Yep. No mention of the evidence that none of the mentioned viruses has ever been shown to exist or cause disease. Vaccines came late to the prevention party and took credit for eradicating issues that were already non-issues due to advances in clean water, better nutrition, etc. Polio still exists (DDT being the original cause but now we have glyphosate) but has been renamed. There’s so much mendacity in the medical system around this topic and of course AI repeats it. Virologists are not good thinkers and have neither tested their vaccines for safety or efficacy. Read one of their papers, especially the foundational ones, and you’ll see it’s a house of cards built on vivid imagination. MDs are either as cognitively compromised or driven by $. The likes of Peter McCullough prove it. And he’s a hero.
I like Clif and have learned a lot from him. I wish he’d look into the Vit D scam, and chlorine dioxide for cancer prevention. He would also find interesting the theory that the Black Death was a result (at least in part) of the Elohim worship cult members poisoning wells throughout Europe. Not rats and fleas. Some things never change. aka FloridaSharkman on Truth Social believes that most sickness are parasites that create inflammation. FSM has great protocols for all these sickness. All his info is free. Sicknesses includes cancer, Lyme disease and h pylori. H pylori in the gut is common and doctors really suck at getting rid of it.
That’s one view but no real evidence to support it. Parasites are just as likely to be there to clean up dead or compromised tissue. For example, they thrive on heavy metals. If you treat heavy metal toxicity, they go away, or at least don’t cause additional problems. There’s been a lot of drum beating about parasites lately but I’m not in that group.
I think cancer is a disease of toxicity so it makes sense that parasites would be there, too. But to suggest cause and effect is not good thinking imo.
FloridaSharkman's track record with real testimonials by hundreds speaks for itself. His approach is a more comprehensive approach then Joe Tippens. He feels Joe's 222 mg of fenbendazole is not enough. There us a doctor on x using menbendable or fenbendazole and ivermectin. These drugs target parasites and have thousands of testimonials in helping cancer patients. FSM adding berberine which lowers blood sugar made me more impressed. Berberine is pretty similar to metformin. Cancer Dr. Robert Nagourney in Long Beach has used metformin alone to cure cancers. Cancer loves sugar aka glucose. Cancer patients should cut out sugar and carbs. Go keto or carnivore.
I agree completely with last 2 sentences. Millions of testimonials does not constitute research. All cancers are not the same. And other variables need to be controlled for. And you at least need to be looking at the same kind of cancer. I think it’s possible that some solid tumors are actually parasites being walled off by the body. Until there is prospective clinical research with humans on all this (which would be difficult to get funding for), I think it’s risky to go with anti parasitic meds for prolonged treatment or prevention of cancer. There is evidence that these drugs can be neurotoxic at high doses or over time. There are safer options like B-17 and chlorine dioxide that we know more about.
I think that this is one of those things that is in the “F around and find out department.” Btw, I had a deadly cancer 25 years ago. It was melanoma within my eye and was supposed to kill me by way of the liver. Scared to death, I got 5 days of rads (side effects of which I’m still dealing with) which shrunk a 9 mm tumor 2 mm over a year. I started using guided imagery and it began shrinking regularly over the course of 10 years to where it’s now a scar. My university doc had me teach other patients how to to do it. And he started calling me Chopra. (The doc was from India.) Anyway, I’m absolutely sure I was not dealing with parasites.
Just yesterday I read a statement made by a rabid Rabbi in which this psychopath said, and I paraphrase:
"We will sacrifice/kill even our own. This fake HOLOCAUST will get the goyim on our side. We will create a sentiment in the ignorant masses which will be 'Pitty the Jews for they are
being unjustly persecuted'. We will avert their attention from our program of mass extermination of the white race. We will create terms like antisemitism and use this against the goyim."
Please, read the PROTOCOLS of the ELDERS of SCION. It is a manual/plan to implement measures to genocide the goyim and then eventually enslave the rest of the remaing population of the world, i.e. the 500 million they intend to leave to serve them. Remember - that they worshiped, and still worship to this day, throughtout history - MOLOCH to which they offer a blood sacrifice - children to be burned! These monsters are pure evil! Ever read the filth written in their grimoire called the TALMUD where they openly state that to steal and kill a Christian is their duty because it was commanded by their fucked up deity they call YAHWEH? They made up all the shit they believe in. It's in their nature. These parasites have already won. The very ignorant masses are just now beginning to realize a very unpleasant and painfully obvious fact - that this planet is a captured PRIZE, i.e. the loot pirates have gained by killing and stealing. They invented USURY back in the day we know as BABYLON the GREAT. Revelations has a few words about Babylon. It mentions a WHORE. This whore is the merchantile system these psychos have set up. When Babylon burns merchants will weep and gnash their teeth. Something like that. Many are waking up and it seems that this awarenes is causing a distortion in their MATRIX and this looks to the uinitiated that the MATRIX is falling apart. FYI this kind of thinking is delusional. These parasites/psychos will burn this rock we live on before they give up one iota of their power and control. Heard of a nuclear threat and WWIII just around the corner lately?
IMHO, short of a miracle I see no way that there will be a BUILD BACK BETTER world any time soon, if ever.
They killed their own yesterday. A group of IDF were surrounded by hezbollah. They were probably going to surrender. The IDF called in a missile or bomb stroke and killed their own soldiers. It is not the first time.
Synthetic vit D is not the equivalent of sunlight on the skin. It’s essentially a steroid. It’s toxic in high doses or over time. There are many victims unfortunately who are finding it difficult to recover from the recommended “keep your serum level over 50” eg to prevent Covid. The serum level doesn’t consider storage D which is used by the body to compensate for sunless months in some regions. Other sources of actual D with all necessary co-factors include raw dairy and fatty fish or cod liver oil. An excellent source on all this is Sally Fallon Morrell of the Weston A. Price Foundation. Her lectures are on YouTube.
Be carefull giving advice regarding food and supplements. FACT all fish oil is rancid. The minute they fish is killed the oils are beginning to putrify. They claim they extract it in such a way that it will not be rancid. That is pure BS. It will kill you before you regain the promoted health the commonly refered to as Alternative Heakth gurus advise you to consume. All seed oils are poison. All extracted and packaged fish oil is poison. Who in their right mind would voluntarily consume oxidized oils? Oh, the ignorant ones. Remember, in the Bible it states in Hosea - My people perish for lacf knowledge.
People must do their own DUE DILLIGENCE to ascertain/discern what is a LIE and what is the TRUTH.
I don’t think any of it is well understood, especially, by healthcare professionals conventional and alternative. The body does not function in a vacuum. We live in an electromagnetic field which interacts with the body’s electromagnetic field. All kinds of internal adjustments are made all the time. Supplementing with this and that just might gum up the works. I don’t know.
Example: my parents never took supplements, were party animals (smoked and drank), never exercised, and grew up during the depression. My father had PTSD from WW2. They were never sick until the last year of their lives. Both lived to 87.
I think mind plays a role in all this as well, something even less well understood than the physics involved.
I am a vegetarian and rarely burn as my heritage is a mix of two lighter skin pigment European tribes and 3 tanner skin pigment native Amer. tribes which contributes to sun tolerance on our skin.
Saw where synthetic made vitamin D is harmful. Synthetic is the key word. Need to see what label says is my guess "IF" these mfg are required to inform us.
I had to present my thesis for my graduate studies to my mentors (now called handlers). In 2014, my thesis was going to be: Is there a correlation between vaccines and autism? When I arrived at my appointment and the professor saw what I wanted to research, I was told on the spot, “Don’t you want to graduate”? “I am afraid this paper will get lost, fall behind some file cabinet, you won’t graduate, you’ll be in debt, you won’t have a job.” “What’s plan B?”
I was 61 years old and naive and clueless then, so I devised a plan B in which everybody was happy except me. Knowing what I know now, I so regret that day. ( "You don't understand! I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I could've been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am."
-- Terry Malloy (Marlon Brando), On the Waterfront (1954))
Not saying the the apparent conclusions are wrong and not advocating vaccines but looking at the multiple factors involved one must keep in mind that correlation is not causation.
HCQ and zinc has been proven in multiple NIH studies to CURE CANCER by way of AUTOPHAGY. That's why they demonized it so hard. Every media figure who railed against HCQ has committed mass murder and should be indicted, tried, and deleted.
Yup. If everyone had been on HCQ and Ivermectin for the FLU.....all the Cancers would have resolved! The cat would have been OUT OF THE BAG! Fauci knew that, so did his Puppet Masters.
What’s interesting is the fact that Ashkenazi jews and Amish are the genetically the same people . They chose different religion books to follow way back at the point of a sword.
I never heard that before. When the two Amish men were asked by a normie masked lady, "why hasn't anyone kn your community gotten covid." They replied we don't have TV
I don't think that's true. That's just the ones you see on X or Tiktok. The majority of Dems aren't that different from us, they just had parents who voted Dem, so they do it because that's how it always has been done. We don't see the Normal Dems.....many of them would never abort their own baby unless it was life and death for themselves. We really aren't that different,....we've just been divided intentionally by watching the Jew's crazy ass paid and brainwashed puppets dancing on X or FB or TikTok. They are only out there to divide us even more.
I was mostly in agreement with your comment until you singled out a perceived enemy (in this case Jews). Politics, race, religion, gender, class, etc. are among the successful tools the nefarious use to keep the masses divided. We must focus on identifying individual perps verses resorting to the easy broad brush approach.
I call them Luciferian globalist, because they want to own the world and enslave humanity with fake narratives, just like Lucifer allegedly does. They hide among legitimate groups for protection and victim status. Its a very effective strategy. I wince when someone blames 'the Jews', for that is what the Luciferian globalists want.
Also, Fenbendazole & Ivermectin together has cured many cancers. Dr. William Makis shows this on his Substack. And the Canadian government is heavily pursuing him. Trying to jail him & shut him down for telling people the truth.
Yep, where the Ashkenazi fake Jews came from. A lot of these fake Jews migrated to Israel where they have marginalized real Jews. They are the source of much stress and conflict world-wide.
They seem to own CFR WHO AMA NAFTA…etc. is the Pope their supreme commander? Who is reptilian Cain DNA or satanist by choice? They appear to want all other Adam DNA bloodline dead.
"How to grow your Cancer industry." All true, but this totally ignores the elephant in the room which is the American Big Fat Carb/Processed Food Diet! Carbs turn, almost instantly, into sugar and that's what cancer feeds on. Go low carb Keto, or full Carnivore and you magically starve Cancer (see Dr Thomas Seyfried's work of 30 years to see his better than 80% cancer crushing success rate, with even very terminal patients: OR, feed Cancer by eating shit like Sourdough Bread and Huckleberry Pie (which turn almost instantly into sugar, aka the preferred fuel for the Big C) and watch your body, health and everything else go right to hell. Even really smart people can do really stupid things to placate their childhood "Treat" needs :(
Don't forget the SEED OILS, they cause the Inflammation all through the body, and Inflammation drives all the diseases. And they knew this too, but they did it any way.
Farmers have used SEED OILS to Fatten up their HOGS for Slaughter for decades. The Khazarian Mafia has done the same to us for decades. Knowing it would create massive diseases. So lucrative Chronic disease. A GOLD MINE for them. They are milking humanity for all it's worth!
Carnivore dieat is really like an elimination diet. It helped me personally. When I go off the wagon I suffer horribly. Arthiritis pain all over. Gain weight and get anxiety big time. Grains are addictive for a reason - they are opioids.
....and killing the ignorant/gullible humanity aka goyim.
The awakened folk know that the waxxed are dying by the millions worldwide. Many more will die in the following few years. Many will first develop TURBO cancers, or whatever they name their designer diseases. FACT - all vaccines administerd ot anyone on this planet has had their lifespan shortened. These victims will develop diseases before their deaths.
AI is wrong to say, "These developments have LED TO a substantial reduction in morbidity and mortality from vaccine-preventable diseases." The most it can legitimately say is, "These developments have been COINCIDENT WITH a substantial reduction in morbidity and mortality from vaccine-preventable diseases."
After studying this as a lay person for 15 years, it is my opinion that vaccines have NEVER actually helped humanity. Even in Africa and India. They have certainly caused massive amounts of misery, injury and death.
Quite. Even if viruses exist, the theory behind vaccines is faulty: it assumes, in effect, that if the bloodstream "knows", then the whole body "knows". It exposes the bloodstream to (alleged) pathogens, and assumes that is all that is needed to activate, or inform, the immune system.
And yet very, very few diseases are contracted by puncture. It may be that the body assumes, "if it's in the blood, then the 'sentries' at the mouth, nose, tear ducts, lungs, stomach and gut have all allowed it in, so it must 'belong'."
I worked in a high-security building, where guest researchers came from all over the world, often for only a few days at a time. If I saw an unfamiliar face in the Restricted Areas, I assumed campus security and building security had already vetted him, and clearly had given him a passcard into the Restricted Areas.
this is so interesting - I actually work up this morning wondering if the massive rise in appendectomies and gallbladder removals/stones/issues wasn’t related to the rise in vaccination campaigns. I too, was a military brat, who spent most of her childhood overseas…which means I was vaccinated for everything in the 60s & 70s. And would sometimes get larger doses than what was prescribed because I was on the edge of qualifying for a larger dose - so they gave me a larger dose. I’ve had painful health issues most of my life … suspect that all those injections might have contributed to the issues.
Navy brat here.. yes every time you cross a country border you needed more shots. Just had both my gall bladder and appendices removed in March. I also had Epstien-Barr which is a result of vaxz... but early on I went in to natural healing and eventually neutralized it. HepB is very dangerous.. probably most all vaxz after the 80s are full of nasty byproducts which get you later in life. I have gone through five 10-day colon cleansing programs and helped reset my biology. One please I got to see the old amalgam tooth fillings they let me swallow back in the 70s.. and orange pork parasites... my son was maimed by the MMR vax.. worked hard to chelated the crap out of his body.. but he has disgrafia. I am excited that people are interested in better health. Yet those who got the Covid vaxz ..50% will experience downgrading of their health over a short time. I am seeing it at work. Yea Google and probably most AI has been whitewashed... hard to find real science anymore. Be careful too.. lots of crazy "home" remedies that harm are out there. .. even in substack. Thanks Cliff! Thanks Jill!
AI doesn't think for itself and only has the backbone of what's allowed to be shared to cull information from. Sorry to hear about your son, I've seen so much damage done by vaxz's over the years and really feel for those who were still believing the "science" even in the face of real evidence that they were personally experiencing.
Great helper for cancer is with helper site then click on FSM Protocol. This is all free info. Florida Sharkman is also on Truth Social. He shows people how to use a combo of fenbendazole, doxycycline, ivermectin and berberine to fight cancer and many other diseases.
There is a lady on X who keeps it simpler called Raven Klaison. She found the cheapest source of fenbendazole in Safe Guard 1.8% Swine Dewormer. About $25 for a 1 lb bag. She recommends 1/2 teaspoon daily for 3 months for cancer. The 1/4 teaspoon 3 or 4 days a week to keep it away.
Clif as usual is 100% correct in his work and the evils of vaccines. He is a real friend to all of humanity. Wish Clif and his family all the best.
He is very concerned about micro plastics, nano-bots, hydrogels, polymer blood clots, etc... from the death jabs... and maybe, shedding from the vaxxed.
Personally, I use both fenbendazole and ivermectin, but alternate. I also am a big fan of chlorine dioxide solution (CDS). I am hoping to get mebendazole from a India pharmacy (better in some ways than fenben), but the past pharmacy I used, my order got seized by US Customs. Any recommendations would be appreciated.
Florida Sharkman on Truth Social and plus then FSM protocol (B Protocol for cancer). He uses and I have bought from and The second one takes about 6 weeks to USA and the first about 4 weeks to USA. The second one has 1,000 mg fenbendazole pills. Never had any US Customs. They use Germany's Deutsche Post or one of them does.
I have also bought for fenben from and 1/2 teaspoon is about 2,500 mg. 1/4 tsp about 1,250 mg. Safe Guard is Merck Animal Pharmacuetical. Joe Tippens prefers Merck's stuff. Merck was offered to do a covid vax and they said no. They appear to be more ethical than others. Merck has been doing human pharma in USA for over 100 years. They started in germany.
Thanks!! I will look them over, especially if my current order from India gets seized... I fear my name/address may now be on a Customs black list.
I have seen a few sites that recommend 1000mg, but that is a LOT... a nice guy farm boy, must have been 350lbs, used 444 mg, not sure if once or twice a day... I think twice.
I take milk thistle with it to protect the liver... and IMO, adding Artemisinin to the fenben protocols is a great idea...
2020 = Poisonous mRNA injections called vaccines promoted by the insane members of the World Economic Forum + the Bill Gates's obsolete and corrupt WHO. Depopulation was their mission!
Those who survived the DEADLY INJECTION were left with injuries or incurable diseases and, if lucky, just a Shortened Life Expectancy!
Big Pharma can continue Big Pharma's Cull because they have IMMUNITY from all LIABILITY and FDA pretend they don't see their tardy QC and 'poisonous added extras' (hidden DNA contamination)!
Unjabbed Mick (UK) we'll live longer by avoiding contact with sinister Big Pharma and lethal syringes.
It seems to me that the AI in question has been well programmed to NOT spill the beans. It just repeats what the pharma industries say, YUCK
Yep. No mention of the evidence that none of the mentioned viruses has ever been shown to exist or cause disease. Vaccines came late to the prevention party and took credit for eradicating issues that were already non-issues due to advances in clean water, better nutrition, etc. Polio still exists (DDT being the original cause but now we have glyphosate) but has been renamed. There’s so much mendacity in the medical system around this topic and of course AI repeats it. Virologists are not good thinkers and have neither tested their vaccines for safety or efficacy. Read one of their papers, especially the foundational ones, and you’ll see it’s a house of cards built on vivid imagination. MDs are either as cognitively compromised or driven by $. The likes of Peter McCullough prove it. And he’s a hero.
I like Clif and have learned a lot from him. I wish he’d look into the Vit D scam, and chlorine dioxide for cancer prevention. He would also find interesting the theory that the Black Death was a result (at least in part) of the Elohim worship cult members poisoning wells throughout Europe. Not rats and fleas. Some things never change. aka FloridaSharkman on Truth Social believes that most sickness are parasites that create inflammation. FSM has great protocols for all these sickness. All his info is free. Sicknesses includes cancer, Lyme disease and h pylori. H pylori in the gut is common and doctors really suck at getting rid of it.
That’s one view but no real evidence to support it. Parasites are just as likely to be there to clean up dead or compromised tissue. For example, they thrive on heavy metals. If you treat heavy metal toxicity, they go away, or at least don’t cause additional problems. There’s been a lot of drum beating about parasites lately but I’m not in that group.
I think cancer is a disease of toxicity so it makes sense that parasites would be there, too. But to suggest cause and effect is not good thinking imo.
FloridaSharkman's track record with real testimonials by hundreds speaks for itself. His approach is a more comprehensive approach then Joe Tippens. He feels Joe's 222 mg of fenbendazole is not enough. There us a doctor on x using menbendable or fenbendazole and ivermectin. These drugs target parasites and have thousands of testimonials in helping cancer patients. FSM adding berberine which lowers blood sugar made me more impressed. Berberine is pretty similar to metformin. Cancer Dr. Robert Nagourney in Long Beach has used metformin alone to cure cancers. Cancer loves sugar aka glucose. Cancer patients should cut out sugar and carbs. Go keto or carnivore.
I agree completely with last 2 sentences. Millions of testimonials does not constitute research. All cancers are not the same. And other variables need to be controlled for. And you at least need to be looking at the same kind of cancer. I think it’s possible that some solid tumors are actually parasites being walled off by the body. Until there is prospective clinical research with humans on all this (which would be difficult to get funding for), I think it’s risky to go with anti parasitic meds for prolonged treatment or prevention of cancer. There is evidence that these drugs can be neurotoxic at high doses or over time. There are safer options like B-17 and chlorine dioxide that we know more about.
I think that this is one of those things that is in the “F around and find out department.” Btw, I had a deadly cancer 25 years ago. It was melanoma within my eye and was supposed to kill me by way of the liver. Scared to death, I got 5 days of rads (side effects of which I’m still dealing with) which shrunk a 9 mm tumor 2 mm over a year. I started using guided imagery and it began shrinking regularly over the course of 10 years to where it’s now a scar. My university doc had me teach other patients how to to do it. And he started calling me Chopra. (The doc was from India.) Anyway, I’m absolutely sure I was not dealing with parasites.
Kate please contact me. 503 641 8375
You’re correct. I was thinking of a different article but I also remember that one.
Just yesterday I read a statement made by a rabid Rabbi in which this psychopath said, and I paraphrase:
"We will sacrifice/kill even our own. This fake HOLOCAUST will get the goyim on our side. We will create a sentiment in the ignorant masses which will be 'Pitty the Jews for they are
being unjustly persecuted'. We will avert their attention from our program of mass extermination of the white race. We will create terms like antisemitism and use this against the goyim."
Please, read the PROTOCOLS of the ELDERS of SCION. It is a manual/plan to implement measures to genocide the goyim and then eventually enslave the rest of the remaing population of the world, i.e. the 500 million they intend to leave to serve them. Remember - that they worshiped, and still worship to this day, throughtout history - MOLOCH to which they offer a blood sacrifice - children to be burned! These monsters are pure evil! Ever read the filth written in their grimoire called the TALMUD where they openly state that to steal and kill a Christian is their duty because it was commanded by their fucked up deity they call YAHWEH? They made up all the shit they believe in. It's in their nature. These parasites have already won. The very ignorant masses are just now beginning to realize a very unpleasant and painfully obvious fact - that this planet is a captured PRIZE, i.e. the loot pirates have gained by killing and stealing. They invented USURY back in the day we know as BABYLON the GREAT. Revelations has a few words about Babylon. It mentions a WHORE. This whore is the merchantile system these psychos have set up. When Babylon burns merchants will weep and gnash their teeth. Something like that. Many are waking up and it seems that this awarenes is causing a distortion in their MATRIX and this looks to the uinitiated that the MATRIX is falling apart. FYI this kind of thinking is delusional. These parasites/psychos will burn this rock we live on before they give up one iota of their power and control. Heard of a nuclear threat and WWIII just around the corner lately?
IMHO, short of a miracle I see no way that there will be a BUILD BACK BETTER world any time soon, if ever.
Truth. Someone had to say it.
They killed their own yesterday. A group of IDF were surrounded by hezbollah. They were probably going to surrender. The IDF called in a missile or bomb stroke and killed their own soldiers. It is not the first time.
It gets confusing because of the “name stealers” who were also the bankers
Synthetic vit D is not the equivalent of sunlight on the skin. It’s essentially a steroid. It’s toxic in high doses or over time. There are many victims unfortunately who are finding it difficult to recover from the recommended “keep your serum level over 50” eg to prevent Covid. The serum level doesn’t consider storage D which is used by the body to compensate for sunless months in some regions. Other sources of actual D with all necessary co-factors include raw dairy and fatty fish or cod liver oil. An excellent source on all this is Sally Fallon Morrell of the Weston A. Price Foundation. Her lectures are on YouTube.
Be carefull giving advice regarding food and supplements. FACT all fish oil is rancid. The minute they fish is killed the oils are beginning to putrify. They claim they extract it in such a way that it will not be rancid. That is pure BS. It will kill you before you regain the promoted health the commonly refered to as Alternative Heakth gurus advise you to consume. All seed oils are poison. All extracted and packaged fish oil is poison. Who in their right mind would voluntarily consume oxidized oils? Oh, the ignorant ones. Remember, in the Bible it states in Hosea - My people perish for lacf knowledge.
People must do their own DUE DILLIGENCE to ascertain/discern what is a LIE and what is the TRUTH.
I don’t think ALL are rancid. Buyer beware. To be clear: My first suggestion is sunlight and 2nd is raw dairy.
I don’t think any of it is well understood, especially, by healthcare professionals conventional and alternative. The body does not function in a vacuum. We live in an electromagnetic field which interacts with the body’s electromagnetic field. All kinds of internal adjustments are made all the time. Supplementing with this and that just might gum up the works. I don’t know.
Example: my parents never took supplements, were party animals (smoked and drank), never exercised, and grew up during the depression. My father had PTSD from WW2. They were never sick until the last year of their lives. Both lived to 87.
I think mind plays a role in all this as well, something even less well understood than the physics involved.
I find that as a carnivore I can take a lot more sun without burning . Fish beef eggs bacon seem like all I need and some sun exposure.
I am a vegetarian and rarely burn as my heritage is a mix of two lighter skin pigment European tribes and 3 tanner skin pigment native Amer. tribes which contributes to sun tolerance on our skin.
Saw where synthetic made vitamin D is harmful. Synthetic is the key word. Need to see what label says is my guess "IF" these mfg are required to inform us.
Muslim corpses? Are you serious? Give me ur D and C brands products you recommend please
AI is simply a computer, garbage in, garbage out. It is dangerous because some human beings are garbage and others believe the out-put.
Truncated facts IN, Truncated conclusion OUT?
GIGO has legs!
1000% Kay. Crumbs of truth, while missing boulders of lies.
Clif, you like a challernge, right?
May have a Tolerance Build-up?
I had to present my thesis for my graduate studies to my mentors (now called handlers). In 2014, my thesis was going to be: Is there a correlation between vaccines and autism? When I arrived at my appointment and the professor saw what I wanted to research, I was told on the spot, “Don’t you want to graduate”? “I am afraid this paper will get lost, fall behind some file cabinet, you won’t graduate, you’ll be in debt, you won’t have a job.” “What’s plan B?”
I was 61 years old and naive and clueless then, so I devised a plan B in which everybody was happy except me. Knowing what I know now, I so regret that day. ( "You don't understand! I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I could've been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am."
-- Terry Malloy (Marlon Brando), On the Waterfront (1954))
That's sad isn't it. The fake jews control everything. It's no wonder the planet is so screwed up. They like it that them cover.
There are many independent studies now firmly linking vaccines to autism. I’ve studied them. It’s around 95%
Thank you Clif!
Not saying the the apparent conclusions are wrong and not advocating vaccines but looking at the multiple factors involved one must keep in mind that correlation is not causation.
HCQ and zinc has been proven in multiple NIH studies to CURE CANCER by way of AUTOPHAGY. That's why they demonized it so hard. Every media figure who railed against HCQ has committed mass murder and should be indicted, tried, and deleted.
Yup. If everyone had been on HCQ and Ivermectin for the FLU.....all the Cancers would have resolved! The cat would have been OUT OF THE BAG! Fauci knew that, so did his Puppet Masters.
It would seem there are *many* cancer cures. See also:
Imagine how pissed off normies are going to be when they absorb the enormity of this evil.
What’s interesting is the fact that Ashkenazi jews and Amish are the genetically the same people . They chose different religion books to follow way back at the point of a sword.
I never heard that before. When the two Amish men were asked by a normie masked lady, "why hasn't anyone kn your community gotten covid." They replied we don't have TV
I don't think that's true. That's just the ones you see on X or Tiktok. The majority of Dems aren't that different from us, they just had parents who voted Dem, so they do it because that's how it always has been done. We don't see the Normal Dems.....many of them would never abort their own baby unless it was life and death for themselves. We really aren't that different,....we've just been divided intentionally by watching the Jew's crazy ass paid and brainwashed puppets dancing on X or FB or TikTok. They are only out there to divide us even more.
I was mostly in agreement with your comment until you singled out a perceived enemy (in this case Jews). Politics, race, religion, gender, class, etc. are among the successful tools the nefarious use to keep the masses divided. We must focus on identifying individual perps verses resorting to the easy broad brush approach.
I call them Luciferian globalist, because they want to own the world and enslave humanity with fake narratives, just like Lucifer allegedly does. They hide among legitimate groups for protection and victim status. Its a very effective strategy. I wince when someone blames 'the Jews', for that is what the Luciferian globalists want.
That is a very astute observation. Kudos to you for making it and posting it for everybody.
Also, Fenbendazole & Ivermectin together has cured many cancers. Dr. William Makis shows this on his Substack. And the Canadian government is heavily pursuing him. Trying to jail him & shut him down for telling people the truth.
Go over to the substack 2nd smartest guy in the world.
Lots of info on Fenbendazole and Ivermectin to cure cancer.
According to Dr Sherry Rogers, Cancer allopathic therapy is 97% fatal. Play with that on chatAI
The ELohim cult based in Ukraine aka khazarian mafia fake Jew headquarters? That cult?
Yep, where the Ashkenazi fake Jews came from. A lot of these fake Jews migrated to Israel where they have marginalized real Jews. They are the source of much stress and conflict world-wide.
Ashkenazi and Amish are genetically the same people .
They seem to own CFR WHO AMA NAFTA…etc. is the Pope their supreme commander? Who is reptilian Cain DNA or satanist by choice? They appear to want all other Adam DNA bloodline dead.
"How to grow your Cancer industry." All true, but this totally ignores the elephant in the room which is the American Big Fat Carb/Processed Food Diet! Carbs turn, almost instantly, into sugar and that's what cancer feeds on. Go low carb Keto, or full Carnivore and you magically starve Cancer (see Dr Thomas Seyfried's work of 30 years to see his better than 80% cancer crushing success rate, with even very terminal patients: OR, feed Cancer by eating shit like Sourdough Bread and Huckleberry Pie (which turn almost instantly into sugar, aka the preferred fuel for the Big C) and watch your body, health and everything else go right to hell. Even really smart people can do really stupid things to placate their childhood "Treat" needs :(
Don't forget the SEED OILS, they cause the Inflammation all through the body, and Inflammation drives all the diseases. And they knew this too, but they did it any way.
Farmers have used SEED OILS to Fatten up their HOGS for Slaughter for decades. The Khazarian Mafia has done the same to us for decades. Knowing it would create massive diseases. So lucrative Chronic disease. A GOLD MINE for them. They are milking humanity for all it's worth!
And... my favorite, High Fructose Corn Syrup.
ALL true, but the Carnivore way of eating is naturally devoid of seed oils...
Carnivore dieat is really like an elimination diet. It helped me personally. When I go off the wagon I suffer horribly. Arthiritis pain all over. Gain weight and get anxiety big time. Grains are addictive for a reason - they are opioids.
Ain’t that the truth. One grain snack , even a crepe. Can turn the ache back on .
I would add:
....and killing the ignorant/gullible humanity aka goyim.
The awakened folk know that the waxxed are dying by the millions worldwide. Many more will die in the following few years. Many will first develop TURBO cancers, or whatever they name their designer diseases. FACT - all vaccines administerd ot anyone on this planet has had their lifespan shortened. These victims will develop diseases before their deaths.
We live on a prison planet. We live in hell.
This is very good. Please share this one with everyone.
Verify all info you read, or hear. It takes work to avoid being ignorant.
You cycle it. And, it's not as high as Huckleberry Pie! See Dr Seyfried's protocols...
Gandhi was well aware of that a century ago, when He said that vaccinations was the worst calamity on the population !!!!
AI is wrong to say, "These developments have LED TO a substantial reduction in morbidity and mortality from vaccine-preventable diseases." The most it can legitimately say is, "These developments have been COINCIDENT WITH a substantial reduction in morbidity and mortality from vaccine-preventable diseases."
After studying this as a lay person for 15 years, it is my opinion that vaccines have NEVER actually helped humanity. Even in Africa and India. They have certainly caused massive amounts of misery, injury and death.
Quite. Even if viruses exist, the theory behind vaccines is faulty: it assumes, in effect, that if the bloodstream "knows", then the whole body "knows". It exposes the bloodstream to (alleged) pathogens, and assumes that is all that is needed to activate, or inform, the immune system.
And yet very, very few diseases are contracted by puncture. It may be that the body assumes, "if it's in the blood, then the 'sentries' at the mouth, nose, tear ducts, lungs, stomach and gut have all allowed it in, so it must 'belong'."
I worked in a high-security building, where guest researchers came from all over the world, often for only a few days at a time. If I saw an unfamiliar face in the Restricted Areas, I assumed campus security and building security had already vetted him, and clearly had given him a passcard into the Restricted Areas.
And that's assuming viruses even exist.
Clif I know you get pissed and want to quit . But Humanity needs you more than ever . Thank you for your efforts incredible …
this is so interesting - I actually work up this morning wondering if the massive rise in appendectomies and gallbladder removals/stones/issues wasn’t related to the rise in vaccination campaigns. I too, was a military brat, who spent most of her childhood overseas…which means I was vaccinated for everything in the 60s & 70s. And would sometimes get larger doses than what was prescribed because I was on the edge of qualifying for a larger dose - so they gave me a larger dose. I’ve had painful health issues most of my life … suspect that all those injections might have contributed to the issues.
Navy brat here.. yes every time you cross a country border you needed more shots. Just had both my gall bladder and appendices removed in March. I also had Epstien-Barr which is a result of vaxz... but early on I went in to natural healing and eventually neutralized it. HepB is very dangerous.. probably most all vaxz after the 80s are full of nasty byproducts which get you later in life. I have gone through five 10-day colon cleansing programs and helped reset my biology. One please I got to see the old amalgam tooth fillings they let me swallow back in the 70s.. and orange pork parasites... my son was maimed by the MMR vax.. worked hard to chelated the crap out of his body.. but he has disgrafia. I am excited that people are interested in better health. Yet those who got the Covid vaxz ..50% will experience downgrading of their health over a short time. I am seeing it at work. Yea Google and probably most AI has been whitewashed... hard to find real science anymore. Be careful too.. lots of crazy "home" remedies that harm are out there. .. even in substack. Thanks Cliff! Thanks Jill!
AI doesn't think for itself and only has the backbone of what's allowed to be shared to cull information from. Sorry to hear about your son, I've seen so much damage done by vaxz's over the years and really feel for those who were still believing the "science" even in the face of real evidence that they were personally experiencing.
Great helper for cancer is with helper site then click on FSM Protocol. This is all free info. Florida Sharkman is also on Truth Social. He shows people how to use a combo of fenbendazole, doxycycline, ivermectin and berberine to fight cancer and many other diseases.
There is a lady on X who keeps it simpler called Raven Klaison. She found the cheapest source of fenbendazole in Safe Guard 1.8% Swine Dewormer. About $25 for a 1 lb bag. She recommends 1/2 teaspoon daily for 3 months for cancer. The 1/4 teaspoon 3 or 4 days a week to keep it away.
Clif as usual is 100% correct in his work and the evils of vaccines. He is a real friend to all of humanity. Wish Clif and his family all the best.
Do you know what amount in mgs of fenbendazole those 1/2 and 1/4 tsp doses of swine Safe Guard represent?
This is a pretty decent Substack, guy gets into the weeds a bit too much, but this link also has a good "Joe Tippens" protocol, updated.
He is very concerned about micro plastics, nano-bots, hydrogels, polymer blood clots, etc... from the death jabs... and maybe, shedding from the vaxxed.
Personally, I use both fenbendazole and ivermectin, but alternate. I also am a big fan of chlorine dioxide solution (CDS). I am hoping to get mebendazole from a India pharmacy (better in some ways than fenben), but the past pharmacy I used, my order got seized by US Customs. Any recommendations would be appreciated.
Florida Sharkman on Truth Social and plus then FSM protocol (B Protocol for cancer). He uses and I have bought from and The second one takes about 6 weeks to USA and the first about 4 weeks to USA. The second one has 1,000 mg fenbendazole pills. Never had any US Customs. They use Germany's Deutsche Post or one of them does.
I have also bought for fenben from and 1/2 teaspoon is about 2,500 mg. 1/4 tsp about 1,250 mg. Safe Guard is Merck Animal Pharmacuetical. Joe Tippens prefers Merck's stuff. Merck was offered to do a covid vax and they said no. They appear to be more ethical than others. Merck has been doing human pharma in USA for over 100 years. They started in germany.
Thanks!! I will look them over, especially if my current order from India gets seized... I fear my name/address may now be on a Customs black list.
I have seen a few sites that recommend 1000mg, but that is a LOT... a nice guy farm boy, must have been 350lbs, used 444 mg, not sure if once or twice a day... I think twice.
I take milk thistle with it to protect the liver... and IMO, adding Artemisinin to the fenben protocols is a great idea...
Seems like AI is turning out to be like most other computer programs. Garbage IN Garbage OUT.
2020 = Poisonous mRNA injections called vaccines promoted by the insane members of the World Economic Forum + the Bill Gates's obsolete and corrupt WHO. Depopulation was their mission!
Those who survived the DEADLY INJECTION were left with injuries or incurable diseases and, if lucky, just a Shortened Life Expectancy!
Big Pharma can continue Big Pharma's Cull because they have IMMUNITY from all LIABILITY and FDA pretend they don't see their tardy QC and 'poisonous added extras' (hidden DNA contamination)!
Unjabbed Mick (UK) we'll live longer by avoiding contact with sinister Big Pharma and lethal syringes.
The graph says all I need to know. Thank you Clif. ❤️🙏🙏❤️