Getting Dybbuked can ruin your day.
And you thought your morning was rough…
Processing of our most recent data capture has provided data has a relatively large set that probably has supporting cross links which i will discover by end of the week if so, but the point is that it is all about jewish demons & jewish erasing of common world history.
These two are connected. The idea is that a ‘dybbuk’, this dead jew spirit demon that can take you over will be blamed for just that, possessing a person, and it will be captured on video, 'take over' of someone prominent, or someone who is prominent in public vision (they may be a bystander to some event on-going).
This appears to occur before the election.
And then later in time, this personality (the taken over guy, or perhaps someone very close to them) will also be associated with a 'revealing' of our hidden history that is indicated to send anon type guys scrabbling over old records for 'new (old/hidden) information' about our history.
The data set adjectives within the 'visible' category (so some public visibility at some level) are split into two groups of 20% or so, and one of 60% m/l. The 60% set is describing jews, mostly in the USA/ english speaking areas, and Israel who will be 'wailing', and 'beating themselves' in public for weeks over this 'exposure'. The data has indications that the headlines in jew land will be about the 'destruction of judaism (the last temple of secrecy)' and the 'repudiation (of all jew lies)'....the data has the 'end' of this organized effort that has, apparently, been on-going since the 800s with printed books.
Anyway, more histrionics in this set than in the Trump assassination attempt of 7/13. The rising tension escalates very rapidly, just as with Trump, but it rises far higher, and then persists for perhaps months. Albeit isolated to mostly jews & jew-wanna-bes. People who are actually OT bible thumpers are also included in this set in a large way. Maybe 30 % of the bible thumpers will be part of this while the other 70% flee any association with jewdom in all ways.
Processing of our most recent data capture has provided data has a relatively large set that probably has supporting cross links which i will discover by end of the week if so, but the point is that it is all about jewish demons & jewish erasing of common world history.
These two are connected. The idea is that a ‘dybbuk’, this dead jew spirit demon that can take you over will be blamed for just that, possessing a person, and it will be captured on video, 'take over' of someone prominent, or someone who is prominent in public vision (they may be a bystander to some event on-going).
This appears to occur before the election.
And then later in time, this personality (the taken over guy, or perhaps someone very close to them) will also be associated with a 'revealing' of our hidden history that is indicated to send anon type guys scrabbling over old records for 'new (old/hidden) information' about our history.
The data set adjectives within the 'visible' category (so some public visibility at some level) are split into two groups of 20% or so, and one of 60% m/l. The 60% set is describing jews, mostly in the USA/ english speaking areas, and Israel who will be 'wailing', and 'beating themselves' in public for weeks over this 'exposure'. The data has indications that the headlines in jew land will be about the 'destruction of judaism (the last temple of secrecy)' and the 'repudiation (of all jew lies)'....the data has the 'end' of this organized effort that has, apparently, been on-going since the 800s with printed books.
Anyway, more histrionics in this set than in the Trump assassination attempt of 7/13. The rising tension escalates very rapidly, just as with Trump, but it rises far higher, and then persists for perhaps months. Albeit isolated to mostly jews & jew-wanna-bes. People who are actually OT bible thumpers are also included in this set in a large way. Maybe 30 % of the bible thumpers will be part of this while the other 70% flee any association with jewdom in all ways.
This set has data that participates in the ‘fighting’ within the mega churches. Note that while there are indications of ‘shootings’ within these mega churches, the data would suggest that an upcoming incident of that nature is yet another [DS] orchestrated event.
An alternative interpretation could be that a jew is involved in shooting up a mega church, and he then claims to be ‘dybbuk-ified’ and thus ‘not culpable’ for his actions.
These sets are part of a larger set structure going to the subject of ‘jew hiding/control of history’. The idea in these sets is a that a ‘large/giant cache’ of supposedly destroyed books is located. The story will come out that these books were ‘saved and stored’ by a ‘family’ of ‘book dealers’ who had been ‘ordered (over centuries?)’ to purchase, then destroy, certain books. The patriarch of the family way back in history had reasoned that ‘if all (jew book dealers) were being paid to destroy these volumes, then any that may survive would be worth extraordinary amounts of money’. So, perhaps we will discover that the data is correct, and a family of book dealers, acting in their own greedy interested, will be the undoing of over ‘500 years’ of stealth control of history.
Gonna be really interesting. Part of this seems to occur in the next weeks.
Let's OPEN up that history and trace those tards and the rise and fall of civilization and empire through TIME.
And then be done with it.
What the fucking fuck is wrong with some of you people? Whether it's the occasional slurp, a messed up transcript ( but the message is still there ) or whatever, THAT is your takeaway and what you comment or just plain bitch about?
Fuck sake, this man is CONTRIBUTING free information that may be found elsewhere but good luck finding it in any fashion, let alone explained so well and with such down to earth yet precise language and a wonderful human and humorous touch.
Some of you don't appreciate a damn thing it seems to me. Why not try adding something to the conversation, be a member of the SOC, by not being a little bitch.