How about if someone smart could figure out where these Khazarian royals are hanging out and send a load of missiles to extinguish them fuckers . . . ?

Would we then get the El to show up to protect them? or did they desert this planet for good?

So much disinformation we are swimming in and will we ever find out what really happened?

I've been waiting for MANY MANY lifetimes to experience and live to see the outcome of this current (5GUW) war . . . . !

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Great talk, Clif. Thanks for sharing the linguist group think tank talk. No one wants to spend the kind of time it takes to read and study ancient information from the many religions and scholars who have painstakingly deciphered tablets except a rare few folk thankfully. All my Catholic friends were forbidden to attend anyone else's church, of course I could go to theirs, so to control input into their flock. Also, we were told all other religions were not THE religion. I found it interesting that the Catholics tended to create the Bible through the eons, manipulate content, removing vast chapters, call it divine and without reproach much to the Church's advantage in the way of critical thinking. I have read the Naked Bible and the Thirty Lost Years, etc. etc. etc. So many books build on this. I also took a trip to Italy 10 years ago, toured as many cathedrals as possible, and it seemed to me that the faces of the Popes appeared to be so evil. Also, to view the Vatican and see the enormous amount of wealth poured into the art there and in the cathedrals at a time when humanity lived the most wretched, poor lives is telling. Let's not forget Michael Angelo being threatened with his life to paint the ceiling in the Sistine Chapel. As you say, it will take eons to unfold the stories, eons for people to un-digest lies they were told as children and currently told. Everyone of you have free will. Free will to continue to embrace stories told to you and that is up to you. Keep the stories that are good and inspiring. Or, you can start the very long journey through the mountains of books that reveal more information and eventually you will join the ranks of those that just know more. It just takes a little time to take a look at the aerial photo of the Vatican to see the serpent shape, the great hall has serpent eyes, the mass of metal at the great hall looks evil. They have a large metal serpent eye in the courtyard, along with several examples of what looks like a pine cone or representative of the pineal gland around the Vatican. Another point is that even the serpent has different esoteric meaning-just saying that they have hidden knowledge from humanity. We are older now. I just can't say it enough, there is a literal mountain of information, Clif won't run out of topics, lol. Once awake, always awake.

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I think it’s probable that humans may have been transported to Earth from Mars. It would be fascinating to discover the true history of that planet. Also, complete speculation on my part, but I like to imagine that Frank Herbert author of the Dune series, may have been subconsciously tapping into the Akashic records of what the history on Mars may have been like.

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Wowza!!! My family is steeped in all of this, so it helps to have more of the story, even if it is not written totally in stone, so to speak. AND of course it helps to view it in a historical sense as to how and why everything is so messed up today! Thanks for adding the space aliens as I have always been fascinated with this part of our history! Thanks, Cliff

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Let's Make Anti-Khazarians Great Again!

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To John Galt: At one time, I very strongly identified more or less as John Galt and as Ragnar in the same Atlas Shrugged screenplay. That book changed my life some 50 years ago. From Atlas Shrugged, came my own book The Humanitarian Code which is soon headed to publication and can be found on Thehumanitariancode.net. Stay on the alert folks, good is on its way.

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These two sessions give the healing perspective of chronic illnesses and stress related addictions... Like Hepatitis C... Cancer... Drug addiction ETC. How Pancha Karma releases childhood tramatic memory... How herbs like garlic can be processed to be medicine that cures cancer. At the end of this video is Maha siddha yogi who uses prana to levetate objects... Which can heal terminal illness and chronic INCURABLE CONDITIONS. more help at Randy@Ayurveda-br.com. Or wattsapp 55 51 995044876


This is guggul


You can heal the sick or rid your home of negative energy... 😇💫🍀🌹🙏☮️☺️🦄🤔

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Please ask Dr. Merit why she is playing down the East Palestine train wreck?

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Sir, anything else come up regarding celestial events in the Alta reports? Thank you!

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I miss your videos, but am very thankful for your audio posts. Any update on the ninja rumor you heard? That they were sent out to seek revenge for the vax injuring the princess? Any update on the bug?

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I am thinking about the issues for trans from the other video... they need to stop drugging people for profit.

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Are the Elohim the same as the Nephilim?

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Yes we know that they have been at this since 1913 and probably have underground cities . . .

The most obvious and known is under Denver airport. Why is nobody bringing this up for exposure?

On a more positive note - their fractional reserve bankster system is about to collapse and all their funding for evil projects like chemtrails and paying off criminal politicians and banksters is about to come to a full stop! I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HOW THIS PLAYS OUT!!! Let the collapse of the Fed system be welcomed! Here's to a NEW WORLD WITHOUT KHAZARIAN ORDER!

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A Preist , a rabbit and a minister walk into a bar. The bartender asks the rabbit

" what'll you have?" The rabbit says " I don't know, I'm only here because of Autocorrect."

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Archaix is a site to go to on YouTube to learn about our history as humans. Archaix is Jason, a man who was in jail for 27 years where he did nothing but research. He is brilliant, and wow will your eyes be opened. He has so many books too that he wrote while in prison.

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Stargate 1994 (The full movie)

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