Good article. Would be better on the white board, but you got other things going on, I'm sure. Did you ever look into electroculture for growing plants? I'm still researching it.

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I just put 8 8 foot antennas with copper coil into the soil on my farm. It will take some time but the idea of no pesticides and larger fruits and vegetables was to appealing not to try !

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I hope you will tell us your results too. I have friends trying it as well

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I went out into the woods and found some dead limbs/twigs on the ground and broke them into several lengths. I put a 3-4 ft. twig wrapped (clockwise) in solid copper wire in each of my 3 plant beds and I have seen quite a difference in the size of my plants and veggies. I even noticed something that I have never seen before. One of the dead twigs actually started sprouting live green buds on it! I had read that electroculture will cause the chemtrails above your property to dissipate. I don't know if this is true, but I can tell you I have seen the chemtrails all around my property and none over my property.

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Is that where you use copper next to plant that is growing in the ground and the copper is long enough to stick in the ground also with touching some part of the plant? I did it to one of my tomato plants. Still watching it.

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From what I've read so far (and I am NOT an expert), the copper (or conductive material -- aluminum or steel should work) is to create a connection between the soil and the air, drawing energy in from the aether into the soil for use by the plant. I've not read anything that indicates a connection to the plant with the copper is necessary, BUT remember my disclaimer, I am not an expert.

I bought some 12 gauge copper wire at Home Depot with the intent of fashioning some antennae for some plants and leaving others without as a control group; doing that next week.

We shall see.

We wish y'all all the best!

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I would be interested in your results.

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I have tried that beside some of my greens in a barrel. Just some copper wire on a bamboo cane stuck into the barrel near them I’m keeping an eye on it.

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Van Doome (liknk above) details directional specifications for use of bauxite, magnets, copper wire, towers, et al - really worth a look. O

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Grammatical note: "et al." (short for et alii) means "and other [persons]", whereas etc. (short for et cetera) means "and other [things]". You meant to say, "etc.", not "et al." You're welcome. ;-)

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jwag --- I'm in East Texas, Grow Zone 8b. My email address is judmorrison@icloud.com

If you'd like to stay in touch and compare results, please feel free to msg me.

Anthony Burkett, same goes for you. All our best...

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Know Yannick Van Doome? Electroculture, bees, etc - fascinating fellow and ideas:

https://www-electroculturevandoorne-com.translate.goog/?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp (weird link but it works and not without the later bits).

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Started electro culture a month ago. Wrapped copper wire clockwise around wooden or bamboo sticks, for small plants, I used chop sticks.

Some of my plants reacted instantly, like an Amaryllis that hadn't flowered in 4 years, suddenly started blooming, within only a week. Also a tomato seedling that looked like not making it quickly recovered.

With other plants, I haven't seen any difference as yet, will closely observe things^^.

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I am currently using electroculture [copper wire wrapped around a bamboo post] and it appears to be accelerating the growth of the vegetables in the garden and some landscaping I planted.

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I'm wondering if some plants react differently... they shouldn't (same air, same soil), but the plant itself may have properties which make it more -- or less -- conducive. Example: if a plant is not responding to the antenna, would adding more surface area, i.e., more coils and/or height help?

I'm installing mine today or tomorrow after I finish working on my trailer lights (which, to me, is more magic than science, LOL)

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I've started doing this too, put some small copper wound sticks in with my strawberries and they have shot up and looking really healthy and the slugs have gone from those containers. I've started dotting them around the garden so watch this space...

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Is this the same effect/phenomena that has been reported around the (stone) round towers of Ireland, where improved pasture grazing in the vicinity of the towers has been well known for centuries? I’m thinking that the weight of the stone, heavy in quartz, possibly creates some kind of piezo electric cascade effect which energises the soil and plants in the vicinity? I wonder also if this is apparent in grazing fields surrounded by dry stone walls? As a gardener (lawn mower man), I also notice that grass seems to grow faster next to stone kerbs, and walls, although this could be attributed to additional concentrated water runoff, temperature differential or improved nutrition possibly from dissolves salts from the stones themselves. It would be interesting to maybe build a cairn out of quartz bearing stone and test this in a lawn or pasture. I’m also wondering if seed germination rates can be impacted, if stored within these structures or ‘electrical’ fields? It is interesting to note that many of the ancient field systems close to my location, have cairns identified on Ordinance Survey maps (Dorset, UK).

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I have no idea...

but I like the way you think.

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If you haven't already read it (you probably have) I recommend 'The secret life of plants' by Peter Tompkins.

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If you're the tallest metal (conductive) umbrella in the neighborhood, chances go up you'll get the lightning bolt. Charges build up in the atmosphere until they are sufficient to overcome the resistance.. We put lightning rods up, (well grounded conductors with pointy ends to assist in the charge leaping off the tips) to provide an easy path for the surges thus providing a layer of protection for the items in that area. Since charge prefers the path of least resistance, wouldn't putting more conductive alternatives near target plants DECREASE the flow going through that plant itself?

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Interesting - but this technology was already partially if not fully developed by the Nazis during WWII. Especially the bit about a mercury core. I highly recommend everyone read Joseph Farrell's great book - 'Brotherhood of the Bell'. The Bell refers to a Nazi craft that looked, well, like a bell! The book deals with the development of the craft - a craft, by the way, which was partially if not fully captured by the 'allies.' These craft were supposedly used to attack Admiral Byrd's force when they went to 'remove' the nazis from Antartica. It was Admiral Byrd's force that was removed. So, now we see the real fruit of 'Operation Paper Clip' - the capture and use of nazi scientists and engineers for the American space program - scientists and engineers who would have had knowledge of the 'The Bell.'

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Yes, Dark Journalist interviewed Jim. Marrs, about his book, Rise of fourth Reich. It was very informative. The number of Nazis brought here would boggle the mind. I suspect the technology has been on and in the planet, hidden and controlled by a few, and maybe deep state has a fleet that would also boggle the mind. The trillions they have stolen sure wasn't spent on US infrastructure. Just guessing what we see is so obsolete. I could talk about this for a very long time! So many have no clue about Bird.

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Linda Moulton-Howe has talked on her youtube channel about DOD informers telling her that we have at least 3 Deep Space ships that can cruise long distances. Another excellent books is "Ceres Colony Cavalier" that is mind-blowing. I recommend that anyone should read this and keep an open mind. There is much that the general public does not know. Tidbits like what I have mentioned here do leak out.

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Yes, I read Ceres Colony Cavalier. That was very informative. I remember reading that Lockheed Skunk Works director said "we now have the technology to take ET home. I believe him. That was in 2013, I think.

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Also you should immediately listen to Jordan Maxwell's interview video on Youtube (and likely on Bitchute also) "Close Encounters and Other Stories". It is mind boggling. Most people speculate about aliens, Jordan was actually guided and protected by them, literally, he was shown this and they demonstrated it multiple times. Wen he was about 18 he moved to Los Angeles, he didn't know why, but he did. Not long after living there he would go downtown in the evening in one of the L.A. suburbs. He went to a lunch counter there one night where there was only one seat left and sat down. He met the girl next to him about his age and they dated. That girl and her family were hybrids. One day she said her father wanted to meet him. He refused, who wants to meet your girlfriends father? But she said he was very unusual. So he met her father and was flabbergasted. Her father knew his innermost thoughts and even his childhood thoughts, which he read off. That hybrid family got Jordan started on his path, and they educated and protected him. At one of his public speeches many years later a 'hippie' guy would show up regularly. But he was quiet, cultured and friendly. One day at a UFO or paranormal event a lady dropped a pamphlet, the hippie guy was nearby and picked it up and Jordan noticed an amulet he wore, it had Masonic symbols on it. He asked him about it and was told by his hippie friend that he was on the Council of Masons, not the American council, but higher, the World council group, and he was one of it's leaders, but he also was a hybrid (my comment). He told Jordan that they had been protecting him all those years that he spread the truth about government, secret societies, religious meanings, ect ect. It was because they had been protecting him from harm, from arrest, ect ect.. that he had never been acosted or arrested. And much more. You will find that story of the hybrid family about halfway through the video. There are ASTOUNDING things covered in this video. This is the link to it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QLBDEKB1ZM

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Yes, and General Kammler directed the work and disappeared at the end of the war with several truckloads of documents.

Farrells book is excellent by the way.

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Have you seen the books by "Stan Wolf," a German, at Amazon? He writes as fiction what he believes happened with Kammler. A few are in English, the later ones have not yet been translated, wish they would be. Definitely worth reading.

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I managed to find them in German. I do speak and read fluent German so it should be good. I ordered the first one to see if I like it

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Thank you.

I am writing one of my own as well. Fiction but fun. I will check those out

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So are we looking at a time traveling floating RV's now?


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I am patiently waiting!

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Exactly what I thought!

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Hello humans, hello humans!

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Is this why these UFOs are the true messengers of the universe, because they work on mercury? 😁

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But OK for rads if one no longer has nads? I'd be willing to take the risk ;)

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I am hearing, go long on mercury.

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I've had mercury poisoning. Keep that

sh!t away from me.

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Lazar said element 115 had a field that radiated outside of the element and that they were able to tap into that field and amplify it. I’m throwing that out there as it’s coming from the top of my head. Not certain. But I’m thinking that there was no decaying isotopes that would cause harm. I could be wrong.

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One of the most intriguing books I've read is this one > Sands Of Time : Sean David Morton : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive - https://archive.org/details/sandsoftimeseandavidmorton

Has much to do about time UFOs and many other unsolved mysteries from the not to distant past.

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Morton is a con man

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I ran into him on project camelot many years ago. He was always a compelling speaker. I found too many lies after looking knto him. It left a bad taste in my mouth.

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Yes but Clif is a showman and I enjoy and you can learn from both kinds of speculation. Sean David Morton's mother was a recognized psychic, so that is how he got started. He also sold Heironymous machines just a few years back, and I would love to have one of those to play with. They supposedly concentrate thought power using only a printed circuit. No one could explain why the circuit worked, or how it worked. Farmers claimed amazing results using Radionics to both kill insect pests and enhance the plant's growth abilities as well. John W Campbell, who published Amazing Stories magazine, wrote science fiction and was very skeptical generally, believed in them. I remember reading an assessment of them he wrote once 5 or 6 decades ago. I have a paperback book in storage somewhere called "Magic: Science of the Future" that was about Radionics, which is the subject of what the principle that the Heironymous machines supposedly worked on.

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"The instant that the magnetic field is engaged, due to its properties within the presence of such a field, the mercury metal (Hg) will leap into the center of the sphere where it will ‘hover’ in a slightly quivering state." That would make sense in terms of the 'wobble and dart' effect most apparent when I saw a UFO hovering over London in broad daylight several years ago. I also got the sense that it was wobbling around on a border between dimensions/densities or whatever.

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Definitely careful with the rads. Nazi scientists were allegedly killed by radiation while working with the Nazi Bell and rotating mercury.

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Have thought maybe those little guys have skintype suits and shields over those large eyes for atmospheric protection in and out of the crafts

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It was my understanding that the greys are a biological robot that can withstand the rigors of space travel.

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Like AI made a gollum of itself?

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Roswell 1947 Local nurse and councilman discussed the body/flesh wreckage before she was unexpectedly transferred

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There is also a small species that is black in colour

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I just want one for my own use.

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Would this be considered an antigravity technology?

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The mercury has something do with anti grav and levitation. There's a reason our government has been telling us for decades that it's poison and we should stay away from it.

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It is poison.

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Yes, we all know it's poison. My point is everyone just thinks its a pointless poisonous substance and ends it there. It should be studied more in a safe manner.

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it's poison, stay away from it!


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Clif, is the same principle that the Nazi Bell, Die Glock operated on?

I believe Die Glock also utilized spinning mercury.

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This Piece moved with great anticipation & fascination. It was enthralling !

It then parted quickly from scene with intense Hilarity !

I hope ETs have a sense of humor.

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