I continue to be blown away by the lack of awareness to the every day person that I work and interact with. Our world is so chaotic, so crazy the life as we know it is falling apart, as we know it in the masses in general just do not see it and I’m blown away. I personally take solace in the fact that I’ve been preparing to the best of my ability for whatever disruptions may come.

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A few months ago, I was on a bus, and I looked at the other passengers, trying to picture what's going through their minds. I thought, "They have no idea what's being done to them."

Clueless. Just clueless.

It practically boggles my mind every time I think about it.

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How do you actually know what they are thinking? A bit arrogant methinks--or should I say hopefully I think you are a bit arrogant in describing strangers as "non player characters." Most people are not of the swift mind of our Mr. High--a man whose wisdom astounds and at times enrages me. Having escaped my life of 50 years in CA, I have been holed up in Albuquerque since 2019 in an affordable apartment. I get by with food stamps, awaiting Nesara. Here I see people who fit the description of "just trying to get by". No intellectuals, no well-dressed actors. No sophistication. People shop at "Ross for Less" here, with kids in tow, drive trucks and older cars. Are these the people Clif wants to be enraged? Not going to happen. Very few here signed up for that. It is others, the foolhardy pseudo smart people who own cryptos and fast cars who need to take on that task, whatever your age.

I have learned to be as nice and kind and friendly to every person I meet. I don't know if I would be pillaged if I wore my "Q" / Trump t-shirt--honestly no one would notice. I cannot sacrifice my own energy/vibration to satisfy Clif's desire for rage--at 76 I leave that to the young and inspired--unlike Clif I have great faith in our future. I am no longer enraged but fascinated by what I am learning now. Thank you one and all for your contributions to the "Greatest Show in the Galaxy" -- may we all be inspired to help humanity grow into the best possible citizenry.

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Well, no...I don't actually know what they're thinking (which is why I said I was trying to picture what's going on in their heads).

But, I think we can all make reasonable deductions, and because I don't see the "rage" (or at least, awareness/concern) that should be visible in most people, I have to deduct that they have no clue what's being done to them.

I hope that's not arrogant of me. It's just an attempt to arrive at a deductive conclusion.

But you know what: maybe I'm wrong, and they know more than what I can perceive. (Which would beg the question: if they know more, why aren't they doing something?)

As for the notion of "non player characters," while I didn't use that term, I do have to wonder sometimes. That said, I do like to think that every one is a soul that has free will, but, for some reason...I don't know...they're just...maybe their souls are young or something.

It's hard for me to understand people.

Or maybe, as one commentor said, "They don't want to see, hear and be aware of what's going on."

(The problem with that is that their willingness to not want to be aware is hurting all of us.)

Maybe it's just that simple, and maybe it's me who's complicating it.

You said that Clif doesn't have faith in our future? I think he does, from the videos and podcast episodes I've watched.

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I too get curious about what others are thinking. I have found a couple of ways to get some anecdotal data.

(1) I wear t-shirts and sometimes get responses. My favorite shirt is a "Shwabtopus" from Bob Moran showing Klaus Schwab as an octopus. I was going through a corporate store checkout last week and the cashier recognized Klaus and was ready to discuss details.

(2) I went to an overpass flag rally last summer to greet a truckers convoy in Sacramento CA. I was waving the "Don't Tread On Me" flag and got honks from traffic (back then about 1 out of 40 cars).

The fact of the matter is, we can just do a survey wherever we are. We can just politely ask a crowd "hey, who here knows what a 15 minute city is?" We are the information war. We love each other and we are going to win. Let's build the world we want now.

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“What’s a 15-Minute City?”

That sounds like a good article title.

Hmmm...maybe if I get time to, I'll look into it. (Or, if you're a writer, feel free to use that headline.)

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15 Minute Smart Cities And Whose Behind It - City of London, Kissinger & Associates

Apparently Oxford England will be the first trial ...


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Agree I don't like using their 'language' since it is really a concentration camp...but sometimes we have to, I guess.

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In the Australian cities also.

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Feb 5, 2023
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It's like you're throwing up gang signs, G!

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Unfortunately, I think there's a combo of reasons why people can't or won't see what's actually going on. First, if they do acknowledge that there is an evil cabal out to kill off most of the population, they would have to actually take some responsibility for themselves in a mature way. For example, preparing even a bit for what is clearly coming for this world. Contrived everything for purely malevolent reasons. This is where much of the cognitive dissonance rears up. Second, it's easier to sit back and decide that someone else can do it for them which is pure laziness. Third, pure complete brainwashing by the black screens in their homes and hands almost every second of every day. The brainwashing is so complete and the spell casting is unreal. I fall victim to the computer screen, but I do try to learn things and not just watch idiots pretending in "reality" shows depicting all sorts of immoral behavior. Ugggg............

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I totally agree! And people have become so dumbed down. It’s absolutely mind boggling. I get frustrated, because at 59, I don’t remember people ever being this stupid. Even younger people were “smart”.

If you told me tomorrow, no computer or cell phone, I’d do a high five! I remember the world before…and it was wonderful!!!! I threw my television out 20 years ago. I’ve never missed it.

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LOL! My mother did that too when we were kids. They had bought a brand new big TV mostly for my Dad,....and we kids were fighting over what to watch so much, my Mother got angry, picked it up, carried it out to the street and dropped it! It crashed and was gone. She got us each a radio and that was that! I had an awesome Mother! And I learned how to love Country Music too!! A win win in my mind!

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YES, I too believe they have no idea what's been done to them. Maybe we have been so "dumbed down" that our expectations skew towards being beaten even more, rather that waking up to create anarchy. Is there a historical role model for waking up? Do we have many chances in our lives to be courageous? Do those who DO speak up get beaten down, put in jail, ostracized, on and on. The "non player characters/back drop people" arose with Dolores Cannon who passed away a few years ago. She suggested that there is a percentage of the population on earth who do not have souls. I can't articulate the many suggestions of what this is about, but there is a suggestion that between 60 to 70% of people living on earth do not have souls--and will disappear when the solar flash happens. More research needs doing. Many of the Normies may be these people? Any ideas?

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As for people without souls, of course I've heard those words used as a put-down, but I've also heard it as a legitimate proposition (as you're relaying).

From my spiritual and religious upbringing, people don't have souls--they are souls that are in a human body.

But, can there be humans who aren't souls?

I have no idea, and other than resorting to spiritual and religious texts, I'm not sure how to even begin to answer that question. Maybe psychics or astrologers can figure that out.

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Yes, agreed. We seem to be running into many ideas heretofore unthinkable. A couple of thoughts have come up--one is that they are humans "in training" and may be able to begin their climb on the ladder with a soul at some point. The other is they may be containers for those who need bodies--but who would that be? (Those coming from the bad guys or the good guys???). Surely the Starseeds coming in during the past decades have their own souls/bodies....so any ideas? A human being contains/is a soul and becomes sovereign. I'd like to hear what Mark Attwood or Michael Jaco have to say. Janine (Tarot By) did a reading on this--I will look for it.

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Could be a clone with down loaded memory? If that's possible.

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Check out Christian 21, on https://mcallistertvonline.com/

It's fascinating stuff. I don't know if it will happen, or something similar, but whatever it is , definitely will be "interesting". For me, just to be aware of it that it can happen, takes away the fear, if it does.

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I think most do not want to wake up. They are happy in their Matrix lives and they feel there is nothing they can do any way, so why not enjoy the life they do have. For some, just getting by takes up all their energy, and it's only going to get worse. Others just don't care as long as they have their Video Games and their fake foods.

Some people tell me that they aren't worried at all, everything will be find. They tell me that the things I see are all misinformation.

Part of me is jealous! Many times I wish I had not awakened,....I blame that on President Trump! He did this to me in 2016 when I voted for the 1st time in my 60 years. Before that, I didn't care at all. I was sure all Elections were rigged, it seemed so obvious, so why bother. Unfortunately I was right!

So I raised my kids, took care of my home and my hubby, raised dogs and planted flowers. It was a wonderful life, I got to stay home and be a real Mother! I was very blessed.

Those of us with families, children and grand children,...we care a lot about the Future and I sure hope it's good! I think the middle is gonna suck though for all of us. Even for those of us that have been preparing.

It's a lonely world though when you see the EVIL but others do not.

So I try to spread information,.....to help people wake up,....and I get ready as much as I can for what it's sure looks like is coming. To be honest, I'd rather have the crash of civilization than the future that the ELITE are planning for us with this massive Depopulation Plan. IF they can do it, they'll be killing more than 7 BILLION of us, that's not a nightmare I want my grand children to see,....it'll be very much like the Terminator! What a terrifying future. So, as hard as a CRASH of Civilization will be, especially on us old folks....it's probably better that way.

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Yes, for those of us who have kids, we of course want to ensure that the future is bright.

Even if you're not in Canada, you might find Life Force Canada to be useful:


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I didn’t see anything wrong with what you said I think her perception is coming from her reality. I do not see where cliff said he wants us to be in rage. Let’s keep free speech no one is attacking anyone here

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I think it's partially cognitive dissonance, willful ignorance, apathy, totally stressed out by the events that took place in the last 6 yrs, hopelessness, and FEAR.

Fear of loosing one's identity, fear of survival, fear of C-19, and now the consequences if taken the jab. We've been bombarded with psychological warfare, propaganda, poisons in the air, water, and the food supply. What was hidden from our eyes are coming into focus, and some just cannot deal with it. They need help, in time some of them will ask us, to do just that. I hope we will be ready with understanding, what they're going through and will respond with kindness.

To many betrayals to deal with. ( all governmental institutions, the whole rigged system...)

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Yes, I sentimentally agree with everything you say, especially when you say that they'll need help, and possibly ask us.

I respond with kindness and try to help as many as I can.

That said, I'll never forget some of the responses I got from some people when I tried to warn them on FB. It'll be hard for me to forgive that (people pushing their ignorance on others). I'll call them out for it, just as they called me out.

But yes, and you know what: I think that Substackers such as Clif, Karen Kingston, Sasha Latypova, and others are laying a foundation of truth. When people want to know more, we'll be here (and on Bitchute, Rumble, Brighteon, etc.) to give people truth.

There are also movements like Life Force Canada that are focused on creating a better future: https://lifeforcecanada.ca/

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While I agree that we must respond with kindness and patience, what's unbelievable to me is that I have had zero people in my life even come to me and say anything close to resembling any type of waking up. They are still so brainwashed and in line for the slaughter. It's truly heartbreaking. I've been told I need to plant seeds. My way is to take a sledge hammer and pound people, but at this stage, the pounding is what they need to wake up already and pull their heads out of the sand and see what is going on. The veil is thick and has been pulled taut!

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It sounds to me that Barbara has a little resentment...”Methinks”, to quote her.

Your reply is stellar! (Methinks-lol!)

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Thanks! (I assume you're talking about my reply.)

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Individually speaking as we go thru phases, as well as where you get on the merry go round , what seat [ or mount ] you get whether it is inner row or outer, can reach the brass ring or not, nature + nuture × time ÷ chance = what you have this instant.

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I don’t think it’s cliffs desire for rage. I think that’s just what’s showing up in the data sets.

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OK, thanks for clarification.

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The rage comes later. Perhaps after they realize at least half the population is doomed. I work in a small surgery center and coworkers are all going to funerals for different friends and family in 1 month. People dead at 50 and under. Suddenly. They are still snoozing. Tried at my last job to tell people. Got run out of that job

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Breaks my heart to hear these stories,......have a good cry, then you have to find something you enjoy doing, keep your vibration up . Go for long walks and think of all the things you are grateful for ......it really helps. 🥰

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Yes, imagine how fortunate we are to even be having this discussion.

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Thank you so much xoxo

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The dam will break at some point (can’t predict when) and then normies will all realize that the ‘died suddenly’ incidents are because of the vaxxines we were warning them about. That will initiate the rage that Clif is talking about, i.e., when the normies realize they’ve been lied to by everyone they trusted except the ‘conspiracy theorists’ they ignored.

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I guess that was their loss. You didn't need this kind of support. Hope your recent job works out for you better. You did what was right. How many of your coworkers

did that?

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You’re precious Ida. I retired 3 years early. I started working in 1981! I’m cool for now-lol.

Only a few people refused. I refused the poisoned swab. I think I was the only one. The jab was a few months later. I believe in body autonomy…but most importantly, God.

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I understand, but on a different level. I lost my job after 23 years. My bf lost his job after 17 years. I chewed his friend out for getting the jab. Now I’m the bad guy...and I don’t care anymore. These are the same people that had masks on their kids: “But they like wearing a mask!” 🖕

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We chose our path of remaining human, those that didn't chose a path of pain, transhumanism, and death. Those of us that didn't take it can be ready to help them as souls to pass as they progress toward death, and offer what help we are able to give be it financial or guidance and compassion and view it as selfless service to others. They are going to need help. Reading Journey of Souls or Destiny of souls help to understand some of the paths souls take when they leave, that might help all to do this service.

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It's easier to kill the messenger, than to face our fears. Just imagine the horror they will encounter when they can not deny the facts to themselves. Compassion will help you, just imagine yourself in their shoes. .It doesn't mean you have to embrace them as your friend. In your thoughts you can send them good wishes to overcome the betrayal they must feel. This will help you to feel good about yourself. You tried to warn them out of concern for their well beings, and you last your job. You choose courage instead of fear. Congratulate and love yourself for that.

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There are no words for how I feel. Because, we (all human beings on Earth) have never been “here” before. I pray for grace from God. And thank you for your beautiful words.

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Check out Gigi Young's Audience Questions on youtube, I thought she had an interesting opinion.

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OMG that's just so devastating to hear--breaks my heart. Take care of yourself emotionally (and physically). Do you mind if I ask "who" at the small surgery was keeping up the "lie" that everything was OK (meaning employee/boss of surgery; drug manufacturer, etc.) What was it they were protecting--their own jobs?

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Probably all paid off to keep the proper narrative going.

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I think the rage Clif is speaking of, is related to having been cheated out of life. The life of your loved ones, your children! Others. Most people are still rationalizing those deaths today, but tomorrow, when they realize it's murder, I agree, there will be rage.

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The deception, a short life, loss of dreams being unfulfilled, forcing jab or losing their livelihood, or thinking they were protecting the older people in their life is what I think would cause rage. The list is long.....businesses destroyed, family frackures, etc. It was a choice, some chose the wrong option, based on lies or situations.

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Also betrayal from institutions, gov., workforce, the list is long. A very difficult and hard lesson to learn. Compassion will also help us to overcome the difficulties ahead. It will give them ( the waxed ones) a little hope in humanity, which will badly needed. Who knows what unifying effect it could bring?

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And what will happen to the children, the pets, the “remnants” of those killed off?

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Indeed, good and valid question. When the time comes we will come up for solutions.

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Maybe the rage is the tyrants last dance they are in raged and frustrated because we don’t want any more of there lies

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I am aware many people are focused on Jesus prophecies that are coming true. Thank you for the reminder, but I have no interest in hearing or reading about "I told you so--I was right--you should listen to me." We all find what resonates with our souls, and I am happy you have found so much comfort in what Jesus had to say.

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“For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: but God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; and base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: that no flesh should glory in his presence.”



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AMEN, in Jesus Christ’s name!

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Feb 5, 2023
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A lot of what he was saying came from The John Birch Society and a book called None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen.

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I have this book…yellow pages and falling apart!

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Feb 6, 2023Edited
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I listened to Bill Cooper in 91’

It’s like satan testing Jesus in the wilderness … he quoted GODS WORD

What “he” never knows is Gods intention and motive behind His word

So it looks like everything is going according to “their” plans

Those who are relationship with Jesus know that He uses what “he” meant for evil will work toward Gods perfect will

So no biggy what “they” think they know 😉

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I agree, and suspicion it may run deeper than this. It's my suspicion the Anunnaki, who governed over mankind from the very beginning, wrote the "prophesies" and have slowly guided events in this direction to make it seem as if it is "being fulfilled". Is there Anunnaki within the deep state? I wouldn't be surprised.

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I see it the same way. After all they live very long lives. Thousands of years, they have their hands in all of the religions. Beliefs are the most powerful things in our lives. It dictates everything, ideas, stories, myths, philosophy, "history", ideologies, etc., are seeds in our minds. Who planted those seeds? Did they have an agenda, originated from serving the self, or other hidden causes unknown to us?

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I have this book as well. It’s very telling. “Behold a Pale Horse”…great book!

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Feb 6, 2023
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Project Blue Beam. Look at this and think about how much better the technology is now...


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Feb 6, 2023Edited
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I don’t think clif wants rage. He he talks about it, simply because he knows that it is going to come. And I think that you are right. It is going to come - not from the average Joe, but from latte drinking Tesla, driving upper middle class people who have everything taken from them, who have been vaccinated within an inch of their life. THEY are the ones - the ones who fell for all of this bullshit hook, line, and sinker - that are going to rage.

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Yes, I don't think Clif (and probably most of us) want rage. We want justice, for sure, and there are Substack articles about that topic.

This (people's reaction) is a (potentially) very big discussion that I can probably write a few thousand words on.

That said, I think I can share some general ideas:

1. I think that, for people to be sane, they need a worldview that seems to reflect (and explain) their world.

When the truth is made undeniable, I think that a lot of people's worldviews (or at least their scientific, medical, and ethical worldviews) are going to shatter.

That's a big, big loss that I don't think that I've heard most talk about yet.

Yes, people have talked about getting out of "the matrix" and "thinking outside of the box," but usually, those processes included being aware of a matrix and a box, and slowly deconstructing them.

The bioweapon truth, however, I think might be a sudden realization that people (through their own wilful ignorance) will have little awareness or preparation for. It'll be like having the rug suddenly pulled out from under you.

That's going to hurt.

I fear that there might be a lot of mental illness and suicides. (I think that if we can help give people the truth, and help them build up their worldviews, we may be able to help.)

2. Imagine what all the politicians, celebrities, influencers, CEOs, supervisors, etc. are going to think when they find out they were the agents of a grand deception. (Hey...I like that phrase: grand deception.)

I mean, can you imagine trying to entertain the notion that you mislead people (maybe even your family) into taking a bioweapon?

I'm just really glad I'm not in any such position.

3. Imagine what children are going to think of the adult generation.

On a Zoom call in ~2021, I met a 16-year-old. I apologized to him (on behalf of the adult generation) for what we've done to our youth.

Just imagine what a child must think: "My parents, school, and government were supposed to protect me, and now, my life may be greatly diminished because of this."

Imagine how they're going to view the world.

Anyway, I'd better get back to what I was doing.

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I wonder if being enraged by the lack oh e of our neighbors being blind by the Fog , People have become so Apathetic what our world has become I make know claim to know what it was like before my 65 years . I’m confident that that with love and Faith and a loving soul your better off than without

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For many yrs now I've been thinking definitely we are the "Truman Show" - as you describe it " Greatest Show in the Galaxy".

They can see us, but we cannot see them. These "Galactic Observers"- let see what the Humans do now? Whatever will happen, I don't think we can do to much about it.

Expect to visualize and imagine the most beneficial outcome, and according to our means, help out others in hard times. Goodwill, kindness, can have a restoring, healing powers that we might totally unaware of. Worth to practice it, in my opinion.

On the other hand, we all have some part to play. Some will riot, write letters, others will get involved in local schoolboards, some will volunteer for many different causes, and so on, according to individual's motivation, inclinations, goals, dreams, and passion.

We are all here to witness this Cosmic events of human evolution in consciousness.

I don't think Clif desires rage, he is looking at historical events, making reasonable deductions which way it can turn, he is reading data that gives him the possibility of that rage occurring.

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Ha! Ha! I also escaped from CA and am also "holed up in Albuquerque. (But I lived here as a child when my father was stationed at Kirtland AFB.)

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A real life game of musical chairs. I always hated that "game". Sinister overtones.

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Not surprising as most Americans are stupid plus they have been dumbed down, fed propaganda on the tv and lied to at schools.

On a positive note, those that survive the great culling will be the smart ones so there is definitely hope for our future.

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I’m proud to be an American and don’t stand for stupid but hope there are many of us that stand with a backbone to be an asset to this beautiful country. It is sad to live a life of tv, gaming , glued to things that take life from you. Hopefully some of us care about our beautiful minds and brains and think for ourselves. We’ve been fleeced in too many way to count. President Kennedy was trying to warn the American people about the plot to take away our freedoms and he was murdered.

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Still have to survive the food contamination debacle.

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Especially the ones wearing masks (Australia - the home of the proud mask wearer)

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I have had that very same experience D.K.- looking around at all the people and realizing that they do not have the spiritual maturity to realize what is happening to them, why they are sick all the time, unhappy all the time... it’s heartbreaking

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Yes, it's sad, and while there is a spiritual component, I'd say that it doesn't even require a spiritual component.

By saying that, what I mean is that even if a person were objectively honest with themselves, and looked at the science (and not just "the" science), they would see some incredible holes in the "vaccine" narrative.

Even nowadays, with "died suddenly" entering the general consciousness, there are so many people who, when hearing that someone suddenly died, fail to consider the one variable that may have contributed to that person's death.

It's just...geez...the mass level of denialism (even to the point of death), is just astounding.

In the future, it'll be a good history lesson and psychological study in mass psychosis.

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I know what you mean. But I was surprised how many of the folk on the check out at my local supermarket know exactly what is going down- but they are too traumatised to speak. Its brewing like a ripening boil and will burst soon

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“It’s Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.” – Mark Twain

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100% true and the CIA Military grade propaganda and brainwashing was very good. It will take time for the people to wake up that the government doesn’t represent us. But I can feel the rumblings of the populous. It’s not too long before it’s an eruption against Covid, LGTQ shit, fake climate hoax, money laundering in Ukraine and the Federal Reserve takes place. Beware msm, healthcare and government officials you will have a target on your back.

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They don't want to see, hear and be aware of what's going on. They may die that way.

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Yes, and unfortunately, some have.

But my question is: wouldn't they owe it to their souls to know the truth, before they die?

Why go into the afterlife not knowing as much truth as possible?

But sadly, I don't know if it even occurs to them to even ask those questions.


Very sad.

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I had a very dear friend who ran a Messianic Jewish website and forum of which I was a part. To keep this as short as possible, when the bible all fell apart due to studying the etymology of the Hebrew and Greek words, we suddenly found ourselves without a foundation. I cannot describe how shocked I was and how devastated I felt.

When hinting about the coming alien revelation, Clif High expressed the effect it will have on christians very well when he said something about their heads exploding. Yes, I pretty much felt that way.

My friend reacted in a surprising way. He gave it all up and said he was going to just live his life and find out what happens after he dies. Somehow I could not quit and I am so happy I kept up the search because it eventually led to Clif High and his brilliant work and insights, and who introduced Mauro Biglino ("The Naked Bible") who verified what I saw in scripture - and a whole lot more of course. There is also Paul Willis (on YouTube) a christian pastor/teacher in interpretation of scriptures, who agrees with Mauro Biglino.

In retrospect, I don't know how many christians will be affected.

The brainwashing in all religions runs so deep. I'm thinking many christians will not be fazed, at least not right away. From listening to comments, many are braced for a big deception coming and will contribute it to satan and his minions of course, the Nephilim, etc.

To answer your question, I certainly want to find out everything I can about the truth before the afterlife. It may even reveal a way of escaping a trap. Meanwhile, like Clif, I am kind of looking forward to watching the alien reveal. Though I suspicion a fraction of the Anunnaki never left but have always been here. Just my opinion.

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Soon it will be impossible for them to ignore.

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Unfortunately, I wouldn't count on that. It's amazing what people can refuse to see.

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You are correct, it truly is amazing. But every Normie has his threshold. With the way the temperature is rising, many of those thresholds may soon be crossed.

Burning Bright talks about it here:


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Exhausting, isn't it? Interacting with the sleep walkers is testing my patience daily.

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I sympathize for you.

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Same here. It’s draining as hell

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In 2008 I was in Peru on a tour. Our guide was an Aymara/Incan teacher and holy man. He said the world is like a village. In the village, some people wake up early, before sunrise; some right at dawn. Others wake up later, when the sun is warm; a few wake up in the heat of the day. But everyone wakes up. Trust, kindness, compassion and a larger vision are what we have to share. Everyone is waking up...

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Wow. I like that.

Yes, I think that if one is open to the concept of reincarnation, then from that perspective, everyone is on a journey of (hopefully) awakening.

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So many people are simply too far gone and lost to brainwashing. Others are in their own little world and refuse to see or pay attention to reality and do not want to hear anything that will disrupt their status quo.

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The general public does not see it because it is not reported in the media that they watch or listen to.

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Information indicating that the vaccine was a countermeasure (DOD defense weapon) that operated under the EUA directive bypassing all regulatory safety measures throughout the western world. A great lecture providing receipt's that this entire rollout has been controlled by the military. This is how you get an entire industry to march in lockstep to cover up the truth.

LINK: (bitchute.com/video/arK1FXfoh87o/)


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Thank you.

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You are more than welcome. I have been waiting for some time for a researcher with access to this information to provide an honest and accurate presentation. This dots all the I's and crosses all the T's. However, take into account that the DOD's reaction to a bio-weapon release is only the root of the problem.

Many outside interests have decided to take advantage of the situation. Everyone from the people who stole the election to the WEF to the Federal Banks. Many peoples personal needs are met with the DOD countermeasure. This also explains why China has a Zero Covid policy.

China - Release of bioweapon

America funded the research

China locks down its entire country


DEMOCRATS steal election through mail in voting

WEF takes opportunity to renew Agenda 30

WH takes advantage to collapse economy with WAR on the PETRO DOLLAR

LEFT and RIGHT play their games to keep the public occupied

All regulations for FDA and SAFETY ignored and over ruled due to Emergency Status

GREEN AGENDA sees opportunity to push climate change

You can combine all and more to this very strange game. Even works for those wishing to depopulate the planet. The reality is much simpler and more sinister. All the extreme ideologies have jumped onboard of the bioweapon release knowing they are protected and can accelerate their own agendas. Many groups have the same lunatics involved. So in many cases the psychos stars will align.

Regardless of what we believe and what rabbit hole we are travelling down one thing remains constant. The war has begun and it started around November 2019.

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Always comforting to see someone else not brainwashed. Excellent analysis. Makes me feel less isolated in my view.

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Take comfort in the knowledge that there are those of us that know. Then there are those out there that are trying their hardest to deny what they know is true. When all is said and done the balance has tipped in favor of knowledge. Truth is a bitter pill for many. As Clif has said this is going to come in waves of awakening for those trying to put the knowledge back in the box. When the angry mobs do take to the streets looking for revenge we must remember to step back. Sadly their emotions will be like a tidal wave. Anything and everything in the path will be destroyed. These people have rightly deserved this moment of anger.

Yet to join them in their self destructive moment of vengeance will not serve to help them or us. Allow the energy to flow past us and do what it will. Move with purpose and peaceful intent. It will be our role to help them rebuild their shattered dreams when the red mist settles.

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I know it just blows me away. I just made a new friend. His is a 59 yr old man, Educated and loves to read. But evedentally he doesn't watch non-MSM . He had no idea people were dieing or being hurt by this covid jab, he had not idea the US economy and the petrodollar were in dire straights, he had not idea that we're being fed crap abt this war in Ukraine. When I spewed out a few facts in each of these areas he was flabbergastedand said to send his some of my research on these subjects. Thank goodness he did not take the jab even though he got lots of flack from his whole family. But it just blew me away!!!. The holy spirit told me pre March 2020 not to take the jab and also Never to be tested for Covid. That got me immediatly to start researching. Which videos would any of you guys suggest I send him that have the most truthfull content but are not too long for him to watch on these 3 subjects and bring him up to date???

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The dailyveracity.com had an article called "leaked top secret documents suggest covid was created by the C** (three letter agency) to Achieve a total serveillance State was interesting. Show him pics of what Georgia Guide Stones said. Karen Kingston has done a lot of research.

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Researching the Titanic/Olympic is a good start.

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That was a good little insurance scam for the owner of the Ships.

J.P.) Morgan, whose company was the controlling trust and retained ownership of the White Star Line!

Where did we hear that name?

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Fall of the Cabal?

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Feb 5, 2023
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Thanks Molly..I know as soon in late fab of 2020 I started researching but I have tons and tons of stuff. from the book "Plandemic" to things all abt the fiberous "clots"? that drs are finding now. I don't know where to start in sending his stuff to read.

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Feb 5, 2023
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Stored food can keep longer than that. Cool and dry and apply the sniff test.

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Time for the Reckoning and that includes a ball gag straight jacket and leg irons and flight to Gitmo with VIP seating next to the Shithouse

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Did you forget the savage beatings that will occur somewhere in that sequence?

Also, forced "vaccinations" and many "boosters"?

Forced trans surgeries would be fun too...

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That’s on the way to Gitmo

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You are far too kind.

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I've been nurturing that RAGE for the past two years and it wasn't doing me any good so I had to learn

to be somewhat detached from it all. Everything it appears we GOOD GUYS have tried to do, seemingly went nowhere, so it was enormously frustrating. However, I know now we are having an effect, its just so subtle.

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Subtle, restrained, unobservable perhaps, if you don't know where to look or don't have the time to search. However, its happening now. Retribution and justice has been wonderfully, satisfyingly, violent to the satanists everywhere, particularly in the DUMBS, merciful to the children and all trafficked who have been rescued. The central banking cartels have all but been completely taken down, soon ready to be replaced. Those banks compliant will be morphed into a new banking system which will restore privacy and individual sovereignty for all mankind. Big pharma and the medical industrial complex, the cheap lying MSM, RINOS, WOKE Libtards, drag queen pervert story tellers in community libraries parading before little children!!!! (I mean common ON MEN, man up!!!), BLM and ANTIFA!!! are all being shown for what thy are. The enemies a clearly within our sites, well illuminated. They are all being setup for self destruction and implosion from within. The SWAMP is being drained in so many ways. Those awake and decent souls have been watching a charade which has been a setup to WAKEUP the NORMIE IDIOTS. It will soon explode and bust wide open, whether the IDIOT NORMIES wake up or not. We are almost at the point where we can't wait for the morons any longer. Time has run out for satan and his minions. As your great president #45 has said "We've caught them ALL". The STORM will be raging soon for all to see. I'm Canadian but I'm as proud a PATRIOT as any, MAD as HELL. I'm READY. Go USA. The world depends on you.

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Thank you. I couldn't agree more except for characterizing so many people as "idiot normies".... we can't all be brilliant when we've had our DNA reduced to "normie status" and our telemeres (sp?) trimmed. Thank god that some of us retained enough grey matter to figure this out. Thank you Canada for being with us all the way--that Trucker Convoy was absolutely magnificent and again brings me to tears as I write this. Your people/children have been so victimized by the Brits. Your indigenous peoples are brave, fearless and loved by humanity. GO CANADA!!! The USA loves you dearly.

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Don't forget what the majority of Canadians let the do to the truckers.

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Lawrence, it would be nice to see some (ANY) hard evidence of where all those recovered children are, or the QFS, or antifa being rounded up, or any number of things. The white hats make so many claims of victory which we are left to imagine, while the black hats broadcast loudly and manufacture lord knows how many new clones to their AI army.. Meanwhile, humanity's suffering continues. I know the swamp is enormous in scale, but all these countless delays have not inspired confidence in the awakened (nor has it had a discernible effect on the boosted normies) and tend to push the white hat story into the hopium realm at this point. I read we will be free of these shackles forever "when we ascend to a higher dimension", which would be lovely. However, I do not want to be guilty of being a new age tin foil hatted sheep. We need legitimate evidence. Yesterday.

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Hi Janet,

Totally get it. I've been studying this tyranny arising for the last 25 years. My booklist is long and requires thousands of hours of reading and listening. Its the backstories necessary for perspective that requires so much time over the years. Know who and what the enemy is. The enemy is absolutely loveless and is psychopathic and narcisistic. Humanity is engaged in an existential war between GOoD and Evil.

The most logical explanation which can be backed up with observable proof can be found with Derek Johnson http://www.the1776nation.com and at t.me/rattletrap1776 . you'll have to stick with it until it starts to become clear. There's a lot more but I might have lost you at GOoD already. Not enough time

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Lawrence, I agree with you. A knowledge of how we got to this point is crucial for understanding what is taking place now. I lived thru the JFK assassination and the ensuing ever increasing dystopia. The formula has not changed one bit over all those decades except now the merry go round spins faster. I want to see humanity rise up as bad as anyone, just saying it would help our efforts if we had some "tangible evidence" to point at. I appreciate Derek Johnson's explanations; they are rock solid. I pray the normies will get curious soon so we can stand as one against our enemies who seek to destroy us in every way.

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Well, too many digressions and I must start over. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iJOb9xHggS4 OK. At least the thing I went looking for was still with me. Can't mulitask as I (may have) used to in the past. Watch the sour looks on some of these actors faces. do some of them seem guilty? Seen Tom Hanks lately? There's a lot of evidence that suggests very strongly that something powerful is happening in the background. Eg. MANY CEOs "retiring" and pursuing personal plans, knitting or whatever. Really? There's a lot of chatter saying that DC is almost uninhabited. Find Nancy Drew on Telegram. (keep track of your favorite channels. The best ones might just disappear on you) Whole city blocks are vacant, chain linked fenced, shut down. The White House has been shut down, chain link fenced, lights going off at 11:00 PM Original evidence is irrefutable, exciting and as rare as hen's teeth. You will have to trust your gut at some point. Still have any doubts that Phizer Schizer is maybe a little crooked? Have they got blood on their hands? This is a very huge operation. If the god guys and gals just opened fire it would be a complete meltdown and total horror show. It's been terrible as it has been but it could have been so much more. God has already won this. If you can see the extent of the evil at play here, you will thank God for his Grace and Forgiveness.

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Are we learning to have patience? This indoctrination goes on for at least a hundred years. How anybody can accept it can be undone in a few years? Just to smoke out the traitors takes time, resources, and strategies. On top of it it's a worldwide corruption phenomena. Just as the Anons are discovering more and more rabbit holes, can you imagine what the alliance must face?

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I enjoy Derek Jonhson's teachings and mannerism. Civilians ( I am one of them ) are clueless about how the military operates, the Laws, operational procedures, logistic, etc. Very intelligent, well versed passionate patriot, enjoy listening to him.

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Reading this reminded me of the story of Hansel and Gretel. Innocent ones were dropping bread crumbs so they could find their way "home". The birds (representing the evil doers) ate the bread crumbs so the innocent ones could no longer find their way home. However, the spark of divinity was protecting the hungry children. Even though they wandered into the witches "candy house" (representing all the "candies" they offer us to try to lure us) the innocent children foiled her plan to throw them in the oven and eat them and instead threw her in the oven and then feasted on the candy without further threats. This sounds a LOT like the plan humanity is on now and it's speeding up. Hang in there my friends...we are getting very close to throwing the evil in the oven and receiving back all that has been stolen from us...EYE ON THE PRIZE!

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I'm also Canadian, and I do admire that American Spirit.

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So be it.

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i believe the sheer enormity of what we are up against is mind boggling. i wish like crazy we could speed up the time tables as the [DS] are doing with their hateful agenda, but there is so much going on so many moving parts and we can not miss a thing or any remedy we can concoct will be temporary if not outright fleeting. this has to be done and we can ill afford to overlook anything or anyone however small. hence the frustratingly snail paced movement of things that causes me to rip my hair out at times. but i think i understand.

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Deep down, way down, I agree with what you say as I have noticed the once visible rats and mice slowly disappearing from MSM.....so I know something is happening. I'm just impatient, a lot of my life has been put on hold and I'm devastated learning how my country is so full of selfish, greedy, political hacks who care nothing for the health of the country only their political ambitions.... I'm still opening my eyes to how deceitful and crooked so much of our Congressional, Judicial and Executive branches are and our rigged voting, educational, medical and religious organizations. There is almost no place where these cancers haven't infested.

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Yes, I want the truth to come out at a faster pace.

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Maybe these ppl. on the top are only looking human? What did Bob Dylan said in an interview? "I sold my soul to the devil." I never forget his expression.

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Apparently also we are awaiting certain celestial happenings to escort us swiftly to our goal....something we have absolutely no background knowledge to fall back on....but appears to be happening nonetheless.

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Barbara, the Law of One books describe it in considerable detail...about the only place I have found much information on the subject.

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Yes, Johh, I sometimes think of the enormity of what's going on, and like you say, it's mind-bloggling. And...that's only what we think we know!

Imagine what we don't know?

And imagine what we think we know, but actually don't?

And maybe there are things we know, but don't know that we know.

Mind-boggling indeed.

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Eye of the storm

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I'm getting to this point. So I just laugh of the absurdity of it all. Just observing and being as kind and helpful as I'm able to. Whatever happens it will need to happen,

maybe so we can gain wisdom and knowledge of who we are.

Sometimes I have a feeling we are getting prepped for another simulation, where our souls will have opportunities to grow and expend in different ways. We are graduating from this victim/perpetrator paradigm to another one where we will dictate the nature of humanity. We are sick and tired of all this suffering and trauma businesses.

Maybe in that stimulation our DNA and brain will have a higher than 30% capacity.

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I, as well, have had to disengage from the reality of what members of my family and other have blindly and willingly done them themselves. It has been one of the worst ‘coming to Jesus’ experiences for me, as my daughter would not listen (at the outset of it all) to fully learn what these jibby-jabs are all about before taking them. So many loved ones have taken it, though none have suffered any adverse reactions... keeping my fingers crossed.

Funnily enough, while I’m the only one in my immediate family who has not taken the jibby-jab, I’m the only one who has suffered a reaction, via shedding. I’ve had the oft-cited heavy menstrual hemorrhaging for 4 wks, then it shut off permanently. Artificially-induced menopause. Yay me.

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I am past menopause but have had bad colds or whatever it's called now. So sorry you've had your bad experience. God bless

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How do you eat an elephant?

One bite at a time.

It looks slow, it’s not flashy, but the wheels of justice do turn. The key is to NOT give up and just bring out the fists. No one should be governed by their emotions, it’s okay to recognize them as long as they do not control you. In the end the civilized revolution will continue, be that annoying Karen that is constantly emailing your legislators and officials. If you can, even bring pro se lawsuits forward like Cliff has done.

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" Never, Ever give Up!" DJT.

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Ken, I've had a thought for some time...there is no good or bad...there is just energy. Do you look at the yin/yang symbol and wonder which one is bad and which one is good? Is it possible that we are all just playing a CHOSEN part in this big simulation and may likely have been on either side many times over multiple lifetimes? How else would be learn and mature to all that we can be?

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I’m certain April will be massive secrets revealed Sir Chaga. August, I pray won’t be as blazing solar hot as last. Conversation no doubt will be. Thank you oh noble one for all you do and your love of humanity.

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Thanks Clif. I've written extensively about the coming rage directed at Wa. State lawmakers and our health imposters. They ignore me and I keep warning them.


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Ahh, yes, I subscribe to your substack. You express the rage that I, and others, now feel.

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Thanks Dave. Waiting on the vaccinated rage to join our rage. We will be the dynamic duo then.

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Sorry but I think there's a risk of an echo chamber effect. None of my jabbed friends are feeling any rage. I just drove across the entire country, and while I admittedly didn't go into dangerous hot spots, I didn't see any rage.

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I am their rage cheerleader. Encouraging them to wake the fuck up. If they don't we still have unvaccinated rage and it isn't directed at the vaccinated. Clif's finger is pointed at Olympia Washington.

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I can appreciate that, but what people need are facts and truth, not another channel of advocacy. Turley recently did a column (paraphrasing) about the NY Times getting a pass on Russiagate because objective journalism is in the past, we now have "advocacy" journalism. (He was in no way praising this turn of events.) All we are going to get now are wars of narratives - and if the covid years proved anything, it's how difficult it is to make decisions when given only a mixture of censorship and narratives by advocacy groups.

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I don't know what they need. I've tried facts, truth and a sledgehammer.

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I am seeing people losing skills by the day, those jabbed are having difficulty performing the simplest of tasks, it is kinda eery. But, I listen to and read your works and a few others, this keeps me steady in a rapidly shifting landscape around me. Take care all.

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Laurel: I've been paying attention to the "way" folks look; their general appearance. Their skin has changed color; pale, some are yellowish or green. Their eyes are smaller and paler in color. Their teeth are more yellow. I've always noticed "faces"; I read them, as a matter of fact. So, for me, "faces" have been a huge indicator of people's health. The people that have had the biggest changes in appearances are now getting "sick", health problems such as strokes or heart attacks or now cancer. Folks: start "looking" at the people around you and "see" if you "see" what I've been "seeing" for the past year or more now. This is so unnerving!

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Agreed. It is visible, especially in older people. They are aging very fast, looking soft, fighting cancers and bloated. Puffy. Cognitive decline to match the physical appearance.

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You just described me! Unjabbed, but stressed :)

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For sure, I am seeing paper white people alot, no exaggeration, this shouldn't be possible in the land of flowers. Something in their faces seems to be off too, hard to put my finger on what is happening. Also, it is peak snowbird season here, our neighborhood is very often noticeably very quiet.

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I’ve seen similar people walking around here in Canada.

What is a striking, if not frightening aspect is how they’re beginning to resemble the living dead zombies of various dystopian movies and novels.

Also reading the plot of the Will Smith version of the movie “I am Legend” gives me chills on what is slowly happening to the vaxxed population.


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Skin color, tone and eyes seem to reflect health. The masks have undoubtedly affected teeth. The mouth microbiology seems to have direct impact on microbiome. I was reading an article a couple of years ago that the masks raise the mouth temperature, and it negatively affects the gut microbiome. I still see so many wearing the face diaper.

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I’m seeing the effects of ‘brain fog’ in one of my friends, it’s slowly becoming more apparent that something is affecting her cognitive process.

I’m trying to convince her to try the FLCCC protocols but she doesn’t want to hear it, does admit the shot had negative effects but doesn’t want to face what is coming.

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Dr Robert Malone did an interview with Dan Bongino.....BOTH he and Bongino got jabbed and are having issues. Dr Malone is taking the FLCCC protocols. Not sure if he is taking anything else. Bongino had Lymphoma and has noticed a significant change in his immune system aside from the effects of chemo......and is now recovering from complete elbow reconstruction ....Not sure what he's taking since he did not mention any. It is a great interview. I've been listening to Malone s=since he first spoke out againts the MRNA Clot Shot. I personally have not gotten the Clot Shot but was exposed to someone who had and according to the hospital 'COVID originating Pneumonia & Clots to kidney & lung tore me up pretty badly. Just glad to be alive at this time and to have natural immunity. Won't get into the specific...did that on an earlier thread. Just know this.....Have NEVER had blood disorders of any kind or pneumonia AT ALL. The Bio Weapon is real and so is the 2nd BIO Weapon/ VAx

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I never got the shots, never had covid at all but then I'm single, no family left and live completely alone.

In many ways I'm a modern day hermit, I don't socialize with anyone on a regular basis, don't go out much(twice a month) and never in crowds.

I've been following the Zelenko/FLCCC protocols for prevention and maintenance of health.

A lot of people don't realize this was a TWO-STAGE or BINARY bioweapon.

C-19 was the primer stage, the vax was the main payload.

The primer stage was no more deadly than the seasonal flu for 99% of people but once the vax payload was administered the next variant of C-19 would be much more deadly. The boosters were designed to pare down the immune system response by around 25% each shot.

So the initial payload might bring down the effective immune response 30-60%, then each booster cuts that by maybe 25%(75% immune effectiveness after the shot).

Do the math and most people who had two shots(50%) and two boosters (0.75x0.75) will probably have their total immune response cut down to around 28% effective.

Of course this varies wildly by person because immune response is not the same, even among families.

Those who have had 4+ boosters...I'm sorry they're already walking dead.

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Dr. Malone didn't take ANY treatment. He was fool'n. Anything on main stream is to pacify and entertain.

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I also saw that interview. It was very enlightening.

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I am isolated from knowing anyone affected, but can only imagine the terror and helplessness of seeing loved ones affected by this scourge against humanity. None of my family nor friends will speak to me after moving over to Trump's bandwagon. It's lonely but self-gratifying. We must not expect anything from anybody but send love and hope to all that are suffering. There are plenty of warriors at the ready to take this on. At 76 I wish I were 40 years younger and I'd go at them hammer and tongs.

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I see the same! Just an hour ago here in a shop... the cashier had no idea what she was doing with the bottle I returned cause it was broken, she literally said "I really don't get it anymore" - and I had to help her solve the "bottle mystery". Unbelievable... and recently I got 2 pairs of shoes I bought in a shop for FREE (???) cause the price I had to pay was only for the 3rd pair... I couldn't believe my eyes but ofcourse I'm not throwing money out of the window so ssssssssssst ;)

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This is becoming a widespread problem, Clif has already stated in a previous podcast that he's seen erratic driving habits on the road, people hugging the center line or even over it.

This will become even more acute when critical services are hit with the deteriorating condition of the vaxxed.

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Not getting the SAME reactions now as I was 2 years ago.....to this question: Are you awake?

I recall at that time asking a cashier at Tuesday Morning.....and her response was NO" I'm not AWAKE" and I said "Well....You'd best get that way because you can't possibly handle what's coming if you're not"......THEN she said" But you don't understand....I've been up since 4:30 this morning !!!!". My eyes got HUGE and I turned and walked out with my purchases.UGH!

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Wait till you hear their response to Law of War and Devolution and COG ? And how about NESARA

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NESARA and such stories like "Q" about a white knight coming to save the say are all a scam to keep people from actually getting involved in changing things. They pulled the same stunts in Russia during the communist revolution more than 100 years ago.

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Nesara is a hopium tool to lull people into a false sense of security and ignorance.

Q is not. Not ever has it said anywhere that ‘Q is coming to save us. Not once. And it definitely is not the same or similar to ‘Operation Trust.’

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That is the million dollar question right there...is Q etc more real than the current reality we are in, or are we still gullible sheeples believing fairy tales while "they" whittle away and corrupt everything of value in our lives. Time will tell.

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Q is a PSYOP designed to get people to research, draw connections, archive the material, and find ways to share it.

That's all it ever tried or claimed to be. Anyone who says otherwise is ignorant or your enemy.

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I’m curious what makes you think W was conveying shit back on your ass I for one consider it as good a MIL-CIC Intel board as well as Trump and his Digital DOD Intel Board that said I’m a student of all of the Big Ugly and preparing for the shit Storm first is Suiting up with the Armor of God

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There is a building of pressure but those effected by a certain procedure are still trying hard to believe anything but the truth. I have two cases that are direct contacts.

CASE 1: My daughters school friend.

Following a certain procedure my daughters friend now requires constant heart monitoring. 18 years of age female whom this past six months has developed heart irregularities that prevent her from participating in normal life. By normal life this includes going to school, ;leaving the home, riding rollercoasters and more.

The doctors diagnosis is interesting. Unfortunately the family has bought into the determination. Caffeine and stress is the cause according to the specialists overseeing her condition. Sometimes a lie is easier to believe than the truth. My daughters friend now warns others about the serious dangers of coffee.

CASE 2: Assistant manager at my place of employment.

Following the first injection of a certain procedure this gentleman (25 years of age) developed a resting heart beat of 160 bpm. This led to many issues that culminated in him blacking out while in the shower. At that point he was rushed to the E.R. After much investigation the professionals (cough cough) diagnosed him with anxiety and potential caffeine injury.

This gentleman however does not believe the diagnosis was and or is correct. The good news thus far is that four months have passed since the initial injection and all signs indicate that his system has returned to normal.

Both cases have similar diagnosis by the so called professionals. The mental ability by both injured parties is digest and understand what occurred is very different. While one is fully aware of the cause the other is still brain washed and believes the diagnosis.

The purpose of this comment is to provide an observation of how two people are coping with the outcome of the side effects. The frogs are boiling there is no doubt. Neither is carrying anger. But the clock must be ticking. As more evidence surfaces I am sure this will begin to change.

My own observation is that I personally have heard far too many stories this past year from direct contacts for this situation to be considered rare and infrequent.

Stay frosty my friends.

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I know of a similar experience regarding Case #1. A family we know underwent a certain procedure as well and within a year, health irregularities began to show up in the husband and daughter. The teenager complained that she was out of breath and that it felt like her heart was racing at times. They went through the hoops of the health system and months went by before they finally got her into a specialist. They gave her an ecg monitor for a month and sent it off when that time was up. Goes back to the specialist at some point, they claim they lost the data and proceeded to tell them that it was normal for teenager’s hearts to do what she was experiencing. The family was absolutely mortified and I believe that was their redpill that something was not right with things. We haven’t had an update in awhile, so I need to check in on it.

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Sounds similar to what I read yesterday about the Princess in Thailand. The Medical folks LIED TO THE KING ABOUT IT .....HE'S KICKING ASS AND TAKING NAMES......PHIZER for one !

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When your King has actual absolute power in his kingdom you had better be very careful about the advice you give him.

Once the truth comes out about the vax and it's effects I can see the Thai people actually being sympathetic to the king(ie he was fooled as well) but they will be very, very nasty toward those pro-vax healthcare pros.

If I were a Thai doctor or healthcare pro who pushed the shots I would get out of dodge ASAP because they probably already have a bounty on their head.

Pfizer of course will claim innocence and immunity to Thai laws because they're a multinational and not bound by any one country's law.

Yes they are that arrogant and stupid...

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I have heard reports on this as well. I hear she is in a coma. The king is having investigations into all of this. They are saying Pfizer had better be worried.

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Note very sparse Western media coverage of this story, makes Pfizer look bad so it won’t be run.


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My Anger at this Corrupt Governmental System became Serious when those TWO GRIFTERS from the Kenya and Chicagoland were Installed as the Leader and First Grifter Mike....the most Ugly and Repulsive first Grifter since the Hildabeast......My HATE for this Corrupt and Demonic Govt. is at it's Zenith

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Great job Cliff

Mehdi Sanjaghi

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Dr Betsy Eads with Greg Hunter says there may be 1 billion deaths and disablements worldwide already.

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Tell us more Clif. Don't leave us hanging until August, if We The People, will play a part in it.

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I have family members who are slowly turning their ships, but I'm afraid it will take them so long that they will be caught unprepared for the chaos. I begged them not to get the vax, and most didn't need much convincing. But the few, people I really love, insisted they "had to" so they could fly for work or simply work at all. I'm praying for something that the awake doctors and researchers may find that stops the post vax damage. Every time I read about a new booster or a plan to force compliance on the unvaxed I'm dumbfounded. Do these people live sealed in a totally cut off bomb shelter? Many of them will be tied to the stake amid the flames (metaphorically) and still insist they have done no wrong.

Thank you Cliff. I really look forward to your posts. I just wish it was better news.

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I totally agree. My sister is a nurse/NICU and said she had to get it in order to work. I told her "How ya gonna work if your ass is dead???" Only got that upset after months of her ignoring everything I was telling her about what was going on in our world. She has a heart condition.... denies it but takes all the meds , is on Ozempic because shes fighting being put on insulin, has asthma etc etc etc....So last thing she needs is the damn jab. We are very close but I cann't say anything more to her about it. I did tell her that the doctors who really know what its all about said NOT TO TAKE A FLU SHOT IF YOU'VE HAD THE JAB. In one ear and out the other....said she has to get the flu shot. Guess I've said all I can say.

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I'm sorry you cannot rescue those who don't think they need rescuing.

I've encountered similar roadblocks, there comes a point where I needed to respect their choices and that they have to experience the consequences of their actions.

I'm trying not to be callous and uncaring but I'm also at the point of where I won't shed any tears over those who refused to even think for themselves.

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Experiences are the greatest maybe the only teachers, for ppl who get educated in the health care field. " Forbidden Medicine" gives a little insight what type of education they received.

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A few of your family are still suffering the effects of


How long it takes to break free(if ever) of that psychosis depends strongly on personal psychological factors. Some people break free easily or were never "hypnotized" others take a very long time or never break free.

It depends on their level of social compliance, are they natural born followers? are they natural born contrarians?

The enemy will always present themselves and their plans as absolute and unwaivering.

Even now when most of the world has had enough of covid and pandemics, the WHO is still maintaining their "health emergency" and the MSM are still trying to push their fear porn.

The WEF/KM are a supremely arrogant organization, pathologically over confident and myopic, they cannot see or admit to themselves their plans have any weakness and cannot admit that they indeed can fail.

Unfortunately, some people will never break free of the WEF's psychological control, they simply don't have the mental and emotional tools to understand and see the cage they've been placed in.

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Thank you, clif. You're the best.

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