Yay ! It’s my Birthday πŸ₯³ and I get Two doses of Uncle CLIF today. Universe Really likes meπŸ˜ŠπŸ’ƒπŸŽ

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Happy Birthday Sagitarius! I am just in a few day’s as well December 6thπŸŽπŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽˆπŸŽ‚

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i'm the 7th. Happy Birthday you guys

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Happy Birthday πŸŽ‚πŸŽˆπŸŽ‰ on the 7th.

Personally, I feel every day is my birthday. Haha πŸ˜‚

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My sister's bd is on the 7th. Happy Birthday everyone.

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My mothet's brother's cousin has a secretary whose kid's BD is on the 7th

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You have a fabulous Birthday fellow Saggie‼️πŸ₯³πŸ’•

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Happy Birthday, indeed. Just to be clear, since Clif is understanding the role of Vedanta in clarifying woo-mess, consider that by Vedic astrology, which does account for progression of equinox whereas western astrology does not, the sign shift as the equinox progresses. In this age, being born on Nov 29 by Vedic astrology makes one a Scorpio.

As I have learned more about Vedanta over the last 15-20 years, this has become more interesting. I used to think my birth sign was Capricorn, but by Vedic astology it's Saggitarius, which is much more fitting my personality.

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Interesting. Thank you for sharing this!

I’m astrologically illiterate.

Although, I have observed that both the Scorpion and the Sagittarian’ have weapons.. The Scorpion has a built in defense ( stinger) and the Sagittarian has the arrow . Which could be offensive or defensive.

I have also observed that I can often be a bit of a horses arse.!! πŸ˜‚

Many Blessings!

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Happy Belated Birthday Grace and many more.

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Thank you Starmonkey πŸ₯³

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Shake it but don't break it!


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I moved down to New Mexico when I was. 73,bought an old adobe which had to be completely remodelled so I got a 28 ft 18 year old RV to live in while the house got rehabbed I acted as General contractor, designed three additions, all of which have skylights, cement floors, metal sliding, metal roofs & 2x6 studs. no permits--- has taken over three years to work out the glitches.. Almost every worker either stole my personal possessions, screwed up a thing or two or overcharged for their "work".As the work continued into Covid time, materials got scarce, prices soared and workers disappeared. i really don"t envy you . at all Clif because people's mental health is really deteriorating. Please try to keep it simple. The guy working on my greenhouse suddenly disappeared one day with $800 he was supposed to use for materials--- set me back a while. A carpenter I hired in a hurry threatened to slash my truck tires after I criticized the crappy job he did putting up shelves in the goat shed. Being an elderly little old lady ( am now almost 77) puts one at a disadvantage-- but I do own a nifty little 357, just ordered a sharp buck knife and the book about Vital Points for lethal blows... Not terribly worried anymoreπŸ˜ΈπŸ€—πŸ₯΄

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Bear spray is better than a knife... but the knife will serve well after you have the guy on the ground, blind and crying...

THEN the fun begins! πŸ˜‹

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You can also use wasp spray. Pretty nasty stuff and easy to get.

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Good point!

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You ROCK Eunice! So sorry about the a-holes pulling that crap on you. You are now prepared to KICK AZZ!!

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My kinds gal - I would love to have yo u for a neighbor!

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Dec 1, 2023
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Maybe your pineal gland is working. A day or two before I feel and broke my hip I had a dream about my thighs being very swollen couldn't figure out what the dream meant, until a week after surgery ( and plenty of drugs, I looked down at my very swollen legs and the dream made sense. In dealing with the woo, we often get glimpses of what's ahead, but they are only snapshots.

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Hello Woo Crew! Get some fresh air and look out for Sasquatch!!😜Hee Hee! The City Municipalities are starting to go bankrupt. The high inflation and the Retirement Pyramid Scheme is starting to domino the local governments. Stay safe out there! Love you guys!πŸ₯°πŸ˜˜πŸ˜

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Seriously! It's mad out there. Stay grounded:


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Nov 30, 2023
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Yes, Jamie Dimon today: Be prepared,” he said at the 2023 New York Times DealBook Summit in New York. β€œInterest rates may go up and that might lead to recession.” Governments across the globe need more money, he said, to fund the green economy, remilitarize and to address energy crises β€” and that will all be inflationary.

We are now officially in the β€œFall”.

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Nov 30, 2023
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Therese, I meant to say, β€œSkol!” πŸ₯°

Skol (written "skΓ₯l" in Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish and "skΓ‘l" in Faroese and Icelandic or "skaal" in archaic spellings or transliteration of any of those languages) is the Danish-Norwegian-Swedish-Icelandic-Faroese word for "cheers", or "good health", a salute or a toast, as to an admired person or group.

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Well said, I absolutely agree with you! Cheers!

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Clif: Have you looked into a container home? What about a little house on wheels (they come in different sizes, and many are ready for delivery). If you could spend $89k, you could get something roomy and brand new and on one floor and more roomy than one would think, even with two dogs. I highly recommend you research this option. You could be settled on your own, current land in several months.

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The homes on wheels are often considered vehicles, so no property tax after the initial sale.

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However you generally have to pay annual vehicle registration fees (and display the new year registration sticker) for mobile homes and travel trailers. Varies by state.

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Even if they don't move?

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I just looked up WA Laws for travel trailers. if the trailer is set up with any connections (electrical, water, sewage etc.) and not bring pulled around, they consider it the same as a house and tax it as such. Mobile homes in mobile home communities fall under a seperate registration and taxing law - much lower than standard R.E. See here: https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=84.36.595

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Something just occurred to me. I wonder if they have laws about floaty RVs?

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Absolutely. Both boating and floating homes are a big deal in WA and OR. That same website to which I linked in the prior reply can be navigated over to those classifications and requirements. Or you can start here: https://teamdivarealestate.com/things-to-know-when-buying-a-houseboat-and-floating-home-in-seattle/

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That makes sense, notwithstanding, a lot of laws don't

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Usually yes. It's considered a vehicle. Like i wrote, that varies by state. In Florida every mobile home, single wide or double wide, has to have its registration fee paid and the current year "sticker" attached in a prominently visible place every year. My folks put the stickers for their double wide on the lower corner of their front window. A 32 ft. fifth wheel trailer or a 16 ft., 22 ft., 40 ft., etc. travel trailer sitting in a driveway had to be currently registered with the annual fee paid every year. IDK details of mobile home or travel trailer registration for Washington State.

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Nov 30, 2023
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Elena I don't deal in hypotheticals, simply because there are too many variables between different localities. Defying local ordinances will result in whatever enforcement and punitive actions the local government is willing to pursue, and , as your example illustrates, the ultimate outcome may depend upon court decisions. I leave defiance of law up to each individual to research and decide for themselves, or, retain a subject matter expert lawyer to help them decide.

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Interesting in Ontario. Two years ago it was decided drivers no longer have to pay a licence fee for cars. I figure that the Premier of the province took a good billion dollars income off the table. Right in the middle of the faux plandemic. Prior to 2022 the licence fee for an average car was about $125/yr. The public at large still don’t understand why he did this!!

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Premier Ford apparently thought that it would help people recover financially from the Plandemic. Yearly renewal is still required but no fee to do so. I guess he figures the Govt. can afford the stickers and overhead costs of the licensing operations. Heavy commercial vehicles and snowmobiles aren't included in the waiver. https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/ontario-licence-plate-renewal-fees-your-top-questions-answered-1.5791523

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I'd do a barn-o-minium, temp housing and a great place to keep tractor, work related stuff, etc., after the house is ready to move in.

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I visited a family in Texas that lived in a barndomium. Great place for entertaining.

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Also probably don't need a surveyor. If you want to know how steep your land is to figure out grading, etc. you can download lidar topo for free from noaa.

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It'd be great for guests after or sell it. Great idea!

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Exactly! And I'll bet there are places in Washington State or Oregon or CA (yuk) that would deliver right away.

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It is called a rv trailer--Fully self contained-- Container Home???????hahahaha

They invented fifth wheels with slide outs years ago. No waiting. People are giving them away these days---

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Very cold in the winter though. They are NOT meant to live in and defined not in cold weather. Your heater would be going 24/7.

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They make "all season" rvs

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Sounds as if you don't know a thing about them. You're narrow-minded AND nasty to boot for no reason.

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Hi Clif. Slightly random but I work in the field of universal design. Design so your place is adaptive for disabilities, aging in place etc. So it's adaptive and will work for your needs as they change. More than happy to help you and make some suggestions. Easy enough and know most of the products and can source these. Been working in this area as essential to remain as independent as possible. You've helped, if I can help you then perfect. Thanks Henry

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Cliif is my favorite woo person. I check every day for a post. Thank you for adding so much to the woo.

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Thanks clif - can’t wait

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Hello Cliff Hello!

What a tough time in your life to have to go through what you and Mrs. C are going through. You will do fine though..

Have you considered looking a bit SE of where you are now? I live on the Lewis county border in a very rural 55+ community. There is a property for sale out side of town with 45 acres of land, nice looking log cabin type house, 2400k sq ft. 3b/3b. Been on the market for a while.

Throwing this link out for the tough times ahead.


Its not a library About survival. Its a Library For Survivors. You can download free PDF old timey books on farming, canning, bee keeping, sewing, botany, herbalism etc. All sorts of free books you can download on multiple subjects.

And yes Cliff- its fucking cold here in the PNW!

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Thanks for that link!!

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Interesting. Thank you for the link.

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Clif, I wish you well keep us posted on how the building of a ranch style home attached to your current home is going. If anyone can do this, it is you. Thank you for all the helpful information that we need to stay sane. Have blessed holiday season and a wonderful New Year.

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Woo Tang Forever! The drink of psychonaut champions.

What? None of your followers gonna put you up? You can put a small camper by our garage. We'll let you use the bathroom.

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Merry Kissinger Death Day Clif.

Humanity advances one KM death at a time (apologies to Max Planck).

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Re UFO’s Clif. A good friend was a KGB Scientist working in a top Secret Base Deep Underground somewhere had a Train ride to and from work, and all the windows were painted black so nobody could see where the Base was. She was designing computer chips, CPU’s and other related hardware.However, she did say there were very weird Aircraft in the Base, lots of them and she couldn’t understand why none of them had any Wings? Her Husband was same KGB rank as Vladimir Putin and they were around each others houses parting quite often. She reckoned he’s a great guy, and tried to get me to go with her to meet him, and reckoned we’d get along like a house on fire.I rather regret not taking her up on the offer now tbh, but I was busy building custom Computers along with import export, wholesale retail high quality roofing materials at the time, and just couldn’t get the same off. As an aside, I had heard from pretty good sources that the USA and the USSR had joint Bases on the Moon, starting in the 1950’s starting even before Sputnik was launched. Makes you think.πŸ‘ Bob.

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Since I am at the tail end (roofing) of building a greenhouse w/lawnmower shed, what you have planned is mind boggling. Given my age (80) and doing all of it myself (it may not be pretty, but it is definitely functional), I can totally sympathize with your plans. I would NOT want to be in your shoes! But I do agree with using what you already own is smart. If you want a conventional stick-built house, yeah, it's gonna take a while and be a full-time job. And winter is coming on so you may not get started till spring! You might want to consider alternative construction if it will work for that area.

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What's going on with property financing is houses are not appraising for the amount the owner wants. Contract accepted, bank does appraisal, house doesn't appraise high enough, so more negotiations. This is going on nationwide. Sounds like building your own is the smarter move, with the caveat of cost of labor and cost of materials. Have you considered alternative structures? Several connected shipping containers, for instance.

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Sasquatch can't find houses...lol.

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They build teepees 😁

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treehouse anyone?

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A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee and realizing you can't live at moms forever. AHHHHHHH!

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Ahhhh :)

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