They need to shit or get off the pot. I’m going to be 75 in July and I’m tired of the dog and pony shows. I don’t even subscribed to Television. Obviously they still singing lullabies. Thank you Cliff for being the good man you are.

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I'm 84 and I second that.

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I am 59, and I third that.

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I'm 69 and I fourth that!

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I'll be 75 in July also ! and I fifth that ! :)

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I am 53 and sixth that

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Mar 25, 2023
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I think the Fed might be on our side as they raise the interest rates/Powell and the New York Bankers are making it very expensive to go to war and thus creating a path forward for us to decouple from Devos.

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I am 77 and I say: aye aye to that !

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I'm just pleased to see a cohort of souls older than my 73+ years still kicking! Saw Willie Nelson a few weeks back in Tallhassee and that buoyed me no end. Willie hits 90 in April - still touring, picking and singing - moving slower, but still pretty sharp...

Clif... Thanks for the note on Crimea. It is one blood-soaked stretch of property... Nazi Germany, too, piled them up there by the thousands... Excellent book on the same for history nerds here:


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Phil Lesh and friends touring now...Phil is 82..Final dead tour this summer

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We're seeing them in Boulder in July!

Right after I turn 50 on June 20th.

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Well, I’m buoyed by the report that Willy is still alive ! I’ve started writing a book,

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Great. The Great Amerikan Novel is on the way!

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I am 68 and I am with you! I unplugged in 2014, I no longer watch the clowns who are sharing truth for money. Their bandwagons of free money is about to come to a halt. At first, they were doing a good thing, now it has gone on for a bit to long. Most feel they are celebrity status.

Clif High is about the only person we can trust for absolutely truth. Heck deep state is using CGI Clif on YT I noticed and unsubscribed. This CGI was saying that humanity is screwed. LOL I fell over laughing. At 61 one I learned the truth, my family rejected me along with friends. I have one friend who will be my son soon. He has no family so since my 47 year old son died from viral pneumonia October 23rd 2021, I will be adopting him. I was before Shawn passed anyways, but now I really love the idea. I give Kyle a good family and I get another son who already makes me very proud.

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We can also trust another great channel recommended by Clif. … Remarque88 on Bitchute. Go Binge !

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link to fake High YT channel? ty

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If that is directed at me?

I no longer have any of those links. It was last year I saw them and wondered if Clif had had some health issue. Sorry

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Good for you David ! Very sorry to hear about your son. It is always difficult when our children pass on before us ! I learned the truth in 2007 right after the engineered housing/banking crisis and TARP, etc. Glad you are with US !

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My late father had a cousin buried in an American cemetery in Europe, shot down in Germany a few days before the war ended. His parents only child. Mom died of a broken heart a couple of years later. The global elites have fussed over maps for hundreds of years, searching for the best pirate booty from their latest war adventures. They never count the cost. They have wiped out the cream of every generation for those hundreds of years. It is time for a reckoning.

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Yes-a common story the world over - support of empire builders with the blood and gold of others.

from an Australian - a friend of America -we remember 1942, the sacrifices in blood and treasure you folks made in the SW Pacific and hence we remain your firmest ally, but by God it has cost us.

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I recently considered how the top 20% of each generation's most valorous and honorable men has been wiped out through wars. Has it always been intentional?

Why does every generation submit their sons?

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Peer pressure, I believe most wish to live in harmony with their neighbors and that has been exploited gratuitously by the evil that makes Gary Oldman's head bleed in the Fifth Element

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Half a league, half a league,

Depleted uranium looms;

Its toxic touch, a deadly fatigue,

Haunts Crimea's barren tombs.

'Forward, the British troops!' they cried,

With shells and tanks aglow,

Into the valley of death they died,

Their fate already known.

Theirs not to make reply,

Theirs not to question why,

Theirs but to do and die;

Their orders, a fatal lie.

Cursed be the ones who chose

To unleash this deadly curse,

On lands where life once rose,

Now, a wasteland, perverse.

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"Great Job!"

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Fighting for who??? The light brigade? Yeah right. Not me. It was deep state then and now.

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Fighting for who? If you understand that your "deep state" is a euphemism for the alien presence on Earth, does that help you answer your question?

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Define “alien presence on earth”. Are we not that also?

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Whatever our ultimate origins, I wouldn't describe Earth humans as aliens. By "alien presence," I mean the "someone else" to whom Charles Fort (1874-1932) was referring in "Earth is a farm. We are someone else's property."

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I’m not someone else’s property. How do I know that? I’ve lived it.

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1 Corinthians 2:15-16

15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. - KJV

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"We The People", Need to Stop Referring to "It" as the deep state and call It what IT is.

It's the Devil Spawn-British, Pilgram Society and All of It's Associated Originations that have Infiltrated Our Government and Society.

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"the Devil Spawn-British"- this sounds good, but "Pilgram Society" - can you provide a link?

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We Know Who The "Deep State" Is.

How Social Media Was Stolenwas Stolen and Weaponized and Will Become Social Credit Scoring!

The most important information you will never hear from lamestream media


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I check on “lamestream media” occasionally, just to check on the current lies. Otherwise I maneuver on “conspiratorial” sites.

If CBDC is implemented, we all will be screwed.

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Remember, like many things CBDC can be undone.

Other things, like WW3 with nukes, not so much.

Let's worry first about winning the most important battles. Then we can straighten out the rest of the mess.

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Is Posthumanism "trend" one these battles?

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Many thanks -- The Babylonian Pagans! It's more than a "missing link", it's the missing cradle!

I'm still listening -- a GREAT info!

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Plymouth Bretheren?

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No, if you haven't watched please do.

The most important information you will never hear from lamestream media


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My yes to your no.

I watched the Babylonian Pagans! It seems that the only hope for humans is Alien's intervention; There must be the reason(s) God didn't help us; 'cause we are the incorrigible sinners?

Also , have you read "Cause Unknown"?

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Or is the Vatican who claims to hae dominion over the air/spiritual and allows chemtrails to streak across the sky!

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Fighting for WHO. No? I'm praying for your followers

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Yes me too...I include all of you Woo folks as protecting my people in my morning prayers. Love you guys!😘

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Those that have good hearts.

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Yes, The Charge of The Light Brigade was a mess immortalized in Tennyson's great poem. On YouTube, there is a fascinating recording of one of the trumpeters on that fateful day:

"I am trumpeter Lanfried. One of the surviving trumpeters, of the Charge of the Light Brigade at Balaclava. I am now going to sound a bugle, that was sounded at Waterloo, and 'Sound the Charge' was sounded at Balaclava on the very same bugle, the 25th of October, 1854."

Lanfried was trying to raise money for The Light Brigade Relief Fund. The British army treated its veterans disgracefully and many were left destitute. Does that sound familiar?

Humanity has been controlled, manipulated and harvested - wash, rinse and repeat - generation after generation. Charles Fort (1874-1932) explained it best: "Earth is a farm. We are someone else's property."


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it is un-Godly

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Insightful. That last line screams Matrix.

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The matrix the uterine wall or handmaiden.

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Well not anymore. I think the point is to not misinterpret the incorrect communication coming.

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So when, oh when can we live in peace and love? That is what I am waiting for. Peace and love. The rest of the hate and battle be damned.

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As long as you buy the propaganda of leadership you will have war. Lord Acton tried to warn you "There are no great leaders, only bad men, and they write the histories". Acton also tried to warn you about confusing democracy (as Abe Lincoln and Thomas Paine defined it) with representationalism... "If you convey your right to self-determination to another, you have given him your power. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely".

If you want peace, ensure the community is fully informed and then convey its consensus to the public service for immediate implementation. Discard all the corrupting theatre of politicians, parliaments, elections and votes. People power is all that you need.

Brainwashing ensures this advice is always rejected and the victims then ask your very question. The circle of despair.

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If there is peace there is war.

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Is that meant to be profound? How very 1960.

Let me define war. War is created by LEADERS, and fought by followers. Eliminate the leaders and you eliminate war. And, yes, it is that simple. I say this as a born fighter. But I also learned how to structure thought, and how to define belief, and evidence and logic. Thus, I know to reject the first and be led by the latter two elements.

How to eliminate leaders? Abraham Lincoln spelled it out for the dumbest fuckers on this planet... Americans. He said, so lyrically that you could easily remember, "Government of the people, by the people and for the people". Get it? Ergo, no leaders. No politicians. No parliaments. No congress. No representatives. Just all the people, fully informed, formulating policy by consensus. How simple is that?

But, no, you want to be led. OK, then, enjoy your war. But bear in mind the day will come when I kill the leaders and lock up the sheep.

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War is created by outside players spreading lies......every single time.

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Can't argue with that. But I can identify the outside players. Eliminate them and perhaps we can pursue peace.

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Well I think with todays communication we made it impossible to star something without research first. But now there is a global war for our freedom. Lots of middlemen telling us who is right and wrong,...research in overdrive.

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And they invented the words war and peace. One cannot be without the other.

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Then explain to me how Australia's Aborigines lived in peace and harmony for more than two millennia.

Thay had no leaders. No chiefs. No Kings. Instead, they had consensus protocols that enabled everybody to determine their own future. I have studied this for fifty years so I will not brook denial by the ignorant and the stupid. The Aboriginese were not the only ones. Between the 3rd and 8th centuries, the irish Monkes observed and recorded may different formes of government and one stark reality is thus exposed... that all hierarchies experience poverty, oppression, incaceration, torture, slavery, and war.

Flat power cultures, that is those who have no power pyramid, are always peaceful and prosperous.

And all you can counter is that war and peace are sides of the same coin? You deserve the fruit of war.

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Thank You Clif,

Hello Humans Hello Humans, God Bless

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Researching war, going back through the centuries, it appears to have been one family feud after another using their minions as pawns while spurred on by insidious forces with their own agendas. The trick is for we the people to simply say, “No. We ain’t doin’ that war thing.”

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England has been infiltrated by (((Them ))) since at least Oliver Cromwell......sadly for my people .

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and Scotland, N Ireland

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Yes and everywhere else on the face of the Earth where they drive on the wrong side of the road.

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It's happened where we drive on the other side of the world, too.

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Our General Donald J Trump sees the death and chaos that will ensue and we are the horses and men he is trying to protect from evil directed war and needless death. What a sad sad day.

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Reading with tears...

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My 2nd favorite Tennyson poem. Ulysses being my favorite, especially as I get older -

“Come, my friends,

'T is not too late to seek a newer world.

Push off, and sitting well in order smite

The sounding furrows; for my purpose holds

To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths

Of all the western stars, until I die.”

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For anyone who likes Tennyson or John Geilgud -


(You know, just noticed John Geilgud looks a bit like Cliff)

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War War War

How long will this bull shit go on

Dad joined the Army Air Corp at 17

Flew heavy prop over Europe.

Then korea at 25 into F86 and C47

flying wounded. Finally 3 tours in Vietnam

F4’s...All before 40 only to die at 49 from malpractice. Yes Im holding a grudge.

I yearn for exposure of this machine.

His parting gift to me was enlightenment.

Very few hero's today. Life is cheap for these manipulators of humanity.

The end of the fight is a tombstone white

with the name of the late deceased.

An epitaph drear a fool lies here,

who tried to hurry (hustle) the East. rK

I await the next greatest generation

We’re surrounded by humans ripe for the picking. Im an older guy with an attitude problem.

Reminder to self—-be kind to people—

they cant help the fact of what they do not know.

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From this day on, I wear my fathers gun.

We dug his shallow grave beneath the sun.

I laid his broken body down, below the southern lands.

It wouldn’t do to bury him where yankee stands.

I take my horse and I ride the northern plain.

To wear the color of the grays and join the fight again.

I WILL not rest until I know

the cause is fought and won.

From this day on until I die

I wear my fathers gun. BT

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"Im an older guy with an attitude problem."

I'm an older gal with similar problems.

The kids are being prepped for being a soldier with tkeir war toys.

I wonder if Barbie dolls have also soldier unforms nowadays.

I bet they do.

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This is so weird. I was raised in the 50's, and this poem is familiar, which puzzles me in that perhaps I was told to memorize it in 3rd grade?? Heck, it's baffling... Just to read it, sends chills..at the bravery and fortitude of these poor men forced into military service, or rather coerced... Thanks Clif...

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So sad, we still follow and wonder why so much death. No more blindly following and acting like sheep. Time to spread our wings and fly (yes, you may have to work at spreading those wings that have been so carefully tucked into your back and there will be pain). 😏

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The lawful solution is at hand.

The premise:

All of us that have been wronged by the color of law, incorporated governance applying a tyrannical Code upon us! All of us know this to be true. I am speaking to a remedy for you, as one of us, the general public the public at large comprised of men and women with their progeny on the land and soil. To those that have been injured, an action with a remedy that could take place soon. This is not justice and this would be: for example 1 claim in one short paragraph. Due process on one issue that happened, that should not have happened to any of you. I went to jail, hospital, depression because the law and true and right was "A" and they punished me when it is incontrovertible that "B" was the issue. Dead ass wrong and I was punished. 1 small due process violation. 1 claim, they should have and didn't; they should not have and did. Stay focused. Obtain the co-operation of your wife or friend or/and son. Each 1 page and this week. March 2023. Get the pages ( from everyone) to ronvrooman38@gmail.com. Our Court will write a page and we will take it to the Grand Jury then to Oregon or another Bond or Risk management. With a Court's order. 18 USC 3571 due process violation is valued at 250k per issue in FRN. This is just one, right now.

Constitutionally the only court where a man can obtain remedy against the State is in Article III Amendment VII. We have one of those. At your service.

This looks like RICO and class action for a Private Attorney General by the United States Congress 42 U.S.C.1988 and 18 U.S.C.1510 and 18 U.S.C. 1512 and to be known as “One of the People” also “Qualified Criminal Investigator” and “Federal Witness” and by Living Testimony without rebuttal...

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There are no grand juries as they are for the living and very very few have claimed life. 99.99 percent of the population is still presumed to be lost @ sea in their admiralty jurisdication.

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From where we are on Oregon and the depth of knowledge you indicated with your Comment. You are about 3 years behind.

Everything you just wrote is wrong. www.orsja.org From a de jure government not the de facto color of law incorporated governance you write about. Please expatriate from the jurisdiction.

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