Thanks for the audio. I like your posts but love being tripped out listening on my commute while being cut off by vax roids, and avoiding cars just sitting in the road from spaced suddenlies (also vax injury I suppose)
When cold weather sets in and some folks don't have money for heating or cooking, that anti wood burning mindset may change. I've been wood heating, cooking for 50 years. Wood is not worth anything until you invest labor, buy tools, transport, shelter form rain and snow. Wet wood doesn't work. I built my power splitter many years ago from junkyard parts. It took many skills and the machine shop I built, welding, etc. Good luck to those who studied liberal dance interpretation.
You so right ! Had my log burner since 2008 . My neighbours took the piss but their attitude has changed now , especially here in the UK where gas and electric are 3 times higher now. I get wood for nothing ( I'm very lucky),
but I would never pay for it as the woods provide enough for people to source it. If anyone says that's stealing , tell them to fuck off ( especially dog walkers who put their shit in bags and throw it into the trees). They are the pricks who I would like to put on the fire. Anyway , wood burners are the best investment in my opinion . Fuck the green agenda. A log decaying emits more C02 than being burnt. People believe shit and never research the facts. Can't wait for the crash so that the normies realise that life is a big fat lie, especially the vaxtards who took the Jew Juice !
I've always thought that roadsise wood or walking in the woods, wood, should be allowed to be picked and burned. Here in Australia it's illegal to take wood even from the roadside - if you get caught. Far better that than it lies to be part of a big summer fire. The price of wood to burn here is reaching the same as burning electricity unless you have a free source. Eucalyptus burns the best and the cleanest. We used to have a large wood stove and it heated almost the whole house and the cat loved it. We decided not to go that road again because the wood is so expensive now.
Clif you’re the best - you’re explanation gives us hope - btw - you’re recent discussion with dr lee merritt was top notch and unbeatable - “mabuhay” 🥰
I'm old- mid 60's-but I have a wonderful, challenging and bright future of personal growth, knowledge, learning new skills and finding ways to serve others in a meaningful way. Of course, I owe people like Clif a debt of gratitude for helping me see this, and many other things. He, and others, have worked very hard to bring so much to us, in the way of knowledge and understanding. Quite amazing, if you think about it.
I lived in Panama for 8 years and met my wonderful Panamanian alma gamela there who is now my wife for 12 years. I learned to appreciate the Spanish language, especially its nuances such as the word esposas. I also have a tia loca or 3 there and a family that think I am extranjero.
Her mother said I was stealing her daughter from her so I promised to share her daughter with her which I did until her death, so I kept my promise to her mother.
Esposas are wives or handcuffs which is more than a little interesting why that is.
Almas gamelas are twin souls which my wife and I certainly are. 'Abre su mente' sounds like magical words when pronounced with a Spanish accent, but only mean open your mind.
No doubt many similar phrases in Latin do the same thing for the catholic church which most Latin countries just so happen to be deeply entrenched in. Not a coincidence.
I could easily move back there and get citizenship but with the horrible way they dealt with the plandemic and lock downs I am glad to not be there and will probably not live there again.
The way I rate any country to move to is how they dealt with the plandemic and lock downs.
I was way better off here than there on that criterion.
Yep, it's like the last piece of chocolate, do i go ahead and listen to his 2nd audio or put it off for an hour while i do some housework...then MY REWARD click on his 2nd audio and listen.
Decisions, decisions, decisions.
How about i reward myself for commenting...clicking on Clif now. Ok, I'm an immediate reward kinda person. piece of chocolate would be HISTORY by now also. :)
did you know that Leonard Nimoy was from a line of Rabbis, and the thing he did with his hands is done by the Rabbi speaking a blessing/prayer over the congregation?
Not saying we should not burn wood but also you should know dead wood is important for forest life in a natural forest. You don't need to clean a forest that is natural, it keeps itself clean and dead wood is very important for many living organisms. But yeah it's a big problem that 90% of the environmental movement which initially was about respect for life was totally hijacked by the crazy climate hoax. During this time destruction of life on Earth-not only human life- goes forward through intensive "agribusiness", toxic pesticides, GMOs and gene drives and all the other crap. The problem is air, water and soil pollution as well as destruction of living species is a real thing but now environmentalist watch only is already obligatory for 3 years olds in France (called preschool but why the difference its 8 hours per say indoctrination). And the no future is already affecting all of us with about 50% of people being diagnosed with depression and on prescription drugs...Let's take our LIVES and OUR PLANET back!
Well I never said it was going to be easy. Twitter is GREAT for public embarrassment and pointing out hypocrisy with receipts. It worked to get rid of ERIC in Florida, so we might well watch the state become the first No Spray Zone. Ya never know.
I absolutely think it is worthwhile goal- my comment may have come off as snarky. Maybe getting more people to listen to Dane Wiginton & Jim Lee would wake some up. Probably others as well, who have been doing this work for many years. I think one group is called geoengineering (or something like that). You're right about twit too. It's a whole different world from that day I opened an an account a couple of years ago- then got locked out within the first 12 hours. Heard he has changed the name of the company to "X", in prep for the addition of payment system and other features. Will be interesting to see where that goes.
Thanks. Anyway, no worries. I didn't think you were snarky at all. I am well aware of Dane Wigington and saw his documentary, etc.. He and others like Elana Freeland have done yeoman's work to PROVE what's happening but won't go further: to stop it. And he won't use his numbers to support others who are taking the steps toward solution. The only way I see for states to go forward is to declare themselves No Spray Zones. I've done a lot of observation and investigation about this spraying and made ranting vids for years. State legislatures CAN stop it. We who know how serious this is have to break their balls constantly and remind them that only bad parents don't make use of their legislative opportunity to stop the spraying.
Yes indeed, and check this out about the San Vicente migration station in the Darien. Here is how the migration scam is working and a great boots on the gound video!
Thank you. I've bookmarked the pages. Looks VERY interesting. Will check it out thoroughly later today. Maybe we can form a coalition across Florida. Thanks again!
It is all controlled. Saw a couple of the planes on the ground at OKC Airport about 10 years ago. Older passenger planes, about 707 size, completely painted over (windows too) with gray primer, no tail numbers, no markings at all. Had heavy hoses coming from a hangar trailing out and into the back emergency door on the plane. There are interior shots of the spray equipment online, or used to be. Just barrels and hoses.
Accepting pharma is a choice- and not a good one. SOOO many other ways to deal with depression- fresh air, doing something productive, eating properly, many herbal and homeopathic remedies, sunshine, green grass. Accept pharma options, you will have consequences.
Thank God I live in Florida🙏 where I have lots of sunshine (not this week though, it’s been raining and windy non stop), beautiful beaches, very active life style🙌🏻
You folks have tons of must not look up very often. I watch several Florida videographers daily and see the sky in their pics...chemtrails everywhere...
Not really. I live on the beach and bike every day I can and I know very well the difference between clouds and chemtrails. We don’t get “tons” of it, nope. We go days with clear, beautiful blue skies. Granted, these last couple of days we had weather manipulation big time.
PS. I look up to the sky first thing when I wake up, not looking for chemtrails but to thank God for another day🙏
Most cases will respond to having magnesium topped up, and use of 5HTP, tryptophan, lithium orotate, phosphatidyl serine, benfotiamine, cod liver oil, L-theanine, or combinations thereof. Our soils are depleted, and people eat too much highly processed junk, so are lacking vital nutrients.
Yes it is a choice, though many don't use their abilities to use critical thinking in making those decisions as they don't do any research into the poisonous products being peddled to them, even though the TV advertising warns them, even though it might be at auctioneer speed when stating the side effects
What's worse are those that don't have the choice meaning the children and animals now. Not sure if you know or seen this article, but it's disconserting.
Lions and tigers and bears (and many other animals) are "dying suddenly" in zoos worldwide
Given the nature of living in captivity for these animals, it's not surprising that they would have more health problems than in the wild- they may not understand depression and poor nutrition, but they certainly suffer from many of the same ills as we do.
Yes but it's the forced jabs they're being subjected to that they have no choice in, and they too have been dying suddenly, a lot of them giraffes. Why on God's earth would they need to inject caged animals, to protect them, the zoo keepers, or who exactly?
Well that's true, but there has to be more to it than that. We know why they want to inject our food and us for depopulation and culling of the masses, but why Zoo animals? Hell why our pets for that matter.
yes for example dolphins and orcas in captivity live twice shorter than normal. Its just like a human being kept in a cage for whole life. After all maybe its better for them to die than to live in such conditions. I would prefer dying personally
Definitely but there is a clear and obvious strong push now for psycho drugs and making depression a "new normal" phenomena that science will help you to live with... After the jabs, something less obvious- to help you cope with daily life...And about sunshine, the sky in Europe was totally covered with chemclouds all this winter, I counted around 7 days of seeing the sun in 6 months. So hard to not get depressed. Anyway spring is there finally, who survived the winter has a chance to make it...
the Amerindians kept their forest floors clean by doing controlled burns; they looked like parklands to the early European settlers. Easier to see the deer and chase people.
Clif certainly need not apologize to me for his "natter". Natter matters, especially when it's so smattered with information and a positive outlook. Thank you Clif!
16 Tons
Recorded by Tennessee Earnie Ford
Written by Merle Travis
You load 16 tons and what do you get
Another day older and deeper in debt
St Peter don’t ya call me cause I can’t go
I owe my soul to the company store
If you see me comin' better step aside
A lot of men didn't and a lot of men died
There was a great version of this on youtube changed to mock Boy Barry Obongo... but it was taken down... of course.
Thanks for the audio. I like your posts but love being tripped out listening on my commute while being cut off by vax roids, and avoiding cars just sitting in the road from spaced suddenlies (also vax injury I suppose)
Huh uh.. You said' Vax Roids' Beavis!! Love it!
Sounds like my local supermarket.
This format is cool. It's like a first set and second set.
When cold weather sets in and some folks don't have money for heating or cooking, that anti wood burning mindset may change. I've been wood heating, cooking for 50 years. Wood is not worth anything until you invest labor, buy tools, transport, shelter form rain and snow. Wet wood doesn't work. I built my power splitter many years ago from junkyard parts. It took many skills and the machine shop I built, welding, etc. Good luck to those who studied liberal dance interpretation.
You so right ! Had my log burner since 2008 . My neighbours took the piss but their attitude has changed now , especially here in the UK where gas and electric are 3 times higher now. I get wood for nothing ( I'm very lucky),
but I would never pay for it as the woods provide enough for people to source it. If anyone says that's stealing , tell them to fuck off ( especially dog walkers who put their shit in bags and throw it into the trees). They are the pricks who I would like to put on the fire. Anyway , wood burners are the best investment in my opinion . Fuck the green agenda. A log decaying emits more C02 than being burnt. People believe shit and never research the facts. Can't wait for the crash so that the normies realise that life is a big fat lie, especially the vaxtards who took the Jew Juice !
I've always thought that roadsise wood or walking in the woods, wood, should be allowed to be picked and burned. Here in Australia it's illegal to take wood even from the roadside - if you get caught. Far better that than it lies to be part of a big summer fire. The price of wood to burn here is reaching the same as burning electricity unless you have a free source. Eucalyptus burns the best and the cleanest. We used to have a large wood stove and it heated almost the whole house and the cat loved it. We decided not to go that road again because the wood is so expensive now.
You guys need to kick the commies out and take your country back.
Hah we wish!
Clif you are the best, Thanks so much for all you do explaining this fuckery going on!
Clif, you are one of the only comforting humans on this planet.
Clif you’re the best - you’re explanation gives us hope - btw - you’re recent discussion with dr lee merritt was top notch and unbeatable - “mabuhay” 🥰
Milda, where can I find the discussion with dr lee merritt?
Their works can be found at Bitchute, Rumble & Telegram
You’re welcome Cissy - their work were uploaded by different truthers at those channels.
Thank you Milda
I'm old- mid 60's-but I have a wonderful, challenging and bright future of personal growth, knowledge, learning new skills and finding ways to serve others in a meaningful way. Of course, I owe people like Clif a debt of gratitude for helping me see this, and many other things. He, and others, have worked very hard to bring so much to us, in the way of knowledge and understanding. Quite amazing, if you think about it.
I lived in Panama for 8 years and met my wonderful Panamanian alma gamela there who is now my wife for 12 years. I learned to appreciate the Spanish language, especially its nuances such as the word esposas. I also have a tia loca or 3 there and a family that think I am extranjero.
Her mother said I was stealing her daughter from her so I promised to share her daughter with her which I did until her death, so I kept my promise to her mother.
Esposas are wives or handcuffs which is more than a little interesting why that is.
Almas gamelas are twin souls which my wife and I certainly are. 'Abre su mente' sounds like magical words when pronounced with a Spanish accent, but only mean open your mind.
No doubt many similar phrases in Latin do the same thing for the catholic church which most Latin countries just so happen to be deeply entrenched in. Not a coincidence.
I could easily move back there and get citizenship but with the horrible way they dealt with the plandemic and lock downs I am glad to not be there and will probably not live there again.
The way I rate any country to move to is how they dealt with the plandemic and lock downs.
I was way better off here than there on that criterion.
Yay - two today! :)
Yep, it's like the last piece of chocolate, do i go ahead and listen to his 2nd audio or put it off for an hour while i do some housework...then MY REWARD click on his 2nd audio and listen.
Decisions, decisions, decisions.
How about i reward myself for commenting...clicking on Clif now. Ok, I'm an immediate reward kinda person. piece of chocolate would be HISTORY by now also. :)
He usually does 2 audios on errand days- one going and one coming home.
I know right! These last couple of days I’ve been thinking, where is Cliffieee?! That’s how my friend and I call him🥰
Live long and prosper!
did you know that Leonard Nimoy was from a line of Rabbis, and the thing he did with his hands is done by the Rabbi speaking a blessing/prayer over the congregation?
Uncle Clif High ! You are the MacDaddy of all Huckleberries!! Much Love and prosper InshAllah!
"Blob of protoplasm," had my blob buckling over!! You're the meme man Clif.
Honestly, Darwin is guilty of dubbing humanity as animals by his theory pulled out of his sphincter.
He observed orangutangs and pronounced them our ancestors. This con started with him in England, a British aristocrat. And Wallace.
Protoplasm or orangutans--either devaluations work for their reset.
They of course are protoplasmic gods!
thank you Cliff love your drive along videos
Not saying we should not burn wood but also you should know dead wood is important for forest life in a natural forest. You don't need to clean a forest that is natural, it keeps itself clean and dead wood is very important for many living organisms. But yeah it's a big problem that 90% of the environmental movement which initially was about respect for life was totally hijacked by the crazy climate hoax. During this time destruction of life on Earth-not only human life- goes forward through intensive "agribusiness", toxic pesticides, GMOs and gene drives and all the other crap. The problem is air, water and soil pollution as well as destruction of living species is a real thing but now environmentalist watch only is already obligatory for 3 years olds in France (called preschool but why the difference its 8 hours per say indoctrination). And the no future is already affecting all of us with about 50% of people being diagnosed with depression and on prescription drugs...Let's take our LIVES and OUR PLANET back!
Chemtrails are killing the planet and all life on it yet no one talks about it. Clif, will these operations die with the dollar?
We absolutely have to get our respective legislatures to make our states NO SPRAY ZONEs!
well good luck with that- since we can't get them to stop doing things we don't want and they do nothing that we do want.
Well I never said it was going to be easy. Twitter is GREAT for public embarrassment and pointing out hypocrisy with receipts. It worked to get rid of ERIC in Florida, so we might well watch the state become the first No Spray Zone. Ya never know.
I absolutely think it is worthwhile goal- my comment may have come off as snarky. Maybe getting more people to listen to Dane Wiginton & Jim Lee would wake some up. Probably others as well, who have been doing this work for many years. I think one group is called geoengineering (or something like that). You're right about twit too. It's a whole different world from that day I opened an an account a couple of years ago- then got locked out within the first 12 hours. Heard he has changed the name of the company to "X", in prep for the addition of payment system and other features. Will be interesting to see where that goes.
Thanks. Anyway, no worries. I didn't think you were snarky at all. I am well aware of Dane Wigington and saw his documentary, etc.. He and others like Elana Freeland have done yeoman's work to PROVE what's happening but won't go further: to stop it. And he won't use his numbers to support others who are taking the steps toward solution. The only way I see for states to go forward is to declare themselves No Spray Zones. I've done a lot of observation and investigation about this spraying and made ranting vids for years. State legislatures CAN stop it. We who know how serious this is have to break their balls constantly and remind them that only bad parents don't make use of their legislative opportunity to stop the spraying.
The states that do not pay for spraying to mitigate climate change will have severe bad weather, lots of it. It's a shakedown.
Hit the legislators in their claims of being good parents while tweeting them Dane's docu and telling them you want your state to be a No Spray Zone.
Yes indeed, and check this out about the San Vicente migration station in the Darien. Here is how the migration scam is working and a great boots on the gound video!
And now the latest breaking news is that the DHS was caught red handed and embarrassed by this exposure so they are back peddling on this.
Maybe try The Sovereign Project?
Thank you. I've bookmarked the pages. Looks VERY interesting. Will check it out thoroughly later today. Maybe we can form a coalition across Florida. Thanks again!
The weather might have something to say about that. Can you still use the word 'weather' or is it all climate change, or something these days?
It is all controlled. Saw a couple of the planes on the ground at OKC Airport about 10 years ago. Older passenger planes, about 707 size, completely painted over (windows too) with gray primer, no tail numbers, no markings at all. Had heavy hoses coming from a hangar trailing out and into the back emergency door on the plane. There are interior shots of the spray equipment online, or used to be. Just barrels and hoses.
Accepting pharma is a choice- and not a good one. SOOO many other ways to deal with depression- fresh air, doing something productive, eating properly, many herbal and homeopathic remedies, sunshine, green grass. Accept pharma options, you will have consequences.
Thank God I live in Florida🙏 where I have lots of sunshine (not this week though, it’s been raining and windy non stop), beautiful beaches, very active life style🙌🏻
You folks have tons of must not look up very often. I watch several Florida videographers daily and see the sky in their pics...chemtrails everywhere...
Not really. I live on the beach and bike every day I can and I know very well the difference between clouds and chemtrails. We don’t get “tons” of it, nope. We go days with clear, beautiful blue skies. Granted, these last couple of days we had weather manipulation big time.
PS. I look up to the sky first thing when I wake up, not looking for chemtrails but to thank God for another day🙏
It depends on where you live. We are near ShnCityCenter Florida and we get sprayed most days!!!
Most cases will respond to having magnesium topped up, and use of 5HTP, tryptophan, lithium orotate, phosphatidyl serine, benfotiamine, cod liver oil, L-theanine, or combinations thereof. Our soils are depleted, and people eat too much highly processed junk, so are lacking vital nutrients.
Yes it is a choice, though many don't use their abilities to use critical thinking in making those decisions as they don't do any research into the poisonous products being peddled to them, even though the TV advertising warns them, even though it might be at auctioneer speed when stating the side effects
What's worse are those that don't have the choice meaning the children and animals now. Not sure if you know or seen this article, but it's disconserting.
Lions and tigers and bears (and many other animals) are "dying suddenly" in zoos worldwide
Given the nature of living in captivity for these animals, it's not surprising that they would have more health problems than in the wild- they may not understand depression and poor nutrition, but they certainly suffer from many of the same ills as we do.
Yes but it's the forced jabs they're being subjected to that they have no choice in, and they too have been dying suddenly, a lot of them giraffes. Why on God's earth would they need to inject caged animals, to protect them, the zoo keepers, or who exactly?
Bc they're sick mofos
Well that's true, but there has to be more to it than that. We know why they want to inject our food and us for depopulation and culling of the masses, but why Zoo animals? Hell why our pets for that matter.
yes for example dolphins and orcas in captivity live twice shorter than normal. Its just like a human being kept in a cage for whole life. After all maybe its better for them to die than to live in such conditions. I would prefer dying personally
I prefer stopping these mad scientists. Who gave them the right to kill?
Definitely but there is a clear and obvious strong push now for psycho drugs and making depression a "new normal" phenomena that science will help you to live with... After the jabs, something less obvious- to help you cope with daily life...And about sunshine, the sky in Europe was totally covered with chemclouds all this winter, I counted around 7 days of seeing the sun in 6 months. So hard to not get depressed. Anyway spring is there finally, who survived the winter has a chance to make it...
the Amerindians kept their forest floors clean by doing controlled burns; they looked like parklands to the early European settlers. Easier to see the deer and chase people.
Spot on, Clif! thank you for everything you are doing!
Clif certainly need not apologize to me for his "natter". Natter matters, especially when it's so smattered with information and a positive outlook. Thank you Clif!
Thanks Clif