Tread softly dear info warriors. There are also rumblings that a digital passport of sorts may be introduced in Florida at some point so they can verify you are who you are. As much as I hate to say it papers are papers. All that matters is who wants to see them. But the wind of change can change those who control access within a heartbeat.
I moved from Illinois to Florida for strategic reasons and protection from mandates for our family. Yet many companies in Florida STILL require mandated V19 shots. Yes they still do. Hence from scientist to grocery clerk is my current status. There are costs for defiance. The RTI is your soul.
Its funny that a life in the scientific arena was overruled by a gut instinct. There was a moment when I nearly fell for the lies. I always said I would refuse to take it until it was approved by the FDA. When they announced it had been approved I believed for 24 hours that it had reached the level that I would be comfortable with. Thankfully some really sharp researchers crushed the false narrative before I fell for the trick.
Since then I have relied on my gut instinct and turned my back on science. So much of what we have been told is nothing more than credentialed experts whom didn't spend a single moment researching the data. Instead a house of cards has been built upon reputations. Citations and peer reviews used as references for credibility rather than performing the work themselves.
Covid19 and the vaccine is just the tip of the iceberg. These next few years are going to uncover so much false scientific narratives.
Many white papers are going to be proven false and in many cases dangerous.
LOL, I like everything you've written, 'just experiencing massive cognitive dissonance in some of the phrases and sentiments coming from someone in those ranks. There's hope for humanity yet.
Just finished watching it. Very well put together. Thankyou for sharing. I find it interesting that globally we are all in the same boat. We are just at different stages of the game. I believe the WEF has since removed their links to Cyber Polygon but if you can find any of their training exercises you will learn just how deep the control on the internet is, has, or will go in the future.
Your link provides a stark reminder to me that this situation is greater than America, New Zealand, Russia, China, Brazil and all the other countries in the throws of tyrannical dictatorship.
So complex is the battlefield that it is easy to become overwhelmed and unsure of the best direction forwards. For me I find the eye of the storm is peaceful and provides opportunity for rest.
I have mentioned Jason a few times. Archaix is a very difficult thing to come to appreciate. Jasons tone and words at times I find very frustrating. When he drifts off on a tangent I find myself losing the will power to listen. Yet he provides one thing that I am drawn to. Data. The information he shares is spellbinding to me because of the sources. Unquestionable sources that raise doubt in much of what we have been told about history.
Clif and Jason both educate and unveil history in a way that is verifiable and yet mysterious. I could find fault in both their perspectives but choose instead to take what they teach and cross reference it with earths history.
As someone once said these are the best of times and the worst of times.
or even Ivanka Trump. Tulsi Gabbard (Who holds no position) is listed yet does not appear on the website for North America. Dan Crenshaw is also listed, but he will not be found on the WEF site either and there are plenty of others which have been omitted who are surely more influential than News Clowns.
If I've learned anything these last few years, it's that we have no "unquestionable sources." I've tracked the cabal back to Sumer and the 'war of the gods' and there are indications that there was a coup led by the scribes/viziers of the royals--scribes who wrote everything we read about history... Can't trust the books. The mathematical, isometric pattern to history could be the effect of it having been written by an AI, which would explain how archaeology is such a tightly controlled field (because the physical remnants tell the truth of what's past).
The cabal still run things in this world from privileged positions of access as 'ASSISTANTS' to those puppets they've placed in power. They lead from behind. MSM, Hollywood, Google...They still 'write history.'
Reading your comment instantly bought me back to Jason and his Archaix channel. Very interesting terminology. His chronology of what is, was, will happen is very similar to your comment on books. His library was of the older books before things started to be edited. Very interesting and akin to your perspective.
I did watch that and it was very moving. As she said her words could be attributed to many others in govt especially here too. I never knew NZ only had 5 million. I suppose it never came up to research it. So easy to cow and terrorise a small population like that but the Kiwis have shown they are not beaten yet. Adern will never be forgotten.
REPORT any company mandating vax!! And yes a bill to catch those PAID to post pieces against governor, etc is to CATCH the sneaky Petes trying to influence opinion of those still sleeping, brain dead, normies is the way I understand the purpose of the legislation. I don't think I misunderstood it's purpose. I did a search this is a page of the results (sites) you can check out. Do not get any injections of any kind if you can help it, they are ALL suspect as far as I'm concerned.
Here is one for you to digest. Not mandated at PUBLIX but...
And yes if they find out I created this video I am sure they would be a little pissed with me. Ohh well. Its a fight for our children and their future. Screw their feelings.
The science industry is hard wired to the government. Anything health care, Pharmaceutical and or receiving government contracts is a no go I am afraid. Multiple instances where I have been contacted to reach the part where we debate the vaccine and the deal is off. It doesn't matter what people say it is what it is.
New Epidemic from Covid Jabs, Dr. Tenpenny: has a Stew Peters Show interviewing Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on the new epidemic from the Covid jabs. They are walking death machines. She said two years ago the average human lifespan for those who are injected with mRNA that she has worked with in monkeys for 20 years is a two year lifespan. She said there are 40 mechanisms of injury from the boosters. She was forced to change that life span estimate to 5 years to keep from being murdered for telling the truth. The two year lifespan is within months. It is a bioweapon that is killing people.
Dr. Tenpenny is one of those who, even before the pandemic was pulling the covers off of Big Pharm and friends. We are so lucky to have her with us. A well informed, trustworthy asset to the truth.
POTS has started to show up in my community. Its very interesting to watch the seasons of the injuries change. I will keep you all informed as things develop.
Trump, DeSantis or anyone from the left or the right. I have deep concerns. Its a big club and we are not in it. I have a video somewhere on my channel where Trump happily and proudly invites his real good friends from J & J on stage.
My personal gut instinct on all matters political right now is that this is all too easy. From the vaccine to the military funding in Ukraine. It all just feels too transparent.
Almost as if we are being openly mocked until we are ready for a savior to swoop in and appear to save us all. Before my time in the united states but it was Bush who initiated the Patriot Act. Also Reagan was the president to first introduce the protection program for the big pharmaceutical companies. So I have to lean into your instincts and say you could be and most likely are right.
2020 the year of clear sight taught me one very valuable lesson. Don't trust any of these so called experts and leaders without documented proof. This community is far more awake and willing to look under the carpet for bodies than most of the groups out there. I think we are more awake than most.
wow. Here I thought he set an example for the rest of our state leaders! His health policies are remarkably similar to the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations! Which, BTW, if adopted we will be subject to the same kind of actions. See James Roguski's very informative reports on Substack.
lol how haunting. 25 years in nano particle research and safety consultancy working with NIOSH and OSHA as a third party researcher. Yes now I am pretty much stuck in the service sector.
Very woke sadly. The customer training CBTs lean heavily towards a pro noun society with subtle attacks on the English language. Off the top of my head I recall them strongly advising against using the response 'No Problem' when being thanked by a customer for your help. The dialogue pushed upon the employee is that to use the term 'NO PROBLEM' in response to a thankyou indicates that there could have been a problem. Or that the situation was problematic. Typical woke bullshit.
We left CA 5 years ago for the Philippines. I knew a long time ago you need a third world country to escape what was coming. The less government can afford the better off you are. It will come here but I bought my kids 20 years.
“I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.” John Galt in "Atlas Shrugged"
80% of the corporate media are paid agents of foreign governments or infiltrators working behalf of globalist whores like Soros, Murdoch et al and they want the local blogger in Jacksonville who makes $4.85 on google adsense to register with the state if they dare write about any elected officials? Sorry clif, this bill is insane, moronic, and dangerous and clearly intended to target the little guys while completely avoiding the real deep state whores of "misinformation". And in a world where information is global, most of the disinformation will come from outside the state and still be read widely by Floridians, so all it does is penalize Floridians with a dystopian precrime committee, for those who want to express their views online about their own representatives.
Soro's is probably funding the bill to ensure its passing - Bills like this are Bullshit - improve the state's online security and eliminate the Foreign F'N Bots
Good to hear as I have been taking possible risks on Twitter, helping to emotionally overcharge the normies, and still avoiding libel.
If there was no white hat partition, I would surely be rounded up for my speech. Not in the first round, that is for firebrands like you, Clif, but not too long thereafter.
Youtube, Bitchute, Rumble, Substack are not publicaly financed. How many photos of Gov. Desantis do we have to see wearing a yarmulke at the Wailing Wall or elsewhere to releaize who is pulling his strings. Our controllers will never allow a real patriot near the White House. To the clowns in Florida this is my real name and I have no intention of ever getting a permit to exercise the First Amendment. I intend to make this same post post again if this crap is passed. It will and should be tossed by the courts. The only way to deal with these Bastards (Florida Included) is to NOT COOPERATE.
We do NOT know, just yet, that Governor Ron DeSantis is NOT a "mother weffer". You know, Kamala Harris attended for years via SKYPE, undetected. Most people don't know that Stacey Abrams is in Nigeria right now "fixing" their elections so that the Christians get slaughtered there and the Port is gifted to the same ones financing the "war" in Ukraine. The KM want the ports to easily move between adjacent land masses. Sadly, Nigeria is being ignored and those bodies won't go to waste.
We need to do whatever we can to hold Nigeria up, if there weren't so many Christians there, she might get the "Gates treatment" or the "Khadafi treatment" by the locals for interfering with the longevity of their human lives.
DeSantis has all of the boxes ticked.
Sure, he lead Florida through the pandemic, however, he still has all the boxes checked like every other deep state agent of the KZ. He went to all the right schools, he worked under a specific "managed military machine", strange things 'happened' just after his unorthodox visit to GITMO. He was not allowed to return to GITMO after his first impromptu visit. He invited FEMA in after the latest hurricane, knowing that they were invading and robbing people and he did nothing, not a peep about it while Floridians, in their most vulnerable state, were robbed and pillaged.
He said NOTHING in the aftermath.
Call me what you like. I have strong ties to the State of Florida and I appreciate his "pandemic response" after the first stage of 'development', but I don't trust him.
To be frank, IF Ron DeSantis IS the hero so many think he is, than he would be very pleased to know that there are some of us out here suspect, given who he has "bumped shoulders" with throughout his career. Ron DeSantis is not stupid and he's been in the game long enough to know exactly how to play.
America has a bad habit of being blinded by a "wholesome look" and/or a "pair of big boobs".
Either one take many out of their sense of reason.
Do a "deep dive" on DeSantis and see what you come up with and tell me there is NO REASON for concern.
Now heres a thing..... Freedom of speech is not selective -it is inclusive. ‘Thin end of the wedge’ pops into mind regarding further legislation. Salami slicing a la EU
Sorry Clif, you got this one wrong. You said "Initially, it was concerning to see the headlines about this Bill. However, on reading the particulars, it is quite clearly focused ONLY on controlling abuses of the PUBLIC MEDIA. "
However, the bill explicitly does NOT apply to the "public media", newspapers and the like. You can find this on the bottom of page 5/9 of the actual Florida bill, which is here.
Mr. High - I've been following your work for the last several years and find it fascinating and informative. I am involved with a show called Don't Back Down on WWDB AM 860 in the Philadelphia region, and would like to invite you on for an interview/discussion with the host, Stan Casacio. The appearance can be pre-recorded or live (preferred). The show airs every Wednesday from 1-3pm Eastern. You can reach me at Thank you!
I've been wondering if or when we would have to create new laws to protect the laws already in place. Is it because people have lost the ability to discern what is fair, just, right, wrong or best for all? This is America. Our country. Why are we so divided on so many issues? Why are people so hateful of one another? Someone with a very large spoon is stirring the pot. But too many cooks can spoil the broth.
Tread softly dear info warriors. There are also rumblings that a digital passport of sorts may be introduced in Florida at some point so they can verify you are who you are. As much as I hate to say it papers are papers. All that matters is who wants to see them. But the wind of change can change those who control access within a heartbeat.
I moved from Illinois to Florida for strategic reasons and protection from mandates for our family. Yet many companies in Florida STILL require mandated V19 shots. Yes they still do. Hence from scientist to grocery clerk is my current status. There are costs for defiance. The RTI is your soul.
You have courage, you are a real human
I will die standing and not on my knees. Thank you for the kind words.
You had no choice. The vaxxx is literally a life or death situation. But only critical thinking people know it.
Its funny that a life in the scientific arena was overruled by a gut instinct. There was a moment when I nearly fell for the lies. I always said I would refuse to take it until it was approved by the FDA. When they announced it had been approved I believed for 24 hours that it had reached the level that I would be comfortable with. Thankfully some really sharp researchers crushed the false narrative before I fell for the trick.
Since then I have relied on my gut instinct and turned my back on science. So much of what we have been told is nothing more than credentialed experts whom didn't spend a single moment researching the data. Instead a house of cards has been built upon reputations. Citations and peer reviews used as references for credibility rather than performing the work themselves.
Covid19 and the vaccine is just the tip of the iceberg. These next few years are going to uncover so much false scientific narratives.
Many white papers are going to be proven false and in many cases dangerous.
LOL, I like everything you've written, 'just experiencing massive cognitive dissonance in some of the phrases and sentiments coming from someone in those ranks. There's hope for humanity yet.
Whenever I post a comment, it ends up at the bottom of all comments. I just watched a 45 min. video made by a reporter from New Zealand. Maybe you can encourage your people to watch it. It moved me to tears. See:
Just finished watching it. Very well put together. Thankyou for sharing. I find it interesting that globally we are all in the same boat. We are just at different stages of the game. I believe the WEF has since removed their links to Cyber Polygon but if you can find any of their training exercises you will learn just how deep the control on the internet is, has, or will go in the future.
Your link provides a stark reminder to me that this situation is greater than America, New Zealand, Russia, China, Brazil and all the other countries in the throws of tyrannical dictatorship.
So complex is the battlefield that it is easy to become overwhelmed and unsure of the best direction forwards. For me I find the eye of the storm is peaceful and provides opportunity for rest.
I have mentioned Jason a few times. Archaix is a very difficult thing to come to appreciate. Jasons tone and words at times I find very frustrating. When he drifts off on a tangent I find myself losing the will power to listen. Yet he provides one thing that I am drawn to. Data. The information he shares is spellbinding to me because of the sources. Unquestionable sources that raise doubt in much of what we have been told about history.
Clif and Jason both educate and unveil history in a way that is verifiable and yet mysterious. I could find fault in both their perspectives but choose instead to take what they teach and cross reference it with earths history.
As someone once said these are the best of times and the worst of times.
And this is just a partial list of those people that make everything everywhere so difficult to live with
That's a very biased and incomplete list. Just saying.
There is all the usual dolts from CNN on the list, but not Maria Bartiromo§or=®ion=#results
or even Ivanka Trump. Tulsi Gabbard (Who holds no position) is listed yet does not appear on the website for North America. Dan Crenshaw is also listed, but he will not be found on the WEF site either and there are plenty of others which have been omitted who are surely more influential than News Clowns.
NORTH AMERICA RESULTS:§or=®ion=a0Tb00000000DC9EAM#results
If I've learned anything these last few years, it's that we have no "unquestionable sources." I've tracked the cabal back to Sumer and the 'war of the gods' and there are indications that there was a coup led by the scribes/viziers of the royals--scribes who wrote everything we read about history... Can't trust the books. The mathematical, isometric pattern to history could be the effect of it having been written by an AI, which would explain how archaeology is such a tightly controlled field (because the physical remnants tell the truth of what's past).
The cabal still run things in this world from privileged positions of access as 'ASSISTANTS' to those puppets they've placed in power. They lead from behind. MSM, Hollywood, Google...They still 'write history.'
Reading your comment instantly bought me back to Jason and his Archaix channel. Very interesting terminology. His chronology of what is, was, will happen is very similar to your comment on books. His library was of the older books before things started to be edited. Very interesting and akin to your perspective.
I did watch that and it was very moving. As she said her words could be attributed to many others in govt especially here too. I never knew NZ only had 5 million. I suppose it never came up to research it. So easy to cow and terrorise a small population like that but the Kiwis have shown they are not beaten yet. Adern will never be forgotten.
Response to: Republic Rising
REPORT any company mandating vax!! And yes a bill to catch those PAID to post pieces against governor, etc is to CATCH the sneaky Petes trying to influence opinion of those still sleeping, brain dead, normies is the way I understand the purpose of the legislation. I don't think I misunderstood it's purpose. I did a search this is a page of the results (sites) you can check out. Do not get any injections of any kind if you can help it, they are ALL suspect as far as I'm concerned.
Here is one for you to digest. Not mandated at PUBLIX but...
And yes if they find out I created this video I am sure they would be a little pissed with me. Ohh well. Its a fight for our children and their future. Screw their feelings.
The science industry is hard wired to the government. Anything health care, Pharmaceutical and or receiving government contracts is a no go I am afraid. Multiple instances where I have been contacted to reach the part where we debate the vaccine and the deal is off. It doesn't matter what people say it is what it is.
I did do a search to see if Florida is defending our right to not comply..
And I report them all. ;)
New Epidemic from Covid Jabs, Dr. Tenpenny: has a Stew Peters Show interviewing Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on the new epidemic from the Covid jabs. They are walking death machines. She said two years ago the average human lifespan for those who are injected with mRNA that she has worked with in monkeys for 20 years is a two year lifespan. She said there are 40 mechanisms of injury from the boosters. She was forced to change that life span estimate to 5 years to keep from being murdered for telling the truth. The two year lifespan is within months. It is a bioweapon that is killing people.
Dr. Tenpenny is one of those who, even before the pandemic was pulling the covers off of Big Pharm and friends. We are so lucky to have her with us. A well informed, trustworthy asset to the truth.
POTS has started to show up in my community. Its very interesting to watch the seasons of the injuries change. I will keep you all informed as things develop.
Postural tachycardia syndrome (PoTS)
DeSantis has made sure to drug the school children without parents consent, not only with the V, but other drugs in school.
From the begining, my intuition sensed that "SKULL and BONES" Yale man DeSantis
should never be trusted.
Trump, DeSantis or anyone from the left or the right. I have deep concerns. Its a big club and we are not in it. I have a video somewhere on my channel where Trump happily and proudly invites his real good friends from J & J on stage.
My personal gut instinct on all matters political right now is that this is all too easy. From the vaccine to the military funding in Ukraine. It all just feels too transparent.
Almost as if we are being openly mocked until we are ready for a savior to swoop in and appear to save us all. Before my time in the united states but it was Bush who initiated the Patriot Act. Also Reagan was the president to first introduce the protection program for the big pharmaceutical companies. So I have to lean into your instincts and say you could be and most likely are right.
2020 the year of clear sight taught me one very valuable lesson. Don't trust any of these so called experts and leaders without documented proof. This community is far more awake and willing to look under the carpet for bodies than most of the groups out there. I think we are more awake than most.
Here is something for you. I know Doc personally.
wow. Here I thought he set an example for the rest of our state leaders! His health policies are remarkably similar to the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations! Which, BTW, if adopted we will be subject to the same kind of actions. See James Roguski's very informative reports on Substack.
Message to the world from Dr. David Martin. Must watch published admission of creation of cvninteen.
Would you like fries with your order?
lol how haunting. 25 years in nano particle research and safety consultancy working with NIOSH and OSHA as a third party researcher. Yes now I am pretty much stuck in the service sector.
Publix is a fabulous company! I’m about to shut down due to lack of willing workers, grocery clerk sounds wonderful.
who told you that?
Publix is not what it pretends to be.
nope, I believe they are a quiet Woke business.
Very woke sadly. The customer training CBTs lean heavily towards a pro noun society with subtle attacks on the English language. Off the top of my head I recall them strongly advising against using the response 'No Problem' when being thanked by a customer for your help. The dialogue pushed upon the employee is that to use the term 'NO PROBLEM' in response to a thankyou indicates that there could have been a problem. Or that the situation was problematic. Typical woke bullshit.
Already half in place with age checks becoming mandated.
ALSO, have you noticed all the "self-serve" at Publix is NO CASH. I shop at BJ's off and on and they HAVE self-serve that can take cash!!! GO FIGURE!!
It is tragic that most of our freedoms we will surrender for convenience.
Same logo. Those who pay attention pay attention pay attention. Same me. Glad you found me.
The tyranny seems worse in Thailand than it is in Canada now though. 🤔
We left CA 5 years ago for the Philippines. I knew a long time ago you need a third world country to escape what was coming. The less government can afford the better off you are. It will come here but I bought my kids 20 years.
I expressly reserve the Inalienable Right to call DeSantis an Asshat anytime I damn well feel like it.
I think you just did!
Who is John Galt???????? Who is Wesley Mooch?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.” John Galt in "Atlas Shrugged"
Wesly Mooch is a Khazar.
Say whatever you want when you want about whomever you want...It is an AMERICAN Privilege ...
Some will agree...Some won't agree...That is another American Privilege!!
If we still lived in America, I would agree with you. But open borders mean that we live nowhere and everywhere.
80% of the corporate media are paid agents of foreign governments or infiltrators working behalf of globalist whores like Soros, Murdoch et al and they want the local blogger in Jacksonville who makes $4.85 on google adsense to register with the state if they dare write about any elected officials? Sorry clif, this bill is insane, moronic, and dangerous and clearly intended to target the little guys while completely avoiding the real deep state whores of "misinformation". And in a world where information is global, most of the disinformation will come from outside the state and still be read widely by Floridians, so all it does is penalize Floridians with a dystopian precrime committee, for those who want to express their views online about their own representatives.
I am inclined to agree with you! I love Clif and his insights are superlative, but based on what I see/sense, this does not bode well at all.
Soro's is probably funding the bill to ensure its passing - Bills like this are Bullshit - improve the state's online security and eliminate the Foreign F'N Bots
I like the new edit. We citizen -(half awake as many still are), - should know if the words they are hearing or reading are instruments
Good to hear as I have been taking possible risks on Twitter, helping to emotionally overcharge the normies, and still avoiding libel.
If there was no white hat partition, I would surely be rounded up for my speech. Not in the first round, that is for firebrands like you, Clif, but not too long thereafter.
No fear.
God is Gracious, I rebel against Caesar.
Hi Cliff and thank you for your hard work and time bringing info to us!
Have you read Kathrine Watts/
Bailiwick news on Substack. She shows detailed laws and legislation signed by ALL the presidents to get us in these dire straits! What do you think?
Katherine and Sasha’s work is absolutely amazing!
Hi Uncle Clif,
You need to re-appear on Greg Hunter's USA He constantly references you previous appearances. It's time bro.
Much respect.
Youtube, Bitchute, Rumble, Substack are not publicaly financed. How many photos of Gov. Desantis do we have to see wearing a yarmulke at the Wailing Wall or elsewhere to releaize who is pulling his strings. Our controllers will never allow a real patriot near the White House. To the clowns in Florida this is my real name and I have no intention of ever getting a permit to exercise the First Amendment. I intend to make this same post post again if this crap is passed. It will and should be tossed by the courts. The only way to deal with these Bastards (Florida Included) is to NOT COOPERATE.
We do NOT know, just yet, that Governor Ron DeSantis is NOT a "mother weffer". You know, Kamala Harris attended for years via SKYPE, undetected. Most people don't know that Stacey Abrams is in Nigeria right now "fixing" their elections so that the Christians get slaughtered there and the Port is gifted to the same ones financing the "war" in Ukraine. The KM want the ports to easily move between adjacent land masses. Sadly, Nigeria is being ignored and those bodies won't go to waste.
We need to do whatever we can to hold Nigeria up, if there weren't so many Christians there, she might get the "Gates treatment" or the "Khadafi treatment" by the locals for interfering with the longevity of their human lives.
DeSantis has all of the boxes ticked.
Sure, he lead Florida through the pandemic, however, he still has all the boxes checked like every other deep state agent of the KZ. He went to all the right schools, he worked under a specific "managed military machine", strange things 'happened' just after his unorthodox visit to GITMO. He was not allowed to return to GITMO after his first impromptu visit. He invited FEMA in after the latest hurricane, knowing that they were invading and robbing people and he did nothing, not a peep about it while Floridians, in their most vulnerable state, were robbed and pillaged.
He said NOTHING in the aftermath.
Call me what you like. I have strong ties to the State of Florida and I appreciate his "pandemic response" after the first stage of 'development', but I don't trust him.
To be frank, IF Ron DeSantis IS the hero so many think he is, than he would be very pleased to know that there are some of us out here suspect, given who he has "bumped shoulders" with throughout his career. Ron DeSantis is not stupid and he's been in the game long enough to know exactly how to play.
America has a bad habit of being blinded by a "wholesome look" and/or a "pair of big boobs".
Either one take many out of their sense of reason.
Do a "deep dive" on DeSantis and see what you come up with and tell me there is NO REASON for concern.
all you wanted to know (or didnt) about Desantis. Make sure you wear your hat when you read...or your hair might fall out!!
Now heres a thing..... Freedom of speech is not selective -it is inclusive. ‘Thin end of the wedge’ pops into mind regarding further legislation. Salami slicing a la EU
I wonder if "paid blogger" includes folks, e.g., who have paid subscribers on Substack?
The phrase "chilling effect" comes to mind ...
Sorry Clif, you got this one wrong. You said "Initially, it was concerning to see the headlines about this Bill. However, on reading the particulars, it is quite clearly focused ONLY on controlling abuses of the PUBLIC MEDIA. "
However, the bill explicitly does NOT apply to the "public media", newspapers and the like. You can find this on the bottom of page 5/9 of the actual Florida bill, which is here.
Sundance at ConservativeTreehouse also references this.
Mr. High - I've been following your work for the last several years and find it fascinating and informative. I am involved with a show called Don't Back Down on WWDB AM 860 in the Philadelphia region, and would like to invite you on for an interview/discussion with the host, Stan Casacio. The appearance can be pre-recorded or live (preferred). The show airs every Wednesday from 1-3pm Eastern. You can reach me at Thank you!
I've been wondering if or when we would have to create new laws to protect the laws already in place. Is it because people have lost the ability to discern what is fair, just, right, wrong or best for all? This is America. Our country. Why are we so divided on so many issues? Why are people so hateful of one another? Someone with a very large spoon is stirring the pot. But too many cooks can spoil the broth.
So, the rule applies to Tim Pool, and not to catturd2.