Let's OPEN up that history and trace those tards and the rise and fall of civilization and empire through TIME.

And then be done with it.

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And by this you mean be done with jews and their demons, right? Because anyone who wants this whole thing to continue is an obvious enemy of humanity.

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Yes, ALL control systems.

Then maybe people will be responsible for themselves and their behavior. And accountable for their PRESENCE or lack thereof.

It's only gettin BRIGHTER.

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Not just to name only one group, because all have this trait to some degree, but. I lived in Ukraine for 4 years. While there I saw more evidence of widespread, 'I didn't do it-ism,' than I've ever seen among any 'mostly White.' population anywhere else in the world and I've traveled internationally quite a lot. No matter what happened few to none there were willing to admit that they'd EVER done anything wrong. Therefore, the Chernobyl, 'accident,' seems all the more explainable among people who simply do not want to take ANY RESPONSIBILITY for ANY of their actions. Frankly, in my view the U.S. 'helping' such a country (POPULATED LARGELY BY types who seemingly never want to take any responsibility for ANY of their actions) makes ABSOLUTELY no sense whatsoever,

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It's all about the money Sy which does not trickle down to the people---.how many US politicians have fattened their pockets, what stake does the military industrial complex have and what about the biolabs? They put a faggot actor in as pres -- ever see videos of Zelensky prancing around in tights and heels in a chorus line? Is the whole war movie just another hollywood pysop? They are just another group of exploited people, worn down and lost

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Agreed! 100% Still, no matter how much money they might have or do not have does not change their overall attitude or their apparent lack of what I 'see' as self respect. I could give you loads of examples of sheer stupidity of everyday life there in Ukraine. "Yuk" phonetically represented here, in Russian means 'South' or 'Southern' ...then the, 'Kraine,' part represents 'land' or 'country'. From what I experienced there it might simply be renamed something like, 'Yucky country. Also, most Ukrainians are Slavs and do I need to tell you what that name means? That's where the term 'SLAVE' derives. In my honest opinion, the Slavs, largely display a 'Slave' mentality which seems to make them ideal for a governmental system called Communism. While I was there most locals seemed to believe that their lives were better under Russian/Communism rule.... But, few to none actually wanted the Russians actually back in control. This sort of thinking/mentality simply baffles me. Critical thinking does not seem to me to be a main trait, or dominant ability expressed in many Ukrainians. Also, as I see it, Slavs aren't fully White! This can be seen in their somewhat slanted eyes clearly indicative of an Asian admixture. (Ole Ghenghis Khahn surely had an enormous impact on this group.) This seems to me to be strange to have resulted in a 'lowering' of overall I.Q. since, on average, Asians seem to express a slightly higher I.Q. than do most Whites.

Adolf Hitler considered the Slavs to be his 'White brothers,' but a little lower than the German race. In this regard, and in many of his other views, I consider A.H. to have been fully correct!

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Correct, in spades! 1st Thessalonians Chapter 2, verses 14 through 15 states (paraphrased): 'They (the Jews) have made themselves the enemies of all humanity.' Those words were true when they were 1st spoken, by Jesus, and ARE every bit as true today as they were over 2000 years ago.

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I also meant done with "civilization" and EMPIRE.

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I am not so keen to give up Civilization. There was a huge global Civilization before the jews. They are the Civilization destroyers.

“Wherever you find the sowers of discord, the sowers of strife, wherever you find the sowers of the destruction of a civil society, there you will find the Jew, hard at work.” ― Henry Ford

"The fact is that the Jews were known only as destroyers in ancient history, not creators. They have developed no science, have produced no art, have built no great cities, and alone have no talent for the finer things of civilized life. The Jews claim to be the torchbearers of civilization, but thorough their parasitic habits have deteriorated or destroyed every nation in which they have existed in large numbers." ~ Charles A. Weisman (Jew)

We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you do will meet our needs and demands. We will for ever destroy because we need a world of our own [global genocide is their plan], a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build. Beyond all temporary alliances with this or that faction lies the ultimate split in nature and destiny, the enmity between the Game and God. But those of us who fail to understand that truth will always be found in alliance with your rebellious factions, until disillusionment comes. - Maurice Samuel

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👌 but as far as functioning communities go, they top out around 20 or so before they tend toward disharmony. Too many elements.

Cities are an abomination. Too many resources, too much waste, unsustainable and TOXIC.

So if we have a shared paradigm or "civilization" anytime soon after the messy fallout, it will be based upon smaller numbers of INTENTIONAL individuals with a shared VISION.

The old thing? It's DEAD, DEAD, DEAD and has been for quite some time. Before any of us throwing words around here's lifetimes for sure.

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Early American cities (yes they were all White) were amazing places of culture, beauty and knowledge. That is where we need to get back too. The problem is mixing cultures and races and expecting harmony. Race mixing has only ever resulted in the genocide of one or both parties.

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Tried to paste a portion of the Kalergi Plan. You need to read it. The "Jewish" plan published in 1925 about just what you're talking about with the intended result of destroying our culture & civilizations as is happening RIGHT now in all of Europe, the States & Canada. Whites are to be replaced.

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They're not "races", they're ethnicities.

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Too. too true and well said!

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it is not about white or any other color; i have never seen a white woman or white man; i have seen cream color; maybe peach colored; and all of that is just "GRIT" anyway; energy is energy; karma takes care of the rest; if a man and woman who chooses what to do with each other in agreement is their business; people need to stay out of other peoples business; i do believe who you started out referring to were the actual Zionist Colonizers who were by the way claiming Judaism; they seek to destroy Tribal ways of life; these Kazarian Mafia Zionist Colonizers seek to Colonize those that are Tribal; Tribes find ways to work with other Tribes or they agree to disagree and then respect each others Borders and Boundaries;

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Does the Lombard Jews sounds a bell to you ?????

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Oct 20·edited Oct 20

Maybe Weisman meant ACTUAL TORCHBEARERS like those that were used in the 2020 "summer of love"? I believe that was a preview of the main event that we will soon be involved in.

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Mostly peaceful torchbearers? Joggers, teens and the infamous 'youths'? Did you know that the FBI lied about violent crime in American and blasted it all over the news that violent crime was down by 2.1% then quietly revised those numbers to up 4.6%? How does one screw up this badly? https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2024/10/16/stealth_edit_fbi_quietly_revises_violent_crime_stats_1065396.html

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Well said and too, too true!

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What do you mean by "done with civilization"?

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The bad parts of Rome and Empire in general. There are definitely some good parts.

Utilities... Libraries... Neighborly help and handiness...

Still believe in community and tighter neighborhoods, but this everybody in their box with their boxes and screens in virtual reality or telepathy but not actual or interacting with neighbors or others... And when those people even lose touch with their bodies or thought and emotion processes, they're not in THE NOW.

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It's quite a time to be alive.

This is the *literal* Apocalypse, which in the original Greek means "unveiling or revealing". So appreciative that I've got enough time left on this Earth to enjoy it.




BTW, I started a podcast for Clif-heads like us. My latest interview is with John Carter, author of Postcards from Barsoom. We reallllly got off deep into the woo, I hope everyone enjoys it (we even got to discuss Uncle Clif a bit!): https://marchingthroughtheshadowlands.substack.com/p/interview-with-john-carter-author

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how is your podcast going so far; have you tried PureSleep;

Clif High’s Pure Sleep is a non-habit-forming, non-melatonin-based sleep aid for more restful and restorative sleep. Clif was inspired to formulate Pure Sleep to help rebuild his body after cancer surgery. Years of trial and error and a lifetime of research led him to herbs that have been used safely by humans for thousands of years. The formula also includes new discoveries like GABA which is known to promote uptake of the body’s own HGH. See the videos below for lots of detail.

Taming Hindrances. (2022, March 18). ClIf High’s Pure Sleep: Generation 2 review [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqd_hTfP9SA

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My fear is that the unveiling will cause the monsters to rise and have a world wide death wish.

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If they were so dangerous and powerful, and we’re so helpless to resist them, then why do they so desperately fear being unveiled?

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Because they are planning a Shock and Awe event to take out the rest of the 8% of Whites still left on the Earth. Get ready for 40+ Roving Gangs, with full confiscation of our property rights, you will be kicked out of your home with their new WEF and UN laws. Privacy will cost a Kingdom of Wealth to possess coming sooner than you think. If you don't take the new UN International ID you will lose access to your bank, job and home.

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That is extremely unlikely, even in South Africa.

Let me break down what’s happening:

The American commercial bankers, tech entrepreneurs, and defense contractors are at war with the EU, the ECB, and old European monied factions/families (including the UK).

The "Great Reset" was a marketing plan to cover for a coordinated debt default on the part of the EU nations. This is because they used the Eurodollar market to create an astronomical amount of unpayable debt which they used to subvert and bribe in order to implement their evil plan.

They had intended for the USA to participate in this default, but US bankers, tech heads, and defense caught wind of this and asked Trump to be the spokesman for their "counter offer". Recall that conditions of "The Great Reset" would be (in addition to eating bugs, owning nothing, and being happy) that commercial banking would not exist (you would bank direct with the central bank, via a CBDC), and that America would no longer be the sole superpower.

Well, guys like Jaime Dimon said "Waitaminute, you're going eliminate the multi-bazzilion dollar business that I've spent my entire life building at the stroke of a pen?" The defense contractors said "Waitaminute, you're going to eliminate most or all of my customer base?" The tech heads said "Waitaminute, you're going to impose a one world government and impose EU style rules on us?"

To which they all replied:

"Fuck you, you evil bunch of Satanic kid-raping faggots, we'll fight you for it."

On top of this, there are now dozens of billionaires that trusted them and took the clot-shot. These are people who think nothing of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars if it might get them an extra day or two of life.

…Can you even imagine how angry they are?

So, I’m cautiously optimistic.

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What the fucking fuck is wrong with some of you people? Whether it's the occasional slurp, a messed up transcript ( but the message is still there ) or whatever, THAT is your takeaway and what you comment or just plain bitch about?

Fuck sake, this man is CONTRIBUTING free information that may be found elsewhere but good luck finding it in any fashion, let alone explained so well and with such down to earth yet precise language and a wonderful human and humorous touch.

Some of you don't appreciate a damn thing it seems to me. Why not try adding something to the conversation, be a member of the SOC, by not being a little bitch.

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When I moved to Boston Ma well over 50 years ago to study yin& yang with Sensei Michio Kushi, I gave up everything. I lived in a slum called Roxbury with my brother& a bunch of fellow brown rice eating Japanese wannabes .We lived in a very old building -; a cold water flat

sort of commune style--we rode the streetcars to attend lectures at night at the Arlington St church in Boston, took cooking classes,and I took up sumi painting,studied Japanese, and shiatsu massage.

You folks out there are getting primo info with no sweat on your balls-- better yet it is all out there recorded transcripted and the info can be accessed anytime from anywhere. Clif looked like shit because he has been traveling to see his critically ill wife, yet he still came home & provided his latest discoveries/ insights. As penance, I would make only the transcripts available to the ingrates so you would be forced to read. Transcribing the printed script to thought takes a lot more mental energy than kicking back and hearing,but not listening. As an aside,my brother's nickname for Kushi was the Blackboard artist because he illustrated all his lectures with amazing drawings. Clif has his white board, an added feature I appreciate.

Too bad the flying cars are still a bit down the road🖖

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you wrote "Clif looks like shit", but that pic at the top of this article is not Clif; it's a Dybbuk LOL.

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He looked out of sorts in his last video. Perhaps shit was inapporpiate and I should h6ave been more specific-- there was noticable swelling under his eyes indicating fluid retention and some fatgue.

The pnly reason I mentioned this is for folks to cut him some slack.youre like a pack of yentes.🙀

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Erewon- Newbury St..

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OMG! Beans,rice, sesame seeds, miso.paste& seaweed-- rice cakes for snacks! Ever eat the Sanae restaurant or Kushi's home? Salty gomasio for seasoning and tasteless Bancha tea. It was quite a rigid, boring diet. The real Japanese eat plenty of fish, use pork and eggs and drink real green tea heard a couple of years back that Kush was paid by rhe government to spread a vegetarian diet as they wanted people somewhat malnourished. I still use umeboshi, soy sauce make tofu from scratch and do Asian medicine but eat plenty of red meat!

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Ate at Sanae- had my first taste of tahini there, among many other things!

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You mean a bit down the flight path?

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Down the road is an expression of time, down the flightpath is a description of space without the elenent of tine thrown in.

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Ah, but part of the draw of trolls is to make hay with every error, dontcha know? No misplaced comma, no unfortunate error of cut and paste or a left off period, goes without snarky comment because it makes them feel smart, something they need desperately. Trolls know little and contribute little because they spend their time lurking for someone they can attack. The devil himself is in the details. Would you deny them the ability to build themselves up on the back of someone else??? You know who they are....here they come.

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And here I always thought they were working for the Ccp, you know divide and conquer.Clif is way above the payscale of these self righteous morons. I certainly don't always agree with him but making personal attacks is a form of harassment.

I do get annoyed with th Jew reference when he means Elohim, because people with low intelligence rhink it is therefore free season to attack anyone Jewish.Most Jews are cultural Jews, they do not attend houses of worship and follow fewer and fewer represssive traditions. Most of my jewish peer group and relatives all married nonjews. Oh well,peace everyone and watch out for the big proton energystorm headed our way.pluto is not retrograde anymore and beating war drums!


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Nah, trolls are just jerks. There's a difference between trolls and people who may disagree. The usual way to tell is name calling, baiting and a pretense to be superior. They think it gives them power. As to Jews, they're a mixed bag like the rest of us. Their elites are no worse or better than ours. We shouldn't really call them elites...any of them... because what they are are parasites.

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I lived in Israel for a total of 18 months out of two years living abroad & was uneasy with the constant presence of soldiers everywhere carrying big guns. You got frisked before going to the cinema, a concert, entering a dept store or supermarket. i hated the way Arabs were treated and for the most part had positive interactions with them. Israeli Jews are quite different from American Jews. There is only a small segment of the population that is orthodox, fanatical and they are a carryover from the 18th century. They had a very strong caste system --typical racism against dark skinned Jews. But the population are just pawns of the military, and the military controls everything. This Jew bashing is based on repeating toxic shit and yes, the Chinese who have infillrated the internet are behind some of it. People repeat what Clif says, what Jeff Berwick says, what Max Igan says Jews are used as a cover easier to pick on a group,single them out so the heat is not on you.. the majority of The Jews are just like other normies, going through life quite asleep. I thought the Jewish holidays were meanningless, as stupid as Easter( a totally pagan holiday ) and Chirstmas, a holday based upon Satan, astronomy &, the position of the southern star.

I will be happy to see the masses realize all religions are a form of enslavenent.

Jews were forced into banking and money changing because they weren't allowed in the guilds and couldnt own most businesses.

And Jews do have a long history in Palestine. there is an old city in the north called Safed which has a really old temple-- over 500 years old which I visited. The Romans did not kill all the Jews-- a number of them remained and lived in peace with the Arabs. i knew many Sephardi Jews --they were the original ones and still exist. It's the fucking German jews in Israel whomI found to be the biggest assholes. Talk about superiority! Mindlessly repeating what someone says without doing your own research is always dangerous and fosters stupidity.

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Thanks for saying what you saw in Israel. It's deranged to put down a whole people for the actions of some of them and that's what happens when people are uninformed of the larger picture. It's clear from what you say that Israelis are like everybody else....some good, some bad, some brainwashed just as here. There's a history of what the arriving Jews did to the Palestinian Jews, especially the Black Jews who were Jews a thousand years before the German Ashkenazi Jews. They were brutally thrown out, along with anyone else who was too dark. There's a long history of Jews of many nationalities and that diaspora goes back loooong before Christ. So Jews are a group you can't generalize about any more than we can generalize about any people. It's also been clear for a long time that the government of Israel and the IDF are war criminals. They represent and are part of the cabal. When Max and Jeff say stuff that's usually who they're referring to. With Clif it's more the Elohim worshipers that tick him off. I think we should be aware that stereotyping isn't to our advantage. It's really just ignorance. Thanks.

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Thank you for your response. I learned about 10 years ago that the Israeli govt ( operation ringworm) experimented on thousands of jewish children using radiation on their skulls to supposedly treat a fungal infection. The U S paid for these experiments done in the early 1950's. Many were dark skinned Morcoccan or Yeminite; some children were shipped to the US in cages. Remember we brought in a fair amount of Nazi scientists under Operation paperclip. Israel sold children for money, lots of money.

The Israeli author of a book exposing this genocide was living in Canada when his book came out. Curiously he died suddenly.The Israeli government has always been brutal. Even when I was there in 1975-77 the soldiers treated Arabs horribly and most Israelis did not think of them very well . I travelled to arab villages by bus or in cars with friends and we never had any trouble. Google operation ringworm if you have time. Many thousands of these children died ( they used a lot of orphans) or developed cancer later in life.

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applaud; applaud; the 'slurp', the 'velcro sound', the 'cough', the 'foul language CUSSING', sharing 'who lately has PISSED OFF Uncle Clif lately'; i LOVE it all; this makes him Our Uncle Clif; he knows those of us who appreciate; it is us that he will recognize in the Hyperspace; love your stand against these 'normies'; hear; hear;

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And then many waste too much time even engaging with it.

Like conflict. Like confrontation. And DRAWING SHIT OUT...

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Amen brother… people can be complete and total fuckheads!!!

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maybe we can send them for a time out.....

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You mean an entire history will be exposed due to greed??? Say it ain;t so!

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Even greed will be used by Universe to expose Falsehoods. Amazing

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Makes perfect sense though, doesn't it?

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israhell for HELL 2024. Imagine a world without these groveling, screeching and kvetching khazarian parasites sucking the wealth out of humanity and murdering billions of people for their drooling JWO fantasy! I am so sick of these monsters who have made this world unfit for humans. There is not a day of peace in our world till they are gone.

Our only hope is they are utterly wiped out, so that we real humans can have a chance at recovering our world. Boycott the filthy zionist kikes any way and ever way you can. God damn zionists israhell to HELL!

Xtian zionist rats have done so much damage to our world I say include all of these illiterate brain washed xtian idolators and idiots to deprogramming centers, where their moronic biblical and zionist beliefs can be exposed and explained to these religious half wits, so they have a chance at seeing the truth and then supporting it till the day they die.

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Truth. Anyone who wants this to continue is an obvious enemy of humanity.

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How it going as President of the local incel chapter Calen? As one of those super Jews I could have you debanked but frankly the $14 in your current account is a lovely reminder of what a pathetic excuse for a “man” that you are so I’mma gonna leave it there.

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Incel??? 14 dollars???? I don't know WTF you are even talking about. Joshua? ja ja ja ja ja! You mammon worshipping, money grubbing parasites are obsessed with your shekels. 14 dollars????? like that determines whether I am a man or not! I don't use banks moron, cuz, I boycott everything you swine are involved in

You pathetic kikes only have your kikery to spew out in abysmal frustration as you watch your zionist "abomination of desolation" (israhell) being destroyed and the entire world turning against you mass murdering genocidal maniacs as humanity awakens to your evil crimes throughout the centuries, requiring your expulsion from 130 countries.

"I will leave it there", but I am sure you will be back with your zio-bot spiel to try and sew division in this forum, praying on people who lack the knowledge of your history of: criminality, pedophilia, child porn, adult porn, snuff films, genocide, and far too many crimes against humanity to list here.

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Lol… so you have less than $14?

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Hail the satirical.

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You don’t believe a single word you write cause if Jews were as bad as you say they are, you would be on someone’s list to be taken out. So you’re nothing but a troll.

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Dybbuked or MK ultra- ed that is the question. Many people are seeking out older history books from early 1900’s and finding history different than current books.

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Family records are everything (!) now since they are the only record of Truth anymore.

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I'll bet you follow Jason Breshears.

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Was thinking the same

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What's the difference really?

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one of the reasons I want to stay alive in this clusterfucked time is to discover the hidden history of our species/society/planet.

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Looks like you got Dybbuked while posting this, you need some help?

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Oct 20·edited Oct 21

The first is for the Woo people; the second is for the "fence sitters" and the third is for the normies -- if you don't get it by then, then it's three strikes and you are out.

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Yeah three times for emphasis!

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Or an NLP technique?

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Stop acting dybbuked yourself and try to be just a tiny bit polite.

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Yeah. Maybe his computer word processor is possessed

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I think Erich is saying this because there are duplicates of 7 paragraphs at the beginning.

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Imagine Clif typing his post on a 1980s Amstrad "word processor" ;-)

I can't, but if he did, Bashar might start channeling himself through it.

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Good morning Woo Crew! The hubby and I had a similar conversation this morning, regarding the start of the Ukrainian money laundering and if DJT will keep the “Hush” money coming? It is the Satellite for the Kazarian Party, and everything stems from it. Oh Clif, you need to proof read the AI before you print it. It’s looping repeatedly and misleading. Love you all!

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Please don’t put more work on the man. You can figure out what it says.

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That was hard to read. He repeated himself about 4 times. Is he saying that the truth is coming out in a few weeks? I read the history books from the last 70 years, and the current ones are entirely different. Go Clif!

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My goodness .. Just cross out the duplicates and read it

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Exactly. Looks like it’s going to take time for some to shed the entitlement mindset.

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Too much entrainment and slack jaws when people "tune in" to something on a screen or through a device, most of the rest of them, not being in balance "tunes out".

One track minds...

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Calm down guys. I wasn't being critical; I was just pointing out the obvious. He got the info, he wrote out his thoughts and published it but forgot to proof it. Heck, even when I do proof what I write, I still make misteaks...Mistakse, mistakes; ah the heck with it.

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Hahahaha! As a former proofreader, I completely get it.

Or do we proofreaders ever really get past proofreading……?

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i always proofread and edit; my favorite are contracts;

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A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing you don't need sunglasses like roudy Roddy wore in They Live. You can sense the evil bastards. AHHHHHHH!

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sounds like gay love

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Will this data show ties to the Vatican?

Expose the reptilians as well?

History of the gaints?

Connection with government and ETs?

I'm excited to see this information about our history exposed.

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Another episode of: As the Worm Turns.

We approach the next junction of how the house casino is going to perform a massive

rule change. I can hear the pitiful voices already moaning and whining.

Life is sweet for them on the one-way street, and, even sweeter when it's on a mobius strip.

Goddamn, are we ever gonna break out of this congealed strata of constant shit?

Ah, probably not quite yet. Although, we have to envision that Krakatoa event.

Carry on you mules, and, remember to NOT give generously to Israel, starve the sob's off the

physical plane.

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“the house casino” 😂🤣

good one!

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You must have wanted this information out pretty badly... and fast.

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I just read Jump The Slice, came back to comment on this.

I understand now.

I called you the Jim Bridger of the Woo... that's a hill I will die on.

Thank you for everything!

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When Clif says Jews....isn't he really meaning the Kazazian parasites?

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Yes. , your neighbor normie Jew guy you work with . Is clueless. I know they come to me to ask what is happening.

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Just ask him if he thinks he is one of the chosen people then u will know!

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Uncle Cliff, Thanks for the update and all the work you do.

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Bring it ON! Truth is breaking out everywhere.

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