We have never been to the moon, and the earth is not a sphere either.

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That's right! It's actually in the shape of a wheelchair. Inhabited by beings with mental paralysis...

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I hope you get better soon. Logic is tough, give it another try.

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What is Prigogine's 2nd Law of Thermodynamics?

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It's a spheroid. It's almost a sphere, and yes I have measured it.

I was thinking of buying a telescope to check out what's going on on the moon.

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Now I want a telescope more than ever. We have a "Dark Sky Observation Park" 20 miles north of here. Low light pollution.

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Eventually Clif will have to at least look at this; that the earth is not a sphere. But he's at least looked at the moon. I've seen the video and the moon is not sphere, but I believe the moon is a projection or a plasma

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I was excited he was veering off from the mainstream nonsense and then couldn’t believe he still believes astronauts went to the moon and now he th inks it’s a spaceship! Pure science fiction. It is plasma. Clif needs to watch vibes of the cosmos on YouTube

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Will your world be different in any way if Clif thinks the way you do, or why do you want him to change his mind?

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Who knows really, but I don't think we went to the moon. Best guess it's either a projection or a plasma. I'll probably get shit for saying that, but I'm sticking with that theory.

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I've heard theories that it's hollow.

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No hearsay necessary - Edmund Halley worked out the concept pretty good. But his is just one of the possibilities.

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Yes. I caught that too!

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People with simple cameras know that the moon is not as far away as the nasaholes lie about

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Words fail me.

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Oct 26, 2023
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I know the moon is a sphere.

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I watched the video going around about why the moon is not a sphere, based on observations of eclipses. The arguments they put forward are bogus, because they all assume being able to see the system from an angle. I'm not saying that proves the moon IS a sphere, I'm saying that none of the arguments against it, put by Clif or anywhere else, hold water.

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Clif didn't say the moon isn't a sphere. The hologram is of no activity on the moon. It disguises the activity on the surface of the moon. The hologram disguises the appearance.

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Yeah he's said it isn't a sphere. Several times. This whole podcast is explaining his reasoning.

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1/2 right. The earth is an oblate spheroid.

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Yes, it bulges at the equator. A spin thing.

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That was my reaction. I like most of what Clif says but this for me is off the hook. He doesn't even mention the firmament, let alone your points.

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Both the Deep State's agendas of Climate Change and Flat Earth mind devolution of the populace can be destroyed using the same 5 words: Prigogine's Second Law of Thermodynamics

....Coincidence? 🤔

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Thanks Clif! I get nervous when you are quiet especially with the crazy times

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I did an account on "X", just following Clif and the people on there who is following Clif. He's on there alot. He have written som very interesting stuff there the last couple of days.

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Luv ya, Clif; I really DO!.....but......have you lost your phucking mind?!?!?! I have many photo's (saved) of the Moon (and other planets), by 'amateur' astronomers, and these photos are NOT 'clear at the edges'. The Moon IS a sphere; it may, INDEED, be a sort of a 'space craft', but it IS a sphere.

And, NO......the Moon is NOT 'black & white'; you are correct There have been color pix of it, again, released by 'amateur' astronomers. And I think that Russia (and maybe China??) have released TRUE COLOR pix of the Moon (I TRUST the Russians!! lol), as well.

I believe that it was Isaac Newton (I could be wrong with who said it...), that said, 'The Moon is the only thing that gives me a headache!'. Meaning, he (or whoever it was) couldn't figure out how it got there, because it does NOT behave like any other planets' satellite(s). And a brilliant, BRILLIANT man, Dr. Joseph P. Farrell, has said, MANY times, that HE thinks our Moon was 'parked' there; that THAT is the ONLY thing that makes sense, given the fact of what our Moon does ('behaves'). Dr. Farrell has also said, that there is Ancient Texts that talk about, 'the time BEFORE the moon was there'.

But, yes.....Our Moon IS a 'mystery'!! And I think that there is 'someone' living there; including the Psychopaths from THIS planet. lol They're either living ON it, or 'IN' it.....maybe BOTH. But there is def ANCIENT RUINS up there (and Mars, too); Richard C. Hoagland, and 'his crew', have been showing these Ancient Ruins, for decades now.

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Cliffy also believe there is a community up there right now 😳

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There very well may be!

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In the beginning....

GOD fine-tuned the placement and diameter metrics of the moon.

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Crrow777 has filmed the Lunar Wave proving what we see as the moon is in fact a hologram. His cameras also pick up UFO's.

This link is the first in a collection of these observances. Enjoy!


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It can sometimes be a very bright hologram then! Think Super moons!

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or reds...or blues...!

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Clif’s back…YEAH!

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The other option is if it's illuminated from within.

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Like a Japanese lantern.

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Oct 26, 2023
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If that is the example you are using, then you would also need to move your light source the same distance away.

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Table my balls x millions!

Woot woot!

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How do us women coordinate on a "moon cycle" with this thing . And the native Americans plant things according to the cycle of the moon and the waves being effected by the moon. ?? Whatever this thing is must have electronic or magnetic powers? Maybe it's a big magnet that holds this earth surface from sucking in like a black hole.

What the ever loving fk is going on???

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there was a time when there was no moon in native traditions might want to look into that

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I guess surfers are going to need to change course on the lunar effect on waves and tides. Kawabunga, dude. 🌊

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The magnet is out!. All the jabbed surfers can Hang 12 .

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Yeah that water/tide/women thing....magnetic in some form, surely?

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Get a grip.

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The astronauts were dour because they were living a lie and it was killing them. The van Allen radiation belts mean no human is going out of low earth orbit, with all due respect this is common knowledge.

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Yes, this was talked about a few years ago, how NASA had finally figured out how to get by the Van Allen radiation belts. Now hold up, didn't you have to get by them in the 60s and 70s to get to the moon. I'm smelling a rat. They've also lost the tech to go back. I'm smelling a bigger rat. They were neverending on the excuses for not going back.

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That he doesn't know this makes me doubt his perceptions.

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Yay! Afternoon walk with a good listen!

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From ChatGPT:

"The reason there is no noticeable distortion of features on the moon as you move from the center to the edges is primarily due to its relatively small size and the way our eyes perceive it. The moon's radius is about 1,738 kilometers (1,080 miles), which is quite small compared to the Earth.

When you look at the moon from Earth, it appears as a two-dimensional image against the backdrop of the night sky. The features on the moon's surface, like craters and mountains, are indeed three-dimensional, but they are also much smaller in scale compared to the entire moon.

Because the moon is relatively close to Earth and its diameter is small compared to its distance from us, the curvature of its surface doesn't create a significant perceptual distortion when viewed from our perspective. In other words, the differences in distances from the observer to various parts of the moon's surface are relatively minor, and our eyes do not easily detect this curvature.

For celestial bodies much larger than the moon, like the Earth itself, the curvature would be more noticeable over long distances. However, with the moon's size and distance, the effect is not readily apparent to the human eye, and the moon appears as a reasonably uniform sphere."

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The moon ... - is NOT a sphere! (<Gru voice>)

Video Clif Referenced:


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Thanks for keeping us updated with your work, Clif! Fascinating stuff.

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Thanks clif - can’t wait to listen

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Don't bother. He used to be good but he's lost the plot. He's talking shite in this one, I'm afraid.

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Been talking shit for a long time now.

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Interesting guy but without a doubt the biggest bullshitter on the internet.

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Silly person

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He says a lot of good stuff, but on the moon, there are some big holes in his argument:

1) his maths is out. Volume is a cube law not a square law, ergo moon is 1/64 the size of the earth not 1/16, ergo 1.5% the mass is about right. It may be hollow but not by that argument.

2) the reflectivity thing, at best he's explaining it very badly, which is unlike Clif. But I'm being charitable. I could pick holes in that for hours, but then, why bother. I'm just drawing attention to it, not trying to convince anybody.

The thing is, there are other reasons why he may be partly right at least. I'm just not buying the cartoon physics and optics lesson. No way.

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If you're talking about the size of the moon one would instinctively expect you to be talking about what you see, the diameter, not the volume.

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Size can mean lots of things but Clif is talking about missing MASS. However you look at it, if the moon is a quarter the diameter of the earth as Clif says, then its mass would be about 1/64th if the density is the same. There is no missing mass.

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Cliffy believes there is community hanging out on the moon ... right now!😳

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A Drop In the Bucket of Cosmic Woo

Crystal clear camera images from Mars, 140 miillion miles away, while no camera(s) left on the Earth-facing side of the moon during Apollo missions.

? Ohhhhhh-kay.

The reason there aren't newer lunar visits is because there would be no excuse for not continuously casting 5K HD images back to everyone on Earth who owns a smartphone.

With cameras permanently positioned on the lunar surface facing Earth, we all would get the BIG PICTURE: visitors; spacecraft; satellites; space debris; Antartica on the other side of the No Go Area 51 ice wall; etc.

Hey! Lunar drones with HD GoPro cameras could even share zee annual Octoberfest beer celebration oompapa'ing on zee dark side uf zee moon. 🍺🍻

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Thanks Clif. It is awesome that this topic has many more great minds thinking about it. Your work is always delightful to read and listen to. There is one minor topic in your thought exercise up for debate imho. It relates to wars on the moon. It is safe to say that since we do not know the age of the moon (based on your argument), we can only speculate about its history (you made that point). However, without further info one might say there is a 50/50 chance that there have been (in the past) wars over dominance/control of the moon. Given the size of the moon, and I suspect tech complexity that runs it, any war would be incredibly large, super high tech, and very challenging. Maybe even AI based depicted in that recent movie: Moonfall. (all assumptions on my part). I might even say the odds may be even better given that dominance over the moon also implies dominance over Earth. Unless of course there are only very curious ETs inhabiting it. Given my RV experiences whoever is controlling it, can detect RVers who want to go on a exploration inside it. They tend to get a bit pissed off for sure. :-)

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Don’t some say that the Moon is the vehicle which brought to Earth the survivors/refugees from the war which destroyed Mars and Tiamat?

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Not sure about that. I personally have not explored that idea. A bit too many presumptions to make to get there for me. But clearly something happened on Mars given its present state. (imho) Fun to speculate, but doesn't do much for our present moment. Now if the moon is a space station, it is undoubtably active in our present moment. As for Clif's point about food and tracking. Well, assuming there are DUMBs all around the Earth, I suspect they have figured out how to grow their own food there. As such, the moon, as any space station, would grow its food too. Then there is the scary notion that the Earth is a large grocery store for the moon....but that takes us further down a rabbit hole no one wants to think about at the moment. Cheers!

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If you'd like to explore the idea, have a look at the books and the website of Dr Joseph Farrell. There you will find a wealth of information and ideas of all sorts:


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Okay. I can believe the moon is hollow. It "rings". But if it's not a sphere, it's what? A flat disc? There is a reason we only see one side. What is that reason?

Okay, it's a projection, as Clif said.

I am more and more finding myself agreeing with Eric Dubay about the moon and the sun.

And I learned a long time ago that NASA lied about everything, and continues to lie.

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NASA stands for Never A Straight Answer

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Not A Space Agency

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No the moon isn't hollow, at least not by Clif's argument. He says:

Moon is 1/4 the diameter of the earth but only 1.5% of the mass, therefore it must be hollow.

Well, 1/4 the diameter means about 1/64th the volume, therefore if it is the same density as earth then 1.5% of the mass is about right.

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