The Naked Bible was a great starting point for going down this rabbit hole. Finding more and more as I go.

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Oct 21, 2022·edited Oct 21, 2022

I am reading this book too. I wish I could read Latin, Greek, Sanskrit etc...this way I could see for myself what was written. Not that I do not trust Biglino, but it would make me feel more at ease. Even then, who knows what the truth is. These Kazarians and others seem to find it amusing to put shit in our heads. Aliens.

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Ahhhh, Clif. You stepped on a lot of toes today. I don’t subscribe to any religion, but that doesn’t mean I don’t believe we are all connected and are part of this universe. Interesting to see the reactions, though.

I was surprised when you pointed out that the Jews never mentioned the pyramids in Egypt. Since I am not a Bible scholar, I decided to ask several Christians (and a Jew) about what was said about pyramids in the Bible.

Those who responded said they were not mentioned. Not mentioned!! The elephant in the living room is not mentioned, but the religious don’t seem to think anything is odd about this. What??

This reminds me of people who believe that viruses are real and they don’t require any proof of that. Just be-LIE-ve. Their beloved authority figures told them they exist, so that settles that. No need for evidence. A story will suffice. The best storytellers have the biggest following, don’t they?

As for the Jain religion, I find it interesting to hear about what they believe, but as I said, I do not do religion, the Great Divider. Seems most religions are correct part of the time. It’s the other part that I have an issue with.

Life on Mars? I am going to need evidence for that, as I do with everything else. Not completely discarding the idea yet, but it will need a lot of evidence to back it up.

It seems that nearly every day now, something about our past human history is uncovered. It’s important to not make immediate assumptions about what we see. There needs to be discernment and a willingness to analyze a multitude of possibilities before guessing what we are looking at. It’s like trying to complete a million-piece puzzle and most of the pieces are still missing, but no one knows what the picture on the box looks like.

So, we need to keep looking at our history and when our brilliant assumptions turn into implausible or impossible explanations, we best discard those ideas and keep looking. We might just need more of those missing pieces.

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we are just starting to get into "fake history" reveals, they all come down when Toto pulls the screen to see Oz ranting (WEFFERS) and wailing with smoke n mirrors... Kansas in technicolour soon

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as a student of "truth" (that has changed over the years with my search) i discounted all religions that have no eternal footprint, that have only emerged in the Kali Yuga or last 5000 years without more ancient references.

The pyramids are baffling until we ignore the history given and SEE what our eyes and imperial senses and science tells us. The Sphinx is older than pyramids by 100,000s of years, has vertical weathering and horizontal sea-weathering.

When Christians go deeper they will see that divine spark and the relationship they seek in their soul sincerely is so close but so far away by the wrong "only God above all" Name.

Names are important. Khazarians are "Name stealers" after all, let's remember them by their old names too.

In "Australia" they have done this with all the names creating a hodge-podge.

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Who said there was sand or that it was exposed the whole time? I know it's been repaired more than a few times, too.

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To be fair, the biblical account of Jews in Egypt is limited to their arrival (final chapters of Genesis) and their departure (opening chapters of Exodus).

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But wasn’t Joseph supposedly in Egypt for years? That the pyramids were not mentioned seems suspicious. They are one of the world’s biggest curiosities. Your comments seem to want to minimize the significance of this omission.

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Or maybe they were never enslaved in Egypt?

Acharya S was a comparative mythologist who was also a polyglot in several ancient languages. She found no evidence that Moses existed. The story of Horus’s “birth” is quite similar to the story of Moses’s “birth”. These stories, according to comparative mythologists, were astrotheological in nature.

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"Life on Mars? I am going to need evidence for that, as I do with everything else. Not completely discarding the idea yet, but it will need a lot of evidence to back it up."


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I heard that the grand canyon on Mars coincides with the grand canyon on earth. Maybe a directed energy weapon wiped out both civilizations.

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The Grand Canyon was most likely created by a very high intensity plasma discharge. There have been many catastrophic events on our home planet during its existence.

What could cause such an event? Some have speculated that it would need to be celestial in nature, possibly from a disruption in our solar system involving the sun or another planet.

The Grand Canyon has all the signatures of an electrical event, most notably a Lichtenberg figure (lightning-like fractal) that can easily be identified on Google maps. Most of the materials that are missing in the scar would have been vaporized.

Valles Marineris, on Mars, also has the signature of a high-intensity plasma discharge. David Talbot and Wal Thornhill speculated that Mars and Earth, during a change in our solar system, had such an encounter that caused the catastrophic event.

You are on the right track by thinking high energy, but to create such large-scale results would have required far more than what any weapon could produce.

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Does anyone else ever have problems with the “like” button? Sometimes I can hit it over and over and it never changes.

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All the time with the like button...lol You have to be patient with it, I've found.

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Yes I did one like and couldn’t do others

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Simon Shack at tychos.space

Mars is our Sun's binary.

I love David and Wal's work too, but Simon's hit the missing nail on the head.

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Yes, according to that theory. I find it much more plausible than Copernican’s and the flat earth theory. It seems to remove the nonsense from both of those.

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Agreed! I'd been searching for just such a thing. I'm sick of the nonsense of the big black hole bangers. lol

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Interesting. I think much more will come out about the past that will either prove or disprove some of ancient technologies. The Grand Canyon, IMO, is likely too large for a human causation, so I guess we will have to wait for more research results to obtain more evidence. Good for you for thinking out of the box.

I do think it’s good to think more broadly for what we don’t yet understand and then dig deeper until we find more evidence that supports that, or that changes the direction towards a better explanation. Since we weren’t there, we are better served to have more, rather than less evidence.

Great find on the found ship. I wonder why it was never reclaimed?

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THE TYCHOS - our Geoaxial Binary System (2nd Edition - March 2022)

by Simon Shack

Go read and enjoy!


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For me, the face on Mars is one piece of reasonably compelling evidence. There are other NASA photos from Mars that are quite interesting as well

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You’re right, Clif: This Christian doesn’t like what you’re saying – at least about this topic. Every day I look to see if there’s something new from you. Turned this one off after a few minutes. I understand – your forum, your freedom. For those of us who don’t like it, turn it off. Till next time…

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Same here .. turned the old man off after a few minutes of his BS. It never ceases to amaze me how “smart” some people are and yet are so deceived into their “ reincarnation “ beliefs .

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How do you know reincarnation is not real? What about psychics that can communicate with people who have died an can actually see what has lived before? Do you think yoy know everything? Is my religion the only one that is correct your answer?

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Psychics and mediums communicate with familiar spirits which are fallen Angels. This has nothing to do with “knowing everything” The word of God tells us our origins and the plan of God in the future. The sad reality is that most of humanity has bought into the lie that they are their own god. How arrogant of man to think this when he can’t understand how oxygen is created. The fool says in his heart there is no God.

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How do you know all this stuff?

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Because I know God and I study His Word .

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How do you know they are fallen angels. Being able to commune with family and people who have passed on makes me think k that they are not fallen angels.

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It’s clear in the word of God. I don’t rely upon my own wisdom. However if you follow this teaching that we can communicate with the dead etc you will eventually suffer the affects of the lie as I have and many others who have come out of it

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Did you have a conversation with GOD or do you just have faith in your belief system?

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self-cancelled lack or fake belief culture

"the test of a truly advanced culture/society is whether they are be able to hold 2 opposed ideas in one's consideration at the same time". Walk n chew bro.

Faith is for the knowingly committed, beliefs are for the fakers and timid.

# layers of ignorance and complicity

1. Innocent - unwilling, unknown unknowing, could never have known

2. Naiive - willingly known unknowing, happy not to know

3. Ignorant - wilfully unknowing, promoting unknowing as knowing

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See ya on the flip side... maybe

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if you want the truth of God, we must be prepared to surrender ALL of our precious illusions. Conditional surrender is one thing but surrender to a lie is only going to lead to confusion and inability to escape the cave of Plato.

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Be on the "Bark of Peter."

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I understand your feelings. I listen to what Cliff has to say. But I disagree with him on some things including Flat Earth. Flat Earth is mentioned numerous times in the Bible. Werner Van Braun put Psalms 19 verse 1 on his headstone. The translation you want is the one that mentions the firmament.

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Agreed Ken, I wish Clif would open his eyes to FE or this plane we live in. Still too many things we don’t, but we definitely know space is fake. Byrd said it best, “the lands beyond Antarctica larger than North America” Sounds interesting would love to check it out one day.

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problem is, with Clif and with many people, that they are entirely too vested in the globe earth hurtling through space paradigm, due to all the movies and novels and the romance of the whole SciFi genre. They are too in love with the SciFi paradigm to smash it, in order to find the Truth.

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Nope. We're not hurtling through space, but we are somewhat circular. We must be...Simon's got the right idea. Enjoy his book for free!


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Here is another alternative to the current paradigm of our solar system and FE: https://www.tychos.info/

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Here I've been going through the comments and trying to well, you beat me to it!

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The firmament mention is interesting since it indicates Van Braun was in on the fraud. The Earth is flat and NASA spends Billions a year to convince us otherwise.lolol. The joke is on the heliocentric universe believers. Thier's is a religion based on faith and zero evidence.

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Reification fallacies. Not proof. There is no observation of curvature ever conducted to match the given formula of 8 in per mile squared on a 25,000 mile circumstance equator. Laser experiments prove flat Earth. This video will help you out with your confusion. https://youtu.be/wAi3zlCesps

If you do think you can come up with proof, David Weiss has some Bitcoins for you. But Eric Dubay's 200 proofs will make your task of providing proof very challenging indeed. https://youtu.be/jiUlIsT5YoQ

Look carefully at Southern Hemisphere flight paths around proofs #40 - 45.

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It’s always good to ponder different ideas/thoughts/insights or whatever you want to call them. You can listen. You don’t have to agree with them

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Listening is one thing. To agree or disagree without doing one's own investigation, due diligence smacks of lazy, willful ignorance. We have far too much of that in the world these days. To wit, lining up to take an untested injection because one listened to so called "authorities." Worse yet, they put their young children in line for what Dr. Zelenko termed the "poison death shot."

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Yes that's why I say you don't have to agree but like you say you do have to do your own research and use some commonsense or insight into what you have heard People either heard, then listened (without doing due diligence) to what authorities said about these injections while others heard but didn't listen Perhaps I should have said 'hear' up there as there is a difference. You know, how you have heard a husband say to his wife 'I heard you" and she replies ' but you didn't listen', listening with intent of understanding.

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NASA Reference Publication 1207 Derivation and Definition

of a Linear Aircraft Model references...

"This report details the development of the linear model of a rigid aircraft of constant mass, flying over a

fiat, nonrotating earth."

Assuming a "flat nonrotating earth?" A rather in your face statement don't you think?

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NASA documents indicate rigid aircraft flying over a "flat nonrotating earth." Mentioned 4 times in this document alone. And this is only one among many.


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I like clif’s newsletters Don’t know much about NASA and the flat earth discoveries being discussed at the moment. Just one more thing to ponder

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Eric Dubay has written several books on the topic that he has narrated into videos posted on YouTube.

I find that many Flat Earthers tend to be Christains and believe in the Bible. Not a bad crowd to be associated with in my opinion.

Young people seem to be coming around to the idea of FE. Check TikTok to find them. Perhaps there is hope for humanity.

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thank you

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If oblate. If? That document is from 1972. Later NASA documents indicate an assumption of a flat nonrotating earth. But we know that NASA lies about everything (for example the moon landings). And the gullible brainwashed public laps it up. Clif calls them "normies."

More and more people, especially young people from around the world are waking up; rejecting their public indoctrination and thinking for themselves. It's refreshing. Many are posting their awakenings on TikTok.

One simple observation we can make for ourselves is to analyze crepuscular rays when we observe the sun's rays filtering through clouds. If the sun were millions of miles away, the rays would be nearly parallel instead of angular as we observe. It is estimated from applying trigonometry to the angles of the rays and approximating the length of one side of the triangle that the sun is no more than 5 thousand miles away. Probably less. If we have been lied to about the distance to the sun, it stands to reason that we have been lied to about other things as well.

I think people have three basic positions on flat earth and other topics.

1. Normies who are stuck in their brainwashing, comfortable in what they think they know, not wanting to explore truth on their own. They lack intellectual curiosity and are happy to let others do their thinking for them. Rather than search for truth in earnest, they seek to find confirmation bias for their psychosis.

2. Those who begin seeing through their brainwashing, deciding for themselves that they want to know the truth and seek for it in their daily lives.

3. And lastly, those who know the truth, but are what I call "defenders of the status quo." They may belong to secret societies, or are simply paid shills. They claim authority when debunking narratives counter to officialdom's dogma.

The search for truth is a never ending journey. New information that comes available may cause us to reject theories or change our thinking on a given topic. The scientific method applied appropriately means science is never settled. However the journey is complicated by those who are staunch defenders of widely accepted narratives, unwilling to change their views when new information is presented. Graham Hancock speaks about academics who have invested their lives in their careers and resist having their "illusions shattered."

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If we never went to the moon, NASA can't be trusted for any mission they claim to fly.

We are escaping their brainwashing. Will you join us, or choose remain stuck in the matrix, defending the status narrative?

https://www.bitchute.com/video/E44AiCwN5sFo/ via BitChute

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I know exactly how you feel about some of his opinions, I find myself not tuning in much anymore to see what he say.

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Just finished reading all of the previous comments. My conclusion is ~ how can so many people who believe in God/Creator not accept that other people have their own opinions and that those opinions aren't theirs. Why all of the judgement here? I do believe The Christ professed, judge not lest you be judged. And, my word, such vehement judgement is expressed here in these comments. There is no attack going on here, you don't have to defend your belief, no one is challenging it.

Those who employ love, compassion & fortitude of spirit are those who move mountains. Peace xoxo

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Well said Clif and so very interesting. There are at least two of us (in America) who think this way… 😂 #notbrainwashed

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I make it three who think this way.

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Four! :)

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Yo, Michelle--and with me it's at least four!!!

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Okay. Five. :D

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Maybe 3? I love the rabbit holes Clif takes us down. Wish I could see his library!

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Wouldn’t that be amazing!

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Let me get this straight you denigrate the Scriptures as presented but you want us to believe this so-called JAIN religion and what they have to say about cosmology? You have no idea what you’re talking about you’re so diluted is beyond even reasoning with you.

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We live in a complete false reality and you still think the bible edited by kings is somehow sacred. Reality is a grift. Scriptures are a document of every changing control. Good lord, they started with the year one 2022 years ago. Can you say great reset....but but but that was different...right..

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Exactly. If the Bible was the word of God, we would not be allowed to have a copy. All truth is under lock and key, but that may change.

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No and that's not what he said. So, you didn't get it straight at all. But then the rest of us could take a wild guess as to why that is.

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I think he is just saying theirs dates back 700000 years. Hebrew/Christian aspect only pertains to last 7 thousand years. What would Jains think about Christianity. Is everyone else wrong if you are correct. Their is room for more than one account of history. We all live in different parts of thus world.

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Pretty sure that's not what he said but go your own way.

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Do you mean "deluded"? I think that's what you meant right? Cuz "diluted" means dissolved in water.

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it is hard to scrutinise one's beliefs when they underpin one's view of reality and are the weft and warf of its' fabric/matrix, the warm blanket of mother/maya.... flat earth, bible, money, lack and separation....paying to exist....all accepted lies from liars. yet the Supreme Truth is crawling around in the courtyard of Nanda Maharaja getting dirty hands and knees stealing butter and hearts...unconcerned about our chosen adventures in dreams within His external extended reality.

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That be some esoteric word salad there, partner

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take what you can...that interests

the main purpose of salad is the dressing not the fibre :-) getting the good oils in

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Homestead Land Bank idea has merits.

In "Australia Inc." we have a situation emerging of rights to property, as the Original Sovereign discuss what living options we have to go forward post colonial/company fraud.

I propose through "SovereignTree" that we have and maintain our Estates, that we may inhabit for ongoing leases for our families, relationship and caretakers with land and community. Not a right to land for that is reserved by the Tribes in our case. Right to use. Vacant possession (land salvage) and squatter's rights were a thing of the past but may well come back into vogue. The Tribes do not accept the english "Common Law" assertions of property rights, but that the people belong to the land.

I was seeing a documentary yesterday of a Texan lady visiting Portland Oregon and seeing the effects of the states' "open hard drug use policy", homelessness, crime slum that it is - the despair. The state has legalised usage but not provided any appropriate living support for their choice to allow open hard drug use. Just go for it.

The mayor is talking about shanty camps outside of town....how about appropriate resources for care, rehabilitation, counselling and appropriate housing?

I was musing ... what is freedom if you don't know responsibility, what is law if we don't hold its value? Perhaps we need to make a "zone of whatever" within or near each such city that has its' "sin" issues put it all together like Las Vegas, or that woke free-zone failure, a block or two where it is complete lawlessness, with no outside laws and no outside services, but its activities must not transgress that zones' boundary. We can only hope to contain such criminal and self harmful souls if we do not use lawful laws rightly, give them a place to go and leave the rest of us alone, but should they set one foot in our realm with their nonsense and they're toast. A self-excluding ring of voluntary containment, all the business goes to where there's permission and no moral resistance.

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I was in this group 11 years ago one of the original group planning.

Totally agree with your stance on homelessness and the petty-minded, argumentative self-serving "civil servants" of local and state governments who are patch-minders, little tyrants and cowards - usually woke.

Our camp of hundreds fed everybody day and night for 8 days straight from our volunteer kitchen (made up of donations, dumpster diving and collections from restaurants), the homeless has a home and company, the cops on the beat loved it "some life in the city" they said, till the beating cops/dogs loved us up a wee bit more.

We educated all people day and night, we tried to organise, we held marches and rallies. WE OCCUPIED the centre of the city, what used to be called City Square, which used to be a thing when I was growing up but the pragmatic '90's saw the sale of everything the people owned or used. The media slandered us, planted rubbish to film, created false flags and so much infiltration constantly.

We need organisation, effective and agreed decisions making tools/processes and proper delegations. Planned devolution intends anarchy with nwo/a.i. as the proposed solution - which humans reject out of hand. Self Responsibility is a tall ask for some but for others it is natural and self-evident. So there is individual distinction and gradation in all things and people which may never be controlled or restricted and is also natural. We may grow and we may devolve towards decay, collectively and/or individually without fear or favour, each of us are having their journey of free will, some cherish and revere, some eschew and delegate, both impulses have consequences.

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Hello Humans.... WOO

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Clif......don't forget the pyramids (a whole city) off of the southwestern coast of Cuba. That place (under water) is HUGE!! Dark Journalist has done extensive shows on this/Atlantis/'The Hot Zone'.

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There's another one off the coast of Portugal - and hundreds in China that are ignored. Also one in Alaska that is off-limits by US military. The dang things are everywhere - except continental US (so far). Read Graham Hancock's "Underworld."

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This last episode of DJ was fun with John Warner, they covered a lot of turf.

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Good work Clif.

I am a survivor of multi Christian belief systems. I have a degree in Theology and was enslaved to the "Man of God" syndrome, and "Thus saith the LORD". The "Gods of Eden" by William Bradley was the crack in the brainwashing that lasted for decades. Regardless of the folks that are staunch in their beliefs, keep stirring up the pot of muddied perceptions. A good questions to ask is... "Who am I, Why am I here and What is my purpose?" The labyrinth journey to who we really are awaits us all outside of "ORGANIZED RELIGION". If God is life and energy, then WHY does GOD have to be organized?

You're the bomb, Bro

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Thank you for your comment. I am a survivor too. Just a truth seeker now.

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Good for you Barb. Once you get past the fear and sin consciousness you are free for what resonate with you as it should be. Welcome home.

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deletedOct 21, 2022·edited Oct 21, 2022
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Donna, In contemplation of what your reply was to my comment, I have a question. Why does Christianity objectify God with human characteristics if God is, "Love and Spirit?" It smells of human influence on defining who and what God is. If you are referring tho the God of the "good book", That God hates women, kills babies and has done more genocide in the name of righteous indignation. That God is the one you give your surrender to and is capricious. It sounds like that God is very insecure and hateful. IMO Jehovah is a coward and attacks from behind. You might look beyond the "Good Book" and in to the stars from which he came and has enslaved humanity to this day. When all is revealed, every major religion and its dedicated enslaved followers, with such emotional betrayal, will fall to their knees in horror.

Time to wake up.

I do have a connection to my Holy Spirit, the Mysterious One, and love the journey to freedom and being a creator myself, making known the unknown. That is why I am here.

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Donna, I am content with the knowledge I have, experiences lived and the wisdom gained. Thanks for sharing.

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Love hearing from you Uncle Clif! Your audio and video chats have helped me immensely as I was injured on the job several years ago and have difficulty reading as a result. You’re explanations and descriptions and very much appreciated and bring me much hope. Thanks!

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Hey uncle Clif. Always appreciate your talks. Curious if you could write a column on the crust displacement? I can't fully wrap my head around it., I sort of understand. Just need clarification.

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Do you have a link to what he said he posted, the something or something he talked about in the beginning of this talk. The pole shifts or magnetic displacements I too would like clarification.

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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022

Thanks for your efforts, Clif. Hi all, I hope you're all holding up alright. I may need to come back to this one because it seems right up my alley and needs at least coffee to pay proper attention to and no be in bed with an antsy dog needing a morning walk having a whinge.

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Brilliant Clif. Can't stop laughing about the woman with a dick. Is that why

Barry Obama worships Michael because that thing has a dick and a big pair of gonads . Saw a YouTube video where Michael had loose jogging bottoms on and when he/she got in the SUV you could see the nuts swinging around. They were like two ferrets in a sack, unbelievable ! Also you mentioned from the past that big Barry Obuma is fanatical about an Egyptian pharaoh , that looks like him from a previous life. I must admit , it does have a striking resemblance . There is one thing that is certain too me , his lover Michael has a cock . That is a man. Barry and Michael were college mates along with Bill Gates. People have posted pictures with them walking together . Weird bunch aren't they ?

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No you're not a normie, you're down the rabbit hole with us. Nothing wrong in waking up. The hardest part is knowing that everything needs to be questioned . It's horrible at first but you get use to it as time goes on. Remember , you're not alone . More people are realising the crap that has been portrayed to them is nothing more than deception . The cabal are masters in this but the pendulum is changing too our awareness . We know many ( not all of them) who pull the strings but the scissors are starting to cut. Stay woo, as Clif says.

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Jesus was transliterated from the Hebrew name Joshua, not Joseph.

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Correct. From the Jewish "Yeshua". Joseph was his father.

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So The Big Bang is Big Bullshit. Expando Earth is the new narradym. I bet the expando Earth is a clue to flat Earth. And space aliens are civilizations in Antartica. Those lands Admiral Byrd talked about in his Longines interview.

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"I bet the expando Earth is a clue to flat Earth"

Yes, flat earth is a psyop to distract people from growing earth.

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Since no one can provide evidence that the Earth is a spinning globe, I doubt Flat Earth is a psyop. The psyop is the Globe Earth model, intended to hide the existence of a loving God.

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There is no scientific model of fat earth. Period. Cartoons that don't work.

Globe earth DOES have a working scientific model.

Also zero flat earth whistlblowers

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Apparently you missed the numerous Buzz Aldrin admissions that we have never been to the moon. No moon landings means NASA cannot be trusted about anything.

NASA has a huge budget that enables them to keep the "heliocentric" charade going in spite of ample evidence to the contrary. The globe Earth working model works fine if you ignore observations proving it fails. But the Globe Earth "religion" is hard to give up.

The fact that no independent explorers are allowed to explore Antarctica tells me all I need to know. They are hiding something.

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The Bible mentions flat Earth and the Firmament hundreds of times. The heliocentric model contradicts the Bible. So does the Big Bang theory and the theory of evolution.

Of course Bob A. likes to hurl insults at Flat Earthers. If the evidence is inarguable, resort to insulting the source. We see this method used by the liberals all the time when they have no supportable argument.

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They are regurgitating what that grifter Weiss says. The ditrh dork. He says tptb are hiding God

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Grifter, Ditrh Dork? When you have no argument, insult the source. A common liberal tactic.

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Did you miss Clif talking about the expando Earth theory?

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It was briefly mentioned here, but he has spoken about it in the past.

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Here is an interesting expanding universe theory.


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I don't believe we will ever know what we need to know until independent exploration is allowed in Antarctica. If you have never listened to Ewar try this video at about 3:41 minutes in. https://rumble.com/vsmcth-the-lost-history-of-flat-earth-full-documentary-by-ewar.html

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Funny how the heliocentric believers always try to challenge Flat Earth theory rather than offer proofs of heliocentric theory. Considering NASA's budget they should have been able to show some proof by now don't you think?

And any experiment done in Antarctica is suspect because it cannot be replicated by independent researchers as they are not allowed to go there.

Eric Dubay has provided numerous proofs that the Earth is not a spinning globe. He has written several books on the subject and narrated them into videos.


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Michael Tsarian's sidereal theology , I bet, fits in with the Jane philosophy -- as Christian religion is based on it , it seems . I am just starting to learn about it. Michael has a website - unslaved.com - lots of good info on history and what is really going on today.

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or maybe it is called 'astro theology'

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Also .. if interested - check out 'Asha Logos' on Odysee -- great research into 'lost' history and ideas of how we recreate our world - our culture

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Michael is well worth listening to. Oracles and Origins is a tour de force. Not that I'm saying every last thing he says is gospel.

As regards the oft quoted 'it's all astro theology', there is a further question that few ask. WHAT is astro-theology based upon.

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