Well, People, looks like we have some work ahead of us. Those over a certain age will need to come out of retirement to help the younger folk. Enjoy it while you can, spiff up and polish your health, it's back out to the work-shop soon. This time, we have something constructive to do. Might even be fun.

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Happy to be older and with wisdom to lead/help/educate/heal as many as possible.

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this seasoned awaken woo one is looking forward to being of use and wanted again! Bring it on. Love you Clif!

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We are born for this time--who wanted to retire anyway?

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I was thrown under the bus by a bunch of youngsters when I was early 70's....never intended to retire.

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Feb 20·edited Feb 20

We’re ready to step up and provide support! (At least I sure as hell am)

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Hopefully it will be on an advisory and mentoring level due to physical limitations. We will become the for-mothers and for-fathers of the new world.

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Any level is good. My 77 year-old friend is active on social media helping all ages look their professional best. I still have some vim and my joints are still working, so I could manage a kitchen. Whatever skills one has is going to be needed.

Our family is about to expand.

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I need to watch "Signs" again. The movie by M. Nightshamalamadingdong (sp). We are all here for a reason that the universe has prepared us beforehand.

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‘Nightshamalamadingdong’ 😜 hilarious

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Yes, we can co-operate in our neighborhoods to help sustain people if needed and can volunteer to bring food or supplies to central locations.

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Uh yeah ok that will be fine, can we please take those towers down now. This will be much easier. We have to concentrate on getting the nano bot out of the body totally, not just most. Going to be hard watching population dwindle so fast. We need to make sure the younger ones can stay healthy.

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Once we clearly see how 98% of every thought in our mind is likely a direct result of the control mechanisms placed upon us for the past 6000 years, it is fairly easy to say Enough!

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We might need to get together and take them down ourselves the way billboards were taken down back in the day.

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Reminds me of the UK guy who used a cordless angle grinder to cut down a newly erected street lamp post, ... because it was loaded with new surveillance camera's.

And when I saw that video, it reminded me of Paul Newman cutting the tops off all the parking meters with a pipe cutter in Cool Hand Luke. lol Make rebellion great again !!

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That was a great movie. Sometimes a Great Notion was another.

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I don't recall that one. Who was in it?

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Sometimes a Great Notion (also known as Never Give An Inch) is a 1971 American drama film directed by Paul Newman and starring Newman, Henry Fonda, Michael Sarrazin, and Lee Remick. The cast also includes Richard Jaeckel in an Academy Award-nominated performance.

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Industrial grade tools could come in very handy.

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Tractors, front-end loaders, excavators, shotgu(n)s. Any friend of Molo/tov is a friend of mine, as well.

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I'm a farmer. 'Nough said.

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The knowledge of using that equipment needs taught to couch potato Younger generations... let's go!

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I was red pilling the delivery guy a couple hours ago. He's unvaxxed but he still needs work.

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Excellent. We here on the island of Clifhigh-Substackia are proud of you!

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Amongst other things you can certainly help with the deprogramming and relating stories about a saner, more analogue time. Wristwatches for example. Those windy things.

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I still got 2 or 3 of them watches working perfectly!

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Yes, you are!!

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And I want to stick around for a while longer to see how it all plays out.

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prepped, eager for the work/fun to begin...sooner we finish, sooner we celebrate!

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exhausting. F*ck!

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Not at all! Exhilarating!

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its Exhilarating AND EXHAUSTING. depends on how you wake up in the morning. yea?

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We certainly have work to do. That's why were here. This reminds me of a book I read by Dolores Cannon called "The Three Waves of Volunteers and The New Earth. I'm a baby boomer born in 1956 and were the First wave of volunteers. We chose to be here at this time. Definitely agree with Clif on his Humanity Ascends article.

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ditto 1956 entry point. we are early troops dropped on the beach.

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Sounds great!

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Oh so exciting to think we are close to the Woo-time of "they won't be able to walk down the streets"

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I'm liking that sight.

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Back into their caves they go. We must follow them and snuff them out.

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Oh hell yeah. show no mercy. they didn't do that with us, we don't have to show we're evolved by not doing it to them. We all know they will come back and do it again to us. Quote the Raven " Never More" or slang - Never Mo. LOL

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Rather we could show we are evolved by doing it to them. Fool me 1030 times, shame on you. Fool me 1031 times, well, uh, you aren't going to fool me again.

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they deserve a full year in solitary confinement, in the dark.

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The official penalty is death. Clif would like them to suffer. I'm on the fence. Death has an appealing finality about it, problem solved. If we want them to suffer, why not solitary confinement in the dark until they figure out a way to do themselves in?

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Yeah, .... before the scaphism, anyway. lol

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With bugz only for food.

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How about a lifetime in solitary confinement? We will see how long life is, in the dark.

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"a full year" ? Life!

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How do we know we have not done something similar in a past life, heh, lol?

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Possible. Best to choose service to others and not service to self. Reconning time is very near.

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Precisely my thought.

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Back to Class they must go, ,..for retraining on how to be sentient, kind, loving, etc, if they are lucky, and do not have their Soul memory deleted or cancelled , its not up to me what happens so we will see, but there are those that have been consciously working with Ascension for many years , Ascension is a process..,and a deep rabbit hole that that covers many places,and many consciousness are involved, but its starts here on Earth with this Planet we call home, and it is NOT just about the Human race,it starts first with the planet,..and follows with ALL consciousness that have ever been here since creation, including those here now, there have been many atrocities committed Here and elsewhere that must be cleared on a Soul level during this process, so that the memory of True Purpose and intent may finally take its rightfull place and Manifest Here Physically, these are trying times for sure, but i have no doubt that ALL of Earth will be spiritual in the Physical, those that cannot will not be here.


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lets just program them with mk ultra and teach them exactly how to behave in this world. put chips in their head, maybe chito's??? or nachos.

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I'm pretty sure that walking down the streets is something they aren't doing already.

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Castrudeau still does from what I've seen. Unless he's 2.0.

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Thrustin Turdhole does get a lot of flak, but yes, someone should have taken one for the team by now.

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Did you see this yet?


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Turdhole isn't leaving the job half done. We can only hang him once.

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He'll become irrelevant soon. Worst punishment I can think of for that idiot.

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Most of the higher level politicians can't walk down a street already. When they no longer have a security team armed to the teeth protecting them they become one of the rest of us. Subject to the laws of the streets.

Great example is Canada's Trudeau. Surrounded by at least 30 guards everywhere he goes in public. All it takes is stop paying the guards. Why do the guards never see they are subjects of the same bovine excrement as the rest of us ?

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That's the problem, the guards want their paycheck. I just wish they would just turn around and shoot Trudeau, just like the execution of Romanian President Nicolae and his wife Elena Ceaușescu by the military in 1989. Their people had enough!

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Oh I truly hope that happens and hope we all get to witness it.

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I have believed for many years that when America awoke, nothing could stop the American people. That sounds very old-fashioned, I know. But the one thing the globalists did not want was for the American spirit to be rekindled. Now they've pushed too hard and that was a stupid move. For them. I never thought of myself as particularly patriotic until relatively recently. But then I realized a great love for my countrymen and a belief that we really can do what is needed to be free.

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I always equated the American populace to a huge male lion sleeping under a tree. The lion wants nothing more than to enjoy its life in peace and quiet. Then a bunch of idiots with sticks come along…

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Beware the man who just wanted to be left alone.

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TRUE TERROR will arrive at these people's door, and they will cry, scream, and beg for mercy... but it will fall upon the deaf ears of the "Men who just wanted to be left alone."

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Remember, Cliff made the comment about when the Rocks begin to Roll!

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I want that done, but I'm not the guy to do it. As little as they deserve my sympathy, I'd feel sorry for them.

You're hired!

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There is something poetic about being Karma's deliveryman. Doing a bad thing for the best of reasons. And since I am likely already doomed for eternity, I would have no compunction with taking on the task. I think it was Spartacast-16, possibly, where I suggested after many other replies to a comment adding names, that there definitely needs to be a master list. With most of the names mentioned, I would only feel regret in only being able to do them Once. lol

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Lemme know if there is anything you need.

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Sounds alot like Russia.

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LOL! Bingo.

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More like that Lion is about to be smacked in the balls...here we go!😜

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Tokens, ... the not so bad kind This takes me back.


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That is exactly how I feel.

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Absolutely 💯

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Study American history. Many people have given their lives for your right to post here.

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In which wars did those people give their lives for, for our right to post here?

And which of those wars were not wars for corporate profit, which did nothing to increase the safety and security of America, or our being able to "post here"?

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You are correct! It is being seen now. But we lost a lot of lives over corporate greed! Hopefully never again. But I do believe that what they have done IS to awaken The American Spirit. Most of us “older” generations were taught to have pride in our country. I think that will bite the El-ites in the A$$. So this time If it all happens,, I do believe it would be for TRUE Freedom.

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Yes, I am of the older generations, just after the "Boomers"... who would have thought taht the country would sink so low?

I think the "El-ites" are a figment of Clif's fertile imagination. And IF they exist, and have the tech to travel across galaxies... I think they would kick our lame asses. Unless he is referring to jews, as he may be... then yes... we WILL overcome.

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As much as I dislike quoting Wickstrom, .......


"It's the Jews, Dummy" ~ James P. Wickstrom

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LOL!! I figured as much, but was not sure... jews are a protected species, ya know... unlike humans...

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Just curious: why are you subscribed to Clif's substack if you believe what he shares is simply the result of his, "fertile imagination"? Entertainment, perhaps? Or you believe some of his offerings, but not the Elohim information? Or perhaps his "webbot" predictions? Like I mentioned, no judgement, just curious.

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I really enjoyed Clif in teh Alta report days and recently as well... until he started going into the rather bizarre stuff about aliens, the EL, moon wars, etc... I just check in to see what he is putting out... I still enjoy the guy... but I rely on very little of he says lately. Just interesting.

Do YOU believe that his assertions are NOT just his imagination? How does he get this info then... do you believe he is a psychic... has contact with aliens... or what?

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They BELIEVED that's what they were being slaughtered for, so I don't fault the ignorant soldiers who paid in full. But I do fault the lazy Americans today who COULD know what the H is going on but prefer to call people a conspiracy theorist than look at the evidence. There is a price to pay for being deliberately stupid and many of them are discovering that as they Died Suddenly.

All is coordinated with events in Ukraine happening right now. Mega deaths there, the Nazis remerged from WW2 but Russia is mowing them down in the Meat Grinders of Ukraine. I heard from a volunteer soldier (no, not a mercenary!) who went there in 2014 to help Donbass defend itself that what happens to Donbass will determine the fate of the rest of the world. I didn't know as much then as now, but it has proven right. "So goes Donbass, so goes the world" is his slogan. Age removed him from the frontline and put him into reporting, writing. He's got a great telegram if you want to know what's really going on there: https://t.me/s/TXDPR Russell was in the US army, '81-'83, he educated himself and didn't just get mad, he went to work. His VK posts go all the way back to 2015, great stuff https://vk.com/donbasstexac

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I think most of the WWI and WWII soldiers believed... how could they know those wars were frauds and could of easily been avoided...

I'm not sure I buy the "So goes Donbass, so goes the world" stuff... but no matter, if he went to fight for the ethnic Russians there, against the Uke swine...kudos to him.

Speaking of WWII... you may find this interesting, as the victors wrote the history and it is BS... here is some truth:


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My late father lost 4 brothers in WW2. His father made it back home. My late father-in-law was saved by a young Russian woman as he layed injured and dying in the snow and ice in Russia, thank God he made it back home to Germany. You are right in the saying that the victors write history.

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Well... blessings on them all... fine men I'm sure.

Here is some history you might enjoy:


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Our anti war protests for one thing.

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Worthy actions... but they were not "wars"... were they.

People should have been protesting virtually EVERY war, after the Revolutionary war. They all were about stealing territory, genocide, MIC profits, political BS... yes, even and perhaps especially WWI and WWII... though the Iraq and Afghanistan wars were particularly corrupt and repugnant as well... Our war supporting the vile corrupt lice of Ukraine is plain EVIL.

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I call it the weaponisation of everything, they conditioned us from birthand fooled many of us afterwards , not so now for those that can see.

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Some who did protest WWI had their property taken away and thrown into jail here in Montana. Those who supported the anti war congresswoman who voted against supporting WWI.

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IF you look into it, we never should have been in WWI... Wilson was a roach.


Ah, Montana... God's country, eh? that is, if you don't freeze your buns off!

AZ is not "God's country"... under Biden, it sort of belongs to the Cartels... and the weather mostly sucks. :-(

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I know that. And I have. And that's why I made my comment.

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They awoke the sleeping giant.

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Sara! I hope y'all are doing well.

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I'm good! What about you?

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I've said it a lot since this mess started. In fact, it's my handle on Truth. Americans are bred to the bone for freedom and choice. We'll stand for a lot, be patient, give people a chance to do the right thing and stand up for the USA, the Constitution, Rule of Law, Almighty God, and the American way. That's what Trump has been doing. But when we're done, we're done. And we've had enough. We won't be slaves. Period. We don't have to prove anything. We the People ARE the nation. Soon, they will all realize to the core of their souls that we mean it.

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have you amped the "young people " lately??? They are GONE...boys in dresses, girls too confused to stand up for themselves ...don't be naive

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Look on the bright side, they won't be among the survivors...and they are a minority. Idiots, liabilities to themselves and everyone in their circles. They have no idea how thin is the wall keeping them safe from accountability, but they will soon find out. People have had enough of this gender bender BS and the parents/teachers/influencers who push it

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True. And surviving a war - at least, what is coming - is a lot more difficult than people conceive. Food, clean water, medicine, shelter - if you don't have it, how can you get it? If you have it, how do you keep it?

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Wow. I guess "ascension" will be more clawing-our-way-through-ShitStorm -to-get-to-the-other-side - a tad more complex than "merely" raising vibration . . . . Love the clarity; a matrix of foreknowledge to guide the journey. *Much obliged," thank you. ❤️

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It will test people's vibration level for authenticity.

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Who knew?

The Beach Boys were ahead of their time.

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LOL, You're killin' me John.

Good vibes:


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Thanks, I kinda wanted to hear it.

That song made my hormones rage in high school.

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Definitely...so was David Bowie with This is not America and Pat Metheny with America Undefined....great artists are tapping into the greater Gestalt and are often precognitive.

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Most artists are propaganda aligned, that's why they are allowed to become famous.

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lol. Where's my sitting in the lotus position with my kundalini rising? Oh well, this will be much more fun. I never liked yoga anyway.

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Couldn’t have put it any better if I’d tried!

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What will be the kick off event Clif? I don't see it happening with so many still asleep, but if it does happen, I look forward to the truth telling and exposure of stolen technologies. TY

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That's kind of like asking "which snowflake finally causes the avalanche?" If we research enough, we can see beyond the false narradigms, the false news, all the propaganda, and what we then see is a world on the tipping point in SO many places. I need not detail all of those to this readership.

We cannot say which snowflake will start the avalanche, but we can predict there will be one very soon, and it's a mother.

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If it's not ONE thing, it's your mother.

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Oh this made me belly laugh lmao 🤣 Lately my saying has been, if it’s not 100 things, it’s 1,000.

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Such a good question that nobody “in the know” ever answers.

I guess they don’t know.

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Probably going to be the looming financial crises that kicks everything off, watch the Great Taking. Everybody is still too comfortable now to do anything, an economic collapse will give people motivation when they lose everything to these assholes

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I agree.." Everybody is still too comfortable now to do anything..." What is the Great Taking plz? Is it a movie?

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Feb 20·edited Feb 20

It's a documentary, you can find it on youtube and bitchute iirc

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And This Is The "Making Seizure Of Mortgaged Property" All Legal & Shit. A Must Read, Skip Ahead If Needed.

10/21/2023: The Great Taking by David Rogers Webb (130 Pages) (Gets to the meat after page 70 or so) A book written about the scheme of central bankers to subjugate humanity by taking all securities, bank deposits, and property financed with debt. https://img1.wsimg.com/blobby/go/1ee786fb-3c78-4903-9701-d614892d09d6/taking-june21-web.pdf



11/30/2023: The Great Taking - Video Documentary: https://rumble.com/v3yptkd-the-great-taking-documentary.html

I think the book is more informative of How this happened.

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The Great Taking video is excellent. Everybody should watch it.

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As an old goat, it gave me such a horrible sinking feeling in the pit of my gut, after understanding exactly How they will literally Take Everything I ever thought I had.

Imagine, no way to pay payments, no storage facilities with empty spaces, even IF there was cash handy to pay for one. Lose the house, the car, boat, motorhome, toaster oven, etc. etc. etc. Everything. Even the stuff that is paid for already, when there is no place to put it. An old motorhome, an old car and not too much stuff to haul, will be the only way not to end up under a bridge somewhere camping with the old school railroad hobo's. sigh, .... we're all jolly well fooked.

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As an old goatess, Fook them. This time it will end differently. I just watch a video on people who are connected to Project Looking Glass. Their time is ending, very soon. I just watched this video on Project Looking Glass whistleblowers, Clif's good buddy, Kerry Cassidy interviews from the past. Enjoy. https://www.patreon.com/posts/project-looking-98837153?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_fan&utm_content=join_link

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Just do a search for it (not Bling, or Gargle). There is a free PDF if you prefer reading, or the documentary.

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Thanks guyz. I have already seen it previously..just forgot the title of it. Thanks again.

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I finished reading the book The Great Taking and it was scary as that is exactly what will happen to many people who have a mortgage, will lose their home, have a loan on cars, anything, they will take it all. They have no idea what's coming. Book was a good read.

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Something is happening, take my neighborhood , all the neighbors sit outside now at night, the TV no longer burns in their living rooms. They are actually talking to each other slowly trying to figure out what the hell is going on. That’s the younger generation, as far as the TV heads (not their fault) boomers, most in my neighborhood are busy dying, in the last two years out of 20

Houses here, we lost about 6 old folk. Arizona is a retirement community… but yea. That’s how awakenings happen, younger generation is already curious or like us here making moves, while the older healthy join us, the not so healthy sadly just pass on and don’t stand in the way of the movement.

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I wonder if shovEL was the Elohim who taught their worship cult how to dig tunnels?

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WE are the generation that's been talked about for millennia; after millions of years and tens of billions of people, it all comes down to this.

I'm glad we are all here and we are all well met.

It's an exciting time to be alive.

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Thanks for posting this clif... let's get ready for April 2024 and forward.. godspeed to all of us

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Why do you mention April?

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Clif mentions that month alot in his post or recordings..

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Like the BIG event happening this last 2/18??? OR was it $600 silver? OR $100,000 Bitcoin parties, predicted in each of at least the last 3 years??? 🤣🤣🤣

Hey, I like a tall tale as much as the next guy...

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let's hope this isnt a tale =) =)=)

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True... but do you REALLY think it is not?? 🤫

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I believe this year will be special.. its Pluto in Aquarius transit.. but I do understand where you are coming from., Sgt rock, hard to keep the faith in these times

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When the fake dollar dies, both silver and gold will go to the moon! Have the faith Sgt. Rock.

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Bad perspective, maybe he’s off on some stuff now. Let’s go back a decade when I began listening. He was talking about $100,000 Bitcoin back when he was dropping Alta reports, you know when that was !? 2013! I went to Chile and we built a hotel down there using only Bitcoin . This was when it was $800 a coin. We got out of our bitcoins at $15,000 omg how dumb we were. If I would have saved all our capital we took in, and kept those bitcoins for the corporation we managed I would have enough to buy all of South America today!! Oh how dumb and young I was. At that time clif high sounded way more nutts than today. So far 80% of what he talked about back then has come true! Sadly we converted back to Chilean pesos so we could pay the locals for the project. Also the Chilean government in 2014 declassified all the UFO footage their coast guard infrared cameras capture. Just go to YouTube to look that up. There is so much that seemed crazy to me, that if I would have listened back then more, I would be even better off today than I already am. This coming from a 35 old millennial.

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Yes, I wish I had moved on his Bitcoin advice, but remember, it skyrocketed and then crashed... back to at least $15,000 or below... right? Will it crash again? Probably.

So kudos for that pick... but most of the rest of his predictions were bogus.

No need to argue... I am fine with Clif... but thinking he is Nostradamus? nah.

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O.K., I think I'm understanding now. You, Sgt. Rock, apparently are trolling. You do not appear to be in service to the Good. I will cease attempting to engage. May you be blessed with wisdom.

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Wow... you made that switch pretty fast... I am not trolling at all... just stating my opinions... or do you frown on anyone who does that?

We are talking some pretty wild and bizarre stuff being put out here... how arrogant of you to call me a troll for not buying into it wholesale, like some idiot sheep... like YOU?

May you be blessed with common courtesy and a bit of class.

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On April 8, the total solar eclipse in Aries from Texas up to the east coast occurs. This is a 6 month cycle completing the eclipse from October which crossed from the upper north west down to Texas. These two eclipse paths cross near San Antonio, Texas (could be slightly off,) but either way, this is awfully close to the Texas/Mexico boarder where as everyone knows, tensions are brewing. To say that something major will happen in Texas and the whole of the United States in April is an understatement solely based on these eclipse cycles and the fact that the eclipse occurs in the sign of Aries, ie. war. That does not include Pluto being in Aquarius or the conjunction of Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus on April 20 (Uranus expressing unpredictability, shock, community, and the collective, and Jupiter expressing religion, philosophy, expansion, and growth.) considering these planets are meeting in the sign of Taurus, money and monetary items and material items will all be affected. March may come in like a lion and go out like a lamb, but April will come in with a bang and end with an explosion in one form or another.

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There is an eclipse coming up.

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Also bitcoin halving..

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Love This! Can't wait for the demise of the Elites....

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I tire greatly of the: "It’s all in the bible" line of horseradish. Barely a day goes by. 🥱😴

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I think we are in the birthing canal, being squeezed, uncomfortable, unsure of what lies beyond and

anxiously looking to be re-birthed!

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Ascension is about developing the forearm strength, and tolerating the soreness, of climbing our spirit's corporate ladder. Like Pacino says in Every Given Sunday: "Claw with your fingernails!"

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Let's GOOOOO!!!!! 😏

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I will trust the evidence of my own senses when illegal aerial poisoning of the skies ceases. The rest is speculation and conjecture

Not a good time to open a bar on the moon. It would just have no atmosphere!

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Heh, Heh, Heh! Amused.😊

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We are ready, and activitely trying to wake up people beyond the political movie they think they are in.

Put questions to your friends and family, most effective way to teach.

So we will hope to see the technology bursting out.

Thank you Clif for caring about humanity

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