What a story we are living!

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Agreed 100%. Crypto/Gold/Silver. Interesting perspective that governments are now an investment risk. The fools should have known this would happen. What did they expect?

Pharma is also becoming an investment risk. Have you seen the interviews Edward Dowd has been giving? Former Blackrock Investment advisor. Wall street is now finally noticing and he has been talking about it. I have seen 3 or 4 of his interviews this last week. He is blasting the FDA hiding data and is sounding the alarm that investors should expect the "Pfraud" to be exposed soon. He is bringing in whistleblowers to give speeches to his investment manager friends, and people are listening.

In Canada the violent police response has only woken up more Canadians. Then the foolish police chief told people they should expect to be investigated for months afterwards. With this unhinged declaration he has removed any motivation the freedom fighters had to back down. If they are now branded for life they might as well double down and disband the corrupt government. It is now their only option. I don't expect Turdo to last much longer.

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Pharma may be found to be behind Putin's aggressive move into the Ukraine. I just read that apparently Putin asked the United Nations months ago to please shut down US bioweapons labs (more than a dozen) located in the Ukraine. As far as I know, no action to shut any bioweapons labs occurred. Here's the thread describing more details and sources:


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Interesting, thank you.

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Maybe that's the plan? Get many into crypto then regulate it into a cbdc or into oblivion.

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And Skippy is doubling down here in Canada…truly unhinged

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A great parallel movie to watch is “swing kids.” I think we are witnessing that play out again. The programming against the shot free- very eerily similar to what the Nazi’s did against Jews, Pols etc. getting kids to report on parents. Many to scared to speak out. Or too desperate for a job to go against “the party.” I know many, myself included, thought we would never fall for such tricks and evil agendas again. But here we are- this time it’s Global and there are multiple Furhers. We all need to tap into our love for humanity and free souls, to find our inner power and bravery to not allow this evil agenda to prevail.

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Sieg Heil und Schraege Musik! Perfect combination for these times, will show it to the spawn tonight. Thank you.

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EXCELLENT movie - thanks for the reminder❤️

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So many Normies around me are still clueless. I have no patience or time for them anymore . Buckle up patriots we’re in for a bumpy ride.

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This might be a thin tax revenue year for all of North America, what with incomes down and people a bit more nervous than ever to trust any governmental holdings of our funds...Justin has gotten one thing perfect, that is the timing of his power grab, 60 days before April 15.

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Line 7 in the W4 form should be marked "Exempt". That form expires after 1 year, you can redo that form. The tax booklet, 1st few pages states taxes are voluntary; I do not concent to mafia run businesses!.....since 2008. 💞🤍💞

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Uranus - planet of transmutation is in the sign of Taurus. The last time it was entering Taurus was in the summer of 1934. Think holodomor in Ukraine where millions starved due to political policies of Stalin. This actually took place from 1932-1933 but the cover-up began in earnest in 1934 while the world was busy watching the rise of Hitler and for those who were students of Chinese politics will remember it was the same time of the 'Long March' of Chinese communists resulting in the the emergence of Mao Zedong as the undisputed party leader.

So here we are looking at the set up for the end of those cycles of controlled depopulation and the secrets getting revealed. According to one political scientist from Columbia University, 'Populism consists in a transmutation of the democratic principles of the majority and the people in a way that is meant to celebrate one subset of the people as opposed to another, through a leader embodying it and an audience legitimizing it. I believe the SOC understands the timing of Uranus in Taurus as do the opposing plutocracy. As you always remind us through your eyes, Clif, Universe provides and guides.

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pluto is back today Feb 22. interesting word etymology of pluto-cracy.

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Seems to me that the Chinese kids have turdeau and the WEF ( world economic fucktards)

Exactly in a squeeze...if they pull their money out the system collapses hard.

Might be a third level power play.

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Someone enlighten me on what will prevent central banksters around the world from collusion and shutting down cryptos when it becomes a big enough threat to their monopoly. I could see the orders coming down that forbid banks from dealing with intermediarys such as coinbase. Could be difficult cashing out if there's no way to cash out. Any thoughts?

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All forms of money are a proxy for real goods, food and shovels....I am leaning towards real items that I can either eat or use, whereas paper money and electronic money seems quite useless in a long term emergency...ie you can't eat money.

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Why not buy a shovel, ammo, firewood etc... AND save some money? Why does it have to be one or the other? If we go into a scenario with only barter, it will be a pretty primitive existence and the barter-only scenarios are usually temporary.

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The only 'real money' for the last several thousand years in Europe, Africa and Asia has been gold and silver. That's because they have intrinsic value, and practical uses, as do other metals. But in the end, what will be MOST valuable of all will be viable, non-hybrid, non-GMO, 'heirloom' seeds.

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I think they could try but there is no stopping it now… Far too big. With hardware wallets your cryptos can be safe. Cashing out could get tricky, but I believe there will always be some countries and exchanges who will support, and keep that available to all. It’s really coming down to good guys vs bad- both will always exist (yin/yang).

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Moved comment.

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With hyperinflation on our doorstep hard assets seem practical even warehousing General merchandise and non perishable revenue producing assets. I’m planting coconut coffee banana trees near Digos Philippine . In 5 to 7 years it’s really there not in the WOO🙂😉. IAM International ARKOz Ministry is investing in food , food processing and hemp oil production . I’ve lost millions out of crypto as I’m 68 and watched now people day trading on fractions...the entire DOW is penny stocks. WHERE WILL Chinese children invest? Not in USA 🇺🇸again or Canada 🇨🇦 . Some of us want their scalps

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Is there a difference between the US Government and the US people? Can you afford the Chinese people the same answer, instead of assuming they are all in for their government...the ones you speak of did come here, after all. Just a thought.

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In 1980, I was working in the investment department of a mutual fund insurance company. French Quebec threatened to secede from Canada. It was fact that the bearer bonds in the vaults of Montreal were moved to Toronto for safety. I remind people I know that we take political stability for granted in the US.

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Sure glad I listened years ago from you clif & invested in my future. Now my kids are getting heavenly involved as well

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Avoiding the digital slavery system TPTB/DS/WEF/bug have planned is job #1 for us all. Catherine Austin Fitts has plenty to say about this, as do you, Clif. For my money, such as it is, I'm liking the ROI of useful, non-depreciable assets such as deck screws. None too portable, but we're likely to be back in the pedestrian age soon anyway. Thanks and best wishes

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Come store your money in the bank! We'll store 10% of it, loan out the rest, give you a hard time when you want to withdraw it and give it to the government when they ask for it.

As an added bonus, we'll charge you for it. But don't worry, you get a small amount of interest for giving us "your"(our) money, about 1/4 - 1/2 % per year.


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Hard wallets may be the solution (or part of which or buy us time) in the future, however in our corner of Chinada, what’s interesting is bartering is slowly taking form. I see some trading of goods & services on a limited local level, but it seems to be spreading, esp amongst trades. No doubt our tyrant-in-chief will try to kill this as most of our other rights etc. on an aside, to those who say our country is toast, in my opinion we have in Canada one effective card left to play & thats a general nationwide strike, polish style. This needs extensive planning & leadership. But can be done.

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We have taken a first step in an adventure never seen in this country. Somehow we must launch a massive resistance to shithead. Wish I was younger. This could be awful or a hell of a lot of fun!. Buckle up, and mark this day on your calendar so you can tell your kids,when we set out to crush the WEF and the great reset!

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Great read.

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