I will never take another vaccine

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Yep- and Clif’s dog wouldn’t either-

given the choice

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I understand why Clif is getting the rabies vaccine for his dog after saying there are rabid raccoons in his area. Hopefully he got one that has the least toxins, including mercury for his dog.

I have 2 female beagles. The oldest was born in April 2021 having her get the 2nd of the distemper/parvo vaccine and later the first rabies vaccine. She did have a reaction to the rabies vaccine as her back legs became very weak. I haven't vaccinated her since. Thankfully she's fine now. Got her niece in Sept 2023 and have not given her any vaccines at all, including rabies vaccine. I know it's required by law in many states, but I don't give a damn. I will no longer vaccinate them as I know many are getting injured, getting cancer, tumors and whatnot, just like humans. I however, give them a raw food diet with several nutraceautical supplements including coconut and krill oil and they're doing very well.

I recently read couple articles of holistic doctors questioning giving dogs the rabies vaccine. I thought it was about time they were discussing this and they did say that dogs and cats are being over-vaccinated. Just like with humans with the many vaccines, including the children's vaccine schedule which I heard recently from the CDC is now 100 vaccines required by age 18. I'm sorry, but this is absolute murder. This is all about the money period.

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I had 2 wire fox terriers & a Lakeland terrier. My female wire got a cancerous tumor in her right hind leg where she had been given her rabies shots. I had read that vets used to give them in the back or beside the neck but because it’s easier to amputate a leg if the dog gets cancer, they changed the area for the vaccine ( I call them kill shots). They removed the tumor & much of the leg muscle & wanted to do chemo but I declined. I used the Budwig diet for cancer ( flaxseed oil, flax seeds & cottage cheese) for about a year after her surgery & the cancer never came back. The vet who did the surgery was a certified surgeon not just a neighborhood vet ( the neighborhood vet said he could handle the surgery but screwed it up totally & left lots of tumor in her leg) . I never got her another rabies shot & stopped them for the other 2 dogs. We are killing our pets the same way we are killing ourselves getting these supposed “ vaccines”. Thank goodness I am healthy at 76, no prescription meds nor health issues. I am blessed….but I haven’t had a vaccine since I was a kid. I decline them all.

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Yes Nancy, these vaccines are kill shots. Full of toxins, cancer cells, mercury and whatever else that don't belong in our bodies, reason why we have an immune system. I'm so glad you used the Budwig diet for cancer for your dog and it never came back. I've heard of this protocol and it does work. Like you, I'm also healthy at 67, no RX meds nor health issues. Last time I got a vaccine was a flu shot about 35 years ago and ended up with the flu for 2 weeks. What a joke, never again. You've been blessed.

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Thank you, I am thankful that I am so blessed but it sounds like you are doing well too. God bless you and to everyone else who is awake and aware. I was beginning to believe that there weren’t many of us but when I see comments like the ones here, I feel like crying & here I am doing that yet again. It’s been very hard the past 3 or 4 years but I will survive and it sounds like lots of others will survive as well. Stay safe & stay well !

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Pray tell me, what on earth did pets do to survive, before they found their masters...?

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I like that you don't care about the state legislation. I called my city and said, I'm willing to pay for the dog license without rabies. They were so stupid they kept saying no. So I said fine, if I get a ticket then I'll.be bring it back to you to pay. Lmao. For I was willing to get a dog tag but you refused me.

I want to put my Mayor in jail. He is a cock sucker, literally. Haha

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Feb 23, 2024
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Love mystery links with mysterious descriptions.. /sarc

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Same here. And regret some in 2018 that I did take. They’ll never talk me into another.

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Don't let ANYONE talk you into ANYTHING.

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yep 2018, me too. Looking back, the pressure my dr. put on me to get vaccinated was incredible. His actual lies, "Not one vaccine injury" and "His own patients died of covid in hospital". I'm so glad I listened to Clif and started taking Vit D, Zinc, Quercetin. I've had no illness since then, literally. At 77, I don't mind being in the "no-vax" control group.

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My pressure came from friends and family who thought I was at risk of dying without the shot if I got the dreaded killer, CV19. And I also don’t mind being part of the Resistance and healthy.

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I haven't had anything since 2007. My youngest son since 2009, he almost died from a jab. So I was trying to get rhe list of ingredients which caused the reaction. Never got it, so he has not had any since then. Also, my kid went to public school without it and mask during covid. The school board caved in 1 hr. I was shocked. Lol. But not really I'm Very Tenacious and stubborn. I will say all children do not have to be Jabbed they just need a form letter from the public health, fill it out, get it notarized. These fuckers CAN'T touch your kids. Lmao

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I am cracking up that the title of this post is "Judgement"

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ALL VACCINES ARE POISON.....this is not hidden knowledge. You should know better.

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I’m afraid of fucking going to the dentist because who knows what they will inject me and my child with

This sucks

And as someone who came from Russia, dentists with no numbing is scary as fuck

I’m still traumatized as we did all our work in dead ass stone sober way not even a numbing paste

In one particular visit to the dentist, she end up pulling a wrong tooth (I think that’s what fucked me up as it hurt like hell and the tooth she was pulling was healthy and luckily still a baby tooth)

After all was said n done and two teeth instead of one being pulled out my father god bless his soul told me to quietly walk out the office and wait for him. He walked into her office and all I heard was yelps, I’m sure he roughed her up a bit) she was drunk as a skunk

Anyway that’s my story and now I’m petrified by dentists and after covid I don’t even know what to do

My area dosnt offer any holistic ones near me

I’m bout to start growing them flowers Cliff was talking bout lol

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Go check out Jonathan Landsman. He's a holistic health dentist (not sure the exact title) and encourages people to educate themselves on the industry. Not sure where he stands on vaccines specifically, but I found him on Nick Pineault's EMF Summit if that tells you anything. He is strongly against many practices that have been normalized in dentistry, such as root canals.

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Thank you ! I will check him out

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I stopped going to regular dentists since I found out about the toxicity of fluoride.

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I fight over that constantly with my child’s dentists


As every time I go to a new one because I have yet to find a truthful and honest dentist

They all tell me I’m wrong about fluoride lol

Like ok asswipe go make your milllions off someone else fucker

It’s been 10 years and countless dentists

I’m so tired lolololol

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I know it is not easy. I travel 40 miles round trip to visit a Natural Dentist where I live outside of Milwaukee Wisconsin. https://winaturaldentist.com/

The rule I try to follow is, find the best practitioner in my area regardless of distance. I am retired on a fixed income but feel that I should put my money where it keeps me healthy and happy in the long run. Wish you the best.

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And yes thank you

I absolutely agree with you

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O I’m in Illinois

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I specified NO FLUORIDE on my family's dental charts yrs ago and have an accommodating dentist. Remember, we pay them for their services. They work for us. Leave any that don't adhere to what you specify. Also, Canadian dentist is regrowing teeth with sound frequencies. Must still have root. Bones heal & remineralize after all. Teeth are exposed bone. Pearl powder also remineralize teeth. Getting exciting out there.

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The obviously lying shitbag grifters didn't deserve to be spoken to with any softer language than you used. But perhaps more harsh words could be warranted.

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And the are allllllll like that

In 10 years I have yet to find a dentist to even acknowledge that what I’m saying is true

But why would they, that’s not what they get paid to do

The incompetence is palpable

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The lies protect the Dollars.

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Unfortunately they sure do

If only doctors only got paid if they kept the patients disease free smh

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Supposed educated people right 🤣

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Lol thanks

I must of been feeling nice that day

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I have the same problem. I use a chlorine dioxide mouthwash to keep the infection at bay.

Ionic sliver and hydrous chloride have been recommended. I can make both but I find that chlorine dioxide works best. Karl.C says it's bad for your teeth but not using it is very bad.

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A a survivor of a bad dental visit that left me with a stroke in 2018, I avoided dentists until Jan of this year when a tooth I didn't know had died suddenly broke off. i spent a week frantically searching for an oral dentist who could give me an IV sedation.I learned from a stranger one evening while stranded in a Texas bar during a bad storm that the typical injection of a pain killer in your jaw is a prelude to a stoke. A shot in the pallets avoids that. However, the Iv was a better option --- but a much more expense one-- cost me two gold coins. i also learned from the dentist who refered me to the oral surgeon that my teeth are exceptionally hard and my roots are very long but curved.they don't comply to the norm

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Also good to know about the jaw shots

Another thing to add to an argument next time 🤣🥺

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Omg that’s horrific

I’m glad you made it thru that experience that sounds truly scary

And you are so right, dentistry is pricey, too much as a matter of fact

I have no insurance so I’ve literally spend thousands on this shit

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I was tortured by a dentist as a kid, never wanted to go back to one. As an adult, this persisted and I pulled my own tooth with a pair of pliers, with nothing to numb, just a few Tylenol. Not only once, But Twice !! It is not recommended unless one has a spectacularly high threshold for PAIN !! Cool winter air on an open nerve is no joke. lol

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I know how you feel

As I would take pliers over a dentist myself ! As a matter of fact in good ol mother Russia that’s how my dad used to pull my baby teeth out if need be

Was bad but still better than a dentist at least I loved my dad 🤣

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No need to vaccinate any living being.

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I don't disagree. But also I am not knowledgeable on many things health-wise. How does one take preventative measures towards rabies in pets without vaccines?

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Keep them indoors. Indoor pets live longer, as well.

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No rabies vaccine they all cause cancer awake the f******

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Come on.

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Hey Roxy, this has been going on for years. Have you not followed the huge case over in Europe? They were UNABLE to provide proof a virus exists. I think they already issued the legal ruling too, they can't prove it! LOL

Kinda like covid?.. when they had to force & threaten & bribe to get people to take a "totally safe" vax... for a "virus" they have to test for, before you even know you have it. Seriously, 20 years ago people would've laughed at you. WAKE UP Roxanne! ;)

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Just to expand your thought,,, PCR test ,whose inventor Kary Mullis publicly explains that it doesn't identify any viruses but sequencing.

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I think you need to reread what I wrote. And yes, it was the German measles in Europe.

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Oh boy, Clif is spoiling us with content and I love it!!

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Hello, fellow humans!

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We’ve all been vaccine injured !!! Most people have no idea because it impairs the brain - the traces of aluminum cross the blood brain barrier. These are primary results of bioweapons . we must stop referring to them as ‘vaccines’ . They are all poison .

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To get to the Truth regarding the problem of vaccines go to


The knowledge you will gain will shock you to the core. The creator of the website has written twenty five books , which are each at least five hundred pages long with references. He is an academic biochemist and has been doing research for forty years. He warns the reader BEWARE ALL THAT ENTER.

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So true, I see my own families history of illnesses (incl. mine) in a completely different light now. Wonder who we would ALL be if we hadn't been being poisoned our entire lives by 'medicine'. Anything I am told is an 'improvement' I am extremely suspect of now. best DI

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We all should feel the same way about Everything they claim is a "Convenience" too.

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Clif, I'm disappointed that you think any vaccine is necessary for you or your dog.

Also... Why did you just waste all this valuable time talking about these idiots who none of us care about?

I found myself yelling 'who cares?' over and over at your discussion here. Get to some important stuff!

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Yes, same here, who cares. Until I learned that Clif himself had been sued by one of them, which explains all this, and it happened when he was very ill adding to the stress. I guess it still rankles.

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My brother was a farm Veterinarian, he has seen animals die of rabies. He has decapitated cows, dogs, skunks, fox, etc to send their heads to a lab who could test for rabies. The brain has to be autopsied. After doing that, he would inject the rabies antibodies or whatever they are called shots into his own stomach. They are very painful injections. Mike was a tough son of a gun. He said you never take chances with rabies, it is a horrible way to die. Just so you hear from someone who actually dealt with this disease.

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This is tortuous to listen to.

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I firmly believe I killed my four-year-old cat after a vaccine back in 1999 and he died 2 days later. I did an autopsy and the veterinarian did not believe it was the vaccines but of course there was heart inflammation and he was a very young cat.

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the ONLY thing I use veterinarians for is cremation/return ashes! ANY pet vax is a BiG NO-NO!

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Anesthesia amnesia is a real thing, especially over age 50. Literally causes brain damage if they give you too much or if you have too many surgeries with anesthesia over time.

No one should have anesthesia; you can have most operations with a local anesthetic or risk losing memory and/or IQ points.

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Isn't it arsenic that they use for anesthesia?

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No, they don’t but it’s still big Pharma and poison.

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I scrolled down Wiki page... Arsenic is either cure or poison (since antiquity), depending on dosage. It's commonly used in cancer treatments. Maybe that's why cancer cases are up, in addition to the side effects of mRNA vaccines?

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Was the Simian Virus 40 in the polio vaccine given to you? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25057632/ Immunization Safety Review: SV40 Contamination of Polio Vaccine and Cancer

Institute of Medicine (US) Immunization Safety Review Committee

Kathleen Stratton, Donna A. Almario, Marie C. McCormick , editors.

Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2002.

PMID: 25057632 Bookshelf ID: NBK221113 DOI: 10.17226/10534

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Absolutely I do believe it I got a flu shot 16 years ago The only one I ever got because I was 40 and just had triplets I got shingles and pneumonia shortly after I will never ever let them basturds do that again

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In 2013 I got a flu vaccine. Within thirty minutes I was shivering and shaking uncontrollably for close to two hours. With two weeks I got atrial fibrillations that took three radio frequency catheter ablations to fix. Child vaxes also caused my son's, thankfully mild, autism. Keeping the immune system strong with Vitamin D3 and having Ivermectin on hand definitely helps.

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Do more research please. There's plenty of information still available before they censor it that orally taken Vitamin D3 is very damaging to health. Same goes for ivermectin. It is a pharmaceutical drud and all such drugs are toxic.

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LOL. I'm guessing that you trust allopathic doctors implicitly. I'll keep my Vitamin D3 levels above 85 and have Ivermectin on hand always. Safest drug ever made from a natural bacteria.

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You are wrong. I do not trust alpatic doctors implicitly. Go ahead and keep taking your vitamin D3 and your ivermectin. It's obvious that you trust allopathic doctors and allopathic medicine in general if you are taking these 2 products. Vitamin D3 is not a vitamin because it is a hormone and ivermectin is a pharmaceutical drug which are all toxic. If you did more thorough research you would find this to be true.

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Sure. I'll trust someone like you that can't even spell "allopathic." I haven't trusted mainstream allopathic doctors for over 15 years. Certainly getting Vitamin D3 from sunlight is the best. However a lot of people in the Northern Hemisphere can't get enough sunlight during the winter. Taking Vitamin D3 orally is a good option. As for Ivermectin, it saved my entire family from COVID-19. I'll keep taking it. Pull your head out of your anal cavity and get some fresh air.

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