This is from Ayn Rand: "There is no difference between Communism and Socialism, except in the same ultimate end: Communism proposes to enslave men by force, Socialism - by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide. "

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My cousin's kid was here, he came home drunk so I kicked him out. I lent him a couple books, Blackwater, Jeremy Scahill and Atlas Shrugged. He's off to the shelter.

"Can I take these?"

"Sure just bring them back. Be careful showing Ayn Rand to social workers, they're more into Karl Marx."

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On this Tubi channel I somehow acquired on Smart TV, been watching a wonderful portrayal of Ayn Rand played by the lovely snd extremely talented, Helen Mirren. I read A.S.and FH in my 30s, perhaps it helped approach as I advanced into adulthood.

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Thanks. I downloaded it.

I always though of Dagney as a brunette.

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Feb 4, 2024
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I see the title of the page is "Flagged for TOS violation."

I'm curious.

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The comment on social workers. ......so true. Control freaks!

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Thank you Clif for standing for truth. Thank you, for standing! And if I did not say thank you enough, I say it again, thank you!

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Thanks Clif. Hang in there 😥 sending positive vibes your way!

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A day without Clif is like drinking a cup of coffee ☕️ and realizing you figured out that chuckie ward was full of shit a long time ago. AHHHHHHH!

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The fat turd is a phony

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To the EL not you John.

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Very sorry t hear about your dog. It is hard to loose a pet. Love your posts of good insights and information

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Sorry about Boris. Quite the character. Condolences Clif.

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Hello Human

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Clif I just enjoy your insights so much. Great stuff to chew on. I Thank You! I’m so very so for your loss of Boris! 🥰🙏🐕💌

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CDC admits that the COVID pandemic was the product of an INAPPROPRIATE TEST . Dr. Betsy

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The test was DELIBERATELY inappropriate. Until they admit that & that Cov was complete hoax to demand vaxx, lock down etc, they haven't "admitted" jack shit.

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You got it Tia !

Your comment “rings true”

which for me is the only criteria

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Who would want to be a neighbor with Bill Gates?

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I believe he was rounded up ages ago … we are watching a clone or similar .. prob the motherweffers’ creation

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Why don't you just rent a furnished place for 6 months and call it a day?

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Clif needs a house with only one floor, room for his literature, computers, dog, place to exercise and meditate and probably other things I don't know about. It is likely that he has already tried to find something to rent that works.

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Good for you Clif. I know very few people who have the balls to say, fuck it... let's change our residence. It aint easy. DO IT!

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Hi Clif. Moving into a house in a recreational area sounds like a good move while construction goes on in your main home. It may turn into a nice property that you can rent to those seeking vacation rentals, when you're ready to move back home.

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The Rothschilds own all the cool castles. Maybe I can get a deal.

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Did you see article on Ireland and how on Farmland they had a cylindrical brick edifice put in a certain place to get maximum energy from a spot that goes up the cylinder and out to energize all the farmland. Keep it safe etc.

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That's electroculture.

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Is it used much ?

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It's a technology that is a few century old but that was, like many things, called by the petrochemical industry as a scam.

I've been using it in my garden during the last summer. My first year, some of my courgettes plants were almost double the size as the other ones.

I suggest you look into Yannick Van Doorne on YouTube. He has decades of experience. Clif spoke about him a couple of years ago.

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Feb 4, 2024
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Castles came from that.

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Clif, Why did you call Derek Johnson a grifter? He is a Patriot and is helping to open the eyes of service members and voters to innerstand the laws of the Military.

In addition, showing the facts and laws that the Commander in Chief is governed by. He takes his research seriously and has been ridiculed for trying prove right from wrong military law. He has also visited Mar Lago and spoke with the CIC, DJT. Clif, I consider you a man with sensible intelligence, a messenger of well researched information, and would never think of you as a grifter. Please do not place Derek Johnson in this 'grifter' category. Your accusation was repugnant and not deserving. 😤

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I agree. Derek Johnson does not claim to have inside Q knowledge nor does he ask for money.

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The numbers show trump isn’t coming back. If it’s Nikki and Biden she wins if Biden and trump. Biden wins. If Michelle Obama runs. She beats all. Just FYI. When michelke wins everything will be falling in place as planned. LUP_247 😉 the solar maximum peak will be the beginning of the recession as well. Very easy to see in the cycles.

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The numbers don’t show that at all. And Trump is still CIC

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