Oh how I love you Clif! I used to be a CW fan and watched quite often, but always his body bobbing up and down, and his 'I know the destination, but I don't know the journey'. made me wonder. Then one day I just stopped watching. Well, there you go. I've not 'looked him up' for a very long while now - or SP. How could one, after Clif, and Jean Claude?

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Same here - couldn't have said it better. Too many things not adding up . . .

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This "Jean Claude" character is one of the worst grifters on the internet though.

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In your opinion!

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But jean-claude? Come now

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Dinesh is an intellectual, and as someone who works with several of his kind, I can tell you that they are often very naive in the ways of the Woo. On the other hand, Dinesh and Debbie D’Souza are awesome people with a great message to spread far and wide against a main stream media who seeks to silence them. They both were born in countries who have gone to the wolves and share a deep love for America. True the Vote was the data source for 2000 Mules. They purchased geotracking data from October 1- Nov 5 around the swing state voting drop boxes. That is an enormous amount of data to sift through and when asked how they were able to nail down who had been to at least 10 drop boxes and 5 non-profit “get out the vote” locations (presumably to get paid), Gregg Phillips Replied, “I borrowed a super computer“. Well, as you know you do not just borrow a super computer. There are 500 or less in the entire country. Patel Patriot has surmised that The super computer was requisitioned by the Trump team long ago and this is an opening salvo in Devolution. I tend to agree with him!

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Intellectuals as a group tend to have more blind spots in their thinking and especially in their perceptions of the world. From my experience with some admittedly brilliant people they can suffer from confirmation bias just like everyone else, the only problem is when you cannot definitely refute their arguments they take that as confirmation and affirmation that they are correct.

I once said to such a person in a discussion, ‘Just because I can’t definitely prove you wrong at this moment, doesn’t mean you’re argument will always be right!’.

I think Dinesh may be a lot like some very bright people who suffer from the inability to discern the ‘quality’ of people’s character. A good con-artist will sound and ‘feel’ genuine while the bad ones tend to give themselves away soon rather than later.

CW falls into this class of grifter, sounds good for a few episodes but gives himself away eventually when his mountains of lies no longer make sense.

Hopefully he’ll wise up or someone close to him will let him know his error in judgement in talking to CW.

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I would tend to agree with that. I also was not crazy about the panel that he assembled with the likes of Sebastian Gorka and Dennis Prager. A couple of self serving and grating personalities , in my opinion!

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I think Dinesh is trying to be pragmatic about getting exposure for his films, I find many personalities in the MAGA movement to be less than ideal and some of them as you've stated are self-serving people looking for another 5 minutes of fame.

But the main mission is to get as much exposure as possible for 2000 Mules and to spread awareness of just want happened and why things need to be addressed.

Sometimes we don't get to choose our allies in this fight, just as the Roosevelt and Churchill didn't get to choose Stalin as an ally in WW2.

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I sure hope you are right,....Dinesh is an awesome man,....but I'm not sure he or President Trump are in the know (WOO) on all this stuff. When I listen to him our President, he doesn't sound like he is in the WOO either. It scares me to think that maybe we've all been following him, thinking he has this 6 year or more plan to rid the world of the Deep State/KM and he has no clue! Don't get me wrong, I have 2 MAGA Hats! I love the President for his sense of humor, his just being himself, and his good heart. He has done so much for our Country while under continual persecution. And I think he's the most decent President we've ever had. But does he know that he's the Center of this DEVOLUTION PLAN? When will it be time to actually show us he knows? Will these people wait until biden commits TREASON by selling our Country to the WHO before they step up? And can we get out of that once he signs? God I hope so! Arch Bishop Vigano put our a Public Letter condemming this TREATY or whatever it is biden is signing this week.....saying it is TREASON to give away our Country to the WHO. Is that what the SOC is waiting for? Proper, legal TREASON? Someone please tell me that we haven't been waiting 2 years for this DEVOLUTION for no reason? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/05/exclusive-yielding-sovereignty-considered-crime-high-treason-archbishop-vigano-nation-states-handing-sovereignty/

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Yes he is aware that he is in the middle of the devolution process. I also believe that he’s aware that he is POTUS, even as we speak. Just look at him. He does not have a worry in the world or so it seems. It is just a matter of time before he returns publicly but remember, Biden needs to preside over something horrific and scary so we never go back to this point in time again! We can thank our so-called normie friends for this torture.

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Yes I think DJT knows what his role in the plan is and what he needs to do.

My main concern is that they(the white hats) don't wait too long, pushing people to the precipice is one thing but it's tricky to judge where the edge is.

If things get too bad civil order could break down, when people start becoming angry and afraid it's all too easy to stampede them into doing things they normally wouldn't do.

Personally, I find myself biting my tongue and having to keep self control around groups of normies. It's hard to deal with such a level of willful ignorance and stupidity.

An example which drives me batty is their Ukraine flag waving support without the slightest idea of why they "support Ukraine" and whom they're actually cheering for.

I made the mistake once of letting slip that I don't believe everything the MSM tells me about Ukraine and the normie hive mind immediately singled me out for "attention" and suspicion. I realized my mistake and shut up because saying the words neo-nazis and biolabs immediately triggers a reaction like the final scene out of Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

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The more I look at that WHO treaty and it’s ‘power’ over us the more I’m convinced it’s complete and utter BS.

The sovereignty of a nation, especially the United States where it’s codified in the Constitution, derives from the consent of the people not from a few ‘elected’ officials signing a piece of paper.

They can throw around terms like ‘legally binding’ which is meaningless when it comes to international law, the international community is a collection of equally sovereign entities, none more important than another on the international stage by agreement. The WHO has a treaty which is unenforceable because it cannot simply declare itself to be a higher political power than any member nation state with its own military to safeguard its own sovereignty.

And yes the officials going along with this are technically committing treason within their respective political and legal systems.

The WHO came out and says their declarations have greater precedence, priority and legal weight that national constitutions! So they simply declare they can suspend the US Constitution or Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms at will?

So where is the force to back this up? The UN army?, what army?

What if the armed portion of the American public said ‘piss off!’, all 100 million of them with 400 million guns.

The UN cannot enforce its decrees no matter what it says, Trump had already told the WHO to piss off once before and what could they do against him? Nothing.

As for Trump and Devolution, I don’t think Trump knows all the details of “the Plan” and he doesn’t need to and this includes Devolution.

Did Winston Churchill know all the details of D-Day? Nope he didn’t and he didn’t need to, he has trusted advisors and the military to work out all the details. He also didn’t need to comment on D-Day even after the event.

Trump is an experienced CEO, he knows when to focus on the things that matter, he also knows when to delegate responsibilities, he knows when it’s time to say something and when it’s time to keep quiet.

I believe the Devolution plan was created long before Trump was directly involved and his only role in it at the proper time was to sign off on it and step back and trust that it’s functioning as it should.

When it is time Trump will resume playing his role, not as the all knowing ruler of the US but as a savvy leader and manager that he’s most experienced in, Trump is strong precisely because he knows when to step up and when to step back.

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Clif's post calls to mind an anecdote relevant to my late, great little brother with Down syndrome. One day he said to me, "Somebody called me a retard." I said, "Don't feel bad. Everybody's retarded. They just don't know it."

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Very well said!

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What a fantastic way for controlled opposition to deligitimize 2000 Mules.

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2000 Mules IS Controlled Opposition. See my post above.

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No it is NOT. Dinesh and the True the Vote people are not controlled opposition. They borrowed 2 Millions dollars and spent hours and hours and hours working on this thing. How can you, sitting there doing nothing, say that about them! They are fighting for our Country the best way they know how. When Mike Lindell brought out all the Electronic Fraud it was hard for the Normies to understand,....even my husband a 40 year Computer Programmer said it wasn't clear enough for people to understand.....where did they actually GET THE DATA?

Dinesh went after the kind of PROOF that even IDIOTS can understand. With real people doing crimes right out in the open in broad daylight! Now even the Normies can SEE the PROOF if they will open their brainwashed eyes and look.

Don't say that he is a puppet! Go watch the rest of Dinesh's movies. His heart is in the right place,....he loves this Country and he is right with us in fighting them. Not every one in a WAR knows everything.....people fight in their own ways, and he is doing just that. Shame on you for insulting him!

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FAIL. You're blind in one eye, can't see out the other and talk out of your brown one if you can't clearly see that he's Controlled Opposition. You're what we call a Normie.

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Charlie Ward is a total fraud selling bs to his naive followers, thanks for calling him out

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Dinesh is waking people up even if you're smarter than him... he's a warrior

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Not long ago I learned I was an idiot who believed man walked on the moon and nuclear bombs were real. Silly me.

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Regarding the moon walk, Juan O Savin has said "they" often do fake along with real stuff to confuse & divide us. I think it might be in this video that Juan said, moon walk was both faked & partly real. https://rumble.com/v14sxsb--may-11-2022-juan-o-savin-w-keith-blandford-unbelievable-things-are-about-t.html

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and U just mentioned another Buffoon!!! even if he does have a grand first name!

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it was - my best friend was there doing telemetry that day he had access to the abort key. They did have practice rooms and buggies- etc etc with regolith (simulated moon dust containing titanium) they took lots of photos for visual aids where you see a cameraman in the astronaut's visor that all happened at JSC I was there

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May 17, 2022
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Listen to All, Follow none. Pointing out False Facts is important, but much is learned by listening to imperfect people to understand the big picture. Attacking people with labels and slurs is also helpful in that understanding.

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Well, please don't feel alone.... I fall into the category too, frequently.

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The moon landings were 100% fake. I'm not as certain about nukes. If they're fake, imagine the TRILLIONS that were stolen by the cabal.


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Can you explain about nuclear bombs? I could do with them not being real considering how much NATO is goading Putin. I'm with you with the moon landing.

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So much evidence for nuke hoax, I’ll drop two “bombs”. Pictures of Hiroshima and Nagasaki taken a few days after the “bomb” show damage 100% consistent with napalm(fire bombs). Notice there is no evidence of a blast, the streets are clear off rubble, the burned buildings collapsed on their foot print. No excess radiation, both cities today are thriving urban centers. The other observation I’ll share is that the pictures of the blast at Bikini Atoll show a fat column of smoke and steam rising vertically from the blast. Can you explain how this mile wide neat vertical column originated from a bomb the size of a VW bus ignited on the ocean floor in 50 feet of water? Many other early “bomb” films seem to originate from “Lookout Mountain Studios.”

Best digging. John

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Thanks John. I think apart from the apocalyptic film 'The Day After' where there was a great mushroom-shaped bomb, I suppose I wouldn't know what to expect.

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IMO (without seeing the vid), Dinesh is trying to get the information of 2000Mules to as many people as possible. His Forte is making documentaries and I doubt he spends much time analyzing YT personalities. While this disappoints me as well, it does offer 'another' opportunity to expose a Fat Ass.

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2000 mules is a legit docu. and yes, Dinesh is trying to get the word out to more people about it.

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OK, I listened until Charlie started blabbering about his inside knowledge of the QFS, his NDA (so everyone has to take his authoritative word for everything), and the QF voting system. Then my brain exploded ...

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Sometimes the only way to rescue those who have been hypnotized is to go into the den of the hypnotizer. Show that true hope doesn't come from claims but from facts and hard work. That's why we read/watch you, Clif. You are not scared to do the work.

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Cliff, You da Man! I got caught up CW and SP years ago. There came a time I said, "Self, something stinks here". I have been in multiple Cults (my learning and evolution) and when the hope-porn" happens...love bombing starts, I know this is a con. Been there done that! You my man, are the hot iron in the construct of information and logic always making room for a possibility and "PROVING" otherwise, however open. Got to love the counter thought. You remind me of a teacher I have in Yelm Wa.

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Fellow student?

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Yes indeed.

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I watch Charlie Ward about 5 times, unfortunately for him when you are an awakened soul the lies that are Spoken about and perpetrated in conversation are so obvious that you can hear them, and I could no longer watch his channel, it’s the same thing with the TV set, I can’t watch TV because of that reason…not sure if it has to do with being RH- blood, But I have always been very intuitive I even refused to get the vaccine because I knew something was not right about it thank God for intuition.

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Unfortunately, (in my opinion) Dinesh is Controlled Opposition. 2000 Mules didn't expose anything we didn't already know and watch in real time. Sure, we may not have seen all 2000 Tools with our own two eyes, but we saw enough to know that it was widespread and we knew without doubt that the election was stolen.

2000 Mules was just another diversion and distraction and did not expose WHO is REALLY behind most of all the demonic happening in the world: The British Crown and the Khazarian "Jews". Our U.S. government, along with many others worldwide have been infiltrated and run by both of them and they both have the same agenda of OWNING the world.

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It wasn't meant for people already awake. And those not yet so are not ready to swallow the Crown and the Khazars. One step at a time.

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spot on, going too far down the rabbit hole all in one go would be counter-productive.

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Who says this is for the asleep? And what makes you think they want to ever wake up? They're quite comfortable in their little world.

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I feed my sister some things. I think little at a time gives them frames to think about. Later, they see other things that add to that frame. Over time, I think the blockages start to decay, and truths seep in to trigger an awakening. They are all very entrenched in the stories they have been told their entire life and have trouble opening their mind to anything else. I have really been surprised at the level of mind control.

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I think it might be too little, too late. And why do some of us seem to have no problem with gripping reality? Why aren't we totally brainwashed, while they are? The most natural and obvious things, that don't even require any real thought, fly right in the face of their mass psychosis. What makes us so "special" that we appear to be immune to it?

I sometimes wonder if all of this insanity is an attempt to drive sane people insane.

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It is definitely an attempt to do many things to humanity at once.

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Yes some of the are happy and they honestly still think their government really cares about them.

But there’s a definite shift in the sentiments being voiced on social media sites compared to even a few months ago. That’s what makes me think that some people want to wake up and ARE waking up.

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Those that are still asleep are happy that way and won't be waking up. Don't kid yourself.

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I'm 64, well beyond kidding myself.

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I'm in my 60's too. It's been quite shocking to watch this all transpire considering how things were when we were younger. Even the Clinton years seem "nice" compared to today.

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Past is prologue. The Clintons were insidiously undermining our society. I hope they die horribly. Let God have mercy on them, I won't.

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Agreed 100%. But they should have been put to death long ago and after being tortured for days. Yet, they live on, living the high life and still committing heinous crimes. I hope God has no mercy and that they rot in Hell.

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Thanks...I was about to say that. And what's the above commenter doing to bring that kind of info to those asleep or dead dumb and blind?

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Those that aren't awake yet are happy that way and will not wake up. They have ZERO interest in watching the film.

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A presumptuous comment, and rather snide as well. You have no idea what might tip someone in the right direction.

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Cool man. Opposing opinions are welcome. Presumably, we're on the same "team" here, so I'm not going to go tit for tat with you.

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I just saw Dinesh three days ago with DJT & DJT Jr. Do you think they know they are dragging a disinformation agent on the Freedom Tour with them? They even gave him his own ballroom to host a breakfast that I attended. I don't mean to be a jerk about this, but c'mon man! Dinesh spent a year sleeping in some kind of halfway house for donating too much pooled money to his college friend's campaign from all of the college buddies. The sentence was revenge for producing the film "Obama's America". He went to Kenya and gave one of Obama's 8 grandma's 2 goats for an interview and it embarrassed 44 greatly! Trump saw his file at the WH, called Dinesh up and said O had put him through "Some bullshit!" and gave him a full pardon. His only request was that DD keep making his great films. Still think he's a disinfo agent? No way. He's foreign exchange student, turned US citizen, turned MAGA patriot with more guts and heart than 99.9% of us.

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I no longer have any trust in Trump. He's also dragging Pfizer and Doc Oz, while bragging about his vaxxx and encouraging people to take it.

As far as Dinesh, yeah, that's the story we were told. On the other hand, we've seen how the DS operates with their psyops. Dinesh could have easily spent the time somewhere remote, relaxing and getting his marching orders for the next psyop film.

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Nah. DD is a nerd, not a criminal mastermind, I’m not ruling out the small possibly that DJT flips the script on us, but if he does, it’s game over for this world. I don’t think the level of genuine hatred the satanists have for him can be faked so convincingly,

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Fauci, Biden and so many others are also nerds, not criminal masterminds. Pedo Biden's administration is filled with them. They are Tools that are told what to do, just like I believe Dinesh is.

But I've been wrong before. I can't believe how I was totally fooled by George W. and his dad. I no longer have blind faith and believe all the narratives from either party without question.

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You have to look at the body of someone’s work to get an accurate reading of who they are. Have you seen his films throughout the years? I have. Nothing about Fauci says nerd. His aura says liar / demon/ megalomaniac . HW- another of the same, plus sneaky and mastermind. His son- stupid, low level demonic creature. None of them are fully human. I don’t get the same read on others. Just because you were so well fooled before doesn’t mean everyone is bad. It just means you need to hone your discernment skills.

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You are definitely wrong about Dinesh.

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People have a more visceral reaction to 2000 mules than they do with data charts and graphs. They see people committing crime that will likely go unpunished. It's easier to understand and directs their attention to the criminals which elicits a stronger reaction to the seriousness of the crime in general. They understand 2000 mules and react in same way as when they see their neighborhood stores continually being overrun with people ransack stealing to the point all stores close and leave. Anger

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Maybe, maybe not. Seems to have triggered further investigations, so may yet do a bit of good. https://justthenews.com/politics-policy/elections/investigators-georgia-ballot-harvesting-probe-zero-funding-eyewitness

The documentary itself was over-hyped, they managed to stretch at most 30 mins of content into an hour and a half. Anything that appears to "go viral" like that is always suspect as most of these are manufactured by bots.

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2000 Mules is a must see. We now have scientific and technological evidence that will hold up in a court of law.

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Holy crap first I heard that Dinesh did that! Yikes. Uhhhh, bad choice. I would have flipped out more but thank you Clif for softening the blow.

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Charlie Ward, and Simon Parkes are con artists. Therefore, both are highly qualified for elected office.

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Watch it... Or Simple Simon will get his daughter from Planet Zion (or whatever!) to come eat you!!

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He's too busy having sex with mantids to bother with me.

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May 18, 2022
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Kerry is a good interview… and that’s about it… the rest is just BULLSHIT!!

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I appreciate that Kerry doesn't try to sell some bullshit sleep aid she concocted in her basement. She interviews some smart people like Elana Freeland, and some dummies.

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Wow… who rattled your cage… lol…. But Kerry does love Simple Simon and totally believes his BULLSHIT! so… and btw.. this sleep aid helps my wife no end… so why not fuck off and move along… there’s a nice chap… away to planet Zog and annoy simple simons girlfriends… lol.. MUG!

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What's up dirty Sanchez? Your wife is susceptible to the placebo effect which is how she enjoys sex with you and your small penis. You tell her you're good lover with a big dick, and the placebo effect does the rest. Glad you found her.

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Hahaha… 👍.. so u have confirmed to me your about 5… run along little in… bed time.. this is for adults…. Haha… usually the male who talks about small dicks HAS A SMALL DICK! It should match your brain too…. 🖕

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You're humorous, Dirty Sanchez. I'm glad your wife benefits from the placebo effect, and is able to sleep. I imagine being married to you comes with a trunk full of psychological baggage that impacts sleep.

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Jun 1, 2022
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I use Magnesium in a spray form every day.... I spray 15 squirts on each leg, I road cycle almost everyday and since I started this regime I have never cramped up.. even when I have been a little dehydrated!! before.. I would cramp up all the time... so, good stuff

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May 18, 2022
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They are ALL joined at the hip… the lot of them… all out to con whatever mug will listen!!

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The PC version of Truth Social was released today. Lots are signing up. Slow server response time because of registration volume but I got on.

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I'm still waiting for m code to make my password.

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I take it you mean you are waiting for the text message for the code. This is the first day of rollout. Traffic is heavy. Hang in there.

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It came! I am in!

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Certain email servers may block it. You can try changing your sign up info.

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