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I disagree, not because I am a guilt-ridden white person, but because some other civilisations have produced great things. Asia and ancient India (check the Indian history of mathematic -they call it Ganit, and they are the guys who invented the zero, NOT the Arabs-. Chinese> Printing, acupuncture, noodles and tutti cuanti!

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Your comment reminds me of Molly Tibet's dad who, after she was brutally murdered by brown people suggested that 'taco' were worth the price of his daughters slaughter. Yummie though...I mean, who wouldn't trade a meal for their own child's life...

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Then go live there. Whites don't need traitors who value other races more than they value their own health and well being in their ranks. Personally I wouldn't trade computers, airplanes, sanitation, modern medicine, modern manufacturing, Law, and higher ideals (just to name a FRACTION of the White contributions to the planet) for some noodles (a recipe). If you read the most comprehensive catalog of human advancement in the world you can see that 2% of the worlds invention don't justify the total destruction of the people who can invent 98% of the worlds inventions.

The same people who 'did all these great things' by your own account who have a predatory homosexual priest class are (statistically) the most violent race against women on the planet that still shits in the street 1 billion times per day and bathes themselves and their offspring in the same river that half burned corpses float (along with 95% of the worlds garbage which comes from India and China) in while animals dismember them. A literal SOUP of disease and they are splashing around in rotten corpse water; these are your 'great contributors'.

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Yes, Europeans are relatively late to civilization and although they have made significant contributions, they have also been cruel empire builders and colonial vampires since their inception. They still are, although the game has become more subtle. The far east, India and the middle east had advanced cultures when Europeans were tribal primitives. The Greeks and Romans were late and short lived in comparison. Things change though and civilizations move up and down...and eventually out. So, like they say about the weather, if you don't like it, just hang around and it will change.

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Cultures...ie some funny hats and some recipes. NOT CIVILIZATIONS. Only Whites, which you ignorantly mischaracterize Greeks and Romans as 'non-White' are actually capable of advanced civilization. Anyone who want to can read Charles Murrays "Human Accomplishment" which is the most comprehensive racial compendium of advances in the world over time to see who is a contributor and who is just a parasite.

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Margaret, I think you are great, so may I say that it is fruitless and a complete waste of your time, to engage Ki-Ki. You certainly won't change its mind, and by your continuous engagement, you just encourage it. It may be a bot, for all we know, or paid to do this. I found some people here whose posts I don't wish to see, so I blocked/muted them. I'll be blocking it as well, cuz I like this place.

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Yes, thank you. I'm done with it. How do I block it?

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Click on the name, it will take you to a user page. There is a box on the upper middle-right, with a series of dots in it, click that, you will see options to mute and block the user.

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Got it ....and done! thanks!

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