And then there's Alice!

Quite frankly, the only way Alice works in the quantum field - future, past, and present potentials - is known only to Ramtha and his cohorts (which include the Q team). There are two on this planet, the writer from "The Simpson's" draws images and themes from one of them. The material comprising the Q posts come from the primary Alice and the Looking Glass ET Technology.

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Who is Ramtha? And what does "Q" stand for? ... And how do YOU know this?

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What an expansive question! I am an avid researcher and have been investigating and experiencing all aspects surrounding these topics since I was an inquisitive youth with memories of past lifetimes and coming into this life to find the Ancient School of Wisdom. Well, I did just that! Ramtha is the Master Teacher who has given insightful Teachings for decades in Yelm, Washington where much of what Clif writes about is common knowledge.... and beyond into the exploration of the Quantum Field. In 2016, Ramtha began to talk about Trump and then the Q team comprised of exemplary men who love Freedom enough to develop a Plan to liberate humanity. We've explored the Looking Glass project with Alice - with the Q team looking for key events in the future and how their present actions impact various potential future events. My knowledge springs from my experience.

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Could you explain the entire post? What is Alice and relation to quantum field, etc.

Ramtha is cohorts with the Q team? I am afraid to ask more.

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Ramtha = too much fruit in the fruitcake and Q = quack psyop.

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Lucky for you you are wrong about the second one :-)

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She's been criticized as: "homophobic, anti-Catholic, anti-Semitic racist rants"." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._Z._Knight

Okay... so she's been at it for a while.... those Badges of Honor were tough to earn in the past.

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What if Humans are the true Quantum Computers. It would explain inspiration, the Akashic Records, telepathy & much more. https://youtu.be/QXElfzVgg6M?si=XHfoj7zzr_fqwtEW

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There's every reason to think we are. The human brain seems to be a biological quantum neural network.

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100% fabulous comment, and agree that this is the truth!

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Yes, and perhaps they are trying to use the Nanotechnology to hack our bio fields and natural electromagnetic systems. It’s a very good possibility. They want absolutely everything in their internet of things.

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Very much like the Matrix. There's no way the Wachowskis wrote and directed that. Too stupid.

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Depends whether you believe this is in the hands of benevolent energy or malevolent energy😉😉😉

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Hm. I think I'll read this one later, after specializing in quantum mechanics, computer science, and mathematics! But it is interesting to know these devices exist. For what, I don't know....

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I have computer science and mathematics down but quantum computing has yet to click for me.

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Thanks! You saved me a lot of potentially wasted time specializing...


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They can be used for cracking encryption, or breaking password protection.

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Oi. Huch much does it take to become a hacker!! Or cracker?

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I have an eleven year old fully functional autistic grandson whose plan is to become a hacker. I’m hoping he joins the policing side of it but he thinks there’s more fun and money on the naughty side.

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At this point in time, I think the naughty side has more potential to help people than the policing side.

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A day with out learning, is a day wasted, Thanks Clif for answering the questions I didn't know how to ask.

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Here's an answer from perplexity...

Yes, quantum computing does involve the use of simulators running in the cloud as part of the overall ecosystem, but they have limitations and are being phased out in favor of direct access to quantum hardware. Here are the key points:

Cloud-based quantum simulators like ibmq_qasm_simulator were previously offered by providers like IBM Quantum, but they are being retired as of May 15, 2024.

The reason for retiring cloud simulators is that they have inherent limitations in simulating large-scale quantum systems beyond around 50 qubits due to the exponential growth in computational resources required. Simulators also cannot fully capture the noise and dynamics of real quantum hardware.

Instead of cloud simulators, providers are encouraging the use of local simulators and testing modes (like Qiskit Runtime's local testing mode) for development and testing before running on actual quantum hardware. Local simulators offer good performance and the ability to verify results, especially for Clifford circuits.

Engaging directly with quantum hardware is crucial for developing practical skills in error mitigation, understanding quantum phenomena, and tailoring algorithms to the characteristics of quantum processors. Successful quantum algorithms must be adapted to exploit the capabilities of quantum hardware.

While cloud simulators are being phased out, cloud services are still an important part of the quantum computing ecosystem, offering tools and resources for quantum algorithm development, simulation, and access to quantum hardware. Companies like NVIDIA are launching cloud quantum simulation microservices integrated with various software tools and cloud providers.

So in summary, while cloud simulators were previously used, the focus is now shifting towards direct access to quantum hardware via the cloud, with local simulators being used for initial development and testing purposes.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19

What we’re seeing now is only transitional we can’t go and jump from where we are now to where we are going. There are bridges of all kinds necessary, and being built and being used has so many moving pieces that anyone who’s not studying those moving pieces, and prematurely, concluding anything without having, some idea of those moving pieces and selling it as the ultimate truth has much to consider.

If anyone in here is interested in studying the moving pieces, you need to go to QSI on Telegram! It’s a lot to jump into at this point, but if you are truly hungry to understand, the moving pieces of the transitional space that the whole world is in right now.

We are literally building a We are literally building an entire different society ecosystem that encompasses every last aspect of life. This is happening from the ground up by the people for the people with the help of the military and many other forces. If you do want to check it out you will need to have a little patience for yourself in catching up. If not, that’s OK too.


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due to the temperature requirements of Quantum computers, I wonder where good places to run them would be? Antarctica or the moon anyone?

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There are ways to get around the decoherence problem with various kinds of shielding. Biological quantum phenomena at room temperature are documented in photosynthesis, for example.

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Excellent observation. Yes. the research on photosynthesis was done by Stuart Kauffman, who already knew it would be there from previous classified Darpa work.

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Mark, not all mechanisms for QC require cryogenics. Learn about topological order. That was the QC mechanism that succeeded decades ago.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19



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Iceland has free geothermal electricity, so that’s where I would go first. Lots of Bond level volcanoes to work out of as well.

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I know nothing about quantum computing. I knew nothing about viruses and pandemics 4 years ago. I have learned a lot about those things recently. I earned my degree in atmospheric science in 1981, so I knew a thing or two about climate when the fake climate crisis narrative was launched.

I also know about pattern-recognition.

The Luciferian globalists love to run their scams using subjects that the majority of humans know little or nothing about. People who do know something about those subjects are immediately targeted for silencing or discrediting by the globalist run media outlets. That is the pattern of the Luciferian globalists: run a scam on an obscure subject, and target the relatively few people who can reveal the scam!

Based on that recognition, the next big scam they are working on is war. Who really understands how wars are created and expanded. The people assume that wars erupt organically from international disagreements between nations, but the evidence is growing rapidly that wars are not a product of disagreements, but a product of agreements between people who only pretend to be 'on the other side'. For example, Israel clearly allowed Hamas to attack on October 7th, and the irrational response from both 'sides' seems a poorly written script for a bad WWIII movie.

The pattern of the Luciferian globalists also suggests that they have some scam around Quantum Computing in the works. Would I be able to tell that it is a scam? Not from my knowledge of Quantum Computing. One thing for sure, if Clif says it is a scam, I will believe him over the lying media every single day!

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Two words, ledgers, and transparency is where the world is going

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A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing sometimes you don't understand a f ing thing he's saying. And maybe Mark's gospel was trying to tell us something. Like why was Jesus in a public park at 4 am with a nake boy. All the Roman guards that came for him. Was he trafficking? In the Greek he yells out, Im not a trafficker. Maybe more to this story then we realize. Hummm!

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You have been watching that Ammon Hillman interview, I gather.

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And there is a list of quotes in the gospels where Jesus gives his approval to slavery. ??? Go figure.

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I've also been reading the gospels.

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You smartie.

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Clif did say a lot of new info would be coming out. Ammon has done a lot of interviews.

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Ol Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes and their cult of "JESUS LOVES YOU" think that Quantum computer's are these great magical devices that will save the world from the evils of what we are facing ffs lmfao! Sorry Charlie, once again lol. This information is important for the normies out there! Thank's Clif, you the FKING MAN!!!🏆👏🙏❤️

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Charlie comes off as a reborn mafia Fixer, it’s really creepy.

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As he should lol. He was a trafficker of laundered money AND GIRL'S. He just left out the girl's part until he was busted by a woman that recognized him on his own BS show ffs. lmfao 🤣

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It's just a search engine haha

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Clif High, I ask in all seriousness: are you okay?

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Amazing information that can turn your brain into reels. I just can’t fathom how these “truther experts” know exactly how this quantum system they are pushing is going to liberate us all. It’s anyone’s guess.

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It's just another psyop by the See Eye Aye. Just like "trust the plan" and "the bad guys are dead or in Gitmo."

"Quantum computing will save us! Medbeds will cure all diseases." The purpose of these assertions is to lull people into a passive state and keep them inactive and encourage them to do NOTHING to stop the tyranny.

It's all an OP, just targeting a different group.

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Nope, it’s actually not anyone’s. Guess it’s just information you haven’t come across yet if you would like to start learning about it here’s where to start. However, you’re gonna need a little patience with yourself to catch up and you’re gonna need an open mind and willing to expand.

Start here


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flat erfer's want to know, WBAN uses our wide body network, our auric field,....we are the cloud, and the resource for the quantum A. I., and its computing nodes.....yes?

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nano, and MNRA figures into all this, as does our known past history, where we have extinction level events, and the replacements come on in to our paradym, we always are toast, dust, dustbinned. All aboard the flat erf train.....next stop, move to the new world, the one thawing out and being populated by bill and malindah goats....gates.....and clif high, and trump.

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way to outsource articles to chatgbt

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Yeppers!! You nailed it!

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The word "quantum", like the word "gender", has multiple meanings. As you do with the word "gender" Clif, you have failed to consider alternative meanings. I studied quantum mechanics in skool. In that case the word "quantum" mean what you mean. A Qbit, for example, is just a particular type of wave function.

When I graduated I got a job with a company called "Quantum". In that case the word quantum was just a name (making a fictional allusion to a "quantum leap" within the Cabal business model).

When Benjamin Fulford makes reference to the "Quantum Financial System" he is using the word simply as a proper noun. He is not making reference to a branch of physics. Rather, in his case, the "Quantum Financial System" is merely an alternative to the "Swift" system. The veracity of Fulford's claim that the QFS exists is therefore a hair's breadth from a tautology.

When Simon Parks uses the term, he is referring the alien technology which may or may not exist, like Kim Goguen.

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I followed this until I got to the last two words "bogus disinformation". Is bogus disinformation disinformation that isn't really disinformation, or counterfeit disinformation, or is it disinformation about the late Confederate counterfeiter James Bogus? Help me; I'm confused.

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