Thank you, Clif. Because none of our feckless politicians have bothered to point this out, I will do my part and forward it far and wide. Even to the Congressmen in my district.

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I think the whole lot of them in WADC apart from perhaps a handful of Patriots, need to go.

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There are NO patriots in Washington DC. They're all treasonous criminal psychopaths, ALL Republicans and Democrats that is, including assholes like Rand Paul who is nothing like his father Ron Paul. I worked for Ron Paul, he was a breed apart. They called him Dr. No in DC for a reason. No lobbyist would set foot in his office before and even after I worked for him in DC. He was a STRICT Constitutionalist. There is literally no politician in DC who comes close to that level of adherence to the U.S. Constitution now. Even the Freedom Caucus amongst the Republicans has been severely hijacked and contaminated. They all need to be put to death WITHOUT trial for crimes committed against "WE" the people especially with Operation Warp Speed.

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the GOP showed their true colors when they prevented the nomination of Ron Paul from the floor of the convention

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Thank you as well, Suzanne.

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Suzanne, what app are you using to send out your Vox Pop? My aweber was dumped and account closed in late March / early April. I was having fun. Would love to restart.

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I am using ancient AOL e-mail on Brave browser for MAC. Hope this helps.

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Thanks Suzanne. So can you send out a whole bunch of emails at once? I thought most ISPs limit number of emails at one time to 20 or 50 emails. :)

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Thank you, Clif, I just got done praying nd there was your words of the day.

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Thank You

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Sending to my legislators now

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stacy, what application are you using to send. As I posted, my Aweber account was totally closed in late March / early April from sending Vox Populi series. THANKS!!!

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I just copied and then pasted to the email.

Do you know how to do that? If not I can walk you through it

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Well said

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Justice will come

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Clif, you are the best! Thank you!

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Diction is important though "the United States' is a corporation so when referring to our nation refer to it as the United States of America or USA or these united States with a lowercase u or these Union of States... they catch us with the words and improper word use

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So simple, once it's said.

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It's going to be hard to get the asshole's that are our legislators to read anything that would scare them that they are Tratiors to our country and state.

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Write it on a dollar bill, they'll read it.

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Thank you, Clif 👍

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Completely agree

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All very well telling us, your faithful followers, we're totally onboard with what you say - but did you tell the unnamed YOU - "YOU are strongly urged to cease and desist..."?

I don't think those folk read your blog...

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He was providing guidance for those who wish to take action. Instead of spending your time criticizing Clif, why don't you pick up your phone and call your Governor, Senators, and Representatives? Follow up with emails of your concerns. Here is a site where you can easily find your Senators and Representatives: https://www.congress.gov/members/find-your-member

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Unless we send this statement to them.

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Absolutely Clif.

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Right on! And this coming from Canada

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