I have been teaching Walter Russell's Electric Universe Cosmology for the past 25 years. Unfortunately jew tube deleted my channel, though I have everything uploaded to odysee.com there is so little traffic it is mostly a waste of time. I went under the names 77Gslinger and Robert Otey on jewtube. Most of the material has been saved on my Odysee channel ": "Calen Tanner Lightheart" is the channel name.

Anyone wants to see the correct teachings regarding Russel's Cosmology needs to see my distillation of his work. There is a lot of bad info out there and Russell made some big mistakes as well, because he was not perfect. I corrected and amended some of his core ideas. You can see my "critical corrections" playlist on Walter Russell,whihc can be found on my playlist page for Odysee.

Also, I was working with Dr. Pallathadaka Keshava Bhat and I brought his work, regarding the Electric Solar Vortex model of our Solar System, to humanity after he passed away up in Yellowstone Park while vacationing with his wife and daughters. I have the final version of his work which never reached humanity due to his passing away right before we were going to meet in San Francisco on his trip back to India! Many people jumped on his wrong work and had millions of views on videos they made that falsely represented Dr. Bhat's Electric Solar Vortex Model.

I have a lot of work and all of the corrections which could clear up the problems with both of the geniuses and their work which has been falsely represented.

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jewtube deleted my channel for telling the truth about the convoid hoax, before the psyop even left China. I had 185 videos debunking and warning humanity about the convoid psyop and the satanic mongrels at jewtube shut me down, with: 12 million views, 27K subscriber, 950 videos and 13 years of advert. free, teaching Cosmology!

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RemovedJun 1
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I can not access that link, do you have a working one you can send me?

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Calen please change call8ng it jewtube to ziontube. That would be more correct. They are different peoples. Your making lousy karma there. Unintentionally.

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no thanks. Maybe we should call it Khazar tube, would that make you happy? Or, how about Yid tube, that sounds better to me of Hebe Tube. You need to drop the politically correct mind control virus, we are at war with the seeds of satan.

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Calen. Spiritual Insight Maybe? (bible)

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Abdullah and Neville Goddard's esoteric interpretation of the Bible is the one I follow, since it is the correct one. Secular literal idolatrous churches are 100% fraud. The characters in the Bible are mythical. It is a psychological drama, not a literal history. The Bible is: myth, allegory, symbolism, gematria, numerology, sacred geometry and astro-theology.

I can say that with great certainty since I have read all of the books from Gerald Massy, Alvin Boyd Kuhn, Alan Watts and even Joseph Campbell revealing the truth from Comparative Mythology.

I do not understand your "spiritual insight" response. Would you care to elaborate?

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Waddels British edda is also a good book ,shows we're all the stories originated,in sumeria

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Maybe you should crawl back where you came from and challenge your brain to think. Name calling and labeling is childish and in appropriate.

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It is better to appear to be a fool Stella, than scribble your drivel here and remove all doubt! Check Mate!

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I do not disagree on the war with Satan. But name calling is immature and if your native American very bad spirituality.

Jewish people are a race with their own diseases, like black folk, asian folk and others. Zionist are thieves of the night.

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Jews are not a race, they are a tribe mainly of mainly khazarian mongrels. You need to actually do some historical research before you make false claims, like they are a race. Nor are these subhuman mongrels semites! So, their entire anti-semitic spiel is a fraud to the core, designed to get the xtian zionist fools to think the modern jew is a descendant of the Hebrews of their old testament of their, exoteric, literal secular, Buybull.

This way all of the moronic brainwashed xtians can support their theft of Palestine, believing that they have some kind of right to the mass murder and genocide the Palestinians, rape their women, steal their land, because they are "gawds holy chosen people". THEY ARE NOT!

Yes, they are a diseased tribe of inbreds, so they have sickle cell disease , which is a sign of sexual degeneracy they are so infamous for, what with pedophilia being one of their cherished customs and their men being largely fags, trannies, degenerate bisexual etc, and their women being jew dikes.

It is not remotely immature to call people what they are. This wicked tribe is the cause of most of our worlds massive problems. Why are you so afraid of speaking the truth? Your moral high ground is laughable. It looks extremely immature and caters to the mass stupidity, created by the jews with their Idiocracy.

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Called I am not politically correct. You like other mix up words. There those of the Jewish race. Like Asian and so on. The Zionist are not Jewish.

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Once again, the jew is not a race it is a fiction created by the khazarian mafia, so these mass murderers can hide behind the "gawds holy chosen people" psyop run by these globalist parasites. 70-100 million xtian zionsts support this satanic agenda of stealing all of the land of Palestine and much much more, with their wet dream being all of the levant and the rest of the world on top of it.

Unfortunately for these seeds of satan, their conviod hoax and mrna mass murder global genocide agenda did not work out as planned. Now the world is starting to see these impostors for who they really are. The mindless sheep xtians are the greatest ally of satan's minions, because they believe in the: secular, literal, historical, fundamentalist interpretation of their buybull.

The Bible is a psychological drama. It is all fiction, myth, allegory, astro-theology, numerology, gematria, sacred geometry. So, churches all teach the exact opposite of the truth and support satan's kingdoms here on this planet!

Your claim that "The Zionist are not Jewish, is of course a massive failure and 100% wrong! The zionist are all people of this planet that support the satanic state of israhell, including most of the so-called jews, aka khazars! Got it?

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Thanks, that looks handy and appreciate the info.

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If you go on bitchute or rumble you will reach the audience. Including myself 🙂✌️🙏💗

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1,300 videos is way too much for me to upload. I live in the Mountains in my new Canin I am just finishing after 6 years of hell caused by PG and E and gavy Gruesom. I don't have the band width or speed for such a project. I have been hanging on by a thread ever since PG and E burned my ranch to the ground, with little time to put into teaching the Electric Universe Model of Creation.

I don't have anytime to do that kind of work since I am totally involved in preparing for the worst. If you would like to archive all of my vids, and transfer them I could use the help. In the meantime a guy from the UK did a beautiful synopsis of both of my books on Cosmology and my life's work:


Here is a video supporting the link above:


my website was hacked feandft.com so I am having a friend upload both of my books which can be read for free froma new website.

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I'd love to loose bandwidth to live away from woke people. Hahaha 😆

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well said! It is awesome to be up here in the Mountains far away from the cities and the wokesters!

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happy to see your thread Calen; congratulations for the success you HAVE achieved with your prolific research and movement. you know how WE feel about the censored, banned, and de-platformed.

i have an IDEA for your unhappy jewish friend: Call it SCREWTUBE. i think them everyone could agree.

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Thanks so much Yolanda! Yes screw tube is good and I forgot kiketube, which Ezra Pound would be proud to use as well.

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May 31·edited May 31

thanks for the link

u have an email ???

HOW do I find your 'playlist' page at Odysee??

tried to filter for 'critical corrections" ...got butkus ???

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The critical correctio series I did for Walter Russell's work is within a playlist on my Odysee channel. The vids for this series are in my Walter Russell playlist. Part 1 begins at video 36:


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thanks again

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found ur playlists here:


none of them seem to have 36 videos...(re" russell [only 2 vids]

did I misunderstand ?

ps- the previous link (above) shows 1 vid on 'magnetism' ..but no playlist except a link to deleted utube playlist.

sorry to be a pain..

can you clarify??/ really want to see ur thoughts on russell.


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You did not access the playlist, you looked at it from without and it falsely says there are only 2 videos, JUST LOOKING AT IT FROM THE PLAYLIST PAGE.



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I understand and agree with the symbolic Bible. Have you tried Rumble? Seems to be picking up steam. The Crater Earth guy is there now after his non-political channel w as taken down by YitTube.

I’ll check your stuff out.

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The pilots could go back to flying planes with passengers and recreate some space on the planes for some comfort….. and drop all the BS security

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Body scrub to pull metals out of the skin; vodka, bicarb of soda, diamatecious earth, sea salt and bentonite clay. Put several tablespoons of each ingredient in to a bottle of vodka. Shake. Take white hand towel pour liquid and vigorously rub skin. Your towel might turn black as it pulls the crap out.


Can be done daily for 1-2 weeks then 3 times a week for maintenance.

Vodka and bicarb of soda are the minimum 2 ingredients, all the others are extras. You can also add magnesium oil .

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Magnesium is a known cramp alleviate

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Add zinc potassium and sea salt as well to magnesium. Mg is not enough. Most people are k deficient, but must not overdose.a banana does not crack it barely any in a banana.

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I will try adding . Thanks!

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I use three types of Magnesium daily, but have had burning piss lately. If I spray the oil on my skin it burns me bad as well. Have you had these problems? I am so what sensitive I think, even pineapple burns my mouth if I try and eat it.

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Shouldn't you use a carrier oil with the magnesium spray?

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I used the spray and it burned my skin real bad. I have a friend who uses it with no problem at all?

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I'm sorry :(

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U got mercury fillings?

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none. I had all of the mercury I was butchered with as a child pulled out along with any root canals, over 30 years ago, since they are the beginning of Heart disease!

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Strange,I know mercury makes you sensitive,you must have a deficiency of some mineral,dr Joel wallach covered this 40 years ago,don't know if this info is still about

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Thanks I will check it out!

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See my above comments about using vinegar rinse/scrub to finish your shower with a final water rinse. Vinegar works on fungi and I think aluminum oxide.

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Swami Sri Yuktesvar was the disciple of Swami Lahiri Majasaya and the Guru of Swami Paramahansa Yogananda.

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I can taste zebugs now, it must be getting close to kicking off!

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Thanks clif_. Just keep the substacks coming. We know you are a busy human

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Never trust a muslim

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or anyone who believes it's not only OK but mandatory to lie to you steal from you or even kill you because you are not of their tribe (i.e. babylonian talmudian chews).

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oxymoron; Only "good" muslim is a Dead muslim

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Archaix pretty much ripped Terrence Howard a new one over this interview. This time, the "dindu nuffin" is actually accurate as Howard appears to be a total fraud...

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Not quite, he is bitter and a bit off track. Clif explains in this video how Terence is misguided a bit. I think he is not a fraud in the sense that he has good intentions, and not just out there seeking money. I might be wrong, time will tell and I will be more than happy to be wrong. Like discovering what a fraud Kerry Cassidy is after I listened to her crap for like 200 hours and then had to delete everything from my mind after her interview with Clif that was the final straw.

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Good intentions? You ever hear the phrase "the road to hell is paved with good intentions"? Anyway, I disagree with your assessment. I think it's more delusional ranting and an over inflated ego. If you can't see that he was eviscerated in that video, then you're just as delusional as Terrence Howard is. If it took you 200 hours to figure out Kerry Cassidy is a fraud, then you seriously need to question your own judgment about things.

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I get so much flak from other listeners for calling out KC on various platforms. It does seem there are too few people who see through this very obvious shill. I don't understand at all how anyone can believe a single word out of her mouth. Shocks me, actually.

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I admit, I listened to her once, .... for about 5 minutes. Tapped out real fast. lol

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A remonstrance to a Marine: I had a Full Bird Colonel that I have spoken to in the past and knew our mission.

We are the Constitutional provisional government on Oregon. One of the several states that owns The United States of America’s Constitution. You know!!The one you took an oath to uphold and defend. WWW.orsja.org

I asked do you get my email. He said no, it goes straight to junk mail. So, I am an Envoy from the provisional government on Oregon and you divert my communiqué to junk mail without a look.

I claim that is Contempt of common law. As in our Article III one supreme Court claiming original jurisdiction found in Amendment VII Civilian common law Court of record whose jury verdict has no appeal in fact. aka the provisional government on Oregon aka our Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly. As of November 2022. Signed, sealed, stamped, witnessed, proof of service published at www.orsja.org

I’ve gather pages of names and phone numbers of Marines, even a few civilians. I trust no civilian oath without proof. I’ll take a Marines word. Well over 100 Marines, never counted. Many have left since I first started looking for who had the billet for “enemies from within”?? That was 6 years ago. I limit my number of Marines I email. I know the code. No SPAM emails and I use an encrypted provider. I publish thru Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly on the internet, cable TV and www.orsja.org.

I take it as an affront, as a representative beneficiary of / to / for The United States of America’s Constitution circa 1859 and a party to Oregon’s Constitution 1859 one of the several states, a sovereign man on Oregon of the nation State numbered 33 with all of my unalienable rights.

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Damn, this video was so full of additional info to lookup I have to listen again and write it down / maybe post it if people like the idea I am willing to do so for each episode ?

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print out the transcript; you will get a different perspective by reading it;

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Yep.. me too.. 😄

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I have been pondering some thoughts very much along this line of reasoning, but I didn't take it to the extreme you did. But thank you for doing just that because at the end of your message it helped me understand where the bottle neck in my own thinking is, I am considering it a side effect of being in employed for decades in the binary machine world of systems. This fear of others impacting our creations. I won't go into where that fear is rooted now. Mind needs to always serve heart. Truth is felt in the heart not the mind.

I've never been comfortable with the many universes view of reality. It seemed wasteful systems wise. It seems to me some of the woo borrows from that. Yet everything we see is essentially software, and what we call "Laws of physics" are merely the local operating parameters. They are not actual laws, but are conditions found where we can measure them. If everything is software, or "words" (in the ancient texts) then maybe it is as simple as what we choose to experience. Complexity, like fractals, is always built from simple components. The complexity is in the simplicity.

I am not advocating magic systems, those are cook books that pay an energy royalty to whatever being invented them. The cabal is not creative, they work to scripts. I am advocating conscious choices (emotions are also a choice, no great person spent their lives as perpetual victims) and beliefs of your own invention based on observation and study. I am advocating rigorous self-auditing of our own motivations and responsibility for them when we screw up. Biology itself is a form of problem solving in very complex spaces. Our words do create.

The fundamental question I have been struggling with is it a "joint creation" or an "Individual creation" of reality? The ripple in the pond or are we each in our own pond? Collective responsibility or individual responsibility? I'm not sure I have the answer in full, but I know it's not what Clif describes in the last 30 seconds. But that's okay because Clif is moving at light speed now and he will grok it.

The religious among us would have us believe reality is algorithmic. The christian and muslim believes in blessings and cursing from "god", based on their particular beliefs of proper behavior. The buddhist and some other faiths see reality non interventionist, but beware the karma meat grinder over in the corner, work through it or it works through you. This is mostly based, IMO, on observation over centuries that entire lineages of tyrants have escaped the energetic consequences of their behavior against humanity and the galaxy for that matter.

I won't go into where I got this now, but I was told in 2012, the fundamental energy flow here was altered sometime around 2012/2013. Help others you help yourself 100 fold, Help yourself you help yourself 1 fold, harm others the energy deduction is minus 10,000 from your beingness, and eventually you self foreclose on your inbodyment. There's a lot of beings no longer on this planet that seem to prove that out. But feel free to disagree. To be or not to be... But I don't believe in a karmic system as such with administrators of it.

There's still the issue of the ripples in reality as Clif put it. Every religion believes "god" is omnipresent however you see that entity, cosmic biscuit or old man in a cloud. There's only one explanation in which that is possible, and that's if all creation and energy is within that being or consciousness. This "IS-NESS" understood it needed to expand, but that could only come by increasing internal complexity. Kevin Kelly in his book "OUT OF CONTROL" described the nine laws of being a god, one of which is giving up control. I think he was onto something. It created frequencies, a set of which were frequencies of itself, spiritual essences of self aware consciousness but each with a different note and octave of the whole, based on the solfeggio scale. Some are primary notes, some are chords. Enough variety for uniqueness, but given the freedom to themselves expand in multidimensional experiences within the ALL, each instance would be further more unique by those experiences. What they provided to THE ALL, is novelty and experience, (which every intelligence craves) for the freedom they have to be and do.

Reality is recreated 72 trillion times a second, with the Planck constant being the size of the pixel in our realm. There's nothing solid, without electric charges and magnetic fields. It actually took a good deal of engineering to create a realm that could feel solid for beings that are pure energy (or if you will spirit). It became so convincing a reality a lot of beings decided to stay here for longer than maybe they should have and forgot who they really are.

Then a band of pirates from another star system, Orion and Draconis came here, stole or inverted every natural truth. They worshipped the flower of life, and Metraon's 3.6.9 cube. Creation is based on 3.6.9, 12 phi spiral, but they leave the 12 out. 3,6,9 geometry allows overlay realms for energy siphoning by the next level higher of existence, but its a static geometry that doesn't allow for growth like the phi spiral does, hence the need to contain creativity of humans. We are simply more creative than they are and they know it.

There are man bands of existence, the woo world calls them densities. Not all bands are being utilized yet, so some are not contiguous with ones below them. Think of the FCC spectrum, where some bands have yet to be allocated - it's not full or complete yet - and nobody has access to some bands.

What I realized in Clif's post, is so much effort, money, "institutional education", advertising and propaganda to make us afraid of our own creation ability, and I realized I had fallen into that trap and so has Clif when he expressed the fear of blowback from creating.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." Miriam Williamson

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I found you post very interesting I thought you might be able to see where I was comingfrom

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As a result of meeting an angel Incarnate who was having a hard time understand how we got it so wrong. I kept trying to explain that we were all just unconscious consciousness using physical vehicles to eventually being self aware and there fore recognize our own divine nature as GOD had intended. We hit an impass she could only see it from the paradise point of view where we all already know who and what we are. And I kept trying to get her to see that it is not the case here with us evolving humans after months I decided to surrender and did a deep dive in to the GREAT DIVINE MIND on the premise that if even the least of us are in fact fractals of the totality then all of it "ALL OF IT " is in each of us so we all have all of the memory's rt? Somewhere in there. We all have all the memories. So with that in mind I went back to that point, most of us had remembered, Where we remember being the one and realizing it was the Great Divine Primal Singularity had an overwhelming desire to know it self, so it became again. The desiring to experience what that was it became again, it became over and over trillions to the trillionth power times it then it REALIZED that the first one had more experience than the most recent but how could that be if they were all identical to the original. So it realized the first form of novelty TIME it went into shock because it had not created time but it was so then it wondered what else could it become and it became all of the infinite vibrational frequencies from which everything is made manifest "SO" EVERYTHING IS created not only BY GOD but of GOD. Created out of the INFINITELY diverse VIBRATIONAL MATERIAL which GOD became. There is "ONLY" THE ONE. Which has manifest as every frequency Terrance Howard says it's all frequency the periodic table is frequency not static forms. So all of it is made of GOD.

In that case, everything that happens happens to GOD because of GOD. Is that karma or cause and effect or with an almost infinite number of feed back loops from an infinite number of points of view. If it is in fact all GOD then is there victim and perpetrator. Or is it simply an ocean of causality experiencing it own effect.

I can't sort it out I believe that the GREAT DIVINE PRIMAL SINGULARITY does in fact experience things and simply let things run for the sake of seeing what will happen and after several centuries of letting those how figured out how to torcher humans and drink their blood to get high and stay young which is pretty amazing if you think in terms of Crowley (since it's all just GOD experiencing GOD doing to GOD what GOD wills). Then where is the issue. But I think the GREAT DIVINE PRIMAL SINGULARITY has finally gone well I think that's enough of that. And is moving towards the sanctity of the individual as Paramount and we'll no longer allow it. Human sacrifice was ubiquitous. But now the rights of the individual incarnations are to be held in the highest regard. Every individual incarnation.

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That gum you like is going to come back in style.

The owls are not what they seem.

My 3.5 seconds of fame is over.


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Politics is fake but Twin Peaks is real.

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Thank you, always insightful.

Cycles within cycles, this place is locked down, & on a loop, imo, because the parasitic force controlling this reality, is trying to avoid the inevitable. This force is trying to create a pocket / bubble to survive & take as many " souls " as possible. Metaverse / The Eighth sphere

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Not many understand how oil is truly made - the electromagnetic effect of the Sun is ignored on so many levels, including (surprise, surprise) climate change.

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Ignorant but sincere queries, why is oil not found 'evenly' across the world? How come there is a lot of oil in Antartica, covered in Miles of ice?

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Hi Cliff! Thank you so much for today's two podcasts they were awesome as usual. What you teach has so much value and I always look forward to your lessons and updates of what is happening in our worldYou are much appreciated.💖🌞

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My question on the elements on Russells periodic table is that all elements have frequency. What kind of music comes from these and who has created this music? I ask because chemtrails and weather modification contain these elements then are zapped to juggle their frequency ro create storms. What if these storms could countered by opposing frequency.

I may be late to the table on tnis thought but am curious.

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