I think the WA legislature "people" might understand what you mean by MBP if they read this explanation. So far, you've named it with a medical code but this gives it full context. Maybe think about sending this on to them (including all of us out here in our own states).

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So, what IS MBP? I really don't know and didn't see it defined in the article. Maybe I overlooked it?

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It is in the article... Munchhausen By Proxy. FDIA (Factitious Disease Inflicted on Another) is also a weaponized version used by those in authority against a population (if I understand it correctly). Trans and climate crisis being 2 examples

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Thank you, Tia! :)

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Thnx Tia

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I found the answer to your question in Clif’s article, ‘Weapon of Mass Destruction, The worm that flies at night is aimed at you.’, published on March 11th.

Anyone find another source?

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It's all over his twitter feed, and probably in numerous other of his bitchute & substacks that he has one the past month or so.

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I saw MBP somewhere else today as well.

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That fills a hole, thank you.

Looks like their MBP programs are well underway.

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Forgive me. I'm a very long time Clif follower but somehow I missed his definition of MBP and can't find one that fits the context he uses it in. If you are anyone else has the time and would be so kind ...

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Munchausen by Proxy.

Here is a video laying out a case of MBP (6:30 in) https://youtu.be/YdMYOyJxMJ8?t=389

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Gotcha' thanks. I'd found the Manchausen and knew it fit, but couldn't make anything out of the P! Was driving me nuts.

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It's all over his twitter feed as well, and in the promoted section of his twitter.

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MacBook Pro

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I had the same question. I understand the concept of MBP. So I guess , so far, MBP (psychological Warfare) and Lin Bao's "Mind Virus "are synonyms.

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Munchhausen By Proxy, that's "their" deal projected upon the populace. The real issue in "our" society, our deal, is "Stockholm Syndrome." The people have become gelded victims in every imaginable way. They won't even stand up for their children and because they wont, "Nothing is off limits now." The prisoners of this open air mental asylum, masquerading as a country, cannot comprehend their detriment at the hands of those which whom they trust. Most simple minded, non compos mentis, still believe in the lie, "the system," and gladly submit themselves to the disciples of evil, every nanosecond of every day. The covid hoax proved that. Sadly, it's been that way for at least 240 years, hidden, by hidden hands.

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although not 240 years but many times more

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Intelligent and thought provoking comment. Basically agree,sir.

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This article is very enlightening. My nephew graduated from Georgia State University and took employment within the system. He is a highly intelligent but sensitive individual who somehow, after 10 years of marriage and three children, announced he was a woman. He left his family and pursued his life as a women, all the while working in the supportive environment of the university. Tragedy for the entire family.

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I read that the reason the corporations were told to make trannies their mascots was to soften up the American people to the idea that trannies are normal people...so that they could bring our Mike Obama as the trannie he is and have him run for office alongside is outed homosexual, pedophile birther Huessin Obama "husband"...

It's a tragedy for his family but keep in mind that these trannies often commit suicide...which is true of a lot of people with severe mental illness...and it is mental illness....

The Universities are hot beds of mental illness...

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Destabilisation. Like in Berlin with the open beastiality that horrified German cultural norms tipped the scales to conservatism and Hitlers promises, there are layers to this game. Destabilise western civ until it finally horrifies enough people that the scales are tipped madly to the right again.

Then daddy Dictator and his comforting return to cultural ‘sanity’ is more easily accepted.

This is a long game. Don’t take the ticket for the seesaw ride. The ability to see without overreacting is a key mental strength now so that we plot a new course.

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Yes, It has been talked about that things will get so bad, we see it with inappropriate sex education, books, drag queen stories, transgender, gay+ stuff always highly reported on. Handmaid's Tale is predictive programming.

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We Canadians bear no responsibility for Margaret Atwood. She is not really one of ours, she belongs to the Dark One.

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I've not read her, just watched a couple of series then got fed up wondering why people consider these types of programmes to be entertainment. I have just about stopped watching TV now as majority of programmes are quite abysmal.

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I haven't watched it for 30 years, or more. We had to read Atwood in high school many moons ago; always thankful for Coles Notes.

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I wonder what the percentage is for people reading all or much of the comment section on your posts. I have a feeling it is very high - we are interested in one another. Cool SOC albeit widely dispersed physically.

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I do it to know that in a sea of lies and deception, sanity still exist along with amazing cognitive expression. Comforting.

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I find that often times I get more information or at least Leads to information, from the comments section than from the actual articles. Well, in a lot of cases anyway.

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Yes, I enjoy the comments as much as his articles and audios, always get new leads on sources of info, books, other videos to check out. There are mostly good & interesting people here, only a few trolls who usually make the same dumb comments or talk crap & criticize- yet they keep coming back. Go figure. Mostly, I ignore them but if I see the same shitheads often enough, and I'm feeling pissy, sometimes I let them know what a fucktard they being.

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The Khazarians had to be involved with the CCP somehow...

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There were 7 of them associated with Mao in the very beginning. He was picked. He was their guy. Later there were more. https://jewishjournal.com/news/worldwide/179731/

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What of Terasem? This certainly would seem to be a modern driving force... probably the very same group doing what they do while expanding the ideology out into western culture. I don't know but to read material on their ideology, seems that the youngest generation are now living it. Tragic.

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Mar 29, 2023
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You know $600 probably also means $100 bread and milk right? Let it go, Same thing every substack. Let it go.

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Henry Kissinger was the Khazarian who “opened” China up publicly. But KM was messing up China for many generations with opium and prostitution.

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I think he was an obvious extra-Sino member but Chou Enlai regarded both Kissinger and Nixon as buffoons. Out of Detente came the oft-misquoted "America went from infancy to senility without the intervening period of maturity" (Chou). I regard Chou as the real intellect behind a bunch of psychopathic bastards.

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What is it with these old reptile Synagogue of Satan men...do they ever die? Satan must promise them long lives....

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Yep. Their tentacles are in everything, the name stealing prolific. Wonder if we will ever know who those freaks are? Or will we only know who their minions, puppets and victims are?

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Turn on the Network NEWS, Music Industry, Hollywood, Academia, Clergy, Experts, all and sundry that is on your mental sanity and pockets. There you will find the culprit. They blend in with FREE WHITE PERSONS, (they are not) and operate in darkness, as all devils do.

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Yes, I knew that in an abstract sense. I was under the impression there were five or six of them in there at the start. I don't remember why I thought that.

I'm at the point where if you shove something in there something falls out the other end.

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Skull and bones a Jesuit Khazarian satanic club at yale were in the CCP from day one.

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They all serve the same master...satan

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One and the same...GODLESS communists serving Satan for the destruction of humanity.

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Clif I believe you're the first to bring to light the Munchausen-by-proxy psychological disease utilized by both the WEF and the CCP.

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Yes, I've known about MBP for a long time but not in this context. Somewhat like MK ultra? Parallel universe? I'm going w KM too as they appear to be all that is and has been evil on the planet for much of it's history and evil is the apparent bottom line of it all.

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Not contesting your conclusion at all, but I have studied this open-endedly since 1965 and I found that the common denominator is always 'hierarchy'. Ergo, all hierarchical societies suffered from poverty, incaceration, torture, slavery, hegemony, and war. All non-hierarchical (absence of power pyramid) societies suffered none of these consequences. The Irish Monks concluded likewise. The evidence is clear but people refuse to let go of 'leadership' because every power elite has ensured every child and citizen is indoctrinated thus. It was not until Lord Acton saw half the picture that he concluded that "leaders accumulate power and power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely". He also add that "There are no great leaders, only bad men, and they write the histories". Theocracies and plutocracies will not tolerate this kind of thinking and America has been a plutocracy/theocrcy throughout its existence. We have evolved a culture with dual-incompatible values; depending upon social indicators... a megalomaniacal dictator one moment becomes a person of outstanding leadership quaities the next. entirely depending upon social context.

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That one person at the top of the pyramid can make mad all below him/her has been demonstrated too often. Acton’s observation that “absolute power corrupts absolutely” has proven depressingly true - always!

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no exceptions? true 100% of the time?

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Well, there is the concept of "philosopher king" as set forth by Plato in his Socratic dialogue "The Republic". See the Wikipedia article on The Republic for a discussion and a list of great leaders of the past who are thought to fit the bill (e.g. Thomas Jefferson is on the list). Perhaps Gandhi would be one of the more recent examples.

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I believe you are on the money, here. Regardless of differences in methods of control, what you said applies. Not an intellectually "sexy" conclusion, perhaps, but a true one.

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Steve Bannon has referenced MBP on his radio show, Warroom a few times. Once this becomes common knowledge, the spell will be broken.

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Whoa, no $#!T Sherlock, I did not know this but good to know. Now to do something about it, I find myself amazed at the breadth of the foothold the Chinese have in America. I will be 79 this year, both my sons thankfully never attended any of these institutions and neither has my grandson, although I have many cousins who attended both of the Georgia colleges, I will be talking with them to see what they know of this.. I am appalled that we have as a nation been so blindly hoodwinked for lack of a better word by the EVIL CCP, SURELY IT'S NOT TOO LATE, I wish I were younger and could be of some use in fighting this insidious machine. Thank you Clif, you are always a wealth of information. Kathleen Fernandez, A Proud American....The only chopsticks I will ever use are the ones I put in my hair bun!

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When was the last time you saw a masculine Chinese? Probably never, while we still have some "toxic" white masculinity left in America there is some chance of defeating these weasels...they managed to buy up America - land, resources, schools, etc., because the so called leadership in our government were all so easily corrupted with a few million shekels.....those traitors must be named, tried and hanged going all the way back to the Nixon- Kissinger days....America is being defeated with our own tax money ...it would also help if we didn't allow dual Israeli citizenship people any role in our government ...that was our downfall..

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Dual citizenship--a traitor’s paradise.

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I have known masculine Chinese men. But they were *not* raised and educated in Mainland China. They grew up in Taiwan, Hong Kong (while still under the British) and in overseas communities, like Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, etc... Their mindset is quite different. There are millions of Chinese living outside the communist system. My husband was one of them.

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My long haired, long bearded, off grid living father and husband of two sons, who tutored my step son, told me over twenty years ago that we would one day see Chinese tanks on the streets of America. We discussed many things about the world situation, the powers that be, all that, but I guess I didn't comprehend the influence of China.

I must admit, still, are they all in it together, or are there real forces that are not? I've been so focused on the powers of the WEF and the criminal mafia that runs DC, and all western governments, that when our establishment claims any enemy, like China, or Russia, or Iran, or Iraq or Syria or Afghanistan, I am skeptical. I really don't know what the fuck is going on. Is China really the big threat?

I know the US has been killing and destabilizing nations across the globe for decades, and China has perhaps been doing it more stealthily, without overt wars? I ain't afraid of dying but trying to find the truth about what is really happening while still in this earthly place is getting really frustrating.

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The problem isn't China nor any nation state. It's the KM that has converted, perverted and otherwise blackmailed all of the nations top/important positions of influence. Cutting off the snakes head won't stop the beast. A train a few miles long going full rate takes a very long time to stop regardless of the urgent need.

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I would dare add that all medical schools are now incorporating MBP judging by those in the American Psychiatric Association

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The American Psychiatric Association introduced this to the US in 1934, after ignoring the advice of Alfred Binet that IQ tests cannot work because intelligence is not linnear. All of this flowed from the Eugenics Society.

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The Medical Industrial Complex is run by the very same humanity hating Synagogue of Satan crowd that brings about all the wars...their game is to murder, exterminate, genocide... they are the third leading cause of death in America...they make billions off of the suffering of mankind - their "cures" are worse than the diseases they claim to treat...they refuse to use anything non-toxic.......and now after Conjob-19 we see they work hand in hand with our government to create disease, spread disease and then offer many deadly remedies....and to make sure it all works as they want they gave bonus money and incentives to doctors and hospitals to kill people...that is our medical system... God help us....

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Holy Sh#%!!!! The evil is mind blowing. Thank you for this history.

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Humans are the most studied creatures on earth. Especially by those that want to control.

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And by control we are talking about 'leaders'. All leaders want control, especially "great leaders", but we are conditioned by the lens of words to respond as directed.

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How creepy the planners were who consciously wanted to harm human society in this way.

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Hello humans, hello humans!

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Clif we need our Psych professionals to start analyzing the CCP and codefying all their tactics. Know your enemy.

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But the whole “discipline” of psychology is a construct of communism so this type of thing can be propagated. Read the communist goals that were read in US congress in 1964 & you will see. They’re also in a book, I think it’s called The Naked Communist by a former FBI employee, W. Clean Skousen.

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Clif should do a whole piece on Tavistock - they are the ones who brought us so many of the CIA run psy ops to mind fuck everyone...and are doing it today...but then Cliff would have to name the British Crown as the enemy of America...which of course they are...and they run China...they also ran the coup against Trump and worked with China to steal our elections...China and British Crown always work hand in hand.

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What shall be the remedy?

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tough love!

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This information joins a few dots....including WEF...

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