T S Trans is here!
Get Ready World, I’m coming out!
It’s here. It’s the next new thing in ‘trans’, and I’m all in. Well, rather, I’m all out!
It’s the T S Trans movement!
Yes, and you, nor they, can’t do shit about it.
No one can deny me the economic and commercial advantages of being ‘trans’. Look at all the special contracts, privileges, et al, that emerge from the world once you come out!
I want to be a ‘legally protected class’, too!
So follow me! Come on out!
I am T S Trans. That is someone is born male, then later identifies as woman, but then, she changes her mind, and then is identifying as high Testosterone Sigma male (hence the T S, part).
Come on in! The Woo is fine! Get your own Trans On! Get free money from the government!
It’s all in their minds…but our reality is mine to mold, too. Not just they are allowed to play with words.
Let them deny me & see how fast I bitch slap their attorneys with the new reality of T S Trans.
I’m LOUD! I’m Proud! I’m T S Trans!
I get to use any damn bathroom I want!
See if I don’t!
Full on Trans here, Born female, identify as a dude who cross dresses as a girlie girl! All trans all the time! Glitter rules😂
Love you, clif!