Heloooooo beautiful human

We actually get to see you today !

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Thank you uncle Clif!

Things must be getting close just based on the frequency of his posts, and the emotion and body language (rocking! Hand gestures!) displayed by Clif himself..!

I'm getting similar vibes to the recording he shared prior to the assassination attempt.


(FYI everybody I made a podcast for my fellow Clif-heads, and I’m gonna shill it everywhere until I get 1000 subs: https://marchingthroughtheshadowlands.substack.com/ Sorry, but it ain't gonna shill itself...)

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Yes same agitated feeling.

Just be alert for monkey shit slingers

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Boy howdy on both points.

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Yeah, I think he's really excited---and he should be, as should we!

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Assassination attempt #2 on "WE THE PEOPLE"

Someone is watching us. That's two strikes against the elohim worship cult.

Energy has been released as Clif forecasted

My goodness he's amazing!

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Thanks for all your Clif Notes! :-)

You have a lot on your plate. Always remember to take care of yourself first, that way you can take care of your wife and all of us that follow you... Remember, you first!

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Good advice.

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Thx everyone!

It’s the way each of us needs to live. It’s not selfish, it’s logical! I’m sure Spock would agree. 🖖

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Looking good clif, thanks for the update brother... Live long stay free : )

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Hello Homo Luminous! Love that view!!!!! Hope the rest of your day is AWESOME!

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What a view ! Wow


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I wonder what that sun seeking plant is behind him ?

Looks a little like my Topical thing but his has mitten leaves.

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I thought it was a fig at first. the growing tip looks rather like plumeria/frangipani. Either one would enjoy a sunny window and protection from ocean storms.

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I have a plumeria in my window but no mitten pattern leaf. It will do all sort of bending to get near the window.

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Do you mean a Fiddle Leaf Fig? It does look like it 😃 (I have 2 😃)

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How is the public going to accept alien contact when they don't even know and accept our politicians sacrificing children and drinking their blood?

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Have you heard about the story of Hansel and Gretel? It is an old story about a young brother and sister who wander off into a deep, old forest (German, I think), get lost and find a cheery little cottage as it starts to grow dark. A little old lady greets them at the door, welcomes then inside and gives then something yummy to eat. One of the kids figures out that this is actually a wicked witch who plans to trick them into spending the night, when she will pop them in the oven and feast on their plump little bodies. Not exactly the current lot of blood-suckers, but ghastly enough, I would say!

One of the kids figures out the agenda, and the old witch ends up in the oven instead. Pretty canny for little peasant kids! I heard the story long, looong ago, but think it might have come from a group of old European stories called Grimm's Fairy Tales. It may be that contemporary Mommas quit terrifying their kids. I have a feeling the coming times may inspire a return of that literary era.

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Especially when it becomes more widely known, that the deep state & their hordes drink the blood of terrorized children, & others quite literally eat not only children but adult Humans as well. Also human trafficking (something that has Nothing to do with race) & Sacrifice

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Indeed, "Hänsel und Gretel" is a well known folk tale in Germany, and you are correct, it's in the famous Brothers Grimm collection of folk tales. I don't think I ever connected it to the satanic child sacrifices in my mind, but that's probably where that element of the tale comes from... also, what comes to mind is the writings of Martin Luther when he was older and railed a lot against "the Jews", and accused them of kidnapping and eating children 😱 I wonder where that came from...

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Yes, and vampire legends originated in eastern Europe---where the Khazarians originated. Hmm

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Yes and the Democrats/deep state will be cooked in their own stew.

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I read a story similar to that where a woman tortured children and acted out that story . Everyone here would recognize the women I’m referring

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Yeah really! People have to that 1st..or maybe both at the same time! Talk about meltdown...and forgetting our petty differences!

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I had asked the universe for a clif high podcast! And poof here you are! I am grateful! Thank you Clif!

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You’re an inspiration Cliff.

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Nice! Thanks for letting us look out your window! Calming, lovely.

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Is this the first time we've gotten a Clif video on the Substack platform? It's great!

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Nope, it's his second. then the videos will post to BitChute and Rumble afterward. Yep, I like the substack format a lot :)

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As I replied to France Leader's Substack post yesterday, celebrating her 1000th Substack post, this is the best platform ever, IMO. And beware of the reposts of Clif's stuff on those other channels; not that their bad, just often truncated.

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Has anyone else ever had the experience of doubling back on, say youtube, to catch something you missed or wanted to get context on again, and suddenly there's extra, or detail, you could swear wasn't there before such that you end up wondering if the whole thing isn't just a surface plate with multiple angles cut and stitched over......I must not be paying attention.

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Can't say that I have, but it wouldn't be surprising if the posters go back and edit or add stuff.

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Good morning and happy to see you again.

All the best with your ladys health 👍

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Cliff, you look great 😊

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Regarding off world being intelligences contacting Earth humans and interacting with them is going on right now and has been going on for many years. There is a channel named Cosmic Agency where they have been in written contact communications with off world people, you might consider Earth humans the offspring of those races of beings, that is to say, humans are of the same family and you couldn't/can't tell you are seeing, talking to one of them as being any different than an Earth human. Although, their attitudes and behaviors may give them away if you are actually looking at them in an analytical manner.

Clif is correct when he says the Earth sciences are basically BS and the people up there in their HUGE spaceship have basically said so. For those who are interested in advanced technologies like zero-point energy, propulsion and that sort of thing, you may glean some important information from what they've shared about those subjects. They tell about how they work, but not necessarily how to make those things.

BTW, they have their own conflicts on a galactic level to deal with and some of that may have to do with the Galactic Federation being infiltrated by regenerative beings who are able to influence via strong mental projections since they primarily communicate via mental telepathy. So, that being said, it DOES behoove each of us to become sensitive to such things so that we can tell when we are being "mind fucked" by such beings and protect ourselves from such covert attacks.)

My suggestions are to attune your expression in being to the highest level of harmony, love, compassion and abundance that you are able to, and to always be fully present in the here now moment by moment unfolding so you can use your intuitive senses to navigate your way through the fog of war as it unfolds. (I think it is more a spiritual war and less a physical war, but they are both connected and express according to the "frequency" in life expression you are now expressing and or will be expressing in.

Like a muddied pool of water, which has been stirred up by a lot of activity, you can't see clearly when in it, so it also behooves each of us to get out of the muddy water, clean ourselves off and actually see what is going on. That is where meditation comes in. Sit quietly, eyes closed in a comfortable upright position, back straight. Focusing on your breathing, long deep breaths, will bring you fully into the present here now moment by moment unfolding where you can then be the observer of the stream of consciousness as it flows through you and around you. You can also choose to, so to speak, float to the top, like a bobber floats to the top of the water, and from there express more clearly that which is beneficial to the well-being of all involved, without any manipulations or controls enacted or implied. Provide a space of clarity where the truth is self-evident. That is the most powerful thing any of us can endeavor to do.

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Thank you. That analogy was very good. Muddy water. :)

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Cosmic Agency and it's sister channel Swaruu Official

The gist the communicators are Taigettian 'space cousin' humanoids (sp) via internet.

They and some other space races are unhappy how 'regressive' et's have been abusing earth, and Galactic Federation are complicit in this abuse.

I wouldn't post this if I didn't think it was worthwhile listening to these short @ 15 minute broadcasts. I've been fairly deep in the et/ufo zone for some decades.

This is an easy listen


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Yes, thank you for providing that link.

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Beautiful view Clif!

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Hello Woo Crew! It’s been a busy weekend for the PTB; word is that very soon, cameltoe replaces the phony Joe, big treatise were signed on Friday by USSA, UK and the frogs. Oh, and Chuckles is out.

I’m betting that they removed the nukular non-proliferation treaty. She will be dropping the big ones. This will drain all of the last of the fiat from the Welfare States. Buckle up and Do not Comply. Love you all!

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I don't think we need to worry about nukes. Read Hiroshima Revisited available on Archive.org.

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Tell Dan Quayle

Boy he's a fear monger

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I think you meant, Steve Quayle. Total fear porn artist and merchandise hawker.

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Thank you! Yes, Steve. What a dandy he is

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