(1) It must be durable, which is why we don’t use wheat or corn or rice (although they have used rice as currency).

(2) It must be divisible, which is why we don’t use artwork.

(3) It must be convenient, which is why we don’t use lead or copper (too cumbersome).

(4) It must be consistent, which is why we don’t use real estate.

(5) It must possess value in itself, which is why we don’t use digits.

(6) It must be limited in the quantity that is available, which is why we don’t use aluminum or iron (too plentiful).

(7) It should have a long history of acceptance, Gold and Silver have been used for 6000 years.

Only GOLD and SILVER fit all seven characteristics.

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"Gold is the money of kings.

Silver is the money of gentlemen.

Barter is the money of peasants.

Debt is the money of slaves."

― Norm Franz, Money & Wealth in the New Millennium: A Prophetic Guide to the New World Economic Order

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the 4 varnas had this division also or perhaps adjusted properly for Daiva (divinely held) varnashramdharma

1. Brahmins - the head of society - intelligensia and preists: given payment in gold, ghee and cows and land for cows and temples/ashrams/schools or gurkulas

2. Ksatriyas - The Arms and Chest of Society - Kings warriors/ administrators: collect gold from conquests and taxes, paid Brahmins for services to the court.

3. Vaishyas - the belly of society, the merchants: who collect energy in all forms of exchanges for goods and services, money and currency from gold and silver to trade/barter and extend credit to those with employment/masters, paying adminstrators for social protection order/peace and prosperity of civil services ensuring religious duties are performed for all's sake.

4. Shudra - the legs and feet of society: the servants: willingly do work/services for labour, time and receive payment in many forms including willing slavery / loyalty life service pledges for family support..

5000 years ago (or so) we entered into the "Age of Kali", where he (Kali - pronounced kaulie) is given residence by the world Emperor, in 5 places only; in drinking houses, slaughter houses, whore houses, gaming houses and houses of great gold accumulation (banks) which practically facilitates and amplifies and thrives on all the other vices.

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Very interesting. Thanks for posting!

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You remind me of a physicist that talks about electricity, but when you really drill down they don't actually know what it is. They can use it, they can control it, they can describe it's effects, they can do many things with it but the knowing of it escapes them. However I do understand in this discussion we are talking about a form of representation. To me the representation of what, is where things get interesting.

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I know enough to know what seperates it from currency! MONEY VS CURRENCY-

Currency is not Money! There are definite/definitive differences. For one- Money in your hand has NO THIRD PARTY LIABILITY!

In 1788, Thomas Jefferson wrote:

Paper is poverty. It is only the ghost of money, and not money itself.”

Money is UNENCUMBERED, Currency is not. Currency is not MONEY! However MONEY can be used as currency. All currencies ever created have always reached their intrinsic value of $0. There are still some newly created currencies that are still in use but they ALL have lost most of their value in just a few decades. Take the US FEDERAL RESERVE "NOTE" for example (which is not MONEY); it has lost over 90% of its value in just 100 years!!! Currency is not MONEY but Money can be used as currency. Today's FIAT Currencies are nothing more than a "Note Of Debt"- They have Monetized debt! All monetization schemes throughout history have failed! Gold and Silver are MONEY, have been for 6000 years, and silver is money under the constitution. In all that time they have held their relative value (even after centuries of manipulation)! During Roman times the Romans paid their workers an ounce of gold a month and it is said that an ounce of gold could buy a nice Toga and shoes. Today, could you survive on an ounce of gold (2500$ Canadian) if you had to, and could you buy a nice suit and shoes for that? The answer is yes, now that's retaining value- after thousands of years!

Gold is a Tier 1 regulatory capital asset with supreme collateral precedence over foreign currencies and treasuries!!!


GOLD AND SILVER ARE "MONEY" EVERYTHING ELSE IS JUST CURRENCY! Education is the way to FREEDOM! FREEDOM from our financial oppressors! FIAT is currency created out of thin air in a fraudulent Fractional Reserve System, and if you think that is responsible; YOU ARE DELUSIONAL!

7 characteristics of REAL MONEY

(1) It must be durable, which is why we don’t use wheat or corn or rice (although they have used rice as currency).

(2) It must be divisible, which is why we don’t use artwork.

(3) It must be convenient, which is why we don’t use lead or copper (too cumbersome).

(4) It must be consistent, which is why we don’t use real estate.

(5) It must possess value in itself, which is why we don’t use digits.

(6) It must be limited in the quantity that is available, which is why we don’t use aluminum or iron (too plentiful).

(7) It should have a long history of acceptance, Gold and Silver have been used for 6000 years.

Only GOLD and SILVER fit all seven characteristics.

Mr JP Morgan himself put it so precisely and succinctly: “Money is Gold, and nothing else”.



“For the naive mind there is something miraculous in the issuance of fiat money. A magic word spoken by the government creates out of nothing a thing which can be exchanged against any merchandise a man would like to get. How pale is the art of sorcerers, witches, and conjurors when compared with that of the government’s Treasury Department!” — Ludwig von Mises.


And now Gold is being re-monetized;

Brandon White: Gold re-monetization is much closer than many realize


There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth -, not starting, AND not going all the way." ... Buddha

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(8) It must also be a store of value

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It is the stocks to flow ratio that is paramount in choosing a commodity to use for exchange. That is you don't want changes in the amount of the commodity available.

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wrong again! 7 characteristics of REAL MONEY

(1) It must be durable, which is why we don’t use wheat or corn or rice (although they have used rice as currency).

(2) It must be divisible, which is why we don’t use artwork.

(3) It must be convenient, which is why we don’t use lead or copper (too cumbersome).

(4) It must be consistent, which is why we don’t use real estate.

(5) It must possess value in itself, which is why we don’t use digits.

(6) It must be limited in the quantity that is available, which is why we don’t use aluminum or iron (too plentiful).

(7) It should have a long history of acceptance, Gold and Silver have been used for 6000 years.

Only GOLD and SILVER fit all seven characteristics. Mr JP Morgan himself put it so precisely and succinctly: “Money is Gold, and nothing else”.

In 1788, Thomas Jefferson wrote:

Paper is poverty. It is only the ghost of money, and not money itself.”

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6 is about stocks to flow ratio

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but not limited to.

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You've been studying your Mike Maloney haven't you.

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Even Mike doesn't quite grasp the concept of the DEFINITIVE difference between MONEY and CURRENCY!

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been following for many years

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That is I think what clif is calling currency, e.g. precious metals, salt, cattle.

Money, according to clif's definition, is like checks, warehouse receipts and so forth.

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lol God are you lost!!!! Money is gold and nothing else -everything else is just currency. The difference is third party liability which money in your hand has none! Mr JP Morgan himself put it so precisely and succinctly: “Money is Gold, and nothing else”.

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You can be right but you lose respect when you're rude and patronising because now you're not right. Now you're just a dick.

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I'm not suggesting that gold is not the best choice for a commodity of exchange. It is. Particularly wrt 3 and 6 it is superior to silver.

However I believe 6 is poorly stated. Stocks to flow is the issue.

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poorly stated or not the point is made. As well Silver is Constitutional Money in the US!!!

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"Economics accounts for this anomalous behavior of gold. not by appealing to psychology or to human weaknesses such as vanity or superstition, but by appealing to logic. Even if we regard the choice of gold as monetary standard as an historical accident, by now gold is so firmly entrenched that its replacement is virtually unthinkable. Almost all the gold that has been produced since the dawn of history is still available in marketable form. The same simply cannot be said of other commodities. They all disappear in consumption. The ratio of stocks of gold to annual production flows is a high multiple, estimated to be between 80 and 100. For other goods, the ratio of stocks to flows is a small fraction, e.g., 1:3 for copper. The latter is an interesting example because copper, like gold. also has a long and rich history including its history of monetary applications. Yet, if copper stocks were to double overnight, raising the stock/flow ratio to 2:3, then the price of copper would collapse and all but the most efficient producers of copper would be ruined. No matter how many marginal applications for copper we may find. the marginal utility of copper would be testing zero. i.e., copper would be a "free" good, like drinking water. By contrast, if the stock/flow ratio of gold went from 100 to 200, hardly anybody would take notice. Gold producers would continue to prosper. The increase in the ratio would be looked upon as another confirmation of the supreme confidence individuals have in gold as a store of value. In these terms, gold is the most abundant commodity known to and produced by man. Gold does not owe its value to its alleged scarcity On the contrary, gold owes its value to the fact that, in spite of its abundance and steady increase of abundance, gold continues to be in universal demand, and it continues to be acceptable in unlimited quantities. No other asset can match the record of gold in this regard. No other commodity can withstand the wear and tear the monetary standard is constantly exposed to. " A. Fekete

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The US military has been guarding an unequaled quantity of gold in the USA's Grand Canyon since around 1907. Reportedly, it is secret because the Khazarians do not want it in circulation.

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Bix Weir claims that millions of tons of gold were discovered in The Grand Canyon in 1912 but the discovery was suppressed to avoid collapsing the global financial system, which in those days ran on a gold standard:


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heres a little thingy I wrote up over a decade ago; MONEY VS CURRENCY-

Currency is not Money! There are definite/definitive differences. For one- Money in your hand has NO THIRD PARTY LIABILITY!

In 1788, Thomas Jefferson wrote:

Paper is poverty. It is only the ghost of money, and not money itself.”

Money is UNENCUMBERED, Currency is not. Currency is not MONEY! However MONEY can be used as currency. All currencies ever created have always reached their intrinsic value of $0. There are still some newly created currencies that are still in use but they ALL have lost most of their value in just a few decades. Take the US FEDERAL RESERVE "NOTE" for example (which is not MONEY); it has lost over 90% of its value in just 100 years!!! Currency is not MONEY but Money can be used as currency. Today's FIAT Currencies are nothing more than a "Note Of Debt"- They have Monetized debt! All monetization schemes throughout history have failed! Gold and Silver are MONEY, have been for 6000 years, and silver is money under the constitution. In all that time they have held their relative value (even after centuries of manipulation)! During Roman times the Romans paid their workers an ounce of gold a month and it is said that an ounce of gold could buy a nice Toga and shoes. Today, could you survive on an ounce of gold (2500$ Canadian) if you had to, and could you buy a nice suit and shoes for that? The answer is yes, now that's retaining value- after thousands of years!

Gold is a Tier 1 regulatory capital asset with supreme collateral precedence over foreign currencies and treasuries!!!


GOLD AND SILVER ARE "MONEY" EVERYTHING ELSE IS JUST CURRENCY! Education is the way to FREEDOM! FREEDOM from our financial oppressors! FIAT is currency created out of thin air in a fraudulent Fractional Reserve System, and if you think that is responsible; YOU ARE DELUSIONAL!

7 characteristics of REAL MONEY

(1) It must be durable, which is why we don’t use wheat or corn or rice (although they have used rice as currency).

(2) It must be divisible, which is why we don’t use artwork.

(3) It must be convenient, which is why we don’t use lead or copper (too cumbersome).

(4) It must be consistent, which is why we don’t use real estate.

(5) It must possess value in itself, which is why we don’t use digits.

(6) It must be limited in the quantity that is available, which is why we don’t use aluminum or iron (too plentiful).

(7) It should have a long history of acceptance, Gold and Silver have been used for 6000 years.

Only GOLD and SILVER fit all seven characteristics.

Mr JP Morgan himself put it so precisely and succinctly: “Money is Gold, and nothing else”.



“For the naive mind there is something miraculous in the issuance of fiat money. A magic word spoken by the government creates out of nothing a thing which can be exchanged against any merchandise a man would like to get. How pale is the art of sorcerers, witches, and conjurors when compared with that of the government’s Treasury Department!” — Ludwig von Mises.


And now Gold is being re-monetized;

Brandon White: Gold re-monetization is much closer than many realize


There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth -, not starting, AND not going all the way." ... Buddha

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Its been said that gold really is useless! Except for use as money! Thereby doesn't get used up. The main point to take from this thread is that currency is not moneyand the definitive difference is the fact that gold in the palm of your hand has NO Third Party Liability! All currencies do! including the B.S. Bitcoin crypto CURRENCY!!!! SO! Bar none the difference is difinitive!!!

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There were receipts and inventories in Sumer and Egypt, the former written on clay tablets and the latter on papyrus, possible stamped with some kind of permanent seal. There also would have been IOUs with similar kinds of authentication. Bucky Fuller notes that one of the earliest forms of "money" were crescent shaped pieces of iron that entitled the bearer to calves that were born during a voyage as repayment for the gold to outfit the voyage. That's where the idea of "interest" comes from. Also the crescent shape itself denoted cattle, but also the passage of time because it was the shape that was cast by the sun backlighting Saturn during the period of the Polar Configuration.

I also have yet to see a reference to "space men" that wasn't actually a reference to near-Earth celestial bodies with enormous electrical properties, and these appear all over the world in the millions. These shapes (which many seem to interpret as space men) have all been reproduced in the lab by plasma physicist Anthony Peratt.

I can't say for certain that there were no space aliens, but most of the "evidence" that people cite from ancient writings and petroglyphs are celestial plasma disturbances in the skies and atmosphere of the ancient Earth. I'll say that again, I have never seen evidence of space aliens that wasn't actually evidence of electrical celestial events involving cathodes and anodes (planets, comets, stars, etc.).

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According to Bergrun, there is a different ballgame taking place with the Ringmakers of Saturn. If correct, that would be some aliens!

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Below is an article on the British Pilgrims on gold and silver rigging which will morph into Carbon Credits under the "Build Back Better" / "Great Reset"


Candace Owens’ new father-in-law, Baron Michael Stahel Farmer, has controlled the gold, silver, metals, oil, trading, communications (propaganda) and now carbon credits markets for 50 years.

Here is a wonderful video which explains the history and expands in detail what clif is mentioning. Naming the Babylonian Radhanites who have manipulated usery for millennia


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Yay!!! Uncle Clif educating us today! Love these podcasts! I’ve learned so much from you, Clif! Thank you for all you do and I hope you don’t work too hard.

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To bad it's all wrong (about money). See my comment above^^^^!

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I read your debate, which is thought-provoking.

Currently, as isolated residents in an Australian wilderness, we are considering using tobacco as the anvil upon with trade can proceed, if our cash is withdrawn. It does not conform to the six axiomatic points but ain't nobody here gonna knock it back. As the supplier, we will be the reserve bank.

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What you are reffering to is trade and barter (GOOD ON YA), but the context of this thread is MONEY! (which works well for trade and barter as well). Currency is not money for definitive reasons but tobacco can be used as a currency and I believe has in the past. KEEP ON KEEPIN ON!!! You're doin great! Get some goldand silver as well. Paper currency notes will also be valuable in a crisis situation as well.

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Thank you, David, for eliminating my confusion. Psst... as we will grow the tobacco, we aim to undermine the Khazarian conspiracy by emulating them. We celebrate the irony. As none of us have any interest in wealth or power, our profits will pay for community infrastructure such as food gardens, fishing boats, water tanks and pumps, and the cost of erecting shelters. As our trade languages are local, and not English, we have an inbuilt barrier to outside exposure which might attract unwelcome attention. Had government provided the above infrastructure in the first place, as elsewhere in this country, we would not have had to go down this road. It will not take them long to realise this, but by this time we may be too comfortable with the new status quo. LOL.

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and you will end up being wealthier than you ever dreamed! Any gold mines near by??? ;)

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Nah. Only pearls.

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"Have ya got any tobacco?" Dead Man

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I don't think all Khazarians identify as Jews, and most Jews are not Khazarians. Please remember that these people are a rogue group who are name-stealers. Jews are everywhere, and most wouldn't have the slightest idea what any of this is about.

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Jews have a fully traceable trackable written history generation by generation ,

ask any librarian ,

Whether it was Bible commentary or just ordinary writing all writings have a publishing date !

That means that the history of the Jews of the Bible and then the Talmud bavli or yerushalmi Jerusalem Talmud and it’s thousands of commentaries .

Up to Mimanodies Mishna Torah In 1100 or Nachmanmandies or Rashi Rashbom at that time and

Of the same period

These The same authors whether living in French Spanish or Turkish Or Iran or Iraq Gibraltar or

Or the Tur Shulchan Arica Code of law Publishe in Poland Cracow or Prague

All these publications growing one from another with Zero textual changes on the original text is witness and

Absolut historic proof that Kazarians played No Role at all in Torah true authentic Jewish History .

Except for one book the Cuzarie

Debate written by Rabbi Halevi An orthodox early Jew which many Jewish scholars believe to be a work of fiction , an alleregy Moshol Fable

Just written to bring Jews back to their religion but in reality never happened !

Any thing else about the so called Kazzars is only the product of recent writers trying to comprehend the amazing world organization to bring all on a Satanic Path

The totalopposite of all the Jewish teachings.

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The Khazarians wrote the satanic Talmud. It does not adhere to Hebraic Law. The "product of recent writers trying to comprehend the amazing world organization (sic) to bring all on a Satanic Path", is because, thankfully, after millenia of being deliberately kept hidden, the history of the Khazarian Mafia has been brought to light through our age of computers and access to knowledge lost to us for eons.

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Look up the 'Bible codes' and computers .,,,,

Then find out how little you know about the Torah

find out how the whole world history is encoded in the Torah with computer calculating the equidistant code

No other book has so many codes placed there 2000 years in advance !

Lately Many books in English were written on this amazing phenomena

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Are Jews descendants of Khazars? | POLIN Museum

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Are Jews descendants of Khazars? | POLIN Museum

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No. Judism existed when Khazar, who worshiped Satan, were ordered by Russia and Persia to chose an Abrahamic religion so they chose the

one they could dominate and kept worshiping Satan. To this day. Reference, Preston James' article in Veterans Today.

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Nice Angle

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Ukraine used to be Khazaria.

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Idk what year this video is but in 2014 there was new technology that determined that the Khazarians had NO JEWISH DNA.

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Just go to hebrewbooks.org and see the thousands of books for yourself

see the years they were published and see the actual first editions and tons of detail

thats if you know how to read Hebrew!

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Not one book from any so called Kazzarian!

No disscussions about them in any Rabbinacal "responsa" books!

Very out of character for the endless debating Jews and their Rabbis!!

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62,000 books online !most on Torah topics at last count!

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And thats only ONE single book collection of Printed books and only begining from the the fourteenth century!

Yet not a word on the greatest so called historic fact of world history the conversion of a WHOLE COUNTRY to Judaisim !

Yet Not a peep in any other books ? STRANGE

Why is Clif not aware of this and how dare he talk so much about a topic he knows nothing about!

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see this talk on Kazzarian history https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05cn9O1RNA0

Are Jews descendants of Khazars? | POLIN Museum


Many factual proofs that the idea is FALSE watch the talk and learn about this topic!

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He does say all that regularly so people sont get mixed up

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Sorry, what does he say regularly?

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Mr High says Jesus was nothing but a fraudulent story and the Bible a book of shit stories.

He has no credibility.

Such a silly fool and those that listen to him.

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I like Clif; he's smart and knows a lot. But he's human and therefore fallible. I take everything people say with a grain of salt. Jesus is awesome :)

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As two young American Ashkenatzim brothers told me in 2009, only 2% of Americans are "Jewish", and of these, only 2% are ethnic Jews. Thus, Ashkenazim Israel is a fraud and should not be supported by American "Jews". These boys had been evicted by their family for their stand and were now wandering the world, new age wandering Jews, so to speak LOL.

I am also given to uderstand that most Zionists outside of Israel are American. As the US is 39th on the global literacy scale (and falling) this infers that most American Ashkenazim (or Sephardi/Misrahim for that matter), have litle awareness of actual history, geopolitics, or anything else of significance.

To Coco, I note that not one Ashkenazim I have ever heard of does not claim to be a Jew.

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That's interesting, but I'm not sure what it has to do with anything. Khazarians aren't the same thing as Ashkenazi Jews and this is what I'm trying to impress upon you. Some Khazarians might be Ashkenazi Jews, but not all Khazarians are Jews. Whatever they were originally, their Jewish identity is newer. 99.9% of Ashkenazi Jews would have literally no idea what any of this is about.

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Khazarians have no Jewish DNA. Proven by updated technology 2014.

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Perhaps it needs rephrasing as, Jews have little Hebrew DNA, while the Khazars have none? Genetically, Palestinian Arabs are the true Hebrew descendants. At least that is my understanding of the updated technology.

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Most American Jews have little awareness of their history due to the fact that after WW2 they wanted nothing more than to assimilate, forget the recent horrors and therefore did all they could to erase their heritage which, in my opinion, would prove very detrimental.

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Let me put a differnt slant on this, one which is being played out today. Refugees need to present themselves as politically attractive as possible. At the end of WWII, Germans were starving to death and General Ike Eisenhower was busy murdering thousands more. The Russians weren't too easy to live under either. So millions of Europeans presented as Jews, complete with tattoos on their forearms. We will never know how many made it to America and other nations and I for one would not blame them for pulling any stunt to save their families lives. I am seeing similar embellishments of current refugees, and bureaucrats are seldom competent to gauge the difference. My point here is simple. Almost none of the popular history of WWII even comes close to the truth. Some 75% of military deaths were Russian and at least two thirds of the total war effort was Russian. The US had only peripheral involvement, yet Hollywood presents WWII as being won by America. Everything else of this history is similarly distorted, so to quote popular history is futile at worst and gullible at best. Jewish history probably outranks all others for distortion, one way or the other. Note, I am not making any value judgements here, merely illuminating an otherwise very dark landscape. What you choose to believe is of no interest to me. People believe what they want to believe.

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What history would that be tho?

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I went out to my back yard, looking for my step ladder. I've never met my real ladder. :-)

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Norwegian warships now have a QR code on their hulls so that upon returning to port they can Scandinavian...

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Clif please no more Corey Good stuff, I think most people don’t know or care about that grifter or the lawsuit etc. it’s a waste of bandwidth.

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He made an interesting point about the motivation and effect the grifter has had on our ability to see what has been going on. I'm sure I am not the only one who appreciated that perspective. How about you let Clif impart what HE chooses to, on HIS substack? And maybe you could try to make a comment next time that isn't, as you say, "a waste of bandwidth".

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Ok thank you for policing the comment section, HNY!

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Clif is feeling deeply threatened by Corey, who didn’t admit lying about anything

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I barely know who he is aside from being an obvious grifter. That whole crew, Cassidy etc. they are total bullshitters. Time traveling soldiers and shit, the quantum financial system , the weird usb crap and medical devices. Obvious hucksters

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correct : you barely know

ANYTHING, rainbow-girl.

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I know you a gay

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OH! You weren't trying to be funny? So now the question is why do you seem threatened by Clif's legal and verbal trouncings of that poor schmuck, Corey (not so fucking) Goode?

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Feels like a waste of Clif’s bandwidth at this point. I dont think these people are relevant. Maybe I’m wrong and we should ruminate on these characters for a few more years.

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People need to know in order to be protected from liars and grifters. Professional liars can inflict a lot of damage and far too many people are, unfortunately, quite gullible.

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2023 - Pluto in Aquarius, big reveals and revolutions of thought! Pluto has been in Capricorn, which is why we've had so much unveiling around government. Pluto is the destroyer of illusion, and the facilitator of transformation. Have fun y'all! Gonna be a wild ride!

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Looking forward to it.

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[😂 Laughs maniacly😂]

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Thank You Clif,

Hello Humans Hello Humans, Reeeeeeeeeee, Stay Awesome, We're Going to test that, Go Away Now, Keep your dick in a vice, See you Tomorrow, God F*ing Speed, God Bless

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Not disputing any of your assertions, Clif, but may I correct the claim that all cultures recorded evidence of alien visitation. The oldest living culture, Australian Aborigines, had no such reference.

Now, I know that a hundred 'experts' will claim to the contrary but before you bother to consider their contributions, first, ask them how many Aboriginal languages they understand. If they do not know at least one language, how could they know the Songline history from which to quote? As no anthropologist of my acquaitance ever bothered to learn a language before documenting the culture, you can dismiss their tomes as nonsense.

My second point: my job is that of researcher for the Aboriginal Law Project in Arnhem Land, and my acceptance in this role flows partly from the fact that I used Aboriginal Law, in a European Court, to reverse total dysfunctionalism in an Aboriginal community back in 1979; so one might suspect I have a passing familiarity with ancient Aboriginal history. It would be practical to just take my word for it. May I add that this is a culture in which I live and breathe daily, 24/7, not one observed from some Ivory Tower.

My third point is purely speculative but more or less logical: any alien who had the technology to travel to Earth would, eons previously, had the technology to observe us up close and personal. What then would be the point of observing us in the flesh (as it were)? A 'doubting Thomas' they most assuredly would not be.

Point four, their visitation is currently pointless if they have noot assisted at least a few of us to neutralise the mRNA democide, especially as the overpopulation rationale was proved false as far back as 1966, by human environments expert, Buckminster Fuller (who the Kharzarians are currently attacking as a nutter).

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Dec 29, 2022
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Something is happening that I don't understand. I have been told by the apparently well-informed that dreams are never in colour; but other dream pundits assure us that it happens, but rarely. Currently, most of my dreams are in colour, often quite vivid. Apparently, they are also predictive, if you know how to interpret, which I do not. But an Aboriginal woman did that for me and it all made absolute sense.

This is not part of the normal me and I will probably not think about this again. it's just that Cathy's dreams reminded me. I wonder if others are affected similarly.

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Dec 30, 2022
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Two identical nightmares at the same time? Too much of a coincidence not to be suspicious. I should wager on subliminal images. Ever watch Columbo? There was an episode where the crime was based on it.

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Dec 31, 2022
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I can assure the deep state talent scouts that I am a totally prosaic boring and pedestrian standard issue dreamer.

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Dearest GreatUncle clif,

I really really do, find more than simply fascinating, your "treatments" of ancient history, historical history, language, regions, mountain passes, players & participants, etc.

The elucidation & synthesis, & still balanced with, questioning & stated understood mystery(s), at our present unknowing.

Looking forward, with great enthusiasm & anticipation, to your further, farther, & future discussions.


"We're here now and gotta do stuff." ~ch.

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Thank you Clif. Very much appreciate your efforts to enlighten us.

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Greetings Mr Yoda you called out mid December and dame you got it right Cliff Fascinating to be sure my favorite words I share on occasion is we are in the Big Ugly stay Woo @Clif High🥴😎🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Holey history Batman!

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I would encourage Clif or anyone else who's willing to question the Masonic issue to review Michael Tsarion's "Origins & Oracles". He is a tried and true, EXTREMELY diligent alternative history, as Woo of a historian as you can get. Even more than Clif in a lot of ways. There is evidence and quotes from lodge Masters before the KM took over; messages to colleagues urgently advocating for the disbanding of the Masonic orders due to their infiltration. He posits that before such infiltration the orders were by and large operating more along the lines of the ancient mystery schools or Western magickal traditions of the goddess tradition. You can find all the research you need on this Bitchute channel: I think there are 8 of these in total:


Further research:



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I hope that artifacts recently found in a tunnel system connected to the Vatican will contain documents that will add to our knowledge of ancient history. I hope to read them all.

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What makes you think you will be allowed to read any of them? Have you read anything else in The Vatican Library?

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Watch Hidden Secrets of Money by Mike Maloney on youtube

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