I think the WA legislature "people" might understand what you mean by MBP if they read this explanation. So far, you've named it with a medical code but this gives it full context. Maybe think about sending this on to them (including all of us out here in our own states).

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That fills a hole, thank you.

Looks like their MBP programs are well underway.

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Munchhausen By Proxy, that's "their" deal projected upon the populace. The real issue in "our" society, our deal, is "Stockholm Syndrome." The people have become gelded victims in every imaginable way. They won't even stand up for their children and because they wont, "Nothing is off limits now." The prisoners of this open air mental asylum, masquerading as a country, cannot comprehend their detriment at the hands of those which whom they trust. Most simple minded, non compos mentis, still believe in the lie, "the system," and gladly submit themselves to the disciples of evil, every nanosecond of every day. The covid hoax proved that. Sadly, it's been that way for at least 240 years, hidden, by hidden hands.

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This article is very enlightening. My nephew graduated from Georgia State University and took employment within the system. He is a highly intelligent but sensitive individual who somehow, after 10 years of marriage and three children, announced he was a woman. He left his family and pursued his life as a women, all the while working in the supportive environment of the university. Tragedy for the entire family.

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I wonder what the percentage is for people reading all or much of the comment section on your posts. I have a feeling it is very high - we are interested in one another. Cool SOC albeit widely dispersed physically.

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Destabilisation. Like in Berlin with the open beastiality that horrified German cultural norms tipped the scales to conservatism and Hitlers promises, there are layers to this game. Destabilise western civ until it finally horrifies enough people that the scales are tipped madly to the right again.

Then daddy Dictator and his comforting return to cultural ‘sanity’ is more easily accepted.

This is a long game. Don’t take the ticket for the seesaw ride. The ability to see without overreacting is a key mental strength now so that we plot a new course.

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The Khazarians had to be involved with the CCP somehow...

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Clif I believe you're the first to bring to light the Munchausen-by-proxy psychological disease utilized by both the WEF and the CCP.

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Whoa, no $#!T Sherlock, I did not know this but good to know. Now to do something about it, I find myself amazed at the breadth of the foothold the Chinese have in America. I will be 79 this year, both my sons thankfully never attended any of these institutions and neither has my grandson, although I have many cousins who attended both of the Georgia colleges, I will be talking with them to see what they know of this.. I am appalled that we have as a nation been so blindly hoodwinked for lack of a better word by the EVIL CCP, SURELY IT'S NOT TOO LATE, I wish I were younger and could be of some use in fighting this insidious machine. Thank you Clif, you are always a wealth of information. Kathleen Fernandez, A Proud American....The only chopsticks I will ever use are the ones I put in my hair bun!

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My long haired, long bearded, off grid living father and husband of two sons, who tutored my step son, told me over twenty years ago that we would one day see Chinese tanks on the streets of America. We discussed many things about the world situation, the powers that be, all that, but I guess I didn't comprehend the influence of China.

I must admit, still, are they all in it together, or are there real forces that are not? I've been so focused on the powers of the WEF and the criminal mafia that runs DC, and all western governments, that when our establishment claims any enemy, like China, or Russia, or Iran, or Iraq or Syria or Afghanistan, I am skeptical. I really don't know what the fuck is going on. Is China really the big threat?

I know the US has been killing and destabilizing nations across the globe for decades, and China has perhaps been doing it more stealthily, without overt wars? I ain't afraid of dying but trying to find the truth about what is really happening while still in this earthly place is getting really frustrating.

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I would dare add that all medical schools are now incorporating MBP judging by those in the American Psychiatric Association

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Holy Sh#%!!!! The evil is mind blowing. Thank you for this history.

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Glad to hear. Lol. Thank you. I appreciate your insights and knowledge and have learned a lot from your blogs and Substack. Starting with Chaga tea everyday and being self sufficient. I am well seasoned 63 year old warrior woman. I will stand and fight if needed and never consent. Be well and keep on keeping on!

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Hello humans, hello humans!

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Clif we need our Psych professionals to start analyzing the CCP and codefying all their tactics. Know your enemy.

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What shall be the remedy?

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