How about if someone smart could figure out where these Khazarian royals are hanging out and send a load of missiles to extinguish them fuckers . . . ?

Would we then get the El to show up to protect them? or did they desert this planet for good?

So much disinformation we are swimming in and will we ever find out what really happened?

I've been waiting for MANY MANY lifetimes to experience and live to see the outcome of this current (5GUW) war . . . . !

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They hide underground, you won't get two shots.

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sitting ducks! Just have to find out where and the structure of their tunnels and then the correct estimation of effort with the correct deadly weapon! KhazaBoooom!

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Well, the elevators drop down as much as a mile and at the top is a nuclear blast door. If they don't want that access used again they also have a nuke in place.

Like everything else this is of course something I have read about and may or may not be accurate.

Look into the Getty Museum (a doorway) if you are interested.

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We've all been looking at too many sci-fi Hollywood movies.

We are living in a world and era where we can not trust any information any more.

Will take a long time to establish facts and truth. And who will we trust to rewrite our history books when even the scripts of the past were altered intentionally?

I hope I live long enough this time to see some MAJOR changes so I'll know it is safe to come back and what to do.

Have never been so concerned about planning for my next lifetimes . . . .

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A professor at MSU in 2014 estimated that 85 trillion dollars had been funneled through the pentagon black ops budget, and the patent record shows a lot of stuff that is designed for subterrainian construction. How much underground infrastructure could the devil build with 85 tril?

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Not just that, a lot of money goes off planet to support the slave trade and trade in children, gold, adenochrome and God knows what else that exists there run by the same "people" behind the corporate deep state, ie, Khasarians. I would bet you that's where the gold collected in 1933 from Americans went. It was given to the Fed, which in the 80's or so told Congress, "Who us? We don't have any gold." There is a whole economy off planet where huge amounts of money drained and stolen from us goes. Catherine Austin Fitts put the missing amount at 32 trillion and that was 5 or so years ago.

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Yes we know that they have been at this since 1913 and probably have underground cities . . .

The most obvious and known is under Denver airport. Why is nobody bringing this up for exposure?

On a more positive note - their fractional reserve bankster system is about to collapse and all their funding for evil projects like chemtrails and paying off criminal politicians and banksters is about to come to a full stop! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HOW THIS PLAYS OUT!!! Let the collapse of the Fed system be welcomed! Here's to a NEW WORLD WITHOUT KHAZARIAN ORDER!

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$39 trillion will get you a lot! A lot of souls! WOW! I thought recently about where all those trillions went! I think it's very probable the money built the underground cities we all hear about,

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That's the entire global money supply, so don't know how that could be...

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Tel me about it! But really looking forward to getting past the awful shit and knowing more truth, peace and decency before it's time to go.

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You don't have to incarnate here...

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Dropping one on Davos would have been a good start.

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They probably hang out in some mountains around Geneva and some Mediterranean Islands. Vlad probably knows soecifics. My guess.

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Jungfrau something near Cern is a pyramid. They even named the observatory at the top The Sphinx.

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I think you'll have to look at who has diamonds. In NYC in London in Germany etc. To get even close. They are valuable and not trackable as far as I know.

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Why diamonds? They are useless. What is the origin of their supposed "value"?

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All that's needed usually for great value is for a thing to be rare. Something in that seems to trigger greed, desire for it and rouse the aggression to compete to possess it. This sounds like the values and traits of our reptilian friends and the matrix they try to program us with. And it's no accident that the biggest, size-matters, diamond ever found wound up center stage in the crowns of royalty, most recently in the head lizard's crown. It might seem like an arcane subject, but everything associated with royalty is absurd, and used to create hierarchy, rank, ritual and a show of wealth (another my-dog's-bigger-than-your-dog value.) Big time reptilian values. Humans just go along for the ride. If you look at it objectively, a royal crown like Elizabeth's is simply a bizarre bit of domination coding, like much about the royals, but then you're probably not a reptile. Everything weird goes back to the bug.

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Diamonds are no more rare than any other precious gem. The diamond market is rigged, corrupt and broken - all part of the control, manipulate, harvest mechanism.

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Do you mean to tell me there is a control, manipulation,and harvesting mechanism anywhere on our planet?? Couldn't be.....

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Mar 30, 2023
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Yes, here's a program on the actual heir to the British throne. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsVzDf-KhXU&t=95s

He's a humble guy who didn't want it anyway and lives an ordinary life, I think in Australia. Turns out that somewhere back in the royal line, 500 years ago a woman married into the line got pregnant when her husband hadn't been around for quite some time. An archer, no less. This resulted in the baby who would become Henry IV. But they covered it up and the royal line went on from there when it should have gone down another line to this Australian guy. The Windsors are throne stealers who probably would have been flippin burgers in London somewhere today without a lady creating a bastard who took the throne. So there we go. How are the mighty fallen.

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It doesn't really work like that. Who sits on the throne is decided by more than just genetics. It's decided by statute, by parliament. For example, when parliament invited Duke George of Brunswick-Lüneburg, Elector of Hanover, to become King George I of Great Britain in 1714, there were dozens of British people with a better hereditary/genetic claim to the throne (and all those dozens have descendants who are alive today). But parliament chose George and made him the lawful king. They also made Victoria the lawful queen, even though it was widely believed at the time that she was not actually the grand-daughter of George III but the illegitimate daughter of a courtier, Sir John Conroy.

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There is no royalty, it's all a lie. There's no real "God" of any of our religions, all a lie, all by the same fucking cartel, these Lulubi pretenders. They're not aliens, royalty, deities or any other fairytale they promulgated as reality. They're us, stemmed from the same tree. Just smarter, ffs.

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Mar 31, 2023
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Holy crap! Who knew??

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you know where they hide? they're the heads of states, large companies and various non-governmental organizations. for example, soros is a khazarian -- you want to send a missile to destroy him?

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Those are the criminals in plain sight - like Joe and Hunter Biden and all their paid off criminals.

These are the foot soldiers infiltrated in all levels of society by the CCP.

Even the Rothchilds and the Soros families are high level footsoldiers!

Do you think the 0,01% evil core adrenochrome drinking evil suckers and leaders are visible??

No they are hiding in their bunkers and castles inaccessible behind their multi layers of security.

Nobody knows YET who and what they are . . .

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i agree with you, but the "foot soldiers" are themselves khazarians... who knows who the "top" guys are, but likely not from this planet.

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exactly! They will hopefully suffer and die off when the entire economical system collapses that they have built for hundreds of years.

They are literally sucking the blood off of humans to live.

It will be very interesting to see what happens when their human trafficking and adrenochrome "resources" dry up . . . .

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Try a Romany kid named Bardo. Nobody pays any attention to the shifty global army numbering in the millions...

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You just waking up ..u angry.. cheering... now its up to you how use your anger

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Reaken if we knew that they be dead... there is major network that cones along with em.. it is a proper war.

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Mar 30, 2023
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Thank you for this one! I just finished watching it... amazing!

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Mar 30, 2023
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Oh I know! People I work with, friends are changing their personalities, for real, it’s scary.

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Greg Hunter on his weekly news roundup report mentions this. It starts at the 12 minute mark. https://usawatchdog.com/trump-indicted-died-suddenly-increasing-de-dollarization-inflation/

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Great talk, Clif. Thanks for sharing the linguist group think tank talk. No one wants to spend the kind of time it takes to read and study ancient information from the many religions and scholars who have painstakingly deciphered tablets except a rare few folk thankfully. All my Catholic friends were forbidden to attend anyone else's church, of course I could go to theirs, so to control input into their flock. Also, we were told all other religions were not THE religion. I found it interesting that the Catholics tended to create the Bible through the eons, manipulate content, removing vast chapters, call it divine and without reproach much to the Church's advantage in the way of critical thinking. I have read the Naked Bible and the Thirty Lost Years, etc. etc. etc. So many books build on this. I also took a trip to Italy 10 years ago, toured as many cathedrals as possible, and it seemed to me that the faces of the Popes appeared to be so evil. Also, to view the Vatican and see the enormous amount of wealth poured into the art there and in the cathedrals at a time when humanity lived the most wretched, poor lives is telling. Let's not forget Michael Angelo being threatened with his life to paint the ceiling in the Sistine Chapel. As you say, it will take eons to unfold the stories, eons for people to un-digest lies they were told as children and currently told. Everyone of you have free will. Free will to continue to embrace stories told to you and that is up to you. Keep the stories that are good and inspiring. Or, you can start the very long journey through the mountains of books that reveal more information and eventually you will join the ranks of those that just know more. It just takes a little time to take a look at the aerial photo of the Vatican to see the serpent shape, the great hall has serpent eyes, the mass of metal at the great hall looks evil. They have a large metal serpent eye in the courtyard, along with several examples of what looks like a pine cone or representative of the pineal gland around the Vatican. Another point is that even the serpent has different esoteric meaning-just saying that they have hidden knowledge from humanity. We are older now. I just can't say it enough, there is a literal mountain of information, Clif won't run out of topics, lol. Once awake, always awake.

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I was raised Catholic and there was definitely mind control in the church. I think we'd all be brainwashed by now but they lost credibility with the knowing addition of gay priests. As children, we noticed the "weirdness" of them and there was no narradigm to support them.

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Anticlericalism, or the hatred of priests, is an attitude whose time is coming back around again.

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Mar 30, 2023
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The gospel is very scary to priests. That's why it had to be shrouded in the thick bark of Hebrew puritanism (within the bible) and infused with Babylonian ritual worship (all over our calendar). The priests don't want people to understand the Gospel has set them free...from the priests.

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As in the William Blake poem To Tirzah: Death of Jesus set me free? Then what have I to do with thee.

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I, too was raised Catholic. The Vatican is in the shape of a pregnant serpent birthing another serpent (audience hall (AH)). AH is inarguably a serpent both inside and out. I believe a certain view that really explains all of it in my opinion and it includes that indeed the elohim (a group of angels) led by one (let's call him satan/lucifer/devil) decided to create earth as a playground for angels that rebelled against Almighty God or El to do whatever they desired. Those that chose this route are now a part of this dualistic system where we are constantly fighting/struggling against ourselves to do what we know is right and just, but doing what we know is wrong or evil. When they chose to rebel, they get a host body that encapsulates their spirit and soul. The spirit within fights against the carnal flesh for the battle of the soul. El sent Jesus or Yeshua into this system to repurchase the angels that wish to come home simply by accepting that El is the Almighty God and the blood sacrifice made by Jesus was the propitiation for the ultimate sin against Him which was idolatry or creating into a host body here on this earth. Sooooo many people are having rapture dreams and so many say obummer is the ac in the BoR. It's truly mind boggling. You can see the vatican in the link below colored in for your perception and watch if you're so inclined. Also, if you go on the virtual tour of the vatican, you can look at the doors from the priest side that go down into the catacombs and they are swinging doors with 2 inverted crosses. Tell me that's not satanic??? All of the statues and their obsession with Mary is total idolatry and in violation of the first commandment. As well as the prayer to Mary and the rosary is wrong.

Soooooo......Catholicism is satanic which most Catholics don't even realize. Wow, the devil sure is deceptive!


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You may recall Clif saying that Tesla's father worked in the Vatican Library and little Tesla was allowed to roam free in the stacks to explore and read whatever he wanted to.. The Old Testament is nothing more than a coded history of Atlantis. The Fall refers to Atlantis and the Fall of the first divine connected human beings who were in direct contact with the creator at first, and later through the sacred White Crystal. (The Third root race per Cayce, several in-betweens existed prior to them). As for the Serpent it seems to be in all civilizations history. Eric Norman's two UFO books relate the case of partolman Schirmer, who witnessed a UFO one night that took off when he approached it on the side oif the road. When he was hypnotized by the Condon Commission they hid his transcript because he had been abducted.,, What was more, the aliens revealed how their ships operated (by reversing gravity) and much, much more. Norman and Brad Steiger had him hypnotzied again and they found out even more. The aliens wore a metallic looking suit, and on the front was the classic picture of a flying dragon serpent. Those two books are great reading, Eric Norman was serious about investigating UFO's and worked with Brad Steiger often to get things done right. His books on Hollow Earth are also the best you will find. "This Hollow Earth" has the story from the 50's of a woman who worked in an office building in Paris. One night she worked late and took the elevator down to go home. The elevator didn't stop at ground level, it kept going further down like 4 or 5 more stories underground. It wouldn't go back up. She had entered a dungeon of horror. Within this cave she was attacked and captured by vile looking and smelling sub humans and thrown into a cage with a number of other women inside of it. The women she was incarcerated with had all gone insane and were in all stages of lost minds, and terrible fear. They were all regularly raped by the creatures, and periodically some of the women were taken away and eaten by the cannibals. She had existed in this horror state for months until one day she heard explosions and smelled smoke and fire. No one came for them, and the noise finally died down. There then appeared a team of what could only be described as friendly aliens who came and set the women free. They helped them back to the surface where they went wherever. She was the only sane one left and the alien commander explained to her that they had become aware of what was happening and had to put a stop to it. She actually went to the authorities and reported what had happened to her, and that there was great danger in that building. She was committed to an insane asylum because no one believed her and hey thought she had also gone crazy insisting it was all true. But someone, I forget who now, did go and look at the building and did find that there had been recent work done in he basement where the elevator would have descended further. Was it real or just a story?" No one can say at this point, but what a wild story that was. And we all know now about the huge catacombs that are everywhere under Paris as we speak. The creatures reminded me of the Shaver mystery, where he described 'the Deros'.

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Wow, her story seems to mimic the stories about the white hat rescues underground that we have been hearing for a few years. Cathy O'Brian and others who have been abducted for sex trafficking have mentioned the elevators. What we have since learned is that there seems to be so much more, like the torcher done to people for adrenochrome. They tell the tale of the elevators. When I try to tell people about this behavior, which is very rare, they think it is crazy, and don't believe it, and makes me very reluctant to bring it up. I think the Weiner laptop should be made public and be on 5:00 news for a month so the entire country can see it, as well as the Podesta paintings and sculptures. Would doing this wake them up-maybe not? I think souls choose to remain asleep!!!

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I saw the hypocrisy and violence in the Catholic Church by age 13 - I guess as a female it was pretty obvious.

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Since I was very young I always disliked the feel/sense whenever I was inside of a catholic church. Gives me the creeps even today at 68 of age. I never want to step into another one ever again.

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Did you happen to catch the Hall of Muses at the Vatican? That's the real story and everybody misses it because they're looking at the "God" an artist created...

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What's the story? I looked it up and was given the museum tour explanation.

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That "all the world is a stage." Do you see who's in charge, there in the center panel? The stories of the Greek gods aren't real, but they were devised by leaders of the cabal immortalizing themselves and others. The Oera Linda Book gives a great account of who and how Athena came to be, for example. In the same way, they've made up Judaism, Christianity and Islam. And that's the real story as they watch the herds mill about their various castles in the clouds of heaven (the Vat, for one), completely unaware that it's all a lie, a fluffy, but elaborate, confection out of hell's kitchen.

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I was younger when I went through the Vat. I knew a lot then about what has been hidden, but 12 years of deep dive reading, studying, and learning makes a huge difference. I did buy the Oera Linda Book when Clif mentioned it. I try to pick up most of what he mentions. Thanks for adding the comment on the Hall of Muses. Many in my family are so mind controlled, they can't fathom that they were lied to, and that the ancestors were lied to and told stories that were sold.....hook, line and sinker.

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Cheering... you seen what you have seen, learnt what you have learnt, what's important now is, what you going to do with it... it's a head fuck... as said," Cheering'... harmony and goodness to you...

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Good point. That is why I love this chat, is that I can share, and should share more. People around my area have very low interest in some of the topics we delve into. I really enjoy those of you who share. Thanks

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Good point Mary..what was the pine cone? Was it to represent the pineal gland. My other big question that I've seen no one answer, including Jordan Maxwell, was the handbag all the ancients Mesopotamians carried. What was that all about? Did it carry the pine cones? What did the pine cones really mean? In Atlantis they utilized crystals to a vast extent that we have no knowledge of. They extracted power from the Sun that powered their cities and ships, htey had metals unlike anything we have yet conceived. Their great crystal was called the White Crystal or also the Kaiori if I spelled that right. They communicated with the divine spirit through it. As the centuries went by the appearance of huge herds of dangerous large animals threatened their civilized areas, so the Great crystal was re-tuned as a weapon to destroy them. It was a turning point of bad luck, not only did that destabilize the islands (created gas pockets beneath them) it then gave real evil power to the Belial faction which then dominated Atlantis and through karma, ended it, just like we are going through again right now, it is the SAME forces, us against the evil ones once again. Besides the White crystal, they had other crystals that re-tuned the Sun's rays for power sources.

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The reliefs in the museums had the little handbag and they wore an interesting watch. They also carried some type of septor with an interesting tip. The pinecone, I think, represents the pineal gland. The small bag is a question for me as well. I saw the small bags in the reliefs at the British Museum, and at the Louve. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, he steals the tablet while one of the gods was bathing. The tablet that Gilgamesh took apparently ran the community grid and a ship-because a battle followed the theft. The crystals of Atlantis are interesting. E. Casey mentioned them, and they were misused as you say. I think I read that it is suspected that the tuaoi stone may have been found. Dark Journalist covered some of this and spoke of "The Colonel" ie Kentucky Fried Chicken-was very into the Cuban pyramids. Ernest Hemingway spent much of his time in his boat investigating the western coast of Cuba, probably fascinated by what he was seeing below the surface. Another round crystal was found off the coast of Florida years ago within an underwater pyramid by a Professor Brown. It apparently had pyramids within the crystal that was resting on two stone hands. It appeared that there were stone seats around the crystal, and it was below a gold rod with a ruby on the end of the rod. Another book, Jesus and the Essenes by Dolores Cannon, described that the Essene compound had a crystal that allowed energy and a type of communication. (This information was channeled). Then there is all the information about what Vogel discovered with crystals, and that has been over 50 years ago. I think the world powers are in a constant scramble for this ancient technology, and have probably found so much of it. One thing I read about what they have found in caves is that if a person's vibration is evil or just wrong, the technology operating the entries of the caves will not let them enter the stone vaults in which it is hidden. (I am thankful if this is true.) There is an ancient pyramid in Romania, Radu Cinamar has indicated that there have been recent (20 years) discoveries in that country and elsewhere around the globe that need to come foreword. I am a serious crystal collector, and find them fascinating. Yes, I agree that they are trying to do the same damage with the MRNA, and using technology for evil purposes as if to spiral humanity toward the same ugly end. Some say we are at the end of the 28k year cycle, we could get the great solar flash and a pole flip. I do watch Suspicious Observers for the updates-not really sure why, because where I live, I am surely to get the bath! The one good thing about the solar flash of the sun is that AI doesn't exist afterward. Thanks for your comments, I found if wonderful to know others out there read this stuff too.

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Mary the handbag guys almost all wore some sort of a leg brace that wrapped around their calves if you noticed. As for aliens you should listen to this video, it is Jordan Maxwell describing his experiences with the alien intelligence, and the hybrid family who got his career started. they first visited him when he was a child in Florida. This is the most convincing interview you'll probably ever see to be sure there are aliens here who interact with us. Jordan's entire life was guided by them. But it gets deeper than that, he was shown an area in California where there are underground bases of aliens, and not to try and enter any. The good ET's are apparently spiritually guiding us while they are at war with at least one other group, and there are still other groups of them here. You will be fascinated with this one.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QLBDEKB1ZM One more important video This is Leuren Moret and Prof Darrell Hamamoto discussing her incredible research into who runs America and the world. You will hear things here like never before. She attended UC Davis in the 60's and he is there now. She uncovered some startling facts about who owns much of California and the last name is Castro. Then who are the Black Nobility who run the Committee of 300? That road may lead to Rome, and London, but it started in Persia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndUJl6aNsMA

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I think it’s probable that humans may have been transported to Earth from Mars. It would be fascinating to discover the true history of that planet. Also, complete speculation on my part, but I like to imagine that Frank Herbert author of the Dune series, may have been subconsciously tapping into the Akashic records of what the history on Mars may have been like.

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He borrowed from Islam quite a bit. Great series, the trilogy at least. Kind of gets monotonous after that.

You vill not eat zee spice.

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The jihad one was pretty interesting but very gory! 🤢

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My personal hypothesis:

Earth was originally located where the asteroid belt is today. It was attacked, lost a lot of mass that's now the asteroids, thrown out of orbit, and it took a few hundred thousands years to arrive in its new orbit where we are now located. Then, some of those humans and animals left the underground and came to the surface again.

There is certainly no obvious evidence for this hypothesis. What points in my direction though is the dinosaurs. If they were really as huge as so-called science says, gravity as we have it now would actually not really allow for such weight masses to roam the planet. The planet being much bigger and farther away from the sun suggests that gravity could have been much lower.

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Surely what is now the asteroid belt was the planet Tiamat, which was blown up by Marduk in the cosmic war with Mars (which was rendered uninhabitable)?


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According to Clif, gravity is a myth. Disregarding that, you think a larger planet would have less gravity?

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Funny you mention that (Mars origin), as I just heard an amazing talk on the topic (or I should say it came up in discussion). It's a Skeptiko interview with a philosopher out with a new book "Closer Encounters". They deep dive on this tangent for a spell https://skeptiko.com/jason-jorjani-does-ai-psi-589/

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I just started listening to that, but also funny that he starts out by mentioning AI.. I posted a link elsewhere in these comments to a really interesting discussion I heard yesterday with Wolfram in a discussion about "CHATGPT + WOLFRAM - THE FUTURE OF AI!" It was an incredibly interesting discussion. Especially as it relates to the topic of language structures for anyone interested.


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He was consciously tapping into Lovecraft's At The Mountains of Madness, as was Stanislaw Lem when he wrote Solaris.

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Wowza!!! My family is steeped in all of this, so it helps to have more of the story, even if it is not written totally in stone, so to speak. AND of course it helps to view it in a historical sense as to how and why everything is so messed up today! Thanks for adding the space aliens as I have always been fascinated with this part of our history! Thanks, Cliff

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Even those things written in stone (or emerald tablets) may turn out to have been written in pudding. Will be interesting though...

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Let's Make Anti-Khazarians Great Again!

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To John Galt: At one time, I very strongly identified more or less as John Galt and as Ragnar in the same Atlas Shrugged screenplay. That book changed my life some 50 years ago. From Atlas Shrugged, came my own book The Humanitarian Code which is soon headed to publication and can be found on Thehumanitariancode.net. Stay on the alert folks, good is on its way.

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I recently finished reading Atlas Shrugged.

Have known about the book for a few years now (10-15 maybe?), but never got around to getting it. Finally went out and bought it last fall - my only regret is not getting it much sooner.

Fascinating read, found that it has many many parallels to the current times.

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I tried to read it several times, couldn't get into it at all. Rarely read fiction.

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Ayn Rand seemed like a pretty cold number, KM masquerading as AKF

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I highly doubt that someone masquerading as KM would write how she did.

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I keep thinking about it too.

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These two sessions give the healing perspective of chronic illnesses and stress related addictions... Like Hepatitis C... Cancer... Drug addiction ETC. How Pancha Karma releases childhood tramatic memory... How herbs like garlic can be processed to be medicine that cures cancer. At the end of this video is Maha siddha yogi who uses prana to levetate objects... Which can heal terminal illness and chronic INCURABLE CONDITIONS. more help at Randy@Ayurveda-br.com. Or wattsapp 55 51 995044876


This is guggul


You can heal the sick or rid your home of negative energy... 😇💫🍀🌹🙏☮️☺️🦄🤔

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Please ask Dr. Merit why she is playing down the East Palestine train wreck?

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Maybe It’s not about the chemicals

Maybe it’s just a land grab

If that’s what it is maybe she dosnt want ppl to lose property


Everything is questionable

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According to Eric Coppolino it's a pretty big deal.


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Not sure I know who that is

I will look into him

See what he says

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Hmm, the Agenda's been about moving populations to coastal areas. Maybe Breshears' Phoenix Event of 2040 has something to do with it. He says the astronomical event is over North America this time, so either they want people on the coasts to save them, or that's where the tsuanmis will hit...

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Apr 1, 2023
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All of this came out during Mike Lindell's symposium in 2021. No one cares (enough to do anything). I love your empowered perspective, but phone calls? Who to call and what to say to fix this global clusterfuck? lol

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Apr 2, 2023
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Your view is too narrow for the problem. This is not about who's elected, it's about having to elect anyone at all to govern you. Even registering to vote 'commits' you (you admit you're incompetence, thereby putting your authority over yourself into another's hands, a trustee). What was my breaking point? It was when I went to register to vote at age 19 and figured this out, and walked away. How much I'm willing to give turned out to be NOTHING--I have not and Will not consign my authority to another. I think that's why I'm in paradise as we speak (and it's not in America, but then you probably already know that lol).

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Mar 30, 2023
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I also hear Ohio sits on cobalt ?

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She probably does not have time. she seems like a busy lady and unless you are really into it you will miss so much information. It seems to me that there is so much information out there and she is focusing on her narrow field

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Sir, anything else come up regarding celestial events in the Alta reports? Thank you!

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I miss your videos, but am very thankful for your audio posts. Any update on the ninja rumor you heard? That they were sent out to seek revenge for the vax injuring the princess? Any update on the bug?

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I am thinking about the issues for trans from the other video... they need to stop drugging people for profit.

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Ya think?

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Are the Elohim the same as the Nephilim?

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No, the elohim were somehow able to mate with human women to create hybrids. These giants were the Nephilim. If my understanding is correct, there were human animal hybrids as well when the crazies started spicing genes and creating sick things. I hear they're all coming back soon. It will be back to like the days of Noah and I can already see that it's not too far away! I pray I'm worthy of the rapture which I believe will be soon! You can learn all about them in the website below under the heading "the fallen ones"................


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Matt 24, as in the days of Noah. Tom Horn is interesting. The way I get it is that God is El (singular) He sent the Elohim to earth to rule but they messed up, had sex with beautiful mortal women. The offspring was Nephilim. When they die their spirits become demons. I believe in Jesus and that he died on the cross for our sins.

I had also heard that Abraham was Hindu before believing in El.

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Abraham was a Hebrew. Until Abraham (who was then called Abram)'s father died, like all Hebrews Abram was a polytheist. The Elohim were the Hebrew pantheon. When Abram's father died, The LORD God Yahweh-Jehovah, the God of Israel - the jealous God - persuaded Abram to worship no other God but him. This was the beginning of monotheism. Yahweh-Jehovah was one of the Elohim. Yahweh-Jehovah's father was El-Yahweh, The Most High God and leader of the Elohim. When he converted to monotheism, Abram changed his name to Abraham.

At different times and in different places, the Elohim were also known as the Anunnaki, The Titans, The Olympians and were also the gods of Egypt, Rome, Wales and elsewhere. So while mythology is littered with gods and demigods, there were/are in fact only a few of these beings who manifest as many different personas.

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Anunnaki=A NUN NA GE=sons great of...KI?

KI=great; builder; maker; earth; location

ERES KI GAL=queen earth great or Queen of the builders (Masons)?

Goes by Ishtar, another title (TAR=to cut, determine, destroy, to reap). The 'Inanna' of Zabalam, the NIN UM=lady of Umma, mother of Shara, part of the Sargon the Great Coupe of the World (SAR-GUN=entirety/all/world-land/region/district/burden/tribute) when Marduk (commoner, not an El-ite), used hi-tech weapons (via the stolen Tablet (of Destiny) to take over the world, literally, deposing the ruling elite in a socialist takeover. Only he trusted the wrong woman because Ishtar and her Lulubi ally Anu(banini) went on to steal it all, the (self-aggrandizing) Anu & Ki, whose descendants we are to ferret out and set straight today. They're victims, too. So many lies.

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Yes we know that they have been at this since 1913 and probably have underground cities . . .

The most obvious and known is under Denver airport. Why is nobody bringing this up for exposure?

On a more positive note - their fractional reserve bankster system is about to collapse and all their funding for evil projects like chemtrails and paying off criminal politicians and banksters is about to come to a full stop! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HOW THIS PLAYS OUT!!! Let the collapse of the Fed system be welcomed! Here's to a NEW WORLD WITHOUT KHAZARIAN ORDER!

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A Preist , a rabbit and a minister walk into a bar. The bartender asks the rabbit

" what'll you have?" The rabbit says " I don't know, I'm only here because of Autocorrect."

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Old Stormy Daniels might have got her claws in to President Trump, but she did lose in court to him. So far not revealed by the CDC, is whether Tony the Tiger Fauci got in on the action with Stormy? Was he doing some gain-of-friction research with Stormy?

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Archaix is a site to go to on YouTube to learn about our history as humans. Archaix is Jason, a man who was in jail for 27 years where he did nothing but research. He is brilliant, and wow will your eyes be opened. He has so many books too that he wrote while in prison.

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Stargate 1994 (The full movie)

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I just watched it again. How about this video, arguing that Macron of France is the incarnation of an Egyptian king (mummy) that was flown into France as a living monarch (with a passport and a dignitary celebration) a year before Macron's birth. It's Stargate meets The Omen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXAoliMdzdM&t=3783s This guy is Sean Hross and he's absolutely a knowledgable truth teller with a heck of a story to tell about his life. An amazing historian in French and English.

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Somebody said Obama was the same, even found the exact egyptial he and his spouse resembled.... Poor Freeman. Jamie left him for Jay. Hate it when that happens. Of course in the age of Aquarius it's nobody's business....

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