There is natural law, Common law and Maritime law. What you want is the first one but you really have to know what you are doing because they want to trap you into the other two.
I don't want to put words into Mr Warrington's mouth; but he may be referring to the Law of War. Clif made several presentations on this about eighteen months ago:
June 5 1933 FDR declared the U.S.a bankrupt. 1938 the court system went away from common law to equity law. The republic was ended in 1861, the 14th amendment created the U.S. citizen / slave. When we started registering our children and Gave them welfare (social security) we entered them into a contract with the US corporation. One must revoke the contract. It's long but start by reading cracking the code 3rd edition Jordan Maxwell.
Ah yes, Wikipedia. The authority on everything you shoukd know. Everything else is a conspiracy theory. I never thought to look to see when he died. I knew that Jordan was an older gentleman, I felt better not knowing he had left us even though I suspected. I am glad and surprised to know that he made it that far along in life and that his name is not polluted by the likes of wikipedia. I'll bet he copyrighted his name so no one could use it without his express permission. Read that book cracking the code.
It was quite a while ago but I found that Aaron Swartz had been scrubbed from the Reddit article because of his views. It was expressed on the Talk page. It's not there any more and when it was it didn't say what views they didn't like. I assumed it was his stance on freedom of speech.
He is back in but hardly with the respect he is deserving of.
Study what Anna has studied and revealed for us the U.S. Citizens. Become a State National and you will be out of Washington DC's jurisdiction and be free of their tyranny and 80,000 codes, statutes, etc.
this is the way. the people are assembling, once again, under the unanimous declaration of independence (1776). american common law is beginnning to function again. our courts will be up and operational, some even this year.
that is the official name of the document. while it is true only 56 men pledged their 'life, fortune, and sacred honor' by signing it; yes, it was considered unanimously decided by the assembly of Americans who decided to separate from the Crown, and form their own nation. about a 1/3, possibly even less, of the entire population of the American colonies at the time, actively supported the 'revolution' is the conventional historical thinking.
natural law is oral and actually 1st world TREATY TRIBAL KLANMOTHER law of land and the rest is CJS for 2/3rd class citizens, including the low common rites is not enforceable asmajority of deep state govt is under militaryand their law martial is on
Its like this ,Commercial Lean, Maritime/Canon and the Talmudic. You ask for Remedy in the 1st, Maintenance in the 2nd. If you make it to the 3rd you better be a land owner or they can hang u.
Oh yes, you can ply natural law in most western countries. I think Spain is a problem.
So long as you don't let them saddle you with their corporate policies, which are 'Legal' not lawful, you're good. It's a word game, don't accept their titles, one of them being everywhere you see your name in all caps. There are 52 letters in the Legal alphabet. Your name in caps is a legal fiction assigned to you at birth which they become 'Trustee' of without your permission. But since you are in 'Infancy' you are 'Disabled'. This only works because we are ignorant of it.
Its not natural law. You can't insert anything other than what they give you. The reason the 1st round is commercial lien is because they slapped a lien on your afterbirth. Its wreckage and had to be salvaged. Your mother already took you home so you are nowhere to be found. They slap a lien on the wreckage and attribute it to the name on the piece of paper at the hospital. You are considered lost at sea. That wreckage IS the name they call out in court. Its not you, its the afterbirth. To get out of this you'd say;
"I am here by special appearance only, being the Age of Majority I humbly request remedy, pray you settle all accounts in the named trust in this matter and recognise my right to subrogation"
Well unfortunately its not a take. Let me explain why its provable. Maritime Admiralty has another name and that name is Canon Law ie The Vatican. They used to write the laws on the skin of children. They called these "Papal Bulls". There's a Papal Bull that states that with every birth are 2 births. The living breathing born can never be judged but the other birth is a child of God as well so it needs saving and can be judged because it has no God in it.
A Papal Bull is also why you don't actually ever own your house. Remember, the Vatican was taken over from the Franks by Canaanites.
History aside, the uppercase name on your birth certificate is not you, it's a legal fiction that refers to your estate if I am explaining that correctly. The 'Government' acts as trustee given that you are disabled, being an infant, and cannot act for yourself. This only works because of our ignorance.
When you deal with the corporation that is your country you want to represent as yourself and not the legal fiction that is bound by the policies of the corporation.
It goes like this ya'll. Commercial, Maritime, Talmudic. You humbly request remedy in the 1st, maintenance in the 2nd and if you are so unlucky as to face the 3rd you better be a landowner.
It's actually very simple. What isn't simple is skirting the bullshit that isn't natural law. That mostly involves not getting tangled up in their 'Titles' because they all have definitions that aren't what you think they are.
Appreciate reading your comments here. You are the only other person I’ve ever heard speaking on these things, I only first heard of natural law from Mark Passio.
"no weapon/ effort formed against us can be effective..." The key word here is 'formed'.
'Form' is of the material realm. We All live between 2 worlds; the spiritual realm, and the material realm. We have not been taught about our spiritual selves, as we have been almost entirely distracted/ attached to the material world intergenerationally.
It is difficult, almost impossible, especially in this digital age, to extricate ourselves from the material realm, but as we do, we are incrementally more enhanced, discovering inherent abilities, senses we’ve not been taught about, that begin to de-atrophy and regenerate.
It is happening, as we speak and has been for some time , its a process related to time, but it does not Just apply to the Human race, it applies to All consciousness here including the Earth herself.
Read a little into this stuff - Christopher James... Gemstone University... bought the three books on the subject that Clif recommended in 2022 thereabouts (UCC Connection, Common Law Handbook, etc.) - but only read a little. I WAS able to force a judge, using Maritime/Statute precedents, in a mid-sized very-corrupt-during-the-plandemic city to respect my right not to wear a mask, but again my knowledge is spotty. Could either of you (or anyone on this thread for that matter) sum up the basic differences between Common and Natural law in one or a few sentences? Or is it more complicated than that?
Natural Laws are the observable set of rules built into the physical world by our creator. For instance, as a society, in the aggregate, leans toward morally sound behaviour, in the aggregate, that society enjoys more freedom. As a society slides toward immoral behaviour, in the aggregate, the more enslaved that society becomes. These are self executing.
Common Law is something that never happens in a courtroom, not anymore and you'll never have any luck getting them to recognise it. You can however say the magic words regarding your right to subrogation.
The words matter here. Simply answering in first person to the calling of your name silently demotes your status from Beneficiary to Trustee and Trustee can be made to do anything so anytime you go to court refer to yourself in 3rd person "Mars is in the courtroom". Then say this:
"I am here by special appearance only, being the Age of Majority I humbly request remedy. I pray you settle all accounts in the named trust in this matter and recognise my right to subrogation"
This is a counter claim, which everyone has. Any matter brought before the court must be dealt with and your counter claim is that they are dipping their hands in that Trust and not telling you about it. Its their Trust but you are party to it.
Thanks for such a well thought out reply. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the above only apply if you are pro se? If you have an attorney does this not negate any chance you have to not be treated like a legal asset/contract? (Forgive my use of jargon. It's been awhile since I looked at this stuff.)
Ooooh... So John Hagelin's "Manual for a Perfect Government" book and the Natural Law Party he started in the 90's may actually dovetail into this. Interesting. I will have to learn more and reread the book from that perspective. Thanks
Waiting to be freed will never happen. You must free yourself. You are born with a birthright of Liberty. It is your is you claim it, live it, and enforce it.
Common law is public, nature's law is private. Until we comprehend this we are doomed. F common law it's for th christ masses to share your property, including your biological vessel and its energy!
Read these definitions then the summary at the end.
Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Edition: the "common law" may designate all that part of the positive law, Juristic theory, and ancient custom of any state or nation which is of general and universal application, thus marking off special or local rules or customs. As a compound adjective "common-law" is understood as contrasted with or opposed to "statutory," and sometimes also to "equitable" or to "criminal."
Bouvier's Law Dictionary 1856 Sixth Edition: COMMON LAW. That which derives its force and authority from the universal consent and immemorial practice
Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Edition: NATURAL LAW. A rule of conduct arising out of the natural relations of human beings, established by the Creator, rind existing prior to any positive precept. Webster. The foundation of this law is placed by the best writers in the will of God, discovered by right reason, and aided by divine revelation ; and its principles, when applicable, apply with equal obligation to Individuals and to nations. 1 Kent, Comm. 2, note; Id. 4, note. See Jus Natukaix. The rule and dictate of right reason, showing the moral deformity or moral necessity there Is in any act, according to its suitable ness or unsuitableness to a reasonable nature. Tayl. Civil Law, 99.
LAW. 1. That which is laid down, ordained, or established. A rule or method according to which phenomena or actions coexist or follow each other. 2. A system of principles and rules of human conduct, being the aggregate of those commandments and principles which are either prescribed or recognized by the governing power in an organized jural society as its will in relation to the conduct of the members of such society, and which it undertakes to maintain and sanction and to use as the criteria of the actions of such members. "Law" is a solemn expression of legislative will. It orders and permits and forbids. It announces rewards and punishments. Its provisions generally relent not to solitary or singular cases, but to what passes in the ordinary
course of affairs. Civ. Code La. arts. 1. 2.
Summary: Law is expressed. All other combinations with an adjective before "Law" is an opinion. Law was here in the universe before, now, and will be after. Law is expressed in will, in notices, and in consequences. It is coincident with rights which are all rights expressed that do not harm another. Rights begin where your rights end and your rights end where the rights of i, begin. There are no titles or names in law. It is man as the seed of consciousness... a living soul. There is no respect for persons, names, or titles.
Legal is rules, codes, acts, statutes and procedures that revolve around fictitious entities and paper things.
There is a lady in the UK who made spoof videos about that. "Do not buy <some grinder> available at <some place> for the low low price of <$>!" (that should be a pound symbol)
Japanese Professor Delivers Stunning Message everyone needs to hear . " The pandemic was used as a false pretext by the WHO to drive vaccinations of all peoples in the World ."
He says the fraudulent use of " experimental gene therapy to healthy people " was not only an " extreme violation of human rights , " but " the result was the induction of the terrible drug - induced injury that has never [ been ] seen in human history ."
- Prof. Masayasu Inoue , Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School .
Yep ! I also wish he and the rest of them would have come out sooner , but it,s never to late for the truth , to save countless lives , they have to do what is right for humanity .
At least it gives people the rationale to refuse further injections and lying assurances. Most of us here likely knew to resist being murdered by that lethal injection.
I have definitely noticed it's time to start carrying. I really hope I never need to actually kill anyone. It goes against everything I hold true. I am capable though.
They're saying it's to reflect the heat of the sun from the earth to help keep it cooler, but that's bullshit as what it's doing is keeping pure sunlight from reaching us and the plants, crops, etc. and thus threatening our health and well being (never forget the main agenda: depop) and the heat it's reflecting is still within our atmosphere so it's just building up faster and making it seem like global warming is out of control. Insidious.
And Max Egan is in Croatia and did his "walkabout" video there and was showing the sky, which was full of chemtrails; you could even see the planes doing it as he talked. Europe is worse than us.
A solution A remedy To the Color of law governance on Oregon. It applies to all of us on the several states.
It is not about peace and justice. We may be able to go thru this time without a fight. It is unlikely that evil will retreat without a struggle. Justice is not available. Remedy is the goal. There is no justice for all the evil we have acquiesced to since March 1861. "They" are killing us and incarcerating us. We are they. My brother is on the de facto side. It will not be peaceful until the medical, military and judicial tyrants are gone. That could be a while.
Meeting our responsibilities to ourselves and our progeny is a remedy program not a peace program.
We need a few definitions to start with. Mindset!! Nomenclature!! Definitions and the proper source for your definitions!!. Assume the mantle of a man or woman with our progeny. Your provenance, unique on Earth, from the “unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,” read the opening paragraph again.
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to
(1) dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and
(2) to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should
(3) declare the causes which impel them to the separation. Published 1776. Then the 1777 Confederation and perpetual Union's articles stiled The United States of America's Constitution 1859 prior to 1861. The United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc. is the de facto: operated by an industrial / military / executive / legislative / judicial / administrative / banker / FRN / BAR / Nazi / Jesuit / Khazarian / Jihadist / communist / U.N. / Big Pharma / medical de facto, color of law /RICO society that should not be.
We are sovereign!!!
(see ) all of us are Sovereign. Only us and kings, and other governments. See also de facto page 416 Black's 6th edition) illegal and illegitimate. We are de jure lawful and Constitutional page 416. They changed the definition in Blacks 11th edition.
So, only you can obtain and hold the mindset, no one can do it for you; we cannot do it alone. Use the proper names for everything and spell it out. Then definitions: Bouvier 1856 is the only Constitutional dictionary. We have Black's 1st edition 1891, 4th, 5th, 6th 1991, 11th current. Words are important, use them correctly, as best as you can. It will take a conversation or maybe 10 to get comfortable with what causes Cognitive Dissonance, Stockholm Syndrome et alia.
The solution is written out, read and follow the prompts, no interpretation needed. We have the documents, close enough the originals are hidden or destroyed, we have the dictionaries, good enough, now for the mindset. The initial conversion to implementing your move to the III%. Then the perseverance and determination to see it through
United States located in Washington District of Columbia, forts, ports and needful buildings the government service company for the several states. It has morphed into United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc
It took 4.5 years as a social compact. By taking it one step at a time as we figured it out. The paperwork to establish a Constitutional de jure provisional government on each of the several states and commonwealths and territories can be accomplished in 30 days by Jural Assemblies of 5 people on each state; 15 hours of work; 100 bucks for postage and 40 bucks for a seal. ARTICLE I Section 1 Natural rights inherent in people. We declare that all men, when they form a social compact are equal in right: that all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness; and they have at all times a right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper. —
All that is necessary is for the states to make it illegal for foreign companies to conduct business. The Sheriffs need to deputize as many as necessary to evict the federal company and IRS. These foreign entities are one and they have violated the trust of the people, voided all contracts, and forfeited their constitutional duties and privileges. We can't sue British holdings in our civil courts (justice is unavailable, as you said). Our recourse and remedy is to recognize the war being waged against us by Britain (through its Crown Temple Bank of which the USA is a branch), and to fight in that war and win it.
Are you new? There is no state. There is only color of law State of Oregon. There are no proper Sheriffs, not one has a proper oath. They know it and prefer to be in the de facto governance out of Salem.
operated by an industrial / military / executive / legislative / judicial / administrative / banker / FRN / BAR / Nazi / Jesuit / Khazarian / Jihadist / communist / U.N. / Big Pharma / medical de facto, color of law /RICO society that should not be. So, we took them out on Oregon. November 2022.
D.C. is currently a Ghost Town. All the Federal agency buildings are closed, boarded up and fenced in including the FBI and Federal reserve. Lots and lots of excavation activity going on in the perimeter and in the parking lot / garage areas.... Sub Contractors are reporting the contracts for the "renovation"... which doesnt sound like any renovation anyone has ever heard of before. More like a demolition or deconstruction.
LOTS of people... just dont use Google as your search browser. Use Brave or a lessor known browser. I have personal knowledge through friends who went and videotaped it from the D.C. roundabout to the WH...
Do as you wish John. We do agree there is no option for justice. Remedy is the original word used to find a solution for the issues we have. When people act poorly and a solution is found, it is a remedy; when restitution is made for a wrongful action it is a remedy. There is no cure for many things, such as a wrongful death. There is a cure for some diseases or illness it is usually called a remedy. We cure leather and wood as in let it cure. Heal is another word. Cure sounds like an immune system solution. You had measles and you are immune. The cure was the illness. Vax has proven to be a weapon of the WEF. This cycles just like day and night or a pendulum. Find or start your Jural Assembly . It is our turn now.
Are you making a presumption I wish for something? I do not wish as the laws of nature and nature's God/creator does not apply. There's only truth not remedies! Remedies is an arbitrary construct to make us believe their BS to keep us in there fairytale. My immune system is nature and if I eat the proper foods and live a life style that is so-called good clean living, then I would contract a disease. We could go on and on and on what some of the causes of disease are from the environment but that's a different subject matter. I am writing about biology in which if they did not have One's DNA from the spark of the heart/fertilization they would have no thing! Further, mother gave One the right of way to enter her land. The burden of proof is theirs to proof that 100 percent of the species specific man does not come from its creator the Zygote! Further! One was incapable of tacit consent as an infant and it would be a trespass or harm per undue influence! Per mom's pellucid membrane One has the right of way to enter her land! First in Time First in Right by Lawrence Berger!
Oh bullshit John! A bunch of words you are right. You are correct, a do nothing but talk, write, attend seminars, you plot on the bell curve. Please do not accept any remedies. Keep pounding out the prose.
I am an old warrior, I no longer flee or fight. I stand my ground and move forward toward the goal, "return to a Constitutional republican form of government this year 2024." Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition."
Hello, clif is unique. Totally trustworthy, if he is wrong so be it. He does not back down and he knows nothing about de facto and de jure as defined in Black's 6th page 416 or sovereign Bouvier Law 1856. He hasn't read the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America 1776; 1777 the Confederation and perpetual Union's articles or
The United States of America's Constitution circa 1859 if he ever read them he has no working knowledge. He is totally de facto.
A solution A remedy To the Color of law governance on Oregon. It applies to all of us on the several states.
It is not about peace and justice. We may be able to go thru this time without a fight. It is unlikely that evil will retreat without a struggle. Justice is not available. Remedy is the goal. There is no justice for all the evil we have acquiesced to since March 1861. "They" are killing us and incarcerating us. We are they. My brother is on the de facto side. It will not be peaceful until the medical, military and judicial tyrants are gone. That could be a while.
Meeting our responsibilities to ourselves and our progeny is a remedy program not a peace program.
We need a few definitions to start with. Mindset!! Nomenclature!! Definitions and the proper source for your definitions!!. Assume the mantle of a man or woman with our progeny. Your provenance, unique on Earth, from the “unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,” read the opening paragraph again.
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to
(1) dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and
(2) to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should
(3) declare the causes which impel them to the separation. Published 1776. Then the 1777 Confederation and perpetual Union's articles stiled The United States of America's Constitution 1859 prior to 1861. The United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc. is the de facto: operated by an industrial / military / executive / legislative / judicial / administrative / banker / FRN / BAR / Nazi / Jesuit / Khazarian / Jihadist / communist / U.N. / Big Pharma / medical de facto, color of law /RICO society that should not be.
We are sovereign!!!
(see ) all of us are Sovereign. Only us and kings, and other governments. See also de facto page 416 Black's 6th edition) illegal and illegitimate. We are de jure lawful and Constitutional page 416. They changed the definition in Blacks 11th edition.
So, only you can obtain and hold the mindset, no one can do it for you; we cannot do it alone. Use the proper names for everything and spell it out. Then definitions: Bouvier 1856 is the only Constitutional dictionary. We have Black's 1st edition 1891, 4th, 5th, 6th 1991, 11th current. Words are important, use them correctly, as best as you can. It will take a conversation or maybe 10 to get comfortable with what causes Cognitive Dissonance, Stockholm Syndrome et alia.
The solution is written out, read and follow the prompts, no interpretation needed. We have the documents, close enough the originals are hidden or destroyed, we have the dictionaries, good enough, now for the mindset. The initial conversion to implementing your move to the III%. Then the perseverance and determination to see it through
United States located in Washington District of Columbia, forts, ports and needful buildings the government service company for the several states. It has morphed into United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc
It took 4.5 years as a social compact. By taking it one step at a time as we figured it out. The paperwork to establish a Constitutional de jure provisional government on each of the several states and commonwealths and territories can be accomplished in 30 days by Jural Assemblies of 5 people on each state; 15 hours of work; 100 bucks for postage and 40 bucks for a seal. ARTICLE I Section 1 Natural rights inherent in people. We declare that all men, when they form a social compact are equal in right: that all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness; and they have at all times a right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper. —
I think most everybody on here is ready to see the fireworks --- even if difficult, even if dangerous, times --- I think we've all had enough, especially in the last four years.
Apparently the millions of invaders including who knows how many terrorists, people. drug and gun traffickers, rapists, murderers and gang members are NOT invaders at all, they are just 'new arrivals' according to the brain-dead left.
I would like to see Russia become The Justice Court of the Planet. I know that they are working on bringing all sorts of global criminal shitheads to justice. Even now, some of the Globalist criminals have been put on notice, and they cannot leave their country, for fear of getting picked up by Russian intelligence. It's a start!
I was thinking just yesterday, that maybe children should see the bodies of invaders hanging from trees, lamp posts, scaffolding or whatever, in order to instill in them a basic determination to never let themselves get in this bad of a situation with the government or deep state ever again. If they see it as a child, they can do again as an adult if need be. It won't be as shocking or cruel, in their mindset, to do this to anyone who tries to make them slaves again. Just my 2 cents.
Great to hear your voice again, Clif! Gettin' intense out there!
Troll Alert
It seemed obvious, I don't have to check, thank you.
There is natural law, Common law and Maritime law. What you want is the first one but you really have to know what you are doing because they want to trap you into the other two.
Currently learning how.
Don't forget military law....
I want nothing to do with that, but you mean martial law. Military law only applies to the military.
(From Black's Law Dictionary)
martial law (mahr-sh;}l). (1933) l. 1he law by which
during wartime the army, instead of civil author
ity, governs the country because of a perceived need
for military security or public safety. - The military
assumes control purportedly until civil authority can be
restored. 2. A body of firm, strictly enforced rules that
are imposed because of a perception by the country's
rulers that civil government has failed, or might fail, to
function. _ Martial law is usu. imposed when the rulers
foresee an invasion, insurrection, economic collapse,
or other breakdown of the rulers' desired social order.
[Cases: War and National Emergency (::::>31.)
"Martial law is the public law of necessity. Necessity
calls it forth, necessity justifies its exercise, and neces
sity measures the extent and degree to which it may be
employed. That necessity is no formal, artificial, legalistiC
concept but an actual and factual one: it is the necessity of
taking action to safeguard the state against insurrection,
riot, disorder, or public calamity. What constitutes neces
sity is a question of fact in each case." Frederick B. Wiener,
A Practical Manilal of Martial Law 16 (1940).
"[Mlartial law is nothing more and nothing less than an
application of the common law doctrine that force, to
whatever degree necessary, may be used to repress illegal
force. Martial law is the public right of self-defense against
a danger threatening the order or the existence of the state.
Where the ordinary civil authorities - the police - are
unable to resist or subdue a disturbance, additional force,
military in nature, may be applied. The extent of military
force used depends in each instance upon the extent of
the disturbance." 'd. at 16-17.
That prompted me to get a better version of Black's. Here is Military Law, which was much easier to copy.
MILITARY LAW. A system of regulations for
the government of an army. 1 Kent, Comm. 341,
note. That branch of the laws which respects
military discipline and the government of persons
employed in the military service, De Hart, Mil.
Law, 16. Johnson v. Jones, 44 Ill. 153, 92 Am.Dec.
159. Military is distinct from martial law, in that
it applies only to persons in the military or naval
service of the government; whereas, martial law,
when once established, applies alike to citizens
and soldiers and supersedes civil law. U. S. ex
rel. Wessels v. McDonald, D.C.N.Y., 265 F. 754,
761; Bishop v. Vandercook, 228 Mich. 299, 200 N.
W. 278, 280.
I don't want to put words into Mr Warrington's mouth; but he may be referring to the Law of War. Clif made several presentations on this about eighteen months ago:
That video may well be what started me on researching this. I remember it.
I have that on disc, thanks I'll watch it again.
I'm thinking in terms of Devolution, my understanding is that it was put in place during the 50's as a way of countering infiltrators from within.
June 5 1933 FDR declared the U.S.a bankrupt. 1938 the court system went away from common law to equity law. The republic was ended in 1861, the 14th amendment created the U.S. citizen / slave. When we started registering our children and Gave them welfare (social security) we entered them into a contract with the US corporation. One must revoke the contract. It's long but start by reading cracking the code 3rd edition Jordan Maxwell.
Thank you, looks good.
There are 2000 videos on bitchute on/by Jordan Maxwell but Wikipedia doesn't know who he is. I went there to see when he died.
March 23rd 2022
Ah yes, Wikipedia. The authority on everything you shoukd know. Everything else is a conspiracy theory. I never thought to look to see when he died. I knew that Jordan was an older gentleman, I felt better not knowing he had left us even though I suspected. I am glad and surprised to know that he made it that far along in life and that his name is not polluted by the likes of wikipedia. I'll bet he copyrighted his name so no one could use it without his express permission. Read that book cracking the code.
It was quite a while ago but I found that Aaron Swartz had been scrubbed from the Reddit article because of his views. It was expressed on the Talk page. It's not there any more and when it was it didn't say what views they didn't like. I assumed it was his stance on freedom of speech.
He is back in but hardly with the respect he is deserving of.
FUNFACT: Jordan Maxwell sold out in the end... He caved in! So he is not to be trusted 100%!
Maxwell woke a lot of people up before things were this obvious.
Study what Anna has studied and revealed for us the U.S. Citizens. Become a State National and you will be out of Washington DC's jurisdiction and be free of their tyranny and 80,000 codes, statutes, etc.
this is the way. the people are assembling, once again, under the unanimous declaration of independence (1776). american common law is beginnning to function again. our courts will be up and operational, some even this year.
How was it unanimous when only a handful of Americans signed it? Did you use the wrong word there?
that is the official name of the document. while it is true only 56 men pledged their 'life, fortune, and sacred honor' by signing it; yes, it was considered unanimously decided by the assembly of Americans who decided to separate from the Crown, and form their own nation. about a 1/3, possibly even less, of the entire population of the American colonies at the time, actively supported the 'revolution' is the conventional historical thinking.
Me too!!
Cool. I saved it.
And statutory law and administrative law and Rabbinical law and Sharia law . . . The list goes on, unfortunately.
natural law is oral and actually 1st world TREATY TRIBAL KLANMOTHER law of land and the rest is CJS for 2/3rd class citizens, including the low common rites is not enforceable asmajority of deep state govt is under militaryand their law martial is on
Citizen/juristic person is the lowest common denominator.
Its like this ,Commercial Lean, Maritime/Canon and the Talmudic. You ask for Remedy in the 1st, Maintenance in the 2nd. If you make it to the 3rd you better be a land owner or they can hang u.
Without consent, there is no law.
Oh yes, you can ply natural law in most western countries. I think Spain is a problem.
So long as you don't let them saddle you with their corporate policies, which are 'Legal' not lawful, you're good. It's a word game, don't accept their titles, one of them being everywhere you see your name in all caps. There are 52 letters in the Legal alphabet. Your name in caps is a legal fiction assigned to you at birth which they become 'Trustee' of without your permission. But since you are in 'Infancy' you are 'Disabled'. This only works because we are ignorant of it.
Its not natural law. You can't insert anything other than what they give you. The reason the 1st round is commercial lien is because they slapped a lien on your afterbirth. Its wreckage and had to be salvaged. Your mother already took you home so you are nowhere to be found. They slap a lien on the wreckage and attribute it to the name on the piece of paper at the hospital. You are considered lost at sea. That wreckage IS the name they call out in court. Its not you, its the afterbirth. To get out of this you'd say;
"I am here by special appearance only, being the Age of Majority I humbly request remedy, pray you settle all accounts in the named trust in this matter and recognise my right to subrogation"
Yes, the Legal fiction. Interesting take on it.
Well unfortunately its not a take. Let me explain why its provable. Maritime Admiralty has another name and that name is Canon Law ie The Vatican. They used to write the laws on the skin of children. They called these "Papal Bulls". There's a Papal Bull that states that with every birth are 2 births. The living breathing born can never be judged but the other birth is a child of God as well so it needs saving and can be judged because it has no God in it.
A Papal Bull is also why you don't actually ever own your house. Remember, the Vatican was taken over from the Franks by Canaanites.
History aside, the uppercase name on your birth certificate is not you, it's a legal fiction that refers to your estate if I am explaining that correctly. The 'Government' acts as trustee given that you are disabled, being an infant, and cannot act for yourself. This only works because of our ignorance.
When you deal with the corporation that is your country you want to represent as yourself and not the legal fiction that is bound by the policies of the corporation.
It goes like this ya'll. Commercial, Maritime, Talmudic. You humbly request remedy in the 1st, maintenance in the 2nd and if you are so unlucky as to face the 3rd you better be a landowner.
by sending notices to an honourble man?
Not sure what you mean John
..and income taxes are voluntary, at least mine are.
It's actually very simple. What isn't simple is skirting the bullshit that isn't natural law. That mostly involves not getting tangled up in their 'Titles' because they all have definitions that aren't what you think they are.
You and KStar will probably want to read the Shire Herald Substack:
Appreciate reading your comments here. You are the only other person I’ve ever heard speaking on these things, I only first heard of natural law from Mark Passio.
Look up Romely Stewart on YouTube
Fairly new to me as well, oh yeah, this looks like good stuff.
NO law is actually ORAL- by the head klanmother of that nation/klan/tribe/bloodline
It was considered an abomination to write laws down. That's why we have 64 million laws in the US
lol law vs legal govt acts- they are NOT the LAW- the 13 klanmothers are- and they make the TREATYS
Nature has no arbitrary languages. Languages/grammoire with their terms got us into this mess!
"no weapon/ effort formed against us can be effective..." The key word here is 'formed'.
'Form' is of the material realm. We All live between 2 worlds; the spiritual realm, and the material realm. We have not been taught about our spiritual selves, as we have been almost entirely distracted/ attached to the material world intergenerationally.
It is difficult, almost impossible, especially in this digital age, to extricate ourselves from the material realm, but as we do, we are incrementally more enhanced, discovering inherent abilities, senses we’ve not been taught about, that begin to de-atrophy and regenerate.
Truly, a rebirth.
It can happen.
It is happening, as we speak and has been for some time , its a process related to time, but it does not Just apply to the Human race, it applies to All consciousness here including the Earth herself.
Working on it.
Read a little into this stuff - Christopher James... Gemstone University... bought the three books on the subject that Clif recommended in 2022 thereabouts (UCC Connection, Common Law Handbook, etc.) - but only read a little. I WAS able to force a judge, using Maritime/Statute precedents, in a mid-sized very-corrupt-during-the-plandemic city to respect my right not to wear a mask, but again my knowledge is spotty. Could either of you (or anyone on this thread for that matter) sum up the basic differences between Common and Natural law in one or a few sentences? Or is it more complicated than that?
Natural Laws are the observable set of rules built into the physical world by our creator. For instance, as a society, in the aggregate, leans toward morally sound behaviour, in the aggregate, that society enjoys more freedom. As a society slides toward immoral behaviour, in the aggregate, the more enslaved that society becomes. These are self executing.
Common Law is something that never happens in a courtroom, not anymore and you'll never have any luck getting them to recognise it. You can however say the magic words regarding your right to subrogation.
I imagine you meant to say "subjugation"? What, in your opinion, does saying these magic words do for you?
The words matter here. Simply answering in first person to the calling of your name silently demotes your status from Beneficiary to Trustee and Trustee can be made to do anything so anytime you go to court refer to yourself in 3rd person "Mars is in the courtroom". Then say this:
"I am here by special appearance only, being the Age of Majority I humbly request remedy. I pray you settle all accounts in the named trust in this matter and recognise my right to subrogation"
This is a counter claim, which everyone has. Any matter brought before the court must be dealt with and your counter claim is that they are dipping their hands in that Trust and not telling you about it. Its their Trust but you are party to it.
Thanks for such a well thought out reply. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the above only apply if you are pro se? If you have an attorney does this not negate any chance you have to not be treated like a legal asset/contract? (Forgive my use of jargon. It's been awhile since I looked at this stuff.)
No Mars, Its subrogation. See the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666.
Thank you
Ooooh... So John Hagelin's "Manual for a Perfect Government" book and the Natural Law Party he started in the 90's may actually dovetail into this. Interesting. I will have to learn more and reread the book from that perspective. Thanks
Waiting to be freed will never happen. You must free yourself. You are born with a birthright of Liberty. It is your is you claim it, live it, and enforce it.
Common law is public, nature's law is private. Until we comprehend this we are doomed. F common law it's for th christ masses to share your property, including your biological vessel and its energy!
Read these definitions then the summary at the end.
Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Edition: the "common law" may designate all that part of the positive law, Juristic theory, and ancient custom of any state or nation which is of general and universal application, thus marking off special or local rules or customs. As a compound adjective "common-law" is understood as contrasted with or opposed to "statutory," and sometimes also to "equitable" or to "criminal."
Bouvier's Law Dictionary 1856 Sixth Edition: COMMON LAW. That which derives its force and authority from the universal consent and immemorial practice
Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Edition: NATURAL LAW. A rule of conduct arising out of the natural relations of human beings, established by the Creator, rind existing prior to any positive precept. Webster. The foundation of this law is placed by the best writers in the will of God, discovered by right reason, and aided by divine revelation ; and its principles, when applicable, apply with equal obligation to Individuals and to nations. 1 Kent, Comm. 2, note; Id. 4, note. See Jus Natukaix. The rule and dictate of right reason, showing the moral deformity or moral necessity there Is in any act, according to its suitable ness or unsuitableness to a reasonable nature. Tayl. Civil Law, 99.
LAW. 1. That which is laid down, ordained, or established. A rule or method according to which phenomena or actions coexist or follow each other. 2. A system of principles and rules of human conduct, being the aggregate of those commandments and principles which are either prescribed or recognized by the governing power in an organized jural society as its will in relation to the conduct of the members of such society, and which it undertakes to maintain and sanction and to use as the criteria of the actions of such members. "Law" is a solemn expression of legislative will. It orders and permits and forbids. It announces rewards and punishments. Its provisions generally relent not to solitary or singular cases, but to what passes in the ordinary
course of affairs. Civ. Code La. arts. 1. 2.
Summary: Law is expressed. All other combinations with an adjective before "Law" is an opinion. Law was here in the universe before, now, and will be after. Law is expressed in will, in notices, and in consequences. It is coincident with rights which are all rights expressed that do not harm another. Rights begin where your rights end and your rights end where the rights of i, begin. There are no titles or names in law. It is man as the seed of consciousness... a living soul. There is no respect for persons, names, or titles.
Legal is rules, codes, acts, statutes and procedures that revolve around fictitious entities and paper things.
Yup! For the juristic person! Fictio cedit veritati - fiction yields truth. Where truth is, fiction of law does not exist.
What is the cause?
Citizens in the UK are already sabotaging street cameras.
I saw where they are using bat houses mounted over the cameras which, by the nation's own laws, cannot be removed! LOL
Yup! LETS GO!!!!!
Brilliant isn't it! Had to laugh! I gather some locals had a go in Biggin Hill and chased the ULEZ out! Yayyy!
There is a lady in the UK who made spoof videos about that. "Do not buy <some grinder> available at <some place> for the low low price of <$>!" (that should be a pound symbol)
Sounds like Freemen Bladerunners showing that the establishment's power is only an illusion.
Japanese Professor Delivers Stunning Message everyone needs to hear . " The pandemic was used as a false pretext by the WHO to drive vaccinations of all peoples in the World ."
He says the fraudulent use of " experimental gene therapy to healthy people " was not only an " extreme violation of human rights , " but " the result was the induction of the terrible drug - induced injury that has never [ been ] seen in human history ."
- Prof. Masayasu Inoue , Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School .
The Vigilant Fox ( @Vigilant Fox ) on X
It was a good thing he came out recently. It just might save his ass. However, he just happens to be about 3-4 years to late!!
Yep ! I also wish he and the rest of them would have come out sooner , but it,s never to late for the truth , to save countless lives , they have to do what is right for humanity .
At least it gives people the rationale to refuse further injections and lying assurances. Most of us here likely knew to resist being murdered by that lethal injection.
"A Message From Japan To The World"
04/10/2024: Stunning Message For the World from Japan from Professor Masayasu Inoue:
But in the event Goobtube takes it down within a day or two, it is also on a lot of alt-media sites.
A transcript can be found here.
04/11/2024: A Message from Japan to the World. Delivered by Prof Masayasu Inoue, Professor Emeritus of Osaka City University Medical School:
Sasquatch sighting at 18 min 👀
I thought I was hearing things. But yes, Clif said it! lol
I think he burped, and said 'Sasquatch' after to cover/apologise
What was that ?
Just in time!! 🚨
I was having serious Clif Woo withdrawals.
Need a boost to keep me afloat in the white water rapids of ‘not so normal normie’s all over the place! 💦🧟♂️💦💦🚣♀️💦👩🎤💦💦💦
Wow Clif i was wondering if you’re ever going to do one of these again!!! Yay
🤍 Thank you Clif!
I have definitely noticed it's time to start carrying. I really hope I never need to actually kill anyone. It goes against everything I hold true. I am capable though.
Yippee! We’re going to town. Today It’s been vicious with the ChemTrails here in Montana. The worst I’ve ever seen.
They're saying it's to reflect the heat of the sun from the earth to help keep it cooler, but that's bullshit as what it's doing is keeping pure sunlight from reaching us and the plants, crops, etc. and thus threatening our health and well being (never forget the main agenda: depop) and the heat it's reflecting is still within our atmosphere so it's just building up faster and making it seem like global warming is out of control. Insidious.
Graphene Oxide too. That way the soil and animals ingest too. Ends up in our ribeyes and leg of lambs, our wheat, corn, soy.
We're getting hammered in Oregon too
And in Eastern Washington as well. Started yesterday and is continuing :(
Exactly killed the last 2 days here in central WA Gorge
Out in the Columbia Gorge too and high plains east
Flathead Valley was thick with chemtrails after a crystal clear sunrise
And Max Egan is in Croatia and did his "walkabout" video there and was showing the sky, which was full of chemtrails; you could even see the planes doing it as he talked. Europe is worse than us.
justice is not the goal. There is no law. Only color of law.
remedy is the goal.
It is found in a return to a Constitutional republican form of government, this year 2024.
The formula for this is at
This is correct, without equivocation.
A solution A remedy To the Color of law governance on Oregon. It applies to all of us on the several states.
It is not about peace and justice. We may be able to go thru this time without a fight. It is unlikely that evil will retreat without a struggle. Justice is not available. Remedy is the goal. There is no justice for all the evil we have acquiesced to since March 1861. "They" are killing us and incarcerating us. We are they. My brother is on the de facto side. It will not be peaceful until the medical, military and judicial tyrants are gone. That could be a while.
Meeting our responsibilities to ourselves and our progeny is a remedy program not a peace program.
We need a few definitions to start with. Mindset!! Nomenclature!! Definitions and the proper source for your definitions!!. Assume the mantle of a man or woman with our progeny. Your provenance, unique on Earth, from the “unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,” read the opening paragraph again.
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to
(1) dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and
(2) to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should
(3) declare the causes which impel them to the separation. Published 1776. Then the 1777 Confederation and perpetual Union's articles stiled The United States of America's Constitution 1859 prior to 1861. The United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc. is the de facto: operated by an industrial / military / executive / legislative / judicial / administrative / banker / FRN / BAR / Nazi / Jesuit / Khazarian / Jihadist / communist / U.N. / Big Pharma / medical de facto, color of law /RICO society that should not be.
We are sovereign!!!
(see ) all of us are Sovereign. Only us and kings, and other governments. See also de facto page 416 Black's 6th edition) illegal and illegitimate. We are de jure lawful and Constitutional page 416. They changed the definition in Blacks 11th edition.
So, only you can obtain and hold the mindset, no one can do it for you; we cannot do it alone. Use the proper names for everything and spell it out. Then definitions: Bouvier 1856 is the only Constitutional dictionary. We have Black's 1st edition 1891, 4th, 5th, 6th 1991, 11th current. Words are important, use them correctly, as best as you can. It will take a conversation or maybe 10 to get comfortable with what causes Cognitive Dissonance, Stockholm Syndrome et alia.
The solution is written out, read and follow the prompts, no interpretation needed. We have the documents, close enough the originals are hidden or destroyed, we have the dictionaries, good enough, now for the mindset. The initial conversion to implementing your move to the III%. Then the perseverance and determination to see it through
Lincoln’s E.O 100 Lieber Code, It is still in effect 2018 US Army’s Martial law plan.
Ex parte Milligan,
Mookini 303, They hid our Article III courts.
The United States of America, That is our name for the several states named in 1777. Britannica lies on this link
United States located in Washington District of Columbia, forts, ports and needful buildings the government service company for the several states. It has morphed into United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc
It took 4.5 years as a social compact. By taking it one step at a time as we figured it out. The paperwork to establish a Constitutional de jure provisional government on each of the several states and commonwealths and territories can be accomplished in 30 days by Jural Assemblies of 5 people on each state; 15 hours of work; 100 bucks for postage and 40 bucks for a seal. ARTICLE I Section 1 Natural rights inherent in people. We declare that all men, when they form a social compact are equal in right: that all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness; and they have at all times a right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper. —
All that is necessary is for the states to make it illegal for foreign companies to conduct business. The Sheriffs need to deputize as many as necessary to evict the federal company and IRS. These foreign entities are one and they have violated the trust of the people, voided all contracts, and forfeited their constitutional duties and privileges. We can't sue British holdings in our civil courts (justice is unavailable, as you said). Our recourse and remedy is to recognize the war being waged against us by Britain (through its Crown Temple Bank of which the USA is a branch), and to fight in that war and win it.
Are you new? There is no state. There is only color of law State of Oregon. There are no proper Sheriffs, not one has a proper oath. They know it and prefer to be in the de facto governance out of Salem.
operated by an industrial / military / executive / legislative / judicial / administrative / banker / FRN / BAR / Nazi / Jesuit / Khazarian / Jihadist / communist / U.N. / Big Pharma / medical de facto, color of law /RICO society that should not be. So, we took them out on Oregon. November 2022.
This would lead to a siege of Washington, D. C.
D.C. is currently a Ghost Town. All the Federal agency buildings are closed, boarded up and fenced in including the FBI and Federal reserve. Lots and lots of excavation activity going on in the perimeter and in the parking lot / garage areas.... Sub Contractors are reporting the contracts for the "renovation"... which doesnt sound like any renovation anyone has ever heard of before. More like a demolition or deconstruction.
No doubt more tunnels to escape.
Who is reporting on this?
LOTS of people... just dont use Google as your search browser. Use Brave or a lessor known browser. I have personal knowledge through friends who went and videotaped it from the D.C. roundabout to the WH...
Could you post a link to get me started? Don't worry about it if it's inconvenient.
Burn it Down
Thank you for your news letter. I'm a reader of it.
Thank you. Wow an actual reader.
Sorry! I choose cure to there insanity/cult not remedy!
Do as you wish John. We do agree there is no option for justice. Remedy is the original word used to find a solution for the issues we have. When people act poorly and a solution is found, it is a remedy; when restitution is made for a wrongful action it is a remedy. There is no cure for many things, such as a wrongful death. There is a cure for some diseases or illness it is usually called a remedy. We cure leather and wood as in let it cure. Heal is another word. Cure sounds like an immune system solution. You had measles and you are immune. The cure was the illness. Vax has proven to be a weapon of the WEF. This cycles just like day and night or a pendulum. Find or start your Jural Assembly . It is our turn now.
Are you making a presumption I wish for something? I do not wish as the laws of nature and nature's God/creator does not apply. There's only truth not remedies! Remedies is an arbitrary construct to make us believe their BS to keep us in there fairytale. My immune system is nature and if I eat the proper foods and live a life style that is so-called good clean living, then I would contract a disease. We could go on and on and on what some of the causes of disease are from the environment but that's a different subject matter. I am writing about biology in which if they did not have One's DNA from the spark of the heart/fertilization they would have no thing! Further, mother gave One the right of way to enter her land. The burden of proof is theirs to proof that 100 percent of the species specific man does not come from its creator the Zygote! Further! One was incapable of tacit consent as an infant and it would be a trespass or harm per undue influence! Per mom's pellucid membrane One has the right of way to enter her land! First in Time First in Right by Lawrence Berger!
Oh bullshit John! A bunch of words you are right. You are correct, a do nothing but talk, write, attend seminars, you plot on the bell curve. Please do not accept any remedies. Keep pounding out the prose.
I am an old warrior, I no longer flee or fight. I stand my ground and move forward toward the goal, "return to a Constitutional republican form of government this year 2024." Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition."
You can only presume.
I deny that.
I fully expected to see you on The Shire News, but an appearance here really makes me smile.
Hello, clif is unique. Totally trustworthy, if he is wrong so be it. He does not back down and he knows nothing about de facto and de jure as defined in Black's 6th page 416 or sovereign Bouvier Law 1856. He hasn't read the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America 1776; 1777 the Confederation and perpetual Union's articles or
The United States of America's Constitution circa 1859 if he ever read them he has no working knowledge. He is totally de facto.
Well, if that were so, ... it would surprise me. Seems he has read everything else imaginable.. lol
Spread the message far and wide, people need to know the alternative measures required. Rock-on, Sir.
This is correct, without equivocation.
A solution A remedy To the Color of law governance on Oregon. It applies to all of us on the several states.
It is not about peace and justice. We may be able to go thru this time without a fight. It is unlikely that evil will retreat without a struggle. Justice is not available. Remedy is the goal. There is no justice for all the evil we have acquiesced to since March 1861. "They" are killing us and incarcerating us. We are they. My brother is on the de facto side. It will not be peaceful until the medical, military and judicial tyrants are gone. That could be a while.
Meeting our responsibilities to ourselves and our progeny is a remedy program not a peace program.
We need a few definitions to start with. Mindset!! Nomenclature!! Definitions and the proper source for your definitions!!. Assume the mantle of a man or woman with our progeny. Your provenance, unique on Earth, from the “unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,” read the opening paragraph again.
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to
(1) dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and
(2) to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should
(3) declare the causes which impel them to the separation. Published 1776. Then the 1777 Confederation and perpetual Union's articles stiled The United States of America's Constitution 1859 prior to 1861. The United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc. is the de facto: operated by an industrial / military / executive / legislative / judicial / administrative / banker / FRN / BAR / Nazi / Jesuit / Khazarian / Jihadist / communist / U.N. / Big Pharma / medical de facto, color of law /RICO society that should not be.
We are sovereign!!!
(see ) all of us are Sovereign. Only us and kings, and other governments. See also de facto page 416 Black's 6th edition) illegal and illegitimate. We are de jure lawful and Constitutional page 416. They changed the definition in Blacks 11th edition.
So, only you can obtain and hold the mindset, no one can do it for you; we cannot do it alone. Use the proper names for everything and spell it out. Then definitions: Bouvier 1856 is the only Constitutional dictionary. We have Black's 1st edition 1891, 4th, 5th, 6th 1991, 11th current. Words are important, use them correctly, as best as you can. It will take a conversation or maybe 10 to get comfortable with what causes Cognitive Dissonance, Stockholm Syndrome et alia.
The solution is written out, read and follow the prompts, no interpretation needed. We have the documents, close enough the originals are hidden or destroyed, we have the dictionaries, good enough, now for the mindset. The initial conversion to implementing your move to the III%. Then the perseverance and determination to see it through
Lincoln’s E.O 100 Lieber Code, It is still in effect 2018 US Army’s Martial law plan.
Ex parte Milligan,
Mookini 303, They hid our Article III courts.
The United States of America, That is our name for the several states named in 1777. Britannica lies on this link
United States located in Washington District of Columbia, forts, ports and needful buildings the government service company for the several states. It has morphed into United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc
It took 4.5 years as a social compact. By taking it one step at a time as we figured it out. The paperwork to establish a Constitutional de jure provisional government on each of the several states and commonwealths and territories can be accomplished in 30 days by Jural Assemblies of 5 people on each state; 15 hours of work; 100 bucks for postage and 40 bucks for a seal. ARTICLE I Section 1 Natural rights inherent in people. We declare that all men, when they form a social compact are equal in right: that all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness; and they have at all times a right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper. —
I think most everybody on here is ready to see the fireworks --- even if difficult, even if dangerous, times --- I think we've all had enough, especially in the last four years.
yes, I think there's a lot of frustration and anger built up in people and it will get released and it won't be pretty.
Perhaps most of all, this inflation is really hurting everyone.
It goes out faster than we can even count it.
and soon they're going to try to keep it from even coming in!
I love the canine punctuation!!! lmao!
Apparently the millions of invaders including who knows how many terrorists, people. drug and gun traffickers, rapists, murderers and gang members are NOT invaders at all, they are just 'new arrivals' according to the brain-dead left.
I would like to see Russia become The Justice Court of the Planet. I know that they are working on bringing all sorts of global criminal shitheads to justice. Even now, some of the Globalist criminals have been put on notice, and they cannot leave their country, for fear of getting picked up by Russian intelligence. It's a start!
I was thinking just yesterday, that maybe children should see the bodies of invaders hanging from trees, lamp posts, scaffolding or whatever, in order to instill in them a basic determination to never let themselves get in this bad of a situation with the government or deep state ever again. If they see it as a child, they can do again as an adult if need be. It won't be as shocking or cruel, in their mindset, to do this to anyone who tries to make them slaves again. Just my 2 cents.