Freedom of Speech! Yes.
Freedom of Reach? Eh, not so sure…
We are in War, 5th generation, global, unrestricted warfare. #5GUW. We will be in this War for decades. I shit you not.
We are fighting to Live! We are fighting to keep the USA together and Alive! We are fighting to avenge the victims of the [KM]. We are fighting to finish the [KM] that future generations shall not have to endure slavery!
We are fighting with information. Yes, people are being killed in physical war. However, that is but a tactic in the larger, global 5GUW.
The main war is information.
This new development points out how powerful is information in our war, and proves the existence of 5GUW, much of which is not YET visible to the Populace of the Normies.
In Florida, they are proposing that if you write a blog about their elected public officials, you must register. Basically treating bloggers as lobbyists.
Note that they are not infringing on the public’s first amendment rights. No blogger who is doing it without payment need register. The intent of the law has three goals.
To be able to have a mechanism to discover paid agents of foreign governments (or organizations such as the mother WEFfers);
To be able to see if the naturally arising public influencers are being subverted by criminals, political opponents (illegally), or foreign organizations;
To gain legal authority over the access of such agents to the public media.
Initially, it was concerning to see the headlines about this Bill. However, on reading the particulars, it is quite clearly focused ONLY on controlling abuses of the public media. Note that we do have Free Speech rights, and this Bill protects them by having NO abridgment of that activity as you are NOT required to register unless you are a PAID blogger. So everyone can still call the governor, and other elected officials, whatever pejorative names they wish, or report any information on them, fact or fiction, as long as they are not being paid to so do.
You have Free Speech rights, but you have NO rights to use public financed and supported resources as a weapon against the social order, nor your political opponents. And the social order has the right to collective, perceptive, self defense.
This Bill will very likely pass. This is the form of legislation that will be arising in all the States as we get deeper into the Revealing of the 5GUW to the Populace.
Changes manifesting in Changing World.
More to come.
Tread softly dear info warriors. There are also rumblings that a digital passport of sorts may be introduced in Florida at some point so they can verify you are who you are. As much as I hate to say it papers are papers. All that matters is who wants to see them. But the wind of change can change those who control access within a heartbeat.
I moved from Illinois to Florida for strategic reasons and protection from mandates for our family. Yet many companies in Florida STILL require mandated V19 shots. Yes they still do. Hence from scientist to grocery clerk is my current status. There are costs for defiance. The RTI is your soul.
I expressly reserve the Inalienable Right to call DeSantis an Asshat anytime I damn well feel like it.