The test was known as ASTM E1515. Its used to determine the minimal amount of material required to cause an explosion.
I digress. Post detonation I carried out a series of tests to determine the gas contents before breaching the containment vessel.
Curious he remained in the room as I tested the gas. He was a true believer that air exchanges diluted and removed all hazard contained within. After flushing the system with compressed air I retrieved a sample. It was interesting to watch him back away from the room as the gas detection tube showed over 50 ppm of Hydrogen Cyanide.
While I do not disagree with your theory I will add that its interesting just how little some of these highly credentialed academics actually know. They rely on previous studies much of the time and draw educated conclusions believing themselves infallible. The reality is far more eye opening and beyond their beloved text books.
While there may have been safety changes this is not an explanation for the response teams actions. Please expand upon your theory so I can better understand the information I am looking for.
Two different byproducts. The testing I performed was on multiple third parties globally. Dependent on the material and the detonation energy different results could be obtained. Often we would not know the entire composition of the materials. Also many third parties collected random material with combined sample. Whenever I ran the MEC or Kst test in the 20 liter containment vessel I would check for HCl, HF, HCN unless prior chemical decomposition byproducts were known.
My oversight in retelling the story. When DR Dastadar was visiting the laboratory I had been testing a material that produced significant volumes of HCN. When I tested the gas contained within the vessel for HCN the results were over 50 ppm. The gas can easily be absorbed through the skin and if the volume and exposure rate (TWA) is exceeded then serious side effects can present themselves.
Multiple gas testing was typically performed prior to breaching the system to remove the decomposition and prepare the vessel for the next test.
I should have been more specific abou the procedure. My apologies.
Do you think milk thistle tincture is more absorbable? I've read that the only issue with milk thistle is absorbability - why some blends have vitamin C/ sea buckthorn.
Well from what I recall, when I first heard about the anticancer properties, there was a great stress on the freshness of the sap. In order to achieve the benefit the plant had to be cut and applied immediately. I would not be surprised if this holds true for the other purposes as well. I think the beneficial properties are lost completely when it oxidizes. After all that is what big pharma would be doing is either synthetically producing it or stabilizing the beneficial chemicals, and then charging you thousands, for something you could walk into your yard and pluck a little bit of and 'heal thyself'.
Thank you so much Kiki- I'll have to look for milk thistle in my area of Ontario. Do you normally try to forage for it yourself, or was the thistle in your trays grown from seed?
I bought it online I linked a couple of sources just below us (or above this comment). I could forage it here but time is always against me with how much stuff I have to do. You are very welcome...I think 'weeds' :) are going to get a lot more important over the next 20 years.
From what I remember, this is what they did...and I am sure there are tons of other good uses for it as well, which is why, even though it is a weed, I will be growing it in my garden...ok so they cut off a small segment of the stem (2 inches to preserve the life of the plant and not use it all at once), which is where the milky white sap is, and brushed it on/around the skin cancer using a small brush or q-tip (something sterile)...I am growing it as a resource for everyone who lives near me in case people no longer want to or can't use modern medicine (like in the first days/years of their doomed to fail social credit system). At that point I will have it for all my family and neighbors. It is still in the seed trays and it hasn't germinated (because I just sowed it) but I got a packet of seeds off Amazon or you could try Baker Creek or (one of my favorites) Southern Seed Exchange (I know they had it a week ago). When I get seeds next year from one of the thistle flowers I am going to share it with my local seed exchange as well (its at our local library) and I think there is one really large seed exchange online as well.
Guess I’m lucky? We have it growing wild in our fields. It’s pesky and impossible to get rid of. Pesky as it is painful to pull out from hay bales. And it breaks off and wraps around the hair of manes and tails of the horses. Then takes ages to pull out bit by bit.
Hence I’m cutting it down every summer. Along with the ragwort that has no good uses. Causes liver failure. Eventually. But there’s also some other helpful healing weeds so my adult children have forbidden us to spray.
lol. Not sure that sounds lucky. Yes, I am going to be very cautious with it and it is only going in a isolated pot on hardscape (thank you so much for the heads up too; I should have mention that to others). We used to have a dog that would get burs in his fur every year so I know what that is like trying to pull them. We just used to shave the poor things fur rather than struggle and pull his hair getting them out. They could save seed and then let you spray. ;) Just keep what is helpful. I am not really a 'sprayer' type person but renting a bunch of goats seems good as long as there is nothing that would kill them in there...not sure about the ragwort. A goat rental specialist could tell you on that one.
I forgot to say that as soon as you cut it the sap begins to leak out. So you might want to have a good knife and a small porcelain dish to catch the sap in when you cut it...then take it back inside and use the sterile swab to apply it (from a fresh cutting every day) daily to the skin (It has been years and I can't remember if it was once a day or twice). The sap actually heals the plant from the cutting which is why it works wonders on the cancer mole too. From what I remember of the placebo who showed no signs of improvement from the big pharma control medicine, and they went back after the study was over and completely cured everyone in the control group too. And I think, if I am remembering correctly, it took like 1 week longer to go into total remission for a few people, but everyone was totally cured within a month.
Thank you for the link Gavin. Great and thorough information. Subscribed to your newsletter and listening to your information now on the dandelion plant. Please keep on writing.
Thanks for reading, subscribing and for the thoughtful comment. I am glad you find the info useful.
I am currently working on the final stages of formatting a book for self-publishing that is focusing on food sovereignty (regenerative gardening, seed saving, preservation, composting etc) so my substack newsletter posts will likely slow down until I have that done but I will try and make time to post something on substack here and there when possible
Has anyone checked out the pyramid technology? The Russians put one over the mouth of a creek going into a lake they had to clean, from toxins, it worked. I read about it years ago and thought grrreat. We can clean our waters, not sure why we don’t have them all over.
my wife and i are drinking chaga daily for more than a year because of you.
now another train has derailed near us in metro detroit michigan. Right near the main river in the are - The Huron River. six cars derailed. one containing toxic chemicals yet to be named.
thanks for the reply. Hoping its nothing but who knows.
One of the best things about substack is the ability to click on a commenter and see what other substacks they read. We have about a dozen in common. I will check out the other ones you follow. It really can be a game changer if we all utilize it.
I have come to find solace in Archaix and his theories on what we are and the planet we inhabit. Definitely not for everyone but it helps me as we walk this road upon our journey.
Hi Becky are you near the East Palestine disaster? Id like to send some of our Wild Canadian Chaga Elixir to that area to help. Please contact me thru my website TRYBLUE.org!
Oh my goodness Daisy. Thank you for your generous offer. I’m in Ohio but thankfully 288 miles south west. Our water and air are allegedly not affected. But I did purchase some Alaska Chaga tea as precautionary action. Bought some Chaga elixir for my dog’s water also. Thank you for being so kind and thinking of others. 🤗
Love the chaga tea, though have had issues on my kidneys as it contains decent levels of oxalate that my body has issues clearing, so that is worth taking note of for some people.
Nettles are excellent for kidney support, though oxalates found in many foods, tend to cause issues when kidney stones or other issues are underlying, and potassium/magnesium citrate and other supplements help with clearance problems.
Dandelion root is very good for prostate, and I am not aware of any limitations. With nettle, infusion should only be consumed short-term, followed by a break. Probably five days to a week, at most; then, two or three weeks off.
Thank you so much for the info. I would normally do nettle steeped overnight for a couple weeks at a time. I will shorten it per your suggestion. I've been getting into cistus incanus tea (mediterranean rock rose) lately, as it's a good overall immune system booster.
since that's the case you might want to look at a product called kidney cop which contains IP6 and banana stem extract, both natural elements that help clear oxalate besides potassium/magnesium citrate
When the firefighters of New York were hospitalized, they inhaled much the same compounds. They were told they would die within a year. The Church of Scientology stepped in and with doctors put them through the purification program,....this saved them. I hope they set up a few all over and do all down there. This disaster is of epic proportions.
It's actually a niacin flush protocol that you do in conjunction with the sauna. Dan Root's father Dr. Root was the medical director that ran L. Ron Hubbard's program. Dr. Root improved the program greatly and Dan now educates others on the process so they can add this as a service to their practice or simply for selfcare. It's an amazing process that removes toxins deep in the body; like gadolinium. https://www.getdetoxinated.com/
Yeah you get used to it. I did it 2005. I should do it again. Didn’t know about all the toxins they were feeding us back then. They pile up in the body.
The activated charcoal has been used for poisoning for many decades, and there is also zeolite powder (a type of ionic clay) capsules that, like charcoal, does direct absorption of poisons from the gut . I would use some fiber with charcoal or clay. NOT medical advice.
We’ll go to health food store and get the actual stevia with inulin. Inulin is a resistant starch, very good for you. The Erythritol in other stevia is not good. All Erythritol is made in a lab,....many lies about this. They have to mix stevia with something. The ‘NOW’ product with inulin is the only good one. Expensive. But powder packets last a long time. Again ‘NOW’ also makes it with dextrose and Erythritol, there is only one made with inulin. Must read the label.
We often grow it alongside various kitchen herbs in a container on our deck. No stevia makes it though because our youngest child can't go by it without breaking off a leaf to chew. She likes it so much that after a while barely any if the plant is left.
I forgot to mention I add pine pollen to the mix and the lemon or half I should say I peel the outer yellow and keep the white and that's why I need the blender. And the liquid stevia I've been using for years as I don't use sugar but on occasion I do have some honey from one great beehive I have.
I've added C-60 per your recommendation to my FLCCC protocol ( 66-yr-old fat female; Pureblood, had covid Dec 2021). Bought chaga powder also per your recommendation... Does taking them both... over do it? Listen to you all the time (DLed everything I can find and play and replay as I drive or cook or whatever). You're a lovely steadying hand in scary times!
Good man Clif,
A few drops of Milk Thistle in a pitcher of water also Good.
Dandelion too.
And NAC (n-AcetylCystene)
Works for me.
P.S. prayers for East Palestine.
Dang...I just planted this in indoor/greenhouse trays today! I was hoping to use it against skin cancer or for infection (the White milky sap was found to be 100% effective against skin cancer several years ago). I am not a doctor, this is not medical advice. I think this was memory holed FAST to to keep big pharma/medicine profits rolling in. But I believe that when you put it on a skin cancer it takes 2-3 weeks for complete remission and it stays in remission as well.
Found it!
You know what.
I've come up with the theory that every fucking herbicide is intentionally designed to kill every "weed" that is beneficial to human and animal health, in order to keep everything on two and four legs on the allopathic gravy train.
They can't patent nature, and there's no money in free natural treatments.
That is diabolical but I wouldn't put it beyond them since they are demons.
Everything they do is designed to destroy life, it's their nature, everything. So yes, I agree.
The Frog and the Scorpion.
makes too much sense. You're probably right.
The apolocalype = lifting of the veil. Happy our eyes are open, feel bad for others who will have a ruuuude awakening, but also looking forward to it.
There's also the added bonus (for them) of all the cancers that are caused by Glyphosphate, as an example.
Even more gravy.
Have you read the reading of the secret plan against humanity (the authorship is in doubt so I will not say who it is written by but someone in power).
′′ We will cut their lives short and keep their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite. We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they never see what happens. We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and calming agents in both food and water and air, wherever they turn to poison.
The soft metals make them lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our many funds, and yet we will give them more poison. Chemical toxins will be absorbed by the skin of morons who believe certain hygiene and beauty products presented by great actors and musicians will bring eternal youth to their faces and bodies, and through their thirsty and hungry mouths we will bring their minds and systems Destroy. of internal organs. Reproduction.
However, their children are born disabled and deformed and we will hide this information.
The poison will be hidden in everything around them, in what they drink, eat, breathe and carry. We need to be resourceful in spreading the toxins because they can see far. We teach them that poison is good - with funny records and music tones on TV. Those who search for it will be helpful. We will register them to expel our poison.
They will see that our products are used in film and they will get used to it and will never know their true effect. If they give birth, we will spray poison into their children's blood and convince them that we are helping them! We will start earlier, when their minds are young, we will focus their children on what children love most, sweet things.
When their teeth spoil, we fill them with metals that kill their minds and steal their future. When their learning capacity is affected, we have made medicines that make them sicker and cause other diseases, for which we will make even more medicines. We will make them docile and weak by our strength. They will become depressed, slow and obese, and when they come to us for help, we will give them more poison.
We will focus our attention on money and material goods, so that they never connect with their inner selves. We will distract them with hoeries, outward pleasures and video games, so that they never become one with the unity of all. Their spirit will be ours, and they will do as we say. If they refuse, we will find ways to implement technology that changes the mind in their life.
We will use fear as our weapon. We will establish their governments and we will create opposition within them. We will own both sides. We will always hide our goal, but we will continue our plan. They will do the work for us, and we will be prosperous of their toil.
Our families will never deal with theirs. Our blood must be pure (because it is). We will make sure they kill each other if they are against us.
We will keep them separated from unity through dogma and religion. We will control all aspects of their lives and tell them what to think and how. We will kindly guide them and make them believe they are guiding themselves.
We will spark hostility between them through our factions. When a light shines between them, we will extinguish it by spot or death, which suits us best. We will make them tear their hearts apart and kill their own children. We will achieve this with hatred as our ally, anger as our friend. Hate will blind them completely and they will never realize that in their conflicts we will be their leaders.
They will be busy killing each other. They will bathe in their own blood and kill their neighbors as long as we see they are against us.
We will benefit greatly from this, because they will not see us, because they cannot see us. We will continue to prosper after their wars and their deaths. We will repeat this until our ultimate goal is reached. We will continue to let them live in fear and anger, we will give them images and sounds. We will use all the tools we have to achieve this. The tools are delivered by their work. We will make them hate themselves and their neighbors.
We will always hide the divine truth from them, that we are all one. He can never know that! They must never know color is an illusion, they must always believe that they are not equal. Drop by drop, drop by drop we continue with our goal. We will take over their lands, resources and wealth to control them. We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the few freedom they have. We will set up a money system that will shut them down forever, keeping them and their children in debt.
If we ban them together, we will accuse them of murder and present another story to the world, because we own all media. We will use the media to control the flow of information and their feelings to our advantage. If they stand up against us, we will crush them like bugs, because they are less than that. They won't do anything about it ′′ ′′
Just watched this link I got from Sanity for Sweden.
The Great Wall of Cunts.
I have a Brit friend who can put inflections on that word so it takes on new meanings.
Here is a Brit lady using it in its raw form: https://abiroberts.substack.com/p/the-great-wall-of-cunts
The only one I recognise is Piers Morgan. Already knew he was a cunt.
Pushing the agenda.
Is that "The Secret Covenant of The Illuminati"?
I think the Authors surname begins, and ends with an R.
Intravenous Vitamin C therapy is beneficial for your body. We are deficient in Vitamin C, high doses will help to heal your body.
Liposomal vitamin C is said to be equally effective and a lot easier than intravenous. Just swallow with water:
prayers for all of those within the plume's path...
(as max igan said... "we are all palestinians now")
Thats the truth. Was totally irresponsible what happened. Phosgene and HCl for sure. The controlled burn was so they would not be held accountable for an explosion should the shrapnel hit anyone. Toxic gas leading to poisoning and long term illness is very difficult to prove.
"The controlled burn was so they would not be held accountable for an explosion should the shrapnel hit anyone"-
that's the control narrative at work...
everyone could have been evacuated within the range of the supposedly 'modeled' shrapnel barrage by Feb. 6 ( when the conflagration was maximized !)
check this-
I find the entire episode horrific. Never in my 25 years of chemicals and scientific experience
have I ever witnessed such a stupid countermeasure to a hazardous spill. Every responder to the location should have / would have known that a controlled burn of Vinyl Chloride would produce Phosgene and Hydrogen Chloride. Phosgene 3.4 times the weight of air would pool in areas awaiting victims to disrupt the gas. The HCl would have and has now developed into the toxic acid clouds that hovers over the surrounding area. It puzzles me that the governor of this cluster fuck is insane enough to claim all is well return to your homes. It doesn't take a genius to understand that chickens, coyotes and other small mammals dropping dead is a sign that its time to evacuate and not return. Sure the air quality may be ok if the EPA cherry picks the locations to sample. Lets be honest most of the toxic gas is building up above their heads right now.
What's more troubling is that similar incidents are happening in Arizona, Detroit and Florida.
they are only sampling surface-water, I believe...
and there are quotas to fill as per international democide agreements.
When I was working in the waste water industry we would sample the creeks and send the water for analysis. The problem as always is what is the scope of the testing.
North Louisiana East Texas too.
Surely this chem cloud will move with the air currents to other areas? Or is it so heavy that it drops down to a specific area?
It’s as much coincidental as those 125+ food processing plants. The ‘enemy’ is doing it every which way vs America. G*d Bless it.
Great question it is dependent upon the Chemicals. HCl loves moisture. Acid Rain. Phosgene is 3.4 x heavier than air. So it sinks to the ground. Throw a hurricane into the middle of both you will get significant dilution. Add a gentle breeze and you get a wonderful transportation device for the clouds. Roll the dice and hope for the best. Some experts would assume that dilution would occur. Experience has given me pause for concern.
Shrapnel is easily proved should it hurt someone. Toxic chemicals if not acute will be a rough road to travel. With all the media coverage perhaps causation will be easier than usual to prove.
You mean like the poison of the COVID jab? Large numbers of people are dying of heart issues and the media is trying to say this is normal. It's not normal for athletes in the prime of their lives to be dropping dead of heart attacks. It's not normal for teens to be doing the same. This is more of the planned agenda to decrease the population. Start praying, storing water, food and other home items because you can't imagine what might come next but it is coming. This is a warning, the beginning of the chastisement.
I could go into depth on my research regarding V19 but it is like preaching to the choir. That said you would be amazed just how many people consider it to be fake propaganda. There are those that know and those that don't want to know.
I know what's coming. We observe, adjust and move on. If I had the wealth and resources I would be on some distant Caribbean island right now. No cell phone. No internet and no governments. But like many we tread water until its time to swim on.
it's already yesterday's news... have you been following the Victims of Bhopal Faceburn Page lately...?
(sorry- that was a bit much...)
It seems lack of education for hazardous spills has already been dumbed down without our noticing!?! Perhaps a re-education of the instructors teaching first responders is in order. Who would do this?
I was thinking that a contingent from East Palestine could go and meet with the president of the railroad and bathe him in dioxins.
The ‘controlled burn’ was to RELEASE the phosgene and HCL. It was ALL a set up, look back at the safety changes made 11 DAYS prior - AFTER 17 YEARS they decided to tweak it. All a false flag and all REAL Deaths and Cancer on the way. May G-D watch over all of us. The cabal psychopaths will be judged - The One and Only Almighty in Heaven is paying attention. My prayers are for Ohioans and All of Humanity.
Working in the lab one evening DR Dastidar came to visit my chamber room. (friends at times, rivals on occasion). I was running a test on some material that produced Hydrogen Floride. The test was known as ASTM E1515. Its used to determine the minimal amount of material required to cause an explosion.
I digress. Post detonation I carried out a series of tests to determine the gas contents before breaching the containment vessel.
Curious he remained in the room as I tested the gas. He was a true believer that air exchanges diluted and removed all hazard contained within. After flushing the system with compressed air I retrieved a sample. It was interesting to watch him back away from the room as the gas detection tube showed over 50 ppm of Hydrogen Cyanide.
While I do not disagree with your theory I will add that its interesting just how little some of these highly credentialed academics actually know. They rely on previous studies much of the time and draw educated conclusions believing themselves infallible. The reality is far more eye opening and beyond their beloved text books.
While there may have been safety changes this is not an explanation for the response teams actions. Please expand upon your theory so I can better understand the information I am looking for.
So how did the hydrogen fluoride change to hydrogen cyanide?
Two different byproducts. The testing I performed was on multiple third parties globally. Dependent on the material and the detonation energy different results could be obtained. Often we would not know the entire composition of the materials. Also many third parties collected random material with combined sample. Whenever I ran the MEC or Kst test in the 20 liter containment vessel I would check for HCl, HF, HCN unless prior chemical decomposition byproducts were known.
My oversight in retelling the story. When DR Dastadar was visiting the laboratory I had been testing a material that produced significant volumes of HCN. When I tested the gas contained within the vessel for HCN the results were over 50 ppm. The gas can easily be absorbed through the skin and if the volume and exposure rate (TWA) is exceeded then serious side effects can present themselves.
Multiple gas testing was typically performed prior to breaching the system to remove the decomposition and prepare the vessel for the next test.
I should have been more specific abou the procedure. My apologies.
Do you think milk thistle tincture is more absorbable? I've read that the only issue with milk thistle is absorbability - why some blends have vitamin C/ sea buckthorn.
Haven't heard anything on bioavailability. I'm using A Vogel milk Thistle, just horse it into me and plough on.
Well from what I recall, when I first heard about the anticancer properties, there was a great stress on the freshness of the sap. In order to achieve the benefit the plant had to be cut and applied immediately. I would not be surprised if this holds true for the other purposes as well. I think the beneficial properties are lost completely when it oxidizes. After all that is what big pharma would be doing is either synthetically producing it or stabilizing the beneficial chemicals, and then charging you thousands, for something you could walk into your yard and pluck a little bit of and 'heal thyself'.
Thank you so much Kiki- I'll have to look for milk thistle in my area of Ontario. Do you normally try to forage for it yourself, or was the thistle in your trays grown from seed?
I bought it online I linked a couple of sources just below us (or above this comment). I could forage it here but time is always against me with how much stuff I have to do. You are very welcome...I think 'weeds' :) are going to get a lot more important over the next 20 years.
So if I cut it when it’s growing should it be applied directly to the cancer mole?
From what I remember, this is what they did...and I am sure there are tons of other good uses for it as well, which is why, even though it is a weed, I will be growing it in my garden...ok so they cut off a small segment of the stem (2 inches to preserve the life of the plant and not use it all at once), which is where the milky white sap is, and brushed it on/around the skin cancer using a small brush or q-tip (something sterile)...I am growing it as a resource for everyone who lives near me in case people no longer want to or can't use modern medicine (like in the first days/years of their doomed to fail social credit system). At that point I will have it for all my family and neighbors. It is still in the seed trays and it hasn't germinated (because I just sowed it) but I got a packet of seeds off Amazon or you could try Baker Creek or (one of my favorites) Southern Seed Exchange (I know they had it a week ago). When I get seeds next year from one of the thistle flowers I am going to share it with my local seed exchange as well (its at our local library) and I think there is one really large seed exchange online as well.
Baker creek (I just looked) doesn't have it...
Guess I’m lucky? We have it growing wild in our fields. It’s pesky and impossible to get rid of. Pesky as it is painful to pull out from hay bales. And it breaks off and wraps around the hair of manes and tails of the horses. Then takes ages to pull out bit by bit.
Hence I’m cutting it down every summer. Along with the ragwort that has no good uses. Causes liver failure. Eventually. But there’s also some other helpful healing weeds so my adult children have forbidden us to spray.
lol. Not sure that sounds lucky. Yes, I am going to be very cautious with it and it is only going in a isolated pot on hardscape (thank you so much for the heads up too; I should have mention that to others). We used to have a dog that would get burs in his fur every year so I know what that is like trying to pull them. We just used to shave the poor things fur rather than struggle and pull his hair getting them out. They could save seed and then let you spray. ;) Just keep what is helpful. I am not really a 'sprayer' type person but renting a bunch of goats seems good as long as there is nothing that would kill them in there...not sure about the ragwort. A goat rental specialist could tell you on that one.
I forgot to say that as soon as you cut it the sap begins to leak out. So you might want to have a good knife and a small porcelain dish to catch the sap in when you cut it...then take it back inside and use the sterile swab to apply it (from a fresh cutting every day) daily to the skin (It has been years and I can't remember if it was once a day or twice). The sap actually heals the plant from the cutting which is why it works wonders on the cancer mole too. From what I remember of the placebo who showed no signs of improvement from the big pharma control medicine, and they went back after the study was over and completely cured everyone in the control group too. And I think, if I am remembering correctly, it took like 1 week longer to go into total remission for a few people, but everyone was totally cured within a month.
I put together some additional intel on 'first aid' and detox for this situation here: https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/glyphosate-and-dioxin-detox and I will be adding the info on Chaga from the post above to my post shortly.
Thank you for the link Gavin. Great and thorough information. Subscribed to your newsletter and listening to your information now on the dandelion plant. Please keep on writing.
Hi Varga
Thanks for reading, subscribing and for the thoughtful comment. I am glad you find the info useful.
I am currently working on the final stages of formatting a book for self-publishing that is focusing on food sovereignty (regenerative gardening, seed saving, preservation, composting etc) so my substack newsletter posts will likely slow down until I have that done but I will try and make time to post something on substack here and there when possible
I will keep on writing! thanks :)
We have got to find out whose responsible for the derailment and prosecute fully. Let the people decide what to do with them.
Agreed. Shame is the best punishment I believe.
Has anyone checked out the pyramid technology? The Russians put one over the mouth of a creek going into a lake they had to clean, from toxins, it worked. I read about it years ago and thought grrreat. We can clean our waters, not sure why we don’t have them all over.
Thank you Clif,
my wife and i are drinking chaga daily for more than a year because of you.
now another train has derailed near us in metro detroit michigan. Right near the main river in the are - The Huron River. six cars derailed. one containing toxic chemicals yet to be named.
It's WAR.
Supposedly it didn’t break open, but we shall see. Stuck in the same area waiting to find out.
Hi Ian,
thanks for the reply. Hoping its nothing but who knows.
One of the best things about substack is the ability to click on a commenter and see what other substacks they read. We have about a dozen in common. I will check out the other ones you follow. It really can be a game changer if we all utilize it.
Sorry to heat that, Specie. I'm now wondering what can happen in the Imperial Valley here in southern California. Take care and stay alert.
All reports I’ve seen say no toxic chemicals but I barely believe anything anyone.
Yes that would be hard to believe.
I say they need to eat the fish or shut up.
Gary, this link appears to now have been blocked...
New link https://www.bitchute.com/video/4HV0zDbQxrXI/
Let me know if this works.
It works!
Many thanks.
Gary, makes me think of Erin Brockovich. DeWine and anyone else - be served the water /fish/ frogs.
I have to make comical videos else I would cry as well. The circus is in town and the Klowns are killers from outer space.
Currently Florida. Originally south of London, UK.
I have come to find solace in Archaix and his theories on what we are and the planet we inhabit. Definitely not for everyone but it helps me as we walk this road upon our journey.
Ty Mr.Clif.I pray we begin to see deep state/wef/khazarian mafia swinging from tree limbs Soon
Thank you, clif. You are a blessing.
Thank you from this Ohio resident. 🤗
Hi Becky are you near the East Palestine disaster? Id like to send some of our Wild Canadian Chaga Elixir to that area to help. Please contact me thru my website TRYBLUE.org!
Oh my goodness Daisy. Thank you for your generous offer. I’m in Ohio but thankfully 288 miles south west. Our water and air are allegedly not affected. But I did purchase some Alaska Chaga tea as precautionary action. Bought some Chaga elixir for my dog’s water also. Thank you for being so kind and thinking of others. 🤗
Thank you for all the information you share. We are all very grateful.
Vit C & NAC helps the liver too. NAC is THE treament for acetaminophen (should have never been approved) overdose.
Seriously- did you hear about all the Tylenol lawsuits claiming that it potentially caused ADHD and autism in some children?
I have read acetaminophen affects the kidneys if used too much. (whatever that is)
the caps contain propylene glycol among other trash...which I don't think the kidney likey too much (:
Where would you recommend to learn more about this?
Love the chaga tea, though have had issues on my kidneys as it contains decent levels of oxalate that my body has issues clearing, so that is worth taking note of for some people.
Have you tried nettle tea to support the kidneys? Not sure if nettle would help with oxalates though.
Nettles are excellent for kidney support, though oxalates found in many foods, tend to cause issues when kidney stones or other issues are underlying, and potassium/magnesium citrate and other supplements help with clearance problems.
Dandelion as well
Good old Dandelion! Always around us.
Dandelion root is very good for prostate, and I am not aware of any limitations. With nettle, infusion should only be consumed short-term, followed by a break. Probably five days to a week, at most; then, two or three weeks off.
Thank you so much for the info. I would normally do nettle steeped overnight for a couple weeks at a time. I will shorten it per your suggestion. I've been getting into cistus incanus tea (mediterranean rock rose) lately, as it's a good overall immune system booster.
Oh dear. Glad you mentioned oxalate as I am having difficulty clearing that pesky element. TY
since that's the case you might want to look at a product called kidney cop which contains IP6 and banana stem extract, both natural elements that help clear oxalate besides potassium/magnesium citrate
An Explosion Over Texas Today Too, There Is No Doubt This Is Unconventional Warfare Against Republican States!
They Never Give Us Truth Anymore Either!
Yes there was an alleged "meteoroid" over The English Channel this week also:
They Are Using Old Project Bluebook UFO Cover Descriptors.
There Has Been Meteor Activity Too!
Meteors Or Fallen Angels?
Thanks Clif, you’re a star!
When the firefighters of New York were hospitalized, they inhaled much the same compounds. They were told they would die within a year. The Church of Scientology stepped in and with doctors put them through the purification program,....this saved them. I hope they set up a few all over and do all down there. This disaster is of epic proportions.
Scientology does good things?
Good for them, sorta.
"The protocol involves several hours of sauna therapy each day"
It's actually a niacin flush protocol that you do in conjunction with the sauna. Dan Root's father Dr. Root was the medical director that ran L. Ron Hubbard's program. Dr. Root improved the program greatly and Dan now educates others on the process so they can add this as a service to their practice or simply for selfcare. It's an amazing process that removes toxins deep in the body; like gadolinium. https://www.getdetoxinated.com/
Wow I Need Detox Bad!
Yeah you get used to it. I did it 2005. I should do it again. Didn’t know about all the toxins they were feeding us back then. They pile up in the body.
That Is Dehydration Sauna Amount!
Not A Scientology Protocol But A Doctor That Worked For Them For A Short Time Using His Protocol And Are Very Clear They Are Not Part Of Scientology!
Well I would do the Scientology one again. I know it’s very over the top researched.
The activated charcoal has been used for poisoning for many decades, and there is also zeolite powder (a type of ionic clay) capsules that, like charcoal, does direct absorption of poisons from the gut . I would use some fiber with charcoal or clay. NOT medical advice.
"The activated charcoal has been used for poisoning for many decades"
LOL! The context clears as you read on.
Thank you for caring enough to share!
I drink chaga everyday as a blender mix of my own chaga with lemon, apple cider vinegar, ginger and a little liquid stevia. Thank you!
Most of the things I hear about stevia are good. I don't like the taste myself.
However I watched this recently and feel compelled to show it to you: https://www.bitchute.com/video/KPWyOSgr3P35/
You decide.
We’ll go to health food store and get the actual stevia with inulin. Inulin is a resistant starch, very good for you. The Erythritol in other stevia is not good. All Erythritol is made in a lab,....many lies about this. They have to mix stevia with something. The ‘NOW’ product with inulin is the only good one. Expensive. But powder packets last a long time. Again ‘NOW’ also makes it with dextrose and Erythritol, there is only one made with inulin. Must read the label.
Or just grow your own Stevia. Taste much better than the store bought powder.
Hey how? Is it a succulent? I’ll have to look that up
I grow it out side in my herb garden. Could easily grow it in a pot.
We often grow it alongside various kitchen herbs in a container on our deck. No stevia makes it though because our youngest child can't go by it without breaking off a leaf to chew. She likes it so much that after a while barely any if the plant is left.
Stevia Does Leave An Odd After Taste In The Mouth!
I forgot to mention I add pine pollen to the mix and the lemon or half I should say I peel the outer yellow and keep the white and that's why I need the blender. And the liquid stevia I've been using for years as I don't use sugar but on occasion I do have some honey from one great beehive I have.
I saw that but being 63 I'm not concerned. I just know sugar is deadly.
Heh, I don't particularly care for that either.
Dear Clif,
I've added C-60 per your recommendation to my FLCCC protocol ( 66-yr-old fat female; Pureblood, had covid Dec 2021). Bought chaga powder also per your recommendation... Does taking them both... over do it? Listen to you all the time (DLed everything I can find and play and replay as I drive or cook or whatever). You're a lovely steadying hand in scary times!
It's okay to take both along with all of the "what if I'm already vaccinated" list of supplements pinned on clifs twitter.
Did you know there is a site that many of Clif's older programs and interviews he has done (MANY!) over the years. Well organized, too.