Clif out here pissing off everybody. How awful...

... that he didn't invite me!

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Clif Wins! 😇

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Pretty close. Accurate facts (truth) wins, (and Unca Clif is one of the most earnest truth-tellers I know of).

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The truther infighting really pisses everybody off. It gains nothing whatsoever. People can choose whom they follow and make of it what they will. It's called critical thinking, and it's what we're fighting for.

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He might be "pissing off everybody", but his comments are well founded. God--should (s)he/it/whatever actually exist--perhaps might actually eventually "win" (if we only knew what the "game" actually was), but, regardless, those that say "God wins" typically don't. Millions of good, honest, people who believe that sort of thing have been brutally slaughtered, while thinking that God would save them, for thousands of years by those that were neither good, nor honest. So, of what benefit is there in saying "God wins"? Such annoying people are only eclipsed by those who feel the need to frame every argument as if everything they say or do is of Biblical proportion and import, and that everything in the Bible was written specifically for their own particular, unique situation. And for each instance they will, of course, parade out some obscure passage--likely mistranslated or otherwise passed down incorrectly--to "prove" they are right.

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It's like someone who understands us, our hardwired thinking, has taken full advantage of their acquired knowledge, set up a 2,000 yr program to harvest a bumper crop of human sheep. Getting us programed to turn the other cheek so as not to make life difficult for our ranchers, Only something diabolic could even conceive of such an evil prank, Where does that evil reside? Humanity? Or outside humanity? The Chosenites generally seem to have no problem playing along with their roles as the human ranchers, even after a hundred generations, each one an opportunity to end the madness but the parents never do. And so it seems to me, religions are something that can only end with slate-wiper events. The saying 'a family is ruled by its sickest member', and when the sickness is an institution, it doesn't end with the death of a person, all the framework is preseved, disease is free to carry forth. Corporations and religions don't die as everything should, but have fictional, legal lives of their own. Nothing should live forever, as it only takes one psychopathic seed to destroy an entire world if given enough time. Humans begin life innocent, but its always exposed to the preserved corpses of corporations and religion, like reservoirs of evil. Humans tend to improve with age but corporations, religions, psychopaths have a markedly different path, seem to focus on wealth accumulation and ulitimately the power it affords them to do evil.

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"Well founded" yes based on one bloke's interpretation of a 2000 year old conspiracy theory that was based on several other quite contradictory conspiracy theories. Then he spends a whole podcast rubbishing somebody else and their conspiracy theory because they have "no evidence". The double standard is obvious. I just don't know whose cock and bull story to believe anymore.

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Feb 17, 2024
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The "exit" was incorrect, but "...(s)he/it/whatever..." and the rest of the sentence was intentional, and as far as I can tell correct. "Should God actually exist...Yes, he/she/it should" is not what was intended. I was not saying that God should exist, but rather was only questioning the existence of God since there is no proof of that being true. Thanks for pointing out that error; I've since corrected it.

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Heh, yeah. As for your invite, here you are!

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Why does he think that he can expound this baseless Utter nonsense without sources and proofs and why do bright people here drink up his every word ?

He is literally flying off the handle and damaging himself suiciding himself

What sources if any have you You Silly silly Clif?

What maketh you an authority on religion ? you cant even read Original Hebrew text !

Is it your many attempted suicides and their subsequent drug trips and revelations that is your source?

Me thinks that you are exposing yourself for what you truly are!

Here is Clifs favorite song!


Throw the Jew Down the Well!!

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And the bigger question—why do you care? If his thoughts offend, seek other thoughts. Simple.

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Yidkup. Go troll somewhere else. There is a lot of information in Cliff's article that obviously triggered you. Me thinks that you are the one exposing yourself. You are transparent.

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All four major religions, Christianity, Judaism Budhism and Islam were designed to control the masses. Ancient religious text were written by mostly very clever men eons ago who discovered a neat way to manipulate human minds. It is still being sold to the sheeple as the TRUTH!

I gave up on religion when I realized that the heineous attrocities being committed against millions of sentient for past 6000 years, were committed by the very FAITHFULL and SAVED followers of some ideology they were told is the word of god and reading books like the GRIMOIRE, aka the Bible , Torah, Talmud, etc.

Is there a G-D, God, GOD? Has anyone defined the immaginary entity called god? Devil? Satan? It is all an illusion. Humans have always been controlled by small groups of evil men since time immemorial. It will remain so due to the nature man. Man can be easily brainwashed.

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Just make a search for the code embedded in the old testament in its original Hebrew

the whole future of mankind is there astounding books have been written about this

Louk up Greg Braden and search for bible computer codes and Rabin assassination and many more researchers have written

Bibl codes

YHVH encoded in our DNA by Gregg Braden etc etc etc

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Cliff throws out sources all the time. It's up to you to search them out and consider what they say.

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So, please tell me then, which 'source' proves that all the gods and goddesses that people have either loved, tolerated or hated on this planet, all came from ONE RACE of Aliens? That is just like the view the Christians have,.....there can be only ONE god! That doesn't make sense.

I suggest that there have been many different advanced and some not so advanced races of Aliens on this planet. Hell, many of them might still be here. Who knows. And not all of them were EVIL ELOHIM.

There are too many ancient Myths about wonderful human interactions with gods and goddesses, beautiful stories,....and scary ones too,....some warm and loving interactions also,.....so I don't think it's so black and white as all Aliens were evil Elohim. Either some of the Elohim, like the Goddess Asherah, were kind and caring, or there were other races of Aliens on earth.

Now maybe all that's left are the evil Elohim, I don't know, but if Clif is right that we will be finding out in 2025,.....it won't be long now. Although, if Aliens have Telepathy, we will probably only SEE what they want us to any way!

We need those Glasses! (Movie "They Live!".)

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There likely are several alien species around, but given the supposed personality of the El, they don't all get along. And thus, avoid the El. Unfortunately, we don't have something like the Torah/Old Testament to describe/recount the history about the "good guys." Maybe that's the way they want it.

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OK.... well, Joseph P. Farrell thinks it's possible that the gods of the Greek and Roman pantheon(s) were actually fallen angels. Joseph consistently points out that the space alien dudes could shape-shift ... turn themselves into something "pleasing" to humanity.

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Demon... Angel... Alien

Just three names for "other".

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Personally, I'm of the opinion that any "aliens" are most likely the descendants of ancient earthlings (not all necessarily human) who got out into the solar system long enough for a remnant of their civilizations to survive after [ repeated earth catastrophies].

(See the book "Mote In God's Eye" and pretend for a second that we're the Moties.)

They need our industrial base for various things, and can trade advanced tech for those. But they want us to believe that they're from another star somewhere instead of hiding someplace in the Solar System that would be easily nuke-able if we found it.

Hence, their fear of our nukes. Short reported travel times to/from their "home star", etc.

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Interesting viewpoint. Many believe they are inside the moon. There are some strange anomolies going on there.

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Here's a link to the movie, "The First Men

in the Moon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnJe03PnV9U&t=256s

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If I'm correct, then they would not all be in one place, or necessarily even able to get along. The moon would provide easy access to Earth, but it's also the most easily observed by Earthlings (see all the recent probes sent & their "accidents"). Also the easiest for us to nuke if we find the bases there.

They could also live in the upper atmosphere of Venus, caves on Mars, various large asteroids (Ceres, Eros), the moons of Jupiter/Saturn, and maybe even way out past Pluto in the Oort Cloud, where we can't see much of anything (yet). Then there's that gravitic anomaly that NASA has discovered, but not pinpointed/observed yet. The Sumerians might be right about Niburu after all.

Point is... small populations (excepting perhaps Nibiru) whose only real defense against a more advanced, populous, aggressive Earth with SpaceX rockets is to scatter themselves as widely as they can. And... Maybe slow down our rate of technological advancement. Maybe even crash some large economies. Maybe kill a few billion suckers to with fake medicines to hobble us a bit.

Haven't read "the 3 Body Problem" yet, but it's interesting how aggressive the marketing is for that book. A book about an alien civilization that basically conquers us by remote control through AI corruption of our sciences, social order, etc.

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I remember when They Live came out and my husband & I watched it, not seeing the messages they were conveying. Watched it again last year as we've been awake for several years and definitely saw all the messages in there. This is what it's been about...programming our subconscious minds.

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Religious folks get mad when questioned.

The creator of "all things" is a jealous God? As if. Only space aliens get jealous.

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Few religious types are critical thinkers - or they wouldn't be religious types. They're already on shaky ground - they only have belief/faith (that it's all true) as proof, and that's a flimsy foundation for anything.

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Those of the slave mentality will always believe what the larger group does.

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Clif is a slave to his own demons and his scifi demonic revelations

revealed during his many Suicide attempts

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I once had a conversation with a guy who decided that if I didn't agree that Lions didn't eat meat before the fall (Adam & Eve's expulsion from Eden) then I was saying that the entire Bible was meaningless.

He didn't want to hear me go on about different translations, the inconsistencies between the same story told in different books, that humans edited the ancient stories that went into the Bible, discarding many (and killing those that clung to them) that he was just making stuff up, etc. Nor did he want to hear me say that I cared more about the overall themes and message of the Bible than splitting hairs about tiny details that aren't important.

But if push comes to war, I want that guy on my side. He's a good, loyal man who loves this country. But he's not going to budge an inch on the supposed infallibility of that book.

On the other hand, a Catholic acquaintance of mine is fine with the Bible being flawed. HIS sect doesn't put nearly as much importance into it. But he sure loves his communist Pope. (shakes head)

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The true SLAVES are those who BLINDLY follow Clif and his constantly evolving views!

And these slaves lap everything up without questioning anything!

Clif Tell us Who is God?

Do you believe in the Torah Old testament and ten commandments that were witnessed by all and given on Mount Sinai in front of 1000,000 people?

There are No records of any one ever disputing this

and this was accepted by 3/4 of the WORLD!

Why do sane people rather buy into Clif's utter nonsense without a shred of evidence ?

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Given that, what are you doing here? Torturing yourself?

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"No other Gods before me!"

What other Gods? If they're false (not omnipotent) then they're not Gods and the commandment is meaningless. If they're Gods (omnipotent) then the entire Old Testament is lying to us. If our God isn't omnipotent, they're also lying to us.

Or rather the truth is that Genesis is a heavily edited, shortened version of FAR older and more detailed stories. The Sumerians (4000 years earlier than Genesis) give a VERY detailed account of all the genetic experiments and failures leading up to Adamu (Adam). As well as where the little-g gods came from, what they wanted, why they engineered us from local primates, etc. They had all of the same petty dramas of humans running a mining corporation, but with six hundred thousand year life-spans.

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Where can I research these older accounts?

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I'd start with "The Lost Book of Enki" by Zechariah Sitchens. The book is nice in that it's sort of a narrative summary of a lot of his other work, so you don't have to read much else from him. Which is good, because he's not completely trustworthy (the number of Sumerian tablet readers is rather limited, and he's using his own private collection of tablets). So however entertaining, don't get too hung up on the exact details he gives. He could be wrong, the Sumerians could have been wrong, etc.

What he does seem to get right is where the various Earth bases were, their functions, and at least the general narrative of what the aliens did, their conflicts, and why they did certain things. As well as conveying the sheer span of time involved in the operation.

Creating us by genetically modifying other primates was NOT easy for them. We're talking thousands of years of work.

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Does this line of thinking align with Clifs? I thought he was proposing humanity had been around for a long time and the Elohim came about 7,000 years ago and basically conquered us.

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God is Love! God created all the enjoyments of this world for man to enjoy but in moderation and with mindfulness and care

The Torah and its stringencies are a framework to protect his loved ones from straying the path like a baby crib to protect the infant !thus to guarantee ultimate redemption and everlasting bliss !

God is Love !

Thank god for all the qualities the he bestowed on you !

And for all the gifts you received for free!

Thank you My dear God!

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The Sabbatainian cult that conquered most of the world today are Satan worshippers

and anti Torah Anti god SATAN worshiping Illuminoty Bankers

They seek to DESTOY the goodness of the TORAH .

The Torah FORBIDS imbibing any BLOOD !

The first Commandment is God telling Abraham to NOT Sacrifice Isaac !

To enlighten the world to abhor this practice ,

To treat all slaves with compassion !

To protect the orphans and widows

To not have sex with your neighbors wife!

To not fornicate with animals or with the same sex !

To be up[right and good !

To help even your enemy with his burden and his donkey!

That the reason for salting the meat before eating!

Ever hear of KOSHER SALT?

That is for soaking and salting meat prior to consumption!


Clif read the torah ! and see the errors of your UNLEARNED laughable ideas

The whole purpose of the torah is warn his people away from the Bad ELOHIM Worshipers

Look up Dr Marvin Antelman a true Historian and read his amazing writings on the Roots of todays sabbatainian ruled world

or Barry Chamish on this topic

Clif do you EVER research Anything ? i Sincerely doubt it

Stop ranting and Blabbering plain senseless hating Gutter talk!

I am beginning to doubt your so called "Webbots" if this is your level and your standard!

It might be all just a plagiarizing of the trained REMOTE viewers!??

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You really are a deluded fool; and seriously uninformed about that which you critcize so heavily, rendering your crticism lacking in both truth and knowledge- basicallt worthless. I suspect that not only has Cif read the Torah MANY more tmes than you have, but he & his group have been researching & studying for many years- not just believing because someone told them too. So, if you're not a clown town disinfo agent, you're just a lost cause in this lifetime. Hopefully, you will do better in the next one, whenever & wherever that turns out to be.

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Clif does not read the torah in its original Hebrew he relies on multiple questionable translations!

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@Yidcup - The Woo is deep, and scary. I've been studying it for more than 3 decades, and only recently have the pieces really started falling into place. Only recently have people actually started listening when I describe even a few percent of what I know. The deception that has blinded us as a species goes all the way back to Ancient Greece!

So as you tread this winding path towards the truth, don't cling too heavily to your preconceptions. Because as you come to see more and more of the truth for what it is, each new footstep requires you to toss more of your intellectual baggage aside.

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Thank you for your belief.

I believe an alien spaceship emptied its bilge over a developing planet, now labeled as Earth. The ensuing evolution is the reward/punishment.

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A garbage pale of old, outdated rna, old books, old analog tech, and a few castaways cloners? What could happen?

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One question. Why would God put Abraham in the terrible position of choosing between obeying God and protecting the life of his newborn son Isaac? That reminds me of the reason that the Hal9000 computer in 2001 A Space Odyssey went haywire as explained in the 2010 movie: conflicting directives made the computer behave erratically.

Furthermore, let us not have any misunderstanding. Nobody becomes a rabbi by studying Torah. The Talmud is the book from which one learns that which is necessary to become an ordained rabbi. And there are more than three hundred commandments, some of which make little or no sense.

As far as kosher salt is concerned: what is so bad about iodine?

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god is love the Jealous god is just a manner of speech god loves all of his creations thats why he protects them from falling down the clif

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Feb 17, 2024
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Its just a manner of speech !

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Read the naked Bible by Biglino. That might give you some eye opening revelations to ponder on

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Great book

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Bigilino cant compete with the great Rabbis of 100 years before Jesus that translated each word of the old testament and weighed and debated each verse!

like Maimonides and Nacmandies and Rashi etc

Clif suffers from ADHD and never studied anything for any dedicated amount of time

all he proclaims must be taken with a huge grain of salt

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That may well be but who wrote the old testament and where did it come from? I believe that Clif has studied quite a bit but it is up to each person to make their own minds up

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@Yidkup, Where are your "sources and proof" that proves Clif is wrong?

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For many months Clif

was ranting on and on about Ashkenaz Jews being Turkic Kazzars !

this is proven false !


Does he apologize?

Not at all he simply comes up with a new crazy idea


All Jews are are now alien worshipers !!

And their jelous god is riding a UFO!

and all the followers lap up his every word!

What a sad joke!

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Boo ..... Hiss .... go find another substack(!!)

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Why you enjoy your innocent ignorance and bliss

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You're either new here, or you haven't been paying attention :(

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Iv been listening to Clif since 2008!

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Shit Shoveler Clif, as he should be called, surely hopes there is no God of all that is. He will feel what the piss-ant discovered when it found out the boot wasn't just a cloud passing by.

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Why? Becasue you say so? Who the fuck are you? Other than another deluded, incapable of thinking for yourself victim.

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So the God of love is going to smash 'ol Cliffy for not toeing the line? Sounds more like Stalin than Jesus.

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Who is the Hater?

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Point me towards the well near you and I'll follow your direction!

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Why did you ban me from your Telegram chat for asking about Firman?

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so sorry for you Jordan Sather ... its obvious you´re not interested to understand and creatively participate but destroy only - good for your master YHWH

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For once I have to hand it to Clif - he said things would get crazy around Feb 18th. Trump gets fined $345 million in a BS political case and his family banned from working, and now truckers are refusing to go into New York. Sounds like craziness is about to go sky high.

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"The quickest way to finding our divinity without having to learn things the hard way, is learning to be an ultra realist."-- YogiPooch

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Feb 16, 2024Edited
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!! Are you actually attributing a 'phrase' used all over the world through history is somehow now copyrighted by Q?!

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Feb 16, 2024
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"I am saying it in the context of Clif's message that all those who use the phrase in the Truther movement are Elohim worshippers."

Clif generalizes and occasionally makes mistakes because of that. He's also usually early in his prognostications.

It's still true IMO that the majority of the "God wins" crowd are crappy OT translation believers. Very few dive into other ancient texts/traditions b/c some authority told them they were "heretical".

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Feb 16, 2024
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Depends on where you go to look. Is it on 8kun in the Q boards? OK, those guys are right out there on the leading edge and have for the most part been made aware that the vast majority of what is presented as truth is bullshit. Is in on some other website? Those guys can be up to whatever.

It's been my experience that nearly 100% of Christians that speak of God are referencing the God of the OT (with the "tacking on" of Jesus as either also God, but usually the son of God), without any critical examination of the text, or examination of other texts (different translations of the OT & NT, other traditions, apocrypha, the Nag Hammadi, various other historical texts with references to Jesus, etc.) or the history of The Bible (e.g. The Council of Nicaea), OR even thinking logically about the information contained therein. If I bring any of this up 90% of the time I get the "fluoride stare", 9% I get pushback because I'm contradicting their dogma, and maybe 1% of the time I get a glimmer of interest.

Hardly anybody is interested in an actual personal experience with the divine (I think it scares them), they seem to instead want to belong to a group and be told what to think. This does seem like it's beginning to change, thankfully.

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Well, it certainly seems to have grown yours, You seem to fancy yourself the all-knowing expert on Q- yet complain and criticize Clif's ACTUAL expertise & knowledge. What's your expertise on Clif? Do you think you understand him, or his "plan of action" on behalf of humanity? Or just pissed because he doesn't 100% validate your religous fervor about Q?

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So all or nothing? Can't agree with some of Q, and disagree with some? Geez, sounds like Q has become YOUR religion. I don't think that was the purpose of the Q psyop- in fact, the opposite. So Q used the phrase. Big fucking deal- they didn't invent it.

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If you know, why don't you tell everyone? What a spineless, subversive attack. Who the fuck are you to call out someone for not doing the same damn thing YOU are NOT doing? Very fucktard cunt thing to do.

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It always bothered me that people attached human personality traits to God. To me God is a voluminous spirituality extending everywhere, the particles of which are souls. Also to me, God Is love. Love. brings up anything unlike itself, so it can be healed.

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Head of the class for you!!!!

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And there you go! That which is loved grows. That which is not loved, withers and dies.

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water helps

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I think people always give human traits to anything they interact with closely. It's a way to build a bond with it, bringing it closer to you. After all, the Force of Universe is really, really massive, right? It's hard to 'feel' close to something that vague and that massive. A few people can do it,.....but the rest of us, myself included, like having an Avatar to speak with and feel close to, even if it is not a physical entity but just a small piece of the Whole. It allows for Conversation. I think all religions are just different "Paths/Avatars" to the Divine Center, the Energy that created the Universe we inhabit. And I don't see why any one would BASH any one else's way of relating to the Divine Energy that powers everything. It's just like emulating the Christians who scream "There is only ONE GOD!".

Just look at how we talk about our dogs and cats and horses. We give them all names, just like we name our Avatar (goddess) of Universe. We give everything we love names and attribute to them personalities that are like ours,....silly dogs, crazy cats, goofy horses, smart birds,.....and sometimes evil, cruel, loving and powerful gods.

Hell, people still worship the Sun! Ra. And the Moon, Luna. It's not weird. It's normal for humans.

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Mostly I was referring to human traits like ‘revenge.’ I personally do not believe in a revengeful God. I believe in Natural Laws like Karma, Law of Action and Reaction , where we get back what we put out there.

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Beautifully stated. A true Avatar is a bridge to the Absolute One who is beyond our human comprehension. Currently I am reading "Srimad Bhagavatam" First Canto. Avatars reflecting and of the Supreme One are brilliantly discussed. In this book, the Avatar is Lord Krishna who preceded Yeshua by about 3000 years.

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“Love. brings up anything unlike itself, so it can be healed.”

A Course in Miracles

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Many truths in A Course in Miracles! “A Miracle is a change in perception.”

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Clif, you may not be aware but the phrase "God Wins" is a direct quote from Q. There were 11 posts from Q that ended with it. That's why it is used so frequently by truthers.

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Q is NOT who or what you think they are.. not good for sure.. ✔️

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Agreed. Also a psyop.

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Of course it's a psyop - by the White Hats. Who cares. If it encourages, supports and instills hope while we navigate this 5GUW, fine with me.

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Everyone gets their own opinions.

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Sounds like a way to shun personal responsibility. God only helps those who help themselves.

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To which "god" are you referring?

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Exactly! There are so many of them!

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"God" works in mysterious ways. 🤣

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"God" will get you for that !! lol

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He seems to be letting a lot "slide." I'll take my chances.

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My Mother RIP was raised Catholic and attended parochial school and said the Sisters were all bitches, because they were always mean. My comment wasn't aimed, I was just adding to the list of commonly heard God statements. And if I had a dollar for every time I heard "God will get you for that" , I'd be stinking rich. lol It was Mom's go-to.

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The alien fake gods have real Gods. The Sumerians called them "An" (God of the Heavens), and "Ki" Goddess of the Earth.

"An" is basically synonymous with Cliff's "Universe". "Ki" is synonymous (to me) with the gestalt consciousness of all the life on my favorite planet.

Will those do?

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That aligns with my journey. Thanks for sharing.

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Some say that An was Yahweh-El, The Most High God of the OT, leader of the Elohim and father of The LORD God Yahweh-Jehovah, God of Israel, the jealous "god."

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Based on what?

Where did you get this from?

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It's not hard to find. After you're done with Wikipedia, I'd suggest having a look at Sitchens' work. That will get you started.

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Sitchen was a fraud. He did not know ancient Shumerian and could not read the cuneiform. I saw a video of a language expert who proved that Sitchin was not honest about what he said and wrote. He was at the least an opportunist. Just like Einstein was.

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Sitchen is flawed, yes. Which is why I don't take his word as gospel. He is but one source.

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"An" "ki"... sounds like Enki, brother to Enlil....of the Elohim....

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Yep. Those are Sumerian names too. En = ruler. So Enki ruled the Earth. Enlil was something like "chief engineer". They were sent here to run a gold mining operation. According to Sumer, we owe Enki our lives, because he (in a very flawed and selfish way) created us in order to settle a labor dispute.

But also keep in Mind that Sumer was a post-diluvian civilization, and we're talking about a supposed mining operation that started at least 600,000 years before their time. We were only engineered, supposedly, in the last 200,000 years of that operation.

"Noah's flood" (actually a global tsunami) happened about 13,000 years ago at the end of the Younger Dryas ice age, and was caused by an asteroid (or a lot of them) hitting the glacier that once covered North America. THAT is all but an established fact now.

Enki (said by Sumer to still be alive then) was also supposedly the one that ensured, against orders, that humans survived the flooding.

Think on that a bit. If you take these stories at face value (don't) then these aliens were/are incredibly long-lived. Even when Enki & Enlil supposedly discovered their life expectancy had been "shortened" by their time on Earth, they had already spent 600,000 years here, and an indeterminate amount of time on their home planet before that.

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GOD, the ONE, the source of all creation. The GOD above God (demiurge). Does that make sense? To me, GOD is more a verb of love, to be loving is to be "godding" if that makes sense?

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The Demiurge is not the same concept as God. The Gnostics attribute the suffering and imperfection of the world not to God, but to "the builder" or "Demiurge" that created an imperfect world. If you're calling God the Demiurge, you're saying he's evil, and deliberately created the Earth for us to suffer on.

Another name for the Demiurge is the Architect. Which is the term the Masons use for their worship.

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Believe it only if you want…the nuns taught me that…but not by their words. Their prayers were answered by my solving the problem. Self reliance became a habit…to a fault.

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Prayers work. The motivation may be flawed, and the mechanism misunderstood. But when you get a group of 2 or more people focused on a single problem... That's what prayer promotes.

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OR, does the force of human will, human connection, human focus, .... make change in the universe? Not to deny prayer is given to us so we MAY request help... BUT "works" and "promotes" have two different ending terms, no?

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What is the "force of human will" if not our hands?, or "connection" our speech? Or human focus collective, focused thought (prayer)?

Prayer, as a practice, promotes both singular inner-thought (a majority of people lack any internal dialog) and collective concentration on solving a problem.

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There is a viewpoint that says each human has 3 parts to himself. Lower self is the working mechanism of your body. It follows your directions. If you say, "My back is killing me," the philosophy says your lower self, following off-repeated instructions, will find a way to kill you (kidney disease, liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, etc.). I try to never say this phrase. Just saying.

Then there's your middle self. This is the one living the life, being a fool, thinking your smart and savvy, and getting on with the day-to-day BS.

The higher self is the self's connection to the spiritual level and does not "live" on this plane. We don't actually know what plane it's on. It's actually in control, but few people ever get that far. Prayer is essentially a message to the higher self. "Thank you for . . ." perfect health, healing, with the belief that it will manifest. You have to accept 100% that it will manifest.

We don't know about the spirit (maybe Clif does, seeing as how he's been dead so many times, but that is the experience of VERY few people) sufficiently to say it does or does not work. We are on this side of "the veil." We are limited in our understanding to a degree that leaves huge gaps in how things work - or don't work. Just saying.

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You might the human focus (on the most violent Street in St. Louis) highlighted in this video interesting:


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Well, we don't know that "only" either, do we? And "God will help you IF YOU do-this-or-that" seems a bit ... overweening? Maybe GOD will help when, as, and whom HE choses!?

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Transactional...why would God have to be a "this for that" requiring entity if all powerful?

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God's carrot on a stick ??

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George Carlin said it best. To paraphrase: "How can God plan anything when everyone's praying for something that will F it all up?"

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It's always amused me that all sides of any war state that God is on only their side. I too am fed up with the 'God wins' statement. I have said before that even if the planet is blown to a million pieces the creator of the universe would win. It doesn't mean God is on anyone's side. It's a self soothing mechanism imo.

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Winning and losing are concepts that men conceive in their minds. The Source creates it All. Winning and losing are "emotional hooks." In order to win there had to be a contest. There is NO CONTEST with The Source. It just "is."

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Winning and losing is how evolution works. Both in the biological and social sense. It's what separates flourishing empires from rotting ones. Get conquered and the winner gets to impose their beliefs and institutions on you. See India before Britain came a calling.

So it's kind of important. Especially when your society makes losing a fetish, as ours has.

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Well {snicker} GOD KNOWS we all need some soothing as our world begins to fall to hell...

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The Elohim aside, what's going on in the world? I keep trying to figure out why the mother-WEFer's are obsessed with destroying 90% of humans and escaping planet earth. Then it occurred to me that all this is NOT about climate change. Nor is it about viruses or pandemics.

Peggy Tierney does a fantastic newsletter and she analyzed the Tucker interview and did a great summary of the Khazarian-Russian conflict dating back to 9th century AD (my preference over CE). Peggy also quotes Putin who astutely points out (in the Russian media) that the war against Russia is personal for both Victoria Nuland and Anthony Blinken, as their ancestors came from the region and ethnic group. So the push to attack Russia is ethnic revenge initiated by a small percentage of people in the U.S.A. who have somehow taken over the State Department, and National Intelligence (Haines), and the U.S. Treasury (Yellen). A war against Russia is not in the interest of Americans as a whole. It is a hate war instigated by Zelenskyy and select NATO leaders, but mostly Blinken and Nuland.

Now, I digress to the movie Oppenheimer (which I watched a second time). I knew very little about the A-bomb or the H-bomb, so I did a small amount of research. Seems like the best minds in the world don't really know how devastating a nuclear weapon will be until they try it. Add to that, theorists all have different opinions. Add to that some physicists, in particular, have a political agenda and will lie to defend a particular narrative that may be flawed. The main problem with acting in secrecy is that flaws in logic are much less likely to be discovered. I'm not saying you reveal your plan in war; that is certain capitulation. But in diplomacy, especially negotiations aimed at averting war, honesty is imperative.

So this minority ethnic group that is running U.S. policy and the WEF seems to be aware that nuclear war might start a chain reaction that destroys the planet OR it might not. They rely on their hero Einstein, who in the movie is portrayed as the great genius who will only tell the truth to his own. Obviously Einstein and all other theoretical physicists can't predict the outcome; it's an empirical question. So my guess to the $6 million question is that this ethnic group knows nobody knows, and they also know Einstein is not the genius they say he was. So they are preparing for Armageddon with absurd ideas like transhumanism (where you upload your mind onto a computer) and space travel.

My conclusion is we all cut the B.S. If this small ethnic group wants to start WWIII with mother Russia, let them get the money from Michael Bloomberg. Google net worth says he's good for it.

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If you want to know the History of the "Cabal" of evil Eastern European (Mongol) "jews" we are at WAR with,....watch the "Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal" videos by Janet Ossebaard. Unfortunately she killed herself a few months ago,...but her videos are still all online. Her other half, Cyntha, has sworn to keep their site up and running for us. Janet's video's were the most enlightening things I have ever watched during this last 3 years. I found them 3 years ago on Robert Steele's website. Rest his Soul too. Seems like many of the really "Good" people have been taken from us. Any way,....here is a link to Janet's 28 videos about the History of the Cabal,....It's called the "Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal", they are about 1/2 hour each and then second link is to her first series, 10 videos about the Cabal in our Present. That's called "The Fall of the Cabal".

I think Janet truly believed that Humanity will win,.....but she learned too much about the EVIL in our world,....especially the crimes against Children. I think that just killed her. And that's why she left. Her other half, Cyntha and she dove down very deep in the Rabbit Hole and saw the more horrific things that a Woman can see.

Here are the links. This is the first episode of the 28 Episodes. https://www.bitchute.com/video/uWCEnegjL5Hl/

The rest are all on their Bitchute Channel. Here is a link to the "Fall of the Cabal". https://www.bitchute.com/video/BRizDPuLs8c4/

The more current spotlight on what the Cabal of "jews" are doing to us today. If you feel these helped you, please copy the links and share these! They helped me a lot.

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Do you honestly believe she killed herself? I certainly don’t

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It was sad to hear of her death, but none of us know the burden each carries. It might not have anything to do with this. But she was a brilliant researcher and Fall of the Cabal (I did not know there was a sequel - will have to check it out) was the first coherent explanation of how this all came about. I admit, 3 years ago I was struggling to keep all the threads straight, but now, it seems "old hat" and "duh" as we have moved on from a history lesson to seeing the manifestation of it. The world is a funny old place.

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I think it's more likely that true power is hiding behind and using the Khazarians/Zionists/Nazis, who hide behind Jews/Jewishness/antisemitism. The Black Nobility of Venice and their Roman Empire 2.0:


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Thank you for that thoughtful post, I only wanted to add this link to Eustace Mullins' book "The Curse of Canaan: A Demonology of History". It is free, no subscriptions or log-in. https://ia802703.us.archive.org/31/items/pdfy-hH7b-2yjyACdh8nO/The%20Curse%20Of%20Canaan%20[A%20Demonology%20Of%20History].pdf

And here is the whole thing as video, in chapters: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Nfexp8MKf4w1/

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Find "The Fall of the Cabal" if you haven't already.

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Nice one Clif!

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I think it's all in how you look at it. If you replace the word God with freedom. or truth, does it also make people cringe? And winning implies there is a game a foot and there are sides to be chosen and supported. Which side do we want to win? What rules do we want to play by in a peace loving society? I am on team freedom and wish that freedom for everyone.

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Well so far the contenders I see for next big unifying religion are the Neo-Maoist Techno-Fascists, The Mormons (space aliens are already in their doctrine), and Islam (stubborn enough to ignore reality, and perfectly willing to fight for things they believe in).

Only Christians and surface Jews (those not educated in the Talmud cult) seem to be paralyzed at present.

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And have their heads stuck up their asses to avoid looking at it. Karma is a bitch with a mean sense of humor.

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To be honest clif, it's the JESUS followers who say that the most. At least in my experience.

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WWJD? Likely say...."fuck the Elohim, and the spaceship they road in on" :-)

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"they rode in" - Sorry. One of my tics. I agree. Tired of hearing about the threat of Elohim!

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Which is why they faked his death and took him back.

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Hear Here! I’ve always cringed at that phrase too! 💚

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Clif, where did you learn that every god and goddess from every religion are all exactly the same Alien Race? Who told you and did you vet them before you believe them?

And why do you think that a Creator Entity couldn't send a little part of himself down to sit by the side of the Humans they helped create, just for a short chat or company? Isn't the idea that the Universe created everything in this Matterium? That everything in it is infused with Universe, right?

The Creator of the Universe we all live in should be able to do anything it wants, right? I'm not sure you should put limitations on that Energy that we all live inside of,.....it should be capable of anything in this Matterium don't you think? Including coming in/down an keeping us company now and then.

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Go to Netflix and watch "Ancient Apocalypse". Graham Hancock does a fantastic job of showing real links between the purpose of the various ancient monuments around the Earth (most you haven't heard of), the mechanism of the Great Flood, and a set of stories for each major civilization's recovery afterwards. All of which talk of tall white men (from somewhere) walking out of the sea and teaching them how to farm and organize themselves again.

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All I know is the God that is Nature wins because the laws of Nature will not be broken. The only Laws that cannot be broken are the Laws of Nature. One can kill babies with impunity in secret, but when mom and dad see their baby being killed, human nature takes over. The demons are running for cover, but what rock do they hide beneath, where they can still access their digitized money?

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Yes, this. Nature always bats last, no matter what we wish or want or pray about or attempt to control. Natural law cannot be broken, no matter how hard a being might try. I think this is where the Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming statement also refers to.

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I've been reading the Tao Te Ching lately, boy is that hard to understand! But the Law of Nature is The Tao. The WAY. And when we go against the Law of Nature, all kinds of shit happens! None of it good.

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Oh, it depends on the society -- and THE PEOPLE! We are NOT all the same!

I still cannot get out of my mind some Asian tribal island dweller who had been married off to her sister's husband as the sister had not been able to birth a boy baby. So the filmmaker is following and interviewing -- and this woman (maybe late 20s?) takes him out behind their hut -- where there are 6-7 BABY GRAVES because when she (also ) keeps having girl babies, she (or the husband) KILLS THEM so he can try again. Yeah, {shrug} she's a bit sad, but it's their culture.

HUMAN NATURE is not to do what OUR group thinks is right. HUMAN NATURE Is to do what our PEOPLE, our tribe, our group, thinks is right!

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Humanity wins, yes.

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We are the form and consciousness is the substance.

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Thank you for this post, Clif. Anyone who says "God wins" is a Bible-worshipper who lacks intellectual depth. As soon as they say these two words, I unfollow them. Sad.

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By unfollowing them, you are throwing out the "Good "because they are not the "Perfect". I believe that is foolish, we need them as much as they need us to WIN this war. But knowing how they look at the world, I feel sad that they may have to go through so much. if it turns out to all be true. I am glad I left Main Stream Organized Religion a long time ago,.....although if what clif says today is true, all of our gods and goddesses, even my Pagan ones are evil Elohim. I'm not sure I believe that though. Not all the "MYTHS" speak of Evil Gods or Goddesses.

Most of the people who say "God wins" are the people holding the line on this WAR. Most of them are very good and kind people. They just aren't ready to start questioning their religion yet,.....it's hard enough to see everything else we hold to be real has been a lie! They need something to keep their FEET ON.

Besides, we don't really KNOW any of this. Clif may think he KNOWS, or he may be guessing from things he's read or been told. I love Clif. I hope he knows that. But only time will tell. Afterall, Time POWERS everything?

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Yes. See YouTube's


for a VERY different 'take' on what Jesus came to teach us.


Just a half hour and Whoa! What a wonderful, new, and pretty well backed up 'conception' of what Jesus came to teach! And how it DIFFERS from the subverted and contaminated "religions" we've been filled with!!

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I watched 80-85% of it, and it is an interesting explanation. Makes sense. However, using scripture to prove the point is somewhat spurious, and it seems that Wallis is "stretching" his rationale with assumptions about what Jesus meant with his words.

My own researches have found nothing was written down, except for Mark's treatise to the hoi-poloi not long after Jesus "death," for several decades. (He also write a scroll to "the elite" Christians, whoever they were, which was destroyed not long after.) Which, if true, means it's all gossip and 2nd hand accounts.

Other research says that Matthew, Luke and half of John (being 2 books by different authors that were jammed together ) were written by apostles of Paul, not Jesus. (It was commonplace to name writings after someone well-known at that time.) Biblical scholars can only go back so far since written records date to about 20-30 CE at best and most date to 40-60 CE). Somebody finds an older version of anything would shed a lot of light on what is true.

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Some say that the gospels were written by the Roman writer Flavius Josephus and that Jesus was a literary invention:


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I'd not heard that. I am familiar with Josephus. I do find it improbable that an entire religion, valid or not, would be based on the meager and relatively minor mentions of Jesus in his work. Which is not to say that the belief system, as such, was NOT created out of someone's (or several someones) viewpoint or psychosis.

My secular research (done decades ago, admittedly, so there may be more current proofs of which I am unaware) revealed that the "gospels" of Matthew, Luke and half of John (two books jammed together by some brilliant, no doubt Catholic) were written by apostles of Paul, not Jesus. Mark is the only timely work, written by Jesus brother. (Correct me if I'm wrong about the relationship.) Their proofs are too long and involved to drop into this.

Point being that Paul's experiences, in an encounter with who he considered to be the spiritual manifestation of Jesus, led him to believe that Jesus died to save the world if only one would believe, then the religion was created out of a catastrophe. (I'm assuming you are familiar with the details of this event.) Personally, the conclusion I reached, then, was Christianity was based on a false premise, whatever the consequences, and therefore was not valid on its face. If Wallis' interpretation of Jesus questions and answers (presuming any of it was actually ever said and not some farmer's vague memory two decades previously) is accurate, he was, really, revolutionary, not a religious - or maybe even a spiritual -- leader. Sorry, didn't mean this to rattle on. It's a discussion I rarely have with most people off the net.

We could probably posit that several figures were inventions, if we put our minds to it: Lao Tse, Confucius, the preacher who thought up the 2nd Coming . . . I can think of several people I'd like to be imaginary! Zelensky, Schwab, Soros, etc., et al. The list grows daily!)

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Yes, we live in a Truman-Show "reality" shaped by lies, deceptions and make-believe.

Saulus/Saul/Paul was a member of King Herod’s large family (descendant of Herod’s sister, Salome) and a citizen and agent of Rome, who was used to subvert Jesus’s teachings into something which better suited the political exigencies of Rome. Paul announced himself to be an unelected Apostle and disciple and he calmly proceeded to create an entirely new and different brand of religious philosophy and teaching from that of Jesus and his brother/successor, James the Just: there was no longer a need for Judeans to obey and follow the Laws of Moses, they could eat whatever was available in the markets and there was no longer a requirement to be circumcised. Paul was one of the leaders of the post-crucifixion witch-hunts started by the Temple Priests to hunt down and bring to trial and execution of the more extreme followers of Jesus.

Also worth noting that the Romans were masters at cancelling and erasing people and events of whom they did not approve or which did not fit the desired narrative. They even had a word for it; but I've forgotten what it is! So it is quite possible that Jesus was a major figure of his day whom the Romans decided to scrub from the record.

Some say that Jesus was a highborn initiate of the Egyptian mystery schools and had a real claim to the throne of Judea. He spent his missing years at one of the mystery schools in Alexandria, Egypt, learning the science of prayer and miracles and becoming a kundalini yoga master. He rose to become High Priest of the Order before returning to Judea to begin his ministry. By that time, Herod was dead and the Romans had left the throne of Judea vacant.

Jesus married Mary Magdalene. She was the daughter of King Juba II of Numidia/Mauritania and Cleopadra, who was the daughter of Mark Antony and Queen Cleopadra VII of Egypt. So Jesus and Mary were quite the power couple, who presented Rome with a significant threat/headache in the Middle East.

I find this a much more satisfying theory than his being a literary invention.

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If they say :"Oh, I REALLY hope God wins"? or "I am desperately afraid and trying to stiffen my resolve and courage by 'cheering for my team'" -- would you unfollow then?

Can you recognize that some (many) people are VERY frightened by what's coming (whatever it is!!) and the situation of NOT knowing what to prepare and how to prepare and for whom and how many and is it even POSSIBLE... Yeah, many of them are supposed to be adults and NOT children... but our history -- and our internal enemies -- have kept them blocked into childhood, so maybe share a bit of sympathy as you would with a 6-yr-old who was frightened... and try to help them grow up a bit and become USEFUL to us when we need them?

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We all live within a societal matrix. I live in the Deep South where Christianity is strong among the elderly (duh), but virtually absent among the young and middle-aged, but everyone pays lip service. Why? Exclusion. Everyone wants to be thought of as part of the tribe. What one professes by inference gives one membership.

So when someone with whom I'm conversing says, "God wins," why argue with what makes them stronger? I just say, "Amen," and keep on going. Nothing I could say to the contrary would make a dint.

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What's sad is that there is no THUMBS DOWN button available!

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I am forever grateful for your courage, intellect and no bs approach to everything. I have learned so much from you, I have learned to question everything and most importantly…. You make sense to me…. Like “ah-ha” moments kind of sense

Eternally grateful❤️🙏 ( not religiously😆)

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Thank you for raising this issue. Totally agree. It's like an uncontrollable tic with a lot of folks and I automatically turn them off if I see or hear it. Not because I have any negative viewpoint of them, as they all seem so earnest - although with some it has the feel of a marketing-related add-on to anything they say, but it's just childish. And says nothing about self-responsibility and growing up..

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