Good catch. I was in Greece one year and was looking for an answer to a question from a city gov official for a building permit. As an American, they told me, “All gov is closed until Aug 31.” WHO ARE YOU ANYWAY?👍🏼
On that note, it's 102 degrees now at 4:15 in Missoula, but with a breeze. However excavators are digging the street up two blocks away, connecting a water line to a new building that will go up. Life as usual here.
What a bunch of assholes. Cut down 16 million trees so you cab build a shit ton of totally inefficient, kills how many birds over its operational lifespan? Difficult to recycle any of the equipment once life span reached. God DAMN THESE SATANIC PEDOPHILES TO THE DEEPEST PITS OF HELL.
Here in central NH, definitely seeing the many effects of weather warfare going on. Hubby & I grow food in 2 greenhouses, having a very wet Spring & Summer. Most days has been rainy, t-storms, cloudy, hazy, dimmed sun, as well as several days of hazy smoke from Canadian wildfires. Very few sunny days. This is not normal weather. Seeing a lot of damage in large greenhouse with lots of fungus, loads of Japanese and Potato beetles. The Japanese beetles are the worse, eating just about everything, including our grape, blueberry, hazelnut, raspberry bushes and cherry trees. They're even eating the blueberries!! We've never seen that before. So no blueberries this year as well as very minimal amount of apples after having a 19 degree freeze in mid-May. I firmly believe this is part of the globalists starvation plan using weather warfare to destroy/lessen our food production.
August is a shut down time for most of Europe that has much of government to be on vacation.
Government on vacation. Is that a tautology?
Good catch. I was in Greece one year and was looking for an answer to a question from a city gov official for a building permit. As an American, they told me, “All gov is closed until Aug 31.” WHO ARE YOU ANYWAY?👍🏼
On that note, it's 102 degrees now at 4:15 in Missoula, but with a breeze. However excavators are digging the street up two blocks away, connecting a water line to a new building that will go up. Life as usual here.
101 at 3:19 pm here in SoCal. Probably 104 tomorrow.
What a bunch of assholes. Cut down 16 million trees so you cab build a shit ton of totally inefficient, kills how many birds over its operational lifespan? Difficult to recycle any of the equipment once life span reached. God DAMN THESE SATANIC PEDOPHILES TO THE DEEPEST PITS OF HELL.
Here in central NH, definitely seeing the many effects of weather warfare going on. Hubby & I grow food in 2 greenhouses, having a very wet Spring & Summer. Most days has been rainy, t-storms, cloudy, hazy, dimmed sun, as well as several days of hazy smoke from Canadian wildfires. Very few sunny days. This is not normal weather. Seeing a lot of damage in large greenhouse with lots of fungus, loads of Japanese and Potato beetles. The Japanese beetles are the worse, eating just about everything, including our grape, blueberry, hazelnut, raspberry bushes and cherry trees. They're even eating the blueberries!! We've never seen that before. So no blueberries this year as well as very minimal amount of apples after having a 19 degree freeze in mid-May. I firmly believe this is part of the globalists starvation plan using weather warfare to destroy/lessen our food production.