Lol, trump isn't for the people. Lol, I think it is so funny that people still believe that shit. The guy put us under FEMA. Lol. Oh yeah, the military is going to let Trump do whatever he wants. Sure lol. Guess what people ever since March 13th 2020, we have been under FEMA. What does that mean? The constitution has been stripped away that’s why you have the governors pushing vaccines. there was no election stolen, we are under FEMA there is no election there’s no election in 2020 or 2022. there is no Congress there is no president. The person you’re seeing on TV is CGI go down to Washington DC and see for yourself. No one is in the White House. No one‘s in the capital the governors are not your real governors they are part of the WEF wake the fuck up

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FEMA was cleaned out and Trump with the military flipped that bad scenario. Trump is for the people. Military asked Trump to run. The governors have worked with the Chinese and the WEF, but were called to the carpet hard. Then, you saw the Confucius institutes become illegal in states because they are Chinese deal. Colleges will get no funding if an institution is on campus. Some of these governors got another chance to clean up their act. This is why Trump sent Pompeo to an annual governors meeting and called each governor to the carpet for their doings. They had phone records and intelligence to address the situation.

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Trump is controlled opp....its very obvious. The media is in to crap on him only to divide people. Look who created operation warp speed. If he was there for the people he would have been taken out ala jfk

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Trump is another Globalist. "Warp Speed", "USMCA", Billion$ to Gavi, nothing for Ivermectin/HCQ, Still pushes the genetic poisons/culling, Still ignores J6 political prisoners, He just walked away as the election was stolen, etc., etc., etc.

And what he HAS NOT DONE to save this republic could fill volumes. At best, Trump was dumb and weak AF.

It's clear that the world government types WILL DO ANYTHING to take down the USA. It's also clear that the supposed, "good guys" WON'T DO A F CKING THING to save this republic. They are all in on it. The stage was set a long time ago. You know, back when the "Conservatives" were busy calling people who could see what was happening, "tin foil hats" and, "conspiracy theorists".

The same mechanism that kept them from the truth all this time is alive and well within them. They still cannot see the threat. They will continue to make bad/suicidal choices. They will continue their cowardly behavior.

The USA is done for. "Americans" gave up already.

With what do you replace a free republic?

The rest is collectivist rot...lots of suffering and corpses.

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People swallow the hopium because they cannot accept the fact that we are screwed already. NOBODY is coming to save us. Both side see us as expendable pawns. We are the only wones who can fight back with God's help and defeat the evil rat bastards. Organize, plan and take action.

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What is this shit about somebody coming to save us? Sounds like MSM disinfo crapola. The whole point of the movement is to learn the truth and save ourselves. Get with the program, or get TF out of the way. All you whiny tits and nay-sayers are showing yourselves to be lazy cowards. Afraid to believe because then you might have to actually do something besides spew your verbal diarrhea. If you don't want to hear truth, go stick your head back in the sand like a good little MSM true believer. You want to let your fear and ignorance run your life, that's fine- but keep it to yourself. Some of us are trying to drag ourselves out of that matrix.

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A lot of extremely gullible folks here believe that T rump is the real president behind the scenes and that he's working to take out the "bad guys". Even Clif, the disinformation agent is spouting this nonsensical narrative. 🤡

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We all understand -- and always have done so - that it is We the People who will save our nation, our Constitution, and our rights. It's it great that Trump's shenanigans has brought the traitors to light.

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I fear as much as abhor defeatism, reality check tells me you may be right. The only way to avoid disaster is celestial intervention. Either by the Creators minions or direct intervention. From a good friend of the mighty USA in Queensland Australia .

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I will fight until I'm dead, mate. I will die a free American man. No human can or will take that from me.

I will not live to see Americans disarmed.

I will not live to see my family forcefully "inoculated".

I will not live to see the inside of a government/corporate "camp" of any kind.

Talk is cheap on the Internet. I get it. But I love my republic. More to the point, I love humanity/life. America, as founded, is the greatest and most moral country in human history. It is the most pro-human.

“I have sworn upon the altar of god, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man.” ~TJ

"Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of brave resistance or the most abject submission." ~GW

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Thank you Brother. I stand with you.

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I like your comment. But this country’s origin is just another lie. America was founded by Freemasons. Do some research. Unfortunately it is true. EVERYTHING our leaders have ever told us is a LIE.

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In bad. news the USA lost its Republic via Federalism (I.e the Power Grab) a very long time ago. The roots of this loss are down to the Founding Fathers lacking two of the three essential elements required to have an effective and long acknowledged ideal Balanced Republic, which includes all three of the Possible forms of Pure Government to take advantage of the unique and indispensable benefits of each. They are Democracy (available but fatally self destructive unless rigidly controlled and offset by the other two), Aristocracy (totally lacking a long standing Patriotic Aristocracy devoted to Duty and service- available today with the Military families in every State), and Monarchy/Dictatorship (but after King George got Criminally Scapegoated for Causing the War of Independence- actual Culprits the Tyranny that had established itself in the House of Commons that William Pitt railed against in his Speeches and in support of the Colonists), Nobody wanted too be King, the root of all that by the way was the Common Law Constitution had the Law in it since the Middle Ages that “No Man May Own Another Man “ and that applied to All British Colonies as well, and not just in Britain, with Both King George and Queen Charlotte Vehemently Opposed to Slavery, Scapegoating King George was very convenient. for both the Slavers and the Colonists who by the Criminal Actions of those dealing in Slaves, had put the Colonists between a Rock and a very hard place, given that outside of Britain legally, and the Colonies, pre Industrial Revolution, the entire world ran on Slavery. Interesting side point, Constitutions Never Go Away, so the Full Common Law Constitution is still the Birthright of the American People, along with the Peoples of the British Commonwealth, and it is also the important foundation of International Law. So back to the partial Republic. Two out of the required three missing is not good, so what did the Founding Fathers do ? They synthesised the Aristocracy with Selected Senators- wrecked by making the Senators elected so creating the disaster that is two elected bodies as two will a,ways end up fighting each other leading to Civil Wars (big endians versus little endians like in Gulliver's Travels, any excuse to divide and fight in the Power Grab , and instead of a King, they synthesised one with a President, the good intentions of which turned out to be an utter disaster globally, as the vast majority of Presidents have turned out to be self serving bastards devoted to looting and pillaging the People, so once they are booted out of Office they have stashed enough loot away that if they aren’t killed before they can get to it, they can live like Kings or Queens for the rest of their lives. What makes Balanced Republics work is the Balance between three forms of Government, Plus Denial of Power, which is required if you are able to get the literal Rule of Law. Because as Locke said, it is better to be Ruled by Laws Rather than being Ruled by People. Today, if the Federalism Power Grab is fully purged from the USA, imho, what the Founding Fathers dreamed of for the American People an finally be achieved, but what to replace those Problemstic Presidents with. plus how to make Democracy function properly. Best Wishes. Bob.🤔👍

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He had to do warp speed bec the Chinese vax was already developed and ready to implement. That would have killed everyone. So he forced them to create a new vax... not enough time to make it as deadly as the Chinese version.

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Holy crap, I hope that is supposed to be funny.

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Omg these people are hopelessly brainwashed

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And they're so many... We've reached the point of no return. Like someone said, take care of yourself and yours.

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Would you have walked into deep corruption stronger? I don't agree with his later vax opinion. In fact I think he is actually a robot know but in saying this I cannot substantiate my gut opinion. Luckily my gut doesn't rule whatever opinion you hold.

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What?!! You're not making any sense

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Feb 23, 2023
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I edit to fix typos, or to improve what I typed in previously. Sue me.

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Feb 23, 2023
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Feb 22, 2023
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You are the first person so far that has made any sort of sense. All the others seem to be working against everything people like Clif and Trump are trying to accomplish. Being nothing but downers and bad mouthing good people. Sounds to me all they want to do is role over and t give up. They need to stand up and be a true American

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I know what you mean; but try not to blame others. When you blame others, you turn yourself into a victim and weaken yourself. I don't blame people for being downhearted. Trump had the 2020 election stolen, followed by the mid-terms and now here we are in the middle of WW3 and heading towards a thermonuclear exchange. How much worse can it get? At least the awakening is real. Hopefully enough of us will wake up before we destroy ourselves and our civilization.

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You need to understand that you're falling for ridiculous hopium. T rump is most certainly not your guy.

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Mark my words: Trump will be brought back.

Trump will lead the, "God and Country" types to their deaths.

The US Government has managed to get the, "Left" to support war--amazing, really.

Now, all they have to do is let Trump rope-in the other war meat, I mean side.

This is why Trump has been hanging out in the wings (rallies for ex-POTUS?). Globalists will send him to center-stage when they need to rally the war meat.

Culling is deflationary.

"Force Majeure" = What debt?

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How many people understand the truth under all the layers of bs? To answer that you first have to ask the question "how many Americans are well-versed in the Q-level intelligence operation? A million? Three million? I'm betting on the latter.

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Thanks for the link.

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No. Covid-19 is a DOD operation. You can read an excellent - if fictionalized - summary of what really happened here:


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Stop it, Jeb!

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BS. If he were controlled... why did they rig the election for the pathetic dunce Biden?

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All part of the plan to trick the sheeple into wanting either one of these losers.

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So who die YOU vote for? Let me guess... you didn't vote, thinking that that was a real smart thing to do.

You think there is no difference between Trump's America and Biden's.

Got it. Bye.

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It's the person who counts the votes that determines the winner. Voting accomplishes NOTHING. It is all staged. These losers are preselected at least 10 years ahead of time. You have a choice of 2 evil criminals every time. That is NOT a choice. It is tyranny.

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Donald Trump is the most protected president in history.

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Oh, found it. President Trump is guarded by the most sophisticated intelligence system on the planet. It belongs to our military and specifically Space Force. There have been at least 6 serious assassination attempts against him. You tell me why he's still alive if you don't believe me.

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Because he’s the antichrist.

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I just didn't understand your comment, I don't disagree... or necessarily agree... under Milley and Austin, twin aholes... I doubt they would provide such protection... are you saying the military is NOT under their control? that would be great... and Space Force... hmmmmm... I don't know about that, but you think they are protecting Trump?

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I guess since the military is working with Trump, he just decided to let the military get the vaccine, right? yeah yeah you’re righte

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We need to stop looking for a human to save this country. People need to turn to God. This world is of the devil and the devil's biggest trick is to deceive. False and fake prophets are what we are seeing. Don't put your faith in man put it in God.

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OK... Great, but the Leftists or whoever you call them are going to take us

over, if We The People, don't fight. There has been another derailment in

Nebraska. Our Country is being sabotaged more each day.

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Globalists MUST have chaos.

They must bring Americans to heel, somehow. This means pain.

As long as Americans are telling each other, "I don't believe in conspiracy theories", they will remain victims of the very real, and lethal conspirators.

(New World) Order out of chaos.

Or, you have to heat it up before you can reshape it.

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It's not just globalists. It's government in general. Without problems, we have no need for government. So their incentive is always to make problems worse. That's why there are always fake wars. War on poverty, war on drugs, war on terror, war on viruses, war on climate change, next war on aliens.

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It isn't the leftists. It is the KM and their minions. Leftists are more or less indoctrinated and brainwashed victims of KM, which Clif believes are going to snap out of. Did you listen to the substack? It was pretty clear.

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Think it's a bad idea to sit back and let shit happen. God wants us to fight the battle, do what's right and not crumble and make things easy for the demons we face.

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Well, that's kind of what is happening in CA. Somebody saw something, somebody said something- on the internet- and now it sounds like others are taking action to counteract at least that plan. Fine example of what can happen when people wake up, learn about what is really going on (to the extent we are able to, at this point) and then do something.

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Mysticism and, "Holier than thou." is what got us here. This is the cause of immeasurable human suffering.

You'll never see it, but I thought I'd mention it.

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LOL!! Like the vaxxed did?

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You have anything to say about the Leftists who are garbage.

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"Left" "Right"

To sides of the same enslavement coin.

The "Left" is being used by the people in charge as a means to an end.

Globalists fly no flags.

As you can see, Globalists are just as happy to poison "Leftist" bodies as they are any of the, "Useless Eaters".

A lot of Trump's, "Warp Speed" was injected into "Leftist" men, women and children.

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Exactly 100%. if one party cared more than the other party why hasn’t any party done anything because they’re all in the same group once the cameras go off of them they go out to eat and laugh their ass off at us. If I knew in 2020 that the vaccine was going to kill. They all knew that as well, let’s not forget that most of these politicians, this is public information by the way. Most of the politicians held stock in these vaccine companies.

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"Most of the politicians held stock in these vaccine companies."

Anyone, ANYONE who holds stock in, "Big Pharma" is complicit in democide. They have funded it. They share blame.

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It isn't Trumps warp speed. Good grief! Don't strain your brain, just blame Trump.

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Trump supporters do not have a functioning brain anymore. They are in a cult, like Jim Jones on steroids.

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I am anti-government I don't like either party R or L, D or R. The government needs to be brought down. They have destroyed America all of them. We have let them do it. I say no more. This is our country, who are they??? Republican or Democrat is about division. To stay divided.

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Republican or Democrat is also about focus. If you ask me these are low level management. They lie and manipulate. I don't even listen to their BS anymore. I do not think they run a damn thing. Talking heads, no different to MSM. PART of the MSM. Government, corporate and a number of other institutions need to all go down. Otherwise power abhors a vaccuum.

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The most revolutionary peaceful act is not voting.

Imagine if no one did. Remove your consent.

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Here smart guy. https://www.keionline.org/covid-contracts. there has been no elections. Do you understand what FEMA is? obviously you don’t because if you did, you wouldn’t be saying something, so damn stupid. How can you vote when there was no election hello wake the hell up up up up. So, on March 13, 2020, what did Donald Trump do? He gave this country over to FEMA, DOD, HHS, Barda, etc. Now ask yourself this are we still under a national emergency? Yes, I do believe so. So that means that when Donald Trump declared a national emergency, he didn’t treat it like it was a virus. He treated it as a war. Why do you think he calls himself a wartime president? Because it was waging war on the American people Yello. so ever since March 13 we’ve had our constitutional rights suspended so the people that you’re seeing like Congress, Governors, and the President. they’re not really there. You have governors that are acting. Do you have a Congress that is acting? Why do you think all these governors are pushing vaccines the governor in Texas is allowing immigrants to come through the border because they’re not your governors do not for America. You are just stupid. Hey, follow the plan let’s play 5D Chess. it just goes to show you that on one side of the coin, you might understand the vaccine but you don’t understand the other side, and that my friend you’re being played. I just feel sorry for you at this point.

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Look read https://www.fema.gov/news-release/20200514/president-donald-j-trump-directs-fema-support-under-emergency-declaration. And be quiet you don't even know what you are talking about. Go back to bed!!!!

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Yep, term limits would have made it much tougher than with all the career politicians. Need a third party with every candidate screened by others who have been screened. Pay more to get the best people. We could do wonders but enough people have to wake up and realize that change must happen.

Disgusts me that the reds are so lackadaisical about everything. They all should be screaming about all the anti America things going down. Should be easy to constantly call out all the crap. They can't even get together on the Vax situation, take a collective stand and just pump the truth and evidence out every day. Only 1 guy seems to give shit. Very scary and unfortunately, telling about the reds integrity and care for the population, lack thereof.

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Fuck term limits. Just get rid of all of them at federal. The first time a state or local rep does something against the people, they get recalled and another election is held- no appointing a replacement. As long as they (fed) are around, the states will not figure out how to be independent and run themselves. Fed gov should make laws for states, or have any control on them. Actually, they don't, but sheriff's have forgotten who they are supposed to be protecting- it isn't the statutes and regs and ordinances, that are nothing more than control mechanisms hiding in the guise of "protecting" the citizenry. CSPOA is trying to re-educate sheriffs around the country. Even if we keep a few reps- ALL of the federal agencies, departments, commissions, bureaus, etc have to go, none are constitutional and none benefit the people. All are vehicles for theft & money laundering.

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Sorry Amy it was the DOD who created the COVID hoax. Please visit Sasha Latipova's substack "Due diligence and Art" She provides the documentation - hundreds of contracts between the DOD and pharmaceutical companies. I only subscribe to two substacks - Clif and Sasha. This will be an eye opener for you.

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And who was the Commander in Chief of the DoD? TRUMP.

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Feb 22, 2023
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Imagine if he spoke truth about it instead of taking credit for the vaccines that are killing everyone, while also calling people who didn't want them stupid.

And btw, I hold everyone accountable. Everyone should, including you.

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Yes, there is an excellent - if fictionalized - summary of what really happened here:


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As you are aware of Katherine Watt's work you are also aware that she provides the legal documentation. There are dozens of contracts between the DOD and various medical subcontractors of the DOD. This is real tangible evidence - not fiction. The Brook Jackson case you refer to is really a mess and Sasha Lapitova is not encouraged for a positive outcome. Neither am I due to the cesspit of a Federal Government America currently has. We need to do things locally as Clif often suggests.

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Yes, I wasn't suggesting that what Ms Watt wrote is not true. In the link I provided, she wove a summary of her understanding of the facts into a narrative of how she would like the court proceedings scheduled for 01Mar23 to be.

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yep, you’re right 100% lol.

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You mean the woke military that is busy bowing down to communism right now? The one that enforced all the jab mandates? The one that had officers admitting that they were lying to Trump about troop movements and disobeying his orders? That military?

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"Military asked Trump to run."

The same DOD that engineered and executed the pandemic?

I don't doubt it, at all.

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No, not the deep state military that is in the process of being exposed; the antidote to the deep state, the true patriots & constitutionalists who have been working towards this time, for us and this country, for generations, and not just the military, but citizens and REAL reps (although my guess is only a few of those), and people like Clif.

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I like what you stated. Are these the Digital Soldiers, too? Your comment

gives me HOPE :-)

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I don't understand this at all. Why did they want Trump to run then?

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There's a video out there: Jerome Corsi who explains it all. Trump was asked because he had been a friend of JFK's, knew what all this shat was about because they were "living it", he travelled in the same circles as the elites did so who better than him to know what was going on. Corsi explains it. Now, folks can get Trump's books & read them; he explains what he'd do if\when he became President and what was in those books is what he did. Watch the YouTube interviews that he was on as far back as the 1980's and he TOLD people what he'd do if\when he became President and that's what he did. Research. They knew he didn't "need" to do the job but that he was not able to be corrupted in order to do the job. The Generals that were part of starting Q back in the days of Kennedy and continued this on to the day they got Trump in knew it was the "last" chance to save this World (yes, this World) from the most evil, corrupt, disgusting scum that ever existed on this Earth Plain. Kennedy "died" when he tried to do it so those awesome Generals (in succession through the years) have given their Oath to protect President Trump from the same fate. Like this or not I don't care (1) whit. Do your own research. President Trump is the ONLY man that's been strong enough to save this World and I thank God every day that he stepped up to do this job! Read his books. Watch those YouTube videos. Listen to the decoding of what he SAYS at his rallies, his speeches, read the Q posts and decodes. Learn what this President has done. When you find what is going to be "given" to even the lowlife nay sayers it's going to be disgusting to the rest of us; it's not deserved!

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Feb 22, 2023
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Thanks, Robbin. I've spent my lifetime researching the JFK angle; my lifetime. I had no idea the "who" of it "all" until the last few years but now I know. What I know now is making me even more grateful for President Trump and his philosophy to "get even"; a principle that is just fine with me when there's that much planned Evil in existence! President Trump is this World's last chance to clean up what's been done to it and I've spent almost a decade intensely researching everything to do with his helping this World. I'm fighting, in my own way, for my kids & Grandkids so they have a Life on this Earth without being someone's bum buddy or serf. It really pisses me off when people who have never researched a thing other than watching TV (and it clearly shows in what they say) do no more than slam this President who is giving his very LIFE to this bloody job of cleaning up this World, with the help of the Generals and the Military Alliance. Wonder if any of them lost their Son to this fight lately? Lots of brave, strong, beautiful young Military people won't ever see their Families again because they're fighting for the World that others just bitch about not being good enough "for them". When folks look at President Trump stop and look again: that's a MAN that's done more in his Lifetime to turn things around than anyone can conceive. Stop bitching and start fighting WITH him. Use your time and what brain power you have to research and learn what has happened to your Country and turn things around, for God's sake! If you have kids & Grandkids start fighting FOR them if not for yourself.

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Because he would follow orders. Because he is a part of the Globalists' agenda--The Globalists who own and operate the military.

If you value this republic, Trump is your mortal enemy.

"Covid-19" was a US military operation, back to front.

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People like you are the enemy. People who only see what they want to see, for whatever reason. WAR, it's WAR. It could be a much more visceral and kinetic and bloody war, if it weren't for Trump and those he is working with AGAINST the globalists. Are you really saying you don't believe there is a DS element in the military, as well as a patriotic side? Never mind. I don't need an answer

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I'm watching millions of my fellow Americans suffer and die due to bio-weapons created and unleashed on them BY THEIR GOVERNMENT.

I don't see a war. I see innocents suffering and dying...CHILDREN!

I see a poisoned military with leaders who are bent on a culling of humanity, and apparently bent on starting WWIII.

There is no, "Deep State". Sorry. This is BS created to keep you from seeing what THE STATE is doing to us.

Besides, where the f ck are your so-called, "white hats"? Watching VAERS explode with entries? Watching little kids be injected with known genetic poisons? Watching thousands convulse and cry to their loved ones for weeks, months, even years because they're HORRIBLY F CKING SICK!?!?

Wouldn't you want to answer this culling with violence? Wouldn't you want to save these kids and innocents from death, or a slow, agonizing one?


If they even exist, they are utterly useless. They are the real cowards for not acting to save innocents from this f cking horror show of horror shows!!!!!!!!

"They have to see how evil the cabal is." REALLY??? How are they going to see anything IF THEY'RE F CKING DEAD!!!!!!!!!!

It's bullshit. F ck this, "white hat" nonsense.

No one is coming. This is plain.

We know they've been planning for, dreaming about a culling for decades. Now, they're executing. And they have a "show" to distract and divert. That's all it is.

"Enjoy the show."...while they kill you off.

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Then who are you going to trust? Are we just living in a Truman World?

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I don't trust ANY pol, bureaucrat, CEO, banker or Jew.

You are free to make your own decisions. You are free to consent to whatever living nightmare they have prepared for you.

Have at it. Trust away...your life.

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No one who wants that power and money can be trusted. So no one.

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Yes, "The Truman Show" was a documentary.

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It's part of the operation and as much as we speculate and try to figure it out, we won't know, nor do we have a need to know, until the operation is complete and the war has been won.

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Feb 23, 2023
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Robbin: exactly!

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Thanks for the information :-)

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Mark my words: Trump will be brought back.

Trump will lead the, "God and Country" types to their deaths.

The US Government has managed to get the, "Left" to support war--amazing, really.

Now, all they have to do is let Trump rope-in the other war meat, I mean side.

This is why Trump has been hanging out in the wings (rallies for ex-POTUS?). Globalists will send him to center stage when they need to rally the war meat.

Culling is deflationary.

"Force Majeure" = What debt?

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Feb 23, 2023
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The DOD, like all big organizations, is not monolithic. It's a collection of competing factions/interests/groups.

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Feb 22, 2023Edited
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I agree with you that Obama was a horrible President but during his term everyone seemed to love him. I didn't because he was given the Nobel Peace Prize before he had even got a toe in the White House door!

Killary was JUST as bad, or maybe even worse.

I confess to feeling extremely sorry for all 5-Eyes citizens. None of us have any politicians worth voting for. They are all bent as a nine-bob note. You should see the shower of shit we have here in the UK. I gave up voting a decade ago because it was obvious that the polls were fixed. The Conservatives are not very popular in UK and yet they managed to win a huge number of seats in Parliament. It has been impossible to shift them ever since. Corruption in Canada keeps Trudeau in situ, in Australia my friends are in despair, in New Zealand they feel under house arrest.

Sir Klaus Schwab's mob have taken over and we all know why.... he is besties with our new King, who helped to write the Great Reset and announced it to the world in 2021. We are horrified but what can we do?

We keep screaming online about these Global terrorists aka Global Young Leaders trained at great expense by the WEF, but they are clinging on by their fingernails. That weird chick in NZ handed in her notice and so did Scotland's Nicola Sturgeon (thank goodness) - they were both Schwabians and had to go when they got their knickers in a twist over pronouns and gender fluidity. I suspect there was a lot more to their resignations than those things though.

Maybe they weren't pretty enough for the superyacht parties? Who knows.

Anyway, in the USA you have nobody to vote for..... everyone is compromised. I hear that Tulsi Gabbard is going to stand for election to President next time.... what do you think of her?

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Thank YOU for this information. For all the TRUE details.

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Feb 23, 2023
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Well, how kind of YOU :-) I have heard of Scott McKay. I will have to listen to his podcasts.

You need to come down to our side. Don't stay in Canada with Castro Trudeau. I remember

reading Dr. Christiane Northrup's books years ago.

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Feb 23, 2023
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I hear you. That's what we have here in the US with Fraudster JOEBAMA and their Leftists gang.

I do remember Dr. Northrup's shows on Women's Health. We live in Central Florida and meet

a lot of Canadian Snowbirds. Hopefully, you can drive down for the spring.

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Brainwashed are you? WAKE UP

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I mean, did the military have to take a vaccine? Yeah so how are they working with Trump? Answer me that one. Oh I forgot he’s playing 5D chess, right? Lo

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It is hopeless to even try to tell Trump supporters the truth. He is like a God to these idiots. They cannot see that their "hero" is evil to the very core. You would have to be absolutely blind at this point not to see it. Or WILLFULLY BLIND.

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Ya know Ms. Lucy, I've seen enough of your ignorant posts now to really wonder why you even follow Clif. Either you just like to piss people off for your own little ego trip, self-righteous superiority overcompensation for low self esteem; or, you are here to deliberately counter-intel, confuse and divide. Your opinions are horseshit and I'm sure I'm not the only one here who thinks so. Since you so disagree with most of Clif's followers, why don't you start your own substack, where you can show your ignorance and spew your verbal diarrhea all fucking day long; While you are at it, take some of these other whiny tit fucktards with you. I see nothing about your brand of spirituality that is essential- here, or anywhere else. People like you- phony and ignorant- are as damaging as the willfully evil. But, I console myself with the fact that one day, people such as yourself will get what they deserve, one way or another. Enjoy!

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You been taking a poll about Clif's subscribers? I have followed his work for years, but I don't always agree with him. Trump the Chump is a globalist through and through. What is more, I am entitled to say so and so is Lucy.

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Well said Lucy, these folks who still support T rump are incredibly naïve and gullible. Even ol' Cliff is spouting this same nonsense.

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Yes. Don't forget it again.

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I know. It is SO SAD how stupid his supporters are. Also Biden supporters. ANYONE who supports any government goon. Too bad Cliff cannot see the truth. I like his podcasts.

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Sorry, if you don't believe Clif then don't listen. Apparently, Clif's substack has been hijacked

by Leftists.

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Lynn, either the stupid trolls are out in force like never before, or the bots are. That makes it seem obvious, that Clif is right over the target.

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We are fond of Clif but that does not mean we agree with him over Trump. Do you agree with every word anyone says? If so, what happened to your critical thinking?

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No, I’m sorry I don’t believe Cliff, who the fuck is Cliff? Some guy that sits in his garage and sips on coffee and tells you fascinating stories? Who the fuck is Cliff? I mean at first, the guy seemed intelligent now not so much. Cliff is allowing this one particular group that he’s trying to satisfy and I know who the group is. Cliff wasn’t always like this, so it’s either that he’s getting money or some other bullshit but he’s catering to a group of people that’s all I can say.

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Clif is an entertaining guy but has almost zero credibility. Consume his ramblings solely for entertainment purposes. ✌️

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What is sad is how you have nothing better to do than be where you are not wanted. Now THAT is truly pathetic. What brand of essential spirituality are you practicing? Some reptilian new age shit that requires you to be here, to give and get abuse? Luciferianism? Whatever it is, it's pretty damn dark.

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Sounds like your a member of a cult, Tia loca. You get very defensive if anyone questions your Messiah (Clif). 🤔

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Ooh bitchcraft.... so unfeminine.

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You're correct and yes it's amazing after all we've experienced since March Friday the 13th 2020 that Donald Trump is some kind of savior. I'm not supporting the current puppet in Chief either.

So Trump continues to say how great he is and his Operation Warp Speed and how he got the shot yada yada yada and yeah you have your freedoms, you have your freedoms but I got the shot, it's great and he did it all by himself (in his mind) and using the military to launch it is so great.

He also did nothing but bring in even more of the bankers into his circle (Goldman Sachs) plus he kissed Benjamin Netanyahu's ass and gave him the key to the Whitehouse, what a guy. In addition his piece of shit son in law Jared Kushner teaming up with the commie Heinze Kissinger combined with Chabad Lubavitch to infiltrate our political offices even further. Yes Joe Biden is a decades old criminal who has never been prosecuted by any of those great Republicans either, think about it.

People are mind controlled slaves by the very political party they subscribe to. Donald Trump gives not two shits about any of you fuckers that support and worship him, wake the fuck up!

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If you are correct and we believe in "follow the money" concept, why is Trump worth is smaller today then in 2016, where people who truly are for themselves and not for we the people, increased their worth....

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Omg he is a grifter to the max. How about his stupid card game? And all the money that his dumb supporters give him when he whines about losing the election?

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Do I have to start responding to all of your future posts with "Cunt"? I hope I don't see you around, cuz I just might make it simple for me.

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You’re a classy person aren’t you? Just shows what Trump worshippers really are. Thanks for letting us see the real you.

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Thank you for telling the truth 🙏

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Trump's cabinet was packed with known Globalist apparatchiks from the get-go.

I've (attempted to) cast my last vote. I was made a fool of for the last time. Voting is for tyrants and the fools who bend over for them.

I've screamed about 'electronic voting machines' being utterly hackable (a f cking farce) for well over ten years. The mASSES just don't care.

80+ million "Americans" were disenfranchised in broad daylight in '20. Then, they RUN to polls/the SAME F CKING MACHINES in '22 to "vote" again!!! What can you do with these people? Nothing. They're lost. Hopeless.

So, they'll continue to be f cked over by the world government/collectivist types.

Good luck with that.

Clif High believes that these magical, mystical, unbelievably elusive "white hats" can, "bring them to our side". The same mechanism that got them lost the first time remains fully functional.

Now, in order to, "wake us up", because, "They had to see it for themselves.", TENS OF MILLIONS of Americans have been made ill by Trump's, "Warp Speed". Sick, tired, dumbed-down, demoralized, overrun-with-illegals "Americans" are going to save themselves?

Not a chance.

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Feb 22, 2023
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It is hopeless if something doesn't change. Truly hopeless. Hell on earth.

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Feb 22, 2023
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I don't pin it all on Trump. But he is one of the Globalist players.

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Feb 22, 2023
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I've argued with Conservatives over the question: Will the US military fire upon American citizens when the order comes?

They naively shout, "NEVER! Not in this country!"

Fools. Ignorant of history. Ignorant of human nature.

All that's needed is context. (The "SJW", "woke", "LGBTQ" stuff that is exploding in the US military is nothing short of your death, Americans.)

Well, now I can say that they will not only fire upon us, they will execute a global engineered "pandemic" and inject American citizens with deadly genetic poisons, and other experimental concoctions/substances.

Look into just how many US 3 and 4 star Generals are Jewish now.

.03% of Jews join the military. How many Generals? How many in, "upper management"?

Your military is right now being set up to be your worst nightmare, Robbin.

What is 73% of Biden's cabinet?

If Americans understood the danger they're in all at once, they would be in the streets tomorrow.

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Feb 22, 2023
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You know, I've pretty much decided that Clif newsletter has been infiltrated by cunts and fucktards, especially alot here. I guess I will start going with simple responses in the future, to all the TDS fools: Cunt, Fucktard, probably a couple other simple one word responses to what I am truly beginning to believe are paid to be here and dpew their ignorance on the rest of us.

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People speak up when they are sincere. Get used to it and try to clean up your gutter mouth.

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Oh, goody yet another fucktard. Why don't you people just get together and start your own TDS club on another substack? Why do insist on being here? ARE you being paid? True fans of Clif are intelligent and interested in learning. Y'all need to just GTFU out- we've heard all your stupid ass TDS shit, no need to stay.

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You've liked some of my comments and called me names after others. Make up your mind.

Maybe it will help to clarify things if I tell you that I loathe the mass-murdering Donald J. Trump. F ck him and his tribe's designer culling poisons. They are the very definition of evil. He murdered many Conservatives in my opinion.

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DeSantis will win the primary and become pres if we get to 2024 without being enslaved. I don't like the odds of that now. DeSantis is the only Gov who actually demonstrated time and again, actions that go against DC and that's why Florida is by far the best state.

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DeSantis is a WEFfer..mark my words. George Soros just indorse him.

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DeSantis is a Trojan horse just like Trump. Has the quarantine law on the books and ready to go as soon as he is ordered to enforce it. This is all a fraud. All politicians are liars once they get into office. Look up his history especially at GITMO. If you like torture you will be in good hands.

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DeSantis played follow the leader on all the major issues.

He is Deep State owned.

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Trump, the fast track clot shot enabler of mRNA genocide is nothing other than one side of the Uniparty. I mean Zio Roy Cohn was his mentor for Gods sake. Not to mention ignoring Jan 6th Patriots rotting in jail.

I got one message for Trump worshipers.

Wake the hell up!!!!!!!

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So you prefer Biden, eh, castrato? THAT was the choice. Trump did great... which of his policies did you disagree with... ??? Or did you just wet yourself over the "mean tweets'??

Now... tell us what do you like about Biden's policies?

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I hate to tell you, but Trump is not the “holy grail” either. And I WAS a big Trump supporter.

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Who claimed he was? IMO, he was the best Prez since Ike. No one could have cleaned teh corruption from DC in 4 years, especially with the constant attacks.

You prefer Biden?

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Yeasty Ghoul Troll strikes again.... no idea that people can exist above and beyond binary politics. Sad.

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Keep bleating, Rumplebutt... but you don't vote, so get back to your basement and keep thinking you are "woke".

BTW: A bath would not hurt you either. Pheeeew!

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Did you get bored? Wasn't anyone else biting your infantile bait? Bless you for returning to answer me only 19 hours late. I like Rumplebutt.... it is cute.

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Blah blah blah.

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What planet are you on? I see you don't bash Fraudster JOE or his Commies just Trump.

What is CGI? Oh, so you live in DC and know exactly what's going on. Then prove it.

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There is no help for Trump worshipers. They are hopelessly ignorant.

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Please follow your head the rest of the way up your ass until you disappear.

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But you Biden buttlickers are what... sharp?? LOL!!

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This ilk is what is left still supporting Trump. Doesn't look too good for the Don.

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I think it looks very good for the Don... and if not, DeSantis will be fine.

The Biden Crime Cartel is imploding, so either will be a massive improvement... IF we make it to '24.

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I agree about Biden. No one gets near the White House unless fully vetted by the Controllers. They will never allow another JFK.

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We are a breed beyond your binary joke politics. We don't support ANY politicians. How about that Yeasty Ghoul?

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Oooo, so edgy….

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Only the VERY foolish say "I will not vote"... what does that accomplish, Queen Cellulite?

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In UK 40% of us do not vote. It tells them that we are not fooled by their b/s, King Kunt.

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Yo, douchebag, you think Biden is better?

Get off the meth and Dulcolax.

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No dude I don't think Biden is better. Perhaps it is you who should get off whatever you are on. Obviously something that doesn't enhance intelligence.

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So you just whine and bleat like a little girl... take a stand... grow a pair... or STFU, loser!

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Nobody in the White House would be the only option you have.... none of your politicians are straight.

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You are so right. I cannot think of one politician that deserves my vote. I have stopped voting until this situation is corrected. I don't think the answer is Desantis either.

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I agree. I trust not ONE politician. F all of them for what ALL of them have allowed to happen. Many of us as well…

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Yes indeed, Trump is one of THEM. As smart as Clif is in some ways he somehow doesn't see this. I don't get it. You may be right about the CGI issue. Remember when Biden took office? (sic) He could not utter a coherent sentence or walk up a flight of stairs. This guy looks like he could could run a marathon and defeat both Lincoln and Douglas in a debate. Well maybe.

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I don't believe Trump is one of them. I believe Clif. If you don't, why even listen to him.

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Mutual information. Clif is correct about many things but everyone needs guidance.

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Feb 22, 2023
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We all are. We all have our own skills. That is why we are all gathered here today.

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Better yet... how about you close that big yapper?

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You must listen to the likes of Charlie Ward.

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You don't have enough information. But it doesn't matter. NCSWIC

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Explain... if you can.

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What does NCSWIC stand for?

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Feb 23, 2023
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Bring It On......Tired of Waiting....

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It must be done right

It must be done according to the RULE OF LAW.

It must carry weight.

It must be proven in the court of law.

There can be no mistakes.

Good things sometimes take time.

Attempts to slow/block the inevitable [Justice] will fail.

[D]s election interference 2016.

>Clinton/Hussein illegal FISA

[D]s election interference 2018.


[D]s election interference 2020.



These people are sick.

We, the People, are the cure.


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Rule of law? With our totally corrupt AG and FBI and CIA?

With our deeply flawed and compromised SCOTUS and District Courts?

Military tribunals, with an Obama-eviscerated military? with the maggots Milley and Austin?

come on, man!

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You are quite tenacious, DeSantis!

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I know.

And if you think too hard about it, you’ll lose your mind. God keeps me sane.

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I'd like to see what (credible) evidence you have that shows that happened ...

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Your fear is showing, Sweeney

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Showing what? Look the shit up dumbass March 13th 2020. Fema

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What is showing is that your mouth and your asshole are interchangeable.

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That comment applies to you very well.

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You talking to me, or Sweeney?

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You are one of the idiots too?

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Feb 22, 2023
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The Bill of Rights and the Constitution are voided during a State of Emergency - FEMA are in charge. You can thank Trump for that.

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Go away, Yeasty fool.

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If trump Hadn't come out w warp speed you would still be locked down..he never mandated it it was Your choice..wake up normies

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Exactly!!! He always said that everyone should have a choice. That is what matters!!!

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Exactly.....The Leftists boxed him in. He did the best that he could under the circumstances.

They even gave him the China Virus.

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The US military, with the help of many an alphabet agency, "gave him the China virus".

The virus was made by "Americans". The "vaccine" was made by "Americans".

Trump helped in this global democide.

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He told everyone they should have the choice to Vax or not! Just the dumb asses fell for it and that is their CHOICE!

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Spoken like a true, "Silence is acceptance." Globalist demon.

"First, do no harm."

Informed consent.

If you came to me with a headache, and I said, "Here, take this aspirin.", but the aspirin was really a cyanide capsule, could I be held responsible for your subsequent injury or death? Manslaughter, at least? Negligent homicide if I'm a, "medical professional"? Murder?

According to you, I'm innocent, right? I gave you a choice, right? According to Globalist, "morality", because you were silent after I made my offer, you agreed to take the pill. You weren't smart enough to look at the bottle it came from, or to have the pill tested, right? Dumb people deserve to die? They, "won the Darwin Award", and so on?

Take it, or don't. Simple, right?

Now, what if I told you that you had to take my (cyanide...shhhh) pill, or you would lose your livelihood? Or visit your loved ones? Go to school/university?

Still OK with you, Mel? "Moral" enough for you?

"Dumb asses" gotta die, right?

This is precisely what they did to us, Mel.

Evil. Monumentally evil.

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Feb 22, 2023
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Not much, as a big red flag went up when he pushed the mRNA clot shot fast tracker. Trump supporters will recite any excuse they can come up with, but that doesn't mitigate the ugly facts.

I've listened to Cliff since the URE days and sadly I've reached the conclusion that much of what he purports is simply Hopium.

Your entitled to your opinion, as am I.

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Feb 22, 2023
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"The Alliance"


Clearly, "The Alliance" is weak. Look around.

If, "The Alliance" can't stop the culling of humanity, they aren't worth much, are they? How many innocents have been slaughtered SO FAR under the watch and care of, "The Alliance"?

Where are they? Nameless, faceless, feckless cowards, all. Assuming they even exist.

How's that workin' out for ya, world citizen?

"Enjoy the show."

Bad actors and bad actors.

There is no, "deep state". Only the state.

It's not even a good story anymore. Only pathetic.

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Feb 22, 2023
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Why not speak plainly?

Why be a pussy?

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Good story.

"He never mandated it." So f cking what! The most powerful man on the planet was using his god-like power to advise you all to take the genetic poison into your bodies!


I loathe suicidal sycophants! But then, they don't trouble me for long.

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You must be one then. We waited, researched, and decided we didn't need

the JAB. We weren't sick. People do have brains, don't they? Correction:

The most powerful man in the universe is GOD.

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I wouldn't take an aspirin from Globalist and depopulation-obsessed Bill Gates, George Soros, Ted Turner, Rothschild, Rockefeller, et al, much less a DNA-altering concoction.

I never needed to know what was in it, because I would never take a "vaccine" from Rockefeller owned and operated, "modern medicine".

I'm one of those, "evil" "anti-vaxxers" that the poisoners and poisoned love to hate.

You all should work to avoid ALL INJECTIBLES.

They will have their culling.

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I read that Rockefeller was behind the Polio vaccine, too.

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The, "Spanish Flu" wasn't Spanish or a virus.

The Well Poisoners just love all the new, "technology".

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Some of these people on this thread need to find Jesus.

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He didn’t murder anyone because he said everyone should have a choice! It’s your damn fault if you went and took the clot shot!

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I'm anti-vaccine. Have been for many years. I don't take them, period. I won't take what Jewish Big Pharma cooks up in their cauldrons.

He was the President of the United States of America telling the American people that the concoctions were safe and that they should take them.

You will never convince me that he did not know what he was doing. He's not a stupid man.

Even today, with all the resulting carnage so easy to see, this murderer still pushes the genetic poisons.

He is guilty of murdering many millions of Americans and untold number of foreigners who heeded his advice.



In my opinion, Donald J. Trump is a Globalist mass murderer.

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Feb 22, 2023
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"Why are you so enamoured with saying Trump should be the target of our wrath?"

Because it was the topic being discussed. And he should most certainly be A target of our wrath. But only because democide.

I'm not a troll, you big poopyhead!

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Waaay more blue-haired people fell into the Khazarians' trap. It's a WAR. Every single war has casualties. In this psychological war it was the mind-damaged. I'd say being able to pick your casualties is a darn good strategy.

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I believe the original plan was lockdown to 2030.

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The Khazarians must operate in secrecy, as you say, to perpetrate their evil plans and have the masses fall for the narrative. For this to happen the main stream legacy media MUST cover for their asses. But the people are now in the Great Awakening, and are no longer buying the lies and propaganda.

So is the current MSM now knowingly and openly working with the globalist nazis against the people? I think so.

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In the Uk the intel agencies have people positions in most of Msm , what people fail to see is what we saw with Twitter which is agents actually working In companies , The intel people are running the whole game as its them who ran Epstein and the uk Royals and its that story that triggered this Idiotic Pantomime event .

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Dave.....Can you please explain the Khazarians? Who and what they are about exactly?

Thank YOU....

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Khazarians are the displaced people of Khazaria. The Rus ran them out of their country in the 10th century. The whole country had been converted to Judaism by their King but it did not change their vicious behaviour towards the neighbouring countries. They have hated Russians ever since and intend to reclaim their land from Ukraine to Kazakhstan.

They are scattered all over the world, infiltrating every government and Klaus Schwab, King Charles III and all European aristocracy are married into their ranks. They teamed up with the Venetian Black Nobility to attempt a global empire and they have run it from the City of London since they got William of Orange onto the throne.

See this:


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Feb 22, 2023
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Thank YOU so much :-)

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Yeah, Trump lost me on the vaccine thing.

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He ALWAYS said that people should have a CHOICE..that is the difference between him and the rest. The choice is what I’m fighting for..wake up!

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You wake up. He just bribed the governors to do it so his dumb supporters would blame it on someone else and not him.

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Many Conservatives lost many loved ones to Trump's, "vaccine thing."

But don't you dare mention this fact to Conservatives. They neeeeeeeeed to believe.

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He might have been able to save himself if he hadn't kept pimping it long after everyone knew it was, at best, useless.

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There are so many rabid lefty asshats on this chat that they effectively muck it up. Maybe Clif has even attracted paid assets, from the sounds of it.

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Feb 22, 2023

Don’t be dumb. Take responsibility. Use your own God given ability to make a choice. If you were dumb and took it that’s on you.

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I wouldn't take anything Trump and his goblin Fauci suggest. It just seems like mixed messaging to trust and listen to Trump, except about this thing.

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Feb 22, 2023
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I just don't gargle Trump's scrotum.

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No one here does. At all.

But since you talk like a lefty, everyone here assumes you gargle like a lefty...

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Trump is a major player. We can see that very clearly. What do you not see?

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Feb 22, 2023
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Trust Trump to your grave. I promise no one here cares.

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Feb 22, 2023
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You're the one who commented to me. I definitely didn't ask for your moronic drivel.

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I see all the asswipe anti- Trumpers are here again spewing their horseshit. A game is being played and you Loons haven't a clue in how's it's being played. Paid Traitors not worth spit.

Beware the Silent Man

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So Trump is your hero? You endorse all the evil things he did?

Wow. Way to go crazy!

Read this and think on it:


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Fact - Trump did more for minorities in 4 years than Obama and Clinton did in 16 years - When he signed into law his ' First Step Act ' Black Leaders openly wept in the Whitehouse

He ended ISIS - Which BathHouse Barry said was impossible

He Got rid of Clinton's Horrible NAFTA - something Bathhouse Barry said was impossible

He Ended BH Barry's Iran Deal which was horrible for America but great for Iran

He removed the worlds two top Terrorists who where responsible for killing and maiming thousands of US Soldiers

He Secured the Southern Border and stopped the Invasion

He Made America Energy Independent

He Fixed the Horrible Atrocious VA - Improving Health Care for Veterans Immeasurably

He Brought The Middle East Together For Peace Talks

He was the First POTUS to Meet with North Korea

He made NATO Pay Their Fair Share for National Defense

He Reigned in China and Manufacturing was Returning to America in Record Numbers as he gave much needed Tax Incentives and brought Tariffs against China

He Signed into Law - The Right To Try for Medical Treatments

He got America out of the Paris Accord Deal - Which totally screwed American Taxpayers

He Rebuilt The Military

He Developed The Space Force

He had the Lowest (True) Unemployment numbers in History and set records for Working Minorities

He had America in NO Wars

Trump is for - God in our Schools and in our Lives - Had the Total Respect of All World Leaders - Saw the Wisdom in Made in America - Loved His Country and The People in it

Trump did alot more good then what I mentioned and he did that with 4 years of Russia Russia Total BullShit - 2 Impeachments and a Media that Lied and continues to Lie about the Best POTUS of my Lifetime

Obvious your are just another paid Troll or Never Learned to Seek Truth

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I know all that, but I guess I see it very differently from you. Trump has prepared his support network for a huge come back. Biden assists him by being so nasty. America is being led like a bull with a ring in its nose. You cannot see the trap that is ahead of you. Trump is leading you to subjugation under a totalitarian global coup:


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Train just derailed in Nebraska.

Hmmmm didn’t someone just mention Nebraska?!?!?? Great job Clif!

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I’m not sold on Chris sky.

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I'd like to recommend that you trust no one.

Think locally. Back to basics.


Our republic was designed to ensure that the individual held the power. It floors me to watch as billions of human beings so readily give up THEIR power, and thus their lives. Not to mention any hope of real satisfaction, aka, "happiness".

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Hence my reply. A person who has a brain needs to use it.

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Why? He has been bang on with pretty much all he has said. He is extremely vocal against ALL the demons and has been jailed multiple times for anything they can get on him. Hopefully Toronto's next Mayor!

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To me he appears to care about his standing/ ladder climbing. I make this assessment based on personal witness. I will wait to see. I follow no one blindly.

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Feb 22, 2023
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When someone shows a visible distain for people contributing to waking up the crowd and if a person can’t see we are in this together and seems like a personal agenda, that throws a flag. Like I said I will not follow blindly… that’s what got us into this mess to begin with. If he is the genuine article and shows consistent character then I will be wrong & have no issue to admit that. But until that point I will be cautious. Have a great day.

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"There is nothing

That can dominate


~ clif high

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How many times have you heard the older generation speak about getting in trouble with their parents? They had to pick out a hickory stick for a lashing. If it was a puny hickory, the kid had to go back and get one with more girth. Maybe Trump should be called Hickory Stick.

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Maybe Trump should be called what he appears to be: a war criminal malignant narcissist bully psychopathic satanist who wants to cull humanity.

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It's funny though that Trump did most of what he said. He certainly solved the border issue, hard on WHO and UN and Paris climate accord. Had far better rapport with other world leaders, kept them all in check etc etc all while having the media feed people like you lies and propaganda every day so you were gaslit into buying into the bs.

If they could have found anything to charge him with, they most certainly would have, no question.

Suggest Biden has demonstrated he is all of the things you said Trump was and more.

Funny, no wars while Trump in office. What is it that makes you say he is a war criminal? He is a buffoon speaker most often but have not seen Satanic evidence or population control.

Those would describe the current regime, globalist pedophiles, Gates, Sonos etc

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No regime has done anything good. It’s all a scam. And I don’t know why people think Trump did anything worthwhile. My favorite was him supporting the red flag gun laws and banning bump stocks by executive order. He didn’t build the wall. And he pulled in more swamp creatures to his administration than any other resident. They are all fake puppets. Paid off war criminals intent on destroying this country.

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You are blaming the wrong person. It's MUSLIM OBAMA and FRAUDSTER JOE.

Those are the two permeating scumbags that are to blame. Ever since they

arrived on the scene they are hellbent on destroying the United States.

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If it’s a hickory stick should be a baseball Bat the Louisville Slugger then I’d say let’s go to the Batting cage

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It appears that RINO McCarthy is not going to release the Jan 6 videos but instead will give all 42000 minutes to Tucker Carlson (sic). I guess Tucker will go through everything and show what we need to know. Fact is Trump had the opportunity between Jan 7 and 20 to blanket pardon the 400 misguided followers if his but didn't. Secondly remember how Trump eschewed masks before the Jan 6 event? Well this gave the deep state the ability to photograph Trump's most ardent followers. Yes he set them up. Yes Trump was asked to run so he could shut down the nation killing hundreds of thousands of small businesses giving the proceeds to his big box buddies. Trump also promoted the "wonderful vaccine" and remdesivir which has already killed millions. Due to the wonderful work of Sasha Latipova and Katherine Watt this whole COVID holocaust was a creation of the DOD as a countermeasure so none of the precautions of an actual medical product was necessary. Please visit Sasha's substack "Due diligence and Art" As Mike Adams has recently stated "this changed everything". Yes Trump was asked to run and he sure did his job. THERE ARE NO WHITE HATS COMING TO RESCUE US - WE ARE ON OUR OWN. The big problem with Palistine is Dioxin not vinyl chloride. Dioxin will remain in the environment for hundreds of years. Trump is one of THEM - get a clue, Clif.

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I am so glad people are waking the fuck up about Trump. Man my God about fucking time people. Speak the truth

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For those people bashing Trump, you don’t seem to realize that Trump is simply an instrument and he’s nothing more or less than a focal point for the DS to attack to draw attention away from other operations happening elsewhere.

Every move he’s made has been planned out for him and with him but he’s not the sole brains behind the white hat operations.

Trump is neither God nor the Devil, he’s the decoy for the KM to attack and it’s worked perfectly.

Stop wasting time focusing on him and his statements, everything he does has been programmed to wake up normies, even if it doesn’t immediately seem beneficial.

Trump is not the saviour you’re looking for, he’s merely a symbol of the true saviour, “We the People”, he’s even stated that himself but the normie mind, even the Republican normies can’t seem to grasp this concept.

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"Trump is simply an instrument"

A billionaire instrument of the Globalists. Yes.

How many did he murder with, "Warp Speed" genetic poisons? How many Conservatives are injured or dead after trusting this venomous snake?

How's Trump's "USMCA" working out for ya? Oh, you notice when Biden does the, "North American Union" thing, but not when Trump helped make it happen.


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Trump didn’t push the needle into the arms of the mentally weak, so it’s long past time to stop yammering on about it.

No one was forced to do Jack Shit. There is always a choice. The past three years has just weeded out the ones who lack critical thinking skills and a backbone.

If Warp Speed didn’t happen, we would of been locked down for up to 10 years. It is a fact that the lockdowns are lethal - the excess death numbers don’t lie.

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If I made you sick, promised you a safe cure, then gave you a poison, I would be guilty of a horrible crime.

It's not only about force.




"If Warp Speed didn’t happen, we would of been locked down for up to 10 years."

Good story. Seems plausible to many. To me, total bullshit.

In my opinion, Trump slaughtered many a Conservative. The blood pours off of his dirty hands.

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You appear to still be in the anger stage, so I’m not taking anything too personal.

Once you can start viewing things from a 40,000 ft perspective, shit will start coming together. You’ll get there...sometime it takes awhile.

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"anger stage"

To be sure.

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Feb 22, 2023
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You keep defending the evil fuck, so I keep responding.

Trump is a part of the depopulation program. This is easy to see. You just need "Trump" as your "savior". It hurts you when I offer up the truth about this lethal fraud, "Trump", aka, cognitive dissonance.

Your boy will be brought back. Trust me on this. "Trump" is hanging out in the wings because Globalists are about to bring him out on stage--to take the, "God and Country" types, or their children off to die in their, "war".

Trump is a Globalist who is scheduled to rally the stupid war meat. And, with your love for him, you will be right there, eager to bleed for him, you fool.

The Globalists desperately need, "force majeure" to clear the debt.

A culling is deflationary, which is why they're trying to murder us with syringes and various chemicals.

You really believe that these mega-villains would conduct global democide, and then allow REAL opposition to hold any power? You REALLY believe that they would allow, "Trump" to oppose them in any meaningful way?

I'd like to recommend that you climb to a higher altitude and look again at, "Trump".

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Iodine. I'm on it.

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You need both Iodine and Iodide, the like of Lugol's Solution or Nascent Iodine !!!!

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Why do you need both iodine and iodide?

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I ordered some iodide.

Maybe you can explain to me what Nascent Iodine spray is and how it is used?

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It's not a spray,Nascent Iodine works with a dropper !!! Check "Good Health Naturally" You'll have awesome infos !!!!!

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That you Brother hope alls well

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OLD appliances are the BEST! My parents had 1980's appliances in their rental in Bremerton and had NO problems for DECADES.

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Appliances are made like shit these days. My electric water heater, new in 1987, lived for over 25 years. Washing maching from that era was going strong for almost 20. Nowadays, anything made usually doesn't make it to ten years. It's deliberate, of course. Over time, people become accustomed to it and they accept it as "normal". Short memories of the population = globalist long game. It's all connected. Disposable everything, including people.

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Exactly! My old small freezer was 20 years old when I bought it from a friend for £5 - he had acquired a newer larger version. I kept that freezer, constantly running from 2010 until last March when I too acquired a larger one. It was still functioning and now resides in the huge cupboard under my stairs (known as the Tardis) - it is waiting for a new home with someone who needs it. Other old appliances last me ages too, but recently I bought a new vacuum cleaner which works lovely, but broke its plastic clips, (holding the thing together) within only a few months! Then it's extendable hose thingy broke too and my son has to crawl around the floor when using it (or risk a bad backache bending over the thing!).....

Upshot is, I just invested in a very neat Chinese made, infra-red operated RoboVac which takes itself off around my home at 4.30pm every day. It is very quiet, very thorough and my son gets to avoid housework locked in his ManCave, as he always prefers! I wonder how long it will last?

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So much Trump cope here. Why are all this Q crap and Trump so vital to people's identities and personalities? If it's all true, what difference does the belief of others make? It just looks like people are projecting their own insecurity and doubt when they rabidly defend him.

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