Cliff - similar to your background, I’ve spent nearly 40 years as a software engineer and architect. I’m an amateur student of Philosophy, History, Economics, and martial arts. Unlike you, I have never died, but instead I should have died or been killed more times than I can remember. It’s as if in spite of my own recklessness, I was not meant to die. Yet, most of my family and friends have been cut down. I never thought much about what happens after death. Then, after 27 years of bliss, I lost the love of my life to colon cancer. She was my soul mate - there is no other way I can describe it. After several years of research, I came to believe in the Primacy of Consciousness (that others like Rand so vehemently denied), and that our Consciousness or Soul survives this material death. Somewhere in my journey, for some unremembered reason, I watched a video posted by cliff_high, and I’ve been watching ever since. My main goal in life is to be reunited with my soul mate in death. Until then, I intend to be the most moral non-compliant anti-state independent open-minded asshole on Earth and keep watching your videos. Keep posting, brother. I’m with ya.

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Beautiful. I'm sorry your wife is gone, but I'm sure she is waiting for you.

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Well Cliff, I can with all honesty that you're making this trying time bearable for a good number of people, so I hope this gives you some solace. Frankly (and I know this might be a bit Narcissistic) it would totally suck going though this period of time without your insight.....just saying.

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Thanks much. It does mean a great deal that the effort is visible, though the point was the doing of it.

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We know you are 100% genuine. You are widely loved and appreciated.

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You're advice has improved my health and kept me alive and informed me well in advance of of things unfolding...

Much respect my human cousin! ❤️

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Just like the others are saying, I'm truly grateful for your insight, teaching and wisdom. Fellow Western Washingtonian here, born and raised in communist Hungary. Foreign grad MD - couldn't (and now probably WON'T) get licensed here, even though I've had to realize again and again how much better my medical education had been, compared to some of the knuckleheads here. That said, I've learned so much from your videos during the past couple of years!

Thank you.

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Her energy is around you, and yes you'll have a beautiful reunion and who knows you might plan your next life with her. Anastasia books come to my mind. Vladimir Megre, Anastasia The Ringing Cedar Series. If more people would have the courage to be themselves and follow their inner voices what makes them truly happy we would have a totally different world. We give up so easily bc, others are telling us we could not support ourselves by doing what will give us the most joy.

So congratulation and yes, be the genuine person you're. It's all about consciousness.

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Have you read Robert Monroe's trilogy?...he writes about that "other" plane of existence better than anyone. In my opinion, anyway.

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In my freshman year of college (1973-74), I had a super-smart boyfriend with an old Cadillac, a woo-woo sensibility, and a heart of gold. Michael was into encouraging all kinds of cerebral and spiritual growth and experimentation (not drug induced; OK, wait, we did do mushrooms we got from Zen Ed who belonged to the Neo-American Church, but other than that, no).

When *Journeys Out of the Body* was published, Michael went in whole hog. He bought Monroe's OBE-inducing tape and would have us each lie in one of his two hammocks, headphones on, listening quietly.

Time after time, all that happened to me was I'd fall asleep and wake up when the foghorn connecting you with the silver cord would sound.

I was not into this stuff.

But Michael S. was such a sweetheart, I relented and listened yet again. This time, while listening I heard a knock on the door and--look away wokies, because this is straight-up sexist--my chick curiosity compelled me to go over to the window next to the door to see who was there.

It was our friend Michael P. standing outside the door. My curiosity sated, I looked over to the right and saw ME in the hammock. What kind of fuckery was this?

When Michael S. woke up, I told him what happened, and that as soon as I'd realized my consciousness was roaming free, it scared me shitless and at that moment I was instantly back in my body.

OBE. First and I hope last. So far, so good for 49 years (and Michael is and has been an acupuncturist and author of renown in Malibu). That experience proved to me beyond the shadow, the jot, the modicum of a doubt that consciousness exists outside the body. We are eternal.

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No, thank you. I will check it out, since I' m an avid reader. I love when people share not just their experiences but also books, sources, ideas, we always learn something new for us.

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And the knowledge goes round and round, amen!

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My experience has been that if you can recall your lost loved ones, but only in their times of highest joy, you'll feel their presence. They're still there (and everywhere), but their personalities are devoid of any negativity they had while incarnate. I suggest you try and recall them in their most joyous and happy state.

If I'm wrong, the only downside to you is you spend a little bit of time in a happy memory of someone you cared deeply about.

But, sometimes you get the sensation they're right there with you. My experience is it can also be hilarious, but I'm a really irreverent type. For me they're always playful and laughing at the absurdity of humans on planet Earth.

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Ah yes. Reminds me of my work with traumatized veterans - who hold the traumatic moment - friend being blown apart say. They hold the trauma in all senses and physical body/posture. When asked to recall their friend - what was he (mostly men) like, what bought him joy - with sensory exploration - they instantly jump to high vibration, feel closer and IMO *are* closer . . . . something to behold for sure.

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I think your thoughts of reunion are very likely. I believe this planet is a prison planet of sorts, but only temporarily if we want it to be that way.

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Always. Good

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I drove off a mountain in calf creek Wyoming and had someone catch the truck. Once back on the road and full of adrenaline I heard a voice say “it’s not your time, I have a purpose for you. I was 18 at the time. I’m 59 now

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What did you do with the extra time you were given?

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I ran like the wind, played sports like I was invincible. I was married, raised two children though a divorce unfortunately. I supported our F-15 programs until I had to except I didn’t have my right hip. Not sure how but it was not there. I only wish …is if I could have done more for God and the Lord Jesus.

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I know that feeling. I was late to work and doing about 70 on a 2 lane blacktop in KY. Swung into the oncoming lane to pass a slow-moving garbage truck. When I was about even with it's back, he left-turned. Somehow against any physics I know, my car also hung a left and I was skipping down the road sideways. When I stopped the car was cross-ways and had died. I was able to fired her back up and finished my trip. I didn't get a voice message, but the message I did get was loud and clear!

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No bro, I was off flying in a ford f250 and they don’t have wings. I’m thinking it was angels that caught me but I heard Jesus’s voice

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And what was your purpose?

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I’ve wondered

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Maybe…. I haven’t fulfilled my purpose…I didn’t even think to ask. I fell asleep and drove off a mountain. I sorta shook with that taste of death and just thanked God. I didn’t tell anyone about this for around two years. I didn’t know how

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You're a good man, sir. I and I'm sure many others are glad you're here. We're navigating a unique moment in time and not all of us will be here for the whole show... but, because we have you to describe what is happening and why, we have a real chance to survive the Big Ugly and play a role in rebuilding a better world.

Thank you.

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the world needed cliffy.

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I call him Cliffieee🥰

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I held my father's hand as he left this past August, and watched as he was pointing to - something - located on (?) the ceiling. His eyes, which had been filmy and dull and just plain gone FLEW open wide and he was totally here, totally in his mind - all his intelligence and awareness was in absolute awe at whatever he saw. He looked at me as if to say: Can you believe this??! And then he left. I wish I knew what it looked like ... it will likely be a long time for me, God willing. Was it a portal? An "angel"? His mother? My heart tells me 'crazy looking portal', but who the fuck knows?

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My mother’s passing was the same ...it seemed as if she was walking into something so shockingly majestic she couldn’t take her eyes off it- she gazed in absolute wonder and amazement as she took her last breaths

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I also had this experience with my mother. She was totally out of it then suddenly her eyes flew wide open and the biggest smile ever crossed those dry lips. Such sheer joy!

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Most people report seeing one or more beautiful angels emanating brilliant light in every direction. Hence the wide open eyes and looking to you for confirmation.

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Just stay with that moment, Rai, without trying to figure it out. I understand that many people, shortly before leaving their body, have similar moments of clarity. Your father's experience sounds, from your description, to have been positive so don't fret about it..

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I will. It will be with me forever. I was blessed.

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I'm glad you are still here, Clif; I've learned a huge amount from you. I believe that God keeps folks here on this Earth Plain for a reason so maybe educating those of us who didn't have a clue about the things we've learned from you is one of the reasons He felt you still had more to do! I'm grateful for you still being here. Thanks for all that you do, Clif.

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Happy You Didn't Stay There.

We Need You Hear !

Graci' Mr. clif.

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Where can We learn more about your 3 experiences?

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Just remember, if you hadn't believed it you never woulda seen it.

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And …if never thought of, would never manifest?👍🏻

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I've only had 1.

I blame the drug Fentanyl. Simple Cataract surgery... IV drip.

When I woke up in my recovery bed... I was a bit out of it, but fully conscious.

They asked me to get up and move over to the chair... I did... and sat down.

About 3 minutes afterwords, I remember feeling that change in your body (if you have ever passed out you know that feeling) that I was about to pass out. Have you ever passed out?

If not... everything goes black and then you wake up. You find yourself looking around wondering... WTF just happened, but then your mind recalls the "passing out" that brought you to your current sate of awake. Exactly what has happened to me when I have passed out before this event.

This time was very different. I remember getting to the point where I go black... but, instead of passing out, I fell through it... I fell to another state of consciousness.

I became Instantly confused because I was fully aware that my body had just passed out... a feeling that I understood. I knew the process, I knew that I would go black and then wake up.

The problem, the conflict, was that I fell into another place, I was fully conscious that I was in another place. In other words I knew that I had passed out... I left my current state... I was aware that I passed out. Instantly I become confused, conflicted really, that I was still conscious to the fact that I was not PASSED OUT.

I found myself trying to understand what happened and then my vision changed to a completely different horizon > a giant wide plane. Almost like I was on another planet if you will. Fully conscious BUT wide awake that I just passed out in the hospital... it was really messing with me.

I was actually in a new place. Imagine, a wide desert plain... wide horizon... then space as the sky, except the sky was space with stars and everything. Very strange. But that was what I saw.

I looked around and was drawn to a shape, a building, a structure... I don't know what it was.

Even to this day, it was off to the left. No idea what it was, but it was the reason... if that makes sense.

I don't know if I was on a planet or in another dimension...

But imagine, you are conscious... with the fact that you know what happens when you pass out... and this is not what happens. You are now in a very strange place, you become aware that you are in a very strange place!!!

> here's the kicker.

WARMTH > immense warmth is what I felt.

I was not scared, even after being startled by my current reality.

I did not have the traditional out of body looking down experience...

> But I did have an experience that has changed me forever.

I awoke to the slapping of my face, rustling of my body and the pushing on my chest.

It turns out I was being rushed to Emergency, my heart had stopped.

For the next month I wore a Heart Monitor > they did not find any issues to explain what happened to me. However, it was a profound experience that has made me look at life much different than before.

Thank you for letting me share this here... and thank you Clif for YOU being YOU.

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Great way of explaining it. I didn’t see the stars, but just huge expanse of nothing to see, but total awareness that I was just about to hit the ground from Resp Failure, or just being on the ceiling looking down on them working on my body and then I Fell into this other realm. I saw a shadow within darkness of a shape I understood to be the portal? Idk.....your description really resonates with me. Thank you. I really appreciate what you shared. You made a difference to a stranger today. Hello Human! Hello human! Awesome!

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Floyd...thank you for sharing your experience. I believe your soul entered another dimension after you passed out and your heart stopped beating. I have read a lot of OBE and NDE's books. "Time" does not exist in the 4th and 5th dimensions, so experiences seem longer as compared to this third dimension we are experiencing.

I have never actually died, but SHOULD HAVE at least three times. One time I had a bit too much to drink and was driving my car at night and I made a sharp right turn waay too early at the top of a feeder crossing and should have fallen off the top down to the road, which would have killed me instantly. But instead my car instantly veered to the left and back onto the road...it wasn't me doing it...it was like a miracle...or someone else took the wheel. Have had several experiences like that in my lifetime. I do believe I am here on this earth for a reason and I have yet to know what that is. Time will tell, and I am hoping very soon. I do know unconditional love is the key to a fulfilled life.

These discussions about sharing what we each have gone through really helps. Thank you for your account. God Bless You.

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We Sufi mystics say that the death experience is tailored to the individual soul and is perceived uniquely though their Eye of Imagination. The Robin Williams movie "What Dreams May Come" is a good reflection of the afterlife in the Sufi paradigm.

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THAT is a great movie.

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You might be interested to read Hacking the Afterlife by Richard Martini, he has long chats with Robin Williams, Prince and others (including Jesus) through a medium. Very entertaining and enlightening

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Thank you. I will check it out.

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Glad to have you back Clif. Even if you don't want to return your videos and writings are helping many navigate these wild times.

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Would really like to know what you experienced...please share or direct me to a link if you already have. I have been pondering the transition for some time now.

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He mentioned a book. Maybe that's an inkling.

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Could be...I will go by your inkling and give it some quick research...my inkling when reading this did not inkle ;-(. But I have been wrong many a time...Cheers.

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It’s not always spoken but birthing is a near death experience. I did it four times, each completely different. Our lack of communication and culture leave this in the shadows as women are left. Total right of passage that has been left neglected. So much to relearn.

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So True.

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I died once when I was a child (7-8 years old maybe). We were not church goers then and I would say I had no expectations. My experience was similar to one of your experiences.

The story:

We were at our babysitter’s house (lived across the sidewalk from our apartment) and our family had been invited over for breakfast. I scraped my elbow/arm playing handball in the alley while we were waiting for breakfast. I went inside to get help. My babysitter took me into their bathroom and proceeded to put Mecurichrome (red liquid stuff) on my injury. I passed out. I remember hearing my babysitter call my dad’s name to come help. I remember my babysitter saying something about me not breathing and the feeling of being carried. The next thing I know, I am floating above the room looking at myself on the couch and my dad trying to resuscitate me. It was peaceful. There was no bright light. Next thing I know, I am waking up on the couch and my dad exhaling. My dad took me to the hospital to get me checked out and they couldn’t find anything wrong so sent me home.

I now pray that when my time comes, it is as peaceful as it was then. A pastor once said “I don’t fear death. I fear getting dead.”

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Your pastor's quote reminded me of what I've always said -- I don't fear death, just the pain that comes before.

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We are declared dead at age 7, considered "lost at sea" under maritime law. My mother and I both had death/OOB at 7. I've only heard from a handful of others, but I'm wondering if it happens to everyone and only some of us remember it. When I gotback into my body, my eyes were looking in 2 different directions lol.

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Dying doesn’t bother me. The thought of coming back here again, however…

I’ve put in a request for another planet or realm. Perhaps one of those I visit in dreams. I’ve had conscious waking moments of my most recent life in this one, and was born knowing I have a purpose here. What, though…? Perhaps only to be alive in this space and time to bear witness?

In my early 20s, I had an OBE when I awakened to three light beings communicating to me (without ‘words’) to come play with them. I found myself with my ‘nose’ against the ceiling and panicked. I immediately slammed back into my body wherein I found myself momentarily paralyzed.

Another time following anaesthesia (what they gave me, I do not know, but I could not breathe). When I came to in the recovery room, I said to the nurse ‘I don’t think I’m supposed to be here.’ And, yet, I am.

I saw my mother in a dream at the end of 2020, two weeks after she’d passed. Our relationship in life was a struggle, to say the least. When I met her again, she was beautiful and vibrant. Glowing almost, strong and young again, almost unrecognizable, but some similarities as to she who was young in life. Without all the emotional garbage from her own life experience. Pure. No words spoken, but forgiveness was felt both ways, as well as immense love.

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So many people are searching for their purpose. Like they know they came to accomplish something? ( not in the materialistic way) Maybe just hold your light and be your authentic self is enough.

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I agree Ida. I believe your purpose will happen when you least expect it and you will just KNOW. Jo Ann

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When my young brother died he changed the composition of a wall in our house to a a mirage like appearance. His energy slammed into my mother and rushed through her then visited my other brother with a vision before turning and looking behind him to light and reassuring him everything would be ok with both hands up then disappeared with the light. I don’t care what people think this world is - it ain’t anything most of them comprehend even with a supernatural experience.

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That's what I think. I believe that I don't have a clue, but when I go, I'd like to believe that there's a reunion with the people I loved so much on this plain. It's all that keeps me from being afraid of death, thinking of reunions and nobody is old or suffering. These skin suits can be a bitch.

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Wow, maybe with the evolution of our consciousness, with this paradigm change we will start to remember skills, and abilities that atrophied for not being used for centuries?

Have anyone noticed that more humans have ( or remembered) their psychic abilities in recent times?

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I was born strange. I’m a triplet. One of my womb-mates starting having spontaneous OBE’s at 10. I did at 9. We never knew about the other until the age of 46. Every aspect of the way it feels from lift off to re-entry is the same. I was so relieved. I felt a lot less bat shit because his details were so specific and unusual to the way we experience so I knew he was telling the truth. But beyond that, I mostly interact with woo people because of my disability I don’t have to go to explore NormieLand. My woo friends all have different talents but we all felt different, or strange from our earliest memories. Some of us were reading and writing very early. My sister taught me in a weekend when I was four. I was just remembering. I was healing with my hands and explaining how the body worked when I was little, I know I’ve been different kind of healers. When I went to nursing school it was a breeze, because I was just remembering....all of my woo friends have similar stories. Details differ but the common denominator is we all felt like old souls just remembering whatever our particular wheelhouse was to be utilized in this identity/ go around.

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"NDE" or a forced OBE is just the bitch slap of getting a larger "spiritual" perspective.

Psychedelics can do it. Especially threshold doses.

Really enjoying Ken Wilber and The Leading Edge of the Unknown in the Human Being from Science and Nonduality on YouTube. Taking notes, even.

Talks about spiritual intelligence versus maturity. Growing up AND waking up.

Without BOTH, an individual is developmentally disabled. Arrested development.

Time to grow up, people.


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I had my first OBE at the ripe old age of 17. It was the first time I actually got high smoking weed. I went to lay down on my friend's bed, closed my eyes, and I was gone. Flying through the universe of no-space. I partially freaked out, opened my eyes, wondering what time it was, I must have been gone for hours, but no, only a few minutes, I had been in no-time, and was still safe on the bed. I closed my eyes again, and off I went, but this time I decided to enjoy it, cuz it was fun, fascinating and I was truly free. Interestingly, other than seeing little lights all around as i "flew", I did not meet another other conscious being. Eventually it wore off. Just saying that one does not always need threshold doses, and I certainly wasn't spiritually intelligent or mature at the time. Also, I did have a negative entity follow me back, who harassed me 3 times in Dreamtime, then stopped. Decades later and more experience led to me to conclude that this happened because I had done this many times in other incarnations, it was a skill I brought with me this time around.

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Nice. The varieties of religious experience.

Lifetimes of similar here as well.

Not OBEs though.

Well, during my threshold dose of mushrooms I was injured for not respecting this reality, and had to have twelve stitches to sew up my chin because I couldn't really fly in THIS body, but that's a whole other story...

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Ha! When I was 4, after watching Peter Pan on tv, I was positive that I could fly, too, so I stood on the back of the couch and flew!....onto the floor. I was in complete shock. First lesson of Reality, Reality rules. No stitches though. Just a hurt soul.

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That’s a BOOM! to knowledge! Well said!

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I've had that threshold dose and many others, but it's been some time. Ready to get back into it when the appropriate mileau is cultivated. For others anyway. Tripmaster Starmonkey (I just stole PART of that name).

Nice to see Ken Wilber. Been twenty years since I read some of his books...

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