The Naked Bible was a great starting point for going down this rabbit hole. Finding more and more as I go.

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Ahhhh, Clif. You stepped on a lot of toes today. I don’t subscribe to any religion, but that doesn’t mean I don’t believe we are all connected and are part of this universe. Interesting to see the reactions, though.

I was surprised when you pointed out that the Jews never mentioned the pyramids in Egypt. Since I am not a Bible scholar, I decided to ask several Christians (and a Jew) about what was said about pyramids in the Bible.

Those who responded said they were not mentioned. Not mentioned!! The elephant in the living room is not mentioned, but the religious don’t seem to think anything is odd about this. What??

This reminds me of people who believe that viruses are real and they don’t require any proof of that. Just be-LIE-ve. Their beloved authority figures told them they exist, so that settles that. No need for evidence. A story will suffice. The best storytellers have the biggest following, don’t they?

As for the Jain religion, I find it interesting to hear about what they believe, but as I said, I do not do religion, the Great Divider. Seems most religions are correct part of the time. It’s the other part that I have an issue with.

Life on Mars? I am going to need evidence for that, as I do with everything else. Not completely discarding the idea yet, but it will need a lot of evidence to back it up.

It seems that nearly every day now, something about our past human history is uncovered. It’s important to not make immediate assumptions about what we see. There needs to be discernment and a willingness to analyze a multitude of possibilities before guessing what we are looking at. It’s like trying to complete a million-piece puzzle and most of the pieces are still missing, but no one knows what the picture on the box looks like.

So, we need to keep looking at our history and when our brilliant assumptions turn into implausible or impossible explanations, we best discard those ideas and keep looking. We might just need more of those missing pieces.

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You’re right, Clif: This Christian doesn’t like what you’re saying – at least about this topic. Every day I look to see if there’s something new from you. Turned this one off after a few minutes. I understand – your forum, your freedom. For those of us who don’t like it, turn it off. Till next time…

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Just finished reading all of the previous comments. My conclusion is ~ how can so many people who believe in God/Creator not accept that other people have their own opinions and that those opinions aren't theirs. Why all of the judgement here? I do believe The Christ professed, judge not lest you be judged. And, my word, such vehement judgement is expressed here in these comments. There is no attack going on here, you don't have to defend your belief, no one is challenging it.

Those who employ love, compassion & fortitude of spirit are those who move mountains. Peace xoxo

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Well said Clif and so very interesting. There are at least two of us (in America) who think this way… 😂 #notbrainwashed

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Let me get this straight you denigrate the Scriptures as presented but you want us to believe this so-called JAIN religion and what they have to say about cosmology? You have no idea what you’re talking about you’re so diluted is beyond even reasoning with you.

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Hello Humans.... WOO

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Clif......don't forget the pyramids (a whole city) off of the southwestern coast of Cuba. That place (under water) is HUGE!! Dark Journalist has done extensive shows on this/Atlantis/'The Hot Zone'.

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Good work Clif.

I am a survivor of multi Christian belief systems. I have a degree in Theology and was enslaved to the "Man of God" syndrome, and "Thus saith the LORD". The "Gods of Eden" by William Bradley was the crack in the brainwashing that lasted for decades. Regardless of the folks that are staunch in their beliefs, keep stirring up the pot of muddied perceptions. A good questions to ask is... "Who am I, Why am I here and What is my purpose?" The labyrinth journey to who we really are awaits us all outside of "ORGANIZED RELIGION". If God is life and energy, then WHY does GOD have to be organized?

You're the bomb, Bro

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Love hearing from you Uncle Clif! Your audio and video chats have helped me immensely as I was injured on the job several years ago and have difficulty reading as a result. You’re explanations and descriptions and very much appreciated and bring me much hope. Thanks!

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Hey uncle Clif. Always appreciate your talks. Curious if you could write a column on the crust displacement? I can't fully wrap my head around it., I sort of understand. Just need clarification.

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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022

Thanks for your efforts, Clif. Hi all, I hope you're all holding up alright. I may need to come back to this one because it seems right up my alley and needs at least coffee to pay proper attention to and no be in bed with an antsy dog needing a morning walk having a whinge.

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Brilliant Clif. Can't stop laughing about the woman with a dick. Is that why

Barry Obama worships Michael because that thing has a dick and a big pair of gonads . Saw a YouTube video where Michael had loose jogging bottoms on and when he/she got in the SUV you could see the nuts swinging around. They were like two ferrets in a sack, unbelievable ! Also you mentioned from the past that big Barry Obuma is fanatical about an Egyptian pharaoh , that looks like him from a previous life. I must admit , it does have a striking resemblance . There is one thing that is certain too me , his lover Michael has a cock . That is a man. Barry and Michael were college mates along with Bill Gates. People have posted pictures with them walking together . Weird bunch aren't they ?

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Jesus was transliterated from the Hebrew name Joshua, not Joseph.

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So The Big Bang is Big Bullshit. Expando Earth is the new narradym. I bet the expando Earth is a clue to flat Earth. And space aliens are civilizations in Antartica. Those lands Admiral Byrd talked about in his Longines interview.

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Michael Tsarian's sidereal theology , I bet, fits in with the Jane philosophy -- as Christian religion is based on it , it seems . I am just starting to learn about it. Michael has a website - unslaved.com - lots of good info on history and what is really going on today.

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